1 1-L APLE GROVE. PREPARE - . FOR""-- - Cold Weather ! Owing to an anticipated change in our Business, we are offering our entire stock at reduced prices, to facilitate a change about FEB. 1, next. You will do well to inspect our Large Stock · before purchasing. A large stock of Furs, including, DOG COATS, WOLF AND G OAT ·RO BES. BEAVER, LAM B AND IMI'TATION GAPS, all boue;ht before the recent advance. An immense choice of BLANKETS, FLANNELS, UNDERWEAR, OVERCOATS, MEN'S and BOY'S SUITS, &c. All at Sharp Clearing P rices, Mr. Thoe. J . Cole is around f'ain aft.er his recent illness ... . Mr. S. Snl: .vden, Jr. has been laid up with a gatheri · i~ in his throat .... Misses Jeffery and M· nday, of DemiJl College spent Sabbath at home . . . . On Wednesday N ov. 2l!!f. a large husking bee took pince at Mrs.C. Handle's where over 200 bushels corn was {'eeled ... . Mr. Wm. Axford and family have moved to Toronto . . .. Mrs. R. H aroden has moved in her house lately occu pied by Mr. Axford . . · . The Rev. Mr. Totten, of Oshawa, will deliver a m issionary ser· moo next Sabbath ... . Mr. Cha11. Axford has boug ht the P or ter farm here . . .. Mr. Spry mill move in t he house occupied by Mr. Axford .. . . Mrs. C. Rund ie has been spending a few days in Toronto .. . . W hat happened the choir on S11.bba.th last ? OSHAWA. (F r Qni the Ontario R eformer.) Mr. A H enderson, jr., and MisAHenderson, recited at a concert., at Whitby last week . ... Rev. J. F. G-erman, Whitby and R ev. N. A. McDiarmid, Oshawa excban ged pulpits last Sabbath .. . · Mr. L. Young formerly of Harmony, who has been living in Northern V ermoot is home on a visit to his parents .... J . 0. Gny & Son state that about 190,000 bushels of barley have been handled at Oshawa Harbor this fall. Of this amount some 40,000 bushels are still in store, 10'000 bushels of it belonging to farmers, and the ba.lauee to dealers .. . . La.~t Sa.bbath week was the 9th anniversary of the Rev. Mr. Eastman's ordination a nd induction t o the pa& torate of the Presbyterian Church ... . On Nov, 28 the applicat ion of James J . Mallon was filed in t.he Surrogate Court, minist ration of the estate of the late R ev. Father John Shea, who died October 30th, 1888, without h aving l ~f·. a will. The estate is $22,402.01, of which $21,500 is the real eet.. te, t he remaind.-r being personal property. . · A shipm.,nt of 24 H i;reford bulls was made last 'l'tiursday from O·h a wa S tation by Mr. W. 'l'. H11rd, of D etroit, for r anches in N eyr M exico . They were fine speci· mens. l\'Iessrs. R . J. Mackie, supplied nin e of th .. m ; L. G. Dre w, eig ht; S. W. D e:< rb nrn, three ; J . H. Bak er, one; John Hogarth, one, which is a large cont.ing· ent for East Whitby; J. S . Rundle, Darling ton, one; > ·nd Alt>x . Mackie, one . . .. Mr. G. A. Masson, O·hawa, owns a farm in Cartwright., on which a Mr. Woolridge is t eoant. La.st Mnrch Woolridge gave Mr. l\fasson 'l mortgage on his chattels to secure the rent, and this fall he destraiued to make the same. Soon after the property was seized some of it, i ncluding a grey mare, wi1e missin11: and so was Woolrid ge . A warrant was p rocured for his arrest , which put the bailiff, Mr. L. H. Drew, on track ·of the grey nH r e which wns found in Toronto, in possession of Wool ridge'~ son·in·law Harris. - - - - --+ - - - - A PoPUL.lR WERKLY.-'.l'he Detroi· Commercial .Advertiser i3 a family newspaper thoroughly up wilh the time~, and well ahead of its oou~emporaries. Sabsciribe now. You will find Ibis is th e best tlrstolaes family newspaper published any whore, and worth many limes the price of ~ub-" soriplion, $Ui0 ·per year. Oar Twenty sixth annual award of premiums, takes place Wedneeday, January 24, 18119, when $ 25,000 in cash will be awarcled amon1 100,000 subscribers in such manner as a co~miltt::e (selected by subscribers) may decide best. Every perrnn snbsoribing or renewing subscription before that date will participate in Ibis reward. Agent~ 11an do well eolicmng snbsoriphon, for us. Canvassing otttfi l~ are furniPhed free of cos t, and we pay good commissions be. ~ides special cash premiums for th~ ten largest lisle soo t in. We want Rood work. era in every city, town and village in the United Stales and Canada If you wish to acl as our agent. we will be pleased to hear from you, or if you know of any person wbo would make a good agent, please send name and address to COMMEUC!AL ADVERTISER Pun. Co.' Detroit Mich. 'XMA S, GOODS J'ast .&rrlved , ..A..T- F OR CHILDREN OF ALL AGES St. Nicholas for 1889. should look over the prosp ~ctuB of that magazine for 11>89, and they will discover that it IS for children of all ages, " from five to ei~hty-five," as some one rer.ently said of it. Indeed, while St. Nichola11 is designeu for girls and boys, it might almost be called a ' ·family magnziue," for the grown up memb<'rs of a houRehold will finc l urnch to interest t hem i n every number. The editor. Mrs. Mary M apes Dodge, calls tht next V"lume an "all-round-the· ~orld year," becatisa it ie to contain so ma~ y illustrated papers about the world in gener al-11 ot dry geographical par.>era, but stories anrl sketches and t ales of trav.,l and adve11ture by land and sea- and all illustrated by the brst arciets. The features will include a serial story " How We MadA the Farthest N orth," by Gen. A W. Greely. the well· known commander of the Greely E xpAdit ion · a serial about Canada, by Mrs Catherwood'. who is writing a ·erial story for the Ceutury this year; ' 'Indiana of the Amazon," by Mrs F rank R. Rtockt.on There are many i:apers abou t Emope, incluuing .a Christmas stoi;-y of lift in Norway. by H . H . B<.yesen; articles on Hillfand an d the nntcb, hy Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodge; "The Queen's Navy." by Lieut. F . Harrison Smit h, R . N., with illustrat.inns of many of England 'e finest war ~hlpB; ' 'The 'Hincheoter School," illustrated by ,Joseph Pennell ; "l!~ n 11lish R~ilway Traim." by Wm H. Ridening. etc , etc. The Freneh papers include "Ferdinand de Lesseps a.nd his two Ship Canals." and there are s~veral interestin1t contrihntions on Germ ..n, Italian and Russian suhject~. U nrier "Asin,"comes " Boys and Girh in China." by Yan Phou Lee (a recent graduate of Yale) ; "Home Life in the Eaot, 11 bv Mrs. Holma.n H'mt ,nnd a numhP.r of papers about Japan . Under ··Africa" tbere is a sketch of H enry M. Stanley, by Noah Brooks, and several stories about Egypt . A mtralia is not forgotten, nor t he islands of the soa., and ·here are even to be st ories of under tha sea.. Of coursb the bulk of the contents will relate to American subjects. All us111'1. Mrs Bnmett,lhe author of "Little L ord Fauntler oy," contributes a story ot New York called · .!Little Saint Eliza.beth:" there will be · papers describing how the government offi. ces are conducted, papers a.bout at hletics. amateur photography, etc . Tbe fnll pros· pectus. will be sent t o any one who wishes to .eee it bv t he publish~rs, The Century Co. ·'c3I:'New. York. las Ma>iazine is only for little children People who have the idea that St. Nicho- McOLUNB BRO'S. P lush Boxes and other F ancy· G ood s. suitable for )...... OUR BIG Altoration Salo of Dry Goods. is now in full blast. JNO. ·J. M ASON. NEWCASTLE. Mr. and Mrs. Mark lri~ h . late of the Rossin House, Toronto, ·are spending a fe w days at Dr. Chandler 's . . . . Miss Handy, of Georgetown, is visitmg Mrs. GitndenD-ing . .· . .Miss Warburton, a. transatlantic cousin, is sojourning for ihe win- - - - ·- t er at Squire Farocomb'e . .. . The s pell of Happy Thoughts make R adiant mild weather may ha.ve been easy on fuel, H omes. H ow to possess b oth is a bu ~ it stam ped solemnity on the vis ~ ge of question th at should in~eres t the QUr P rofessor of stoves ... . On Saturday heads of every household. The last a slight accident occurr1;1d on our busi- former is the popular HappyThought n ess street that migh t have r esulted dis- Range, eo fam iliar and mu ch apaatrously . Mr. Garvin's carriage was preciated in over 20,000 Canad ian 11tanding in front of McClung & B ell's, Kitchens, and can be obtained in with the horse hitched to the poet., .Mrs. this town only from S. S. E DSALL. Garvm h aving left h er liLtle son i n the Thes.e ranges a re titted with the conveyance while she went into the store genuine Duplex Grate, which separto d o her sh opping. Shortly after she ates the ash es from the fi re without had alighted the horses became frighten- d ust or was te, givi ng a clear bright ied at something and in their efforts to get fire without poking or scraping . away, snllpped in two t he pole of the car- They ere strong, handsome and i:iage, causing it t o " becom0 detached fr0m durable, and are fitted for th e most the harness. The t errified creatures then powerful heating. T hey ar e ad apted broke loose and would no ~do ubt have 1 for wood or coal, and are positively dashed down t he st reet , i n some way or guaranteed t o the purchaser to give other draggi ng the vel1icle after them and satisfaction . As a. convincing evidence of th e Bmashing t hiugs gen erally, had not Mr. :Butcher Ba tes, whose shop is _ op posite, great popularity of th e H appy ran across and seized them by their heads I 'I.'hought Range, we take g reat at the critical m oment. holding them pleasure in r eferring to the following with difficulty until others arrived at the per sons who have t hem in use and s pot to help him. Chief Coleman came can speak of th eir merit s : up in t ime to take charge of the horses, · A G while Mrs. Garvin, who had h erself Mr W F Allen R ev M Gunn d~iven to ~own, re turn ed home on ·foot', 1 1 J K Allen Mr James G ale with h er ltttl~ son. ~ut for Mr. Bate.a , 1 1 John Allin 11 H enry Gale prompt and tunely assistance Mr. Garvm 1 1 Geo H Allin n R ich Gilber t would no w have less carriage and a good 1 1 NM Gaae d eal more kindlmg-wood, and his little B 11 Samuel Gates b oy would probal)ly not have survived Dr C Bird 11 F J Groat the catastrophe ... ... Good singing at the I Dr A Beith English chu~ch laa~ Sunda~ evening ...... i Mr F Bleakley H M.r. John Rickards two children are both I 11 R obt Barrett Dr Hillier ~a!lgerously il~··: ... Our old friend Ven~er I 11 J H Bellwood G Hain es, E sq, PM ls. m town, Or1lha. appears to agree "Yith 1 · 11 Jo11eph Brittain Mr J Higginbotham hun .. .....Why don't McClnn~ ~Bell light 11 Samuel "Biogham 11T E Higginbotham up thmr street lamp wh.eµ 1t is dark; so 1 11 Geo H Bickell 11 Thoa Hoar that. o!le may find the ~utside letter .box 11 W H " Banbury 11 Enoch H olmes at n1ght1.. ....Tbe question of the hour- · 11 Ed Bellman 11 Sam Hoskin Have you paid your tues1 · 1 Marvin Burk 11 J ohn Hare Mrs Brimacombe 11 S F Hill OF G REA T UrlLlTY. -There is no other medicine of such genernl ueefulness in t he household as Hagya.rd'a Yellow Oil for the cure of rheumatism , n euralgia., sore throat and all internal and extern~ ] paim n.nd injuries. McCLUNG BROS .. -----~- 1" W e call special at tention of reader!! of · th e STATESMAN wan ting stoves to a few of · the leadm g points of mel:it of ' 'The Art Garland, " the le11oding Ba~e B um e1· of the world, and clai m for i t in general all of the advantagea t ha t & re generally claimcC: S. S. ED SALL, for stoves of t his class. 1st. The bottom :tl aes give great er are decidedly the b est r adiating surface fro m the bot tom of tho of their kind. stove t.han has eve; yet bi en attempted. Th ey are h e,a.vy , mas2n d. One of the d ist inctive fel\tures of sive, substantial, durutility is the original patent ed system of able. Th ey combine h eating and vent ilation, the cold air is good wor king q ualities, admitt ed t o t h e s tove t hrough opening super ior h eating capacity under ash door - the supply being regueconomy and du rability lated by t he indicator sho wn u pon tho m an em in en t degree. front door. By th i11 means perfect venIn q uality and smooth tilation i u secured, and the air so used is ness of casti ngs, th oro' made to pass thr ouah the fire, th.i same fitting a nd mounting, as air which. is u.suallyintroduced t hr ough they are unsurpassed. the draf t slide m the fron t door ; this 'l'he R adiant Home improvemen t alon e will recommend the Duplex Grate,. with Art Garland to all t hinkin g consumers. wbich t heynre furnished 3rd. The entire back of the s tove is takes precedence over used 88 a hot air chamber, the cold air \ all oth er s. They at e enterin g a t the base of the stove and ' cleanly, th ere bei ng n o being dincharged in a highly h eated con-· escape of C!ust or ash es dit ion through openi ng11 which ar e on a while cleaning the grate. level with t he pipe collar, adding greatly· Mr John M cClellan Mr George P earson They r equire b a t lit tle t o the heati ng capacity of each size. 11 R G McLaughlin 11 W R P iggott attention, maint aining The fire-pot is extl'a large and is 110.. " J ohn Mcin tyre for hours an even , steady arranged tha t it can be t aken out t hrough, R and cont inuous heat . the front door without taking th e stove· Mr F red R ogers M 11 W Rowe, (wharf) D r ,f C Mit ch ell W e submit the following list of purchasers of the R ADIENT Hom : in th is d ist r ict , apart , as can t he grate, and, ii1 fact, t he· } 11 WrnRowe M r ,Jam es Morris of w.hom we. shall be pleased ~o ha ve intending buyers make i nqn iry respecting the entire inside· of the s tove. The grate ie an im provement over wh~ . " Chas R ose merit s of tlus excellent war mmg stove. Th is is by no means a complete list of per " J B Mitchel has been need her etofore. The d ust. 11 C LMuason 11 J amea R oland 80n8 using it in t his town and vicinity, bu ~ will sho w that it is a very p opular stove d amper, check dampl"r1 and dir~ct d raft. 11 John Martiu A F K Mrs Pearce damper ar e all upon the same sido of t he " J ohn Murdoch S Mr H. B An r e w Mr J n o Fleming M r W K eely Mrs P arker atove. 11 J ames Munson Mr Gilbert b tevens · 1 1 Wm Allin " J ohn Foster J II K eely A \love t he mica section are three re· II 'I' H Spry 11 J ames Milla r R I Mrs Armstrong 11T F itz"erald flecton which caat a blaze of ligh t from 11 Wm Shaw 11 John Matthews It P Robbins Mrs A r chibold 1 1 S F oster L Mr J os Ruebottom t he entire t op of t he sto ve . Ther e are 11 Thos S hort 11 Samuel Mason Mis~ ln~ c rHnbe "J P R ice n o.j oints in t he magazine t hat can possibly 11 Fred Stilwell 11 George Moses Mr L tiwis L yle B G " .las Reid leak from putty faUinl( out , it being all Jam es S~anley " Oeo Rickard " Richard· M osca Mr H W Burk Councillor Gale M cast in one piece. / T h1o1 swing cover ia 11 B enj Smith 11 Edward M oses Drs Beith & . Mr W G Glover Dr McCn!Iough double as in all -Art Garlands, and 11 Wm Samps1in 11 David Morrison McLa.~ghlm 11 N M Gage SS No. 1 Darlington READ THIS TWICE. . Mr W McCallough very perfectly fit t ed. 11 Oscar Scott 11 .Alfred Mann fl 13 Mr Thos Brod ie 11 D J Galbraith 11 J as McClellan Union School An adequate de11cription of this wonder11 Geo E Maynard 11 Ja11 Bradburn "' J Gray Mr W Sandercock 11 And M cFeeters ful 1to ve is pract ically impoHible ; it .L ESKA.RO, D ec. 1st, 1888. Col F Mr JM 11 Chas Manning T II R Gilber t 1 1 Sam B ingham " F Stillwell 11 T J M cMurt ry 11 po11aeue11 all the t ime· tried features of To my N eighbors, j Mr S Cotton 11 MA Jamee Mr Chat Tod Miss M oororaft " \ V Scott W Bunny 11 'V Gist " J as Stanley 11 Ju o Mci ntyre merit to be found in other 11tove11 and ill 11 C W Thompson I hav11 .used a good Robt; Clarke 11 J oseph J eff.,ry Meth. Parsonage, 11 1'hos Barret t ·11 Jacob Gaud Mrs McCready eo strikingly b eautiful and so replete with many pounds Clf McClung & Bell's Pdze 11 Wm Colville 11 John Joll 1 Levi A Tole Church-st. 1 i1 Geo Ball " J ohn Gaud T Mr a L Munson new features t hat it .is sure t.o out rank Tea, and like it so well that I wieh to 11 Wm J Cole 1 1 W esley Joll M e th. P araonage, Mr P Trebilcock Mrs Jacob Gale 11 S W M oore auy ba11e burner t hat h se ever been made. " 'l 'hos Trewin recommend it to.niy ·neighbors ·· It i11 _ a n I 11 John Cole, tailor 11 Thos J ewell <..>,ueen-st. V " Joe Trewin Col Cubitt 11 Geo Maynard. It must bo seen to be appreciated. Call excellent Tea, with a most plea~mg ~avor, 11 M Cryderman 11 J as Johnson Mr S V ans sone " Ueo. Trewlu Mr Lewis Cornish " H enry Ma nn at L . Geo. Quick'~ & tote, one door eae t of and the pres6nta accompanymg 1t are 11 W Cryderman 11 J C Vanst one ., D Truscott N H 11 Wm Cann " Arch Tait 11 Alfred Mann the STATE!llfAN Offioe, t o aee t h&d ifferent both useful and elegant and just what 11 John Congdon 11 George V arcoe Mr J aco b Neads K Coucillor H orne 11 Thoe Tod 11 John Colo 11 W H M ay 11tylea and aizea. any househ older m ight require. It is 11 Wilson N eads Mr J ames K nigh t 'l'od Bros l\Ir E zr& Hall 1 1 W Creeper 11 J B Mit chel Mr A Todgha.m moat surprisi.ng thatlgoods of eur,:h value Mrs Nichols 11 WC King D 11 Staphen H oney " W Todgham 1 1 A E Clemens A H 1on VALUA'I'IoN. - " If t here waa 11 J L Margach can be given away with a tea of this high Mr Abram Dean 11 H oney, sen " J c v ..nstone 11 W Cryderman only one bottle of H agyard'a Yellow Oil 11 J as Millllr quality a.t the price charged. It affords 11 Geo D etman Mr J ohn Wesley 11 '.rhos Veals 0 L 11 Isa11c H obbs 1 1 J H Cryderman in Manitoba I would give one hundred 11 R M oses me pleasur e to give this testimonial. 11 J ease Williama Mr Robt Oaborne Mr J W Lov~kin 11 M H ern 11 W Chartran dollara for it, " write11, Philip H . Brant, 11 Thos Moyaa W ILLIAM JACKSON. 11 E L W elsh 11 James Osborne 11 1'hos Lyle, sen 11 F Humber Rev Jesse W'hltk>c of Monteith, Manitoba, after having u11ed 11 Cosby 11 Ja.s M orris The forgoing speaks for iteelf. · S ee the 11 J ohn Wigllt 11 Thoe Lyle, jr F Mr J ohn Wesley 11 C H ooper it for a severe wound and for f roeen presents and try' the tea. McClang & Mr R P Feild " Jno Walker 1 1 J ohn Walker 11 Chas Lunny P D 0 " JI: 1 , w Velsh fin gers, with a11 he aay e "aston ish ing re.B"ell, Post Office, Newcastle. 1 1 H C Weeks 11 John Fleming 11 John Laeby Mr Jos Pattinson " Franklln Wright Prof 'l' L Doyle Mre J O~te n 11ult11." 11 F rank Wright Wiltht Ca.pt 11 Thos Fitz11;erald " E G Powers J MrM Davies Mr Jno Wyllie 11 R Winnacott GRAND R ES"l1LTs.- For · several y ears 1 1 John ·Foster Mc " Thos Powers M eHrs. Newcombe & Co., of i '"" p :...,.:.109 Coun cillor J effer_y Mrs J Downs Mrs Walbridge 1 1 J ohn Wyllie 11 We9tcott R. H. Brown, of Kincardine, suft'ered Mrs Furze Dr McLaughlin, M p p " A P ennington Church st reet, T oronto, are closing out at Mr J A Jerome Conncillor P attinson " A Draper from dyspepsi~, he eaid he tried several And many others. reduced p rices on e of the largest 11t ocks of Mr Geo .Piggott 11 Jeunin "s y Pianos a nd Organs in th e city, pr evious 11 W J ackso;;' physicians R.nd .a host o~· remedies with· We call special attention to the number of persons in tbe foregoing 11 J no P inch E Mayor Younie t o aheration11 in th eir prem ises, which : 11 S P ollard 11 Geo H Joll out relief. ~! 111 druggist recommended list members of the same family who have bouO' l lt Happy ThouO' h t Mr Jno l!:lford Young&; Cfo 0 0 when completed will give them · tl10 most :B. B. B. wh1oh he declaree produced h · th t th fi t t b t ] b 11 t' fi d " !(rand results," for which he gives hill anges, s owing · a e rs o n y .mus .1a.v e ee n we s a i a e exten11ive .Pian ofor te warer ooms in the h ighest r ecommendation. and recommended it t ·o others. !13. city, - - - -·· For h eatin g p urposes the cel.ibrated R ad iant H ome Base B urners, sold also by u -A PPYT~UGHTS f) RAD!A~ HoME[ PER SONS W HO HAVE . . RADIENT H O M E The Art Garland. I l\U TATED BY M.Al!Y.-EQU"ALLE D IIY NONE . BAS~URNER. I I I I l l· I 11 s H U I" Cu~~t J~ness c w w 'V IR ' BOWMAHVILLE.