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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1888, p. 7

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·'mttz *111111 amm... z= . Iomnge. en. RIC.E *ff ~auadian Jtatt~mau. l -===c:o~ HOUSEHO:GD.. Table Lmen. What a Time ! I P eople formerly }1ml, trying to s -' allow the old-fa~ltiuued pill with its fll m of magnesia vainly disguising it8 l1itt.ern ess ; and what a contrast to Ayer's Pills, that have b een well called "rned· icated sugar-plums" - the only J:ca r being that p atients may be t empt l\d in t o taking too many at a <lose. ]3 11!' the directions are plain and should be strictly followed. J, T. Teller, M . D., of CI1ittcnango, N. Y,, exp~esses exactly what hun dre<IS 11ave written at greater length . IIe says: "Aye r's Cathartic Pills aro high ly appreciated. 'l' hey are perfect i 11 form a nd coating, and their. effects are all that the most careflll physician cou lu d esire. They ht1ve supplanted all the Pills formerly populal' here, and I thi nk it must be long before any other can V\} wad~ tl1at will &t all compare wi t h them. Those who 1 ,uy your pills get full value for thei r money." "Safe, pleasant, and certain in their action/' is the concise testimony of Dr. George E . Walker, of Ma1Li11sville, Virginia. "Ayer's Pills o utsell all similar preparations. The public lmving once used them, will have no others." - Berry, Venable & Collier, Atlanta, Ga. tablespoonfuls of sugar anrl . juice of one Bake on griddle. Butter and sweet- I / W'T ~ l , < " ~~~I I > I " ' · · ' ,'·, · =====·I Fine white damask is always fashiona.l:.le ' a.nd in good taste for all meals, and is every· where used for dinner. It may be hand· somely embroidered, fringed, or edged with lace, it may fall quite to the floor or just is often done to di~p111.y fine ma.hoga.ny; but for h ,Jf a. ya.rd over the edge of the ta.hie, which this me11l it should always be white. Nap· kins for the dinner-table should match t he cloth, should be large and fine, and laundri· ed without starch. No needle-work or edging is allowed upon them, but those for the breakfast table sma.ller and the fancy now is to make the hem hlllI an inch wide with sometimes a bit of open work or hemstitch finish. White n!l.pkins should be used with. white cloths. r.. Fru\t napkins are always colored and f· should be as handeoine 11.B wi11 wll,§Jl, I 'l'he colored na.pery now used is very I, clc 1in1·y and if it is ca.refully laundried will ", k eep its color and look well through more ·t han one season, Even th e old-fashioned turkey red cloths and na.p klne very much uaecl for lunch a. u~ tea, and t he pink, yelfowi ligl:lt blue and white or drab sets aro lovely. B~sides these there ! aets <'f beautiful open work, the t 1ble-cloth 0£ which is used over a. colored I i1ing, ~xq lliaiie Russian embroidered sets, a ud others of t he linen a nd trimmed wlth hce, while some are of fine damask with the fami ly's monogram wrought in colored thre~ds either a t one corner or on the middle of the cloth j ti>.t six inches from the center fold. Ar t he aa,mo time there is nothin~ hand>JomEir than the knotted fringe and lace Thie powder never varies. A marvel ol "' f th s th K · " h l purity, strength and wholesomeness. More euects o e ou ensing·on so oo emcconomical tha.n the ordinary 1<lnde, and can broidery. Under the hea.d of t able furnish· not be S(/lfl in compet~tion with the multitude ing are grouped a lot of ueeful and ornament. of low-,t ..ast, short w_eight, alum or phosphate al napkins which are worth the housekeep· powders1 Sold onlym cans. ROY,AL BAK· I er's attention, auch as fi nger·bowl, doylies, NG P OWDER C0.. 106 WullSt .. N. Y. table-runners,, egg, h o t waffi :l napk" ms, corn and brc11d cloths, among which is also classed t he t ea t ray and carving na.pkin, 1UTH !M ~ n-~ . t;; : "" , ill.~ "" ,,., .,,, ··.Finger-bowl doylies are just s!x inches Manufacturers of, including -~he fringe or hem, and they may be made of nice clo;,h, linen, lace, or the richest silk, colored or white, and decorated either with embroidery, sketching, painting or Spanish work, Artificial N!!.pkins for eggs, rolls, corn, and so on, J .. imbs, are gene rally about half a yard long,~as thee And Appliances for all De- articles are lai<l inside and room must be formities of the Human Body allowed to fold over. Some are envelope-Spinal Diseases, Hip Joint shaperl, while others have ene end turned Disease, Diseases ot the Kneo and Ankle, Knock under, the other being ornamented to lay Knee, Bow Legs, Club Feet, o ·rer the a.rticle. 'l'hey can be bought ready stamped in approprii!.te designs either ior Etc. ALSO CRU'l'UHEl:I. outline work or embroidery, for about 50 i). cents each. They should be made of coarse i1 linen and hemmed rather t han frioged. 'l'ho tray napkins an.l the carving nap kins which :;ome both for fish and meat, 'U1i' ~ n\iii' mTV> U"\\'11 sugges t of t hemselves bot h de~igns and e e ~(!!, ~~~ ~ i · eiz~. and can ba purchased frini;:ed or banded with qnaint designs and mottoes ready to work, either in white or colored VETERI.N ARY SURGEON. wash silk thread. White fo the most :pop:ilar at present. They cost from 75 cents to two dolla.rn e.piece. T!l.ble runners or center maw are from one and e. half t o t wo yards lorig, but of course the length is determiinell by the length. of ,the table used. For ty inches will be long enough for ordin11.ry or every day use, They should match in richneBS the finger· bowl doylies, in fact they often match them in design and material, A runner and doylies made of the pratty lit tie Turkish eq11a.res that can be bought at any of the art n9edlework esta.blisbments, lined with silk and finished with different colored silk tassels are very handsome and will cost inside of ten dollars. All sorts of odd cloths may Grsduate Qf the Ontario Veterl!1ary Co!lege, be added to this liat, but the housekeep er Registered member of the On t.ar10 Vetermary should remember one imporbnt thing, that Medical Assocl11L!on, too much of anything is out of taste, and WOffice and Residence, Newtonville, Ont. that slovenly dtcoratfon is worse than none Wl ii visit Orono every Tuesday and!Saturday at all. Office hours fr m 10 a. m., to 4 p. m., e.t One word more, as the charm o[ a t able co11lters' Hotel Calls by 'felegraph reoelve depends largely upon fresh smooth linen imr. ediato attention. (fiae if possible) it is very necessary that CILH GES MODERATE. there should be a generous use of . such. Nothing is so disgusting tha.n a. soiled crumpled hble cloth, a.nd it is almost as bad to use one that has just come from the la.nndry still damp and smellin~ of soap. , WEDNESDAY, DEU. 5, 1888, l I PLUM PUDDING - Boil one cupful of rice, tender 'add one quarr. of milk, two eggs, one cupful of suga.r, one s"ltspoonful of salt, one-half teaspoonful of nut meg, one cupful of seeded r '>-isins and'one-half cupful of almonds. B.·ke, When nea rly done, stir oooasionally, and add one tablespoonful of butter. . HOMINY GRIDDLE CAKES, - T .,ke one pint of cooking hominy and mix: it while hot with one pint of mi.1k, beating the milk in gradually. Sift a pint of flour, a heaping teaspoonful of bakirg powder and. a tea.· spoonful ot sal.t through a sieve ; pour the hominy and milk gradually into the flour · add, of a.II, two eggs, and beat the ba.t· ter vigorously. B! on a. · hot griddle till a. delicate brr>wn and serve with ma.ple syrup. · for Infants and .. I I I I l I I l I , I , . An entertainment ?onsisti .ng of bee~, bread a.nd cheeBe and daDciu!( was la.bly given at Fdedricshruhe by Prince Bismarck to all his workmen and the ...dmini~tration for cut . ting down trees on the estate, upon which there is a vast amcunt of timber cutting. The occaaion was the leveling of the 100,· OOOoh tree, It wa.a 150 feet in height and will be erected in front of the Pdnce's house as a memento. The wood is mo~tly turned into p& per pulp. l l ' "Caatorlal· !IO well adapted to children tha' [ reco=end It aa superior to any pre.;cr. iptioll tlJQW:ll to me." IL A AJu:mnt M D " "" · · ., , :W SO. Ozford ~. 2rookqri, N. Y. I Children. CutMla cm~ Clollc, Const!pa.tlon, Sour Bt.omacli, Diarrhma., Eructation. Xllls W <mna, gives. sleep, and protnOflell.!Do _ gestton Wl&l!.oul ~urloua medicatloa. 'l'im CE;NT.li0'1' Co>IPA.NY, '17 ll(urray Street, N'. 't:: FOR SA.LE BY .t. litGGtNBOTlIAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE, ., "A reliable Watch fa of more value to 3inner than a Bible or mi Et·angelist." Special Latest Designs lll I Exchange. Absolutely Pure. Aye r's Pills, Prepared by Dr. J.C . .Aye r & Co., Lowell, Maee. Sold by nil Dealers in Medicine, "WATCHES. . '· SBTS ' MAYNARD, THE JEWEI~l~ER, 1 A &C 'r nx ' iTRUSSES, 117 CHURCH ST., To l w w ONTO, ONT. to ensure that it is free from all effects of grease, and tben to rub it over with turpen· t ine, before drl\wing tho design upon it. Among the d ishes always in d emand a set of butters ma.v be c'hurrningly a nd easily decorat ed. A tint ot r obin's egg blue is by comb\L1fog t 1 vo-t hir ds of deep blue green witl1 one-third of apple grnen; add t o this a. drop of fat oil, a.bout one-fourth fl,,x, and one or two d rops of clove oil. As only a small (l.mount of this mixture is req uired, one drop of oil of cloves will probably suffice. Rub well together with the palelta knife. . Moiste~ the ?rush with turpe!'-tine and give the httlc dish a smooth ooatmg of the tint which has been thinned with the turpentine. H re'lody spara.te blenders for ea.oh color . A bit of an olc cambric hand· k<Jrchief tied o'\·er a ball of cottan batting, about the size of a hickory nut, will serve the purpose. Fla.tten it by pressing slightly on the han d ; when the color begins to set, has the finest stock of Watches in rown. We carry a full line of Gold, Silver and Nickle, Hunting and Open·fa-0e Watches which we are s8lling very cheap, so cheap in fact that no one n eed be without a good reliable timell:eeper. We can supply you with them at all prices, from the I cheapest " Waterbury," at $2. 75, to the i most expensive Gold ones We h l · · ave a so rn stock a full lme of those cel~brated " Rockford" Watches, for which we are the sole agents for the dist.riot. We have also comple~e l~nea of Elgm, Waltham, Columbus, Illmois and Swiss makes, all of which we guarantee to give good satisfaction. TBA AND ·DINNER .-n.u r do c d~rect arrived this week at ~ rA I(; Bros. Great variety of I TAlltl & ltAltCtNC l.AMt8. from Europe, BOUNSALL'S Marble and Granite Works, CEMETERY I i ma.y, however, be omitt ed if desired. L [ \l [ [1 Border t he edge of the dish with a deep tone of the same color, by using the paint thick- In our Silverware and Jewelry Depart· er ; this ~hould be put on in an irregular ment it is our aim and pride to keep m11.nner with slight points e:ir';ending inward. always the nicest and newest goods to be A small conventio11 al design in tbP. deeper h ad !ind we can fornish you (our variety tint ma y be painted in the center. The is unlimited) with anything in these Jines border on the edge would bo pretty made of ~t the lowest pos~ib' c p ices . gold ; in this ca&e remove all cc>lor under· neath and clean the china perfectly. U oe a. . bit of cloth and alcohol for.;: this. ............J. ~·\ ·:1.: - - - £~ ~· :Jt~~~i:~::~' We :1.lways have on hand a nice variety of Ooncerning Neatness. ~ ::!(';~;~ Y,.~.;,;' new d esigns in '\Valnut, one and eight One of the time-consuming co.res o every clay, weight and spring Clocks, together housekeep er may be desc:'ibed under the with tt large assor tment of Nickel times and alarms. general head of picking up. She picks up after her husband, after her girls, after the babies in t ho nursery, The la.tter 11trew the nursery floor with thoir blocks, toys and picture b ooks, a.bout one baby in a hundred lt is a mistaken idea that many people being taught to put its little properties h a ve tha t the y sh ould put off wearing a;\tay when done with th-0m, while t ha other sQectacles as long as possible because by 99 are dilligen tly i nst ructed at an early age in the art of being waited upon by their so doing they often d o permanent injury elders. Gids come in from their pleasant to th ;;ir ey esight. Go od S pectacles, cor· Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts ruu excuraions here and there, flushed, dimpled, rectly fi tted, mm never inJure your eyes, , swe~t as the rose which l aughs in the hEdges, but on thl:l contrary are always beno;.ficial. over one month. but, sweet as they look, they are thought· If Y?ur glasses do not suit you or if you less beyond belief in the mi\tter , of making have never worn them and fine your eye· work for their rnotncrs. A p~raaol on the sight failing we can supply you with a pia1w, a pair of i;.>fovea on the music nck, a suitable pair at any price you wish from ha.ton top of a ca binet, a wrap thrown rnre' 25 ·cts. to $12. lesBly on th<. b of an cha ir, and the young women drift languidly into the dining Cradle Song. room, quite oblivious t hat it will take ma.'l'he sun has long since sunk to reat ma or tho maid a good quarter of an hour B3hind the violet hills ; to "tidy" the apartment which they T'he golden light fa.des from the west, set awry. Donb11leua their intention is to We are always prepared to do any kind And the distant whip-poor·wille' carry their things to the uroper places them- of Watch or Jewelry repairing neatly at ~ -=~.....,~~~=======~--~~~-:-::--==~====----:-::~=Mt.urnfully sing their doleful strain, aelvea after a period of rest, but she who And the brisk little tree-toad chirps again,- procrastinates in such an affair is lost. In Sleep, little one~ sleep. putting away· one's outdoor clothing, one's BOWlUANVILLE, Ont. The clover has folded its p!lle green leaves, letters, one's hooks, it is the first mom£nt 38. The Jeweller. ot decision which counts, the primary inde ESTABLISHED, 1857. Like the hands of a ohil i in prayer ; cieion which is fatal. What the young The birds are twittering uuder the eaves, person lazily or thoughtlessly impo&es on As they hover their nestlings there ; ,ALL KINDS O.F And the night w.ind murmers soft and low, somebody who is older, and . by reason of her added years less able to bear the strain, As it moves the tree-tops to and fro,may be just the additional straw beyond Sleep, little one, sleep. which strength and vigor , will endure no The bntterfiy gay ha.a quiet at last, more. In the heart of a crimson rose ; The murmering brook, as it ripples past THE BEST LUBRICATOR IN THE lUA.RKE'I\ Taffy.: done in tho lateat styles and materials. The bank where the columbine grows, Seema to sa.y in a soft and dreamy tone, Husband, have you c:ime home and do When buying Coal Oil a,sk your dealer for the New Oils, As it goes on its busy wa.y alone,you find your wife tired and hot with the Sleep, little one, sleep. day's work in ch11mber and kitclien ? Give SCOTCH ENGLISH, GERMAN AND 1 her a little taffy. Say a sweet thing to her. 'l'he new moon sheds her silvery light Praise her for something, 'l'ell her how nice 11 EW BRUNSWICK Over the dusky lands ; Try it once, and you will use no other. the bread ia, so much better than the bak .. And one lone star so large and bright, er's ; that the catsup is the best ahe ever A heavenly sentinel stands ; llh~UOLL BROS. & CO'Y, Toronto.. While the church bell sounds through quiet m"\de ; that the house looked so sweet and restful when you came in ; that ehe has the air IN STOCK. deare.s t children that ever lived; and at your Its low-toned ca.ll to evening prayer,leisure, before she goes to bed, tell her she is Sleep, little one, sleep. our Call and see our designs and get your own heart's tt"eMure. It will do her good; -Dorothy N elson, ib will make the smiles come. She may box estimates before purchasing It never was intended, so far e.s I can learn, your ears when you say sweet, petting That either men or women were intended to Watering .Plants. things, and tell y<'u you are t alking as you be bald. I think you will believe l!J.e, indeed I'm sure There ma.µ y who love flowers a nd wonld to the cat; but she will like it just you will, T ll c: REMEDY FOR CURI N G have not accomfo odations for them, and the same. If at the"Paris Hair Works" you have calle,d, have to struggle against some obstacles Wife, does your good man come home There is one thing Nature thinks of- let ii.a in their culture, par ticularly through cold weary and burdened, ex hausted and-no, 1 thank her for all we can- · weather. One of the things which troubled not cross, but undemonstrative and silent ? ASTHMA , CRO U P, She takes particular trouble with our race' ; me most w as the wa tering-it was S ') easy Go up t o h;m with a sweet welcome, S !l.y She knows a scanty growth of hair, the gra.y ALL DISEASES OF THE, THROAT, LUNGS AN D and white.uing locks, .· -.t o splash water a nd mud over the sides of something pretty to him. Men all love to PULMONARY ORGANS. 'VHI detract from the beauty of the face. . the pots 11nd down on whatever might be be appreciated and fL1ttered. Give him the B Y J T Jo) F ' AI T H F'lJL U S E But has her laws so striot that you: below or around , unless I was exceedingly sugar stick. :rell him some pretty thing · must never err, · . · aretnl. But now I have a more excellent somebody said a.bout him. 'l'ell him how OONSUMPTION HAS BEEN CURED For you'd surely pay the penalty at last. way. I cut out strips of tin, which is sup- much you admire what lie has done ; a.nd When o ther Remodies a nd Ph.ys icinns h :i..vo Sustain it. that bounteous hoad of hair fai led to effect ~t. m: re. plied by passe tin cans and bend them into when you can sit down alone with him take Dr. Doren wend's Hair Magic's unsurpassed~ R ecommencled by PHYSir.rAXH, .1. "dl.NIS't'RRS, AN D =T~======= .== .~=== _= _==~ ~ the form of cones, varying from one to two h!s hand and pet him and tell him yon; love Just try it you' a.filleted, you never will regret Nu 1::-:; u: "\, In fac t l)y e very b ody ,.·; i : .· ha3 g iven and a half inches in diameter at the mouth him more than tongue can tell; don t be The l\fal{ic wa~ never yet known to fail; it a good trial. .it never /Uils tot;, ·nt 1·r.fie;: And the good that it will do you will make. · and in length being two-thirds the depth a:fraid of over-?oing it and using comical A.8 AN EXPE C ".":'" ·;'; RANT IT H A S 1 · EGUA~. ·you soon forget . of the pots, the larger sizes, of course, being little exaugeratJons. I;fe ma.y ~n?w, and .Y°.u It is ha:·mit'ss t o the j)[ost Drlica te Cli,f· _ ~. The expenditure a bottle will entaili llr::liillllll-llll!llftll'l~llD::nim11Blllll'""" for the larl!(er pots. I plant these cone.a, on,e may k~ow that there IS ta!fy ~n 1t ; but i~ IS It contabs ~;;.) O PIUI'/I in 1:;-:c:r form. This now famous preparation for invigti iJ, a pot, at the side, a little distance from very mce taffy. We a.II like It ; we al} ij~e orating ~nd stimulating the growth of the ~ AN the edge, with the seam turned toward the to be t~1d we are loved, an.d the sa:, mg xt PR ICE 20c. GOc A~D $1.00 P E!t f, ."-··b 1 r.. ·· , '. .· root of the pla.nt, and the top sunk to a makes it all t~e truer. It 1s ~ great de;,J is universally accepted as· the moat 1 DAVIS & LAWRENCE CQ . ,.1miteli), · ' level with the earth, It.· is an ell.SY matter bette~ to cultivate .one'~ lov.e with wa.rm exvaluable specific OJl the market, All G f:n n ·a l .t :Lyv nts, ltl0 ... "'l1.' U E AL. E !OP'Ei nt in IDe d ~n to introduce water from the nozzle ofa pres~1onsthan tobhght1tw1~froe~..Pretty diseases of the scalp either relieved or WILL CURE OR RELIEVE - . ·'-~ · ~ sprinkler, with no danger of slopping, and nothmgs?, Why, they are.big realities, the permanently cured. A rich and rapid BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, Solid !in Co nstnsctnon the earth is notJ hardened as it is where stuff happmessfeeds on. Give us mor e taffy. growth of hair will follow after judiCious DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY -;,. -~t ii t · ..;. --.moisture is applied extensively. -New York I ndependent. a.nd r egular trea tment. It remains with g;,x ~.i ; en un· ~o n e Of course, it . is . a l"ttl INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING , ~"' I e t rou bl e, b u t w b o . --Nervous Debility Seminal Losses a nd prema· JAUNDICE1 OF THE HEART, the user alone to aecure the desired PRm,OUNCED Jh ARTISTS ·ro BE TH E FINEST begrudges that when the plants are con cernCh · R ·t turelJecay promptly and per manently cured by results , Dr. Dorenwend's "Hair Magic " MADEI~ CANADA, and equal to tho be~t U~ited States ed? T he cones do not rust out for some oice eoeip ~. ! · ERYSIPEL/\S ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, is sold by a.I! d ruggist s at $1 per bottle, I nst.:ents, at(when duty an.<! fre1 ght-1$ paid) time, and when one is pot ting the plants it . Cr~ER JELLY.-Soak one-half p~x. of gela· ! fi,~11,~N, I ! or six bottles for $5. If not obtainable HEARTBURN 1 DRYNESS ? l)iar cont l @Q (\ f vru1 1'1lsl ri takes ~nly a second to insert them. - [Vick's tme Ill onc-h~lf pound of sugar, J U!Ce of OJ'.!e I ll I/~ IJ( i ~ ij ~.Wi! J!i!D~m t; Mag&.zme, le~on, on~ p1!1t o~ bolling water, and stir 1 HEADACHE. OF THE SKIN, in your l ocality send direct to the sole 1 ___ until e 1s dissolved, then add one.half Does not inter fere with Diet or usun.l ocoupaA:ad every species o:f disense arisinJl manufacturer, enclosing price. A. DORN· BUORE PllRCHASINll COMMUNICATE pint of cider Strain in a monld j ' tio11 and fully r estores lost vigor and inslll"es ' diso:rde:red LIVER, KIDNEY.::s, wEND, Paris Hair Works, 103 and 105 . · WITll THE llBANUFAllTURERS Painting on China. .. p. , . f . :oorfect manhood. Sent to any address, poat- l :from STOMA. OH, BOWELS OR BLOOD. OCTAVIUS NEV\ICOMBE &CO . . . . . .0 RANGE A NGAK E . - 0 ne pmt o warm t JJllidonreceiptofprice. One Dolla.rper box. j Yonge St., Toronto. For sale by vJ · ..;;...-'-'..;:...;-"---"-;...;..: · In pamting upon chma which has been m · rr ilk, one tablespoonful of melted butter, ' Sole agency, SCHOFIELD'S DRUG STORE, .~~n;5~~mo. Higginbotham & Son, and all druggist 1()7-109 CHURGll STREET, TOROl!TO use, it is well t o wasl:I it over with aloohol 1 one· pint of flour, two eggs beaten stilf, two King stnet, Toronto. :~~itJ;~;ti~a~i:i!~at~r~~~v!o:;ei~l~~~ai~~ J~W[LRY AND {\ILV[RWAR[ Endless varieties in Fancy Goods LOCKS. McDO~GALL & METCALF, are ottering Coal as follows : SPE CT AC LES. Stove and Chestnut, .................. $6.25 Grate and Egg, .. ............................ 6.00. LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices: REPAIRING. McDOUGALL & METCALF. ~J ' THB,ESHERS AND FABIERS USE ONLY McCOLL'S 6.~~t-rtY-;; l::L A R D I: N E ;~~~s~R D, B A \____~ A M MACHINE OIL. 'F. . l\ MILY SAFETY& SUNLIGHTCOAL OIL. GRANITE MONUMENTS ANOTHER WONDER. DUNN'S BAKINC THE COOK'S BEST FRI END CONSUMPTION COUGHS, C O LDS, POWDER . I .. , p o fo RTES I I BE l I I 1 · ERRORS . OF YQU· TH ti1 d IJrfri ii irl tlU 2 :J I I +m Dl a+ · ! T. MILBURN & CO.,

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