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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1889, p. 6

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_ , .. " The cheese will not be ready to press j CATARRH. unti_ l &bout one o'clock," said . the cheese1 man. "The curd has to be sub]ected to the irew H&me Treatment tor the (Jure of ·Ill P'QBLlllBJID heal! awhile longor and I dng the knife catarrll (Jatarrllal Dearnes1, and 'ETERY. WEDNESDAY ItlO:RiUNG through frequently, so that it won't stick to ' Bay :Fev41r. My old ·uncle Peter'a a famous relater -BYOf marvelous stories ; but my Uncle Peter the bottom." "All rtght " papa replied "We'll go .The microscope has proved that these Is a vigorous foe and a rigorous hater · · , · . ' diseases are contagious. and that the;r are fhhrng awhile; Netue, a.nd then come back due to the presence of living parasites m the Of wile and of guile ; he despises · a AT THE Oll'EIOB to Eee th· e cheese finished," lining memr>rane of the upper .air vass11gt'ls cheater; . ....,.., OtBce Block, King Street, Bowman· Hand in hand they went down the shady !'nd eus·achla.n tubes. The emment ec1e~tHe's frank and eincere on & 'Very large ville, Ontario. roa.d, Nettie pr&ttllng ea~erly a.bout the ::'~ T{h'!i~:lla:t'h!1~rie:n~a~:~e ::dgf:~~~i~'. scale, cheese-making, and telling her father a.bout The reii;ular method or treating tho diseases And this is his manner of telling a tale : TER:ri..a'.B: the pretty little strip,e d gopher than had is to apply an irritan,t remedy !l'eekly and ,.., pnfAnn11m, or $1 U' pal.d tn advance looked in the window and ·then darted off even datly, thus keepIDg the delic!'-te mem"Oh, once in the ohivalrio days of old, .· . h d brane in a constant state of irr1tat1on, ~e-nt strlotl1 In advance i:equtredfrom like a when she turned her ~a · accompimlt>d by violent sneezing, allowing "ll.Ollcr!bersoutside·of the county; Orders to In the wonderful long ago, " I do wish we could catch a mce string it no cha,nce to heal, end as a natural oonse· ' r here dwt-lt a Giant full bad and bold _ . .,_tlnue the paper mu11t be accompanied by of fish this morning " she exclaimed; Fquefz- quence of such treatment not one permanent due,orthepape wil nu£ bestOJJlled, (But this is not fact, you know). ' h · fi ' " d · th all cUJe .bas ever been recorded. It Is an aat.orfbeftl areresponsibleuntl full payment Ir Jn whoee darksome dungeon a maiden fair, IDg er papas ngers, an give em · ahsolute fact that these diseases cannot be 'Ille Whom atrociously he had stole ; every one, to the oheest·man. " · cured by any application made oftener than For Cash I am selling my entire stock of Felt Hats at arnl &.I.TBS e:I' .l.DVE:BT18UG: . Sl: She languished 'and wept (to be candid, "Quite a good idea, little daughter," said once in two "l'eeks, for the membrane m)l&t · · get a chance to heru before any appl!catiou below cost. there 'tl'h~le Column one year .......... ... $60 oO Ii::::!'!; Papa ' smiling· · .. h fi h T 111 repeated. Jt ls now 7 yrs. since Mr. Dixon ·· " Halfyear ...... , ···..· S6 oo· Was no such a girl, nor hole). ,Joy for Ne~t1e, sorrow fort e s es'. he discovered the para.eite in Catarrh and form. " One quarter .... ; ··· , 20 06 ~-.. . little swimmers greedily caught at the bait, ulated bis new treatment, a'n d since then h ie "lblf C<>lnmn one year ·.··.··.·. ····· 36 00 For Cash I am selling my Furs at reduced prices. "But, lo I on a rapturous morn 1here rode and when. noon Nettie's string wa.s so remedy has become. a housel\old word In " Half year ..... , ........ 20 00 A valorous Knight that way" · heavy that pap'a had to carry It to the factory every country where the 'En~hsh language One quarter ..... ······ 12 50 " · b b' · " · · . · ls spoken, Cures effected by b1m seven years H n s::iowy ~alfrey he_ rave estrode ·' 9aarter Colnn:.n one year ... .... .... 20 00 · fur her. Nettte was so anxious to keep her ago are cures still. there having been no For Cash I am selling my entire stock of Gents' FurnishHalf year , .... . , ·, .. - 12 50 . · " (Don t credit this tiotaon, pray), o'clock engagement that papa could hardly return of the .disease. ~ ·· One quarter ........ 8 00- 5 And stra.ighi; he sprang from the nobleateed; persuade her to eat her dinner, and she came atgr eat reductions. ngs So hig)/.11 are these remedies valued: and ,..._' andunder ,first insertion. ,o 50..,. u·is eword i"t g in h f "t b thl el!B, ant so great 18 the have· demand for them, that 1gnor. . the sun, , . f · . tumbl" ~ng mto t e a.c~ory, qui e rea Imitators started up everywhe,re, BaQheubeequentinser~iOll, ····· 6 26'l»m six io ten lines, ftrstlnsertion 0 75 ·~ And the dragon th&t guarded the gate (a five minutes ahead of trne. pretending to destroy a parasite, of .which Kach subsequent insertion...... _ o 35deed ' ' The mill. was now very much curdled they know nothing, by remedies the results ~ ten llnes,ftrst insertion,perlin e O 1(1-10 ·Which he could by no means have done) and a Uaht yellow The man adjusted a or the application.of which they equally Ba.oh subsequent insertion " 0 03 · <:< ' b · h k h ignorant Mr. Dixon's remedy is apphed trough eo tha.t one end was Y.t e. tan · t e only once in two 'weeks, and from one to -'!he number of lines to be reckoned b1:::: "He felled at a blow, and with mighty force other Cash I am wanting and for cash I am selli11g. over a small sink. Thie smk had a three applications e1fect a vermanent cure in ·-space occupied,,measured bya scale of He bat~ered the dungeon wall, . pipe through whicl: the whey flowed into a moet aggravated cases, N. 8.-.For o~tarrhal did Nonparell. . And he 1eized . the s.orrowing" mai4 l (of ci8 tern. The farmers pumped it out for tro~bles pec;uliar to females(wh1tes) this remeu-Cash paid for Raw Furs. course ·· . h h . b · · ll dy is a. specific. . t h e1r ogs, t ese amma18 emg especia Y Mr. Dixon sends a pamphlet describing his It never transpired at &11)~·s. McL.llJGBLIN · BEITH. of It. The cheese· man now drew the new treatment on the receipt of ten cents in And he. slew the Giant, the dauntless youth, fond whey off by means of a · bent tube, . with one stamps. The address is A. H. Dixon & Son, 101'FIOE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE. And the beauteous maid he wed . end in the tank, the other in the trough. ~03. K.lng etre!lt west, Toronto. Canada.;[)r,J.~.MOLAUGHJ,IN, ., Dr. A. BEITH, Gradu (But you mustn't imagine a grain of truth · When as much as possible had been dra,ined Scientij!c American. ilcentiate of the ~!>ya! ate of the Toronto ln a single word that l've Sl\id);." NEADS' BLOCK, Bowmanville. THE PRACTICAL FURRIER. 'C ollege of Physicians in this way, he, using a large tin pail, emp- Sufferers f_r_o_m_ca_t_a-rr_h_a--tr_o_u-bles ~hould ·'U d member of. the University,l'hys1cian tied Oh, my old U nole Peter's a famous relater the . curd and remaining whey into a carefully read the above. 1 'llo;val College of Sur; Surgeon, &o. But I wish, goodness me I t hat my old tank ·which had· down the middle s. little lreOl!S, Edin bUl'.,ih~ . . · . Un0 , 9 Peter gully. covered . with finely perforated tin, A MonkeyThat Talks. D:J. · .J. C. MITflHl!LL, Comd be rather more ot a prevaricatoralso oonn~ct4ig with a ~roug_h. The w~ey · EMBER OF COLLEGE QF PHYSlCIAN Ilis stories would be more absorbing and could drain t~rcugh this without· wasting T.lle New York Sun says: Charles H. Ball 1M ,[ ' and-Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner. etc. neater , · any curd. With eleeves rolled up he then of this city owns a monkey which is attract:Otlloe and Residence, Enniskilien. 7'. wisb. his int~grity didn't prevail kneaded and wor~ed it much harder,. Nettie ing.iionuderable a.ttentfon. The animal is ----- ! In so stern a. degree-"-when he's telling a thought, th~n Br.1dge1l ever ~needed dough. .5 years old and weigbs 6pounds. All of his D,Jt, E. (). HtD6'1'El.L. tale He worked it this way u;til the curd was joints t1ore double. Among the :11any accomIOENTJATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE · ST NICHOLAS , almost dry. Then sprinkling salt over it, plishmente of the monkey is his ability to of Phl'Bicians, Lo11don, Eng.;Member ot ' ' until io looked as if it had been out in a talk; not only can he S!l.Y "papa," "ma.1nma,-' -Colle~e of Physicians ana Surgeons. Ontario. snowstorm, lie kneade.d it again until the and ' ' cuckoo," as well as any parrot, but he ,13tm61£RY AND RESJDRNCE:-Rear of Messrs. Nettie's Visit to a. Oheeee l'aotory. salt was nii.xed all through and ··th!l curd will · when hungry say, -· J wants hie .Bi11ginbotham'e Drug Store, Bowmanvllle, · " What shall we d.o, to-morr.ow t". 'asked was as dry as · poeeible. He then put< it grub.". 6-l1r.* ~~~-o-----Nettie. · - '. · · · '· into the molda. The~e wer~ la.rge tin Mr. B ..n is the propr:ttor of a shooting D. BITRKE SDIPSf)N, " Perhaps we'd better stay in the house cylinders riovered with oheese-cloth and gallery, a.nd w)lenever he.lewes his rifles in "O ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, MOJ>1U8 and get rested, 11 suggested papa, wickedly, placed within' large iron c'.) lindere standing disorder Jack places them in their proper !,) BLOOK, up stairs, King Street, Bowma.n"You might' make a tquare for your quilb, In a row .on· thick, strong boards. When places. He is afraid of drunken men, and ·le. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank · Nettie," addedmamma, 11o tremor of laughter full the tin cylinders were l(ently drawn oub, whenever one enters the ga.l!Ary and begins 'rrlvate lloneys loaned at the ~oweat rates, · in her voice. .. ! · · · · · , leaving the cheese-cloth next to the curd. to practice with the rifles Jack seeks a. place Nettie dropped.. her ·'knife and fork-with a The t op of the mold was put on and the of safety behind the stove, evidently fearing .Jo~ Kelih, 6a:lbrattb;· Woiil of di~may and looked In astonishment 'press screwed down a.s tight al the oheeeci- he will be hit by a stray bullet. ,,> .ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY and distress trom her father to her mother man could it. A boy whom Mr· . Ball employs in the Begs to,jQ.forin ths inhabitants of Bowmanville and surrounding ") PUBLIC, &c. Office-Bonnsll.ll's Bloo,k and back again. Her father's hearty laugh " Now "he said "I shall them tb&t gallery is often left in charge of it. For Townships that he has opened out business in the old stand, formerly ·'.·Jti.K Streat, Bowmanville. ·Money to lend, reassured ner, &nd with a great sigh ofre- w&y ,sixteen or eighteen hours. You see, some time Jack would scream as if he were f RA1'K lU. FJELD, B~ A. lief ehe picked up her fork and resumed. her little girl, the ll. 00() pounds of milk m&de receiving a whipping whenever he was left occupied ly Mr. W. M. Horsey, one door east of Standard Bank, and neglected supper. · five sixty.pound cheeses, ten pounds ofmilk alone with the boy, Mr. and Mrs. Ball be- will~at all tiwes keep in stock all goods usuaHy kept in a first-class ARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, &c Six-year-old Nettie, \\-ith her father and making one pound of cheese." : lieved the boy did abuse the monkey, but Hardware Store, comisting of COBOURG ; · mother, had come' to the country for two Nettie sighed ; the figures puuled her. upon watching him one day, they discovered ·ont<:e,-Armour Block, King Street. 22. weeks' outdoor pleasure. They were not "How long do yon keep them before mar- that he was sitting in a. chair screaming for stopping at . a hotel in town, but at a farm- keting ?' ' a.eked papa. · hie own amusement. WK. BINGD.Ull, hoUlle about two and a half miles . oub, and " Well, that depends eomewhat up.o n the .J aok is full of tricks, and likes nothing SSlJER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. Nettie Wall wild wilih delight. She was' up demand. They are tit for shipment, how- better than to get at Mrs. Ball's pa.lnte, with the birds in the morning, caressing the ever, in fifteen days. Would you like to eee when he will daub himself all over, always ~eidenoe, Enniskillen. · 50 kittens, playing tag with the dog, watching those up stairs that are finished ?" he a.eked, choosing red in preference to other colors. · the milking and flying like a but~erfiy all turning a.gain to Nettie." S, (). HUNKING, I shall also keeo a well assorted stock of the best mar.ufacturers' " Oh, yes, indeed !" ' over the place. , Aft!lr· breakfast she would Asphalt Pavements Kill Trees. ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR go with ner father back of the wood·pile, So they mounted the stee{l, narrow steps "1e County of Durham. Salee · attended where, scratching vigorously in the black and saw 200 like huge lumoa of ~old arIn connection with the repaving of Br.ook· lo on ehcrtest notice and loweetrates. Address lyn streets, which has became a subject earth, ehe imagined that she helped him dig ranged in orderly rows along the shelve.a. ){.'llHTICB P. 0. 36:tf " Oh, my I Oh, my I was all that Nettie of pressing concern through the recent outbaib. The truth was, h:>wever, that ahe al· Stove Pipes,-Micas, &c. S. BITBDEN · ()0., . givin~ of the mayor, an interesting point ways soreamedfand ran away a.a soon as h~ could say. The manufacture and putting up of Eave Tro'lllghs She wae very quiet as ime walked away has been made concerning the · £ffecet of ·.A UCTIONEERS . for the Countyof spade brought up the angle'-wo1ms, ~hen will rece ive spt>cial attention. .~ ·Durhe·m; lneurence and CleneralAgent·, ehe would wait at the gate till papa and holding papa's hand, but presently he eald, asphalt pavements on the trees. Experience V~luator and Real Esfate .Agente. ·Sales and were ready and kudge after them "Wh~t ls my !htle oheeee-eater thinking shows that in streets where such p"vements otliez business.promptly attended to·. Box '172, to beautiful Silver Lake; where, an(lhored about?" I · have been laid the trees do not flaurish, if .Bowmenville P : 0. 86-tt " Why," said Nettie, deliberately, as If indeed they do not speedily wither. The in a row·boat, they would spend the morn· ing fishing. If Nettie was eo tortunate as to weighing every word, " mamma thinks I reason is not far to s.e ek. /.pparent on a Pianos Tuned and Eepalred. catch a. tiny perch you .may be sure that eat.too much cheese I guees if ehe saw a.11 moment's thought that it is almost impc>ssi· . . she thought nothing ever had taated half 10 those she wouldn't think I eat so very much. ble for water to penetrate to tbe roots of WISHING THEIB P !ANOS good as that s&me little fish, when it was Why I never ate all of even one Beside, the trees beneath woh an impervious cover '.· .Tqned or r'epan'eo Cltn nave t llom attended brought .to her fr ied brown and crisp for she said I wou\dn' t want 'ny more If I saw ing, and hence their decline is inevitable. 'D'l>T l~aviµ' 'Word. c&t the DOMINION ORGAN her breakfast. · · it made, but I do. 1 ah&ll like it better No plans are now in view for increasing the :, B0wma.nville, April 2nd, 1888. ·CO'e 0B'l'.IPB, Bowmanvlll!) A 1lr§t·cl11s ma~ l'heti came the long delightful drivee in than ever now that I have seen it all and asphalt pavements in Brooklyn, but this : uw l>elna, l,J:1U1~!J' ~gi»IPl' -~ --. matter is worth keeping in mind against the the afternoons down the winding roads, know how nice and clean it is.' ----- -- - ---- ===s possibility that the question may be raised pwit the lonly la.kes, . each eeemlng more Be Oourteous, Boy11 at some time in the future. Asphalt bea.utiful than the one just left behind ; "I treRt hi·m u well as he treats ., pavement!! certain undonbted adva_ nback again in time for Nettie to :hunt the "" w~ me, tages, along with equally undoubted d1seggs before tea. Than, &fter almost , nod· . ··"' . .. . . sai_d Hal, . · advantages. '.fhe drawback mentioned here ding at the tea t&ble, she would go away ~~ ~~~ His mother had iuet reproached him be- is foubtless seldom taken into account. ~ to pleasant dreams and an e11orly e.wakencause he did not &ttemp~ to 9!' euter· -lNew York Tribune. -0 ing ~q1;1 ~e:ir;~ mori:1ing, Sbe wi11hed that it -~ a boy friend who had gone home. by the public is unanimous that the 'O could last forever ab.d papa and mamma "I often·go there and he doesn't notice ·~ a.lmosli wished so too. said Hal again. Different Pomts of View. " You mustn't eat &ny more cheese to- me," " Do you enjoy that!" , -b night, Nettie." Nettie regretfully drew A minister, with a rather fiJrid Mmplex" Oh, I don't mind 1 I don't ~ta.y long.' back her hand from the large piece ~he was " I should call myself a very selfish person ion, had gone into the shop of a ba.rber, one ~ going to take. She liked few things better, if persons to see me and I should pay of his parishioners, to be shaved, T~e ~ar(. 1 ) '; is the cheapest pla ce in the " How would you like to see cheese made, no a.ttentlon to them." ber was addicted to heavy bouts of dr1nkmg, Nettie ?" asked Mrs, Brown, with whom they "Well, t hat's different; you're grown after which h is hand W3'13 consequently un- Cooking Ranges, Coal and wood Cooks, Parlor and Hall boarded, . bteady at his work. In shaving the minister up. " G!t"ac'j.nate ofthe Royo.1 College cf Dent11.l "0, lio'IV nice that would bet" cried NetStoves- all the most popular makes and styles.' " Then you really think tha.. t p oliteness OD the occasion referred to, he inflicted a cut Su1geona, Ontario. tie, and papa and mamma both asked, s,nd ciourtecy are not needed among boys?" sufficiently deep t o cover the lower part of "Where?' 0 FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. Hal, thus prueed, said he didn't exaotly the fac.e with blood. The minister turned Jewel Range, w1'th the new Duplex Grate,· also Grand ~OLD. E'ILLING A SPECIALTY " H aven' t vou nGticed that large barn- mean that; but his father, who had listened, to the barber and said, m a tone of solemn like building with so many windows, th&t now &poke: severity," You see, Thomas, what comes of . Duchess, Grand Univ , ersal and Diamond Rang , e. - ARTill'iOIAL TEETH INSERTED WITHOUT you pa&s in going to Silver l 1 That's ··A boy or a. me.n who measures hie t reai;· taking too much drink." " Ay,'; replied . PLATES. the cheese factory. All the farmers arcund ment of others by their trea.tment of him · Gre.a t .Reductions in price on all Dental here send theh· milk there and it is made has no character of hill own. He will never Thomas, "it mak'stheskinverratenner." Work. Vitalize(!, Air, constantly in use pro· into che~se every day." be kind, or generous, or Christian, If he is ,·uctng Painless Operations. Particular atten The Strength of Evidence. "'Y1='il go to-morrow," said papa. ·Uon pa.ld to the .1 egulation of Children's Teeth to be n oble, no ot her boy's mea.nnesll will So the next morning, inst ead of digging A student said to a distinpmshed la.wyer ,_..ALL WORK WARRANTED . .._ bait, Nettie popped her inquisitive little change his nature." And very earnestly the father added: "Remember this, my boy, one day, " I cannot understand now circum· Branch office, Dr. Rutherford's Orono, head ioto the open door of the cheese fac- you lower your own self every time you stantia.l i;vidence can be stronger than posi - - - - - -- - - - ------- - - - tory. They were surprised to find only one guilty of an unworthy action beoa.uee some tive testimony. ' ··I will illuEt rate i t," said Granite, I ron and Tin Wares constantly on hand. man -at work and that he. made five cheeses one else is. Be true to your best self, and the lawyer. "My milkman brings me a can n in a day. .He told them th&t durmg the no boy can drag you down." of milk, a.nd says, 'Sir, I know t hat is pure Eave Troughing, Roofing and Job Vl'orJr done 0 ..1 .,,i;.;i't~i::t rJOtice busy ~ou another man worked there, too, milk for I drew it trom the oow, washed the prices, considering material, as low as the lowest. and together they made ten a day. lie was Georgia is to have an immigration bu· can throu11hly, sfra.1ned it into the oan, and very hospitable- thio lonely cheese-man- reau to encourage immigration to the State nobody else has handled it.' Now, when I and seemed glad to tell them all abo_ u t his of industrious and intelligent farmers and take the cover from the Cll>n, out a bull interesting work. After carefully wiping mechanics. frog. Surely the frog is stronger evidence their shoes they stepped on his shining floor, The October mortality statistics make a tha.n the m!l.n !"· NEWOASTLE. 45 which was even cleaner than Bridget's in the very good showing for Taranto. The dea.thR kitchen at home. Mamma said itwas clean were 177 against 409 in Montreal, being, p£r .enough to eat off of. He. ,.· wonderfully e,COO, 13. 93 and 25. 95 on populations cal(JO~SlJRFTIO!ll «:lJRED. WITIIO\o'T J'llll'r!I 'WITB TEETH. neat housekeeper and .alwa.y11 .washed ea.oh culated at 120.000 and 186.000 respectively. An old physician. retired from practice. havutensil as soon a.e he finished using it, On a. The zymotic rate in· Toronto was but 2. 36 ing had placed in his bands by an East India high platform at the end, '\Vith doors opening againet 5 58 in Montre&l, 8 48 in Brant.turd, missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy tor the speedy ,e._nd permanent cure of PBA.CTiflAL DENTIST, into the cheese factory and others opening 13 00 in Hull, 8 67 in St. John, 9.07 in Winout to ~he road, stood the-scales, for all the nip<g, 3 62 iu Buffalo, 8.9 in Cleveland, 3.00 ConsumJ;>tion, Bronob.1t1s, Catarrh, Asthma . OYICB TWENTY YEARS EXPll:Rl!llNOill, ana. all Throat and LunR Afl'ectlons, al~o- a tro1110xldeGa1.l.dmtn1uered ror Painle11 milk is bought by th,e pound, not by the in Detroit. Only one large American city positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility quart or gallon, In front of this platform as good a showing as Tor onto, and that and all Nervous . CBmpl!'ints, a.fter _having Operations. tested it& wonderful curative powers m thou· stood a large tank two-thirds full of milk was Louisville. ··el'!'ICB Jll()CL11NG'8 Bl.O()S:.. sands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it and cream, mixed with a little coloring matThe N. Y. "Morning Po;;.t" has come to known to his suffering f!"llows. ~ctuat.ed by ter to giye the cheese its rich, attractive the conclusion that the Sack ville incident this motive and a. desire to reheve human yellow. Steam pipes were under . the tank will b rine- about a good thivg for the f&me sutl'ering I will send free of charge. to a.II who and kept the temperature up to ninety-eight of t he American people in foreign countries desire it: this rece~pt. i}l German. French or f English. whh full dir~ctions for prep?rmg a_ nd Purify t he Blood, correct all Disorders of the if it should in any way lead to a total aboli. using. Sent by mall by addressmg with J d egrees. " Ho'V much milk is in the ta.nk ?" asked tion of the for&ign diplomatic service of the, naming this paper, W . A. NOYES. 149 LIV E R, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND BOWEJ... ~, 41-Iy United States. Its~ys that as a rule Amer- Power's Block, Rochester,N. Y. " Three tqousand pm:inds," answered the ican diplomatic representatives bri1Jg dis · ~7fT'"5 P&w··rnTM=~ ';':,, ;nvi~orate and restore to health Deb1l;ta,ted Constitutions, cheese-man, credit on the country, foreigners not being ·u·~ t1nrn.lnable in all Compla.lnt s lncldom;a .: · ema.les of a ll Ages, For " Three thousand p ounds !" ·exclaimed able to understan d t hat those who receive Children a.nd the aged t hey priceless. papa. "Nettie, do you know that the milk t he appointments do n ot :represent the 1 wei17hs as much as a ton and a half of coal ?" American social life in its best aspects. The Wben Baby was sick, we gave ber Caetoria, N ettie opened her eyes very wide and be · "Post " may perhaps go too far iu its sweep- When she"'"'" a Child, she cried for Caetoria, s an i nfallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old WouDds Sor gan to wonder how long it would take her ing condemnation, but there has been, it to drink that much mllk, _ and if she. would will be admitted, good ground in ~he past ~Vbcn she became :!dies, ebe clung to Castcria., 11.nd Ulcers. It ls famo us for Gout and Rhe umatism, For d isorders of t loa Wbon eho had Children, oho gavo thom Ca.storia, wei~h three thousand pounds when she got for the statem·mt that disgrace has often -Chest it has no equal.· ~fter spending much time and money, I aru through. been brought upon American civilizi>tion by .tow prepared to fill all orders . promptly. I "It's ready to out now," said the cheese· the conduct of U. S. · diplomats at foreign For Sore Throats, Bronchi1hl, Uoughs, C:olds, ;ave a fine assortment of WAVES BANGS k if '-h· h didn 't 1Ook I cap1 "taJs. All th· · of the BUbJBCt · S WITCHES COMBS and PJNS very che ' m&n, and h 6 gob h' IS n e,m IC 18 d" 1souss10n Gl!i.ndule.r Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no riyal; and BANGS F::ROM SS UP:P· .the least like a. knife, but like a beefatEak ·has been caused by Lord Sii.lisl:ury's delay contracted and ettff joints It acts llk,e a charm. _. ..>ld Switches colored and made to look like broiler, or cne of the skeleton shelves in a in appointing a successor to Lord S>1ockville, ~ $ TORONTO STEAM LAUNDRY, new. Highest price Pa.Id for-long cut hair. refrigerator. This he drew slowly through but as the latter was eo discourteously dis-,,~o Q~ 106 York st. Toronto. the milk, which the heat had made as·thiok missed from Washington, it might be said Q --'Manufactured only at THOMAS HoLLow.n's Establishment, ~ ~BAIR TONIC as custard, and forth he walked till in Gilbertianla.ngnage that the "punishment SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS · i h db t Th h t "t fi th · " · th d th t th IF.ii A aspeclartY. Out of town .work 7R, OXFO'P"' -~rREET, (late 633, OXFORD STREET), LOliDO· Warranted to prevent the hair from falling . t a een cu one way. en . e cu 1 · ts e crime, or1 m o er wor s, . a e L1! u.J JlromptlT attended to and'roturned ou~ sud will make it grow. across like eo many white oara.mels. Then inaction of the British Government 1s a fitper instructions. Anfj a et'- - ai 11. ljd., 21, 9d., 41. 6d., 1111., 221., and 33s. each Box ol' · Pot Jit,Ir~s~veAW~~cfe!npe~:Pgry ::t"en~~° up and down, tb.en &croes again till Nettie tin~ rebuke for tho olf~noe a.ea.inst inter G p SHARPE Proprietor· ma7 be had from all Medicine Veudorathroughout the World. thought it w&a almost &a much out up as national etiquette committed by the present · · · ' u' . . . .l:.&1181'1 ho·ld lo ' ). I)\ cl )t. ) ' I I huh. U . S. Administra.tioo, _ y<\fg~toPalmer house. Handy to mon I a 1188. OJttor S&reet, loado· · alleJ' are ·»··lo··· '47 Neads' Block, Bowmanvtlle. ~ - ·'f !l'E,CANADIAN STATESMAN M. A.JAMES, YOUNG FOLKS. -·My Unille Peter· --THE Rat .and For Ston,. CASH IS KING I --- --------- ._'lllDOllD, :a I 11 CASH FOR REPAIRING. I _ _ _ -M. MAYER, ------------ I L HARDWARE ! HARDWARE.I I Stoves and Tinware, Paints and Oils. &o.. BEO.£.MANNINB B Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shelf Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, &c. L COOK, HALL & PARLOR STOVES. ~ Having purchased cheap for cash, am pre pared to sell goods at small profits and prices will be cut close to suit the times. -'PARTI1s @gQ~@~ ~e J.m~JIJllUJf@e iO ENTISTRY ·;;~~ - > z 1 I 11!.l{IV: .. ~~ Newcastle Stove and Tin Depot HARNDEN, l. D. Parlor Stoves with and without ovens- _ D E NT I · sTR · .y Art Garlands, Art Sultanas-, etc. Orders taken for the best Hot Air Furn.ates. W. T. BONATHAN, T. II. BRIM:ACOltIBE, HEALTH FOR ALLI Fjne Hair Goods. LADIES, TRADE. TH E PILLS Patronize H om B THE O INTMENT 1 $ n Mrs. A. DAVIS, Children Crtfor.,. f'itcher'e Ca~~~;<~a: .. .

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