--- MONEY LOST oily es t1>blish ment . SOME GOOD PUBLICATIONS. The PEARL OF DAYS f··r November is BO TS and SHOES. ---'l--- y purcha11ing Sunday S ch ool Libraries invaluable to all who d esire t o know of the growing Sabha.th s an1.imen t . The il and Pri!le B ooks fi;mn B ook lustrations a re cho ice. We are f:!bd to QQnoerm, or any o0ther b e assured of tile bright pros pect for the C('ming year. S u ch a p owerfnl ally of thfl Christi:m Church in quickening the con- - o- science on this su r j ect is certain to win We are selling some of the finest and best mak es in the highe&t success. $1. 00 per year. Single We won't sell you !:ih oddy goods wit hout t elling y ou wh at copy 10 cen ts. Wilbur B K et cham, where you can make y··ur choice, without Publisher, 71 Bible Honse , N. Y. the pa]lment of a r11.ilway fare , and Our Little Ones and the Nursery c ou· without tho )<>es of ·.imti . Y ou tinues to be wit.bout a rival in all the can get aa j.lOoO a· snr t ment.1 world, aa a m&1o1»zine for the younirest FOR MEN, WOME~ AND CHlLDREN. and the VERY SAME . readers. Its 1 oems. stories, and ske1che11 DlSOOUNT, and a.re selected with thA gre t.est care, are in m any oases amusing and instructive, and every one I CJIEAP!CR of them is illus trat1 .d by an artist of the BOOKS. b est reputation. Al i the reading matter have reeeited the fi rst shipment of a and every p icture is od)l;iual. It is print· ed from hands·,m e type, on fine paper, larire and well aseorted lot from Fr()m the st . rt it has been fully r ecogNelson & Sons, R eligious Track nized as improv n g, in the hil(hest de gree. Society, S.8. union, S ociety to the t a11te, as well as the mind and m orfor th" Promotio n of ald of little ch 1ldren. It contains n o We do not sell 20 per cent. cheaper . thon anyone else; Chriat.ian K'n owobeap harrowed iilu8tratione, and it11 picSELL AS CHEAP as any other. ledu;e, Partridge & Co., tures have long heen considered an educa and gallrantee satisfaction, tional agenc, v nf the mo~t elevatin~ charand a uvinit of money . Schools aotflr, Publi ·hed morithly by the Russ:n contemplating buying a P u BLISUINO Co., Boston , at $1.50 a year. Libury will do w ell A t rial rnbaoription of t hree months for to 1ee my stock. 25 oentl! · .ALL THE PERrnmcALs AND CANADIAN Ltv:s·STocx AND F1<1uai:Joua· LESSON BEL" 8. AT LOWEST NAL. -There hH.ve been few m or e marked THE PARLOR BOOT &SHOE STORE ---o--Dominion. t hey aro. BUY AT HOME IiUB B E R S AND OVERSHOES FeIt Boots of every description. Moose and Buck Moccasins, all sizes. Dressings and Blacking. but we d o Please give us a call. No trouble to show goods. TERMS, CASH. Subscriptions taken for all Newspapers & Magazines. s. s.' RATES. W. JENNINGS, C No trouble to show goods. J. H. KENNER'S VARIETY HALL. "WEST END HOUSE. >Inspection and Comparison Invited. P. TREllLC· DCK. BOWYANVILLE, Dt>c 5, 1888. Mecha.nios InPtitute Open ing. The OMning ot the new Readin g R ooms of the Bo~me.nville Meoh amo3' I nstitute over Mr. Lyle's at.ore, will take p laotl thi1 W ednesday evening, D r cembe r 5 th, at 7:30 o'clock; whr·n all oi1 izt1n s a re cord ially in v ited. The new r oom s h a.ve been nicely furniahed and equipped. The Library is n ow B&id to be one of t h e beet in any t own in Outario. The R eltdin;1 R oom will be s u ,,pli ~d with th e best D -<ily and THE GLOBE ' s C1rnISTMAB N u .u:BER.W el"kly N tJwspapeu from all over the D om in ion , N e w York a n d E n glish P apers, N othin g could more forcibl y illustrate t he try in the best Illustrated 11.nd Scieut1fi.c p ap ers rapid progress t·f t he p rinting i ndu& aa well as a s plendid choice in M agazine s. all i ts bmnt.ihe~ than the a n no uncem ent T HE GLOBE is able to make that it will 80ALR 01!' l'.ltICES. sell its maguil:icent Christm as number for twe nt.y-fi ve cents a c opy. ThiB n umF or on e m ombershiµ for on e yea r, in L ibrary aud R~ad ing R oom ..... $ 1 50 b er, it mus' b e r··m ember ed, covere th irtysi::c p ages t.h e siz., of The lllustra.w d L on· For um~ membership fur o n e. year in Libra.cy only ..··..· ·. ·. , ·.. .. . $1. 00 d on N e ws, filled with origin11l ma.tier, every col umn of which costs a l ot of For (·aeh additional m e m bera hip in sa.me fa.wily . · · . · · , · · · · . · · . · · . · 50 mcmey ·in fees to t he a uthor , and pr ofusely illustrat ed wi ·h fine e ngraying-s, c on For o no memb ership for on e year, m Re»din 1< R oo m only .···· ·.· .· · · . $1.00 taiuing t hree splen did origi nal c olored pr esentation plate~ , and wi ·h a. line F or nex.1 , two additioual merubers bi p 50 illumin i.ted cover of s pecial d e·ign, t h e in sa·ne b mily, each .· · .·.· . . .· . wh ole a. parf.·ct specim en of artistic F or next add itional member~bip(any n u mber) in same fam ily, each . ... 25 workman ship i11 every p ar ticula.r. 'fhie All s ubscrip · ion1 ar e p :\yu.ble m ad- edit ion, when it appears, will be 1·e vance . T he r o;,im1 will be open d a i ly cei ved wi t.h pri d e by every Canadi an as 10 p r ogress of ··h e cnun · from 10 o 'olook a . m., un til 9:30 or 10 a n evidence of ·1 o'clock p. m., and book· m ay be exch an g- t ry. '! 'hose dtlsiriu g copies should p lace Orders may be . e d a t a n y t ime during · h eaa ho u ra. S ub- t h eir ordtlrs early. scrib e at onoe. F. M As<>N, Secret ar y , booked with a ny newsdealer or may be sent direct to THE GLOBE. sunceHes in journali1m than have b een achieved by th e Canadian Li11e-Stock a nd Farm J ournal, of Hamilton, O n tario. Though d e voted PBpecially t o stock raising, it includes The F arm, The Dairy, T h e Apiary, Poultry. H or ticult ure , a n d The Home, so that for the general farm· ers, or such f11.rmers as make l ive -st ock bree ding in any of its departme nts a l eading feature of t heir business, we do nut know where to find its equal in Canada. \Ve h ear tily rec··mmend it to our patrons as the leadiu !! .i gr ic ultural pape r in the D ominion. Pric1:1 $1.00 p r annum . A beautiful li1hug1aph of t he On tario Agri· cultural Uolltige llll.d E xpe riwe ut11.l F ..r c::, Onelph, i~ p;iven to e very subscriber fi·r 1889. W e c · u furuieh it and our ·'YVn pa.· p er tog··ther from nnw t o D ece.mber, 1889 , for $1. 75. C.-ll a t our office an d s ee sampl e copy, al~o lithograph. NEA.DS' BJ.OC:U:, BOWMA.~VIl.LE. A PLEASING DUTY.- "! fe Pl it my duty AT'l'LE AS TRAY .-Come u n to lot 18, con. 3. D ..r ilngton. one two yee.r old to eay ," W91te11 J ohn B orton, of De,,er t, h eHer. a nd yearling bull. Owner le requested P . Q. , that B urdock Blood bit ters cured to prove propt'lrty, pa.y expenses, and take my wife of liver cnm plaint , from whioh them a way. '1': H. CLAYTON, Bowmanville 47-3w. &he has be.e n a chronic sufferer. B er distressing, p ainful sympto ms s oon g !~v e way, and I can highly recommend the med icine t o all sulfor iug as she did. " "Money ~Ki~g,';-say~ M . Mayer in I his n ew advt . to-clay . Why will peovle T HE NEXT E NTR ANCE EXAM I run acoonn ts wh e n t hey can eave inore N ' TIONS wi l1 be held In t he Hi11ll t h :in th e in·erest 0 11 money by p1ying :School. Bowinanville. on cash 1 See what g .-eat red u ct i,ms l\1a.yer W ednesday, Thursday & Friday, is m iiking . 19th, 20th a nd 21st of Deo. Commencing the firs'. day at 1.30 p. m., and UB. CAPF. L OST .- B etwr,e n Beech the fo lowing d»YB i>t 9 a . m. Avenue and Ki ng- ~t .. Bowma.nvllle. on Intending candidates should send iu their Nov. 23rd, & Black F o r 0ape. 'l'b.e finder will I n ames a t once to the undersiKnod. M M FENWICK be Te warded on lee.vlnf( It i;t the l;:\TA'l'ESMAN Oflloe· _________.J_ 9- 2w· · · Head Master. WE ASTRAY . -Carne onto lot 15, Bowmanville, Nov. 16 ~h. 1888; 47-3w con. 7. Darlington. about Nov. lat. one Ewe. ThA owner is request.ell to prove vrop· or ty. pay expenses a nd take her a.way. Tnos. MOUNTJOY. Ha ydon. 49- 3w* PHILADELPHIA. E IFER A ST R AY. -Came on lot 25. con. 3, JJarliugton, a t wo ye'l.r old $ 1.00- 0NE T E .lit FQR ONE DOLL,\R- $ 1.00 heife r 'l'he owner is r\;qt10st.erl t o prove prop· A. Pure and P1trpoBtf1tZ Home Paper. erty. p ~y expense· and take her u.way. lt!Cll. NICHOLS, Conr tice. 19- 3w 4 Ne"·s Pnper With every mndern racili t.y for obte.lnlng the ATT L E ASTR AY.-Came on to lo t l~ teet new a. P erfect IV equipped in wail, telo· 25. oon. 8. Darlin((ton, about Nov 16th . graph, t elephones a.nd cable "e1·vfoe. CfJr resfour yearlmg Oil.' tie twu of t.hem at.eors. pondents. loce.I. ne.t!oo,.J e.ud foreign. ~peoio.I T he owner is r qu -.~terl to prove property, p11y despatches from a.Jl ilnporte.nt points. P.xpensesand take them away. JOHN BA R'l'ON, A lle1mbllcnn P11per, Enni.s kil,eo. 49- 3w' W l1ose trn!ncd editors present t he ve.ryln1t ph ases or politics wit.h such cloarne·a and ADY CORRESPO N DEN T Wan t ed. foi>'ne s as t.o llive practice.I aid to all votere. - A h imdsome young gc,nt lerna.n d ,ln Ol"torlcal 1'111>er. means wishes to co~rMpond wllh a ""'Bi ble devotes s pecial atten tinn to ch o h lth9r. youn;: lady between 10 and · 25 yr·.-oir.y or Which to unpublished events of t he gro.. t civil wu.r. <)Oun try. O··j <'ct. e.mu. omenr. a nd T > erha ps 'l'heee war p~pere. written by union and conmat.rirnony. S 'lid Pb.otn. A.dd,ess: YHIKEP.l, ferlerate officers 111 hn ee.w what they t ell. form P . o. Box W., Riga, New York. ~9 --3w. au invalua ble we.r library. A :L11c r 11r .1· Pe11e r , O USE AN D LOTS F OR SAJ...ffi. - 1 Giving eve· y w eek 1 be brit?b te·t and best sewill sell tile brick dwelling I now occnp:; lections rrom recent poetry, and entertaining, on Conceaslon St. '!'hero are eight room «. heulthful stories by eminent wrlterB. pantry. closets. k itoheu , exoollent celle.t and A. J<'arn1er' fl 1·apf"r . h e.rd and soft water. It is ><two storey brick. Having tbe best conducted a11ric11lt uru.l paper cottage roof, nearly new Good gardau large enough for two lots. Will stlll one or both . in America. whe' " are gathered the views of progressivu rarmers and gar d iner~ tbe country Price very r easonable, u-ood r eason tor selli ng. over. upon all questions of crops, f1 uit, cattle, J OHN G t<ANT , Bowmanville. ·18 - tf. poultry, fa.rm buildmgs. etc. A iUc1·clu1111's P ll(tcr . ARM F OR SAJJE - 150 acres of lo t Giv ing fu ll repor1s from the Phile.delphi11, New 3!. can. 9, Darlington; soil clay loa m, York. 0hicago, e.nd other city markets. log dwelling. lar ge frame barn,orclla rd, t hree Prices and shipments ot ii:ru.m, liv~·stock, prow ells. convenlbnt to church, acboot, P. 0., visions. gr oo.,r ies alld country produce. etorP.a and bl!icksmith shop, fi ve milea C rom A Womnn'R l'llper, Burkoton Station. he best b"rley m ...rlcet in Ontario· Fd.· m In hlgho$t state or cult ivat:ion. Extending ah ·lping hand to all women. To 80 acres in first class order for a. oominll Cr·>P, them is devotGd a t un P8.ll:e in which they t h " balance under new a nd old grass. 'l'o an show e"ch (\ther, under eaitorial guida.nce, ·ndu st.rlou· man with sma ll capital there will "how to get ma r ried ttnd how to k66 1J house," be ample time given to pll.y for it. a· payments in the most e.p roverl fashion . ]'or r.hose who can be e.rran11ed so &II not to exceed an or- are toroed t.o remain sing le and board, the way <Unary1 rent. F or particula rs addre8s: 'l' J<:RE NCE is me.de ple .. Mnt, Every woman reader he.s a · chance to talk. McDo~NELL , Eutleld P. o. 48- t f High School Entrance Examinations. THE WEST END HOUSE. does not mean to he unders l d by any h ouse jn the dis t rict , and they sell nothi r g but GOOD, HONEST GOODS, NO HHODDY. F E (SPECIAL VALUE. ~~~~~~~,Sheeting, - - - - - - - - - · Dress Goods, F lannels. Blankets, The Weekly Press. H '.}'eas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars, R aisin s, Currants, Candied Peel s, Figs, &c .~ 1 C DINNER, TEA AND TOILET SETS. HANGI N G L AMPS, HALL L AMPS, HAND L A MPS.' CA .L L A N D INSP ECT. L H JC>:E3: N" ~01'\l.["C.J:R..T WEST END HOUS E . R "Y' ·. · Town Oouncil. · 1 S u mmary o f business translcted at Depu tyReev.,, and M e1srs W orth, Gal ··, Horne, Pat t inson, Mason, J e ffe ry, Andr e w a n d L oecom b e. A11 ord ~ r was for $Ui0 grant e,tl the Mech uniot1 l os ;itu te C~ n ton N o. 11 was a l io wi,d a rebate of $7 on Ha.11 rerit. Coll.-oto 0 's room ..·a~ let t ." J . C. Nolilworthv fo r 2 y e&rs at $50 per an n um , C hief Cole man to h a ve use of same as now M r . W. P. Prower ten dered his resi~na t ion as T r easurer, accepted if books are correct. Messrs. W . M cKay and Chas. Keith were ap p ointed to a udit th e b ooks and r eport at n ext m eetin i::. M r . T . Patton'" taxe1 were r emitted. Accou n t s for $ 586. 97 were p ass ed . By-law for holding oew e lect ions was passed, Nominations D eo. 31 at '(:20 p . m. V or.ing .Jan. 7. T i me for collection of ta.x><s ex t ended to Jan. 8. Mr. Burk t o b e a~ked t o extend tim e 18 m os for p urchase of T own Park. C ou ucil adj ou rned t o Dec. 15 at ~fonday nigh t 's m~eti og. · P.r~sent t he M ><y or, Re eve, 7.30. = One Thou;-iand Dollar s R eward . A r e ward of one th o ust\n d d ollar s is offer ed by the p ublishers for t h e b est l ette r of s u g-gestions for a. Ch rist mas aouvenir th -.t will eqm\I th e C hristma ij Numbe r of th e Montreal S t & r at the p ub lishe d price. Oompetitore to give t hei r full n a m e a nd add ress. T h is year'K ChrishJ !< B Stair b as twen ty-tiil!h t pagAs of beaut1fnl i llustration s , articles by e mi· n ent w ri ;er11 , fo ur su perb s upplements and other attractions of a s u qiassin g character. I t i11 far a.nri a way ahead of yet p ubliehed. Order s for a nything 'copies to send to E n gland are the largeat on r ecord. 'I'ho~e w h o cannot procu re it from a n ewsd e81er will receive it b y sendi ng the small amou n t of 40c11nts to the p u b lish brs, M on treal. Postag e st amp s of on & a nd three cent d en C1mination will be acoepted. - ::S::-. I N TBE P ROSPECTUS wh ich we recei ved recent ly from the Youth 's Com panion office, we notic;i an array of noted con tribut.ors which pr omises unt1su al excellence for th" c ming volume. Fir~t 11.:nong them is the Right Hon. W. E. G ladston e, affectionately called the " Grand Old M an," ~h e g r eatest of living statesmen, w h o wr te 5 o u · ' The Future of th11 Engl ish -S peakin11: Races. " Then Gen er al Lord Wol·e ley, who will t ell of hie s tran ge p~ reon><l o.dven t u ree i n t.he field wit.h t he Briti"h arm ie~. The n P rofessor T ynda ll a n d Jus t in McCarthy, wh o writes of " Leaders i n t h e H ou se of L ords," A r chdt·acon Farrar, on " Musicians and Theii: S truggleH," and P r ofessor H u xley. Amon g Amer ican cont ributors we fi nd such well-k n o wn name& es Lieuten ant Schwa1 ka, who writes of "Tight Pinch tie in the A r ocic, " Andre w Carne.gie, on " B its of a dvice to You~g M"n" D r . A us tin F lint, Judge Oliver W en d ell Hol me&, Jr. , on "Young M en in the La.w, " A dmiral Luoe, Colon el T ho ma.a W. K n ox, J am es P aton and a t le.a.st on e hund r e.:l othe rs. T he 9ompanion is a welcome visitor weekly in m ore than 400,000 families, and h as w on a place in h ome life ob tained by n o othe r pu blicat ion. T he wonder is how any family oan do w it hou t it. T h e p u b lish en announ ce that a.ny miw subscri ber who se nds $1.75 n ow, can ha ve t h e Companion free ever y w e ek t o J ..m1ary lat, 1889, and for a full y ear from tha t da t e. F Public Notice! --- -o---T o a ll w h o m it may concern. With Winter gam ee a nd eht.er tainment for Utt.Jo people. Inst.ruction in the ways of me.k· ing things and doing things. Snmmer e:a:cur· The Annual general meetin~ of the Sh!lre- stone to the fields and woods. Puzzles tor the holdors of t he Hiimoton ButtA r and Cb.eeee quick-witted. and plenty or prizes to make the ManufAcl11rlng Company w1ll be held in the elnw· wltted qmck. Town·H all, H ~m pton , on Saturday,' th" l~th day of December. A . D., 188ll, at 3 o'clock p, m . UIPORTANT (; LlJBIUl\G ARRANGEMENT, for t.hc purpose of electing: a.Board or Directors to serve for t he .ensuing ;tear nnd th "l trans actBy speofa\ arro.nii:ement with & 11 t he leading ion of sn ob. other business as may properly weekly a~ d montbly periodicals of America, oom Abefore the meeting. snbooriptione e.r e tak en fo r any ono or m ore of F . L ELLlB, Secret·r y. these j o1 1rnals ln connection" Ith the \ VKEK· Hampton. Dec. 3rd, 1888, 49 ·- 2W· LY PREBR at such low rates '1.B vi rtually makes ou r gree.t family paper FREE to tho O TICE T O PA.TRONS. - A m eetinr.c subscriber for one year. of 1he Patrons of the Hampton Butter &. Sample copies !urnished rre11 upon e.ppllea· Cbee1e M 't,g. Co.. will be held in the Town He.!l, H"mpton. on Saturda y. 15th Dec.. 1888, tlon. A ddresu, a t l o'clock. P. M., for receiYing t he Report T HE PRESS COMP.A.NY, Umited, P h iladel· <1.n d closing up the past eeason's businesB. F, phfa. Pu.. L. ELLIB, Secretary. (Q - 2w. Annual M eeting. A. (; b!M re u '· Pnpc r , YOUNG & CO'S stock of Groceries and P rovisions is now complete and in r,ood order. y For the Holiday Season: New Valencia Raisins, New Sultana Raisins, YOUNG&CO. buy for Cash and sell a s ch eap as t h e ch eapest . N 0 New Layer Raisins, · N ew Currants, New Figs, New P eels, N ew F lavoring Extracts New li'ruit{ - P nland Lot 5, S, $ 1 00, to be paid at time of service. 'l'u os. KEAT, proprietor. k~pt ~en'ice 0 11 A H. FOR SERVICE.-A BO China Boar Is for con . Darlington. Terms. 1 88 9. Haroer's Bazar. I LLUSTRATED. YOUNG&CO. invit e y ou t o call a nd ex a min e the ir sto ck-it will pay you (9- 3w.· u G & Co. An Unha.ppy Home. " 1 wish m y wife would get well orso mething," said a. hus ban d wh o had been s orely tried with an invalid wife . It seems a h eartless speech, but who cau ttill ihe disoumforts of u. horne wh er e t h e wife ill alway s 1ick . Poor food, cry i ng children! No wonder the man grows d espera te. But if he would get Dr. Pieroe'sFavorit ePrescription for the wife, h e would fin d th~ t th e sunsh ine would retu rn t o h i11 h ome. "Favorite Prescr ip t ion " is a positive cure for t h e most complioat ed a n d obstinat e cases of leucorrhea, exoe~sive flowing , painful menst r uation, u n natu r al euppreesione, prolapsu~ or falling of t h e womb, weak back, ·"female weakness," anteversion, retr overaion, "bear ing-down" sensations, obron io congestion , inlhm mation and ulcera tion of t he womb, infialllmat ion, p ain a nd tenderness in ovaries, accompanied with " in tern al heat." He.rper's B·zar w ill conttnue to me.intatn its rflputatlon as a n uneqne.lled f&mily j onrno.l' Its art lllnetratioM are of the higheet order,its liters.tu re is or the choicest kind, e.nd its Fash· Ion and Household departments or the most New Home Treatment tor tire (;nre or practical and eoonomloa.l ollaracter. Its ll&t · <:11tnrrl1. <:atarrllal Dearness, nntl torn shMt supple ments and fe.shion·pliitos alon& wlll ao.ve ite readers ten times tl1e coat Huy .lfcver. IN THE ot subscription , u.nd its a rticles on decora.tive The miorosoop o he.A proved that these art. soolal etiquette, house·keeping, oooker:;, TOWNSH I P O F CLARKE. disea.seo aro onntaglou.,. a nd that they are oto·. make it rndispensiblo to every household. d o e lo t he preBence of llvlrnr par aRites in the Its bright short etorieP, aud timely oeee.ys, are lininll'. mem ' ra.no ot the upper air paese.gea Pursuant to the powers of sale cont ained in a.mong the best published ~ and not a line is ancl enB ·e.cb.ian tubes. T he eminent eclent· a certll.m mortgage Which will be produced at admitted· o its columns that could offend th e ists Tyndall, H uxley and Beale endorse t.hls, the time of sa le and on w hich def& ult in pay· mo~t fastidious ta.ate. Among t ho a ttractions H .nd these authorities l'anuot be disputed. ment has been m u.de there will be offered for of the new volume will be serial storien b7 The r~nlar method or treating the diseasa. sale bf p ublic 1tuotio11 ·~t Bennett's Hotel In Mrs. Franoos Hod~son Rurnett. Mrs. Aloxe.n· is t o apply an lrrita.ut remedy weekly and the village of Newcastle on der. William Black and Thomas Hardy, and a even da·I:;. thus keeping the delicate memseries or papers on nuraery me.nagement by brane in a constant atato of irritation, Mrs: Cbrlstino Terhune Herrick. accompanied by violent snee~rng, allowing It no chance t.o heal, and as a natural consea.t One o'clock, P . M,. quence of snob treatment not ono permanent By Mr, Levi Fairbanks, Auctioneer, the cur e !las ever been recorded. It is an following valuable property : 'l'he sout h u.beolnte fact tbat these diaea.ses co.nnot oo quarter ot lot nttmbor twenty-one in tho 3rd 1·cr Ycnr : cured by any appl!oation m!lde otteuer than concession or the townA h ip or Clarke. and the once in two weeks, for the membrane must south 50 acres of the nor th 100 "ores of lot num· H AUPER'S WEE:KLY .. ........ ..... .. ... 00 00 get a cha nce to heal before any application bor twenty in the 3rd ci>nceasion ot the said HAUPER'S MAG.AZINE . ..... ... ... .. .... le repeated. Jt is now 7 yrs. since Mr. rnxon townsh ip or Clarke both parcels : together con· HARPER'S B AZ AR . .... . ................ $4 00 discovered the parasite in Catarrh and. !orm· taining 100 acres morn or loss. 'l'hll ttbove HARPER'S YOU NG PEOPLE ... ......... $2 00 ulated !Ma n ew treatmeni, a nd since then hie property is conYonientlY 1\tuated about 3l re medy bas become a houeehold word In mil"s north.east or tho v illage ot New1ia.etle, p ,,8 ta(le Free to all 1mbsci·ibers int!te United every ccmnt.ry wher e the Eaglfah lungnage There are a good tramo house with ·tone Surtes, c c inatla or Mextw. la spoken. Corea effected by him seven years foundat ion and C(>!iar and ru.ir out.buildings ago a.re cures still, th ere having been no i;nd C t1ncee, orchard and wells on ~be premises . return of the diaea~e. . Terms of 011.le.- .A. deposit or ten 1>er cent or \ 'Tho volu moa or the BA Z AR be~in with So highly are these r emediee valued. a nd the p urchase mone7 shall be p9.id a t the time th e II.rat Numbsrs for Je.nuary of each so great it1 the demand tor them, t ha t lgnor· ot sale a.ud the b 6 lanoti or the purchase money year. When no time is speclllod. subscriptions ant imitators h avo started up everywhere, within :JO days t horeartor. F 11li possession on wlll begin with the Number current at time or pretending to destroy a parasite, of w hich t.he II.rat day ot April next. 'l'he sale is sub· receipt of order. they know notbin~. by remedlee the resnlta ject to a. reserved bid. Bound Volumes or HA RI'ER's lBA.ZAR for of t he application of whloh they ore equally I The Vendor will furnieh a R~gfatrar's .Ab- three years back, in n eat c1oth bindinii:. will ignorant ll:lr. Dixon's r emedy le a pplied \ stract ot title but t1ha.ll not be requmid to pro- ( bo sent by mail, post paid, or by express. tree only. once in two weeks, e.nd from one to ( duce or procure any Deed abstrt1ct mem orial . or expenee (provided t he fr e1 gbt does not ex· three appllcation e effect a permuueut cure ln . docu ment or oopy thereof not lo his poeseseion oeed one dollar per volume),1or $7 per vol ume. most aggmvated ceees. N. B.-:For catarrh&! but the vurchaser shall se!l.roh the title and Cloth Ce.see tor oaoh volume. auitable for troubles pcouho.r to femalos (whites). this remo· procuro all ev1denooe ,or title other t han such bindm~. w ill b~ sent bv mall, post·pa!d, on r e· dy b a epecl.fi c. ae are In tho Vendors posse1eion a t h is own oelpt or ¥1.00 ea ch. . . R ·tt h ld a d b p tom. Mr . Dixon sends a pamphlet describing his expense. now treat.ment on tho receipt ot ten oenta in F urther particula.rs and condttlons of R o.lo em1 ances s ou 0 ~ ma e V os ce stamvA. The addre38 le A . II. Dixon & Bon me.Y; be had fr<?m JAM ES CAMPBELL, Esq.. Money Order or Draft, to avoid chu.nce of ·O l K fnoo str eet west T0 ro to c d · W hitby, the r.uot1oneer or tho Vondor·a l:lo· losa . . · ·· · " . · n · ana a.- · licltor JNO .l:IALI Dow N ewspaptrs c.r e 11ot to copv tliis a dvertise· Scwntific A .m.erica n. · Dever~ll's Blook:. Whitby. ment without the exprr.s~ oriler of HARPE R & Vtmdor's Sol!citor . BnOTllERs. HARPER & BROTHERS, Dated at Whitby,thi9 26th. Nov.. 1888. Address Sufferer11 from .catarrhal troubles should . N1'W Yo1m:. oarefally read the abo:ve. ~9-fw. MORTGAGE SALE OF A C.\'l'ARRU. VALUABLE FARM YO UNG & Co. Crockery AN D - Thursda y, D e c. 27, 1888, GlaSSWar e, HARPER'S PERIODICALS, B ROOMS - AND BRUSH ES, COF FEES Competent judges say that our TEAS are unexcelled for quality and price. Try our Green and Black Teas at 25c. and 50c. Highest Prices paid for :farm Prod nee, ,! ,i --.A ND- I SP ICES, Laund ry and Toilet S oaps, Canned Good s AND- CENTRE STORE, W ellington Buildings, 0 i PRO VISIONS ~ ALL KIN OS. King S treet, ~owrn.anville, ..,. CHAS. YOUNG, -W. -W. ALLIN, F. A. RADDY. Childre·n Cry for Pitcher's Castorra;