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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1889, p. 1

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- · TERMS :-;i.oo Pn ANNma:. NRW SERIES. NUMBEB 544 . OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD A]'TERWARDS. M.A. J.AMES EDITOR.A.ND PROFRIETO:&, VOLUME BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO , WEDNESDAY . JANUARY 9, 1889. XXXV. NUMBER 2. SEM!·ANNUAL HORSES WANTED. KENDALL. DARLINGTON STATION. On the evening of Dec. 31st, a number ot young people and scholars of .Base Line school, No. 3, aBsemble~. at Mr,. J. ~{irkpatrick's, to present.Mr. T. Kirkpatrick with a )iandso,me "' Dressrng Case," on the event or his leavmg their school where he had taulft1t for the past three years. Mlss Ethel Hall read the foliowing address: DBAR MR .KIRKl'.ATRICn::,-It is with much sorrow that we perceive our ccurae of training under you to be at an end. With you we have spent many pleasant and usetulh?UN; and the lessons you h~ve tami;ht us ~i I over have e1fect on our hves. Your gemal and sympa· thizing manner has ever encouraged us when inclined to be despondent and ha.sled us to see in a clearer light the value of always being oheei·ful· "[ ou have taugbt us by example as well as by precept, and nothing have you laid down M a principle which we do not see exemplified in your daily actions. You have endeavored faithfully and earnestly to fit us to become scholars always keeping in mind that what a.child grows to be is of more im·. portance thaa what he lives to know. In cloaing we wou1d ask you to accept this Rmall token of our respect and esteem. Signed on behalf of your scholars,ERNEBT FOLEY,LESLlE HALL, Mr. Klrkpa.t.rick replied in feeling terms. referrJng to their pleasant associations and thanking them for kindness shown him. After spendin11: a. pleasant evening the company adjourned. SHAW'S SOHOUL HOUSE. A 11rrand Christmas tree entertainment was held here December 31st, Mr. J. A. Galbraith presiding. 'l'be tree lit up presented a beauti; ful display of handsome and costly presents and candies for the children, Mr. W, Pickard Newcastle. gave an iMtrumentalaccompanled by his little boy with the bones and Miss Atkinson at the org9.n. The dia1oguos and recitat.ious by Lhe school were well rendered. The Glee Club from Bowmanvil,le contributed large' y to the program. Solos by Mr H Knight received throngs o! cheers. A very interesting·and pleasing feature otthe evening wa~ a 9omic duet by Reuben ll.nd Rachel. A re!'·.tat10n bv !\fr. J. M. Joneas was receiv6d with much laughte~" Mr. 8. S. Edeall's prizes for general · protlmency and regular itottend. a.nee-a beautiful napkin ring and plush case containin11r knife. fork and spoon-won reepec· tivcly by Mabel Rickard. under 8 :rears old and Emma Bulger, rising 9 years. Tokens of high esteem were tendered to Hiss M . A . Walsh; who has had the charge of the school tor several years, showing how closei.r ·he is attached to the section "3 a loving lns$roctor. Votes of thanks were proposed by Mr. W, H. Osborne. suoported by Mr. C. Osborne. to the persons who assisted on the program. CLEARING SALE. ' ----o---- Before Stock-taking COUCH, ., _ JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN will offer Great · Bargains Departments for the lll Mr- W. Smith, of Belleville college spent his The undersigned Will be at Beer'a holidays at home. Messrs. D. Comstock and 'l'. Abbott have Hotel and ·Ost valuable horses r ec0utly by death.. , Hampton, on W e d,nesday B . Thursday, and at Ruebottom s, owman- · The council R. T. !Jf T. gamed three memville. on Friday and Saturday this week, ber~ at us last More to follow. Our mill men are anxiously awaitin~ a fall and ·at Hampton again on Mouday and the beautiful that they may begin saw Tuesday of next week, and at Bowman- of logging ville again on \Vednesday and Thursday, Thi" Methodist social was a financial success. prepared to buy street car horses from Mr. T· Patt.erson occupied the chair and a program w1ts given. 1,100 to 1,300 lbs., sound and in good Hev. J: A .. McKeen B. A:.!ofOrono, occupied condition, from 5 to 10 years old. the. pulpit of the Presbyterian Churo.h on SunCEO. R. BAN'l'EL, da) the 3~th 1~st. Hev. A, Leslie. M, A. of Rochester. preache~ m Mitchell on on the same day and is spendmg a few days at his old home in Bowmanville, Jan. 8th. Elora, Ont. The remains of the Rov. S. Porter was interred in Porter's church burying ground, Presbyterian, on Thursday the :Ith inst, The corpse arrived inPt.Hopa the proceeding even· ing Crom which place the funeral proceeded. Mr. Porter was p!\Stor ot this congregation about 25 years ago and was much esteemed by all who knew him· Althongh he had passed the !our score years it is only about a year since he vislte<1 his many friends in Clarke. It was his wish to be laid to rest whe ' e he used to tell the glad tidmgs of Salvation. We would suggest that steps be now taken to im· prove appearances of this burying place now that it i8 the restini;r place or the late venerable pastor. 'fhe church has been sold and removed several years ago. .I HAYDON. Ettie "11ashington has returned from her visit at Bethany. Mr. W. H. Creener was a recen~ guest at Mrs. Brown's, Newcastle. Mr. W . Aunger and Mrs. W. H. Creeper were on the sick list but are improving, Our school meeting passed of very quiet. Mr. W. H . Creeper was re-electert trustee and Mr. J . Siemon was appointed auditor. Mr. an.d Mrs. Jas. Mountjoy gave a party on the 21st 10 memory of their weddiog day. A very pleasant dl\y wa~ spent and all returned home at an ea·ly hour wishinfl: the host and bo3tess many happy returns ot the d9.y. The following spent Christmas with friends in this vicinity : !\fr and Mrs W Greenway. C<'dn.r Dale; Mr and Mrs Wm Legg, f,,ondon ; Mr ET Siemon and Mr. 8tephenson. C<>b'>·1rg; Mr and Mrs J Conley, Bet.boiny; Mr 8 Vanstone and Mies E McNeil, Pickering, On Wednesday evening Dec. 26th a.bo11t seventy friends and relatives a·sembled P.t Mr. Hich. Slemon's and prooeede<1 to Poplar Gr?ve, the r· sidence of Mr, R<lbt. F11.lli·, to umte with them in celebrating the ftfth annl · versary of their weddin;z da.y, The bride a .n d g-room were taken completely by surprise by the invasion but soon they secureu their equilil;Jrium and had e very one enjoying them. Helves to their utmost oapacirv. About 10 o'clock, Mr. R . D!l.vev and Mrs. E, Virtu'~ es· carted Mr. and l\Irs. Fallis into the P"'dor and Mr. '.V . · T, Haycriift read au appropria1e a.ddrees and Mia~ Maud Asht.o n presented each with a beautiful easy chair. Mr. Fallis a suitable reply and all sa.t down to an excellent Hupper provided by the ladies which would tempt the ap]>t:tite of an epicurean or an hungry editor. Singing and game3 of various kinds occupied the rest of r.he evening ar.d all returned home at an early hour wishing the host and ho~tes~ many pleasant returns. Ch1istmas passed very quietly here. a num. ber going to Tyrone nnd Enniskillen and re· port a grand time. \!Ve think if there is anything in the adage !!I.ugh and grow !at there will be some monsters around Tyrone soon. Secure your seat "arly next time young gent. A very pleasant time was also spent at Mr. and Mrs. W, J, Haycraft's by.about- 70 Of their relatives to bid them fareweJl e'er their de· parture for their new home in Scarboro. Ritle shooting was t.he favorite pastime through the day Bild the evening was spent in tripping the light fantastic and other games. But the most plea.Rant part of the program Cf>.me a.bout nine o'clock when Mr. J. A . Lawrie called the compLiny to order and called on Mr. ll. H.: Lawrie to read the following address: To MR. AND MRS. HAYORA.r r,-On this .the eve o! you1· departure frorn our midst we desire to Pxpress to you "ith sincere feelings of regret we learned that you had concluded to remove from this nei11;hborhood and so to ca.use a severance of the cordial and happy relations which have existed betwee~ us. During your connection with this neighborhood. you have always exhibited those traits of character most necessary for the well belng of our community and have been alway11 zealous to fur ther our be·t interest promote feelings of good will and do all that lay in your power. We beg to. assure you o! our warmest and h eartiest best wishes (or YOUl" fu. ture welfare In your new home at Scarboro. As 11 alight token of our respect and our ap· preciat.illn of you. we ask yon to accept .this present, hoping that it may be always sugges· tive to you of the manv warm friends you have In this neighborhood and of the happy years, we trust you have spent amongst us. In conclusion we beg again to express our UO· feigned regret at vour departure and to hope that the brightest and happiest future is in store for you both. Signed f E. J. WHEELER, ' 1 H. R. LA WR!E .. on behalf or Committee. Presentation by Miss Miunio Harper. Mr. Haycraft made a suitable reply tha.nking his re la.ti ves for t ti.air kindneas to himself and better h alf and that be was not aware they had done anything to merit suoh an aot of kindness and expressed his regret at parting with his relatives in this vicinity andsurronnd· ing country. 'l'hen all sat down to a sumpt.u ous repast. vYhen all had satisfied the cravings of the inn · l r man, u.ll went in for a jolly good time. All returned home wishing the happy couple many years of hea.lth, wealth and prosperity in that western c lime. '!'hose who were preMent: Mr and MrsH Pollan and fomily, Mr and l'llra E Lambkin, C"-rtwri,;:ht; Mr and Mrs E J Wheeler. Port Pt>rry; Mr A Wheeler. Brigden; Mr and Mrs S La.mbkin. Mr and MrB. Geo. Spencer and family, Mr and Mrs. Robt Keenan anrl family. Ueaeh; Mr and Mrs Rich Blight and family, Myrtle: Mr and Mrs Rich Harper and family, l\irs Luke and family, )fr and Mrs. Philip Harper and family, Columbus; Messrs Jas, Robt, John and Alex: and Mis8 L L1twrie. l\fr :.nd Mra Jas Wsllace and family, Miss EE H9.ycraft. Bowmanville; Mi sR H Malr·olm. Scarboro; Mr Ja~, Mr .las McNeil, Haydon; Mrna Marion Ilea.vie, Verdun. There was al'o a family re union at Mr. John Cor&m's and everything wen t merry aa . a mLirrlage bell with Grandma and Gi'andpa at homo, PRJr.SF.NCE OF ?.HND -Presence of mincl is good in case of accident9 and emergencies, and when coupled with Hagyard's Yellow Oil will often save life. Yellow Oil cures all painful injuries, barns, scalds, bruises. trost bites, rheumatic and neuralgic pains and is in fact a. handy ancl reliable ·surgical aid. ---~--~ MiR~ Jl;1APLE GROVE. . all 114 1J4G POWDER Absolutely Pure. · T.b.\1 powder never vartee. A marvel ol specially in -N. B.-This is a Genuine Sale, as our stock must - be reduced: We-m-ake-itcrrui-e--n<:>t-to carry goods over from one season to another. DRESS GOODS, MANTLE CLOTHS, OVERCOATS, FURS, AND LOTS FOR SALE.:._! H and all ~inter Goods. , \ . lot of Dress Goods will be sold at about half price. OPENING _ OF SCHOOLS ! purity, strength and wholesomeness. More oconomioal than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold in competition with the multitude of low teat, short weight, alum or phosphate powders: Sold only in oans. ROYAL BAK· NG POWDER C0·· 106Wa11St·· N. Y. OUSE will sell the . b rick dwelling I now occupy on Concession St. '.l'here ar" eight rooms. pantry, closets. kitchen, oxoelle11.t cellar antl hard and soft water, 1t is a two storey brick, cottage roof, nearly new. Good garden large enough for two lots. Will sell one or both. Price very reasonable. 1tood reason for selling. JOIIN GRANT, Bowmanville. 48-tf. --B _ ow.manville High School will re-open Monday, Jan. 7th, 1889. For fnll particulars send for circular. Persons who are willing to take boar<1ers should notify the Principal, l-2w, M. M. FENWICK, fl.A. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, One Door West of Post Office, I BOWMANVI LLE, I ~C>V., ---~~ HOUSES & LOTS FOR SALE In all parts of City, Parkdale , or West Toronto Junction. Capitalists wishing to invest or parties moving to the city will consult their own interests by communicating at once with me. No charge to purchaser. No purchase recommended that is no~ a choice invest· ment. Toronto has just started to develope. Good nnincumbered farms exchanged for city property. T. E. WASHINGTON, Real Estate and Financial Agent, 57 Adelaide Sc. Elst, 2-2w. Toronto. i;,;;g :;; for:t_,; Solid Gold Sokl 100~ until littely. 1Je8t $~ 'W!l.1.Ch in the WOrJd. I ..... ·~--..-~·~.-.------ We are enabled to offer splendid value in all our different departments. Our DRESS GOODS cannot be surpassed, when style and quality ·~r,e taken into consideration. Our MANTLE CLOTH and CLOAK .' ' !JS are said to be the most effective in town-at any rate our best ~' dress-makers have purchased their own Mantle Stuff from us. And to make this department more succernful, I have completed arrangements with a first-class artist to cut all the garments I may require. I therefore make the following offer to any lady who may desire to purchase from us : to cut and fit any garment FREE OF CHARGE, providing the amount of bill exceeds $6.00. That is if you ·get here quickly and not on Saturday, as we have then generally too much else to attend to. Wotd"FREiE · ) I'crfc:cs timekeeper. Wuro.utetl. Heavy Sulit!. Uuhl tin~ Case1. lJoth ladies' gents' 1izea, with works cues of equa.l value. onePersonlneacb lo- caltiy un iecure one free, to.,.etber with our Inrge and valun ~h le line cf Hot1sehold Sa.1n1·lC!ii· These eamples, :is w ell 4:S the wntch, we send 'and ;;h°oS:.unplefi. m~:~:i;~ ~~~~d~!~ci:!~~ori;e;t~~c~~:~n~r~i;.~rtW:!:~\! \Ve_I!ay all expres!I, freight, etc. .Addrcs· Siiaauaa dz. Co., Box §12,, .Mu..hae. Fi-ee, and after you h ave kept them in your homo fnt' 2 m onths end shown them to tho5e ----=---- SILK SEALETTES. The material to make a queenly garment; the most desirable fabric for our climate, equaling the natllral seal m effect-preferable in point SALESMENTOSELL Nursery Stoclc All ?o<i'di! warl'an ted first class, Permanent, pleasant. profitable p ositions for the right men. Good salaries and exoenses paid weekly, Liberal inducementA to beginners· No previous experience necessary. Outfit free. vVr.ite for terms. giving age; Cl:fAHLES H. CHASE, Nurseryman, Rochester. N. Y. Ment.ion this paper. 52·10w· WANT ED THE "WITNESS" MORE INTERESTING THAN EVER. GREA'l' INDUCEl\IENr.5 FOR CLUB WORKERS AND SUBSCRIBERS. A copy of the $120,000 picture, "Christ before Pilate," for the nominal s um of 25 cent·. to every old er new subscriber remitting for 1889. Dailv Witness and Picture, .... .. $3 25 Weeuly ·· " ·· .. .. .. $125 The Northern Messenger, only 30 cents per annum; published fornightly. 'l'he best illustrated paper published tor the p . ice. Full of interestina and a.ppr priar,e read in~ for yo·mg and old. Very popular !n.the i::labbath Schooll'! ot the Dominion and United i::ltates. Sunday Schools desiring a good pa.per for distrfbution, ~end for sa.mi;:le· and rates Agents wanted. Libera remuneration. Sample copies mp plied rree. JOHN DOUG.AJ,L & SON. l'ublishers, Mont.real. of economy. The prices are now so reasonable, this beautiful texture is brought within the reach of all. Remember you will find the choice~t goods, but not at fancy prices at our store. MILLINERY '\Vooh~n The new~st, the neatest, and the , most sty11sh, at our house. Goods a specialty at our place. Grey Flannels tile best Talue in to11r11 at our l1omm. · To the Gents· . r1ease remember it is not; the coat that makes the man, ti is t.he <.\ "!"' ,. . its, and llINDSON ir:; up to the business in that respect. Give mm a call. - - - - -- --- - - · -- ·- - - CEO. LAINC. BROKEN DOWN.-"After suffering with dyspepsia, kidney disease, los~ of appetite and pain in the head until discouraged, I heard Qf B. B. B., took two bottles and am .happy to say l feel as well as ever." Mrs. Rufus E. Merry, New Albany, N. s. A larg-e number of friends and relatives o! Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Foley assembled at their CUURTICE. residence on Friday evenin~ and had a very The S. A. held a watch night service 011 New pleasant and enjoyable time, In celebrating the 20th anniversary of their wedding day. Many Year~· Jl:vc. l\lr. Samnel Courtice has commenced duties well filled baskets were emptie<1 of their con. tents and a sumptuous repast including nu· at Zion school. . . meroug chicken pies partaken of, after which Please~ to report that Mrs, G. Short is im- the chairman. Mr. M. A. James, in his usual proving n cely · humorous pty le, arranged matters for the preMr. and Mrs. R. F. Richards spent New . sentation, Mr. 'l'. Kirkpatrick read the follow· Years Day in Pickering. ing adaress : Mrs. Cornelius ·Osborne of Bowmanville has MR. AND MRS. WM' FOLEy,- DEAR FRIENDS.been visiting friends here ~~~: a':~!::i~~~a~!~~f:~~~a;f~. yo~~u1.1'i~~~= Mr. and Mr·. W. Hobbs, of Pickering, have have been spared to celebrate this the twen· been viaiting friends here. ieth anniYer~ary or your wedding day and Miss Annie Allin of LittleBritain is spending during that time ample opportunities have a few days at Mr. Joo. Courtioe's. been afforded or doing good and performing Rev. R . Sanderso11 preached sermons a.ppro- acts of benevolence, kindne~s and charity priate to the first Sabbath in the year on which not only invokes the Divine blessing Sunday. buc wins admiration and esteem of friends an<1 neighbors arour.d you. These, we are glad to Capt, Markle, a former officer of the S. A. say have not been neglected by you. Your here is spendillg a few days among his old time, money and good will have been given to comradoo. aid the church, the Sabbath school and other Mr, Sidney Brooks and Mr. John Rundle, beneficial Institutions. As a token of appreci. of Maple Grove.have been one. hunting tour atlon and respect, we ask you to ncccpt this in Cartwright. · China Dinner Set. together with our beat. Once more the merry clang or the School wishes tor your pro~perity and success and bell greets our ear bringing with i~ mingltid with a further desire that your lives may be memories of the pas&. spared to see many annlversarie3 and YOU ' families of a similar kind and in all things to Mr. w. T,yle, one o~ the oldest settlers in be guided by the All Wise Director who the neighbor hood bas been taken from among wili lead you safely to the end. us oy the he.nd of death. Hi" remains were Signed on beh!l,if of friends, followed by a lari;e number of friends on Sat· M.A. JAMES. urday to the Ebenezer burying ground. 'l'. J:I. KIRKP..\TRICJ;;:, vVbat would not sound unusual if it had Tbe host replied in a. verv suitable manner happened some where else and been told us. expressing many thanks to <heir guests for seems a. little mere novel when It takes place their trlendly call a11d for the handsome pres· right in our pll\ce. Not very long ago, it eats. Short speeches followed from Messrs. appears as a tnrmer was shipping some apples Dr; Potter, D, H. Coates, B. A., M. Munday, to the North·wes& the young lady in his em- John \Vinter, Riobard Foley. senr., Walter ploy partially prompted by the farmer's wife, Foley, J. W. Harnden, R.H. Oollacott. Albert dropped a Jetter Into one of the barrels before A. Col will. Newcastle; 'l'homas Goard,Oahawa; it w11s headed down to the effect that she we.a and Peter Murdoch ; t:.lso from Mrs. Charles a young la.dy eli1!ihle for rn arriage and wished Rundle. Mrs. J i Kirkl;latrick, Mrs. J Foley, to correspond with.a gentleman with this end ot .Mani~oba. Misses Aikens and Colwiu. The in view. This was done as a ,ioke of course. chma dmner set was a very valuahle and However the apples fell loco tne hands of a handsome one and wa.s purchllsed at Murdoch young man in Manitoba jnst looking for a Brtis'. China Hall, Bowmanvme. '.l'he Editor wi1e. Happy thought. He wrote to her. was heard to. remark that he had never attend· They excb,.nged pictures and ~at last account ed a morl! enJOYf;\ble assembly of this character, he he.d come to Ontario to see her. 'fhe readers nor ate ntcei: c~ic)<en pie. He occasioned great of tile STH'ESMAN know what .the result will laughter by m$·stmg on the bride and groom likely be. "jumping tho broom stick," and· then stealing TRI~·. a march on the groom by saluting the bride ]following is the address presented to Mr. first. We had a.jolly "ood time. and Mrs. James Rundle, senr.. by their children and referred to last week i ADDRESS TO PA.RENTS. TYBONE. DEAR PARENTS-We are glad to ·b e able on this Christmas Day to congratolate you on Mrs. 'Wm Briebin. New Park, is a guest in seeing its return, and that we as a family are the village. permitted once more to assemble in this the A great bill time at J'l'.lr, Thomas Gardiner·~. home of our youth to partake of your hospita· on Friday nlght last. llty and to greet one another with those kindly feelings that should obtain in every fa.mily. .11:'1~· ,\ . R McJ,eod and wire. Brandon, were As parents your affection has ever been be· visitmg here last week. stowed, your interest in our welfare has been Ml~· Bertie Gardiner is visiting her sister, nae.bating, the efforts put forth by you for our Mrs. H. Welch, Cobourg, happlneEs, comfort and userulness is such as is J Miss Melissa Welch he.a been spending a few not equalled by all fathers end .mothers. For days with friends at Oahawa. the unnecessary anxiety of mmd, sorrow or . . . heart and eleepless hou,s we have given you, Mr. Jo.e·. Hoidg-e and wife, o~ Toronto, have we can only say ··Forgive." For the weary been v1sir.m11r at ~r. T. Orrepor s; limbs, wasted strength. weakened constitution, Jle'7s. vV; Kennor and J. n. Dyer. are con: 1t has caused to secure the temnoral good ducting revival meetings at Haydon. which by the bl~ssinP: of !'- kind Providence The Misses Broomsfteld, of Grafton, you have put us m po~ses~ion. we can never visiting at Mr s Bingham's BuckiDgham i·epay you ; all we can do 1s to thank you and p 1 · · ' say·· God bless yon." We have been reminded a ace. . by your sickness that life is uncertain. and as Vl.'e see some of year snbscl'1bArs !o ;yot~r we desire to give a more tangible expreesion i opposition sheet on the STATJ>~MAN list tb1s of our gratitud ti and respect. we deem this a year. Eh. proper timo. We ask you therefore to accept Rev. J. D· Dyer bAlng r>ot able to on those cl1airs, not for their value but as a token Sabbath evening. Mrs. Kenner filled the sup· of our love to you, "'Ve hope you may live ply very acceptably. ~any elljoy them' We wish you '!; Mr. P. Werry has been apppointed a9 dele· Merry Christmas an~ Happy New Year. gat.eto attend the Sabbath School con\·ention and.pray that whe~ Go.d calls you, and those at Orono next week from this s. s. chairs a re va cant. it will he to a sen t at His . . right hand. and tbat we all shall meet iu Moore has moved into hie new Heaven to part no more forever. 1 residence e.t the west. end. al'ld M r . Jabez Signed by your loving children and two Moore has taken posses ion of the house vaeat· n ephews. ed. Ch eck0rs is the favorite R'«me f<>r past time a.t present. Some talk of playing a. match VRUNO. g-ame with somo neighboring village. Let's Y\"ho shall be the new Township clerk ? is an here from you. abs orbing questivn with. the ward politician, A iolly crowd from here went to Ennlsk1llen L aw·abiding citizens are greatly exasperated en New Year's, to the Presbytoria,n ten. and over the open violation of the Scott Act and report a. splendrd time. '!'bey speak highly of tha t. within the knowledge of those who the te!i and program. receiving a salary for its enforcement. It is On Mol'lday night of !' week one of our disgraceful ! citizans had h is watch raffled 'l.t the Occirlental Our v\7. C, T. U. hav0 issued a circular to the 1 a.nd it fel.J into the !lands of the Kid. What's electors concerning muoicipal candidat es urg- wrong with that, :H1lly ? . A quiet day here on Monday-no election; inp: the importance of supporting only thoee who were sou~d en the question of tempe:· Ent quite an interest was taken about the ance. They failed to n:ent1on the men of their mayoraJr.y of Bowma.nville, as one or the ,choice !lnd so 1eft it to every candidate to set candidates was an old resident of this place. forr,h his claim as a tempe~e.nce ma~. It M rs. Turner Brisbin, lost a satchel contain· would be well to be more definite noxt time. ing $20 coming home from town 00 Thursday The funeral of the late William Lawrence last, but it was picked up by a honest rnan. Broad who was for twenty·one years clerk of Mr. J. Congdon, B9theada, and handed over to Clarke Townsb!p OounciL tooK place on Tues· another varty for Mrs· Brisbin. day, January l ~t, The attendance was large , We congratulate1\1iss E lsie Cade and Master and r~presentative. Pall ?earers from the Eddie Hawlrny in pas11in" tho entrance exami· C!JUDCll, the Hoya:! Templars and the Met!i0· 1nation so sucoeasfully. 'I'he former receiving dist. church ?f winch he was a member, assist· tbe second highest marks or ~ny. 'l'ilis speaks eel m oarrvmg the casl,~t to the cemetery, well for the teachera who taught at S,11. No. is. De?tlased was 58 of age. . The following are the officers of Tyrone '.l he annual meetmg of the Police Trustees, Dvision for the current year : 'W P.. G. H. was heln <?n Monda.y, D<c. 31, anc;J. roported to Jardrne ; \IV A. vY. Osborne; R S A. Brent ; theil· credit or otber~vise that durrng ~be1r Yfl!lr A R s, H_ Werry; F s. s. Henry ; '.l' J. T . of ofilce. they h!l.d simply done Doth1,ng. Dis· Welch; Chap. James Bingham; C. Miss B. cnssion as t? whether theJ;reasurer Bingham; Ac. Miss ;;, Hdves; I s 1:3, Pol· should receiv;e the mtorest .accrm~g from Jard · o s T. T. Jardine· p \V p J H. Man$200 on hand m the bank for his services and nmg' ' ' ' ' was decided In his favor. C. G. Armstrong · and E. Pinder were elected for the coming year and J;l· Linton, Treasurer. . Artistic Photography. '!'he annfferse·y supper held m the ?.fotho-1 dist church on the evening of New Year's. D<tY · M R II H . was a decided success. Between four and five The stud10 of r. . . enry has hundred persons sat down at the well furnish- . long been noted for high class photoed tables. The pastor, Rev. 'l'. Dunlop, occu· I b b t · 't h ' t d'd ' t pied the chair. Exce'lent addresses were grap y, u n~".e~ ml S ~B ory 1 l posdclivered by the Revs. J. 'fhom, J. A. McKeen sess better fac1htie11 than it has at present !'r.u Elder Garbutt. One of the most ple!l-sing i for turning ·.It first-class work. From the items en the program was the presentation of ll d · · l I 1 · a nice eum of money to the church organist, sma e11t carte e i·isite to tie arge 1fe size Mis· Leigh, for her gratuitous, ~ervices . portrait the work is superior, 'fhe stock ed durmg the past two years. Ihe presentat10n · of photograph frames is very choice and was made by Mr. Robert Moment on behalf of I . . the ·.rruotees and responded to 'on behalt o!·l shou ld be· seen. The stud10 is one of the Mis~ Leigh by :\l'{r. G. M. Long, leader or the eights of Bowman ville and visitors should choir, 1\1rs, Leigb, her daughter.and two sona 1 . John e.nd Sl<1ney, leave in a few days !or their see it. new home in Victoria, wbere a part ol the family has already settled, 'l'he family will be greatly missed, especially Miss Leigh by her TO INYIGORATE l1ot11 the 11ody and t:llc very large class of pupils in music, with whom braln, 118e therehable tonic, Mtlburn·s Aro· !he has been a great favorite. ! matlc llntnine ll'inc. I A PoPUL.A.R lNSTITUTION.-The Canad~ ~usi!less College, Hamilton, Ont., is ons of the oldest and most popular of the bus · iness colleges, and affords superior a.dvzmtages to school teachers and others desiring a short, sharp, pract ical course of busine2s instruction or a thorough knowledge of Shorthand and Typewriting, Students are admitted at any time upon application to the Principal, Mr. R. E. Gallagher. · The weakness and debility which result from illness may be speedily overcome by the use of .Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This is 111 safe, but powerful tonic, assists digestion regulates the livel:' and kidneys, and olea~sc s the blood of all germs of diaearn. I I I 1

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