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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1889, p. 8

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S. S. CONVENTION AT OF·ONO. We give below, the Program, in full, of the S, S . Convention f·"' W ,;st Durham, to he held in the M ethouist C'hnrch, Orono, Tuesday and '\Vednesdny. of next week. We trust that S . S . euperint..,ndents and teachers and the Christian public generally, will attend the Convention in large numberR.TUESDAY, JAN. 15th. MORNTN(} S ESSION .-.I0:30-Chair taken by the President, Dr. Mi;LaugPlic, M.P.P. Devotional .F.xercises . Appomtment of Nominating C0mmittee . 11:00. RepDrts from Sabbath s~hoo!s. l~eport of Nominating Committee. Election of Officers. 12:00 Adjournment. A :ETERNOON SESSION. -·2:00 . Devotional lhercises. 2:30 Address by Retiring President, a11d introduction of New !'resident. Reports of Sabbath Schools contiuued . 3:00 "Sabbath Schools, their true object, bow to accomplish it ." Rev. Mr. Garbutt, Orono. 3:20 Discussion. 4.00 "Order in the Sabbath School," Rev. J. 'fbom, B.A., Newcastla. 4:20 Discussion. 5:CO Adjournment. Evmm·a- SESSION. -7:30 Devotional Exercises. 8:00 Address of Welcome, Rev. T. Dunlop. Orono. 8::!0 Prcvincial Sabbath School '\Vork. Alfred Day. EHi., Sec'y of Provhwial Association . 9;00 ··Sabbath School and Prohibition," Mr. R. Windatt, Bowmanville. 9:20 Discussion. 10:00 Adjournment. WED~ESDAY, JAN, 16th Morrnrna Sl!SSION.-9.30 Devotional Exercises. 10. 00 S. S. reports continued. 10.15 S. S. Lesson r>f following Sabbath.·'Healing of the Leper." Mark 1; 35-45. Dr. Tilley, Bowmanville.. 11.00 "The Church's claim upon. anrl obligation to its S. S. De. partment ." Rev. H. S. Matthe-.vs, Rowman ville. 1J . 20 DiscusSion. 12 .00 Adj ounment. AFTllRNOON SESSION. -2.30 Devotional Ex~rcises. 2.30 Children'R MaRs Meetin!'; Singing by the children; A.ddresses by Revs. J . A. Mc.Keen. B . A., Orono; A. Leslie, M:. A ., NewtonYille: and Alfred Day, Eeq., Provincial Sec'y. 5.15 "Result of S. ::>. wo1-k." Rev . W. H., B. D. 5,00 Adjourr.went. EVENING- SESSION.-7. 30 Devotional Exercises. 8.00 "Teacher 'i'rainir>g," Mr. M. M. Fenwick, .M: . A., Principal of B.)wman. ville High School. 8.20 Discmsion. 9.00 Question Drawer, Rev. D. ·Fr:iser, Bowmanville. 9 ..'30 Brief closing Addres"<is 10 00 Benediction. Music at intervals by the choir. USEFUL PRESENTS. We will hold DURING JANUARY another of our Popular Bonus Sales. A Valuable and Useful Present FR EE to each and all our Patrons who desire purchasing above one d ollar ($1.00) for. Cash. We will only mention a few as samprns this week, but ask buyers to see t he grand a isp1ay of Presents on our display tables. ,. 1st-:-Any Cash PurclJase over fifty dollars, ($50.00), bern.iful black N o. 1 Persian Lamb Sett, value $20.00, including storm collar, cuffs and muff:· 2nd-Any Cash Purchase over twenty-five dollars, ($25 00), No. 1 Black Lamb Cap, any size, worth $5.50.. 3rd-Waterbury Watch in perfect running order and guaranteed for one :rear, just the thing for boys, over any . twenty dollar ($20.00) Cash Purchase. 4th:--A Clock in perfect. order and guaranteed for one year over any :fifteen JoUar ($15.00) Cash Purchase during January. 5th-A host of beautiful, valuable and m eful presents to select from on any Cash Purchase over t en dollars, ($10.00), such as tiedowns, quilts, quilted skirts, silk handkerchi1-fs, umbrellas, clouds, wool . squares, ladies' wool vests, all sizes and colors with sleeves, etc. .()th-Any Cash Purchase over :five dollars, ($5 .00). The presents in this No. are very numerous and attractive. Ladies' ga.antJets, kid gloves or mitts-lined, kid gloves, fur caps, silk handkercl.iefs, corsets, ladies' wool vests-al I sizes and colres without sleeves, etc. ";th-Over four dollar (S4 00) Cash Purchase. The ai ticles in this No. are very varied anc... wonh from 40 to 75 CPnts. 8bh-Over three dollar ($3.00) Ca,.h Purchase ynu can A eleet children's wool boas, children's gloves or hose in bliick or colors, purs~s, gloves, mitts, hose, etc. 9th-Ove·r two <lollar ($2.00) Cash purchase you can ~elect braces, ties, GRAND BOOK FOR TEACHERS AND PARENTS. gloves, hose, sox, collars, handkerchiefs, etc 10th-Over one dollar ($1.00) Cash Purchase, 1 doz. boot laces, 1 doz. A few months ago the papers published lead pencils, wire bustle, 8rnall cashmere gloves, small wool hose, an account of the presentation by the Tohandkerchiefs, etc. ronto School Board to the Public School Call and see the presents as displayed on our tables, and see this book entitled "Aims and Objects," just space next week for further particulars. issu~d by fhe Toronto Humane Society. Teachers of that city of a copy of a new JOHN. J. MASON. .Tt was a m ost appropriate gift, and a -c :ec-R Es arip DI A. s - A T THE- We invite you to ca.11 and see our splendid Bargains. NewStyles, Latest Novelties, Finest Qualities, Beautifu I Holiday Goods. On Monday evening last, about 200 Having sold out our entire stock of Holiday Goods last year, we have of the friends and acquaintances, of Mr. for thi"' sPason's tradt> a new suppl} of Plu~h, Lear.her an<i Basket and Mrs C. Osborne, met at their residence, e1:1st of the town, for the Goods of every kind and co;or purcha~ed direct from the manu· purpose of eelebratin!! thJ twentieth -facturers, induding : '~nniversary of their Wedding Day. Th0se present were from Solina, En· J.atHe>s' 'l'oilet Ca· ct<i, Dre!!!sin~ Cases, field,, Oshawa, Whitby, Clarke, ColumGent's !'!ihavang· Cases, Odo1· t~ases, bus, Taunton and Bowman ville. After '\Whisk Holoer!!i, nearly all the large gathering had par· G~· nl' "' Compnnions, taken of the splendid supper provided Sbavin~· rn u~s, \\· hisks, by the ladies of the party, and which Per.Cu1nc1·y, Hand N1Ir1·01·~. consisted of all the delicacies of the season, the company was called to order Hair lt ru!!!hes, &c., l·'ancy Vases, wit,~1 Mr. Rich, Pascoe, of Enfield, in the chair. Aftet a very neat speech and a host of othe·i· goods. fr('m the chairman, he called on Mr. W. H. Osborne to read the subjoined Address always: JAMES' Pl:BLISHIXG .Addre·s, and at the proper ti me, Mr. J. J . Mason, made the presentation, HousE, B owmanville, Ont. which consisted of a most handsome Dinner Set of 116 pieces, valued at $40 BOW!VIANVILLE .MARKETS. and purchased through Mr. J . Lyle, iu Corre cte d b y .J. !II cltlurtry, every Tuesday. Toronto ; accompanied by a Silver Butter Dish and Knife, worth :$11.00 F LOUR, 'IP' 100 lbs .· ·· ·... . $2 50 to $3 00 and purchased from Mr. J . J . M ason. WHEAT, Fall,. 'ii'l' bush.. . · · 1 00 11 1 05 Mr. Osborne, made a very suitable ; 11 Spring, 11 l 00 11 1 05 reply, t hanking his numerous friends, . B ARLEY, ~bush, No. 1... · 0 57 11 0 00 on behalf of himself and Mrs 03borne, 11 2 .. . . 0 55 11 0 00 for this mark of their esteem and good!SLAND HOME !STOCK FARM, Grosse Isle, Wayne County, l!li cl1ign:n. " II II 3.... 0 50 II 0 00 will towar<is them. Congratulatory About 200 pure-bTed anim als on hand. P rices ren.sonabl e ; terms easy. Horses 11 I RYE , · . · · · . · · · · 0 60 11 0 65 speeches then followed from Messrs J. ~arantoetl breedua, La1fdd~:;~1sfVACii.h&h~~lfNU~~D:t;~1t ~1~h~Y m ail 11 OATS, · · · · · · · · · 0 34 11 0 35 Worden, Jas. Knight, J . P enfound, R. PEAS, Blackeye, 'Ill' bush ·.. 0 65 11 0 66 P ascoe, R . Osborne,Clarke; L . A. T0le , 11 11 Sm all, 0 60 11 0 68 C. R ogers, T .. Pascoe , A. Whito. \V. Ileautifully formed 11 B lue, 0 70 11 0 75 Jewell, _ _:_Clemens, T . Svmons,of Morris high-stepping St allions and Marea, suBUTTER, be~t t able, 'IP' l:b, ·· 0 18 11 0 00' Carriage W orks; W. R . Knight, J. perb action, l1red E GG1-1, ~ doz .·· · · · ·· . · .·· 0 18 11 0 19 Gale, R. Bragiz, W. J. Bral(g, W . under the patronage of t h e French GovPOTATOES, 111' bush .. · ... · · 0 25 11 0 00 Jeffery, W . Mutch, J. Sando, R. 0. ernment. F or cataPoRR, 'I?' cwt, ·· ·· ·· .· ··· 6 50 11 7 00 Short,J. Osborne,J. J, Mason, and the ~~~·~re':da~~~i[ of HAY , ~ ton . . · . · · . ·· . .·. 16 00 11 17 00 following program, consisting of Music CHICKENS . ... . ........... 0 07 11 0 08 by Mrs A. White; Song, W. Bragg; DucKR . ....·.··.· . ·. ... . 0 IO 11 0 00 Song, T. Percy; Reading, E. Osborne; Detroit, Mich. GEESE , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 07 11 0 09 R ecitation, W. Gibson; Songs, Miss . T URKEYS . . . .... . . ..... . . 0 10 11 0 00 Worder, J. Awde, H. Knight and H. -'2!!!Jl2L _ _ _ __ ·· K enner. The young people amused themselves in various games and anrnse· ments, until the email hours of the A list ot 1000 newspapers divided m to I STA'l'F;S .A ND SE0'1'10NS will be sent on ap· 1 Is the oldest and most pQpu lar scientifln and I1.e morning, ancl enjoyed themselves plication-F Ril:lt. meclrnntca t pa per pub li!lh ed a nd ba.2 the Jnrge~t. . thoroughly. The whole affair was a T o those who want their ad vertlsing t.o pay. ctrcula.t ioo of an y 11 nper of Jts cl.a3s tn the wor ld·. gi·and success and one that .vill not we can offer no better med. inm for thorough F u lly illu ~truted . Best class oJ \ F.ngrav· jn:.zs. Publi~lied weekl y. Send f or specimen and effective work than the various selections soon be for~otten. This, in a gFent P l'icP. !f-8 a year. Four n:w nt.hs' trial,$~. ¥ of our Select l.ocal List. I copv. DONT NEGLECT THE COUGH. MUNN & co., PUBLISHEHS, 3G l Broadway, J'i . L measure, was due to the efforts of Mr. t.: EO. P. llOll'EL L .t CO., Cough, Colds, Hoarseness,, vV. B . Osborne, Chairman of the ComNewspaper Advertisin1t Bureau, Whooping Cough, Croup, Influenza, Difficult 10 Spruce streec, ~ew York. Breathing, and a ll Throat and Lung com. mittee, who spared no effort to make plaints. the affair a success . Pleasant to take; children are fond of it. A great succe::% Each issue conta.ins co~ored lit hoaraphic p lates of count r y and city re:m:~en ... Instant relief 'from first dose ·; 'heals and ces of p ublic buildings. Numerous engravings cures like magic. The best anodyne and expectorant for To at on Ce e stablish and full pJa.u::i a n d spe~ifl_cations. for tl!e uso of tr2de in all parts, by 'Pl'epared scientifically from the Pure Pin e the cure of colds and coughs 1md all throab such a s cont e mplate b1uld1mr. P n ee $2.50 a y ear, lacing o ur m achines Tar, . . . 25 cts. a copy. MUNN &, CO., PCllLISHEHS. a where the\ p eople can &co Sold by Wholesale Dealers and Druggists Imi g, and bronchial troublea, is, undoubtwe will tsend .free t u uue in es.ell locality,tlli? very everywhere. maybe secnr· edly, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask your wine--ma cbine made in · · ed by app l yCERTIFICATE. with ull the nttl\chments. ing t o M U N S I am acquainted with the compoqition of drn.zgist for it, and at the same time, for Ve willabu !lend 1·1·eea c omplete & co., wh o ine ot' our costly aud \'.'.1luable a.rt Perrin's J;>ine Tar Cordial, and recommend it Ayer'a .Almanac, which is free to all. l'. h a.vo lta d Over Rtnples. In r eturn W I' a'k that. yo11 at1 being the most effectnal remedy ·known to LJ years' e x perience a nd. have made . over show what we scurl, to those who 00,00J applications for American a~~ ~or the medical faculty. msy call at your ltutne, am) alte r"" e 1gl1 pa t ents. Send for Hundbook.. ·Corr es.. m ont hs all sha ll become your own I P . P ALMEH. BURROWS. M.D.M. C. Lindsay, 'J'he Weekly Mail, Farm and Fireeide ponden ee str ictly con fidential. , proper ty. 'l his g n irnl machi11e is I President Executive Board of Health for and the STATESllIAN to the end of 1889, maJ c after the Sin get· p nt<m ts. Ontario. TRADE MARKS. \Yl:.:ich ha Ye r un o ut: b e fore 11att·nts n m out it solti for:!§n";J with the In ca~C: y Our ?nark 'is not t~gi~tered in\ t he Pat .. J>ERKU'S PINE TAR CORDIAL (JO, LIND. or $2. copy of this excellent book should be in every school and household in this Domm10n. The publication of this book was under the editorial supervision of J. George Hodgins, E sq., M . A., LL. D., for mar;ty years Deputy-Superintendent of Education for Ontario, which is a suffi. cient guara;ntee of the merit.s of the volume. It is a large book of 2301 pages, 7 by 10 inches, containing a most varied and interesting series of facts, anecdotes and stories in prose and poetry, beautifully illustrated by 112-il'lustrations. -The publishers acknowledge a mun ificent gift of $500 from Miss Gwynne, of Parkdale, and donations of $25 mch from the Hon. Senator Macdonald, vV. R. Brock, J. R . Pearce, Edwarcl Gurney and others, without which this publication could not have been issued. Seeing such favorable comments by the Press on ".Aims ancl Objects," we ordered a copy, and c1:1n tr uthfully say that no book ever placed in the hands of our children ever created great~r interest among them or was read with m'-lre.avidity. It is ver y suitable for public readings and recitations orfora H oliday presen t t o a boy or girl under 18 yearn. The cloth-bound edition is a larger and better book than is often sold for $1.50. The paper cover edition would b e cheap'at 75 cents. The annual ine&ting of the Township of Darlington Agriculiural E>ociety will take place at \be Council Room, Bowmnnville, on Thursday, January, 10, 1889, at one o'clock. On "Christmas , Eve." the llev. R, Hassard, was the r<\,cipent of a well worded address, re..d by , Mr. R. J . Taylor, accompanied by a l\eautiful set of harness and a robA, pres«nted by l\ir . ,V. Taylor of Blackstock, on behalf of a number of the friends of Mr. H. Mr. Hass~rd suitably replied, after which addresses were delivered by Messrs W. J. Reacock,Prust and others. Value of harness and robe, 850, vV. L. SMITII'S FA)[OUS Swiss BELL RINGEBs.-Thia grand organizlltion, we are pleased lo annc;unce, will appear here on 'fbursday evening next; 10th i;is1, under the auspices of the Mecbar.ics IosLitule. Their prngramme is varied and attractive and should command ~large audience, as as iheir music is delighUul. In addition io ihe Riugers, Commodore Foote and Sister pleasure party will appear in their Minia· ture SpeciuHies. We are sorry want C\f space forbids a further notice, but don'i fail lo see the Company nexl Thursday evening. Tickets 25 and 35 cenl8. 'Ve have to record tha death, on Thursd~.y morning, Dec. 27t.h. at the residence of his son, Councilman David Fallis, Cart. wright, of James Fallis, E~q. at the ad· ~ance age of 87. The deceased was one of Cartwright's oldest settlers, having resided in that township, for · upwards of 50 years; he was a man of rema1kable, physical, and constitutional power, and posses·ed powers of endurance and ability, to stanil all the hardships incidental to pioneer life, that few, if \IDY of the present generation are gifted with. In his early days he chopped th~ timber on much of tbe land that now constitute~ the site of Bowman ville, As a neighbor he was kind and ohliging,as a host, · generous and hospitable, and his door was ever open to the ambassador of the cross; bis end was peaceful,calm, and without a ~trug1rle he pruised to thu other shorP., .with kind hands and loving hearts ministering to his wants . The Anniversary Services in connection with the Queen St. Melhodisl Church were held on Sunday and Tuesday lasl. On Sunday, two excellenl sermons were preached by ihe Rev. N. A. McDiarmid, of Oshawa. Tbe Rev. genlleman is a very fluent speaker, and crealed a very favor· able impression among those who had the pleasure of hearing him. The Annual Tea was held on Tuesday, bul was not so nu. merously aUended as on some former oo. casions. After Tea a public meeting was orgo.nized in the church, with Mr. I'. Trebilcock in the chair. Addresses were delivered by Revs. Messrs. McDiarmid,Fra. zer, and Matthews, interspersed by sl:ieet music from the excellent choir, under the efficient leadership of Prof. Chas. Ruse. A rncial will be held this evening, to which lbe public are cordio.Uv invited to &ltend. We are in receipt of a bound copy of Ayer'a Almanac for 1889, embracing editions in ten languages. Specimen pag&s of pamphlets in eleven other tongnes are also inoluded, some of them being very curious and interesting,especially those in Tarkish , llawaiian, Burmese, and Chinese, which we have not yet bad time io peruse. All the people ihus represented have n.ow an opportunity to read of ibe cures effected by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and Ayer's Pills, so long standard family medicines m this country. 'fbe aecuracy of foe astronomical ealeulations, as well as the other tabn1o.tedmatter contained in Obis work, commends it to all in need of a valuable and reliable alman1w. We may add thai the annual issue of Aver's Almanac is about fourteen millions-far exceeding tb11i of any othe:r w,1rk of the J;ind. This is cerlainly a proof that both the almanac and the medicines it advertisei1 are appreoi· ated by ihe world at large. The familiar yellow·coverecl pamphlet can now be had at all drug stores. McOLUNB BRO, BIG ALTERATION Prices Preposterously Low this week. The Pruning-knife has got another touch. new this season cut down from $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 to, 5oc. each. · Down~ Ladies' Fashionable Hats All Goods Cut Ladies' Mantles new German make cut down from $22~50 to $15.00 and $25.00· to $16.50. Jackets and Ulsters at about half price. Dont get into your head that any~ body will cut lower than our prices: -We are the lowest and we lead. CHRIST.MAS CORRESPONDENC~: - ---_ 9 ---- McCL UNG BROS.- CHINA WEDDING. ·------ CAWKER de ALLIN'S Is the reliable house for paying Cash for all kinds of Farm Produce. We pay Cash for Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Hides, Tallow, Pork, Beef, Lamb, Mutton, &c. We also pay Cash for our Groceries, which enables us to buy the best quality at the most reasonable prices. We have on hand for the CHRISTMAS TRADE a full supply of the best Cash, Cash, Cash, Cash. ----o---- Groceries, Glassware, Crockery, and all delicacies of the season which are too numerous to mention. For our Meat Department we have bought for our Christmas, EIGHT' MAIDEN HEIFERS, some of which have taken First Prize, which quality will be unequalled. · We keep on hand Flour, Shorts, Bran, Oats, Buckwheat, Coal Oil and everything that is kept in a first-class Grocery and Provision Store. All the above mentioned will be sold at the most reasonable prices. \Ve invite inspection before purchasing elsewhere, and then we feel con:fident we will receive a liberal share of your patronage. We also rnturn our sincere thanks to our thousands of friends and patrons for their very liberal support during the time we have been in business, aud trust by k no~hing bu~ the best quality of goods that can be procured, to still merit a contmuance of the same. Your patronage will be thankfully received and everybody is welcome. We wish you all "i ' A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR. · C. lll. CAWKER. J O B: t~ ALLl.V. Bowrnanville, December 17. 1888. J. IGGIN BOT v hemists and Druggists. .P ER C HERON RSE S! I I " " 51·3w CHAS. RUSE'S----o---SCHOOL OF MUSIC. A Complete School of Musical Learning in two General Departments. Snage a Farnum, TO ADVERTISERS. . Pl ARE~i~!J~fJc~n!tficB~~e~~:n~S Sewin ;;.Macl1iueFRRE M"rEMTs -..r.Rt.T E flll maeh1ue m tl1e world. .AH 1s ·rec. No capita l required. l'la1n , "brief Jnst r uct ion!J given. 'l'hosa w ho writ~ to m1 a t on e~ can Bl'-cnrc fre e t.he bc:Jt "'ewing-mnchin e in the " W()rld, nnd the fiu cstline of wOrks o fl1iµ:h uct ev~r show.-i tog~thcr in Arnt:T ica. ~~, FR il I. !i' E 1 ntt:whments , and 11ow sells for $~>0~ Bc~t_, atro~1gest,mvstus~- eat Office , a p ply ~o MCNN &. Co . a n d p rocure immedinte protection. Sen d Ior Handbook. CffPYRIGU TS fOr books, charts, ·maps, etc., ·quic.ldy .proc111ted. Ad dress lUUNN & CO. , l'lilent Solicifo1·s. G'i NKUAL OFFICE; 301 IlROADW.A.Y , N. y, t...: O., Dox. 7 -1:0. Au:,:1usta. Maine. allkindS, First, A UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT organiZed for the· promulgation of the Baxterian System of Musical Culture, which advances all the subjects, branches and processes of cnlttire from the beginning, at the sam e time by an or.,anized r outine of clnsses, recitations and graded courses of study, ex tending from the 'first initial principle to the highest artistic attainment. · · By this organized arrangement of processes, the student is led to lay hold of tl1e spirit of music in its theoretical, technical and ::esthetical properties, and to mould them into a vitalized education, impartinq that grace and cl!arm to the execution that springs only from a refined and well cultivated taste ; thus placina a compre· hensive and philosophically developed musical education within the same ~asy access, and applying it as a means to the same intellectual development a11 are corresponding ~rades of literary or scientific courses of study; in addition to the mere ex ecutive attainment that is allotted so conspicuous a place in many pha!es of modern society. This depa.rt:iµent requires the student to be in daily att.endanca. The other is a CONSERVATORY DEPARTMENT, where students pursue the usual lesson system, with-the addition, that as many of the educational principles of the University Department aa can be judiciously applied, being introduced here. ln this department students will have one lesson per week, but will not be entitled to any school regulations and privileges, excepting while in attendance for their lesson. / Students for the Conservatory Department may call at the office, now open, and register at any time, and arrange for their lessons. The University Department will be opened in January n ext. Students ~. ~.. this courae will do well t o register before the h olidays. ]!'or fuller particulars address SAY. ONTAJUO. BucKwHEAT. -\Vanted 3,000 bushels Highest price paid. V(()TORIA CARBOLIC SAJ,'\'E ls n great of Buckwheat. ai1l to internal n1ecuc1ne Ju the treatment Apply to JNo. MACKAY, Caledonian of sci·ofulous sor es, ulcers anti abseesses of .Mills. 49. BOWMANVILLE, 0N'r· 45- lm ----o---- PE RR I N 'S Tar C . ord1' al. O:S:..A.S_ RlTSE:1 I I

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