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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1889, p. 3

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~... ( \ \._ !!!!!!!!!~W~r~·=~ · ~r~~'!!liii~·~~-~~&t~iil_'~1e_ · ~-~'-~ ~~ ~"ll!'~'~T~f~f~~~!!~~!!!S~T~A!!T!!;il ' 1,~i~c!s!!.!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!.!!:!!~!!!·!b~e~~! ; ~r!!·n~t!h!e~P!!r5 !e~s~~:~:~~ !!t! !ia! ·1-!~ ~ ~:!c7! !i! ~!n! ~Z!· !!r~t!!*~'S~~~!!!!!!W!!I!R!.E!L!!!E!T!S!!.~~!!~=~=!r!"l~!!!a~n!d~-!!in!!v~1!·t!'e.-~d~'~'!!!h_.!!i_s!._s~i'!s!te!!!r!!!!~~: h~~:~~::~····iia · Mlt'w\l'.fht"' U -Q'(t~ttc:mttU~ ' hisa.unts," or had made the discovery ~M'H~"4-"'ff r:J;' ff ill'Wff Private da.irymen it fa said, make shout :a:a.~o~~~e~~l~ndh~;~r~;:;~~:r 1~::~:r::~ Nathan Kennedy, wholesa.le oattle trader Ifor himself, w~ may never ~n.ow; but. one · . T 1 -- eic11t-tenths of th3 l.000 000.000 pounds of '" · d in · t h e U nt ' t ed butt.,r annud11Y prod uce S ·es a. · The return of the chartered b~nks of tile Dominion on the 30th November ca.Us for littl e remark. The. drcul:l.tion of notes · h ·nows· a. trifling decline a.s compared wit ' the previovs month, a.nd a. . of nea.r1 y one million dolla.ra as with a year a.go.· Deposits are comparatively large, being $134,:JOO,OOO, as aga.inst $~11;993,lOO on the 30~h November, 1887 Discounts to ~ the public increheJ nearly $1.500,000 duri[lg Noveml:er, and on t.he 30r.h aggrega.ted §'. . .$144,751 as ag<.inst $137.· 990,000 .at the · period 0 f I year. Th e BY ONE MAN. Greatly improved. Also TOOL corresponding amount due from United Sratts branches ~~)~ 11~~~es~w~1r~r:k:?Y ~~t8 fi~;s:vltJiPe,;;i:~~i':i~. c~ tas · been reduced $1,200,000 during the 1 d':eeJ:lf:~ee::::d oe~:~C01~1~Sd~1?~, .rn\~ ! !;1~'~11~h1!; month, showing a more active dema.nd here, bbm wood aml all iuteret:1Leil in Lhti. timber busmess to write ror our IlJut:Jtrated. J!ree Catalogue. We have ex· whiie , there is 11till nearly $7,800,000 more actl7 whatyo11 wn.nt, the g r eatei.->t ln.hor-saverand be::;t. sellmg tool now on en.r th. FiJ·s t order from you 1· vtcm- Canadian hinds held by those branches ity s e eul'es agency. N? dnt.y lie pu.3·. Wemn.n11fn.ctnro than at the corresponding period of i n C anada.. FOMHNG SAWING :nA.qllNK co., 308 to Sll NESD y JAN 23 1889 WED.r . A · · ·· · 0 - I 1. . . ess an...;J We have gre #.;t reason .Qor thankfu· ·hop es. fior future prosper1 'ty. . Our stock is allowed, at the present time, to b e One ·f the finest i"n the Dom1·n1' on, and th.e same "11 b e so ld a t prices . t 't you. All f "t "'worthy of your attention F r'o m nOW,and d u r1' ng the hol1" days We sh·al} not dersold b y either Jew or G en_ tile. be ~I - Congressma.n Ford's Immigration investi· gation Committee has unea.rthed some st art· ling facts at Pittsbarg and Detroio during the past two weeks. In one day'~ session in the former city it found that at least 500 must never err, For yoµ' d surely pa.y the penalty at last, pauper and. immigrant;s had reached Sustain 1t. that bounteous h ead of h thab part of the countrv since the law which PREPARED BY Dr. Doren wen d'~Hair Mag ic's unsurpassed, was designed ~o re?ula.te immigration . ha.d Dr; J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell , Mass. Just try it vou affiioted, you. >Hiver w ill regrel gone into fore e-a period of less than three The Mau:ic was never yet known t.o fail ; Sold by all Druggi·ts. Price $l; six bottles,$;.. Evidence wa.s produced to show that And the good that it will do you will make you soon forget men fresh from foreign workhouses and The expenditure a bottle w ill en tail. criminals 2hipped to America by the author· OUSE TO LET.-That very desii:able ities of their native land formed no inoonThis now famous p reparation for iuvlg· bouse just Wll8t of Mrs. .John Bro'Wn's siderable portion of the immigr11.tion which residence, Conoeseion street. Apply to CoucH orating 1md stimulating t h e growth of the had rel!l<ihed Pennsylvania by way of New Some of the members of the Middlesex JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, 4<l-tf hair is universally accepted as t h e m oals York, In Detroit a similar state of alfa.irs Law Society object to the establishment of d d" 'th th' d '"" th t C the propoeed law school in Toronto. They All TORE TO RENT OR SELL.-Store, valuable specific 011 the m a rk et. was 1001 ose , VII 1s 1uereuce, · a an· · Dwellinit and Driving-house in Enniskillen. diseases of the sea.Ip al'e either relieved or A 11:ood stand tor business. on reasonable \>outd A r ich and rapid terooe, .A.vply to the owner, R . HuTmusoN, permanently cured. persons in the D~troit poor-house no less than "" " Listowel, or WILLIAM BINGBAM, Ennisk!llen. growth of hair will follow after j ndicion1t The exports-Gf manufactured goo~s have, of 740 .are foreign born, and, aecording to the Our Colorado system of irrigation certainly 40tf and regular treatment. It remains with course, diminished by the opera.hon of the President of the County.Board of Poor Com- suits the toads. Visitors from the older the user alon e t o secu re t h e desired OB PRINTING of all kinds done ..Allfelongstudy. I WARRA:N"imyremedyto tariff. They amounted last year ·to $3,{)79,- misaion.,rs, a large number of the latter States remark upon the multitude of toads. ' neatly a.nd promptly at TnE STATESMAN results. Dr: D orenwend's " H air Ma.gic " CURE the worst cases. Becaus&others have 000, or$10e~OOO below the average of the 1 st eibher·Oanadians or have gone to the United The frequent fiooaings of the lawns give printing office. Count.ry orrlers a nd orders ·by is sold b y all druggists at $1 per bottle, 'falledls no reason fornot now receiving a cure. :send at once !or a treatise andaFRE mBOTTL:EZ twenty yea-rs. Tue largest export of ma.n,u · States from across the ooea.n by way of -excellent opportunities for the study of toad receive our special attentfon. 'fry us for or six bottles fo r $5. If not obtainable your next printing am! yeu will be thoroughly of mY I ·N FALLI11LE REMEDY. Giv& Expre~s factur es toek .plaoe between 1866 and l878, Ga;nada. The same witness stated tha.t"a life. The toads ocme hopping along as fast .:'llld I'cst, O'lllce. It costs yoa nothing fo:;. · a. when the average .was nearly $4 500,000. l ..rge number of Canadian an d European , as they ca.n, when the water ha.a been turned satisfied. WEDDI NG C.A.HDS, all the latest in y our locc1J ity sen d direct to the sole styles, printed neatly a.nd tastily at TBE manufacturer, enclosing pricil. A. DORN· tri:il. and it will cure you. .Address ' e ame In force early in<il!l879, ttad .paupers and June.tics get letters from· on, either hearing, seein!l' or smelling the STATASM.\N Office. No dattb ·work. Dr, H. G. ROOT. 37 Yonge St., ToxontG, Ont. 'fhe N. P .. WEND, Par is Hair Work s, 103 and 106 people here avd are water. Int0 it they plump with evident the export at once dropped ~o ..,2,700, ·· · <lian m inisters t o churoli o "l'he highest figure it has r eached since then ~eliend, but in the end come on the hands of satisfaction, not only enjoying the bath but Yonge St., T oronto. F t·r sale by ~J; is .$3;57·71000 in 1884. tlhepoouuthorities. " ·0b'aer witnesses testilil· combming business with pleasure, by snapHigginbotham & Son, and a.II druggist the PreRbytery or Whitby, the Trustees The statement by the vioe·president ed uha.t Canadian labour -is la.rgely employed ping up every unlucky insect that takes ofThat the Chutch Lots of St. .Andrews Con11:re1ea· of the Ba.nk of Ottawa at the annu~l meet-· in nearly every business, native labor bemg refuge on tree trunk or of grass. tion, Darlington, the Trustees of the Manse __ . . ing of >tha.t institution that the surplus. crowded out because the a.liens are willing to Down beyond the slope near the old sod .end Glebe of St. Andrewd Congregation, Da.r Mil.ny ·:Persons wonder at t~ired wom,; whea t .ere of Manitoba a.nd tbe Northwest work for low wages. F orty per cent, of vhe corralis a. sballow,pool of alkali water. Dar· lington, and the Trustees of a fund the "Seton Fnnd" will apply to the .amd wea.ry feeling that oppresses tliOOi witli-, rov:1ii0ei" wonl not exceed ./i,-000j000 employee of the Detroit City Rl>ilway Com· ing the first · really warm day in Ma.y great called Savin~s Legislative Assembly of the- P rovince of out a.ny ea.use. It may be poverty bushels, has caused no sma.11 a.mount of com· ' pany are Canadians. «!>f 2,100 oarpentem in numbers of ma.y he seen in that pool, Onta1 io at the next session thereof to ena.ble Paid up l:apUaJ. $300 000. of the · blood or a disordered stomach ; in ' ment. lfhe comparison with the crop of the city about 600 a!'e aliens, and there are making a i· o<>iul noise. l have stood for them or their successors in office to sell or eUher· case the, blood and liver · ' l "' Rest, $ 741,0. .. otherwise dispose of a block of laod containing noi performing their regu.lar funot<ions, and i J..3;00010®0 to 14,000,000. ooshels.4n J.887 :ia; to-da.y 700 idle men in this t rade alone, a I hours watching their queer performances, a.bout four acres with :Manse ~hereon and the ' With m8Jly persons, there will follow a dull ' most striking, a.nd the highe r pm:es w1th1n of them na.tives. TU.e'.:fiood of fortign lrubour and trying to make out their significan·Je, sit& of St. Andrews Church, both being situate hee.vy heada.che, nausea and mam.y otbe ' the few days attributed in most: has reduced wage$ f!.'Om fifoy to seventy -live About once a, ,minute each toad w"uld lite up In the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of 1 beg to notify the public that am r eceivl111.g umr>toms that precede a w.ell de'l'elaped oose , · f M "' · ts d I f t l lJ · h ef Dyspevsia. P urify the blood. cleanse the ~ ,pa.rt to the publication o I, ma.gees ,re- cen a ay . none manu 11c ory noo.r .'Y a Its ead, displaying its white vest to. advan- Durham, and to apply the proceeds in auoh deposits for this company, and allowing a manner as shall be decided n pon by the said higher rat e o · interest than t h& banks- ·~· . mark. He further ea.ya tha.t there were the employes are Ce.nadian girls, who were tage, and swelling out the loose flesh beneath Presl>ytery eys!em of the clogged secretions by 'Using of Whitby, and also to dispose of 1irfEAOHAM'S MANDRAKE ' ex,ported to Ee.stern and Euro,pe in eng!lged bec11.use they accepted lower wages the lower ,jaw until it took the form of a the said Seton No NOTICE oF WITHDRAWAL REQUIRB». fund. ! wheat,aud . flour about 10,,500,009, and bhe than Detroit girls, A111d so on. small hemiephe1e, all the while making a.loud, Da.ted at Toronto this first da.y of December. I am alse> 1,1 · r : to grant 'MILLF.R & DUNCAN, MIXTURE, total ,value of the exports, incl11din,g ·Ollher but somewhat tremulo.u s, pent-up sound, A. D .. 1888, 50-6w. Sullcltors for Anplicants. Loans on REAL E~TATB prepued by J . B. M>a.cha.m. 133 Y'ounli' stree airoduets, wa.a over $7,000,000. Thu _year H t· t .B lin. never once opening the mouth. They had on favorable terms. a chemist or nineteen year~· A:1rperience. · S ei ;he -exporta.ble surplus of wheat will not .eocypno IBm a. er just come from the cold, dark gronnd where on·rcE : n Bowma.nv.illeby Higginbotham&. Son. ..ceed ,.fi,;000,000 .bushels, after .allo~ing for At a late meeting of the Berlin Medical they ha.d spent the long, cold winter, and At McMurtry's Dry Goods Store, hom6 oonsumptwn and seed. 'irh1s gi:eat Society f'rof. Virchow introduced a 'French felt as if they could no longer keep silence in falliqg oflf is accounted for by the da.mage phyeichn, Dr. Feldma.nn, who made some the presence of so much water, l!unshine and W. F. A. LL E l'W oaused by frost and blight. Tne t otal 'value experiments in hypnotiem. A young man warmt.h. · Bowmanville, Oct. 11, 1888. H - lm of the exports from the erop of il.$8 will not, named Gar rick oif.ered himself ae a. medium. Great is the capacity of the toad for the it is estimated, muC'h exoeed $4,~00~000. A:ter a. few seoonde of the usual mlllnipula· insects upon which he feeds. Woe to the The ,prospect of fair prioea nex b year nas tions the m.edium fell ! into a. deep ma~netic 'i bee-hives whose neighborhood is infested with D£STAOYS AND RE:MOVE'S WORMS O F"·A!.L.' KINDS IN CH1LOREN OR sleep. He perfectly apathetic a.nd toads, Ji'rom the stoma ch of a little toad, 1 .ca.used a. much la.rger acreu,ge to pe ADUJ..TS· SWEET AS SVRU.P AND , for seeding next spring. Inst ead of there motionless. In t.!w sta.te of " sugqestion" not larger than my two fingers, I removed CANNOT ,{ HARM THE MOST being any in the .country to eXiJ<ll'.t , Dr. !"el~ml!.nn showed the in~uence of vari· : :l9 h oney bees, a potato bug and a hornet . ~?· O . E:L ICATE: ' CHILD < OF CANA DA. there is a :possi bilit y -0f the Dominion oua ~ed1caments <!In the ~edm'?, ~o t~k " Still my bees did nob thrive, ai:.d after m any . Capital pa id v.p. $1,000,4100, Itest, l!il!Ci0,00 · - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - · 4impor·in'! before the summer .QQ..'lles i ound qu~mne for llug11r<r, sm~krng h lB hJ!B w it h visits I at lengt h ~urprised ac midnivht, · -W>enJoyment, a.nd he believed ammonia t o be lam ern in hand, t wo enormous toads on the . ~gain. THI~ YEAR'S Tnls Bank !a prepared to do Legltl· perf~me, l>'lld smelt lit it for ~ome time·. Im· v&ry alighting boards of my hives -O!osa up uat e Bank ing in all ita branche s. mediately afterwards, tollowmg the will of to nhe clust ers of bees t hat wer e unable to 'F~rmers nvte a diiJcounted ; D eposits Cana<!ians in the .B11itish the doctor, showe?- the u~ua! sign~ ot ab· f.ind proper a.ccommod ations inside the hives: .NEW Y<iRK, J an. IS- A Londcn militt1ry horrenoe for, t hose b itter and caustw mb- than sultry n ight . T he toads had grown, eceived and Interest paid ot:.' a.mounts of . .tlo:trespoudcm, who is bet ter :posted, no stances. With t he same euoocss he ate a fat and clums:1 t hrough imbibing the sw~et- · 85 u p war ds in Saving11 Bank Depart meni; t;UT and· PLU G ; do:ibt, in th" ma.tter o_ f tactics t han in·Oan-. lemon fot: an a}}ple. A pic~e ~f. camphor nesa of m any a honey .bee. I hl!.d not the DR A F'I'!!!i I adian geography , write· t-0 a. New Y or-k held on hll! foi·ehead had a ·effect. h;i.rd ihood at t hat wierd hour to .remo:ve [r,aued a.nd Collections made in Europe ~ lpa,[Jer:-"I. h morcth..n aace diiected The mediumbent ~is bodyfarba.ckwardand t heir mon str ous stomachlil or t o think Gf Jnlt.ed Sta t e s a nd Canada. I attention to t he exceHence t he young ha.d to be held on h is o_ha.i;. A counting t he number ol bees they had sla in, . A SURE CUR E . ! ofli.aera '>' ho e nt er t he English ar my , espec1-.. a. dream;r . e.~iti, du~1ng wruch t ne Som etimes after t aking a bee in its mout h, W . J . ,TONES, FOR BILIOUSNESS, C ON STIPATION, F INER TllA N E\TER. ! ally the Royal Eogineers and t he iRoyal Ar· medm~ related h-lB ~ m pre~a1ons ae 1? the a toad will give a sudden twinge ~nd fook Age1 INDIGESTI ON, DIZZINESS, SIC K tille!'y from t he Militiuy C"llep<e at Kingeton" e~ents m the stre,ets, ·l a which ~e believed astonished as i~ c ou ld say- " Bless my See HEADACHE, AND DISE:AS ES OF' T HE and 'l'oronto. R eo1intly eeven commission s'. himself to be. Then the medium {Sbeyed ~oul huw hot hlB llttle toot is !" 1 1Jin 1lke ~ngineers were given to C an ada, ~nd . the w_ill of the doc:m~ in ~"rions "'.a.vs, O~e d ay this season James called me into STOMACH, L IVER AND BOWE LS. I now w e have ·t he begmnwg of a ,g r.u.mble1 shoyelmg snow~ skiotmg, falh ng a,n d r1smg a c~rtain back yard w . here sa.t, close up to a. T H EY ARE MILD,THOROUGH AND PRO MPT ! here that these oo 'nmiasfons should be so: agam with one J·Um;p a t lhe doctor s auggea- g rewsy bone, three small toads, elilows light.· ' I N ACTION , AND FORM ,A VALUABLE AI D cJntinues to d o a Genera l Banking BTI 8lnern gi¥en when Ca.uada. p avs iwthing r.owar<l the' t ion, and tin aUy t ook a. pocket book by for ce I ly touching. Every moment a lly alighted Bo wma.nville Bran ch. TO BURDOCK BLOOD BITT£RS IN T HE TRtATMENT AND CURE OF' CHRONIC 1maintenance of the B rit ish army. I V?n· ut of Prof. V irchow'a iJockets. H e ~~;.then on t he bone, w~ereupon one or other of the D E POSl. 'l" ; t ure, .t., ' lerefore, to repeat that the Canadian order ed by Dr. F eldma.nn . t o re~e:.t h rmself toad1:1 11n«1,Pped it up. Tim number of flies AND OBSTINATE DISEASES. 'teoelved in Savings Bank De}:larlment1uur· ., ia bronze Oil ! offioerc give everu eatisfaetion, and I am in-, o.nd soon woke o1:1t ot the hypnotic elee;p, r e- 1 t hat each oonsumea must have beei;i aim.p ly a.11 and int.erest a llowed a t current rates, ~'r' 11:1ach PLIJG .& p ·GE i olined t o think we should h more ~ .membering noth~ng -Of what had happen~d. 1 en!;'rmous. When a toad fa .satisfied with his 1<1tice of withdrawal necessary. All deJJCl~l:J .Jr, .:.. .t-. .t-. · ' than fower of them" ; Two y'Jung phl'.s101a11s then spoke, dll'?la.r~ng ! conq ue<1t s ,and wishes to reti.r.e from view, ~e · Jayable on demand, 41- ly tha~ such exper1~nts w~re::v1thout sc11m!;ifio b,etalies himself to a sottish plot of ground. baaH. They belle!ed the su17gest1on s to i a.nd givmg a sweeping or swimming moi;ion; be ,probably genu1m, but as to the other l with each of his feet removes the e!l.rth from :Jo~ght and sold and Dratts issuod upon Euro·1111 eill!Periment s, .especially « the effect. of medi· ' beneath hiµ body. After a very few efforts ' Jmted States a.nd Canada, also Gold. Silver 1111 .cinea and ttie magi::et, _they thought <they the body sinks below the s urface ot the rnlted Sta~es Green ba cks bouirht a.nd s old, needsd careful examma.t1on. f ground . Anoth,r effort and the fresh .,arm U OLL~'C'l'ION~ - -·- r 18 forced up a.nd drops ligh.tly on llhe orea0 An ImpGrtant £vent, : tur.,'s back. In an <>Xoeedingly shor~ time t'rompt!y a t current rates upon all r J f Great Brittain, the United States and pD a . . ! the toa.d has disappeared, but at intervals · minion of Canad a, 11 London 1s cunoualy UDmoved o-ver the ; the earth i;ru;i.ves slightlv as the delver qoes impending election for ·he new county I dowll Telegra ph .eouncil, whio~ occurs next.'month. E xcept Until this · hot summer of 1888 I had sup. lllade tor lar~e or sm all s ums on a ll partc ot QI 11 w U for ~he occ.aswnal a dvertisement s b? t h_e p osed that t oads r eveled in heat. T hils Canada. 1:h1s .ls . espeoia lly a dvant ageous t C rul;d!dat-es Ill t h e papers and .sporadic .edl· 11.rsea.sou l had good evidence that, lik.e hu man persons llvm g 1n Ma nitoba or the North ·wes~ · ton al .refer~nces, no one . w ould get ~.n .idea ,beings, ·the tood has no fondness for t he i.e ti makes thd f un ds a vailable at once e.t the place or p ayment. 11 that any~hmg of th~ s!ighte t, i:npo_~tB.'.TM'.e ! heated te.rm, but that he appreciates the yvas pend~11g, when, ··8 a matter of facu, l t I luxury of ice in midsummer. My frien d l!'ortnrther particulars oall at th ~ Ban.Id,. aouse. IS the biggest. Governmental change th111t Phillips has hill ice-chest in his north porch. O RODIE, h as ha!_lp ened smoe the fall 0 Sedan. T:-0 n ·, A s mail lead.pipa conduct s ttle water from GEO. McL+JLL Accountant. don.,v:ith n~rly 5.,000,000, IS to come i~to j' the melting ice b eyond th e flool' of ~he l\lau~~e WI . 0 SUI 0 l I S IDUlllC!pal .ex11Jtenoe, m1.1~1.1ge h~r own affo1irs, porch, wher e it dwps two or three foH t o ·1v and vote heHnyn tmpphes, control h er OWil vheground . One hoii day in ;July, I sa.w a . · e;x:peneeB ·and m1provem . ents for th,.e. first . toad sicting bene at h t he pip e, and erijoying ( :'hi~ C11gra >1 iug re presents the L ungs in a healthy state.) ~ime; Y~· nobody .seems to take th.e '"amtest a ba<th of ice wat~r. A s the day s went on, T H E RE1'1EDY FO R C U R I NG mte~es~ m the 1 1'.l&oter, The quest!on o_f the the number of toa.ds incrt>aseG. until ·one _ 1 a.d m!SSIOD of women to ' t he cou,ncll WJll be s weltering day in Auguat when t he mercury Un COHSUMPTION, tested by Miss Jane Cobden, .a d~ughter of stood at over 100 degrees in the sh~de I ASTHMA , CROUP, WE H AVE IN STOCK : t he fr!le trade ev:augel? who 18 stanamg. ~s counted !3 toa.ds huddled close up t o the the L1bei:al ~and1date Ill the Borm!ey dwi- spot where the ice water was dripping. The ALL DISEASES OF T HE THROAT, LUNGS AN D sion, and is likely to be elected. crown of my hat would almost h ave covered PULMONARY ORGANS. the whole of the snug party. The water .was BY IT S FA I THF U L U SE The aver1Age quantity of butoher'a-mea.t perfectly pure and cold, and no.t an insect CONSUMPTION HAS BEEN OURED consumed annua.ll) in Great Britain is 129 did I ever see about the drain, .so that I feel When oth?1' Remndl N l"~'.l rf '!'h ~~icia.ns lb. per head of the popula.tio». Italy s~ands positive that the toads were not there seekfaileJ r.o eti~ct a. ct:t c. lowest with 27 lb, ; then comes Russia, 43 ing food. In the very center of the group, Recom mended by P11vsrC!"AN;;-;, . /1 r ~-:STERS, AND lb. ; Greece, 44 ; Spain and Portugal, 54 ; with legs sprawling, and body . ftattened so NuRRP.:s. In fact bv e 'l'e ryboG:.r ··!: , k is r:iven it a {;llOil fr ia.l. ~ t never /ails to },, ;,1 'l'1·i if1: Austria-Hungary, 68; Sweden and Norway, as to r eceive the cooling to the best , -.:B'Y. and all other goods thait is ha.rd to be surpassed. E QUAL. 76 ; Germany, Relgium, and Holland; 85 ; advantage, was by fa.r the largest toad of I AS ~N EX?E -::--:F'ANT IT HA3 lt i,;_l.ar1;1 v·.~~ h the. Most Del ii:alf ,-:--; ,,;. ~. We mean business, 11nd many i-eturns to you for many years' Denma.rk, 88; and France, 93 lb. the 13. The icy water was droppmg fast am f·u lly prepared to attend Fnnerale en A newspaper ln the little Town of Boden. on the center of his back. The spatters It contai:ls :;;.J OPIUM in <:cy form. the shortest favors. notice, at the lowest possible rate1 bach in Bohemia, whfoh hiw! been confiscat. were doing something towards cooling off Oaskets a.nd Bnria1Ca11esready on short notice ed the Government for the 300th time the little toads. Whethe!' one toad Il'irst-clas11 hearse on T&r;y moderate term111 . and Co111neoonetantly on hand. ' Iha~ ha.a just celebrated the event, made the discovery of t1ne charmed place DAVIS & LAWREN'CE CO. \.i.u.mited), Shrouds t ral cards supped a~ onee, lrurniture 511011 · '!'BE PEOPLE'S JEWELLER. ~how Rooms-Bouuealla New Blook, .. \.6-merai _ .dqents,_ llfONZIJlil.4.It! year. The London money market shows no signe 1,.. of weakening, The B;i.nk of England rats M ar~e of discount is &till five per cent. and the open rate 4:3: per cent:, while money rules at 5 to 5~ per cent. on the Stock E xohanee. The <f·f bullion in the Bank of Eogla.nd on December Paintediofirst,classstyle·at 8th wa.s only £18,3·J 4,0~0,_whioh is fully £2 COO 000 below wha b it is customary to I J , hold at this time of the year_. ~he compara.Parties having anything in the a'b ove line that tively small amount of bullion is partly, due requires painting will save money by having to the fact that th? fl.ow of g_ old from l:'!cot· the work dono at my shop. land is deferred this year owmg to the late· B ring your Sleighs and Cutter~ in early in tho nt:ss of the h ar vest. There ha.a been grea.t eeason. It wont cost an:r. more and bet!-er work I activity in the London loan market this year, can be done by llavrng plenty of time, the new securities offered for subscription fuders , 'for aggregating in round figures £159,000,000, as against £95 640,000 in 1887, £98,400,00 in . . . . . 1886 and £68.260,000 in 1885. The demand will receive prompt attention_.; for these investments was stimulated by the Shov over Mc~g~t~~~rn:::~y tiTABLE, successful conversion of the ~ritish natio:ia.l debt, which prod.iced a. considera.ble d~clme · 1 ' TI7 VV · · , 1 ii; _i;he rate of interest 011 a llfirs.·o ass secu39-3m raties. T he "Miscella.neo11e S :atistics" for 1887 just issued by the Ont ario Bureau o_f Industries contain a grei.t deal of interestmg matter. One of the ta.Mes gives an account of our ex: port trade in home productions since 1868. From this it appears tha.t the yea.r of largest exports was 1882, when they reach~d $90,000,COO. Daring the twenty years Ill question our exports by classes avered as follows, the gross being $68,· 750,000: Minerals ··· ··.· · .·... . $ 3,222,000 5 968 000 Fi&h. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · }forests ipredncts .. . .. .. 22,261,000 ._When ·1 ·say 'Cul\K I do not mean merely to Animals, etc ·. .. ...... 16,237,000 ·Btop.them·tor a time, and then have them reAgricultuval·produots . . 17,404,000 turn aita.ln. I .M&Uf A RADICAL CUR& I disease of So. C&uai.l Street. Chltago. U. 8. A. - Surreys, Buggies, Wagons, Sleighs, ·,·'· t Cutters, & LOWES PRICES IN TOWN I , . SIGN PA'I N Tl NG ' I s· oN MORR election of the United States seems established beyond all possi· b'l't f bl d bt Th 1· de 11 yo rea.sona e ou · e more n · penaent papers have ever since been °·Y· ing ont for a.n investigation. The "Christian Union," one of the most influential of these, now admits, wrro\\fully, that there seems 11·ttle hope th· t a11y su"h tn.vestiga· tion will be held. lt sees, or fears it sees, in various uircumstancee, indications of a. reluctance on the pa.rt of lea.ding politicians ii. both parties to prose~ute any vigorous in':luiry. The inveatigation by the graud jury of Indiana is hardly commenced lletore the judge is called . away, and the jury ad.ourned. 'l.he United States District J .Attorney undertakes the prosecution, and then ~uddenly resigns his post . In Congress there is no prospect of an in9estigation, because the s.:ssion, it is, will not be long enough. No one of those proininent party leader.a who have. been specially .singled out and denounced as the high priests of corruption is clamouring for an inquiry .. All keep suspiciously .quiet under the impu· tations. A llill has, indeed, been intr;JGUC· ed into Congrass, disfranchising both bribetakers, and bribe-givers, but it contains no provision for the detection of bribery, and none for this effective prevention. That against which D· Tocqueville warned t he bl' fifty y ars ago as 1·ts oh1ef danger repu 10 · -t,!le rule of ea plutocracy-seems to be coming, upon it, and the indifference with which the gre~t body of citizens apparently look upon the aggr.ession and usurpation of the gross and debasing power of money, is appalling. It is a wonder that both the United Scates and Canada do not adopt the simple and effective English expedient of limiting t he amount oflegitimate expenses, and n quiring sworn accounts cf the disbursem11nts. . E migration and 8 fate Presidential 1 ~ of Montreal ha.a assigned. I r ' of Montreal, . "Joe Beef," died suddenlv th th d e o er a.y. Mr. Edward Harrington.has been released from prison. ., P h . .. ti l · .>rt h' Arthur f th now rejoices in t e - ·rat s e1g mg o e season. Reports from Ha.yti give details of horrible canniba.listio praotioes, All the stores and places of business in Port Arthur now close at 6 p. m. Johann Most has been denounced traitor and coward by the real anarchists. d' The river f ' Dann 8 ·1be ble1 frozen v· solidly for a. 1sta.nce o . m1 es, e ow 1enna. James Warnock & Ce>.'s tool works, a.Ii Galb, were burned on Sa.turday night. Over $215,000 was expended in buildi_ ng operations in Sault Ste. Marie last year. The weather in Montreal is cold enough to revive the spirits of the carnival managers. A graud ba.11 was given by the 40th North· umberland Ba.ttalion in Oobourg on Friday night. More fighting has taken place in South Africa., in which the insurgents were defeat· ed. Lieut, Wieuaman L - - 11eleoted 25 Active °"" w service lieutenants, most of them experi· lf~~!. travellers, to accompa.ny him to fac " was certam from. the position of t~Ings, -every onepuddle." knew which was "the biggest toad in the Greeley, Colo, Or.IYER HOWARD, ECLIPSE HOUSE Gouds are down t o the lowest point except given away. in endless variety-we mak e a specialty in these good~. 11 um_!,._,~ It is poor policy to k eep heavy, slow mo· tioned fowls in the same fbck with the light l!>nd nervous Spanish breeds. They ea.oh requi re different feeding and trea.cment. --o- TIES, COLLARS, CUFFS, CLOVES, CLOTHS & TWEEDS-A LA M UDB. Want of Sleep Is sen din g thoosands a nnua lly to the ins1we asylum; and. the docto:s say this tronlile is aiarmingly on the increase. 'l'he usual r emedies , while tl1cy may gfre temporary relief, are likely to do more harm than good. ·what is needed is an Al terati've and Blood-purifier. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is incomparably the best. It corrects those disturbances in t he circulation w h ich cause sleepless-_ ncss , gh·cs increased vitalit.y, and i·estoroo the Ilf~n'O l lS systeiu Lo a healLl1iul corn1ition. R ev. T. G. A . Cote, agent of tlie Mass. Home Miasionary Socie ty, writes that his stomach was out of nder, his sleep very often disturbed, and some imi;inrity of the blood manifest; but that a perfect cnre wa.~ obtained by the use of .A.yer's Sarsaparilla. Frederick ·w. Pratt, 42! '\Yashington street, Boston, writes: "My d a ughter was prostrated with nervous debility. Ayer's Sarsapar illa restored h er to health." William F. ·Bowke r, E rie, Pa., w as curnd of n ervou sness and sleepies sness by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for about two months, during which t ime his weight lncr eased over t wen ty pounds. Our CLOTHING. DEPARTMENT has still at its head the only cutter in town. M 1Ht of the other hom1es that blow of first-class cutters have their work made up by sueate ni and call it fl:rst-class, t o gull the [JUb!ic. Every customer that has an eye to beaut5 in clothes calls upo 1. IV to de;.;ign them fo1· him. W, H . IVES. La bor, ICURE FITS! The Detroit customs authorities have pro · mulgated an order to make Canadian oars runnii:g on through lines pa.y duty at the border. General Grenfell's force of less than 1,900 fired over 50,000 rounds of sma.11 arms <1m· munition in less than half an hour in the bat · tie of Suak im. The British sloop Emera.Id has seiz3d $5,000 worth of smuggled opium and twelve China· men nea.r the mouth of Port D1scove1·y B.i.y, Puget Sound. The Legislative Council of Quebec yester day, by a majority of one, voted Dr. La~el lee out of his seat. Hon. Henry Starns. gave the deciding vote. George R. Parkin, of the Fredericton · Collegiate School, has accepted the invita· tion to go to the Antipodes and lecture on Imperial Federation. .Tohn F . Redmond, sta.tioner, formerly a. mouldetl', has been nominated by the Labor p t · M t l·C t to t st then·d in~ £o:~he L~:a~aLe;~1::ure.con e · ANOTHER WONDER. It never was Intended, so far as I can learn, That eithe1 · men or women were intended. to be bald. I think you w i il believe me, Indeed I'm sure you will, If e.t the " Pari<> H air W orks" you have called, There Is one t Nature thinks of-let 11s thank h er for all we canShe t akes particulal' trouble with our race; She knows a scanty growth of h air, the gray a.nd whiteaing locks, Will dtltract from the beauty o! the face. But Nature has hor laws so strict that YOU Ayer's SarsapariUa, H FITS, EPILEPSY or l'ALLING SICKNESS, ~~~:~~~~!~!: ::::::::: 3J~Ugg ~~i~ ::;~~d~;i~=b~i::i;!~fo:.e~fr37~ preferAs:iT:':.eto:f:Tlooa~da:~on. S J Notice is Hereby Given CAUSE AND EFFECT ', The Ontario Loan and Co. 0 --o-- I STANDARD BA NI MY.R TL he ·· { NGTO \.,. SM OK BJ\. rco .o~ ,'~a.g~et I I I l! T& i THE ONTARIO BANK ·cK I EXCHANGE Canada Our Home. TO OUR RESPECTED FRIENDS· I 'l'rans:rers ! I '1 COUGHS, COLDS, Gold and Silver Walking Canes, Wedding Rings -the genuine, Stirling Silver Spoons, UNDERTAKING ·ILEVI MORRIS. I AARON BUCKLER, by Children Cry.for Pitcher's Caitor1a:

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