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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1889, p. 8

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USEFUL PRESENTS. We will hold DURING JANUARY another of our Popul?r Bo11us Sales. A ·V aluable and Useful Present FREE to each and all our Patro~s who desire purchasing al;:>ove one dqilar ($1.00) for Cash. We will only mention a few as samples this week, but ask buyers to see the grand ciisplay of Presents on our displav tables. 1st-Any Cash Purchase over fifty .dolJars, ($50.00), be~uoiful black No. I ,Persian Lamb Sett, value $20.00, including storm collar, cuffd and muff. 'f 2nd-Any C.ash Ptrcbase over twenty-five dollars, ($25.00), No. 1 Black ~ ·r.anfu ... ~a"' ; :tiny size, worth $5.50. . ·JI ~ "3rd-Warerbury Watch in perfect running order and guaranteed for one year, just the thing for boys, over any twenty dollar ($20.00) Cash Purchase. 4th-A Clock in perfect order and guaranteed for one year over any :fifteen.1 dollar ($15:.00) Cash Purchase during January. 5th-A iiO}t ,~Ji~{lii(ul, valuable and m eful presents to select from on any Cash Purchase over ten dollars, ($10.00), such as tiedowns, quilts, quilted s.~irts, silk handkerchiefs, umbrella.a, clouds, wool squares, la.dies' wool vests, all sizes colors with sleeves, etc. ()th-:-Any Purchase over :five dollars, ($5.00). The presents in this No. are very numerous and attractive. Ladies' ge.11.ntlets, kid gloves or mitts-lined, kid gloves, fur caps, silk ha.ndkerc1iefs, corsets, la.dies' wool vests-all sizes and colres without sleeves, etc. '1th-Over four dollar ($4.00) Cash Purchase. The a1ticles in thi!l No. ate very varied anc.. worth from 40 to 75 cents. 8th-Over three dollar ($3.00) Cash Purchase you can sele~t children's wool boas, children's gloves or hose in black or colors, purses, gloves, mitts, hose, etc. 9th-Over two rlollar ($2.00) Cash purchase you can select braces, ties, gloves, hose, sox, collars, handkerchiefs, etc. 10th-Over one dollar ($1.00) Cash Purchase, 1 doz. boot laces, 1 doz, lead pencils, wire bustle, small cashmere ,gloves, small wool hose, handkerchiefs, etc. llh;.f I Call and see the presents as displayed on our ta hies, an see thi space next week for further particulars. JOHN. J. MASON. PERCHERON . 4HORSES! ,, S .A.V .A. G :El Cl= F .A.~N"C" Ad:, ISL.A.MD HOKE' STOCK: F.!Rl!I, Groue Ide, lV·)'llt Coantr. llle1itr111. IU~~~:f:e°3 ~!:d~:i ·l!~~l~~f!.~~'t,~· .J[/,":::0-::'~~~:~ ~~:~~!· b~= .1.ddret1ll~.Y.A.GE&'.NUM, DelloU,Mich, FRENCH COACH HORSES· . under the patronage ot the French · Govlogne and ht·tol'7 or __ the brttd addr- ~r't' 11!~t~:.-t.:!i J!eantlfolly formed hlgh-1tepptng Stal· emment. F or cata- SingelFirnum, Detroit, Illch. Tff'E ONLY APP'LIANCES HAVI NG · ABSORBENT QUALITIES. A NEW LEASE OF LIFE- CURED WITHOUT MEDICINE. All diseaacs are cured by our Medicated Electric Belts and Appliances. On the principle t hat electricity is life, our appliances are brought directly into contact wit h the diseased part. They act as perfect absorbents, by destroying the germs of disease and removing all impurities from the body. Diseases are successfully treated by correspondence, as our goods can be applied at home. R EAD OUR HOME REFERENCES: H enry Conway, 44 Centre Street , cured of intermittent fever in t en days; one y,eax's standing ; used Act ina and Belt. Mrs. S . M. Whiteh ead, 678 J arvis Street, a sufferer for years, could not be ind ucecl to part with our Electric Belt. Mr. J. Fuller J . McQ.uaig , grain merchant, cured of r heumatism in the shoulders after a.II others failed. J"as, W eek s, Parkdale, sciatica and lame back, cured in fifteen days. Wm. N elles 44~ Centre · Street, coughed eighteen m1;mths, cured in t wo treatments by Actina.'. I Thessalon, cured of lame bac;k, pain in breast and dyspepsia, after being laid up all winter'. D . K . Mason, 11 King W est , cured of catarrhal stomach, by Actina. Edwin G a le, Glencoe, cured of lame back in t en d ays ; belt ordered by his J>hysician. Mra. 0. M. Tyler, 273 Berkeley Street, cured of nervous prostration. D. K. Bell 135 Simcoe Str~et, cured of one year 's sleeplessness in three days by wea,ring Lung Shi~ld and using Actm~,. L. ~· McKay, Queen Street, tobacconist, cured of headache after years of suffermg. Miss A n nie Wray, Manning A,·enue, music teacher, finds Actina invalua?le. Mr. Gr~en, Thessalon, .~ured of pain in the back and kidneys, said to be Bright's d isciisc, E. R iggs, 220 Adelaide west, cured of catarrh by Actina. G . S. Pardee 5 1 Beverley Street, cured of lame back after a ll medi. cines failed. Miss D ella Clay toU: T oronto, cured of paralysis after being in the hospital nine months. Mrs . Andr ews Thessalon, cured of rheumatism and hip disease ; could not walk without a cane. Joh~ Thompson, 109 Adelaide west, cured of a tumor in the eye in t wo weeks by Actina. Mis"! E . M. Fors yth, 18 Brant Street, reports a lump drawn from her hand, 12 years D P OISON. stimdmg. Mrs. Hatt, 342 St. Clarence Avenue, Toronto, cured of BLOO " Your Belt an:i Suspensory have cured me of impotency," wi·ites G. A. "I would not be without your Belt and Suspensory for $50," writes J . Meet, " For general debility your Belt a nd Suspensory are cheap at a ny price," says S. M. C. These letters on file. Mr. McCJ.inchy, Thessalon, cured of rheumatism in back and legs ; very bad case; laid up a long t ime. Many more such t estimonials on file. · Catarrh Impossible Under the lnlluence of Actina, Actina will cure all d iseases of the eye. The eye treated while closed. . · Actina specially_ prepared for t he t hroat and lungs. Send for Illustnit ed Book ·and Journal FRRE. Nam e this pap~r. COMP ARE OUR :GOODS IN PRICES TO A NY OTH E RS. vv_ c::c:::c::: T_ :a..A..E:::a & 155 QUEEN STREET WES'r, · co_ r TO RO~TO. A hst of , 1000 d1v1ded mt.o class. Permanent, J!leasant, profitable positions for the r illht S~AT.ES .A N12,SECTJONS will be sent on ap. men. Good salaries and expenses weekly, phcat1on- FRL <.E. . . To those. who want their a?-vertlsmg t.o pay· Liben;i-1induccmcntAto beginners· No previou's .experience necessary. Outfit. free. Write for we can ofl'.er no better medmm. for t.hor~ngh t erms. giving age: CHARLES ff, OH.A.SE, and efl'ect1 ve work t.ban the var10us select10ns Nurseryman, Rochestor. N. y, Mention this of our Select L1~eal U ~t. paper. 52·10~· · GEO. P . JlOWE~,!· . t CO ., -------------~ ·-Newspaper Advert1smg Rttreau, ll10RE J UEN to sell our 1' ' rnlt I 10 Spruce street, New York. and ornamental Stock . We I · - - -- - - --can give you a iroo d paying sitttation at I ,-1 c 1·onIA. CA.ltROLIC SALVE h a great once. AddresRfor terms. · E n HICll.ut])SON .t co al«l to internnl m~dlclne In llle tre atment 1 Nurscrym ~u; Geu eva, 111. v. or s~l'ot~Ious sores. uJcei·s anti abseesscs or WANTED i·~~!~i'1~~~i?.sE;d1 ITO warrs.n ted first . ~oods ADVERTI SERS. . . . I W ANTED I 3_ 6 w I all kind!!. Peu, J J MB!on, W Milner. do Black Hamburg, S. Oke. ,~ PRIZE LIS'I'. Houdan Breeding Pen, A Hobbs, 1 Lgt. Brahma Oock, G Grey,Oahawa, &2. Poland Breeding Pen, J M H ern, J Miles & Cooch, Toronto. do . hen, JM Hern , 1 and 2. do. cockerel, Miles d: W H uehnergard. Cooch, W Hodgson, Brooklin. do. 1-ulAny other va riety Breeding Pen G CB.owison. ' let, W Hodgson, Miles & Couch. Dark Brahma Cock, G. Wright, W. Game Bantam Breeciing Pen, E F Hodgson. do hen, Miles & Couch, W . Doty, G b Oldreive. Hodgs9n. do cockerel,Milea & Couch, 1 Any other variety Bantam Breeding and 2. do pullett, Milee & Co1.1oh1 ~nd . fenJ_ G~ Oldreive, J M Hern. Buff Cochin Cock, G Wright, 2. do Turkey Male, A Tamblin,IL Brown. hen, F C Bare'. 1 and 2. do cockeri,l, F do Female, I L Brown, S & P Jack· C E~re1 l and 2. do pullet,F C Hare, l man. and 2. · White Gander, R T Rowe, W R P@,!.'tridge Cochin Cock, G Wright, 1 Knight. do Goose W R Knight, RT and 2. do hen, G Wright, 1 and 2. do Rowe. Aylesbury, Drake, G Wright. do pullet, G Wright, 1. Any other variety Cochin Cock, Duck, G Wright. do drake of 1888, G 1. Stock Ta.king Altera.tio:a. Andrew Dillon, 2. do hen, Ed Birch Wriitht. R onen Drake, G Wright. do Kirby, 1 Andrew Dilbn, 2. do Pullet Dack, G Wright. do drake of 1888, G Wright, W H odgson. do duck, G Wm. Milner, 2. L&ngshan Cock, W m. Hodgson, JM Wright; \V Hodgson . Pekin Drake, Hern. do hen, Wm Hodgson, l and 2. do E Birch. do drake, E Birch. do Cockerel, Johnson Graham, Oshawa duck, E Birch. do of 1888, E Birch, T T Coleman. do Pullet, Johnson J 0 LaBelle. do duck, E Birch, W H odgson. Graham, Wm. H odgson. Black Carrier Cock, W Fox, Toronto, · Java Cock. A Hobbs, 1. do hen, A R obbsf 1 do Cockerel, Alfred Hobbs, 1 & 2 . do hen, W Fox, 1 & 2. Any ot her color Carrier Cock, W 2. do Pollet, A Hobbs, 1 and 2. Silver Grey Dorking hen,J 0 La.Belle Fox, 1 & 2. do hen, W Fox, 1 & 2. Blue or Black Pied Pouter Cock, E 1. do Pullet, J 0 La-Belle, M F Doty, 1 & 2~ do hen, E F Doty, 1 McTavisb. Any other variety Dorking Cock, W &2. Any other color Pouter Cock, E F Hodg11on,1. do hen, W Hodgaon, 2. Doty, 1 & 2. do hen,E F Doty, 1 & 2. do Pullet, M McTavish, 2. Plymouth R ock hen,· G Wright, W . Tumbler Cock, IL. Hobden, Toronto, Hodgson. do Cockerel, W Hodgson, W W F ox. do hen, W Fox, I L Hobden. Blue Fantail Cock, J Fogg, 1 & 2, Graham. do Pullet, G Wright, J do hen, J F o;,g, 1 & 2. B All in & Son. · White Fantail Cock, J F oi<,g, 1 & 2. Wyndotte Cock,Fenwick & Moment, 2. do hen, Renwick & Moment, 1 and do hen, J Fcgg, 1 & 2. .A.ny . othBr color Fantail Cock, J 2. do Cockerel, Renwick & Moment 2. do Pullet, T Hawes, Renwick & Foirg, 1 & 2. do hen, J Fogit, 1 & 2 . White Jacobin Cock,Robt Burroughs Moment. Dominique Cock, A Hobbs 2. do hen, jr. & Co. Toronto. · do.hen, R obt BurA Bobbe, 1 and 2. do Cockerel, A rough's jr. & Co. A.ny other color Jacobin C:ick, W Hobbs, 1 and 2. do Pullet, A Hobbs, F ox, S & P Jackman. do hen, W Fox, S . .Burden. 1&2. Black Spariah Cock, W Hodgson. do Barb Cock, W Fox, 1 & 2. <lo hen, ben, W B Allin & Son, W Hoigaon. do Cockerel, W Hodgson, 2. do S & P Jackman, W Fox. Trumpter Cock, Robt . Burrough's Pullet, W B Allin & Son. 2. Andalusian&, cock, W Duetan & Son, jr. & Co. , W Fox. do hen, Peate & W R Knight. do hen, Duetan & Son, Nokes, Robt. Burrough's jr. & Co. Magpie Cock, 8 & P Jackman, W WR Knight. do cockerel, W Kuight; l,' W Knight and A Dillon, 2. do pul· Fox. do hen, Hobt. Burrough'& jr. & let, W Knight, 1, Dustan & Son and Co. S & P .Jackman. Swallow Cock, W Fox , Robt. BurA Dillon, 2. Minorca cock, ltenwick & Moment, rou gh 's, jr. & Co. do hen, W Fox, S 1. do hen, R enwick & Moment, 1 and & P J acltman. Owl Oock. W F ox, S & P Jackman. 2. do cockerel, T Bice, Whitby, Geo. Wright. do pullet, T Rice, 1 and 2. . do h en, S tf P Jackman, W Fox. Antwerp Cock, W Fox, 1 and 2 . do White Leghorn, cock, T Rice, T Hawes. d::> hen, T R\ce, T Hawes. do hen, W Fox, 1 and 2. Any other variety Cock, W FPx, 1 cockerel, 'f Rice, T Hawes. do p·1llet," and 2. do h en, W Fox, S and P Jack· T B ice, 1, T Rice and 'J' Hawes, 2· .Brown Leghorn. cock, T Rice, W man, Collection of Pigeons, W Fox. Kniirht. d o hen, T Rice, W H Osborne. Beet Pair F an11, any Color, J Fogg. do c.ockerel, T Rice, 1 and 2. do pullet T Rice, J Bedlow. Roee Comb Leghorn, cock, E F Doty, 'The New Mecca. 2. do hen, E F Doty, 1 and 2. Black-breasted R Game cock, Miles Int.he age of misrepresentation, when & Cooch, P eate and Noke11. do hen, Miles & Cooch, 1 and 2. do cockerel, t he irrepres11ible walks abroad N. B.-We have still on hand a few Caddies and Half Chests Dustan & Son, 1. do pullet, Dustan & thr ough the med ium of the printing press, of our choice chea.p TEAS. and with an entire disregard of the conSon, Peate & Nokes. , i· Pyle · Game hen, J Fogg, Pea.ta k sequences to humanity, seeks to impose his unskillful services or worthless decocN okes. do cockerel, J Fogg, Pea't'e &; tion1 upon the public, we take especial N okes. do pullet, J Foig .1 and 2. C~.A..S. Any oth er variety Game cock, Miles pleasure in saying a word in commend ation & Cooch, 1. do hen, Miles & Cooch, 1. of a teliable and j ustly-famous Institution Black Hamburg Cock, T Rice , 1. do of Healing. We refer t o Dr. R. V. P ierce'11 "World's hen, T Rica 1 and 2. do cockerel, T Bice, S Uke. do pullet,T Rice 1 and 2. Dispensary and Invalid's Hotel and Sur· Golden Spangled Hamburg cock, W gics.l Institute," the pride of the good City E Gammage, Pick.iring, 2. do hen, W of B uffalo and the "Mecca" of a mult itude Gammage, 2. do cocker el, W Milner; of invalids who owe recovery t o the skillful treatment a.ndattention there r eceived. Malton, 2 . do pullet, W Milner, 2. Silver ';pangled Hamburg Cock, J J Dr. Pier ce's establishmenb comprises two Mason 2. do h en, E Birch, W Milner. mammoth and artistic structures, connectdo cocker el, J J Mason, E Birch. do ed by an OPtJn passage way : One an Jn. va.lid's Hotel and Surgical Institute, p re· pullet , J J Mason, E Birch'. Golden Penciled Bamburg cock. VI' sided over by a corps of eighteen Cele· Graded courses o f Stud y, Daily lnstruc1ion, Rec.itation, Physicians and Surgeon~, and E Ga mmage. 1 & 2. do h en , W E brated provided throujihout with the most Culture and .Practice in Coor departmenhl, viz. Gammage, 1 & 2. do co~kerel, S &> P lux urious appointments and conveniences J ackman, W Milner. do :?ullet, T that taste can euggest and money can ·A department of Religious Music, Drawing-room Music, Military Band H awes, 1 & 2. Music, and Orchest~al Musi~ ~ each dE;partment having clear]y defined · Silver Penciled Hamburgs Cock, W su pply. H ere are faultlessly furnished and de- courses for graduation, qualifying t he learner t o compose and render E Gammage, 2. do hen, W E Gam· corated r eception-rooms, reading·rooms, h · f h d mage. do cockerel, W Milner 2. do spacious sleeping apartments, T urkish t e music, o t e epartment pursued, with taste and propriety,. and p11 llat , W Milner, 1 & 2. Baths, and every possible con ve nien ce when completed the candidate is entit led to receive t he Diploma of H oudan Cock, A Hobbs. do h en , .A of a ms.gnificently·conetructed and liber· the full University degree of graduat ion. Hobbs, 1 & 2. do cockerel, A Hobbs, 1 d A Dillon. do p ullet, A H obbs, A ally-managed Hotel, wit h and every depart ment a marvel of artistic fi t ness There arE'.. a so t wo egrees for under graduates in each department, Dillon. for the attamment- of which t okens of scholarship are awarded. W C B P oland hen, J Bedlow, E and completen ess . The adj oining structure is known as DR. BAXTER, of Baxter U niversity of Music, New York, will be in Birch. do cockerel, J W Huehnergard the " World's Dispensary." U pon each of H eidelburg, W Milner. of its six immense floors a scene is pre· attendance for the examination of candidates, t he conferring of degrees Golden Poland Cock. J B edlow J B Archibald. do h en, J B .Archibald, J aented which, when once observed, can and a warding of diplomas. For fuHer information address: W Ru ehnergard. do cockerel, J W never be forgott en. Huehner11;ard, J B Archibald. do . In the Laboratory on t he fifth floor, a pullet, J M H ern, J W Hue1rnergard. large number of careful chemists are Silver P oland Cock, J M Hern, J constantly employed in the preparation 49. B edlow. do hen, J M H ern, 1 & 2. d o of Dr. P ierce's Golden Medical D iscovery, Box 88, B OWMANVILLE -: On~ cocker el, JM H ern . do pulle t , JM F avorite Prescriptions, and other world fa'l!ed preparations, which, at all h ours H ern. Any other Standard cocker el, J of the busy day, goes and g urgling Graham, G C. Howison . do p ullet, thrcu~h a system of t ubing from its b irth place on the fifth floor t o the bot tling J Gra'.iarn, G C Howison. Black Rd. Game Bantam Cock, G S and labeling department in the vast baseOldreive, Kingston , · E F Doty . . do ment of the building. The intermediate he n, E F Doty, 1 & 2. do cockerel, floor ! are alive with the buz·z an d whir-r Miles & Couch, E F D c..ty. do p ullet, of not alone, · fourteen printing pr esses, throwing oft a count less var iety of pamph· .E F Doty 1 & 2. Pyle Game .Bantam Cock, J.Hles & lets, circulars, books, and labels, "but of Couch 1 & 2. do hen, Miles & Couch, folding, pressing, a nd pasting machinery, S & P Jackman. co cock erel, Miles & all operated by the deft fi ngers of clean· Couch, G 8 Oldreive. do pullB t, S & ly-d ressed and in telligent young ladies, all operating togeth er and fillinf:? the place , P Jackman, G S Oldreive. Any other variety Game Bantam with the music of a well-disciplined activCock, G S Oldreive, Miles & Couch. do it.y second to none in ou r country. D r. H en, Miles and Cooch , 1 a nd 2. do P ierce h as done a nd is doing a greiit wor k Cockerel, Miles and Couch, 1 and 2. do for humanity, and can accept the h onors and e molurnen ts of his r ecognized posit· pullet, Miles & Couch, 1 & 2. Seabright Bantam Cock , T Rice, J ion with a knowledge that n o s uccess was Ayer. do hen, T R ice,G S Oldreive. do ever more w or~hily attained . To go through a detailed ar,count of pullet, T Hawes, W Milner. Rose Comb .Bantam Cock, G S Old- the my riad mechanical and electrical apr eive, 1. do h en , GS Oldreive, 1 & 2. pliances a nd cont rivances hel'e t o be fouud P ekin Bantam Cock, J M H ern, 1 & in perfection of con struction an d a ppli2. do hen, J M Hern, 1 & 2. do cation, or to lead your observation through cocker el, E F Doty, J M .Hern. do suit upon suit of ch aerful and elega n t consulting and treat ment-rooms, and to pullet, JM H ern, E F Doty. Any other variety Bantam Cock, G dwe ll u pon th e other thousand·and-one S Oldr eivc. do hen, J M H Ern, G S attractive and useful features of the eatablis bmen t, would be a pleasing task , O!dreive. Brahma B reeding Pen, W Hodgson, ~ut, at. the present moment, for us an J M H ern· . do cochin, G Wrigh t. impossible one. E nough for u s to say do La ngsha.n, w H odgson , T T Cole· I that t he peo~le of the coun try sho~ld be man. do Dorking, Jo LaBelle. proud of this great success, built. up, [ · Ply mouth R ocks W yandottes and ~olely'. on the elements ? f true Ame~1can· D om iniq ues Breeding Pen , G Wright, is m, viz., Pluck, Integrity and A~1llty. A Hobbs. d') Spanish Andalusians Tw!lnty. tw? years of the daily . a!1d and Minorca· R enwick & Moment, W hourly exercise of these characteristics R Knight. do Leghorn, Renwick and has gained ~or Dr . Pier ce the confidence do Games J of t he entire pubhc, and t h e h eart-felt M oment J Bedlow. F ogg. ' . thank~ of th? pa.~rons of his sk ill, "whose Gold and S ilver Ham~urg Breeding . name is Leg10n. West Durham Poultry Exhibition. _---:s:o FOR --- __ McCLUNG'SGREAT Combinatiori SALE I ---o--- Our December Sales the largest for years. FOR T:S::E NEXT 3 0 DAYS, we are C.etermined to Hustle out the Goods. Our prices are right, we are the · lowest, we lead. During this great Stock-taking and Alteration Sale all goods must be sold for Cash, at cut prices. THIS SALE WILL ECLIPSE ALL OTHER SALES. must be cleared out. All Clothing, Furs, Blankets, Carpets, Mantles,. Millinery and Dress Goods McCLUNG BROS. EDUCATIONAL · SCHOOL OF MUSIC. ----, o --- M usic as an Education for the People. Over 600 Lessons in one School Year. ---o --- O:S:...A..S_ A large and varied assortment of PLATED WARE suitable for 'Wedding Presents, which comprises: Cruets, Pickle Stands, Berry Dishes, &c. CutlP.ry in Tea and Dinner Sets} Carvers, Pocket Cutlery, Oyster Forks, Fruit Knives, Dinner and Dessert Forks, Spoons, &c.. SKATES---all ---o--- · sizes~ The newest designs and fi~est goods of the season. " '·· I S. S. EDSALL: 1 Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria~ --

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