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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1888, p. 6

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.DENTISTRY Fine Hair Goods. LADIES, in a giv~n time unless ali o P?rform.s A letter appears in a.n isaue of t,he NewSome Sound Advice, acts, a~ d it makes comJ11u·atively httle 1m · 011.stle (Eng.) " Chronicle" from one GcorgPE'VERY~WEDNESDAY 1'10JUONG pression, but convince J;··f that in the same Jarqueq, an army pensioner, who, writing -BYEven aside the loss, by prematUl'e time she co.n by the sam" process become as from Brandon, Manitoba, makes an appeal l.'>eath, of millions of years of productive life, beautiful as H ebe and shll bestirs herself, for funds to pg.y bis passage back to the A.JAMES, the loss to the world and to individuals, of M:odier Country. · He gives anything but a AT THE OFF.ICE roee-coloured account of the North-West and ·time, money and labor, from sickness which might easily be avoided, is too great to be Asthma, Manitoba., A~ a, rule, however. army pell.,,.nt omee Block, :King Street, Bcnvman· r eadily estimated. If we could b6gin now, · ' d ' df ville, Ontnl'lo. and the child;en in our homes be ta.ught the Though not in itself danii:erous asthma. is s1~ners 0 n ot, mue goo armers, the most intractable diseases to Canadian consumers of gas who pay from One Of T:ER~S: laws of their being o.nd trained to o bserve · 01 1 1 , ~· A11n· 'w, oii- $1 if pnlcl In ntlvnnce. them, the gain in health o.nd longevity to deal with. A treatment that suits one case $1. ~5 upwards per 1,000 feet must be envi· this generation would be immense, while to very well will often be found to fail com· ous of the good for ~une of the citizens of ~ .ipayn>ent strlotly ln advance required from :JllDl!OHberaoutside or the county. Ord~rs to the suc<ieeding ones it would be beyond all pletely in another. A cnp of very strong London, England, who to be supplied : .. , and hot blo.cli coffee will often arrest an with the ar ticle after lat next at 4isoontlnue the paper mu~t be acoompan1ed bv computation. lne iUDount.due,or the pape wil not bestoppe~. , Oue difficulty is, .there has not yet come attack; but coffee should not be taken soon the rate of 6L cents per t hou sand feet The al-.:rlbere are responsiblennti full payment 12 into the minds of a.large propo)'tior of peo- afl er meals, lest it may do h&rm by inter- cost of production al\& of late year s been so Begs to inform ths inhabitants of Bowmanville and sunounding lie pie, any definite conception that there are fering with the process of digestion. Smok· grea.tly reduced in Canada that there fa Townships that he has opened out bu.iiness in the old stand, formerly It.I.TES OF A.DVEllTISING1 ';;~ auch things as laws of health, a;Ld t hat every ing cig!\rettes is aho of greo.t vo.lue. Try , really no gvod reason for maintaining the occupied ly Mr. '\V. M. Horsey, one door east of Standard Bank, and "60 00 ~~ m"" > ft(jleColumnoneyear ······ · ······.,, ~ violation of these laws is sure to bring its first ordinary cigarettes, a11d if these do no l present high ri>tes. 0 =~ " " Half year ......... ._. 36 OoO penalty. Even in tMs age of intelligence good, use cigarettes. made from the leaves of T he pl1>in, unvarnished o.cco unt of the pa.rt. wiWat all times keep in stock all goods usually kept in a first-class One quarter ...... .. , 20 ::?! Hardware Store, conoisting of · and electricity, t here are still a. mullitude of the datura tramoniiim, or _thorn apple. It ing .between the German E1J1peror and the "lf.11itColnmn one year ·..,............ S6 " Halt year ...... .. ...... 20 men like the Sunday school superintendent, is best to grow the leaves m your own gar. 1 Dowager Empress Victoria reveals no si11u " One quarter ........... 12 who, in apologizing to his school for his ab- den, or get· them grown by a friend in the ' of any estrP.ngement between a~d -Paarter Coluir.n one yee.r ........... 20 0 - . sence on the previous Sunday, stated as .his count ry, !!.nd . to dry them, than to rely on son, The fact that the German ambassador ·· " Half year ............ 12 0011 11xcuse, that he was detained at home by a those sold in the shOJ!S· One cigaret~e may in England :was requested by bis imperial ·· ·· One qua1~ter ·· .... ·· 8 00 dispensation of Divine Providence, the hand be smoked before gomg to bed. It lB well master to wait upon and p!!.y due respect to Ten lines and under ,:first Insertion · $0 50 eubsequen tinsertion ...... 0 25 of the Lord having been laid heavily upon to others bv your bedai~e reo.dy _ for ~n the Dowager Empress in England is a mark ... rum.s ix to ten Unes ,f!rstinsertlon 0 76 ~ him in sickness. Goiug on to explain the emergency. Some people derive benefit from of respect which disturbs some of the storieB . Each subsequent insertion.. ..... 0 35 ·- · \J~er ten Iines,flrst inaertion,perline 0 10 -IO matter more fully, it appeared that his sick-. snioking·thestramonium like tobacco, puffing that have been set aftoat. I shall also keeu a well assorted stock of the best mar..ufacturers' Each subeequent!nsertion · " · O·OSThere is a loud outcry amongst our n eigh· noes wo.s brought on by eating too freely of ~t into a tumbler an~ th.en inhaling i~ deep , ~nto the lungs, findmg t he 5!noke ea.sier: .to bora for a longer term of the Presidency. It clam chowder the night before I 'l'he number of lines to be rookoned bY :. ~he BP&ce occnpled,;measured by a sea.le ot Thia is the vray of the world. The last mhale cold than . hot. If tl:e. atramonium proceeds mainly from business men, who #lid Nonpareil, · · thing that individuals or communities think leaves no~ strong enough.' the seeds, the com.p lain of the serious interruption to their Stove Pip es, Micas, &c. of doing, is to take t he blame for their ·m effects of wh ich_are much more marked, may 9.f:fairs so frequently, but many lea.ding pohealth upon their own shoulders, where it be used; but since t~ey are ~t strong, liticfans back up the demo.nd for a reform by. Tl1c 1nanufactu1·c anti putting up ot' Eave Troughs DJlS, JlcLA.IJGHJ.JN 'a BEITH, rightly belongs. It is e:1.sier to lay it on n;i~st Ile mken to beg~n ~hem m small qu_ an- j lengthening the term to six or eight years. will receive special attention · . OFFICE :- MORRIS' BLOCK; .BOW MANVILLE· the Lord,- "a mysterious dispensa.t1on." tities and gradually mcrn~e.e theJll. It 19 a. A frank corr:eapondent of the New York Dr·.J.W.McL.AUGHLIN. , Dr. .A':· BEITH. Gra.du This, then, is the first le. eson to be taught good plan to mak~ a. d ecoction of the seeds, H eratd approves of the proposed change, tlcentiate of t·ho f.oyal ate of ' the Toronto and learned :- that a.11 disease is the resul t steep the leaves m it, and aftorwards dry " provided it be by popular vote, not by the College of Pbyawurns llnd member of tho. Un1vera1ty, Pbys1c1an of broken law; t hat ~uch of it mtght e!l.sily ' the leave~ i.nd .smoke them. The fumes ~f present sliding game election wherein 'soap' Royal College of Sur· ·surgeon, &c. . be avoided by the observance of the laws of smouldermg mtr& paper of very great doea ihe bidding." ' · value, and many ast hmatics never go abQut . . . · 1ieons, .Edinbu1·gh. · . . health on the part of the individual; that without a supply of th is paper in their . It 18 probable that ·he )f position raiaed DB., J.C. MIT.(JJIELL, much more, which is beyond the reach of pockets. It should always be made a.t home. ~ Ca.nt·?a )y t he pr~ss to the w~olesale 'A fEl!tBER OF COLLEGE ,QF PHYBIOI.A.NB individuals, might be prevented .by , t he Dissolve one drachm of nitre of potai.h 1mportat_1on of pauper oh1ldren from England ~ · and Surgeons~ Ontario, Coroner, etc. · Bowmanville, A pril 2nd, 1888. combined effortsotcommunitiesand the:state; In one otmne of water Satur ate moder- 1111.s he.d its etlect. At any rate, the 1 ·f\turns H. 'Oft!oe and Residence, Enniskillen, and that those diseases which are entailed at ely t hick wh ite 'blotting-paper in of the E nglish Local Go_ vernment Board § - - - - - .--'!!...-· ---- - - - - -· -· - - -- -··-- - -·-----~--- ---- uP,on this generation by t he law of heredity, this solution, and d ry it either in the sun, en.ow that only 411 oh!ldten have been DJl, E. (J, M(llCi"ftE1J,, might by obedience to law be gradually or at a little distance from the fire, being exported .to <? th!s season. The IOEN TI ATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE stamped. out of xistence, arid future ages careful that no spark shall fall upon it and London Times m commentrng upon the fac t of P byeicla1Js, Lo11,Jlon, Eng.;Meniber of be freed from their curse. destroy y onr rnpply. · When dry, cut the says that ~ngland ma.y up her mind Colltge ot Fbysicisns ana Surgeons. Ontario. · fhe next thing t o be taught is the laws paper int o pieces three inches long and half that she will have to ~eep her own !>>lupe~R, SUIWERY .AND RES!DKNCE:-Rear of Mess1·s. Bjgginbo1hem'a Drug Store, Bowmen ville, themselves~and with the laws, ancl of even an inch broad. One piece may be lighted ~ti a remark _ the appropr1ato:neas of which will .. · · 6-lyr.· greater importance, the ho.bit of obeying a t ime, and the smoke inhaled. From one be apprecio;i.ted by Canad111.ns. them. We know a great deal more than b d · · a· · T · 19 · h f l 0f t to · six _papers may ? us~ ID im:ne iate A table in .Mr. Howard Hunter's report B. LAJllMJlllA.N' 111._' D ..' CJ. M·· we put m practice. his t e au t t .e su .<lress1on. When th. 1a falls, a stronger for 1887 on '~ 're .I11aur ~r ce Comp1>nies, J Uot . d "1 EMF.ER OF COLIEGE (l}! ' FEY common modea of health teaching. Our newapapers and periodict\l literature contain kmd of mtre p11>pet" Will ofte~ succee · T_ ake issued, shows the causes of fire in Ontario. I ~IOI.ANS .AND SURGEONS, Ont. ordwary b~ott~ng. T.h e .Fir~ ~nsi;r~nce Companiea under. Prolfl Office and R Eidrnce: lillnifkill(n, Ontario. a vast dea1 of popular instruction in these ha.lf-a-duzen sheets matters. They are treated of in an a.bund- p~per, and cu~ t~esc withe. paper· kmfo mto vrnc1al JUrrnd1ct10n do bu1J a small por tion of 30 ance of well-written books which are within p~eetis about SIX mches square.. P~ace th.eee' the fire business. 'l'hciy reporte d 1,058 fires, easy reach of aU w ho care to read them. · piece_s Qne on top of the ot her, m ht~le piles caaslng a loas of $398.034. Lightning caused D. BITKKJ!l SDIPSCIN, ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &o. MOPRIS Our schools are taking hold of the good of · six. each, on t.he ta.ble. Then a 147 of these fi res-the great cst;- number from . 8LOCK1 up stairs, King Street, Bowman· work, and instruction in hygiene is goo~l -si7. 3d sa~cepan, ?alf f~ll of water, and any one <Ill.use. D.d ective chimneys account ' te. Solicitor tor the Ontario Bank coming to be recognized as .an essential put seb it on the fire to boil. Ihen thr~w some for 76, chimney apa.rka 37, furn aces 21. in · o- ~ -Prhate lllanev8 loaned at the lowest rates. of even an elementary education. But all sal.t,petre and fhlorate of pot~~h m~o the · endiarism, 46, eupp osed incendiarism 46, f t t f these do not reach tile evil, or if they do, .boilmg ':o.ter, m :qua.I qnantit1ea, till t~e stoves and stovepipes 72. The causes of 426, U 0 W 3ohll. Ieith GalbraUll, they only touch it on the surface. water Will not drnsolve any n_iore; a btg nearly half, are unknown. spoonfol of each may be thrown Jn alternate1 · ' I 1 !O ARRIBTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY "') PUBLIC, &o. Ofilce-Bounsall's Bloo,k It is the practice of the principles of ly, and the mixture st irred if at fir~t it does :1ng Streat, Bowmanville, M~ney t!J_l~d, hygiene m our homes, and this a.lone, which not dissolve. \Vhen as much of the salts Q· kT ""1'. will lessen the rate of disease and death to · have been dissolved as the water will take UlC emper. FRAl\H ltl. FJELD, B · .A.. day, and develop a stronger race to· morrow. up, remove tne saucepan from the fire nnd A matter not unworthy of remark is the ARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, &c The child who has learned the laws of health stand it on the hob, Then take one of vour most universal laid t o that supposed. from his father and mother, by seeing them piles of blotting-paper and dip it in, keeiJivg t o-be undesirable possession, quick temper. COBOURG. continu~lly and persistently applied, will all the six: pieces together. You can use "1 have a frightfully quick temper !" is an O.ffice,- A1mour Block, King Street. 22. come to follow t hem in his own case, as little wngs or a squerzer t o do t his with, so assertion often without any sign ol re· naturally as he will conduct himself proper- as ·not to scald your fingers. Then put the gret, rather with evident ~elf-complacency. S. CJ. lllJNJUNG, ly in good aocitty, if good society has been pile on a. piece of brnud with holes in it, 80 And how o[ten, when, with the intention of I CENSED AUCTIONEER FOR his birthright, and ven!lemanly conduct has th. a t it may drain, and so on with the other sayfng something pleasing, we remark with 1 the Connt.y of Durham. Sales attended become habitual. piles. They may best be dried in the eun, the sweetness of a friend's d isposition to the jO en shortest notice and lowest rates· .Address We are cr eatures of imitation. Example or if, as 80 often happens, the services friend in p erson, as we are met with the re.,~~llTIQB P. o. 36:tf counts for more than precepb. 'l'he parent of Phccbus are not available, place ply, "Oh, you 're quite mistaken ; I'm one S. DtJBDiiN {:i> ()0., knows the Jo.w, and the child knows it too. the board at some distance from the of the quickest-temper ed people in the UCTIONEERS for the County of \Vhen the parent keeps it, then the children kitchen fire. Before tbe piles are quite world !" given in a tone thab does not imply Durham ; Jneurance end f;lenern;LAgentP. will keep it also, It does little good for a dry sprinkle them lightly with spirits modest deprecation of a compliment, but a · Valuator and Real Estate .Agente. Sales and child to learn at school tha.n the tood should of camphor, tincture of 8 ambul, or decided sense of unappreciated merit . titber bns!Ilen promptly attended to. Box 1172, be properly masticated, when three times some other o.romatio whicb. r enders them Now, this willingness-eagerness, i t may Bowmanville P. 0 . 36- tt everJ' d,;y !l.t home he sees a hungry group more elfacious. The pieces of each pile of even, without exaggeration, be called-:-to crowd about tho table like vigs around a paper now close!.y adhere, and coated be convicted of whau is a cknowllldged to be Pianos Tuned an4 Repaired. trough, and bolt their food as nearly whole with crystals of saltpetre o.nd chlorz.te of a fault, strikes one o.s a corious anomaly. as it can be made to i;o down. The child potash, forming o. blook like a piece of thick No one would answer, if told, " You are 'b.A.RTIES WISHINGT:a:BrnPlANOS whose mother gives it a bite of something to cardboard. For use, take one of these, b~nd very truthful, " "Oh, no, I'm a constant C T1med or repa1ren can nave them attendeCI eat every time it cries for it, will not be in it in halves, to stand up 'on the two ende, liar;" nor, if complimented upon consistent obi' 'leaving word , at the DoxrKIOK OllGAr- a condition to profit from an nnderHtanding stand it on an old t in hay, as the heat might attention so her own business, wonld re. ·Oo'a OllTICB, Bowmanville .A. flrst-olas mat:< of the l aw that food should not be taken be. crack china, and set it alight at both enda of spond, "On the contrary, ~ca.ndal-monger P. S.- We can supply you with anything in the Drug line, ww being In their employ tween meals, until it ia tflo late for the t he fold, It will burn very quickly, making ing is my favorite occu.pation. " At least, knowledge to be of much service. The law a dense smoke, which often r.auses the pati. no one would give either of bhese o.nswera of pure air and proper ventilation may be ent to become quite drowsy, fall asleep, and in t he serions way in which the claim to taught never so plainly in the text-books, sleep all nbht t hrough. As the £!'!.mes will the posseEsion of o. hot temper is made. but to the boy who is brought up to sit and shoot out sometimesfor eight inches or moie, May th ere not be, underlying this inconto sleep in a close, unventilated room, foul the tray on which t he paper is bur11t should slst ency and expla in ing it, a misconception with the breath of living beings, and to shun be placed in the middle of the room, far of the r eal meaning and source of a VV fresh air as he would a plague, the know- away from curtains or anything inflammable. quick temper ? To lll!l.ny minds this unde· sira.ble trait seems to be the outcome of ledge will be of little avail. While his father's oellar is filled with decaying meat, What Good Teeth .M.ean. many very admirable qualities. To be hot · vegetables, and all manner of filth, and the Good teeth mean- to a certain extent - tempered means, inferentially, in t uoh meucesbpool smells to heaven from beneath the g ood digeotion, and constquently good ta.I vocabularies, to be generous, and large- - .MANUFACTURER OF- kit chen window, all the teachings of the minded, and unselfish, and, after a lapse of schools will not prevent his having typhold health, while ba.d t eeth often me an t he con· time, forgiving. But I maintain t ha.t it means . f fi trary. Too many people force t he stomach fever, or d 1phtheria, or some orm of 1th to do the work that t he teeth should have :exactly the reverse of all these t hings. If a HARNDEN, Le D. 3 disease, when the summer sun calls into ac KING STREET, BOW.M.A.NVILL f d · done, and the much abused, long suffering m an be quick-tempered, if he give way to · . Qraduate ofthe RoYal College of Dental Hvity the germs o iseMe which are la.tent rebels at this new function thrust anger quickly and unrighteously (for I leave ffa.s uow on hand 8 number ot vehlolee (and Is manutaoturing a great many more) of the ne t here. If liquors are kept upon the sideou v the question entirely that righteous wrath pat.terns a nd boot finish, which I am ofl'ering tor sale at the lowest prices consisten· : Bui·geons, Ontario. w ith due regard to workmanship and quality. The tollowing la 11 list ot board and wines are served upon the table at u pon it , and the most dangerous results fol- which riaes for good reasons only, and is 0 FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. his home, not all the ~teo.ohings of o.11 the lt.·w as a nl\tural consequence. quite & different matter from temper), h e is the principal vehicles manufactured by me \IDLD FILLING A SPECIALTY temperance text-books in the land can be not ganenous, for ht. showa no reg&rd for the Double Covered Ca.rrtages .......................... .. ........................ $15Q Upwarda ARTIFICIAL TEETH INSERTED WITHOUT relied upon to p roduce in him habits of so· A Study in Postage Stamps. comfort of those around him ; he is not unselS i ngl e PhretoDJI ........ ......................................................... 10() u PLATES. briety and tot!l.l ahstinence. fish, for it is safe to say that in nine cases out Open Buggy... .......... .... .......... ...... ....... ........ ............. ······· '10 a Great Reductions in price on all Dental There ·about six thousand differentde- of t en, if not in ten out of ten, his fury is '.l'op B uggy...... ......... ... . ...... . ............... ... ............................ 90 11 Work. Vitalized Air, constantly in use pro· scriptions of postage stamps in existence. kindled by some fancied slight to himself Democrat Wagon................ .... ... .......... ... ...... ... . .................. 65 u iuclng Painless Operations. Particular atten Beauty Thr ug h .Exercise. The museum of the Berlin pont-~ffice a.lone and is allowed to blaze simply as an illumin 55 lion paid io the iegnlo,tion of Children'3 Teett 11 contains bet ween four thouso,nd and five ation in honqr of his self-esteem; he is notLumber \Vagona. ........ ... ............ ......................................... ,,_..ALL WO.BK W ARB.ANTED. 1M\ The uni ver sal and continually incr easing thousand specimens, of which half from fergiviog, because, though he may r ecover L igh t Wagon............................... ............................. ... ...... 40 " Express Wagon ....................... . .... ............ .. ........... ·........... , 75 " .Branch office. D r . Ruth erford's Orono. interest manifested by w.1men in physical Europe and the nmainder divided between quickly from his aberratfon, and ~oon be percnlture is clue q uite aa muuh to writers of Asia, Africa, America, and Australia. \ Vha.t fcctly to the whilom vict im of it, t he Skel eton .. . ....... ... .... ................... ... ············...... ... ......... ...... 50 11 fiction au<l designers of fa~hi.ons as to the country carries offthepc 1 .lm for absurdity and restoration is simply forgetfulness, and to Su l ky........ .. .... . ...... ... ....................................................... 40 " and t ee.chera of physical esoteriea. · ,grotesqucneSBofartisticdesign andinferiority f get th · · · ,, . · d t' b or e IDJury mawoe upon ano 1 1er Y Poaaesslng superlor facilities tor manufacturing carriages, I Intend to sell very cheap for 0 , Mountains of manuscript had been inundated of execution we are not told, but if t he col· his own hasty words is by no means synonyor approve(! credit, and by 80 doing I hope to greatly lnorease my number ot sales, Would with oceans of ink 1on the subject, yet leotionis faithfully representative the variety mous with forgiveness of iujuries he him~elf sell the wood parts only, or the gearings ot buggies Ironed. women continued to 1ounge about in over· of ug.liness must be considerable. Some of m· h ve r · d L t f ll h · t ~ ~Ye minded .. ece1 ve. 1~~d heated houses discussing eagi;rly their real tbe stamps, it appears, bear coats of arms and Jar I co 3S·· O c ]ath, t e IS q no · k i~ 1 1 1ll S or fancied ailments, or rode ont languidly other emblems impartially borrowed from tei~p~r an ~nfaii:g i:Ji::O.~~u of a iim~~~d .C: · · ' wrapped in shawls, and veiled thickly from the heavens above, the earth beneath, and intel.ligence and a lack of mental quickness. At the Shortest N otice, Painted and Trimmed if D esired. t he d1>spoiling r ays of the snn. Delicacy of t he waters under t he earth- stars, eagles, If t he mind wer e large enough to gr asp the At the F11.ctory 1 al so do Planing, Matching, Turning and. Sawing with Circle, Band or acr appearance was demanded by t he canons of lions, horaes, serpents, railway train~,.. dol- true relations of things, to see how small a Bawa and prepare all kinds ot lumb&· tor carpenters nd others lor building JJUrposee. gentility, and health and happiness were p hins, and other " feo.rful wild fowl. " There point in the uni verse this temper-rousing Ornamen t a l and P lain Pickets tor tenoe. s in every style reQuired, made to order. WlTOO\lT TBBTII WITH TElll'.rB, ruthlessly sacrificed until the ethereal, mo1·- arc, moreover, t he effigies of five emperors, episode occupied and ifit cou' d see thi· quick- .,...,._ _ _:..,..,..........,____"""~I!'!!!~!!"'!!!"'!~~~!""". !_ 11!"!! _!! .· !" .!"!!!!"~ --~~"!'..!"'.~ .~ ---~-->f!ll bid, enervated, and inter esting in valid of eigh teen kings, three que1ms, one grand ly- in a. flash of though t-t he' outburs~ wou ld _ , . . , ....= ·"'!""!··---·-- - ·-· - &-2.... the society novel drifted out of her early duke, seven! inferior t itled rnler s, and be averted. > decline into an u nknown grave, and in her many presidents. In so many countries and rKA.CTICA.L DENTIST. place came a magnificent, flashing, splendid nationalities some r eally attractive speci!)VlllB TWHNTY YEARS BXFBR IBN<Jlll. " deephearted Juno," intensely vital , assen- mens must nave been elaborated , bu t, if so, Indestructibility of Mind. trou»O:s:t~e Gas!orPatn.le~ tia.lly womanly and t ender, whom it is it is a pity our authorit ies did not borrow a The doctrine of t he mat erialists was alOperatlons. education to emulate, consummation to imi- hint or t wo from t he best ; for anything ways, even in my yonth, a cold, heavy, dull MCCLIJNG'S BLOCJl. tate; and now it isn't stylish to be delicate, more bald. monotonous, a nd commonplace and insupports.hle doctrine ~o me, and neces:Ol'l'l(JJ: it isn't fashionable to be frail, it isn't good t han the Brit ish ser ies of postage stamps tending to a.theism. When I had form to have nerves and dyspepsia.. The down to the latest issue cannot well be im· heard, with disgust, in the diss ecting r ooms, old -fashioned flowing gowns, with theidnll, agined. - Paper-.ilfakers' Journal. t he plan of t he physiologist, of the gradu al sleeves, lace underaleeves, and long shouldaccretion of ma.tter, and its becoming endow. Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of tha era . effectually concealed a woman's I th t f Orizaba M ex ico there are , ed with i~r!ta.bil·ty, r 1p:m ing into sensi hility, I defecvs of figure & nd devt>lopment. t h n e own ~h ' t -h-' h s· 'f i and acqmrmg su ch organs as were necessary !LIVE R STO itlAC:H f{.ID:NEYS ilND BOW ELS 1 bnt now t he severe t igl:jt coats, with their " r,ee, 0 n a.m~s 0 -:: 0 B '~ 1 · by its own inherent forces, and at last is1,u · " ' · ' ' high, short shoulders and close sleeves, are ItThe R t~t,d bTth~, C Can t ~' . Tllet' c;et_e. I ing into intellectuu.l exiB~noo, e. walk in~o Tbeu invigorate a.nd restore t o health Debilit.atecl Constitutwns, . · h' l ti t , h IS no we t a e a. 1a a 1lC 1me · h ld d .._ b ,J mero11esa mirrors, w 1~ 1 re ec one s e ort· t . t 0 t h " Th R t ,, f t e grnen 6 e s, or woo s, or ,.. y t he a.n1 !.~ u e i nvaluab le In all Oornplainta !.neldental to ]i'emales of all .A.gee, Fo11 · ··m ost f at ' thfu IIy emphasizmg · · sc1ag · · rymg ca .c e a · I of r n · ·er s, b roug 1 ·rum 1 · com1ngs, d h I 1t b· ack my f eel' mgs r Ohildren a nd the a ged t hey a.r(l p r iceless giness, bringing out angles and accentuating Women do notse~m. to ~ave pr ove ii em. Nature to God. I saw in all the po wers oi l ~ · obesity. (rhe .h:nglish walking jacket has selv,es bri~ht ~ud shm!ng lights on t he Boar a i matter the in~trumen ts of t he D eity. The 1 straightened and sc1uared more round shoul· of E ducation in t he City ?f N ew Y01 k. The sunbeams, the breath of th e ze phyr, I , . . · T . ders t han au the treatises on pulmonary mayor of .New _York thmk:s so at anymte a1va.kening animat fon in forms propar cd by! r s an 1nfallible remedy for Bacl Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Woun d s S0>r d iseases ever written. City women nuder· and ho.a d etermmed to appomt no more wo- divine i ntelligence to receive iv, the insen· !I.nil. Ulcers. It le famou11 for Gou t and Rheu matism. For disor d er!! of tJ.a . · stand fully t hat a pretty t ace l'rofiteth little men on that Board. sat e seed, t he slumbering eggli which were - Chest it baa n o equal.tm1ft~f !jj11° ~nd m?ney,d a°J in the busy t boroughfare, crowded ball Certain la.d ies of faahionable Par is who t o be vivified, appe;,red, like t he new· !U'ter s-pen~~g 1 0 0 ~~~e ~r~~ ~sso~tmentof ~f~J§ 1j)~~GS 1 rooms r.nd recep t ion rooms, but that a are recogn.ized as leader s in their set , and born a.nimal, wc r k.s of a divine mind; 1!'01· Sore '.lhroat§, .Bronclutts, Coug·hs, Colds, SWITCHES, COMBS and PINS v,;ry chE)ap.' ~upple, g~a.ceful, pedec~ly developed figure whose will is v~rr nearly a law to all who I saw }a ve as the creu.tive_ pl'inciple in t he GlJtndula.r Swellings and all Skin Diseases it has no r ival . a d BAN GS FR.Ol!.II: $2 UP\ is charmrng and no t.rne<>ble everywhere. come under then mfluence, h! formed t he 1ma.term] world, a_ n d t his love onJ.y as fl. n · .)ld Switches colored und made to look like They are beginning to understand, too, that sensible intention and h ave pledged t heir I divine attribut e. '.l'him my own mind I folt Qontraoted a nd stiff Joints it acts llke a charm . 1 new. Highest price paid for long cut hair, : though they cr.nnot entirely transform an wor<ls one to the other to ha ve their balls connect ed wit h new semm,tionsand ind dinite {' HAIR TONI" ugly face into a perfect beauty, t hey can and other fashionable routs t his winter open hopes- a t hirst for im mortality; t he gre!l.t Manu factured only a t THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Est n.bllshment' "-' · vast ly improve it by cert1"in mechaaical and at nine o'clock and close at twelve, \Che n o.mes of other ages and of distant nations · · . . ' Warranted to prev,ent the ! from falling simple acts, and t hat their fipnres are as reason is t h t they wish to preser ve t heir appeared to be still living around me, and 78, NEW OXFORD S'UtEET, (fate 633, OXFORD . S TREET), LONDON ,.,,. h outaland wilfll malkte itfgrow . plastic a.s wax in the hands of t he potter, complexions by making sure of t heir "beauty even in the fancied movements of the heroic And 11old at le p.;i, 1 2a, 9d , 4s 6d. , llo., 22e and 3311 Box or Pot 0 0 "'"' 1 ave a ne newStampinit i t persevermg · _ ' ld' iru · ., · ' Patterns. All Bo orders promptly attended to. and t htib ~ y po.t ~n effortth ey sleep. " A good . ma.ny C anad ian a tes , an d _grea.t , I s~'A'.· .as I' t w~re, t h ~ d ecrees of j may be ·had from all 'Medi.cine Vend orsthroug h ou t t he World, can br mg them mto perfect eymmetry and might take the hmt and be !l.ll the better .1 the mdestructibihty of mmd, r S· · lend to every act the charm of subt le fc.r it. Sm H UMPH REY DAVY, WP·rcl\a11er11 houlcl l··k a1 the Label on the Pots and Bo:s:t111. l.U Ne11od"' Block:, Bowm11J1ville, gl'a.oe, l ·· . · I · Saa, 0 xtor Street, Loacten, illel' are ·»·rlo··· IS PUBLISHED ' lt· : ··..··r..,.,.....( ..ftffl" " .....-.... -_ . . . ·- ~~!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!f!!!!~!!!!!~;: · -- - ~.. - ··~· s~ ·q;y.; .~ ..~ . . ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!__..~~""-:·~~~ ............. ::::~·:'......,~: ~:A·~_!:lfl-'"":~ry.."'"'""""""v.-~·~,...,.._ · · · ··wrn~ ··1! ·· · ~r1·~ ·! · ~·~-!!,!~!1!"! ___....~!!!!!~·!l!l!l!!W«<~ -~~..,.~~.......,!!l)~!MHM!!!!!!!! l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~r~ 'TJtE CANADIAN STATESMAN HEALTH. he~~:n7::.toT';l~~:~':h:,a~itf1,~r:ntf:~:~~ PASSING NOTES, c --:..... . ~· "-'f.'W'"."·"-- HARDWARE.! HARDWARE '· '· lillil -·-~-~~-·· 1 ·!'!Ill~ ~~- JM:, Stoves and Tinware, Paints and Oils. -----o-- BEO.£.MANNINB gg-sg- I Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shelf Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, &c. COOK, HALL & PARLOR STOVES. I. .. I I Having purchased cheap for cash, I am prepared to sell goods at ·small profits and prices will be cut close to suit the times. . @l@~~@g ~e H4,lfll[Jllf@e L I 1· '. M 0 0 of ! I I. A IJ - --·O ---- IGGIIBOTHAM & SOI, ----01---PROPRIETORS OF · B Chemists and Druggists. D assor men rugs and M e d" 1Cln0S al ays on hand also Toilet Soaps Sponges Per fumery Cosmet1ques, Jb:c. ll B L A Binge's Syrup of Horehound, for Coughs, Colds, &e. Nasal Cream, for Cold in the Head· Dr Woulff's Remedy, for Cholera, Diarrhma, ~ &c. CORN'" OU-REL Our Corn Cure is the most popular preparation in the market. Try it. DENTISTRYe HA IN E sf CARRIAGE "tTTQR KS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O. 0 w K '. d 0f v e h lC · 1es R epa1· . r, M: · BR I l!fI AC 0. B'J&'!. :EIEALTH FOR A fLL! ,t r, l j T HE P I LLS Patronize Hom a 'RADE I T H E O I N T M E N T . ·I l I I l I ,· ' .. . ·, M A DAVIS, I Ohild~en Crlf.for. P ltchel".'S Ca~to1da~

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