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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1888, p. 5

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Call on H. c. TAIT for Photographs, School Books, Fancy Goods, Picture Frames, &c., Bowmanville. · SHOPPER'S GUIDE. stnck J A craze ? For Crescenl· Heel Pl&tes is Mrs. Morrison offers her whole Must going on at Hellyar's. M lHI : M '-'L of new winter millinerv a t cost. R. 0, Tait sells beat spectacles. New customers are attzi<cted by our low be cleartid out in three weeks to make A:Del1cious, Nourishing Soup in more Murdoch B10s. are buying barley . prices. Ellison & Co, room for fancy goods. a. moment by using Crescent Heel Plates ! are controlled by Latest designs this w.,ek in Tea and Read Ellison & Co's. new advt. Hellyar. Mr. T. H. Vann was in town last week. Dinner aeta a.t Murdoch I !ros. :;.;~· ;/" F> . - , ;:~ -:;-:~.I See the all· wool socks at 20 eta a pair Crescent Heel Plates 1 Hellyar has Crescent Beel will make the old ~~,t!, at Tod Bros. sole control for Bowmanville. -;,-; _ ·· walk easy at Hellyar's. Blankets in all weights at Tod Bros. Everybody likes the Featherbone Cor.All music lovers are asked to r ead Mr. from $2 a pair up. get, for sale at Johu J. Mason's. Ruse's circular in this psper. Onr Cheap Sale Prices bring us crowds Barg~ins ! Ilargaina in Millinet:y and The public admit that our prices are re· of customers. Elli%on & Co. fancy goods at Mrs. Morrison's. markably low. Ellison & Ct> For a good choice of fea thers, wings Our Cheap Sale is a special effort and Toronto Daily World and THE STATEBand ribbons go to Mrs. Donnelly's. must be a Success. Ellison & Co. ~.AN now to end of 1889 for $3 Straw a.nd felt h .. ts r e-shaped in all Overshoes to for ever aud ever I Mrs. W. Thickson and children are tb.e latest st.yles at Mrs. Donnelly's. Crescent Heel Plates at Hellyar's. visiting at Lindsay and vicinity. The most complet e and choice stock of For the be&t cutters made anywhere go Rubbers to never wear out ! Crescent to Haines' Carris.go Works, Bowwanville. milliaery is tound at Mrs. Donnell_y's. Heel Plates at Hellyar's. See advt. Crescent H~el Plate Machint> ia a won· The Oddfellows concert will come off Orders for the Christmas Globe, at 25c on Dec. 18 More particulars next week. derful .vonder ! At work at Hellyar's. each, received at the STATESllf AN office. 1!'.A.RMERS.- Best power Straw Cutter The Weekly Mail, Fa.rm and Fire·ide l Thl1re was a very large attendance at · the barracks Sunday afternoon and night. and the STATESMA.N to the end of 1889, with reverse gear sold by CHAS. Roa.ERS. We are plearly proving tha.t we can un· LadiPB call at Mrs. Donnelly's and see for $2. THE BEST FOR BEEF TEA. STATESMA:S ie printed Tuesday after- dersell all competitors. Ellison & Co. those new styles of Fall and.Winter hats. THE ONLY EXTRACT OF BEEF Crescent Beel Platee ! are the great An electric light must go on the stand noon . Advertisements received up to auitable for making JULIEN and other ·when the band begins to play next sum· one p. m. 11a1e savers of overshoes ! See Hellyar'a advt. CLEAR SOUPS. Few can meet and none can beat Tod mer. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Ins1trance. Ill THIS PLACE. A FINE RICH FLAVORED SOUP The Happy Thought cooking range Bros. remarkable low prices in Winter RonT, VIRTUE, Agent, Bowmanville. tf. can be made IN A MOMENT by adding sold by S. S. Edsall is the best stove in Dry Goods. Gonds from overcrowded departme nt l3UY YouR RUBORDERED CLOTHING.-If you want a must be forced out at any sacrifice. Elboiling waler. the market. BERS OF Us well-made Suit or Over Coat leave your lieon & Co. Those who h eard Prof. Wallace in the measure with McCiun>? Bros. and have Town Hall 011 S1:111da.y were highly pleasThe West E ud B;ouse guarantees to Plates Finest stock and largest assortment of izive as good value for your money in ed with his preaching. SOLE AGENTS FOR C.ANADA. Silverware in town. Want to sell it, low Teas as any house in t.he c@untry, Try put on Mr. S. J. Sharpe, the handRome Cana- prices, at Maynard's Jewellry store. them. them. dian Passenger Agent of the Erie Railway BARLF.Y.-The highest price paid for gave us s call y9aterda.y. BucKWIIEAT. - Wanted 3,000 bu11hel11 any quantity of Batley at Bowmaoville Highest price paid. People come 20 miles to see our cheap or Newcastle harbours. Murdoch Broe. of Buckwheat. Apr>ly to JNo. MACKAY, 011.ledooian Flannels, Dress Goods, cloakings and .A pair of cabinet photoe of Mr. and Mills. 45- lm clothing. Ellison & Oo. Mra. Jonathan Bray, }~nfield, are in Ladies you should visit McClung Bros' Cotton Combine is broken and prices Henry's Studio window. The.y are as Millinery show room to see latest are lower. See the 7c l<'a.ctory at Tod natural as life. nt·Vel ties, Those German Mantles are Bros. Special prices by the web. December 9th will be "Charles Wesl~y very fine. A largely attended Holiness OonvPntion Sunday" among Methodists throughout Ladies' Short Jackets 11.nd Ulsters made is in progrPss in the St. Matth ews' the world. Wesley died 100 yeard ago, in Germany. 'l'he cut of th~se Coats is Methodist chnrch as we go to press. What strides Methodism has made i n the simply perfection. You will find r.hem at What funny mistakes occur in a printCouch, J ohnaton & Uryderman's. ing ,,ffice. A local paper repr>rted a m ar· intet ve century. The Haines Ca.,.riaae ·works received .J\lst received at the West End House riage under "The ·romb." last week. the Diploma for ' he best displayofcarriages Ladies' and Gents' Lined Kid Oloves, Suhscriptio11s taken for all Canadian at Wes· Durham F ...1 1 Fair, and have l·OW Asrrachan backs a.ho Laditis' and Gents' and .American newspapers and m ·!!azines Reel 11la.te Machmo. on h"nd the he·t asaort ment of cutters Lined Kid Mitts which will b"l sold very l'latcson Rubbers double thcii wear. at lowe' t rates at the STATESMAN office. ever shown in this vicini·y. cheap.' The. MONTREAL WITNESS, Lindsay papers give great pNise to Mr. His fellow workmen in the Piano deToronto mails 1ve Jater then formerly, WEEKLY ST.AR, C. Murdotf for ~ inging an< I Mr. Wallis for vartmeut of the Fa·~t ·ry yesterday m'lrn- Bowman ville m al es 8Ac11re a snit of unde r- This, the most wonderful invent ion of modern times, is desMAIL, clarionet solos at a recent concert out ing prldsented Mr Fred. M .. rming with a wear and a good heavy pair of socks at tined to revolutionize the wear, tear and slip never qualities OLOBE, or there. China Tea service a.~ a t oken of respect at T od B ro3. to keep warm while waiting EMPIRE. .·..· $1 00 of the Rubber Shoe in BOWMANVILLE. Gold money, Paper mon ey, Silver on the ev!'l of his ma.~riag e. for them. The MEDICAL ADVISER.. . . . . . 25 money, Copper money wanted at 'l'od At the Gr;md ·Musical Service at St Couch, ,Johoston & Cryderman are now '1 Packa.ges of Choice Garden Seede, Bros. for the eame we will give good value ,Jol:m'8 (English) church on X mas morning showing a line range of Mantle Plusl)es, It can be procured ONLY at 35 in seasonable Dry Goode. from best seedsmen in America .. the efficient choir of 27 voices will be as- Silk Sealettes and Ulsrer Cli>ths. E very The largest assortm1mt and best. valne sisted by the full banil of the D 0 . & P. lady should see their stock of these goods $1 GO in Gent's ·winter Gloves and Mitts in Co. 3~ performers. Prof. W a!drnn is before b uying We will send the above to any address town is at J ohn .J Ma.R on'· Vry Good ~ & preparmg the Band for this occa.wn . · Th f T ·1 · D · . . . . e popu 1ant.y o our at ormg epartJewelry s tore. Call and see them . fro111 now till Jan., 1890, for The .sp~rtal services b tJtnR' conducted ~u ment is manifested by the great rush for Bowmanville's roost enterprising Shoeman, ABlac~ Fur Cape waa lost in this town the _D1sc1ple church by .T. R Gaff still ) stylish-made suite aod overcoats. A very Nov. 23, b:v a widow womnn with five cr:ntrnu e to grow m mte"est. On Snn~ay largtJ assor tm ent of cloths t o choo~e fr om. Come one, and come ye all and see this wonderful machine childr«n who can badly a.fforrl t he loss rnght the house was filled to overflo w1ng Couch , Johnston & Cryderman. Address, MEDICAL .ADVISER, attach thig wonderful contrivance in one half mi uutc t o y our Shoes. Will t.he fi nder pl~ase return it' to this and a vny able aerwon WHB pr·,:oched. . ... Box: 51, The mePti.o gs are to b*I con1inu d ti ll Fme fur caps at low prices. w,~ were office. BowMANVILLE. a to enough to secure a lot of N .,. 1 Subscri bers will find blanks anfl ad· Wed nesday night and all those who have fort11: 1 ONLY! ONLY ! ONLY! to be seen at 'U r leave your nrder with any newsdealer dreM~ d env ~ Inpes inclosed in THE STATES· no 1 yet ,. t .. d ,.uy of t.he servic~s should fur caps 11.t t he lowes t p~rce W ld e ver have he."rd of imd we s,,l Jmg them at lo wer i n town. MAN nex t week for sending t heir su "i- ava1l tlrnm~elves of the opportunity. prtces than C· n be repeated S tJe th em scription. Watch for them -wh en opening AR'S~ TJi., R ,·c·tal given h ere hy MissConthoui at once a· J ohn J Mason's Dry Goods tlrn paper . l Tueachy nigh t is reported t o . b e r he & .Jewtilry llouse. -~'FX"'~i.,·~~~~~ ·~ '~ -~1!11 -~~~!!!!~~~~~~~!!J!!!!. ¥~tatt1Jim&n. Look in the window of Mayn~rd 'e .Je w· best e 1 ·er given h er e. All speak hi~hly ~~i...., . ellry · tor " and you will · see t he nicest of her ability to ri ve t th e a t rention of an. :Bow~U.NVlLLE, ;:'Ee. 5, 1888. B!BTHS. goods in town. If y on d ont s··e wh at you a udi encH , Mies, E. S tivers, . of ·Toronto, BEtTn .-In Bowmanville, on Dec. 3, the wan· come inside and vou will find it. delighted the audience with h er singing. Otherwise. No trouble to show goods. Local Miss Climie, Mr. .las. Wr~llis, and Mr. wire or Alex Beith, M . D .. of a son. PEARCE -,-In South Da.rlington, on Nov. 28th. - OF Mr. Buckfor's new advt. np pears in H. Gilbert and the D . 0. & P. Co. Band. the wife of Mr, Geo. A, Pea.rce, · l::louthview Last week's Grip is an exceptionally this pa.per. He has, so travelfers say, under the direction of Mr. Waldron con· Villa." of 1t daughter. £ne number . HARRIS·- l n O ~ba wa., Nov. 25th , t he w ife of t,he best iond moet ex tensive stock of tribu ~ed inatrulJ) ental music. W . J , Hatria, of a daughter, · Great. sale of millinE'lry for · the n ext Clocks, \Vatch(is, J ewelry and Silverware P RRSENTATION. - Un Saturday evenin g P F:,1RcE.-T n 0 3bawa, Nov. 23., the wife of three weeks ut Mrs. M orrison's. .Miss L illie 13en·1ett was th,~ r ecipiimt of J,. Pearce. or a eon. to be fonnd in any t own in 0 .1nada. a be1 rntiful pr~s e nt from Messrs. ~1cClung L~: ~: . In Ea9t Whitby, Nov. 17th. tho wife Rev. Mr. Matthews will preach Snnday To THE D EAl'. -A Peraoo cu1 ·ed C'f of F . W· Leid. of a daughter. night on "Cur~ing and Swearing. " Deafne~s and noises in the head of 23 Bros. and their employees, in the shape BARRR TT,- In Orono. NoV'. 26th, the wife ot C~escent Heel 'Plates ! Everyone in years' standing by a simple rPmedy, w1il of a ha.udsom" cut <!lass f ruit didh on sd· Wm Barrett, ot a son. ver stand. Mr . · John McClul'I!( made the send a descl'iption of it. FltEE t o any per West Durham should wear t hem! HA:ttRIE:.-In Tyrone on the 25th ult., the presentation· io. the store in tlie presence Wife o! Mr. A. Harris, ofa dau~hter. Crescent H eel Plates will make the son wh o a pplies to NrnHOLSON. 30 St . of the oth· r employee · in a ve ry comph· WRIGHT - Near Bl:.clrnt ook on the 2G; b ult., 44- lyr. J ohn st. ' ]}fontrea.l. young walk cheaply I J. H ellyar. mentary speech. Miss Beonett. is t o be the wife or Mr. John Wright. of a son. CRAWFoRD.- ::s'ea.r Blackstook on the 28th All the new shapes and styles in Fall Mr. John H ellyar inform~ us th '\t so married thi· · evening tn Mr. Fred Man· inst., the wife of Mr. Robt. Crawford, of a. son. and Winter millinery at 1\-'lrs. Donnelly's. great has been the demand for hi 3 n ing, of the G r,.nd Central. Pr"f. Edmund w. Bemis declares in The Weekil Globe, Rural Ca nadian and ai;id ?vershoes that he has h ·d t o repfclat MARRIED. win t er order. Those never wear-out th D b 8t t · h' t' 1 the S· .r.A.1'ESMAN to the end of 1880, for hrn QurNN-TRAVELLE.-In Orono. on Nov. 28th. and n ever-slip h eels are a grnnd invention. , e B ec~lm e r '-tha te~~ttn, m his a,; tcde ond by the ReT. 1': Dunlop, at the residence or Mr, · $2.25 . 0 ur ai ways, . a our one un"re an 1 If R d . L. 'l 'ravelle, the bride's brother, Mr. T. 'l!V, art er, lave you se.en t he m. not, fifty t housand miles of railw ay, with 'a M Mr. John Scott, of Agiucnurt, was Quinn, of Parry Sound.and Miss Inez Travelle, . vnlt1ation in stocks and bonds in 188G of BoOTH-Dn.r,iNQ,- In Bowmanville, on the visiting Mr. D. Smith, Church-st ., last c · Mis.s STOUGHTON will ?f> g . to see , $8,163,149,000 on paper and probably 26th ult., at tl1e residPnce or Mr. Hy. C. week. 'l'alt. by Itev. R. D. Fraser. M. A., Joseph the Earthworks by Storm ! A lot of new Watches, Clocks and .Tew· her friends and a~l who wish t o purcha.6e ·over five billions in reality, embrace one- Boo·h. or 'roronto.:to Annie Mai, youn~est preisents for Christmas ; at h flr annual t enth of onr national wealth or more than daughter of the late Mr· .A. Dllling, or Dow· elry at John J . Mason's. Prices l ower King Winter Capitulates and well He may.. sale of faucy work, Ladies' aprons, e~c.. that of all the manufactures i~ the country. man ville. than ever. on Tue·day: D ec. l~t \J, anri followrng The yearly gr oss earnings of over nine His icy fetters are broken, knocked t o smit h ereens and his powe1· deDIED. Parties who can ought t ·) come in the days. R ea1deuce, Silver Street, Bow- hund red million d ollars are more than forenoon to avoid th" rush in the after- manville . SANDERcocK.- At Bowmanvllle, on Wednes fied by my mammoth stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Slippers, all three times the entire yea.riv appropria- duy, Nov 28th, 1888. a~ed 47 years, J ane Cow· of which are marked down to prices within the reach of a ll. GOOD noon. Ellison & Co. J oh n J . M a.son, Dry Goods & Jewelry tions of our national government, while lan wire or Mr. Geo. Si!.nd.,rcock, Bowmanville Oddfellows are getting Merchan t, informs us that he is now do- the employes exceed three-quarten of a NIDDERY.- At Enfield, Nov. 25th, Robert GOODS and LOW PRICES have long since gained for us t he admirup an entert ...inmeut for the b enefit of ing a lar ger repairing business than ever million men, or mere than any standing Niddery, aged 37 years.11 months. ation of close buyer s, and t his Fall and Winter our p rices will comW ALBRIDG E.-At Bowmanville, on ·rueeday t he needy poor of the town, on Dec. 18. b efore aud with the very efficient h elp he army in Europe." the 4th inst·· · Ann ie Wr<lbridge, widow of the pletely demoralize t h e high price dealers. Mr. Thos. Oaborne, wife and cousin had late Asa H. Walbridge, or Newc, and Mrs. D onnelly imrites the ladies to call h3s iii bound to give perfect satisfaction Thia is no b1incombe. We never had a. more extensive, b et ter assorted,. or b etter dau~ hter of the l&te Honourable .lohu .and insp~ ct h er new and large stock of in repairing of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, a miraculous ou S und11y night as .eldesr. st ock of men's, women' s and children's foot-wear- fine and coarse-a nd our Simpson, etc. A trial solicited. they were driving on t he 6th con. of East m. .illinery b efore purchasing elsewhere. Funeral from residenceof D. Burke Simp· prices were n ever lower . Cl!.11 and inspect our goods and be convinced. son, S il V"or i:ltreet. Bowmanvilie, on 't hursd,.y, P.EAS W AJSTl:D.- l am prepared to buy SPECIAL lNVITATIOY. - As we are obliged Whitby n ear the Two-R od-Road. It was the Gth inst., at 2. ~O p. m. ~Ordered work and Repairing receive prompt attention. :any qnantity of Marrow fat P eas delivered to vacat e premis<'s by the 1st. of Dec~ m very d ark and the horse got into the ditch and as the buggy wa.s t ippmt: Mr. 0. at P ort Dar lingt on for which the h iJZhest ber, we would invite all parties wanting IN A D READFUL CONDITION .- Hut tie }pr ice will be JoHN McD OUGALL, Boota and Shoes at wholE>sale prices t.o jumped, righting the vehicle, but a light45 . Sign of Big Boot dra wn by t wo horses, BOWMANV ILLE. .Bowms.nville. 49. call at Geo. Buck's popuiar Boot and ing on his head r eceiviug an ug ly cut and E . Menthorn, of Mill Village, Ont., says, bruiee on the left temple . 1' 0. a.nd " My cough was dreadful, I could n ot Shoe Storo where the st ock is bt>init sold Mr. M . J. McSweeny, the genial can· Mias Mountj ov could not get hoid of the sleep at nig ht3 oo account of it, but when vasser for the Ontario Reformer , g ave us at Toronto prices for tho n ext ten da:vR lines which had slipped from Mr. O's I used Hagyard' s P ectoral Ba.Isam I had a call on M nnday. We are glad to hear only. As money is easier movf'd we will hand in the fall, and the horse started t o rest a.ud was q uickly cured." All ihat he i:l udJing m l\ny now names to the contmne the sale for the above mentioned run. They buth jumped, Mri!. 0. sus- J.rnggis 1 s eell t!iis irn·aluable cough 'Reformer subacription list. It is a good ttme only. tainin g a severti Y shaped cut on the back .remedy. paper. 'Vhen we wrote the "Caution to Coun- of her head and other injuries, but the Bound for old England. Messrs. Wm. t ry subscribers " la·t, week, we were not young lady escaped with sligh t brui~es. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, A. P ascoe, W. Oke, John Vinson a.ud aware th<>t a "Tin-Pan-Mush· K et tle Dr. McDo well was t elegraphed for and John Withycombe, of Cedarda.le a.ed Dar· agent" was working for the West Durham drove out and dressed the wou nds. The lington, leave this week, via New York, N ews, nor did Messrs. G11lo Bro~. know horse wa.s caught in Mr. .Beath' a yard. Corrected by .J. ltlcUur&ry. every '.l'uesday, for D evonshire, England, to 11pend the he was working for any other local newsCARD OF TBANKs.- D.EAR E tn TO R,FLOUR, ~ 100 lbs .·. . ··..· $2 50 to $3 O Christmns. They will sail on Saturday paper till we E'Xposed him, es his arrani;te95 11 1 00 on the "Umbria." M.A. James supplied ment. with them was t o solicit onlv for Please allow me through ih e col umns of W HEAT, F all, ~bush..... your val11able'paper to thank the bmthren " Spring, 11 95 11 1 00 the tickets. the News, of the t own papers. Better of Wellington Lodge, N o. 19, Sona nf BARLEY, ~ bush , N o. 1. . .. 0 55 11 0 00 D EAlt :M:tt. JA ~rns.-Please aocept one order all your papers from you r local E ngland , l:lowmanv!lle, for the gr eat fa.1 1 " " 2 ... . O 50 11 0 00 dollar for th o S·uTFJRlLU! for 1880. I publisher than from men who have no in· vtir they have conferred on me by send" " " 3 . . .. 0 00 11 0 00 like Oregon very much, but I like _ B ow- ter est in you further than t o ge t your ing me u.n invalid's chair which I hope R YE, " ... , , .·.· , O 00 11 O 65 manville too. Some of my old friends money. will prove a grea t b enefit to m a in t his my OATS, " . . .· · ·.. . , 0 34 11 0 35 a eem to ha m forgotten me, but I can Our citizens will be pleased iio learn sore afl:lic(ion. I eby beg t o express P EAS, Blackeye, ~ bush . .· 0 05 0 70 live as far as ne ws is concer ned, while . that Mr. Alex. H. Gibbard, B. A., a gra.d- my heartfelt gratitude for this noble act, " Small, 11 O 60 O 00 " he STATES:t>tAN remembers me. 'Vh1hing l1ate of B " wmanville High School now of and also t o thank my many other friends " Blue, 11 O 70 O 75 · t every ;;ucces~, I r emain its frieud, Ingersoll II. S. has been appointed Mod- for their many kindnesses in administer- B UTTER, best table, ~lb..· O 18 O 00 HATTlE B ONAR. ern Lan ~ua1te Master, of B rantford, Col- ing to mv comfort. May our benevolent E GGS, 'IP' doz . · . · . . . . . · . . · 0 18: 0 rn W E H AVE IN STOCK : Cu1,orn·A T. I ON OF THE: V ornB. - Mr. legiate ln~·itute at a salary of $1000 with Orde r continue t o prosper and may we all POTATOES, ~ bush . .. · ·.·· O 25 0 00 Ruse rnspect,fully i uvites all persons in- a .promise of an incr ease at an early d ate. be true to our obligations aud when meet· P01tR, "' c wt. . .. . . . . . . . · G 50 7 00 terested in t he st udy of music to attend a Graduat es of our H igh School seem t o be ing and parting on earth shall end, m ay HAY, <tr ton . . ... . . . .. ... . 14 00 15 00 Lindsay High each and every one of us be found having GatcKl!NS . .· ·· ·... .. .. ... O 07 , O 08 meetioo to b 0 h eld in his School Hall, in f <lvor everywhere. McClu~g 's Block, to m orrow, (Thursday) School wao ted him, too. Take our advice in our possession that password which D ue Ks · ·· ··· , , ····· · · · · · O 10 11 O 00 evtining at 7:30 o'clock for the purpose A. H ., and get married at Christmas and will carry us safe through the gates int o . L hrnsE . . ... . .··· .. .. ·..· O 07 11 O ()8 -0f organi ~ipg an1 completing n eceesary settle down, for next to this town Brant- t hat city whose builder and maker is God. '.l.' URKi:;;Ys ... . ·. . . . . . . . . . . O 10 1 1 O 00 ford is the nicest place in Oatario. a rrange"' ·tta for the successful work· s. w. SA..'l\fDER!l, SR. ing of a p H:as now b ei ng formed, that has The fountain of perpetual youth was "I m e Ayer's Cherry P ectoral freely M um ul\r IN P ..rnvo.- There is much in and a1l other goods tha1t is hard t o be surpassed. for iba object cuitivation of the voice, one of the dreams of ant iq uity. It has in my p ractice, and i·ecommend it in a little, as r~gard s B urdock Blood sense of lllltbic11.l insight and the manner been well.nigh r ealized in Ayer's Sarsap- e&ses ofWb.oop ing Congh children, Bi tterl:l ~ You do not h ave t o t ake quarts We mean business, und many ret urns to you for many years' past of its notation for reading the same. See arilla, which purines ihe blood, gives having fo und it m ore certain to cure that and gallons t o get at the medicine it con- favors. · Bills. vitality to all t he bodily functions, and troublesome disease than any other med · tains. E very drop in every dose has NATION u : , l'ULS nre a mlhl purgatlff', acting on tb.e Stomach, Liver an1l Eowf'U, thus restores t o age much of t he vigor icine I know of."- So s ays DR..BAR1'LETT, m edical virtue as a blood p urifying, syst of Concord, Maas. and freshness of youth. 4.S. THE P E OP L E 'S JEWELLBR. t em r egula ting tonic. removlDK itll eb1trucUoa1. ·you l ca -.11 H1·vE - " I RUBBERS~OVERSHOESI TE: ·E I R ID BEE F ' F1U Heels to Last Forever Wu ...A.N'"D the Only Machina LYMAN, SONS &Co., - --·- ----...,..---- : H Look! Read! ACceptl rn H JOHN HELLYAR'S, JOHN HELLY $1_25_ ·tu ©auadWi and BLOWING UP THE fOUNDAT~~ HIGH PRICES. Carrying M. TRELEVEN, Canada Onr Home. TO OUR RESPECTED FRIENDS o--- - -- We have grei:..t reason for thankfulness and hopes for future prosperity. Our stock is allowed, at the present time, to be one of the finest in the Dominion, and tlie same will be sold at prices to suit you. All of it is worthy of your attention. From now and during the holidays we shall not be undersold by either Jew ·or Gentile. Gold and Silver Walking Canes, Wadding Rings - the genuine, Stirling Silver Spoons, AARON BUCKLER,

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