Photographs and Fancy Goods at TAIT'S Corner · USI: ONLY THE Store~ The thermometer etruck 0 on Sa.turdav Great at Tod Bros'. All J;UOrnino;· Dry Goods at cost during January. Misa Ha.ttie :Burk is visiting at her Bought by telephone from Cobourg, while FARMERs.-Best power Straw Cutter the auctio!l was going on--Sheriff Proctor, sister's in Lindaay. · with reverse gear sold by CHAS. ROGERS. ' Auctioneer-the stock of W. H. Ives at BRAND OF PURE Miss Maud N-0aworthy has returned Tod Bros' stock must be reduced. They Dispensing Chemists. 31~ cents on the wholesale cost-the from visiting at St. Thom1 \B. will sell at cost and below cost during cheapest stock 9ver sold in this county. Rev. Mr. Gtinn has been suffering from January. Cloths, '£weeds, Hats, Caps, Furnishings, the prevailing epidemic- sore throat. Youug man, inspect To.d Bros' stock of and Ready-made Clothing will be ~old at A new mu11ical iournal; "The Musical tweeds and gents' furnishings-all at cost half price. Opening day~ SATURDAY, Monitor," has been started in this town. during January. JANUARY 26th. Ives' old stand. If you want Millinery Goods at halfFor the best cutters made anywhere go to Haines' Carriago Works, Bowmanville. ' price for the remainder of the season, go H. C. Tait sells best spectacles. ALWAYS IN ST. OCK. Subscribers who recflive the STATES· to l\'Crs. Donnelly. Pay for this paper before Jan. 30. We know of no artist in this part of The cnttermakers are praying for MAN at the bookstore should pay there Canada, who gives such general satisfactoo. snow. Snow fell Sunday night and our people tion to every one as Henry. Who has not had a cold or sore throat Ol!IDERED CL<>TIIING.-If you want a are enjoying the tiret sleighing this sea· --~ -· ··:" this month 'I The ,Great Standard Remedy for all Weakwell-made Suit or Over Coat leave your son. Mrs. Donnelly is selling her large stock l!lellS a.nd diaeases of the lungil, impaired nutr1· A 'Philha.rmonic Society has been or- measure with McClung Bros. tion. etc. . ,. This Oil is Pure, Fresh, nearly Tasteless. and of Wings at half-price. in town, with Mr. Waldron as - Finest stock and largest assortment of ganized therefore most suitable for delicate di~estions, Go to Mrs. Donnelly if you want a Silverware in town. Want to sell it; low iD8tructor, None genuine without the name IZDAHL good hat for 25 cent11. stamJJed an capsule. It works like a charm. Used internally and externally. , The Happy Thought cooking range prices, at Maynard's J ewellry store. The Disciples' Sabbath School will give Wholesale by, LYMAN, SONS & CO. Subscriptions taken for all Canadian sold by S. S. EdeaU is the best stove in an entertai11ment soon. and American newspapers and m&gazines Fur Inflamatory Swellings, Rheumatism, Lame Back, Colic, the market. American subscribers will oblige us by Rev. J. W, Totten, of Oshawa, and at lowest rates at the STATESMAN office. Sore Throat, Cuts, Bruise~ and all aches and pains. sending us Green Backs. Two balls beat knit Cotton for 10 cents Rev. H. S. Matthews exchange pulpits Toronto Daily World and THE STATES· next Sabbath. and a present with every cash purchase :Ii.AN now to end of 1889 for $3. Mr. Tait says he has the Art that en- over $1.00 at John J. Mason's Bonus sale. Over 30,000 children in Chicago are ables him to make true Portraits at reaHenry's Photographs are ~uaranteed said to be addicted to atroll'g drink. to please. Prnofs are al ways sho'l}'n and 1<ma.ble prices. "Died, in Por.t. Hope, on the 16th Cures the most obThe Oouncil voted Mr. W. E. Pethick its not his fauH if you are Bot pleased. Although a short time before the public its sales are large. etlnatc case, if taken inst. , Robert Orr, in his 70th year." John J. Mason has sold <>·er 50 No. 1 $7 for refreshments supplied the fire lnip2reeveringly. Persian L"mb Caps this seas9n. They We direct attention to Mr. Davis' new gads on Dec. 27th. It possesses many Wonderful results are SA~DHAM'S COUGH BALSAM has stood advt. Give him a call at his new store. Mr. W. G, Darlington, formerly of were the best ever sh<ilwn in this to ivn the teat of years of trtal. obtained by its use. Every horse owner should try at least SANOHA.M'S COUGII BALSAM <ian be Ml)<ny are pleased that Mr. Jamee this town had a narrow escape from and so cheap. A few boxes still lett. 'aken by the youngest children-ls pleasant in PEAS WANTED.-! am prepared to buy drowning in Chiqago recently. one package. Prepared and sold by is.ate, perfectly l!llle, and ixevente consumption Wallia, clarionetist, ir,,not leaving town. !!taken ln time. · FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. Mr. W. R. Knight won six first and a any quantity of Marrowfat Peas delivered · SANDRA.M'S COUGH BALSAM ls made RoBT. VIRTUE, Agent, Bowmanville. tf. eecond prize on five birds at the Ontario at Port Darlington ,f or which the highest HIGGINBOTHAM & SON. trom a prescription o! established value which price will be paid. JoHN McDouGAJ.L, has..been In use for years. Mrs. Geo. Thompson, (ne& Nellie Mill- Poultry Exhibition at St. Catharines. Bowmanville. 49. '--~.arge Bottle, Small Price, 25 cents. son) it 111 guest at Mr. D. Davis', Beech ln consequence of the illness of two The Haines Ca.rriage Works received members of THE STATESMAN sraff, we Ave. the Diploma for the best display of carriages Should the town purchase the Al~ were unable to hav., a representative at at West Durham Fall Fair, and have now site and adjoining grounda for a small the Farmers' Institute meetings this on hand the best assortment o[ cutters week. park~ ever shown in this vicinity. Miss Lizzie Hazelwood, of Winnipeg, · Stott & Jury will give a large numThe O.K. shirts and drawers-anothe:c has been visiting her uncle, Mr. James ber of Books to two of the Sunday Schools case just to hand at John .J. Mason's, in West Durham. For full partic.ulars Morris. Over 30 dozen of this line sold thie sea· Henry is particularly auccessfulin Pho- send them a 3 cent or enquire at son. The best goods, the lowest prices We aincerelv thank our friends for tographing family p;roupa.- Oall at the their store. possible, and a Bonus. See advt. A CHECK LosT.-ln favor of George their most liberal patrbnage during the gallery and see samples, To THE DEAF.-A Persoa cured of , past year and especially during the past Miss Nora Coleman's concert in this Allin for $52.10 made by L. M. Courtice, Deafness and noises in the head of 23 salesman for Cheese Faci.orv, and dated bw weeks. Our Xmas trade has without town should be attended by eve117 citi- on or about Dec. 3rd, 1888. Payment years' standing by a simple remedy, wiil send a description of it FREE to any perexception been the largest of any eeason zen. Watch for·the date. on the same has been stopped. son voho applies to NICHOLSON, 30 St. Among the many caprices of the wind since we have been in business and wliile on the 9th inst, was the destruction of Mrs. M. Barrett, associate Eiitress of John 8t. Montreal. 44-lyr. STATl:SliIAN, has been very ill for THE this has been to a g1eat extent '.:lue to our the wind mill at the "Evergreend.". the past ten days, but Is slightly better J. H. Morris has withdrawn from the extremely low prices and magnificent disEntrance to M. D. Williams' residence at this writing, and her physician has firm of 0dborne & Co., coutractors and play still it is gratifying for us to know was tried by burglars on the 16th, but hopes of her ultimate recovery. builders. Any person intending to erect tha\ our effort to please the public taste dogs frightened him or them away. Miss Phelps the celebrated Elocution· , a 'house or other buildings will be furMiss Agnes Knox, the queen of elo- and 1'empera.nce Lecturer, will give an en- nished with plans, spPcifications, estimand supply the newest and best of every No need to enumerate the different classes- I thing in our line has been appreciated. :mtionists, will appear .here under the tertainment here under the auspices of ates, etc. Residence, Queen-st. 3-3w A SuGGESTION.-No more appropriate It shall be our constant aim during the auspices of tlie Mechanics' Institute, Feb. the W. C. T. U., on Sunday and Monday 10th and 11th Feb. Particulars gift could be eent to a friend at a di1tance keep everything in foot·we,~Jt~·for men, coming year to still further increase our 18. Chas. Ruse's School of Music lras al· later. than a copy of THE STATESMAN weekly. circle of customers bv paying close atchildren and prices that can't be beaten. R ev. J . c reig · lt t on, B . D ., Blacks t oc.k , It would be better than a weP-kly letter tention to the want& of the public.:..selling ready a payin~ attendance. The pupils f . the purest and most reliable goods at are well pltiased with his system o m- was the recipient of a Persia.a Lamb coat and be a constant reminder of friendship. See our German Felt Slippers. seal-skin cap, a robe and set of harness For $1 we will seud this pa.per to any ad· lowest possible prices and serving all struction. FELT W ~ intend to publish our list of Prompt· from St. John's church, Cartwright, New d'ress in Canad& or the United States till with care, courtesy, an.d promptness. Our business is our pride and we make Paying Subscribers on Jan. 3Q, Pay for Year's week . Mr. Albert Spinks read January 1890. Trunks, Satchels, etc., .also in stock. a special effort to have every department TnE STATESMAN in time to get your name an address. The Canada Stained Glass Works, of of our stock the best that can be found on that list. We were pleased to meet Mrs.(Rev..)A. Toronto, again increased their staff anywhere. No. 2 of School ·work and Play fa to Fraser, of .Comox, B . C., in town one in every department. The Church and "" 'Again thanking the public for their hand ancl it is a great improvement of evening last week. She was the guest of Ho11se Ornamental Glass tamed out by WCall and S(le me in my new quarters. ~ ,1;.'.id support and wishing all a prosperous No. 1. It will b11 interesting to all mem· Mr. and Mrs. John Keachie. She was ,. this firm can be relied on both for dura. ~') happy New Year.. . . bers of the household. called to Cobourg in Dec. by the death bility and excellence of design. Persons ' . We ll"e 11.s ·ev~r . _ 4 · The Salvation officers,-<Cept. Williams of her mother. . .. .requiring g)!ISS in every style -<>r quantity your obGaient servants; and Lieut. Hewitt, are expected to "Fare· ST. JOH.N's Cn:uRcH.-The Bishop of whatever should address the makers, '""·t.,_ STOTT & JURY well" next Sunday night. They will Toronto will D. V., administer the McCaus'and & Son, Toronto. .'The Crescent heel plates for rubbers JUBTHS. carry with them the respect of our c~tizena Apostolic rite of Confirmation in ,thi1:1 ' Messrs. Newcombe & Co., of 107-109 sold unly by J. Hellyar universally LAING-lo Bewmanvllle, Ja.n. 17th the wi(tJ generally. church on Sunday morning next at 11 a. Church street, Toronttl, are closing out at acknowledged to be superior to anything ot Mr, Geo, T,aing. merchant, ot a. son. REVNOLDs.- ln Bowmanville on il2od inst. The officers of Excelsior Council No. m. His lordship will also preach is St. reduced prices one of the largest stocks of of that character manufactured. They · Pianos and Organs in the city, previous are giving gteat satisfaction in Bowman- I the wife oLMr. 8, l:f. Reynolds: of a son. 48, R. T , of T, were installed on Friday John's church in the evening. night by Bro. M . A. James, Past CounThe general opinion is that Mr. Thos. to alterations in their premises, which, ville and vicinity and many are buying ' BowMANVILLE; JAN. 23, 1889. MARRIEt'. of cillor. Rev. H. S. Matthews is the new Burden, Reeve, was well deserving of when completed will give them the most them now on the · recommendation D b d h CouLTER-COWAN:...on Jan 16th In the Prell o not e . byterian church, Orono, by Rev. J .' A . McKeen. Select Councillor. the $100 voted him by the Council for extensive Pianoforte warerooms in the othe~s wh o h ave tr10 t em. deceived. Buy the. Crescent and B. A., Mr. r;:reori;ie A. Caulter, Souris, Plum Local and Otherwise. To charge one business man $50 a year the efficient and economical manner in citv. 43. will last three times .is lon"' Creek, Mamtoba. and M&ggie, only d~ughtee GREAT SALE OP Fu&s.-During ' the rubbera , · <> ' of 'l'llomas Cowan, Esq, for advertising in a local paper and ·'give which he discharged the duties of Chairholidays to encounge your readers to Trinity church will be re-opened on his opponent in business absolutely jl'ee man of Roads and Strsets last year. Ge~RD · Ho0Pma- 4t the reaidenoe of"th5 Call and see them, brides father, m M11.r1posa, on the 9;h inst&nt, Feb. 7th. advertising for over two years is not ex· The Ro:;al Templar Re\'ivalists will buy presents for their friends we will give AHEAD OF ALL,-1 have used Hagyard's by the Rev. Jamee Curts, Mr. William Goard Mrs. Donnelly is selling out her entire actly the sqttare thing. hold meetings in the town churches next great bargains in Fur goods of all kinds. Pectoral Bafaam in my family for years of Oakwood, to Miss Marv M. Hooper, eldest T'he bargain! we offer a re in Sealskin, ot Mr, John N. Hooper. daughter et;ock of Millinery below cost. Mr. Matthew Elliott shipped a cat' load week. Bro. Dunnet will preach in the Persian Lamb, Astrachan, etc. We can- and have found it ahead of any preparaTweeds, Dress Goods, and Mantle of fat cattle from Rrooklin recently ; one Chur?h·st, l\;(ethodist church ~unday not enUJ,Ilera'.e all, but all who want tion of the kind in curing colds, e tc. I DRS, JllLMER .t; J;A.JIUUIAN, Cloths at cost, at West End House. a young bull raised by Mr. Andy Wright, .mor~mg and m Queen·st. chu;ch i!l the .anything whatever in the fur line are most can especially recommend it for children . HYSICIANS, SURGEONS, ETG., All the new shapes and styles in Fall weighed 2,100 lbs. Mr. Elliot shipped evemng and conduct a meeting m the respectfully invited to call and inspect Alex. Moffatt, Millbrook, Ont. , Office :-Oor. Church and Temperanoe and Winter millinery at Mrs. Donnelly's. from Bowmanville at the same time two Town Hall In the afternoon at 3 p. m Ste: Night calls attended from Dr. Hillier's our goods and prices. M. MAYER.' residence. Prof. Reynolds, the famous mesmerist, The Weekly Globe, Rural Canadian and car loads. S, C. HILLIER, M. D. in town for this week. Be drew Now that. the elections are over, and is . . the STATESllAN . to the end of 1889, for B. LAMMIMAN, M . D . c. l\'[, Trin. Univ., After of the officers Fof I crowded houses in Montreal everv night there is no danger of further accidents on IJntll the skin was raw, Body covered '"Ult Fellow ot Trin, Med. College, $2.25. 1 sear~ like spots or mortar, C11rcd by the 3tt Florence N~ghtmgale Lod~e, · O. O. , ., last week. He caused oceans of laugh- sea or land, both the friends of Mr. Member Coll. Phys. & Surg., Ont· . If you have never dealt with Tod Bros. ~he.other night, Mr. A. M~?hel, N. G-, ter with bis four subjects Monday night. Younie and Mr. McArthur have come to Cutleura Remedies· 11tart now, all goods at c'OS~ during Janu- mvited the b;ethren to is cosy home He guarantees 50 good big roars of laugh- a friendly understanding that they will T99KFOR SALE.-Six large Steers, I am going to tell you of the extraordinary vour Cut!cura Remedies performed on r1srng 4 Years, partly fat. '1' wo heifers d1>. ary. where Mrs. Mitchel served an excellent ter for 25cents every night. Don' t fail for the future buy their dress goods, change me. About the first o! April last I noticed a number of sheep;. also 2 sows in pig. J D In aC!vertisin~, what To<J,. Bros. say supper to about 50 per~ons. The tables to sbake well before taking. Meet him clothing and furnishiogs, etc., at George some red pimples likfl coming out ell over my TRELEVEN, Lot 16, Con 4., Darlington. 2-tf. they do. Everything at cos~ during Jan- p~esented a ~ost _ temptmg aspect, la?en at the Town Hall at 8 o'clock. Laina's where everything is of the latest body, but thou11:ht nothing of it until some later on, when it began to look like spot.a with the dehca'cies of the season besides . . ° d l · B t 11 time uary. of mort<lor spotted on and which came off in RESS-MAKING.-Mhs Grant (late h b t d ts f th r t A There was considerable excttement in · sty 1 e an at ow prices. e sure o ea layers. accompanied with itching. I would of Toronto) is prepared to do first e cu mary ~r . . h town on Sa.turday when the rumor ~ at the store, Beaver Block, Bowmanville. Buy your parcels this month at John t e . esl prdo l~tc o nir.:ht until I was raw, then the scratch every musica an i erary program was ,urois . Dress and Mantle ma.king at her home coruero J.Mason's and get bi11 value and a bonus. ed and all went "merry as a marriage <:urrent that Chief Con~table Coleman next night the scales being formed meanwhile, ot Concession and l{igh Streets, Bowmanville. The Christian at Work is one of the were scratched otr again. In vain did I con- Terms, reasonable. 2--,-tf. See advt. bell" till about 2 a. m. when "good night" had got ~r. ~obert Virtu~, collector, S:blest, the largest and the best religious sult all the doctors In the country, but withHosiery, Gloves, Blankets, at cost. was said after a cheerful rendering of locked up m his office. Reeve Burden and family weekly newspapers published. out aid. After giving up all hopes of recovArY, TOCK FOR SALE.-For sale or will happened to see. an advertisement in the Call and see the bargains at the West Auld Lang Syne. and .Aue.ssor Burden were appealed to by The 22nd year of our existeMe is a year Inewspaper R.bout your Cuticura Remedies. and exchange for other suitable stock of equal ~ d House. the impri~oned ma1;1 but they were. power- long to be remembered by all who reacl. purchased them from my druggist, and ob- value, thechoice oft·Ho Durhan bulls one'!? reUer. I began to tained almost immediate THE CARRIERS' THANKs.-It is a cus· less to hberate him. The e~c1tement our columns. The Christian at Work old registered in D H B. the other 1 year The annual meeting <·f BowmanviUe notice that the scaly eruptions gradually old registerable In D H B. Foi· furtller par· Poultry Association will be held to-mor- tom almost universal for subscribers a ba t ed , h o~ever, wh en 1i,xpl ana t ion~ were ways wide awake and fully abreast of the dropped off und one by one, and ticulars address J , W. f>HILr, Whltby P. o. whose papers are delivered at their hornes made and it was ascertamed that it was times, will prove more attractive, inter- h&ve been fully cured. I had tile disease row, Thursday. · 3-3w 1 months beforo 1 began taking the to present the carriers on New Year's not for any wro~g M:r. Virtue ~as dor.Je, eating and instructive and more progress- thirtee1 We notice thaf Mr. Morrison, carriage !our or ft ve weeks Cuticura Remedies, and in A.TTLE ASTRAY.-Came on t o lot with s~ms acknowledgment b~t the C. C. m his a~sentmmdednese ive in all its departments than even here- was entirely cured. ,Uy diaea. se was eczeme peinter, haa been turning out &ome very Day 15. Con. 8, Cartwright, on or about 20th of for their faithfulness in braving all had loc~ed the door by mistake when he tofore. Always outspoken, non sectar-· and psoriasis. I recommended the Cuticcra November, two yearling cattle. The owner Is nice jobs lately. Remedies to all in my vicinity, and I know of requested to prove property .pay expenses and weathers to carry the news to their pat- left the office. ian, independent and progressive, The a great many who taken them,and thank JOHN O.i.m·rnLD, take them away, Henry has been turning out some grand rans. The STATASMAN carriers have al· Do you want to go to New York for 20 ! Christian at Work long since achieved a ne for the knowledge of them, esJJecially l-3w. · Coosarea. pictures this month, if it has been d:1>rk ways been generously remembered by its cents and m~ke a ro·m_d of the d~:ffere~t high reputation among the right think· mothers who babes with scaly eruptions their heads and bodies. I cannot exl1ress ,and cloudy most of the time. town subscribers and the New Years just amusements mdulged i.n b,r the mhabi- 1 ing and advanced members of various de- on ARM FOR SALE.-100 acres of tile in words the thanks to you for wha.t the Cuti· ~Mr. John Lyle is the chairman of the passed has been no exception to the gen- tants ?f the ~reat metropoh~ ~ Read the nomioations for its ability as an expon- cura. Remedies have been to me. My body esta' e of the late ARCHrBALD STEVE:)lg IJeing composed of the half of lot 7, con.'~. was an awful ·was· covered with scales, and I School Board for 1889. Mr. J. McDou· eral rule, their pockets having been well ?,eauufully illustr ated article .~n the ent, and in imparting sound instructions; m the Townsh!JJ ofDulington. Possession the epectac1eto behold' Now my skin is as nice sail is re-appointed Secretary. lined with quarters, for which they de· Amusements of Nflw YoJk C!ty m the its freedom from cant, bickering and bigo· and clear as a's, First of April, For pa.rticurars onquire or Mr. \Vri,LIAM WINDATT, Executor, or MRs. A. GEO. COTEY, Merrill,, Wie, y - try, and the unusual versatility displayed Mr. Wiman .Andrus has signed with sire to publicly thank their customers for Febru~ry number of D~morest s Moqtpl_ STEVENS, Executrix, at the residence ot l\ir, Sept 21, 1887, Ma~azme. ~n ~lancmg . thl"ough this in its utterances. Dµrin'g the coming the Buffalo Base Ball management for the their liberality. 4tr Feb. 7. 1888.- Not a trace whatsoever of the John Rutledge, Manvers Road, We take pleasure i n calling the atten- world -fa.m~d ~amtly ma~azme;~ve can ac- year we shall far exceed anything we disease from which! sutfered has shown itself -coming eeason at a good salary. G EU. COT l£Y. since my cure, ALESMEN WANTED.- -Good salar ielJ Mr. Ezra Argue, of Glenarm Eldon, tion of our readers to the Semi-annual count for its immense ~ircula.1on. The ha ve done heretofore in the cllaracter of commission paid to the ri~ht men 10 favored us with a call on Friday. He re· clearing sale at Conch, Johnston & Cry· ~ebruary number,,contam~ a water-color, our contributed articles in both the reWe cannot do justioe to the esteem in which sell 01· our choice and hardy varieties of nursery To the Rescue l beaut1~ully ex~cuted, li!!ious and the home departments. Dr, Cutimira, the great Skin Cure, and Cut1cura stock. ports farming paying well in his section. derman's . 'J'his firm always make it a r,ule Steady emT>IoymAnt to tne riqht meu. to clear out their stock at the end of each and. over a hundre~ ~ther 11lustrat10ns.of Doolittle will continue to write his ex· Soap, a.n exqafaite Skin Beautifier, prepared the vear round. Now ls the tiB'.le of year to Over 400 Su.TESJltA.NS' are weekly de- sea'son, believing as they do that it pays a high order. while excellent sto:ies cellent expositions on thh International from It and Cur.i oura.Resolvent, the new Blood en~age. None but honest and upright m en Purifier, ara held by the thou~a.nds upon thous- need apply. Do not delay if you deoide to join livered in Bowmanville by the carriers, them better in the end, and. is more sat- are. mtroduced to amuse,, . the pr~ctical Sund ay-school Lessons, and the Child- ands whose lives have beenl made happy by us as delays da.ngerouq, Apply with referat the bookstores and for callers at the iStactorY:to their customers, to begin each ar~1cles are of merit; and ]Ust at ren's Lessons will also ho continued by the cure of ae;onizing, humiliating, itching, ences. MaY BROTHERS, Nursecymen, Roches· scaly a.nd pimply diseases of the skin, scalp, ter, :N. '{, P. 0. . · 1-lOw; season with an entirely New Stock of this s~ason th~ ,;ii:t!quette of Balls ~nd the same accepta,ble pen as last year. and blood, with loss or hair. Rev. S. Salton never fails to please a goods. To effoct this they are · offering ~ancmg-Part10s will be found of. se~~ICe. T he Things of To-day, Current Events, Bowmanville congregation when he preach- great bargains in all kinds of winter ..Twenty-One ,,Y~arr. of Clu~ L1fe, by Among the Churches, The Christian · Sold everywhfre. . Reform Price, Cuticura, 75c. ; · 36c.; Resolvent $1.50. Prepared by the es to them. H·s sermon in the Queen-st goods, specially in Dress Go.,ds, some Jenny J u~e, gtv~?, us an idea o; the Life, Talker's Easy Chair, Housekeeper, Soap. POTTER Dmm AND 0HE11UCAL Co.. Boston, A meeting of the West Durham Reform .chutch on Sunday week was a treat to the iines of which they are selling off at ri· success of Soros s, and who knows In the Mission Field, Here and There, Mase. Association will be he'd in the Town H a il, large audieoce pre3ent. "1$15end for-"How to Cure Skin Disease," 6£ B1>wma.nv1lle, diculously low prices. better ?f that success th~n the author of Nature and Science, and all the other deon pages, 50 illustrations, 100 testimonials. Seo the card of thanks at top of this w. D. AGRICULTURAL. 6ocIETY.-The the article, who w;s preeident of th~t club partrnente will have the same acceptable Saturday, Jan'y. ,28th, 1889·, column. Stott & .Jury have had a rush- annual meeting of West Durham Agricul· for _so manr, yea;s · ';l'h~ ne: ?raze m em- writers as last year. None of the old PLES blaek·heads, red, rough. cha.oped at 2o'clock, p. m., tor the' election of offioera and oily akin prevented byCutieura Soap, and tr&nsaction of other business. All Re· ing trade but still have a few sample tural society was held Wednesday bro~dery, ~aria Tmtrng, Is fully ex· favorites will be ab.sent, but several new formers ar<:l invit.ed to attend. D. BURKE cases of their leading line<J which they when the following officers were elected: · plamed and.illustrated; m fact, a corner ones will be added, and every depart-. SIMPSON. President, W.R. CLIMIE, Seo. are clearing off at great reductions. President- D. Burke Simpson; 1st Vice- ts found to mter~st every member of.the menb will be ma:le fuller and richer. Bowma.nville, Ja.n.10, 1889. 3-2w Published by W. Jenmngs Address, J. N. HALLOCK, Publisher, 216 A CUR:& FOR DEAFNESS.- There have President-Geo. Gray; 2nd Vice-Presi- famdy. Ha.eking Cough, Asthma. Pleurisy 14 15 East th Street, N ew Broadway, New York City. bee n many remarkable cures of deafness dent-Robt. Beith; Directors-Clarke- ~~:~rest, ,and inflammation relleved tu one A Good Investment, ~ . mtnuie by the unucara Anti-Pain the us11 of Hagyard's Yell?w John Davey, Albert Tamblyn, W. C. That beaut iful glossy sheen, so much A VALUABLE DISCO'\i'.ERY.-F.P.Tanner, Plaiter, Nothing like it for We~k Lungs . . Qili' tlt e great household .remedy for pau:~, Blackburn, Jas. Adams ; Darlington30 cents. OFFER FOR SALE A HO'rEL ,.., ~mmation and soreness. Yellow Oil Sam'l Allin, Wm. Werry, W. J. Roy ; admired in hair, can be secured by the of Neebing, Ont., says he has not only situated in the growing village or Bnrkeuse of Ayer's Hair Vigor. '£here is noth· found B. B. B. a sure cure for Dyspepsia AND FOR SALE.2 acres of land 'es Rheumatiem, Sore Throat and Bowmanville-W. R.R. Cawker, Sam'l ton on.the C. P. R., twelve miles north ot Scugog Street, at the forks. Bowman· Bowmanville, The above hotel is new and ill "Croup1 and is useful internally and ex- Hall; Auditors-J. McMurtry, W. R. ing better than this preparation for but he also found it to be the best medi- ville, on well suited for fruit or vegetable garden, rented for five years at '300 a year, pa.ya.ble in the scalp and keeping it cine for regulating and invigorating the strengthenin11: Climie. R. Windatt and M.~P·)rter were ternally for all pains and injuries. For terms apply to Jas. Vauden on the prem- advance. Price $2,000. .Apply to F. E. DINGLE, EXPl!LL TBE WOKMS by u11tng tile 11are reappointed secretary and trea.aurer res- free from dandruff and itching erul'tione, · syttem that he has ever taken. B. B. B. ises, ors. BURDEN & Co., Auctioneers. 3-iW· L I .is the great syetem reg11lator, 3-{w. 0$1\wa. 'anti rellabie anthelmlat:l.e Freemlln'it 1V orm . pectively. SAM OLARKE .ZDAHL J. HIGGINBOTHAM & 8011~ A full line of Drugs, Proprietary Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, etc., New and Valuable Preparations : NORWEGIAN COD LIVER.OIL. - .I SCULLCAP INOIAN OIL, PRAIRIE SAH'DHAM'S BALSAM COUCH f~E~ J. CoN01110N · P~o~ To the Public. ---o--- CARD . Of THANKS. Everbody vvants the best Boots and Shoes to be bought for the least money. At my new store, SCOTT'S OLD STAND, you will find a very well assorted stock of the best goods in the various lines that the market affords. and at women RUBBERS AND GOODS, Ordered work receives special attention. DAVID DAVIS. · 'J I P S EVERY NIOHT I SCRATCHE D. D S C F S Association a L PIM Ch!st~~i~:!so!~!~1~~neas, I - P~wde;rs, I