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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1889, p. 7

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· tlm~u· ] m.M + · t~ .· HOUSEHOLD. Beside the Oradle. turbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with There, in his tiny cot, heJs sleeping a sioless · pain of Cutting Teeth i If so send at 1 ESDAY, JAN. 23.1889. i ~leep,onoe and get a bottle of"Mrs. Winslow's ------.Here, by his cradle-eide, I sit and watch, Taste".in Dress. Soothing Syrup." For children teethin!!, ! and wtep. I "Taste," it is said, "is the mind\ tact;" Its value is incalculable. It will relieve a I d dl I the d poor little sufferer immediately. D~· I lJ 1 1 Watch, with the thought of ltis future sear ion assure y the mind, even mor.e. t iU.n the ing my brain,· eye, must be brought tu bear on tho subject pen up(}n it, mothers ; there is .no ·· · W. MORRIS & BRO. , Weep, for the toil it will bring him,-the of what smts a wom!l.n, what she can afford, mistake e.borit it. It cures Dysentery J>Ri .·..!TORS, · · . MON'l'~EAL, \ .sorrow, the care, ~d. the pain. . and .'fha~ will' blend harmoniously w.i th her and Diarrhooa, regulates the Stomach and · are the makers of the celebrated ! surroundrngs, and the character of her Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the . ·< . . . . ' Have I ~ot. done him !lo wrong, in :fl.inginji' house. Granted that a woman has taste, Gums, reduces Inflammation, and give3 ~ p · !II~ . hun mto the strife? · she must also be posseCJsed of a fairly 'liberal bone and energy to the whole syt<tem. . . m- . . · i Wdl he thank me ?ne d11.y, think you, for the a.mount Qf pin-money if. she a.spirea. to b.e a " ~n. Winslow's Soothing Syrup·· t\for .. U j thankless gift of hfe? well-dressed mdividual, for of all the snares children teething is pleasant to tlie ta.ate " ' C 1 Is his baby slumber, with rosy lips and pitfalls to be avoided and abhorred, and is the prescription of one of the oldam t cheap materials (no matter how pretby) must eat and best female physicians and nurses · BRAND OF MANILLA ' Ah a,pa.r h. k f h' r.a.nk first. Let trimmings go by the board l th U . , 1 me . . to t 1i;i o. 1m s1eep.ees, tossmg if you cannot afford them to be in . keeping n e ~1ted States, and is for sale by with achmg neart I with the stuff of which your mantles or all drui?grats tqrough the wol'ld. P1ice Deadly the struggle of bre11.d-fiercer and gown· are to be made. Buy your materio.L 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for fiercer it grows: first- the best of its kind- and let the et-\" MRS. WINSLow's. SOOTHING SYRUP.' , Will he stand or tall in the battle, my darling ceteras take care of themselves. To make , and take no other kmd, one? God knows I ?P; cheap dress costs ios m1.1ch a.a the i mnmg of a good one; only, m .the one case.· .· . . Dreary the dull, sad round, from morning there is ~uch after.·bitterness of spirit; in the ()o. nsumpt10n Surely Uured. till evening lightother an mwa.rd content, that waxes stronger . Out to the desk with the day, home from the when the '.'good" garment outl11.sts a .To THE . E_DIT011 : . desk at; night. dozen of a s1sber's cheaper fineries ·. "The more I Ple~s.e mform your readers that I have . . · you <Jress a FreLchwom11.n the better she is, I a. positive rei:iiedy. for the above named Pronounced, by practical consumers, su- Will hfe have nothing better to offer my and the less you dress an Englishwoman the · disease. By 1ta timely use thousauds of dearest one? better she is," is an old saying (slightly al· ' hopeless cases have. been perman·ently ,_~ perior to anything in the Cana· 1'hen b~tter, a thousand times_ better, his tered); al\,d well·builtwomen will do well tore. I cured. I shall be glad to sen.d two bottles dian Market. hfe had never begun, member tnis when they seek to cover them· of my remedy FREE to anv of your readers Write for Information. selves with ribbons, braids and gimps that wh? have coneumptiOn if t,hey will send me Jl.l.anufa.cturers also of Yet, if success be his. lot, will happiness serve only to fritter away the figure, and their Express and P. 0. address. CORDAGE JUTE and COTTON. BAGS come in its train are absolute death to the clear, fine outlines Respectfully, Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, 73 CALCINED d LAND PLASTER ' I Or is that bub a phantom_ light, that we fol- that should be followed with the · greatest Yo11ge Street, Toronto, Ont. · an · · low but never attam l exactitude. Drees a.ri a.vera(le woman in a Toronto Office & Warehouse · · Success, to be fawned on by some, reviled c ·ose-fitting serfe or quiet neutral tinted 20 Front Street, tweed; 'give her a spotless line!1 collar, and . and belittled by most; cuffs to match; take away ohams and gew.. ..<' W. C. BONNELL, Hated for . whining the race by .the crowd gaws, and tell me if she ever looked better, Nervous Debility; Seminal Losses and prema.Manager. who have struggled and lost. ..... . _,,= -------· "'--"' l back, that the steam may ' escape. Bake Ithree. hours in a brick o"en. If bakod in . a stove oven, put on only two rims. of. oruat and bake two hours. ·· · A M ·,. DVICE TO 1 O'l' ARM FR SALE.-130 acres, co~·. . . . ·~ -"' d you is- F posed of south part of J,ot No. 19, Rroken FAltl'll lN PICKERING FOR SALE. Front. a.rid is three miles from the Town of Bowma.nvllle. '!'his is one of the best farms in , the county of ham. It is in a higoh state of cultivation and is well fenced . On the pre· mises there is a stone dwelling, two large barns i;i.nd other out-buildings, with stone stabling for cattle and horses , hree wells and four cisterns, also wind·mill for pumping water. For rurth-r particular!! apply on tho premises or I! by letter to HENRY MANN Bowman ville si-tf I I I Onyers ~ C · . M'f' G G D a· - i -Ol!le. o~ the best far ms in Pickering for sale contamm1t 125 acr. es, all of which are· cleared ~din high sta.te of cultivation. On the pr!l~1ses are a good dwelli~g house anft o:it bmldmgs and two wells. This prop.e1·ty lll situated on lot 15, b. f., one ll!ile and a .llaj_( f, om Pickering village, halt a mile from Grand Trunk Statian. three mi!es from Pickering Harbor. and six miles from Whitby. Fat'. further particulars apply to JAMES PICKAI@ on the premises, or Pickering, P. O. 29-tf ED R Mc Clellari BOWMANVILLE. Co., ; .. BI , ER ·j l ! I T I E Qents' Clothing I J·ERRQRS QF YQU·TH Sole Ag-ents in this locality for GILMOUR & 00.'St (Trenton, Ont.,) Kiln Dried Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mould..: · 1ngs and other Factory Work. . The snares of the evil women are. waiting hie feet to entwine, ~~~~IJ~!~ ~I] ~~-!IT And the rattling lure of the dice·box, and the s1mphc1ty, s1mphc1ty-a costly s1mphc1ty 1f Ole&ned, led;; Pressed and.Repaired by you every dre~s be one- J:?oe11 . not interfere . _ or usn&I oocupa.. strong arch-curse of wine. idea.'dwill-but and let nolet unnecessary o'r e:ii;traneous with Diet . ,. t 'fl. 'b · t · d · d · t · A d. f t10P and fully restores lost vigor and Insures . · His heart will be torn by the cry of the bun. p .es·· e In ro nee ID o lb. n a ~r J)lll'fect manhood. Sent to any address, posts1mphc1ty, or rather as a consquence of 1t, Pltid on rticeivt o! price One Doll&r per box. gry he cannot feed, While Dives rolls by in his chariot, and comes Freshness, that most deairable qu&.l- S~le agency, SCHOFIELD'S DRUG STORE, Dy& and Clothes Cleaner. ity, which to a woman's clothes i., much the Kmg .stnet, Toront;o. Laza.rns dies in hie need. ' G1>0dfi warranted to be as no one will know same as a. fair healthy skin is to her face ; , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - them from new when done. And the clash of contending creeds will hur· so that to say of a woman, "She always · Corner of Kmg and Ontario Streets, tle about his head, looks so fresh" is to pay the highest of all Bowman ville. Bnt the world will be dark and cheerless, as compliments to herselt and her milliner. ' . though goodness and God were dead HE SCIENCE OF LIFE. the great medical work Don,'t Forget Have I not done him a wrong, in flinging him into the strife ? That house -plants will not · thrive when o· tne age on Manhood, N >.rvous and Physical De· Will he no~ pray for the rest that ends our kept in a draft. btlt '· Premature· Decline, poor wearisome life ? That eggs seem more tender when put ,,;r, ors of Youth, and the into wa .;er that is cold, and allowed to boil mold miseries conPequent 11 There; in his baby cot, he is sleeping a sin- gradua.lly. thereon, 300 pages, 8 vo., 125 . leas sleep,That carpet dealers use ~ composition prescriptions for all diseases. Cloth, full gilt, Here, by his cradle·side, l sit, and watch, called camphorene for keepmg rugs free 1 only $1, by mail. scaled. Illustrative sample from vermin. . , I ' free to all young and middle a~ed men Send and weep. -ATnow. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded ALFRED BERLYN. That you may save your ma.ny an ' to the anther by the N11,tional Medical Aemoiache ·by having your Ironing board a little ! ation·. Add;rees P. 0. Box 1895. Boston, Mass'.t higher than usual high enough so that you · or DR. W. IJ. f>.A.R_KER., gradua~e of Harvara A Startling Pa.rf!,dox. ' ·· T . ' Medical College, 2o years' pract.tee m Boston, n~ed not b end over it. . he _ sngg.est1on i whomaybec.onsulted.contidentially. Specialty , "Unselfish mothers make selfish children." might also apply to the smk and kitchen Diseases of Man. Office. No. <i Bulfinch St. This may seem startling; but the truth is, table. ........ I -----------------that the mother who is constantly giving up her own time, money, strength, a.nd pleasure on~ ~ . ,1 for the gratification of her children teaches The Uana.dia.n Gi-1. ft ~ = : A ~ W U .,. 1 -ATthem to expect it always. They lea.rn to be We have as much genuine admiration for M=ufacturers o! · importunate in their demands, a.nd to expect . ~he " Cana.dian Girl" a ,s anybody can have, I. , . more and more. If the mother wears an old dress tha.t her daughter may have a new and we yield nothing to nia.n or woman in ! 1 one, it she works that her daughter may our readiness to acknowledge the many and 'VETERINARY SURGEON, pl11.y, she is helping to make her vain, sel- endearing qualities by which the "Canadian Artificial fish, and ignorant, and very likely she will Girl" is possessed. But this doE!s not binder Lim b8· 0R01¥0. O.NT. be ungrateful and disrespectful. us from seeing when well meanin~ visitors, And Appliances for all De in all sincerity doubtless, but nott with perf2Wlities of the Human Body feet judgment nevertheless, indulge them- i ~)>inal Diseases, Hip Joint Canning .M.ilk. selves with romancing on that interesting i Disease. Diseases · ot the ____ _ _ sJ,·.;....The...!.!..Inveme1111-Gou~ier..l.!..-for-e~ Krn>e ~Ankle, KnookM-i1k_ can l:·e-preBerved l:i~ cannmg as well ample ha.a been saying, or rather Annie Knee, Bow~~~· Club Feet, a.a fruit or . ~ny other per1&hable food-sub- Swan, the authoress, has been saying some ' stance, It is only, necessary to cleanse the things in the "Inverness Courier" about the ' ALSO CRUTUHE8. can or bottle thoro~ghly :With b,oiling water "Canadian Girl" .w.hich flattering enough ! or steam, ~hen fill with mdk which has been to make her look almost ridiculous. Tha." ! · ' ' obtained. from the cow in such a ma~mer a.s she is "bripht, quick, clever, se1f-relfant anA =----~-:c=================:::::====::!::==============;:=====-------::-.::=; to. keep it f~ee fro~ germs.; or bnng the wholly womanly," is as true a.a it ia delight- I mllk to a bod, ~mt 1t ma tm ca~, and ~mt fully expressed; but that" she can discuss i -the. cover.on quickly t~e sal!ie as m ~annmg the latest phase of philosop' y and science, i frm.t. Milk prepared m this way will keep or write a pungent critique on "Robert l penectly sweet for several weeks. Eismere 11 just as easily 118 she can bake her j bread, or ra.ise her pio crust," is nonsense, The Aim of Education. pure and simple, and the average level- / The aim of education should be to pre- headed Canadian girl will be as ready as any I pare the mdividual to make t he most of one to acknowledge it. Here and there, yon , himself in life. It should be a prooess may find a rara avis who would fit the des-1 which will make the most practical men and cription, just as in America or Great Briwomen, the most effective workers tor the tatn, yon nan do so ; but to assert that the · advancement of all hnman instit ...tions. girl or young woman in this DominAny system which neglects a.zi.y one of the ion, and that, of course, is what must be i three departments of human nature, mental, meanb by the "Cana, d ian girl" considered I moro.I, or physical, must be necessarily a as a type, is such a paragon of literary and 1 , failure. Simply edi·ea.ting a child in the scientific a~umen as well as skilled house· arts and sciences, without developing a love wivery, is plain and simple moonshine and ! The four greatest medical centres of the world are London, Paris. Berlin and Vienna. These citie}ihaue immense for trut h, purity, goodness, justice, and nothing else. "Annie Swan" was staying! hospitals teeming with suffering humanity. Crowds of students throng the wards studying under the Professors in 1 other moral qualities, only prepares him to in Toronto for a time, it seems, and formed a. charge. The most renowned physicians of the world teach and practice here, and · the institutions are storehouses of become the most expert of criminals, and high opinion as to the excellencies and a.bunmedical lmowfodge and experience. With a uiew of maliing this experience available to the public the Hospital fits himthe most successfully to eludediscov· dance of the "sweet girl graduate" in our Remedy Co. at great expense secured the prescriptions of these hospitals, prepared Hw lspecijias, and although it ery and.defeat justice. So, also, mental and midst, her · groundwork of fact from which would cost from $25 to $100 to seourn the attention of their distinguished originators, yet in this way . theil'> PREmorn) discipline, Without proper physical she drew her conclusions hioving been that PARED 8PECIFIC8 ARE OFFERED AT THE PRICE OF THE QUACK PATENT MEDICINES THAT FLOOD THE MARKET culture, may in many respects qualify men there were three representatives of the AND ABSURDLY CLAIM TO CURE EVERY ILL FROM A SINGLE BOTTLE. The want always felt for a reliable cfass of PHILADELPHIA. for great usefulness in some departments of " swe~t" aforesai~ stopping in the same domestio remedies is now fll/ed with perfect satisfaotion. THE HOSPITAL REMEDIES MAKE NO UNREASONABLE $1,00--0NE l'EA.R FOR ONEJDOLLA.R--$1.00 human life · but will very likely leave them boardmg house with her. That the best CLAIMS. The specific for CATARRH cures that and nothing else; so with the specific for BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPA !P1tre and Purposeful Ho1ne Paper. so lacking ~ the physfoal force and stamina specimen of the Ca.n11.diion girl has " all her TION and LUNG TROUBLES; RHEUMATISM is cured by No. 8, while troubles of DIGESTION, 8TOMACH, LIVER and A. Xews Paper required tor an active and useful life as to faculties ~eveloped; her intellect and h~a~t KIDNEYS haue their own cure. To these is added a specific for FEVER AND AGUE, one for FEMALE WEAKNESS-a GENERAL TONIC and BLOOD MAKER t hat mahes blood and GIVES FOliM_AND FULNE88, anctlan incomparable remedy for NERVOUS DEBILITY. . With every model"n facility for obtaining the render them dead weights upon society ID the right place and not a.nta.gomsht latest news. Perfectly equivved in mail. tele· rather than effective agents for the advance'. to each other," is readily acknowleclged, be· graph, telephones and cable service. Correa-- ment of its interest s. cause it is the truth. We are also per· pondents. IC<cal, national and foreign. Special fecHy ready to accept "Annie Swan's" all important points. A. Republican Paper, . . dictum when aha says that "the conversaW hose trained editors present the varying Choice Recipes: tio~ of educated women ". in Cana~~ ia "on "Phases of politics with such clearness and CHICKEN P rn. -Two chickens, three pints a higher plane than I~ Scotland; but we fairnets as to give practical aid to all voters. of cream, one pound r,f butter, fl.our to make 1must firmly though politely ref~se to follow w'h1tc~1J!~~~:1s~:cY!{B.ttention to the hither- a. stiff crust. Cut the chicken at the joints,, her to sue?, tra~sc~ndent11.l h.eights as to to unpublished events of the great civil wa.r. ani boil till tender. assert th11.t - Gossip is tabooed, and the se~These war papers, written by union and convant questmn never comes up." That IS federate officers who saw what they tell, form CRAN~ER:RY SAUCE; -Put o;ie quart of "tioffy on a stick" with~ vengeance, and we an Invaluable war librury, cranbernes (washed) ma gram~e stew pan. can readily imagine wh~b eyes of astonish!-- .Utenry Paper, . On top of them sprrnkle one pmt of gram'.- ment fhe ·' sweet girl gradua.ues " would G1v!ng eveiy week the bm:htest and b~stse- lated sugar. Pour on one cuplul of W<lter. make on reading such a ·statement. Our , lectiona from recent po.etry. an? enterta1nmg, After cook them · closely . 1 'ble ; l healthful stories by emment writers. ·they . begin to boil . . g1r s are goo d , aweet , h eaIt h y, sens! AF ·, p·. covered, Just ten mmutes, and do not stir daughters cf mother Eve but that they never !·~~~'iiucted agricultural paper r them. If t hey boil_over, lift the cover and I gossip or bring up th~ ervant girl ques- j in America. wbete are gat.hered the views of press them down with .the spoon. Remove Ition must be told to the m!l.rines progressive farmers.and gardiners th~ country the scum. The skins will be soft and tender, I ' · 1 over. upon all qu~sllons of crops, nmt, cattle, if nob stirred or over· cooked, and the flavor ! poultry, farm bmldrngs, etc. ·u b e b etter than wh th · f d " Blaok George's" family A uerehant's Paper. WI . en e sauce 1s s1 te , , . CRus'l'.- Three pints of cream, one heap· I There died in Russia the other day Prince 1 Giving full reports from the Philadelphia, New Y~rk. Cb_ical!'o· and othe.r c:;ity ma . rkets. ing teaspoonful or s&.lt flour to mh. h ard Ka.rageorgevitch bro.t her of the pretender to Prwes shipments grlllll,produce live·stook, pro- · enough' t o ··ro11 cut ' eas1 ·1y. L' · ' and of country me a d eep t h e " ,,,ervian t h rone, to wh om h e 1ef t a fo·:· visionsanu groceries A. W~man's Paper · earthen dish having flaring sides, with a the tune. .fhe family is au insta.nce of rapid I Extending a helping hand to all women. ·ro l ayer of paste. Roll the remainden of the rise in the worhl. " Black George," a Ser-1 them is devot0d a lull page. in. whicJi they paste half an inch thick. Cut three-fourths vian swineherd, le4 the rebellicn agaiDBb show each t'tber_. under e01tonal guidance, of a pound of butter into small pieces and · Turkey in 1804 and established the in" how to get married and how to keep .h0t1ae," \ . ' I ' in the most approved faobion. For those who put .them on.the paste quite close togethe;. I dependence .or th_e cou.ntry·. after three ana a are torced to remain single and board, the way Sprmkle a litt le fl.our over the butter and I half centuries ot snbJugat1ou. He became is made plet<sant. Every woman reader ha.a a roll the paste over and over. Roll out again J die.ta.tor, and ruled wisely until 1813, w .hen ·chance to talk. half an inch thick and roll up. Cut off from the Turks overthrew his government, and y/;t~h~~~f:,'s{a':l!:sr,and ehtertainment for the ends of t he roll, turn the pieces over and for two years after barbarously oppressed little people. Instruction in the ways of mak· roll out half an inch thick for r ims. Wet the Servians. Then Milosch Obrenovitch, : ing things and doing things. Summer excur· the paste in the dish with milk, and lay the J of an old princely family, arose and led his sions to the fields and woods. Puzzles tor the rims round the sides of the d ish. Put on people to victory, establishing the dynasty . quick-witted, and plenty of prizes to make the two, thrre, or four rims, showing one above now represented by Milan, who was slow-witted qmck. another, the inside rim the highest. Wet king instead of prince by the Berlin trea.ty DIPORTA.NT CJLIJBBING ARRANGEMENT, each rim to make it adhere. Fill the center of 1878. For sixteen years, however, beBy special arrangemen.t with all the leading with the parboiled chicken. Takeout some tween 1842and1858,Alexa.nder B.arageor?eweekly aI>d monthly periodicals of America of the larger bones, and put in the pieces so vitch, sou of Kara, or Black George, was the subscriptions are taken for any one or more ol that the bones will point towards th<1 center. reigning prince, and WIMI deposed because thesejournafo,in oonnection "'ith the WEEK· Sea.son the chioken liquor with sl\lt and pep- he was too subservient to Turkey. AlexLY PRESS at" such low rates as virtually makes our greaL family paper FREE to the per, and pour it over the chicken ; use ander lived until 1885, and was 79 years old s11bscr1ber tor w e year. enough to nearly cover. Cut the remaining at his death. Peter, his eldest son, has Sample cnuies turnisbed tree upon applica· quarter of butter into pieces the size of e lbeen plotting to overthrow Milan since 1875, tion. Adf ,d. cheatnui, and put them over the meat. Roll and was in alliance with Turkey during the THE I COMPANY,Limited, Philadel· Jt he remaind~r of th~ crust to fib the top., Russo·Turkish war.-[Springfield Republi· phia., Pa. Make a curv1og cut in the cruet and turn itt , cao. THOS. P'EAT, ~;~~:;~=r;E:f:r:~:o;~~~t~~~~~;:;: tur+'7~QU':1r~~1ii1'i~1~· A fu,11 stock always on-halld. · Call and Exam1 · ne I .EXHAUSTED VITALITY. T DRY GOODS WHOLESALE C OST, during January r, UTH ·- I ,J..X' I I TRUSSES TOD BR 117 CHURCH ST .. TORONTO, ONT. I -The w eek] y p ress. I B . I I I I l I

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