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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1889, p. 2

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/ ed a. libenl of v11d).a, a. t ipple the child whom grows up loving good Muscovite rustic considers r.m indispensa ble is A saved fr~· any temptations that books beset prelimina.ry of a good fl ,.y ·s work.-[ Dr. the empty-minded. He oan alwavs find a. good companion; he neell never be lonely. Very few old people ne~d t! imul11ting O iwald in "Good Health." WEDNE SDAY, JAN. 9 1889. All that m ankind has done, t hought, gaindiet; very ma.Dy are i.L jure?- by au excess ox Proper Wa.v to Dress. i ed, or been i5 lying a&in m i>gic p reser vation nitrogenous food. The kidneys, like al! ot her organs, fut ile ; and II meats a.nd The real art of bearing t h e clothing is . in the I;>ages of books. Tney the chosen !' other ricn foods used m excess r neygrea.t· to divide it b etween the shoulders and ~he posaeemon of men.-Curlyle. Iv increase the st rain UP"n Lh .se organs. hips, and so di vide it, not only that '. T he power of dru dging a.t d isagreeable Milk and milk products, or prep0or ations sh..11 bear part of the weigh t, but t hat dur- 1 tasks is nece~sary to any wol'thy work. This Qf breadstuffs cooKed wid:milk, should form iDg motion they shall supplement and relieve j power ls n eYer a.tta.ined. by one who a.lwa.ys a vtiry large proportion '>f the food of the each other. The theoretical ga rment for , ch coses and refuses in accor dance with his ordiu&ry aged indi vidual ; bu t individu:-.1 su Jh a. purpose is some elas t1~ material l inclination. pecnliarttit:~ dilfer so muel1 Lhllot pe1·onlll made on the shape of the v est worn by men, The m ore the imagi aatiou is reBpected a.nd for and medica l counsel shouid In i.H castlB be tliken, with enough of stiffness to keep in, cu ltivs.ted, the more reliable will i ts expressao th at the diet may b e regu!Med to the and with the clothing below the wa.iat ions become. l t is not the subjuga.tion of needs of the illdi vidua l ca~.,. V c1y many auBpended therefrom. the imagination t o the reason , bu t their har- ' "Cutoriaisso-welladal)t.edtochildrentha\ Caatorla cures Colle. Constltmtlon, old people are hurt by t l1e u ·" 01 tood w The only design of any·band or monious exercise which works out the best rrccommend itaasuperiortoanyprescript.i<ll:l Sour Stomach, Diarrh . ooa., Eructation. lmowntome." H. ..,, · AAv~~, · -~- .... D Kills Worms, gives sleep, a.nd promote9 4" excessive q uan tity ; buti JiG tle ·Xerc1se can gest!on, Do you feel dull. languid, low-spirited, life- be ta.ken, ..u grow~h has ce11~ed, and the girdle should be to tqua.lise the weight, and results. :W So. O:dord SL, lllVOkQ'u, N. Y. Witboui injurious medication. .lel!B, and indescribably miserable, both physi10 keep the centra.l ga.rmekt from wnic h the The following is an Arab ic prc,verb taken bodily furnaces which makti h e"'t are able others are suspended enough in place to ad- down from the mouth of an Orienta.1:-"Men c~ and mentally ; experience a sense of TWB C J:ZiTA.UR C OMPANY, '07 ;i{urray Street, N- Y. fullhees -0r bloating afi'lr eating, or of " gone- to destroy but very ihtle of food fuel. just it, and yet s11ch as n ot to constrict or are four. (l) He who knows not, and knows DeBll," or em ptiness of stomach in the morning, t ongue coated, bitter or bad tast e iu confine the body. Thus only oan the hips not he knows not. H e Is a fool; shun hiih. mouth, Irregular appetite, dizziness, frequent and the shoulders do their part in bearing (Z) He who knows no~, a.nd knows he knows Canng for R a Dnty. lteadaches, blurred eyesight, "floating specks " weight, a.nd act interchaDJ'(ea.bly, a.a our not. He is simple; teach him. (3) H e who before the e;i:es. ner vous prostration or ex" Oar ei.r!Aly life is a treasure to b e motions may make desira.ble,- [The In· knows, and knows not he knows. He is haustion, !rr1tability of temper, hot fiJ.Js h es, alternating with chilly sell.Bllt io.11s, sharp, guarded . H is ..n outrag , ous thing ro di.e dependen~. FOR SALE BY J . HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLEi asleep; wake hinr. (<l) He who knows, a.nd bftlag, t ransient pains here and there, cold when we oug ut w live. Peoplti o ught to ~eet, drowsiness nf ter meals, .wak efulness, or kMws he knows. He is wise; follow him. know it is a1> much of i. a uty to cu.ko ot .Eating Too Much. dist11rbed and unrefreehing sleep, constant, In every walk of life, work is a powerful indescribable feeling of dread, or of impend- tnt ir helinh as to 1lt.1eud ch urcn a.nd pe1form Growth, aud waste, and repair go on in a antidote for low spirits. The busy have no ing calamity ? · other 1elig1oui. u uties. lt ill as mucll "bln If you hnve all, or a.ny considerable nu mber to break a phyeica l law ns a. moral la..w. uniform wa.y t he whole year through, but time to be sa.d. The saying "La.hour is of these symptoms, yol.l are su ffering from Both were 111.. dtl 1>y t h" s,.me A1l·wts" the a.mount <>f focd necesoary for these oper- prayer" is never t ruer than when applied to that most copimou of American malndlesBllio us Dyspepaia, or Torpid Liver, associated 'Buing, and botn have theu penalties. I t is a.tioni; is surprisingly small. Tna geuera.tion the grief-stricken; a.nd t J those whose woes with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. Tbe more as much"' sin to commit suicide by ovenax· of bodily . heat r equires a most Vt'\ria.ble more fancied than real, but !lone the less 'mnplicnted your disease has become, the quan tity of food. ln winter, w ith the tem· greater the n umber and diversity of symp- in'1: one's selt a.nd viola.tmg nature· laws, as pera.ture of the external ab zsro, the productive of discomfort on tha.t account, toil will afford a speedier <ind surer relief than toms. No matter what stage it has reaooed, to kill with a pistol.- [T ..1mage. temperature of the blood in healthy p ersons a.ny other remedy ever devised by ma.n. Try Dr. Pier c e's Golden M e dical Dls co17ery w ill subtl ne it , If tak en accorcli ng to dlrec-is 98 3 degrees, and when tae h eat of summer ha.rd work then, bodily or mental, or both, tlons for a reasonable length of t ime. If not Some Dirt on Hers. drives the mercury of the thermometer near as the bent cure for a. fi~ of t he "blues." cureEI, complications multiply and Cot1sump. . to or a.hove tbt mark the blood still rel(ist· t\on of the Lungs, Skin Disensei;, Hea1 ·t Disease, A little girl of t~re?'. wh ose ers 98·3 degrees. The marvellous mechl\ni.Bm Rheumatism, Kidney D, or other grave maladies are qulte hable to set i n and, sooner and were s .. wise and careful 01 her by which this UI1iform bbod temperature is Where Boys and Girls .Marry. or m, induce a fatal termination. ))}-, Pie r ce's G o iilen Medical D is- tha.t they had nev er. allol\·ed her to eat any manta.ined a.tall seasons is not necessary to c o v ery Rcts powerfully upon the Liver, and but the most htil\lt hlul tood, was one ~a.y consider, but it must be evident to every When legal ma.rriages occur in British t hrough t hat .,,..,·eat blood-pm·ifying ergnu., allowed t_o ta~e d mner ~Ith guests. :She one that the force needed to ra.ise the cleanses the system of all l>!ood-tuints und im- wa.s espec1a.lly mteresce~ in i;ne. m yst ery . 01 temperature of t he whole body to nea.rly 100 Honduras the p a.routs of the couple make all the arrangements b etween t hemselves, purities, from whatever cause a ri.'!ing. I t i8 equally efficacious in acting upon the K id- the pepp~r· box, ~n u.rti~le whi~h she fi:ad degrees in winter is no longer needed in The tender passion takes e<irly root in the n eys, and other exct·etory organs cleansing, nev~r befor.e notl~ed, Sne w .. vched wnh summer. Tne total amount ot food needed tropics, a.nd it is nou uncommon to eee a strengthening, and healing their dlseasea. As close autent1on w~ile one <>f the gentleI!len for repair, for growth, a.nd for heating, bride a.nd groom both under l< When an appetfaing, restorotiYe tonic, It promotes p eppered . someth rng, ~nd ~hen, t:Uending physiology teaches us, is much lees than is the boy wants to get married he tells his dlgestion ~-nd nut.1i tion, thereby buildlng up both flesh and strength. In malarial districts, ner. own ln~;e P!ate, ~aid, :W1th !he ut mosu yenera.lly imagined, a.nd it impresses us w ith mother all a.bout it. She talks with the this wonderf ul medicine hns gained great poll~ness, P lease put a little dir t on m me, ~he trutn of the greot surgeon Abernethy's father, and if both are willing t o acce}lt the celebrity iu curing F e rnr and Ague, Chills and too, saying, tha.t "one-fourth of what we eat girl a.s their da.u.;:hter they repair ro the :Fever, Dumb. .Ague, and kinclred a;seases. o ... J?icrce·g Gol<lcn Jr.lodi c al DI·· keeps us, the other t t>ree-fcurths we k eep a t house of her par entd, taking with them a cov e1·y Tonic for Ohildren. the peril ot our lives." In winter we burn chiquiliuite of fowls, fruit, bread, ears of . . . up tn~ surplus food with a limited amount dried corn and strings of peppers, They CURES ALL HUM ORS, Cod liver 01l 1s t he 1i?.n1c par excellence ot extra exer tion. in summer we get rid of organize a sor t of procession, com posed of f rom a common Blotch. or Eruption, to f'.ba w orst Scrofula. Salt-rheum, " Fever-sores-:" for young child 1en. h 111 a~ m uch . 11 food it literally a.b some ex tra risk to h ea.lth, a.nd, their relatives a.nd friends, hea.di;d by a. ba.nd Scaly or Rough Skin, in short, all dJsea.set as a medwme, a.nd may b~ given _witt:J m or e of course, to life. We cannot burn it. Our of music, thus publicly proclaiming their caused by b11d blood are conqu ered by tills ~aftoty t hAn a.ny ot her tonic. H Is surpris· vital furnaces 1ue banked, a.nd we worry the intention. powerf11J, purifying;and invi~oratlng medicme. Great Eating Ulcers rapidly heal un der rng ly well ~akeu, th e httle pa.~1ent not l~tre· most importan t organs with the extra lt is good lorm for the girl's mother to its benii,;n influence. Especially has it manl- quently se~mmg t o regar d lt ."s a. luxur y. lf i>xertion of removing what would b etter politel v refuse the first rtquest until she f eatod its potency in curing T etter, Eczema, ihe pure oil can be given, It 18 as good or n ever have been taken into the stom ach.~ na.s ha.d time to consult the maiden a.a to ErysipPlr..s, Boi ls, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Serof· beuter than 1>n emulsion. Io eome c..~tis it [The l! , ;i,mily Dootor. her wishes in the m atter, a.nd to find out ulous Sores and Swellings, Hip-Joint Disease, p roduces na.uaea. disgu~t, a.nd should not _ __ " Whi t e Swelling'§!," Goitre, or Thick Neck , wha.t h er own friends m a.y think of it. She a nd Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents in oe for ced upon . ~he child. ln _ t he bronchitis How to Brea.the sends the procession home completely in et&mps for a large Treatise, with ·colore<l of mfa.nts no~nmg 1s so tffect1ve a.s 11n 011. · the dark as t o the resul t of its nussion. If p lates, on Skin Diseases, or the same am<mnt .Bronchial c"'oan n and cough uha.1i have Nobody t eaches A merican boys how to t he answer be Irrevocably unfavorable, she for a Treatise on Scrofulous All'cotions. r esisted everythmg else will sometimes dis- breathe. City boys, and many from the simply sends · back t o the par ents of the "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." appei.r u nder the use of this oil. lt should coun try, too, have finer chests before they Thoroughl.i:_.cleanse it by using D r . P ie rce '· be given three er four times a day , beginning go to school t han they ever do after~·ra.rds. would· be lover, their bask et with contents ~olden u.a.edical. D iscover y, and good untouc hed. If, on the contrary , she be digestion, a fair akm, buoyant spirits vital wnn ha.If a teliapoonful of ~Ile p ure 0 11, or a :::lit ting in a sch ool-room, or shop, or factory, inclined to t heir proposals, in the strength and bodily health will be established. teaspoon ul ot me emu lsion, ·ncreasing t he or any other ro om, five or six h ours a d ay, amount if it iij wdl borue. a.rid then si tt ing most of t he rest of the day course of a. week or t wo she sen ds to the111 besides, does much t o weaken the chest ; for a.nother chiq uihuHe filled wit h similar offer · which is Scro fu la ot'the Lungs, ls arrested when you sit still, you do n ot breathe your ings. 11.Dd. cured by this r emedy, if taken in t~ The Treatment of Guts. lungs h alf full. Ta.k e one large, f ull breath earlier stages of the From its marA doctor writes ·: -When Do cut happens, now, and see how your breast rises and ex· velous power oYer this terribly fatal disease when first olfering this now world-famed rem'. m11rny p eople mess at the wound, w ..ahing pa.nds, and how ditferentl y from a minute edy to the public, Dr. Pierce thought serio11Bly a.go, when breathing on ly . as y ou generally of calling it his " CONSUMPTION CURE," but it, suc.tdng it, and often pouluicing it ; ot hers do, M a.ny boys actu ally do not breathe t heir abandoned that name as too restrlctiye for pnt on cold· water or warm·wa.ter d r essing. A. W . MORRIS & BRO. a medicine which, from its wonderful com. Nothing could be more foolish a.nd contrary l uugs full once in a. whole week. Is it any bination of tonic, or strenll:thening, alterative, wonder that they weak chests, and that PROPRIETORS, MONTREAL, or blood-cleansing, anti-bilious, pectoral, and to the mosr; ad vs.need surgica.l practice. they easily oa.tch cold? How are y o11 to are the ma~ers of the celebrated hutritive prope1·tiea, is unequ aled, not oulv Sllould it be very dirty, the wound can be a.s .a re~eoy. for Consumption, but for n li washed, but thai; is rarely ca.lleci for. Gen- have strong lungs it you do not use them ? h. .t. Chron ic D iseases of the erally spe.. k ing, j ust bring the edges of th e Which has the str ong arms- the invalid rl! Ill wouod i;o~ether, and stra p them up firmly lea.Ying a sick bed or t he bla.cksmith 1 he ..nd g ently ," put·IDg a. little bit ot lint upon who uses h is M:ms, or he who does not? When walking at the rat e of lou r miles an :For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood Short- the placti a.nd a tin e bandage four er six ness of Breath, Chronic Nasal Catarrl1 Bron. tim1:~ round iii, then ltaviug it q nietly to hour, you breathe n ea.rly five times wi mu ch chitis, Astl;111!11, Severe Coughs, and kindrec:l itself for several days. l n L n·1s w-..y bleed in g a.swhenyou are aitting still, Now, the fuller a:ft'ect1ous, it is ai:i efficient remedy. fo~o~<i.~.Drugg1sts, ~t *l.OO, or Six Bottlee is pri:vented, the air is k ept ou t, a.nd u nion br eath s you take, and the more of them you take In a day, t he stronger a.nd fuller chests I talu :s place at once, Send ten cen.t a m stamps for Dr. Pierce's y ou are going to have. If every boy i n the book OD Consumpt10n. Address, United Sta.tea would take a thouaa.nd slow, C.nildren ·a Clothing· v<:ry deep breaths every d ay from now on . World's Dispensary Medical Association, Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts The clothing of babies must be subj act t o t hroughou t his life,. it would almost d ouble 663 n atn St ·· B UFFALO. N . l[, the meth~ds ur commo., sense. ,T he great ou r vigor an d effectivenellB as a. nation. For ···--·~---- rule h erti is to c?ns1der the baby .s1 <:<>mfort deep brea.thing not only enlarges t he chest over one month. a.nd sa.ft>~Y· !t is as.sham~ful a.a It 1s .s1~l;> it.self, and ma.Ires it sha.pely and str ong, bu!i to ma.k~ "'-baby a. nulliner s model. M1ll1n· i t gives power and vigor to t he lungs and ?ry, as H 10 now understeod , ehoul~ be Dan· heart,-ma.k es thern do th eir work far bett er . Cleaned, Died, Pressed and.R epaired by . 1ahed from th~ nursery. lf t~e writer could And i t does the same for t he a.nd be~ a.gam! and c11orry. h is pres~nt ex· bowels, the liver and k idneys : ind eed to all Pron ounced, by pra.ctical cons u mers,. su penence w1tb him, une of t~e firat thmgs h e the vital organs. It makes t he blood richer. perior to anything in the Canaw~uld do w ould be t o orgamse a huge .con· It adds direccly to the vigor of t be &s dian Mar ket. . sp1 ; of bab1~s to bu_ r n down all t he m1llln· well, and 80 enables it t o do m ore work. I n Dyer and Clothes Cleaner . Write for Information. era shop~·. Is It possible for a~y man or short, it is a.bou t t h e best known wa.y · of Goodl! warranted to be as no oDe will know woman, .111s1de or ?uts1de a lu~a.t10 a~y_ium getting a.nd keepi ng h. And who would JV.tanufactnrers also of them from n ew when done. t.o concei ve anythmg more entirely destitute care to hire a. sick man to wo rk for him? CORDAGE, JUTE and COTTON BAGS, Corner of King a nd Ontario Streets of a aingle grain ct intelligence tha.n t he Or who ca.n do mu ch hard work when be is CALCINED and LAND PLASTER. Bowman ville . ' clothing of ~om? bab~t:s? bis spiff where h sick ? N ot t ha t we ca.n a lways avoid sickToronto Office & V{arehouse should be y1eldmg, t ight where 1t should be ness but it is less likely to come and has loose, short where it sho11ld be iong, an d harder work t o enter when we a;e robust 20 Front S treet East, long _ where it should be a bbreviated. .Oil ond in good training t han when we are wea.k W . C. BONNELL, oertam parts ot che body where clothing and run down - [ W m .Bla.ikie in Ha.rp<>r 's Manager . might be dispensed with, i.s the h a.nds and Young P eople. · ' foGd of t he ,.Aged. @tanadiau Jtatesmau. I HEALTH. thousands from euccumbing to the fatigues of the Cl\mpaign, for those prcvisio~ e inolud· j 6 · SOME PEARLS OF · PRICE. l El······························lillill. Infants =· · · i HAT AILS YOU? I I Children. ' · Latest Designs in TEA AND DINNER SET~ arrived this week at Great variety of .Murdoc/1, Bros· TASLI l ltAUCtNC LAM,8. Endless varieties in Fancy Goods direct from Europe. CONSU M P T ION, Tne JI A, Converse M'f'g, Col M~DOUGALL & METCALF, LL E:7 - ( ~ 0-W-JY-[.A..N""\T I Liver, Blood, and lungs. m-- are ottering Coal as follows : Sto~e - and Chestnut,.-.. ......... ...:..$6.25 . rm.1 --------·-- I It !Grate and E gg, ............................. . 6.00 Gents' Clothing TH OS. PEAT, T I LUMBER, SHINGLE S, LATHS, POST & GORD WOOD Ahyays on hand a lowest prices. McDOUGALL & METCALF. THB.ESHERS A ND FARIERS USE ONLY McCOLL'S ~·-·O H N .T R IM .tvl I N G·S $ 1,00-0 NE YEA.R FOR ONE DOLLA.B- $ 1.00 A p.,re and. Purposeful Home PQIJer. A. News l'aper With eYery modern facility for obtaining the Jaljest n ews. Perfectly eqni1Jped in wail. tele· 'l' DE THE 1'1A.RKET~ B EST LlJBRICA.TOR graph, telephones and eaole service. Correspondents, local, national and foreign. Special When buying Coal Oil your dealer for t he New Oils, despatches from all important points. T h e Time to Give .Medicine. A. R epublican raper , The action of medicine varies greatl y, ac· Whose trained editors present the varying A ph ases of politics with such clearness and cording to the vime and method of adminisfairne' s as to giYe practical aid to all voters. tration. Iron rlquires plenty of d igestive Try it once, and you will use no other. An H i storlcal Paper, fluid, and should be given soon after eat ing, Which deYotea special attention to the hitherwel; diluted with water. Oils designed ro to unpublished events ot tbe great civil war. ,U ct;OLL B R OS. & CO'Y, Toronto. -..ct u pon the bowels. must h1; given upon a.n Th ese war p1<pers, written by union and confederate officers who aaw wh at they tell, form stomach. Uod liver oil, d esign ed as 1empty -.~ETERLN.ARY RURGEON, an Invaluable war library. a. geueral remedy, should be gi ven a. half· A. Literar,f Paper, a.flier ea.ting. Quinine is decomposed .,,O RONO. ONT. hour Giving ev01y week tbe brli;:hte·t and best seby too active digestion, a.nd shou ld be given leccions 'rrom recent poetry, and entertaining, upon an empty stomach. T he differen t bit · h ealthful stories by eminent writers. ter rem edi es d esigned to increase t h e appe· A. Farmer 's Pa per, Having t he best conducted agricultural paper tite should be ta.ken before ea.ting. Soda. or In America., whern gathered t he Yiewa of other alkalies, when .;. , , ) m t h e progressive farmers and gardiners the country H a e received her new stock of a.ppetite and diges~ion, m ust be g iven over, upon a ll questions ot crops, truit, cattle, before Rhµba. rb, frequ ently a.dmin· paultry, farm huildmgs, etc, - MANUF.A.CTURER OF- ist ered in Yery small doses for the same p ur · A Jler eh a nt's Paper. GiYing full reports from the Philadelphia, N ew pose, should a.lso be given before eating. nd invites the Ladies of Bow - T York, Chicago, and other city marll:ets. h ese r ules general and will often be P rices and shipments of grain, live·stook, proma.nville and vicinity to calJ changed by the doctor for special r easons, K I NG STREET , BOWMANVILL v isions, groceries and country produce. but ma.y prove of service where n o d efinite A · w oman 's Pa p er , H as now on h a nd a number of vehicle11 (and ls manufactur ing a great many more) of the no and see her Pattern Extending a helping hand to all women. To di r ections givep, patterns and beat finish, which I am offering tor sale a t th e lowest prices oonslsten$ I them is devoted a f ull page in which they with duerega.rd to workm anship and quality. The following I· a list of t h e prlnci11al vehicles manufactnred by me show each other, under eaitorial guidance.I & acv e u e "how to get married a.nd how to keep house, A P1 1 R f t d' in the most approved fashion. For those who and a.~sortmeotot D oubl e Covered Carriagee .. ....... . .......... .. .. . .. . ...... ... ... ... . ... . ....1150 Upward& The idea . that h ardships ci>nnot be long are torced to r emain single and board, the way Single Phootons. ···· ··· ········· ······ ······ ··········· ···· ····················· 100 endured wi thout the sustaining aid of a.lcois made pleasant, Every woman reader has a Open B uggy ······.········.····· .············. .················· ··· ..··· ······· 70 · Ia.nts wa.s perh ap s neYer more chance to talk . h o Iic st1mu A. Children's P a per, T o p B uggy ... .... .. ............ . . ............. ... ...... . .............. . . .. ..... ... 90 c_onclusively. refut ed . tha.n dur~ng the R ue· With W inter games and ehter tainment for · T&RIJl:-Se condDoor W est of W illiam s1an ca.mpa.1g n against the mdependent little people. Instruction in the ways of mak· luteber stau · mountaineers of the After a. ing things a.nd doing things. Summer excur· Lumber Wagons ..... 65 Light W agon .. ....... ...... . . ._.. .......... ............ ..... . ............... .. ... 40 ceaseless· guerilla. wa.r of twenty-two years' slops to .the fields woods . . P uzzles for the quick-witted, and and plenty of prizes to make the '16 Express the h eroic hig b landers were at last h emmed slow-witted quick. 1.n from ;i,ll sides ; and during t h e last three - Skeleton. . ... .... . ..... ..... .... ... . . .... . ... . .......... ... . .... . · . · .. .. .... · ... .. · 50 of their desperate r eais.tance, were lltlPORTA.NT CLlJBBING A.KKANGEMENT, Sulky...... .... ....... . . .......... . ......... . ................. ... .. ........ ...... . .. 40 reduced, in the literal sen se, to t he spon· She Oon fused Him. By special arrangement w ith all the leading P ossessing enperlor facilities for mannfaoturing oa.rr!ages, I intend to sell very cheap ff'· c ~ Or the Liquor H11btt, Poaitl Yely Clll'M taneous products of the wilderness, all t he weekly and monthly periodicala of .America, b 7 Aci!minfste r i ntr Dr. llalaH' , or a pproved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly Increase my number of sales. 'V -t-'U G olden Special':. arable lands of the foot-hills having been Climbhip:h (inclining to sentimentality)- s ub scriptions are taken for any one or more of sell the wood parts only; or the gearings o{ buggies Ironed. l l can be ldven In a cup of coffee or te11 wlth0'!!1 seized by the remorseless invaders. But in Oh I my dear M rs. Schley, would it t hese journals in connection with the WEEKtb" k nowleifge orthe person t&kln g l t ; la ansolutely if 1 b .. If f · d f LY PRESS at such low rates as virtually · d h M h Jaannleos, and w!U effect o. pcrm&ne.n t rmd apeeq spite of thoee d 1sa. vantages, t e o a.mme- y ou were to a. senu myse or an Ill e - makes our great family paper ll'REE to the nrei whether the patient !s a moderate drinker or an a coholio wreck:. lthas been given In thowmnda da.n interdict of alcohol maintained t he inite period from m y na.tive land ? Mrs. subscriber tor one year. cases, and ln every ln·tance a perfect eure " wild men of the rocks" in good health, as Schley- Far from it. S ile said tt in such an Sample copies furnished free upon applica.At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. aa followed. J! never Tbe system once proved in ma.n y a hand ·to-hand conflict with arch way that Clim1>high turned red and tion Addrose. pregnated wlti: i:io SpeeUlc, lt becomes an "tter At the Factory I do P laning, Matching, Turning ana. Sawing with Cirole,Ba.nd or Soie lmitoeoibllltY tor 'he l!quor appetite to e x!.at. For t heir aggressors ; while the abundant pro· sterned lost in meditation on the exact mea.n- l THE PRESS COMPANY Limited P hiladelSaws, a.nd prepare all kinds of lumber for carpenters nd others for building purposes, C(rilnla.r a.nd fall p~rtlculars & ddress GOLD E N Ornamental an d P lain .Pickets tor fences i n every style reQulred, to order. · phia, ;Pa, ' ' U'JilOll'i"l co., u;~ Ba.o· sc., Cla91Jlaa.ct.o. visions of the Russian camp did not preYent ing of her word s, 'f eet, there are gloves and shoes and stockings such as movemen:.S impossi ble. ln certain other parts wh ich should be warmly -clothed , a.a tbs ches r and shoulders, nud ity is t he tashhm wh ich women most delight in. B ut why repea.t for the ten-thousandth time these eta.le platitudes ? For this reason, that women who will not o bey th e die· tates of reason and experience ma.y at let\llt k now that they wicked fools. - -·- - -- - - - Worth Knowing. SP: ENCER, llSS Mc TAVISH G OODS., BONN ETS, HATS I I DRUNKENNESS A cha.moie ski n ca.n be washed in such a. way a.s to make it a.s sol t a.s when new, but ~ verylone\loes n?t know thti secret. W ash first m a. ~eak solnt1on of s~da and warm water, rnb~nng.plenty ?f S?ap m to the leath er, and lettmg I t re~am m so~k f?r two hou1·s, t hen r ub un til clean. Rmse m a. weak solu· tion of soda., warm w a ter and a lit~la soa.p. lf rinsed i n pu re wa.i;er it is h l\rd, and unfit for use. It is the small particles of soap lefa iu thti water that give tue leathErr its silky softness. \Vring 1t i.n a rough towel, and· dry quickly, p ulling and bru shin'1 i b well. Old corks make very pretty fancy work to interest t he boys. Cut into cnbes, or small bricks, they bea.r a. close r eemblanoe in mm iature t o certain kinds o~ ston es abounding in brown or brownish -gray spots and little holes a.nd indentations which re"'h be f sem bl e o Id m asonry. "- ey ma.y aaten· ed together wi th g lue, or by means of a sma.11 wire passing t hrough b hem, and fash · ioned in models of ca.sties or house w h ich ·11 k tt '1ft f or some younger Wl ma e a. pre Y ~ brother or sister. Broken up into small, irregular bits, and strewn thickl y over the frame oi a.n old slate, w hich ha.a been spread with hot glue, t hey a. pretty picture . b ft d ' td d ' f frame. Tb18 cau e a. erwa.r s gi e 1 one p refers. The i'.ol ew Y ork Boa.rd of Health, a few ago, decided that t he :prevalence of diphtheria was to be attributeo. to t he fumes Of k erosene from a turned low, more than to a.ny other single cause. T his d isease usu a.lly ma.kee its a.tta.cks a t the sea.son when days are short and nights lon g. It is a. sadly mistaken kin dness on the part of an !ndulg~nt mother to a.l.l?W a. lamp to r m a. child's bedroom wit h the turned low "A turned-down kerosene lamp is a. ma.g.azine of deadly gas t hat t he strongest 11 lungs ca.nnot be sd11ly exposed to. AUNT MOLLIE, The Weekly Press. PHILADELPHIA, ARDJINE:= MACHINE OIL. IN 'Jr M ILY. SAFETY & SUNL IGHTCOAL0IL. HAINES ' CARRIAGE W'ORKS GEORGE C. H AINES, P roprietor, CARRI ACES, SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, WAGONS, &O. I D emocrat Wagon................................................................ 65 1.·····················································....... Wag o11,,,............................................................... All Kinds of Vehicles Repaire~~ t: '

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