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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jan 1889, p. 4

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fl) dJ m p < ~ Cl) ~ 0 0 ~ CJ H 0 +:> ,U 8 ..J ~ 0.0 ~ f:q ~ .... Im ~ z 0 0 "' · ~ ....:t GOL DEN WEDDING· ~ <tJ 0 8 r/l &t ~ H ~ <tJ rn ~ 0 ~ J:Q ~ 0 ill a: ~ ta. Ill 0 ~ l>f p: :a ril ~ B OWMANVILLE, J.1N. 03, 1889. ONB WEEK J40RE. Owinq to the continued illness of our aHiatant, we have been unable to prepare our list Qf paid-up sub1cribers for thi1 week'11 paper, but hope to haYe it ready in time for next week's paper. In the meantime subscribers can forward or pay in the dollara and we will place their nam01 on the honor roll. De not pay money to &gents ;., we employ none. We prefer dealing directly with our own cus· tomers. We club THll STA.TESMJ.N with all the lea.ding city papers at reduced rate11. Jt will pay you to order all y.our papers from ua, Ask for our club rates. --- ' freedom there are to-day cultivated farme, the ca~se on all and every occasion. ~ourishing cities and happy ~ome11 enjov· . There wa11 a very good attendance from mg all th~ ad >'antagea of a liberal system each municipality and the meetrng was ,IJntll tlrn skin was raw. Body covered wltla scar~ llke spots or mortar, «Jared b;r tile of education, a pure gospel and a h igh pleasant and harmonious. VuUcnra Remedies· atat e of moral and social civilization. ..,,.=~·=====--=· The atage coach hu given place to the Standing Committees of Bo'Wlam going to tell you of the extra.ordinary change vour Cuticnra HemediA s parfrrrmed on palace car ; the llghtnmg has been manv1lle Council for 1889. me. About the first or April last I noticed to carry our the longest dis· some red pimples lik6 r.oming out all over my tances without the aid of time, and we Fina;nce.-W. M. Horsey, W. F. Allen, body, but thoui;iht nothing of it until some · PEOPLD who take newapapera from the now hold easy and rapid converse with J ; K. Galbraith, Mayor Yimnie. time later on. when iL began to look JiJ{e spots or ruort..r spotted on and which came otr In poet-office are re11pon1ible for payment , ab11ent friends alo.ost without regard to R oad·, and Streeta.-Reeve Burden, - layers, e.ccompaniod with itching. r would Deputy-Reeve Prower, R. Worth. scratch every night untiD I was raw, then the Bro. J. B. Trayes, of t he Port Hope distance. next night the see.lee being formed meanwhile, The half century is now behind you F ire.-W. P. Prower, Jos. Jeffery, R . In va.!n iiidI conTim011,had a recalcitrant subscriber called with all its manifold experiences. You R. Loscombe. sult all the doctors in the country, but wltb· James Whitehead, a naughty man who have no longer the elasticity of step and Cematery. - J08 · Pattinson, L. Geo. out aid. ACter giving up all hopes of recovery. I happened to see an ad?vertisement in the refuaed to pay for The Times for several buoyancy of youth that led you to court Quick, W. F. Allen. newspaper P.bout you" CutlcuraRem~dies, and Police.-R·. R. Loscombe, A. Buckler, purchased them fl'nm my drul{gist; and obyear11. La11t weAk Mr. Whitehead was danger and toil in those by-gone years, "' tained almost immediate l'elier. I began to but we, can 11111i:ire you that no physical notice that the scaly eruptions graduall;,invited to the Divleion Oourt and afte~ change nor effect of time can leeeen our J oe . J euery. Pnblic Property.- R. Worth, L. Geo. dropped otrand disappeared one by one, and· explainin~ to Judge Jretchuru that he did regard and esteem, or weaken our affec- Q · k J "" t ' have been fully curE)d. F hd the disea_ee UIC , · "at meon. thirtee n months before I began taking the not know the paper was received at his tion, for those whoae nobleness of charPoor Relief.- -L. Ge'l. Quick, J. Pat- Cuticure. Remedies. and In tour or weeks was entirely cured. Mt diee!Mle we.s house, His Honor Instructed James to acter and untiring efforts have secured tinson, A. Buckler. Court of Reviaion.J. K. Galbr~ith, and psorlasi8. the I cknow ·utlc&ra for ua our glorious heritage. We recog. ~ Remedies to allI inrecommended my viclnit:i<, and of pa1 up. This will 1erve a1 a gentle re-- nize as you do, that you have been W. M. Horsey, T. Burden, W. P. Pr<D>lf\lr, a great many who have taken tbem,andith-ank minder to all delinquent subscribers, that "' led through all the untried way by the W F All 1110 for the knowledge of tb:em, especially en. mothers who have babes with sealy eruptions · · where a newspaper is received by a party : kind, hand of .our loving Father- there Bonµs Committee.-,-Messrs. __ H orseyj on their heads and bodies. lca.nnot e:1<pres1 haa been the chtll of winter and the Allen, J efftiry, Buckler, 'Younfo,. Loa· in words the tb,a.tiJ{s to you for what the Cutiwithout notice havin~ been given for it to b · cuJ'a Remedies have been to me-. My body warmth of summer, the wail cf mourn· was covered with ecale~, and l . was an awful be discontinu~ d, the party is liable for in~ and the song of praiae, the aactneBS of com e. Auditors.-T.H. Vann, Cha11. Keibh:, spectac;eto behold. Now my eldn Is as nice the amount of the subscription. and clear as a b,.by"s. · defeat and the about of triumph- but out GEO. COTEY, Merrill,, Wis, of all these ha11 come an inspiration to Roya.I Revival. Sept 21, 1$87; courage and faith for future effort and a Feil. 7, 1888.- Not a trace whatsoover of the James Pa.r_r, Esq., Warden. reoognition that the hand that led you The "Reacue Duet," Messrs. Dimnett disease from which ! sutftlred has shown it.sell sioce my cure, GJJID. CUTE¥. was Divine. To-day we can each voice & Stafford, workmg under the auspioe11 of the worda of the Psalmist, "Snrely good· the Royal Templa.r11 of Temperance,. comWe cannot do justice to the esteem, in which THE STATEBMJ.N congratulates the Cuticura, the great Skin Cure. and Cut1cura worthy Reeve or Cart_ wright on his elec- nees and mercy have followed me all the menced a series of meetings in the Town Soap, an· exquisite ii\kln Beautitl<it', prepared day11 of my life." Hall on Sunday afternoon last. The :h!ill from it and Cut.!cura'Reaolvotnt, the-new Blood tion last week to the honorable position . And now dear frienda we avail our-· was filled to the door. On the platfurm Purifier, arl' held by the thousands upon thousof Warden of theee . United Counties. sehea of this opportunity of handing to were seated Miayor Younie (in the cheir), ands whose lives have been made happv by the cure or ai;:onizing, humiliating, itching, Two years ago THE STATESMAN advocated you these gifts, a11 a alight e:a;p/,'ession of R ev. J. W. Totten, cf Oshawa, Rev.: M . scaly and pimply diseases oC the skin, scalp, an<l blood, with loss or hair. our love and esteem for you, and we sinGuno, Dr. McLaughlin and others. strongly Mr. Parr's claims for the posicerely hope that you may be long spared After choice singing by the duet, &hort tion and therefore feels pleased that his to enjoy the fruit& of 'your past labors, addresses were delivered by the a.hove Sold everywh~ re. Price, . Cutieura. ,75c.: 35c.; Resolvent $1 50. Prepared by the as1ociate11 in the Counties Council have and trust that this expression of our re· named gentlemen, and Mr. Dunn-ett. Soap.· POTTER lJRUG ANI> CH&MIOAL C-0-. Boston, chosen hirn to preside over their little ga;d may aid in making life's e'Veniog Monday . eve11ing a large audience as· Mass. a"l:lend for "How to Cure Skin li>iaease," 6! Parliament for 1889. Mr. C. W. Smith brighter. It is our earne&t prayer that sembled in St. Paul's church. Rev,"' H. pa~ee, DO ill uatratlons, 100 testimonials. we may all meet a~ laat in out' "Father's S. Matthews-made a short address, wliiich would no doubt· have stood a good chance PLES. black·heads, red, rough, cliauped House" where the ravages of time and was followed; by Mr. Dunnett. His a.nd oily skin prevented byCuticura Soap, for the position but for the fact that Mr. the infirmities of age will never come. . earnest appeals on behalf of total ab3tin· Si~ned on behalf of the Friends. enoe, together with word victuring of Parr waa oonsidered to have a prior claim. ~e nes which· had been brought under h ie lt will certainly be Darlington's turn next The chairman then called on Mr. John pereonal observation t hrough the li~uor time. From the World we learn that Elford of Dakota, and Mu. '1:r. Rogers of traffic, were v~ry telling. At each· serthe ne w Warden,- James Parr, Esq., Bowmanville, their s_ o n and daugh ter, to vice there is, from twenty t o thirty min· . spent in sinRing stirring ~ospel hi;imos was b orn in the Township of Cavan in make the presentation. Mr. Elford wa.11 the reci~i·ent of a fine led by Mr. 8llalford and a number of 1838, and is, therefore, 50 years old. Astrachan coat (purohe11ed fliom Messrs. duets and sol'<>11 r endered by the Dnet. Hia bright blonde complexion shows that Couch, Johnston & Cryderman) and a Mr. Staffordl possesses a voice ofi goed he ia of Irieh parentage. When a young gold headed cane (from Mr, J. Maynard), giving exceptionally good ex~ man he taught school five yean, but gave which were pr esented by Joh1dn a happy pression in hie selections, while the tenor up teaching for farming, which he has 11peech, stating that as he could not be of Mr. Dunnett blends nicely in dtJets. et the first marriaize he was greatly pleas· Aa an interesting and forcible speaker, followed during the paat twenty-five yeara. ed to be at the present orie. Mr. Donnetb ranks high, and the earnestHe r~sides near the villago of Blacketook Mrs. Elford was the recipient of a fine neBB wh ich characterises his deliivery, in the rownship of Cartwright. His g?ld watch, (purchased from Mr. L. Cor· rivets the thoughts expresded on the municipal career dates from 1867, when mah) presented ~y M~s. ©ha~. Rogers, minds of his hearers. The meetingfli are also a gold w~d~mg .ri.n~ wh1c~ wa~ to continued and this (Wednesday) .evening he first entered the Township Council. reJ>lece the bride s ongmal wedding nng I they are in Church St. ·Methodist churchHe was a Councillor until 1872, when the whtch was lost sever~l egQ. . M~. ' and Thursdayeveningjin Queen St. church. Cartwright ratepayers sent him to repre· Eiford placed the rmg on· th~ bride s We bespeak for the Duet having a good sent them at the Counties Council as their ffnger and then made a. very suitable re· hearing from our townspeople , p1y for Mrs. E. and himself. All of the · Deputy"R eeve. In 1880 he was el ected PitESEtre:B OF MIND , - P resence of mind above presents we re supplied to the com· Reeve, and has h eld that office ever aince, mittee by the merchants at greatly re- is good in case of accidents and emergen As a practical farmer Mr. Parr is acquaint- ducied prices on account of their personal cies, and· when coupled with Hagyard's ed with the requirements of agricultur- acquaintance and gr eat respect for the Yellow Oil will often save life,, Yellow Two fine views of Oil cures all painful inj uries, b:irns, ists. His experience in municipal afi'airs bride a nd groom. places in Switzerland were r eceived from scalds, bruises. frost bites, rheu.matio and and hia natural ability and businf,l@S ,·Miss E. 'J oness, who is now residing neuralgic pains and is in fact a haody and knowledge, qualify l}im for the position ther e, and presented with her best :reliable surg.ical aid. DONT NEGLECT THE COUGH. =======~==== Couirh, Oolds; HoarsenAss, Bronchitis, t<> which h e has been elevated by his fel · wishes. They also received a $10 gold piece each. Congratulatory letters were ' Vhooplng Cough, Croup, Intluenlla, Difficult low members of the Counties CounciL read from William and Byron Elford , two BIRTHS. Breathing, and all Throat and Lung comHe is well ver5ed in municipal law, and sons in Manitoba, Chas. M . Bice, and EIAN<ilUINB- In Scugog, on J an-: ~rd , the wife plaints. Pleasant to take; children al'e !ond of it, _n _ . _ _ _ __ I nstant relief from first doee ; heals and will make a capital Ward en. Like his Dr. M. Bice, Denver, CQ]., Mr. J ohn of Mr. Wm- Sanguins, of a _so cures like me.iric. ar, Lindsay, MrP. W,SomerP, lllinois, DIED. chief opponent, the Reeve of Millb110ok, HoPrepared scfentlftcally from the Pure Pine and others. Several gent lemen gave Tar, · ' Hli:ARD-ln Whitby, .Tan. 16tb, Ml\ry, relict Mr. Parr is a 'c onser vative in politics and short con gratulatory speeches, interspers· Sold by ' Vholesale Dealers and Druggists of the late Mr. W. C. Heard. aged 76 years. everywhere. will, it is said, be a parliamentary candi- eJ with singing. OSBORNE- In Darllni;iton,· OD the 22nd inst,, CERTJFICA'.J'E. The following gentlemen and thair Isabella Mcllmoyle, beloved wire of Mr..Jas. I am acqua;nted with· the composition of date for W eft Durham at an early date. years, Osborne. aged S O Perrin's Pine Tar Cordial, and recommend it and in some cases children were He bears an irreproachable character and wives v ANO.A.MP - At Brantford, Dec. 17th, 1888, a~ being the most e1fectual remedy knQwn to present : Messrs. J. E lford, Dakota; R . Lizzie McAlden, w1f6 or Edward Vancamp. the medical faculty. is a mali of good ability. · H e is the happy Clark, Newcastle~ A Hawthorn, Hope; p.ged 31 years. P. PALMER BURROWS, M.D,M. C. Lindsay, father of seven children. Mrs. Parr ie a. Mr. and Mies Welch, Hope; Wm. Elford, FOWLER - In _ Kendall, on January 18th, · President Executive Board of Health ror Ontario. Margaret Crozier, wito or Ob~istopher E 'owler, niece of Arthur McQuade,, ex-M. P. for Essex Centre; Wm. Souch, J. Elford, S. aged 8i years. PEllRIN'S PINE T.lR COKDl.ll CJO, I.IND. Allin, Alf. Allin, J. M. Jooesa, Ed BelliMcLliiAN- ln Toronto, on Friday, Jan. 18th, SA.Y, ONT.lBIO, South Victoria. man, Jae. Stanley, S . Bouch, .W , H . Fallis McLean, of Qlar,k e. aged ao vears. Rogers, Jon. Pickard, Joo. Potter, Jno. 0 Westaway, Wm. Allin, Mr. and Miss WAN T ED! Special - News A list ot 1000 newspapers divided mto AVALUJ.BLE DISCOVERY.- F.P.Tanner, Gilbert, Mr. and 1yfrs. Wm. Cox, Mies E. CJorrespondent11 to represent leading En11:lish STATES AND SECTIONS will be sent on apof Nee bing, ()nt., says he h as not only Elford, Miss R. McLeod; · the Hampton and American papers. Prevlou~ experience pllcation--FR~r.1£. To those who want their advertlsin11: to pay. found B . B . B. a 11ure cure for Dyspepsia. M ethodist minister and Rev. S. Salton n!)t absolutely necessary. Most liberal terms we oan otrer no better medium for thoronlifh but he also tound it to be the beet medi- and wife, Darlington; J . C. Vanstone, for good service. Addrees, with stamp, and effective work than tile various aelections ot our SeJed I.eeal I.let. cine for regulating and invigorating the C. Roaers, Dr. Potter, Mr. S. Vanstone; -Earopoan·..A.merlcan Presa .laseelatloa, GEO. P . ROWELL.tCJO., s)'ttem that he baa ever tr.ken. B. B. B. Mrs. North~ote, l'tln.11tl)d Miaaea Nichols, · Newspaper Advertiainp; Bureau, No. TU-pto11-st,;·BosTON, l\Lls11.. UiS. 4 ; 19 Spruce stre11t, New York, Mr. and Mrs. P. Tvler, Bowmanville. is the great sy1tem regul·tor. l:% Mr. and Mrs. W. Elford , Hampton, were on Monday, Jan. 28th, invited to The annual meeting of (,he West DurM r. W. H. Rogers, for dinner. While ham Reform Association was held in the they were t here about 90 persons a!aem· Town Hall, on Saturday £or electi4?n of bled at their home, nearly all relatives, officers and transit.ction of other busmeas. to unite in celebrating t he 50th snniver· After routine the retiring P resident, Mr. s.ry of their marriage. They were eent D. Burke Simp~on, delivered an abie adfor and Qn arri\ing home they were thor- dresa on the matters connected with the ON THE VERGE OF STARVATION--" For oughly surprised and so overcome with interests of thl" party in this riding. Mr. emotion that they could hardly 11peak for John McMurtry, 'freasurer, presented three months I could not eat a. full meal 11ome time. Tea was . then served which his report which showed the finances to or do_a. day's work. I bought a. bottle of · Burdock Blood Bitters, began using it, consisted of all the good things of the be ln a satisfactory condition. and in thr ee days my appetite returned, season. After ti:a there was placed on the table two beautiful bride's cakes, one The nomination a.nd election of officers in a week I felt like a new man. It was h h resulted as follows : furnished by the committee, t e ot er President--D. .Burke Simpson, , re- wonderful what that one b »t tle did for me," writes Arthur Allchin, lif Huntsville preaented by Mr. Wm. Elford, of Esse.: Centre. Then Mr. and Mrs. Elford ac· elected by acclamation. Muskoka, who suffered from Dyspepsia. Vice-Presidents: Bow man ville-A. companied by Mr. and Mrs. w SoJich were seated at one end of table and the Youvie, Darliugton-Dr. Mitchell, Clarke proAram was commenced by Mr. J . M. -G.- M . ·Long, Newcastle-W. T. Lock · JoneBB taking the chair and making some hart, Cartwright-Robt.-Phi!p. remarks antl explanation in referA nce to I Secretary- W. F. Allen. · H e caJl ed on Mr. s · Treasurl'rJno. t h e 11;atherm11;. C . ll 'McMurtry. b d' · · . Vanstone, of Bowm~nYille, t o read the I ha1rman .of po mg eo - 1v1s10ns , . following I Bowma~v1Ile-South Ward :, R. Beith, .t.DDJJESS. J . . ~· R1oe; North Ward: W. H. . Wilhams, W. Cann; Weet Ward: D. B. p:1..t:ttLY BELOVED J'.'RIENDS. -We~ your Fogg, J . Percy, jr. children, 11:rand children and friends, Newcastle-!. W . Rickard, 2. W . H. · ea:eem it a very gr~at pleasure to ~e per- Chaplin, 3. Jno. Allin. m1tted to ·eet wtth you on thu' the Cartwriizht-1. T·. Werry, 2. J . M . fiftlieth annl~enary of your wedding day, Johnston, 3. ill . T, Farguaon, 4. D. Mal and many who from di11tanee found it im· colm. Clarke~!., 2. Geo_Gray, possible to join u11 here to-day in the cordial handshake, have forwarded their 3. llerb.- Renwick, 4. Sam. Alexander, congratulations to be minglQd with oura 5. A. Tamblyn, G. W. Coram, 7. 0. J. on t. h is golden oc~asion. . . . . Thornton, 8. S. Henry, 9. Jas. Hunter. Fifty years with all their act1v1tie1 Darlinizton-1. J . M. Jone11s, 2. S. have slipped away since you stood at the Pollard, 3. M. Munday, 4. H. Elliott, bridal altar, on that 28th of January, jr, 5. J. T. Pollock, 6. Jno. Penfound, 1839, to unite your interests and to join 7. R. Pascoe. your hands in the fut ure of life's journey. A vote of thanks was accorded to Mr. To make .for your11elv~s a home i_ n a._new D. Burke Simpson for hie valuRble sercountry, many hardship· and pr1vat1ons vices iii connection with the revision of incident to pioneer life were to be en- the voters lieta prior to the bst election. countered and we all know how pereev· Moved bv Dr. Mitohell, aeoonded_ by ermgly ~nd n<?bly you met and overcame P . Werry, Esq., that the unanimous and ~hose difficulties. heal'ty thanks of this Association be The c~anges ~hat have passed under tendered to W. R . Climie, Esq., retiring your ·?t1ce durrng the ~aat half century 1Secretary of this .Association, who, for This powder never varies. A marvel of More are. ~e1t~er few nor ummp~rtant. On- about 30 years has 1illed the position with purity, strength and wholesomeness.· _ than the ordinary Kinda, and can tarJO 11 mt~hty fore1ts have yield~d to the such marked ability as to merit the cconomloa.l not be sold in competition with the multitude sktll and mdu~try of those who hke your- warmest approval of nil. :Mr. Climie has ot low test, short weight, alum or phosphate Sold only in oana. ROYAL BAK. selves were willing_ to DAR"& and to D?· been proved to be not only a faithful , powders: Where then the wild beast11 roamed m official but a true and devoted friend of NG POWDER CO.. l06Wa11St. . N. Y. - Annu a.1 Me eting o f the R eform A s sociation. Coal, W ood and Lumb er . Havinp: purchased twelve (12) acres of splendid Beech and Maple wood from Mr. · Hecto-r Beith, we 11re now prepared to fill orders direct at lowest pr ices to everybody who may favor us with their orders. Good dry, well screened Scrantou Coal always in stock a.t lowest prices. 51-6w. McCLELLAN & Co. VARIETY HALL. Headquarters for all School B ooks and School requisites.. Books sent to any add ress o n receipt of price. l PICTU RES F R AM E D very cheap. KE, , N N ER The West End House STOCK-TAKING S·A·L·E '· now going on. ,. ,E VER YN IGHT I S CRAT CHED. Tweeds worth $1.00 for 75c. -. Cardigan J acket1;3 worth $3 for $2. All Wool Hose worth 25c. for 15c. Dress Goods worth 25c, for 20c~ Dress Goods worth 20c. for 16tc. Mantle Cloth worth $1.20 for $1;. Mantle Cloth worth $1 for 75c. BLANKETS AT COST. Room m 'u st be made for our Spring Goods. JOHN MqMURTRY. The Jolliest Time Year. 'When: every man" , woman ancl child shoufd be h,appy. Why ? Because i " MJ. -r'NJ.RD The Je'U'eller," Diamond Rings . I ' Gold Silver Watches. Fanc:v Clocks. Watches. ·All kinds Bracelets. A.. edding Rings. PIM Brooches, and Ear Drops. Lockets and Chains. SQUARE DEAL IN EVERYLIN"E_ - Sil~·· 1 Knives. Forks. Fancy Goods, etc. -- Spectacles and Eye GlaBSes. Black Jewelry. ~ Will try to add to your h11.ppiness by offering you great barirain(~ the squares You can 81Lve money by purchMing your Christmas and New r ear presents from us. We have the finest stock ever brought t o this town.- -W-o are bound to s111l our goods this month. It is acknowledged by thousa.nds that we ban the neatest store, nicest goods, and do the beat work, and give the be>st 11atis· faction in West Derham . TRY MAYNARD, THE JEWELLER. YQUNG&CO'S G-- T_ R_ TI::M:E T_A_:SLJ!L GRAND .T RUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. GOING E J.BT PERRI N'S Pine Tar Cordial. ==· Ma.ii .. ·.·····1004a m Mixed .........3 40 p m Local· ....... .. 710p m Mail ...····· 110;15 pm ·Except Mondays. I I GOI NG W EST Mail ........ 6 21 am Local, ........ 8 20 a m Express· . ..... 047 am Mixed ........ 3 15 pm Mail ......... 857 pm GET A for YOUNG THROUGH 'TICKET & Co's GROCERY STORE, whoce you will find a full assortment of Groceries, Teas, Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Brushes and Brooms, all bought for Cash and sold at prices to suit the times. TO ADVERTISERS. Highest prices paid f ~r Farm Produce'· CENTRE STORE, Wellington Buildings, King· St., Bowmanville;

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