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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1889, p. 1

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TERMS :-el.50 Pu .bxux. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THB WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. J AMES E DITO:a AND P ROPltllTO:a, NBW SJCBIESa NUMBED 546. BOWM.ANVILLE. ONT.ARIO, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 23, 1889. The Christian Herald. VOLUME xxxv. -- i Nu:arnEn ii. SElYl!·A.NNUAL YELVERTON. CLEARING SALE. Before Stock-taking COUCH, ' ...... ( Mr. T. W ., one ot our mol!lt enter· We club The Christian Herald with the pri11ing stookmen, week eold to Mesere. Prouire &: Williamson of the Central ·etook Weekly Globe, Mail, Empire, News, farm · . Ingersoll. two Imported n;iares for It.SW. Witness, Family Heral<l, Western Ad· Thia 11 no fancy figure tor a pa.1r or ma1·es ot vertiser or any othe r dollar paper at $2.00 t hetr breeding and· merit, as one or them wae a prize and silver medal winner in for the two papers. Subscriptions m111t Scotland. end t he other a second prize be sent t o M. A. J.AMl!S, Bowmanville. winner at the Ba.rhead ehow. open to England and Scotland. Colton Maid a lso took tlret prlr.e at the Toronto lnduetrlal f&ir tor the beas two year old lmnorted flll:r. and at the oonnt:r falra had vlrtna.lly a walk over In the 1&me cla11, M~. Evan a has bad 11reat ·ncoen in hi.a .ftrat 1ear · lmportaUone. He pur1>0sea vleitmtr the old country in June to br111g ~nt a tre1h Importation. ll'lr. Evans' reputation aa a euocenful horseman I· beoomlna w ide 1pread. lie previouel:r bred aome very tine Canadlu honea all being pr lfltl·Winnere. I H.ATlJUN. PUBLIC SCHOOL GRANTS JaD 1889. The following distribution of M unicipal gra.n ts to t ho school of t hi1 lDl!Jle':tora te has j ust been made, 'l'he appointment t o ~&eh sebool ia pa yqble a t once by the township treasurers on the present ation of oi-der11 f rom t he trustees of the respective leQtions a ttested hv t he Ccrpora.te seal. It ia nry dffirable that school boards Bllcure their grant!! with011t dela.y that the treaeurer1 may ~ enabled to make th eir return1 in time t o t he County t reaeurer. T hese grant. hne been d istributed to t he mucicipalities on the bul1 of t he total populations, and to the school.a oo the bali11 of a.vPrage att endance, during the 1.aet hall '1f DARLI!'QTOK.· Mr. Jaa. Coram left on Sat urda y for h is home 1 In Montana.. Mr. Tb.oe. Ashton took a load of .a pples to Newrr !alt week. . , Mr. Thos· . Brlmacombe I now mill a t the Sault ii ne&rmg completion, Tis re1>orted "'e a re a.boot to lose out" new millers. We &re sorry to part with you. Sandy, atid no doubt aome will ehed tears over :rour departure, as well al!foanny wee Johne;r. Recent vhdtors : - Mr· J . Thomae. Plvmpton; Mr. and Ml'fl. F a.lits and Mr. and Miss Heard, of Toronto; Jdr. H , ArJiue, Mr. George Argue and wife, Solina. · and Mr. E. Argue Glonarm ' ' · tae COLUMBUS. 1888. JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN lll will offer Great Bargains Departments for the . all (NEXT SIX WEEKS) specially in HOUSES & LOTS DRESS GOODS, FOR SALE MANTLE CLOTHS, OVERCOATS, FURS, and all '"Winter Goods. '\ lot of Dress Good'S will be sold at aboµt half_ p_rip~- ___ _ N. B.- This is a Genuine Sale, as our stock must be reducedt We make it a rule not to carry goods over from one season to another. COUCH, ·JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, One Door West of Post Office. IBOWMANVILLE, I~ We are enabled to . offer splendid value all our different departments. -·-·- Ill · Our DRESS GOODS cannot be surpa.s-sed, when style and quality are ta.ken into consideration. Our M.A.NTL E CLOTH and CLOA.KINGS are said to be the most effeetive in town- at any rate our bast dress-makers have purchased their own Mantle Stuff from us. And to make this depar.tment more succeE.sful, I have eomplet ed arrangements with a :first-class ar tist to cut all the garments I may r equire. I therefore m ake the following offer to any lady who may desire to purchase from u s : t o cut and fit any garment FREE OF CHARGE, providing the amount of bill exceeds $6.00. That is if you get here quickly and not on Saturday, as we have then generally to~ much else to att end to. · SILK SEALETTE S. The material t o make a queenly garmimt; the most desirable fa.bric fo1· our climate, equaling the natural seal m effoet- prefera.ble in pomt of economy. The prices are now so reasonable, this beautiful texture is brought within t he reach of all. Remember ·you will find the choicest goods, but not at fancy prices at our store. . ERY, MILLIN The new~st, the neatest, and the most stylish, a~. our house. Woolen Goods a specialty at our place. Gre y Flannel s tile b est value i n t o w11 a t our llousc. - ... To the Ge nts· Please remember it is not t he coa.t t hat makes t he man, it is the :F1nts, ~d HINDSO~ is up to t he business in that resp. eet. Give him a call. CEO. LAIN C. On F riday tneninlf Jan 18th there was a happ:r aatherlnir of relative1t and intimate frien ds at Woodside cottage the reeidence or M.APLB GROVE. Mr. a.nd Mrs. p , Harper, it being the30thannlver1111.ry ot their wo!l.dinK day, Tbe happy What bu happened our choir 1 couple were taken completely by sorpriae but Mr. A. Foley has returned from hie vl1it a t they aoon Kot eettled down when their friend· Maripoea, · told them they meant no harm b·t only a. Revival eervlcea commenoed on l\fonda.j" trlenoly visit. Arter all had gGt completely evenlnrt Jan l!lat to be continued 1111ated and the .1roomdoned. his bell41d shirt, · · · . · . · Mi;. W.:. J. Haycraft read an address a nd Mre, The quarterly 1ervioe1 of th111 olrouil will ba i.:.· J . W1l1111ler preaeoted Mr. Harper witl! a held at Maple Grove, on Saturday andBnnday, pair of ·au ver c utr buttone and Mrs. Har.per · 3rd and ith of February. · with a dosen 11ilver knin1 and forka coupled We think had Trim put ·on a pair of with the wiBh that both might live many :rears e:rer he would have 1111cri the advertisement of to use them in hoe.Ith and proaperlty, Mr, our oyster 1upper. Onoe advertieing In as Harper ma de a suitable r eply thanking the widely circulated 'Paper aa the STATESMAN w~ donors for their klndnea11 and hoped t hey thl.Dlc eumolent. Ht.d It beea good roads no would enjoy themselvee which we t hink a ll doubt we would have been crowded, present did. An excellent tea. was eerved by We think It slim ot Mr. Trim the lad~es . about mldn iaht a nd ali ret ur aed ' Vho at Grove did not appear. h.ome wishing h ost a.nd hostess many happy returns of l·h~e eventful da y. Also a dlegrace not to go to a. place Where oysters were n ot dear. NEWO.A. S,TLE. DEXTER. Ba'tes,tho butcher, la movlnir up i nto Chand· 0.IESA REA. ler's block, Our part ot the t-0wn11bip la much pleased Mr . .Thomae Miller le about to commence over th.i election of,Mr. Anson 'l'avlor to the · busineHB a.t Oflba.wa . Sucoess to him. Council. Mies Eva Wilkinson ie now taklnit ·a six The Litera.ry Society decided a few evenings months' course a t the Nor ma.I School. 'l'o ronto, &llODOtto draln '.rhelrenter talnment ·1 One hotel In town. The West End was a RJ"and succeea. House Is closed a nd mme hoat Cra wford has Thl1 powder never varlell, A marvel of T he Ice le poor with some open water a lonic retired. purity, atrength and wholesomeneBB. More t he ·hare. One horse w~s drowned and several Mr' Fred Stilwell t alb! of leav ing h ere next coonomtoa.l than the ordinary kinds, and oan got In. Some are drawmir grain a.cross it. spring a nd inte nils to look for a fortune in the· nol be sold In competition with the multitude · Surprise partiee are booming j ust now. One North Wetit. His property Is advertised for of low tut, short weight, alum or phosphate at Mr. Sheoberd'1 on t he H L h. another at Mr. sale. pywderB: Sold only i n oa.ns. ROYAL BAK· Ball'· on t he 18th· Both were well a ttended :rtev< Mr. Allen of Mill brook preached a NG POWDER C0,.106 WallSt., N. Y. and all enjoyed themselves Im mensely. Miesiona.rT sermon In the E nglish church la1t MeHl'll. Watson a.l).d Seymour say that all s u ,:da.y e vening. I t w as an excellent dis· fn>m thi· vicinit v in Dakota. doing well. course. 'l'he wheat was on!)' g of a crop owing to a. Some fancy goods ii). t h " window· or Mr. bllght. not frost. Pr1oeii &re near ly t he same Tuff's Jewelry store oa.ught tire from t he lam n tM! here and land a.a good, last Thur sday nil{h t m a.king quite a bla.ze and A reception was given Mr. and Mrs F air on causlmz some excitement !or a time. A couple return from t heir Wedding tour on the of pails or water h owever extinguished t he In all part s of Cit y, Parkdale, or West their eve11ing of the 16th at t he residence of the fire, T o ronto Junction .· brlde'erat her. Mr. Jamee Y. McLaughlin, The H.A.MPTUN. Capitalists w ishing to invest or parties band and about 60 others were present: Vlsltore:-Mr .S Bennet t of Montana. Mr Mr. A. Bond and sister were in Toronio last moving t o the city will consul t their own Smith of Wellinicton, Misees Old tleld of Whit· interests by c omm un icating at once with by, Miss Wiqdis, and Mr a nd Mrs Connor of week viBltlng friends· A grea.t many persons in t his locality are Lindsay, Mr Watson and fa mily a nd Mr me. . Seymour and famlly of D&k'lt&, Mr Seymour suffering with severe colds. No charge to p urchase r. No purchase of TorontQ. Mrs Bobbe and Miss Netherly of Mr. S. W. Ruse returned "to Frlendslilp, N . recommended that i11 not a. c hoice ·invest· Prince E dwa.rd, Miss .Ta.mes or Bowma n ville. Y .· laet week to resnme his musioa.l atudles. Misses Wa rren of Darlington and Mr J Proutt A shop has been started In t his village. m ent. of Marmora, Misses Smith and McFarland Ma yshoe the occupant alwa ys some one to Toronto ha.a just started to develop e. have retu~ned home, b oot. G ood u n i noumbe red fa rms exchanged Tho Township ·Council met on Mnnd11.y to OUURTIOE. for city p roperty. take thedeclara.tion of oftloe and other business. Mr. T. J am e1, of Oshawa is spending a few The Reeve a nd l>eputles a re in a.ttenda.nce M T. E. W A S HINGTON, days among his friend1 here. the Counties Council, Cobourg. this week. We R eal E st ate and F inancial .Agent, . .Rev. Mr. Sanderson e.nd .J, Short, E sq., a t. hope to see C. W. Smith, Esq., Warden. t ended the S. S. conven tion a t Orono. The missionar y meeting week was well 57 Adelaide S t. E a.s t, Mr. G. Ford who has lately returned from a t tended. _ R ev. Mr. H assard gave a. l ott(J. and 2--2w. T or onto. str ong speech, Rev. J , Woocl.aworth. of Man· ~n gla.nd, wa.e the guest of Mr. J . Walter re- ltoba , a good description of tha t country centl;r. ' a.nd the missionary work in that la ud . The Mr. and Mrs. R . !lulls, who spent pastor a bly lilied the chair. Severa.I fine sea mon th among frien ds in :Korth umberlu.n.d lections were ltxecuted by t he church choir dur ing the evening. Subscriptions upwardli The a t t ention of owners of Blood Horsee and has returned. Jn the speZJing match Mr, Sa 'll Courtlce of ' 70, Ca.ttle a nd of F ine Dogs a.ud Guns. those who We were under t he impression tha.t we knew delight in ma.1..ty out.door sport of all k lnds, · came out victor ious· a nd claims the editor's prize, STATESMAN !or l ~ free. every one in this village. but our esteemed Is ca.lied t o t he fact that after W hile cutting a branch from a t ree a few friend, th e Sun correspondent, has on two 'l.'ft·enty Y ea1·s' Experience da ys ago Mr . Frank G&f had the misfortune ditrerent oooaelons m&de reference to one "I in the special field originally marked out, t hll of making·!!. large go.ah m h is face with the L. Wa rd." We don't know euoh a person. Will axe, t he Sun cor· kindly locate him more definitely me.nagers ot At t.he"close of the union prayer meeting at As to the large egg we referred to some time TURF. l"IELD and FARM Mr, Fowler's 'f hursday evening, in view a.go, we don" kllow what the h en thought of it, of the:ract th&t th ey are about t o remove from but it was no stretcher on our pa.rt. P. R. egg-s point with pride to t he record by this th e neigh bOrhood. Mr. R. E . Osborne pre· 8 inches in cir cumference longitudinally and }')aper as 1111nted t hem on beha lf ot the Society with a. i inches a round the centre so common with " THE STANDARD AUTHORITY." bcrmtiful address as .l token or the esteem in us that we take no epecia.l notice or them now. A number of the friends and relatives of Mr. which t hey held, At the same time Mr.. Fi wa.a a im made the recipient of a nea.t and Mrs. Cilhas. Horn assembled at t h. e ir resi· writing desk and Mrs. F. a set tit silver knives dance on the 17th Inst to celebrate with them and forks. After suita.ble replies interwoven . t he 15th anniversary of their wedding day. is better equipped in every way to continue ite w ith euit1&ble pieces of music. complimentary The progra m of t he evening was begun with work a nd to enlarge its field of effor t a nd u se· speeches were made by Mr. W. R undle on be· pra yer by Mr. A . Ha.1es litter which Mr. S. fulness. half of the Y. p , C. A., by Mr. R, Courtice on Snowdon. jr., r ea.d an address expressive of or the choir, by Mr. J. Short on beha.lf the good·Will and esteem ortheirmany friends. Advert iser s who have of theeld era a.nd Mr, W.Eversonon behalfot l'headdress was signed by Mrs, ::;, Jeffery Hol'l!es to Sell, the fa mily connections and also by Rev. Mr. and Miaa Emma. Bailey. Th o presen ts con· Guns to Sell, Sanderson who believed in giving them a good alsted of h1mdaome China and crystal sets. Dogs to Sell, Christian send off. All the epeechea bore I.ea· Mr. Horn very ably replied tha.nking t h e Cattle to Sell, timony. of tha high moral standing of both Mr. donors for their tanicible mark ot esteem and Jlorses or c ..t t lc Suppllcs t o Sell, and Mrs. F and expressed a desire tor t heir th ei r kind words. Short speeches or cnpgrat· Dry t~ oo ds to S .,11, welfare in the future. · ula.tion followed by Messrs .A. Ha.yes, S Jeffery, I11 sura 11ce to Olfer . M Munday, 111 Bailey and music by Mr. W. sure Bun ld 11g F uctllties to cnrer , Hayes, the host and Mr. W . Jeft'ery, after TYRONE. J;est R a ilway Fa ~llltlos t.o ntrer. which t he table was spread with good things I n f aet ·n ny bnstaess to a d va n ce. Mrs. Penfound is visiting at Cour tice. and a.ll oumptuously. One young man CAN USE THE COLUMNS OF·THE Mrs, '1'. T, Jardine and Mrs. Potter con- from Maple Grove came i n rather la te tor the preaentation. valescent. 8LOWBOY, Our worthy Mayor ha.a been elected by a.c· cla.mation. assured t ha.t addressing a.Safe, Wealt hy Mrs. L. ::;kinner presented Levi with another URUNO. and Purchasing Community, scattered daughter on tbe 9th inst. P ERE:ONALB.- Mra. Geo. McLean is visiting t hroughout forty States and Territories Home Cir cle meets on Friday nignt ne xt. friends in 'l'oronto. Mrs, E, H. Betts is visit.BETTER, BRIGHTER. AND NEWSIER A full attendance is desired. ing friends In Claremont. Mios Betts, of New· 'fHAN E VER. ADVER'rISERS, SEND A number from here attended the S. ::;, castle, is vieiting a.t her brother's, Mr. E. H. J!'OR EBTIMATES. Betts. Mr, .Ta.mes K enner. o r Thornbury. is Convention at Orono last wenk. at Mr. R. McLeod's. Mr. Jamieson . Fruit ·t ree a.gents, d r y goods and visitinic is & confined to the house with a diseased Su bscription , $5.00 p er Year. quack doctors can vaased here week. leg. Mr. Milton Hall. Bowma.nville. was In ,. Remit by expresR mone:v or der, P . 0 . money · Two new members initia ted ~t the Division town over Sunday, . Miss Sa.die Ur quhart, of order or draft on New York. on Thursday nigh t, Still wore to follow, Oshawa., is vi ~ iting a t Mrs. Thos Vinson, The Division purpose going to Orono this Mies Mary Leigh, or Pontypool. is visiting at on a. visit to that Division Mr. Albert Leigh's. Miss Maggio Rooney, Tur f,Field a nd Farm Association, WednesdayeveniDg Gar denhill, 13 spending a few diys visiting · Mrs. Kenn1 w conducted the young- veople's friends here. Miss Nellie H ockin left 251 Broad'1·ay. ~cw York , meeting on Friday night, the leader being al week for Chica.Q:o, whe1·e she will reside wi th Haydon. · her uncle. Hon. I:t. J. Rloha, daon. 885 SoJld Gol d latcl7. Sold forfjl OO. until The sn ow storm on Sunday h as good Beet SM w atcb. lu t .bt world. Our village present ed quit e a lively a psleighln and t he merry jingling of the bells Portec:i timekeeper. Warrasatcd, llcav1 Solid Gold is heard. p earanc'll on Tneaday and Wednesday, ..,..,.......__,'°""1 . hnU:iD~ C& sc1. Doth Julies' Mrs. Fraser is · ie iting friends at Petrolb, 15th a n d 16th, t he occasi on being the an d genu ' 1iz111,.wlth ,..·ork s a:nd cues ~c ·equal · alue. and Miss J ennie ia spending a. few weeks ut holding of the W est Durham Sabbath One :reraon. in eacb. 10.. New Park. t'.&ltiy can securo one free, A few of the· young folk s w ent to Mr, J. Schuol convention. The m eetings were ~ol\\~~hcn;;iu~r°"Il~~i:;i~ Cinnamon's on V\Tednesday night to a party all well attended, and m us t result in S :u n p l es.. These eamplc1, aa and report a grand time. more intelligent and successful Sabbath "'ell aa the watch , we 1end Free, aud an er you hne k ept Last week one o r our young m en h ad the School work. All who took p art in the thl"lm in yonr h ome for 2 mont hs and 1hown tbem to t bo1e plea.sure of dropping t 1 ·ough the ioe and feel· ~hoom;~t~a~: ~~~:d~~eb~t~:or':eJr°:!c~1~?n~~t~rtiv~:~~ ing the contents below. Rather cold, Eh. addresses and discussions aquitted t hem· e.nd Sampl e · . W · n:i.y a ll expre1111 freight, etc, Addrcu Rev. J . H oskin, formerly of this place. but selves. I n the most creditab!e manner, &t iRaon .&< Co., Box S l !J. P o rtla nd, M a i ne. now stationed in Manitoba prea.cho;l an excell· showing t hat along t he line, of intel i(;(en t ent sermon here on Sabbath evcnmg, to a large and 11piri tu al work, the churches r ecogcongregation. · A jolly crowd from here assisted a.t the· n ize the S a bbath Sch ool as the hope of I ng on Monday or week at the foot of the t h e church and ihe land. Among those Sault. The building went up in a hurry and . takin g a more prominent part, we men· so did the tea kettle, Mr, Victor Cole of tho S. A. is a.bout to te.ll:o tion Mr. Alfred Day, Provincial S ecre· a trip down for a few weelts, and on Ba.b- tary of the Ontario 8un day School Asso· evening he farewelled at the Barracks, ciat ion; Dr. W. E. Tilley P ublic School DONT NEGLECT THE COUGH. Pepper fa.rewelle next, Cough, IJolds, Hoa.rsonosa, Bronchitis, Rev.J . D,Dyer a sermon on a.muaemente Inspect or; Rev's. Lislie, Fra.zer,, W hooping Cough, Croup, I nfluenza, Difficult a week a.go Sunday night, which caused con . Warriner, Sanderson, Dunlop and l\fo. Breathing, and all Th roac and Lung com· sidera.ble discussion. A great many dilfcr on Keen, a nd M essrs. Trebilcock, ' Vindatt plaints. f parts of his discourse. Ma.ny men ot P leasant to take; children fond of it. and others. T h e chair wss "bly filled Instant relief from first dose ; heals a nd m an;v mlnds. The S. A , .Jubilee and Banquet here last throug h o ut by R. Moment , Esq , Poist cures like magic. Prepared scfentifioally from t he P ure P ine weeK was a g rand succese. On Suuday lat'gll Master of Orono. Dr. J. W. McL~ugh crowds their way to the B'l.rracke to hear Tar, . Sold by 'Vholesale Dealers a nd Druggists and see the prev10us officer in charge Captain lin, M. P. P., t h e retiring president, was Harper, of Brooklin, who conducted t he meet- present d u ring the t wo last sessions of everywhere. ings. a.seisted by Ca.~t· Ma.rte!. A great many t he conven tion and gave w ise council and CERTIFICATE. pleased to see, Harper's smiling faoe I am acquainted with t he compo3ition of were here a.gain. On Monday tho Ham-Jam· encouragi ng words to h is fellow Sunday Perrin'a Pine 'l'ar Cordia.I, and recommend it Gobble-Gobble, which was held in the Sona' S chool workers. It was decided to hold ad being the most effectual remedy known to Hall from i till all were ser ved. The rep&et the n ext convention in the town of Bowthe medical facult y. was a splendid one and a. g reat credit to those P . PALMER BURROWS, M.D.M . C. Lindsay, who 11;ot it up . a.tter which all proceeded to manv ille . . President E xecutive Board of Health tor the barracks where a grand meeting was con · Ontario. ducted by the D. 0, Pbillpot assisted by a. hoat NA.TION&I. P ULS are a m ild p urgat i ve, P E RRIN'S P INE TAit CORDI A.I; (JO, I.IND. ot others, the .Army Band from Bowmai:..vUle c Ung o n t h e Stmna~h. Ll ver nnc l Bowels, furnishing the mueic, emoving 11ll obst r uction s. S A.Y, ONT A.BIO, S. 8, No, T eacher for '89 Acklrea Grant 1 M&l\'.gie :Watsh, Bowma.n·ille ... . .. .. J l9,·00 2 Lomsa Goode, Bowmanville .. ... . . , · 8 90 3 F rank Wright , Bo-:vwanville ·· ·· ··· , J5 i5 4 H enrv Smale, Dourtice ..... . ........... ~ 5 Mary M an ning, Bowlll&llville ··. ·· ... 6 Thos. Kirk patrick, Bowman·ille ·· · · 8 W. H. 'fonkin , Courtiee .... ... - ·· ·· 9 R obt, Lt.wry, Bowmanville · ··· ··· ·· 10 Lvdi.a Bl'06d, T yrone .. · · ... · · · · · .. .. .. n {G, W, J amieeon , H am11ton ... ......... E. J. Kerll"ke, Hampton · ·· ····.· 12 Courtice, Taunton ..... ..... , ... 13 Ettie Ca mpbtll, 'J'yrone . . . ..... .. . ... 14 Geo. K - R obert10n , E nfield .· ··· ··· 15 J . B. Reyp.olde, Enfield . ... ... ......... ,;.5 C . N. Callauder, E nniakillen ...· ..·... 17 Rowena H azzlewood, Ennialt.lllen ·... 18 John Allin, 'l'yrone.... . ... . .. _··.. ... Ill Bertha De.vey, H a mpton . .. ...... ... 20 A. J. Reynolds, Solina . .. . ..... . .. ... 21 P. D. Tyen nan, Haydon ... .. . ........ 22 Union with 22 Cla rk e... . ...... ... .... 23 Union with 110 Manv~rs,. . .......... Total, CLARI I . 25 25 !19 70 :l8 ~ "6 24 50 19 ISO oo 49 20 2.'> 90 32 28 a2 53 23 90 60 65 2() -4Klf4G 31 9 POWDER Absolutely Pure. I 49 ·40 5 4 25 75 00 80 20 20 ISO Laura Weloll, Newcastle . .. . ... . ...... :n 40 J . W. Bradley . Clarke .. .. ... . . .. .. ._., 3() Elin Ballagh, Newcastle .. , · .. .. .· . · · 311 45 L . Emma Shaw, Clarke ........ . . . . 24 15 E. B. Wilson, Orono .. ... . . . ... .. .. . 30 5r; Kate Squair. Orono ............ .··· ll8 05 Annie M . Moore, St arkYllle ...... . ... :I() 50 ~'ra.nk A . l:lrown. Orono . .. .. .... . . . 12{ Emma Braden . OrnnQ.................11:2 55 Annie Cheer. Orono ............ ..... 13 'l ' . H. Pue. Kenda!. .. ...... ...... . . 43 60 J.l .James N ewsom, Kirby; .... . ... .... . .. 87 4() 15 John M c Arthur, Le8Kard .......... ..... 3tl 50 16 Wm. J . Orcha.rd, N ewca.atle .. . . ···· 13 4(1 17 Jennie Gist, K ..ndal.. ....... ..... .. ...... 28 SO 18 Hattie Stark, Kirb;r ... .. .. ... ..... . .. ~ 76 19 Fred Werrv. Kirby........ ........... ... . 9 20 20 Union with No . 20 M:a.nverii.. .. . . .· 6 00 2l Sara.h R obmson, Kendal. . . . . . . . · . . · 25 20 22 Fr&nces Linton, Leska rd ..... .... ...... 24 45 23 Union with No . 1, Darlington .. . .... 13 25 2! Union with No. 18, Cavan.. ... . . ...... 2 SO 2 4 5 7 8 9 10 '629;·00 HOl'B. 1 Liizie Walker, Port H ops ... ..· ·. · . ... 24 ~l 2 Laura Delamere, Weeleyville.......... ~ SO 3 N . Colvi le. Dale .··· ... ,....... . ..... 37 10 4 Maggie E . l<'a.nning, Welcome . . ..... 71 li5 5 Gertrude Lewis, Charlecoto . ..... ...... 32 40 6 .Josie Phily. Zion . . .. ... ........... : ...... 26 70 7 Jennie Fanning, Port H ope. ...... . . . . 52 ro 8 I!'. C. Philp, Vantcn ... .. ... .. ......... 5U 00 9 ,fas. Montgomny, Weleome ...... .; .... 23 70 10 Hattie Benson, Osaca.: ....... ... .. .... ... Zl 75 11 L ila. Armstrong, Port n ope...... .· ... 15 40 12, Jennie Dodds, Perrytown.. · ·. . 50 40 13, Louisa Kelley, E lizllbet hville·· !15 00 14, Lottie Perrin, Bailieboro . .· ·· 13 00 15, Amanda Hacnill, P errytown . . . 13 90 16, Jennie Wrigh t, Garden Hill..· ~5 00 17 , Maria Payne, Garden H ill. ··· 18, Let itia. Ha.mill, Elizabeth ville . 12 70 · 1 Florenco Reed, Port Granby .· : ·· · · , 47 71J Total, - ------- ·IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. $500 00 CAVAN, Turf, Field and Farm Turf, Field and Farm 1 , Louisa Mcivor, Mt P leasant ·· $ 9 35 2 , James D . Denny,Mt Plea.ea.ct. 30 80 3, Bella. Nugent , Ida. · · . · · · · . · · 30 55 4, Laura Shar pe, Ida .. . ····· ,,. 18 30 5 , George Convey , Cavan · .· · · , .. 57 90 7. V ictoria Sharpe, M illbr ook . ·. 21 35 8, John W. Russell, M illbrook . · 23 50 9, Ida Vance, F r aserville . · · · · · · 26 20 10, Isabel A rmstrong , M illbrook · · 36 40 11, David Hampton., M illbrook.. . 6 60 12 , Mrs. E. E . Ward, Millbrook . . 6 50 13 , A n nie Pllndr ie, Mill brook. ; · , 15 65 14, Rebecca Fair, S o. Monaghan . 33 20 15, Harry Eagleson, Millbrook ·. .· 12 75 18 , Maggie Whi tt ington, Glamorgan 11 . 20 HI, Alice Evans, M illbrook . ·· ··· · 13 ·10 20, Union wit h Il, Manvers ·, · · , , : 27 90 21, U n ion w ith 5 , S o. M onaghan. 11 05 22, U n ion with 1, So. M onaghan. 23 70 $41600 MANVERS, 1, J ohn L. Veale, Y elverton .· · · 18 30 2, Robt . S impson, Bally duff., · · · J4 70 3 , Minnfo Winslow , Be ~haoy , · ·· 33 15 4, Florella Pearce . B ethany .· . .· 13 .4 0 5 , Robt. G r andy, L ifford ··· ,, · ·· 29 90 Watoh.FREB 6, John F . Walker, Fleetwood ... 16 60 J. Mills,};r t 'll 7' {R. Ida Watsou, ane VI e. · · · · 61 75 8, James Beath, Pvn t y pool ··· ··· 19 50 9, J . B. Jackson, Pontypool. ··· · 63 25 10, Albert M ill s, .Tanetville · · ·· .· 11, J as. B erry, ]fra n klin . ·····. . . 12, G eo. Blt.ckwell, Mt. H oreb ..· 13, J . D. W111dell, L otus · . · · ··· ·· 14, E lla. Wallace, Pontypool , ·. · · · _ A. Mitchell, } B 6 th 1o, rv.farion Allen, any · · 22 . 35 12 70 5 40 20 35 36 00 42 9 19, U n ion with 10. Cavan ·· ··· . · · PERRI N 'S P in e Tar Cor dial. 85 9 20 20, Lizzie Dean, New Park . ·. ···· 8 60 $448 00 CARTWltIGET. {R. 1, Thos. Eaglish, Blackstock .. .· 2, Ed. Richardson, B lackstock ... 3, J oa. Fer g uson, Ca.dmua ··· .· , 4-, E . F . Crawford, Purple H ill. .· u, Carrie Sce n es, Cadmus. · · · · . . 6, James Tay lor , Cadmus ··· · . · · 7, I. B. Ba.relay, Cae11'irea . . .. ... 8, Letitia Dunn, Blackstock ·. . ·· 9, Nellie Ptoutt, Jani.tyille . . . · . · 28 54 22 27 14 32 70 35 60 95 50 00 49 00 22 45 25 40 $277 SOU TH MONAGH.AY. oo. 10 10 £0 00 1, 2, 31 4, 5, Geo. E. Marsh all, Bailieboro .· Fred Truscott, Bensfort . .· . ·· Thos. Dodds, South Monaghan J ohn Stephe ns, Bensfort. ····· Annie Fair, S out h Monaghan : 33 60 25 27 27 19 $132 00

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