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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jan 1889, p. 5

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Photographs and Fancy Goods at TAIT'S Corner YOU CAN HAVE . A Deic.ioue, Nourishing Soµp in a. moment by using H. C ·. Tait sell,s best spectacleis, Cockle's Pills for acidity of Read advt. of Mr. Werrj's thoro'-bred For. the, be11t ~utters anywhor~ go to Harnes Carriage Works, Bowmanv1lle. I . soc t k sae · r · · · Mr. says he has the Art that en.M1se 9lford, of "\ alent1a , is v1111tlng bl h. t k t u p r traits at reafnends m town. a es 1m. o ma e r e u · · . . aonable prices. Mrs. Donnelly 1a aellmg her large stock A t f - · n the careful of Wings at half-price. sec:e 0 success . is. ·, . aTJd persistent use of prmter s mk. Copy . . Go to Mrs. Donnelly if you want a should be written with oue uf Esterbrook'a good hat for 25 cents. Steel Pens ! A1!1erican subscribers will oblige w:s · by We see by a Rochester paper that Dr . sendmg us Green Backs. H. C. Phillips, 5 Lyell Ave., has been Miss Katie .Jeffery, of Whitby, is visit- appointed vaccinator for one of the city ing at Mr. J:ohn ],ashy's. schools by the Board of Health. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. ' In our report of the Government Grants ROBT VIRTUE Agent Bowmanville. ' tf. to schools la~t. week Hampton school Mr'. .J. R. Miller, o'f the law firm of should been ~redit~d wi~h $51.60 Mi"ner & ~Duncan, Toronto, was in town . and Enmsk11lei_i with $00.80 mstead of on Monday. amounts then given. The Happy Thought cooking range The lady who sends .10 cents to. Clark aold by s~· s. Edimll is the best stove in Bryan & Co., publishers, Sprmgfield the market. Mas~. , fo~ a sample ~opy of _Goo~ Hou.~e keepmq will, be surprised at its high merit. Mr. Thos: Ba.!!elt has returned !rom None better published. Marllhalltown, Ia., and reports busmees A t f · t t t t boom;ng· there in pork. mat er o m err s o s, . ·. Org·n Students and Teachers is a n!lw Henrf 1s part~cula.rly successfulm Pho- patent orgo.n pedal attachment for Pianos tographmg family ~oupa. Call at the manufactured by Mesarn. Newcombe & gallery and see samples, Co., 107 Church 11t. Toronto. Particulars The "R~scue Duet;" Messrs. Dunn~tt on application. ' tf and !%afford, took charf,'(e of the sen1ce Mr M M Fenwick principal of our '.'t the Disciple'· church on Sunday &ven- High. Scbooi,_ founded the L\mdy'e Laae mg. Historical Society at .Niagara ·Fa.lls a few As a recognition of efficient and faith- years ago. We have just perused with ful serviceP, the D11rlington Council have great interest a. lecture delivered before re-appointed Mr. I. L . Brown assessor the Society, on October 16 1888, bv Ernfor 1889 by an unanimous vote. esh Cruikshank, :Row been puhliehed in We are pleased. to 11ee that the Council pamphlet form, (price 25c) and is bei~g have appointed Mr . .J. B. Fairbairn, P . received with great favor by the pubhc. ~I., High School Trustee again. He lt is of national inte:est, and. ought to be make'l! a capital trustee. read by every Canadian who is proud _of "Commodore .Junk," by G. Manville his country, and by all .others who wan. t Fenn, author of .. Black: Blood," &c., has to learn the truth of history_. May be just been issued by the enterprising To- had from Rev. Canon Bull, Niagara Falls ronto publisher, Mr. Wm. _ Bryce. South, Ont.. ________....._......, I ST. PAUL'S OHURCJI ANNUAL . REPORT. A copy of the annual Reports of St. Paul's Presbytermn Church has bllen laid OD 011r table. From it we gather tne followiDg intereshng fllats. The present membership c,f th9 congregation in full cowmonion is.207. The weekly offering system of raising congre~tioaal funds was uitroduoed Jae' April, and has worked admiri!obly. The total ordinary income was $2,2.25,91. A b11l11nce of $158,83 is carried forward to nexl year. The Missionary and Benevolent association raised $575; 57, which, with $124,50 from the &bbalhSchool, $35 from the Bible class, $220 from the Woman's Fo;eigo Mi~aionary Society, and $29 special subscription to lhe new school buildings at Pte-aux-Tremb.les, .nakes a total of $983.50 ·for l hese v11rious purposes. Thia sum is divided as follows; Missions, ordinary, $776 50; Missions, special, $69; Educational, $60; General ohurch fund~, benevolens, etc., $78. The Sabbath Scb.ool and adult Bible OlR~ S have !VS on tbe roll, with an average ailendance of 118, and 20. Teachers and officers. 23 . echol1u\ oompeteil snc· cessfull.y for the prizes for recitation of Scripture and Catechism, and two recited \he whole shorler.Calechism. The Young Ladies' Aid Society earned $189 64 for the purchase of a pipe-organ, which, wUh $86 from a garden party al Mr. John McOlellan's, make~ $275 64 on hand for that purpoRe. The re)JOrS closes wish a 0ongrega.houal Directory, ~iving the nru:nes of the office -bearera and Oommi\lees of the various Sacielie~. and lhe choir, and memoranda of lhe v&rious meetings. I l SAM _ . Store~ ~. · . . 4 CLARKE I Bought by telephone, from Uobourg, while the auction was ---gomg on,--- SHERIFF PROCTOR, Auctioneer, ·the stock of W. II. IVES at I 31~ CENTS ON THE WHOLESALE O~~ the cheapest stock ever sold in this comity. FLUID .BEEF! THE BEST FOR BEEF TEA, THE ONLY EXTRACT OF BEEF suitable for making JULIEN and other ..OLEAH. SOUPS. A FINE RICH FLAVORED SOUP '-CM. be made IN .A MOMENT by adding i"boiling water. o · Cloths, Tweeds, Furnishings, Hats, · Caps arid Ready-made Clothing LYMAN, SONS &co., SOLE AGENT8 FOR C·.\NADA. Corsets slightly soiled atles11 than whole·ale prices at the W.est End House. WILL BE SOLD AT HALF .PRICE. IVES' OLD STAND. A number of the Sons of England paid a visit lo OshQwa last week, it being the occasion of 4 visit from the Grand Presideot. A part of the program wati !\ gra.nd su pper, lo whioh the Bowmanville puty did' aQJple justice. ..,. ' · Good Rea.ding;. "'-.,<-.~ -- - At this time of the year when everyone 'is ;endeavorinl? to provide amusing and in·structive reading for the fire&ide, Toronto ·Saturday Night should be remembered as. one ·o f the beat written, cleanest and Great Clt')al'j~g sale at .Tocl Bros'. All most ebborately illustrated papers pub- ' _1',URNITURE SALE.-On ~a;turday ~eb. lished in the Dominion. It contains 2, S. Burden & Co., will sell at the 1 Drv Goods at cost during January. Mart" a large quantity of household furF ."ARMERS. . . B t Str Cutter twelve pagea of reading matter and · 1 1 30 - es po.wer aw pictures, many of which are reprodpctions m ture. See posters. Sa e at · P· .. m · with .reverse gear sold by CHAS. RoGEUS. Tim STATESMAN staff thank Mr. R. E. T dB · ato k mu t be reduced. They of the finest works of art in Europe, Osborne for a bag of very fine apples . 0 ro!I c Jib d . while its pages of humorous selections brought to the office. May his bald wins j1ll sell at cost and e1 ow co~t urrng are direct reproductions of the choicest larger. and his spies become more an uary· , . picture11 a11d paragraphs of the English grow numerous. Youug man, in~pect _To~ Bros stClck of ·and American comic papers. · The pub·1s Ill · L anark pay $1" 2 tweeds and , counc1 T ownsh lp J . gents furmshmgs-all . at cost lishers challenge the world for an equally . attractive illustrated five-cent newspaper. a year for the pubhcatfon of their-~inutes durmg · anuary. . . you want M1l!mery Goods at halfJt"'conta.iria the Family Hera.Id stories in the local p11.pers. $12 is cheap conliidwhich appear simultaneously with their erini;( t-he value received. $50 a. year price for the remamder of the season, go to Mril. Donnelly. original publication in England, anci would be a more equitable figure. ExcHANGE OF PULPITS -Elder Garbutt We. know of no artist in this part of throughout it. is a paper for which every ifather of a family should subscribe. By of the Christ's Church. Orono and Mr. Canada, who gives such general satiafacspecial arrangements with the publishers M. Gunn of the Church 'of Uhrist, Bow- ti.on to every one as Henry, ·we are enabled to offer Toronto Saturday manville, exchange pulpits next Lord's ORDERED CLOTHING.-If you want a Night and the_STATESMAN at $2.50 per Day, Feb: 3rd morning and evening. well-made Suit · or Over Coat leave vour annum. It is certainly an opportunity Mr. Geo. Dowson, of Scugog, came out measure with McClung Bros. ·of which every youn~ man should take tn visit his parents and friends last week. Two balls best kni.t Co _tton for 10 oentsJ :.immediate advantage. Mr. D. was to the Council this and a present with every purchase (rhe Fireside Weekly is made up ex- year at I.he head of the polls, West Dur- over $1.00 at John .J. Mason's Bonus sale. ·cluaively of stories, poetry, and answers· ham b~uod mually comes at the head of Henry's Photographs are eua.ranteed to correspondents. The Sheppard Pubto please. Pr()(Jfs are always shown and lishing Company truthfully claim it to be the swim. Mr. .fas. F. Morrey ia canvassi~g the its not his fault if you' are not pleased. the cheapest f1Lmily story paper in Amertown for & new business directory of John J. Mason has sold o'ter 50 No. 1 ica; its price bein~ $2 per year, while that of it.s American rivals, not one whit the counties of :Purham, Muskoka, On- Persian L'mb t.his season. They better in style and much · inferior as to tario, Victoria and Simcoe. Several of were the best ever ah@wn in this to fl'n r- .rtentll, are $3 per annu·m. 'Ve our business firms have given orders for and 80 cheap. A few boxes still left. The Haines Carriage Works received _.-:--·!\. {er the Fireside Weekly and the STATES· advertising cards. The regular ser..\1-ice at the Church~st. the Diploma for the best display of carriages ~· ·AN a.t $2.25 per annum. Could anyone "a11k, mor_e 1. · 4-4w · Methodist church on Sunday morning at West Durham ·Fall Fair, and have now was ta.ken by Mr. W. A. Dunnett of on hand the best assortment of cutters the uRescue Duet," while Mr. Stafford ~ver._!W.Q.wJ!J~ !4is v'ci~jlf', · ,; , _ · rendered in cgood 11ty e an ~~ appropriate 'l'o THE DEAF.~A Persoo cured . of selection of music. Deafnee11 and noises "in the "head of 23 Miss Nora Coleman will give her' etanding by a simple remedy, wtil proa;iised concert in the Town Hall, send a description of it FREE to any perBowmanville, Oil Friday . nj~ht, Feb. 1. son who applies to NICHOLSON, 30 St. and will be assiste4 by Miss Howden, John St. Montreal. 44-lyr. the band and ()thor talent. Every citi· .J. H. Morris has withdrawn from the Mrs. Donnelly is selling out her entire zen should attend. See programs. firm of Oaborne & Co., contractors and etock of Millinery below coat. builders. Any person intending to erect Mueic for the Young. . Tweeds, Dress Goods, and Mantle a house or other buildings will be .furQloths a.t ·cost, a.t W eat End House. Parents desirous of having their child · nished with plans, specifications, estimAll the new shapes and styles in Fall ren attend the Saturday afternoon class ates, etc. Reaidence, Queen-st. 3-3w 41nd Winter millinerv at Mrs. Donnelly's. in Chas. Ruse's School of Music may call The Canada Stained Glass Works, of 'About six inches of snow fell Sunday at hb office and secure tickets. Only · a Toronto, have again increased their staff ,afternoon and night. Sleighing is good limited number of Students can be ac· in. every department. The Church and now. commodated . . Ho.lse Ornamental Glass turned out ,by - If you have never dealt with Tod Bros. Tickets, $1.00 per term. Office hours, this firm can be relied on both fo)~--<lilraatart now. all goods at cost during Janu- 9 to 10 and 11 to 12 '1.. Ill· Please arrange bility and excellence of design. " Persons ary. your calls for the above hours as other requiring glass in every style or quantity In aC:. vertising, what Tod. Bros. say portions of the day are fully occupied I whatever should address t he makers, they do. Everything at cos~ during Jan- with classes, excepting Saturdays, when McCausland & Son, Toronto. the office will be open .from 9 to 12 a. m. GREAT SALE OP FuRs...,-During the uary. holidays to encourage ;your readers to Buy your parcels this month at John and 3 to 5. p. m . buy presents for their friends we will give J.Mason's and get biR Vl\lue an4 a bonus, Agnes Knox, who is to appear here on great bargains in }'ur goods of all kin<le. See advt. Hosiery, Gloves, Blankets, at cost. Feb. 18, was given a most enthusiastic re- The bargains we offer are in Sealskin,, Call and see the bargains at the West ception at the Burns' Festival in New Persian Lamb, Astrachan, etc. We canYo rk City last Friday evening. She is not enumerate all, but all who want Ei;d House. said to be more beautiful than Mary An- anything whatevedn the fur line are most V\'e noti<le thaf Mr. Morrison, carriage derson. She is undoubtedly the favorite respectfully invited to c. 1111 and. inspect painter, has been turning out some very on the American platform to-day. our goods and prices. M. MAYER. nice j.o bs lately. Our thanks are due to Mr. Wm. Edgar 'I'he Crescent heel plates for rubbers 'He?try has been turning out some grand the l>Opula.r General Passenger Agent of sold unly by .J. Hellyar are universally pictures this month, if it has been d:uk the Grand Trunk Railway, for a copy of acknowledged to be superior to anything and cloudy most of the time. the programme of the Montreal Wiater of that character manufactured. They The Counties' Council appointed Mr. Carntva.l, and also for a very neat Calen- are giving great satisfaction in BowmanP. Trebilcock Hi(!h School trustee in dar for 1889. Reduced rates of fare are ville and vicinity and many are buying place of M_!". R. Windatt, retired. Mr. given for C"rnival week, 4th to 9th Feb, them · now on the recommendation of T. should make a first-rate trustee. The subscriber who will take a pa.per others· who have tried them. Do not be In ~ccordance with the request ~of the from the P. 0. a month after his sub- deceived. Iluy the Crescent and your W. C. T. U. Rev. R. D. Fraser will preach scription expires and then order it stop- rubber~ will last three times M long. a Temperan::e sermon in St-. ·Paul's ch\1rch ped without paying all arrears will never Call and see them. next Sal:. bath eve ning, 7 o'clock. Subject walk the streets of the New .Jerusalem Darwin's theory of the "survival of the -Our present duty to the Te·mperance until he the publisher the 12~ _ c ents. fittest" is simply that the weakly die, reform; S·1ch a man would rob a grave y::J,r-d, a while the robust and hardy thrive and Clover seed this season is clover seed-. church or an orpha.n asylum if be got the live. How true this is of seed growth, The only big Iota we have heard of among chance. and how neceseary to sow onlythat which farmen are owned by Mr. W. H. Pearce The big sale of town and farm property is suited by nature to live and develope. and Mr. James Scott~ Newcastle, (lot belonging to the Burk Estate has not D. M . Ferry & Co., the great Seed :30, B. F., Clarke.) . . :Mr. Pearce has been recorded b:Jl the lncal press, though Growers am! Seed Dealers of Detroit, 58 bags grown Gn ~about 20 and Mr. it was· an event of no ordinary occurrance. Michigan, supply only the best and pu- . Scott on an adjoining far_!ll about 36 bags The sale was managed by M:r. D . Burke rest, raising their own seeds by the most on 16 acres. They attribute their good Simpson, solicitor, and resulted as fol- improved methods and with the greatest luck to uoderdrainlng. Here is a pointer lows: The farm of 102 acres, seuth half care, bringing to their business the invalfor farmers. of lot 14, B. F·, Darlington, was sold to uable aid of more than thirty years' exThe Toronto T elegram says :-"Publi- Mr. Samuel .Allin, Providencf!, for $7,· perience. Their Seed Annual for 1889 is ·cation of the rolls is the shorte~t road to 050; t.he adjoining farm of 102 acres, a real he.Ip to the gardener, and should assessment reform. The· reasons for this being north half of lot 14, to Mr~ Hector be in the hands of all who desire to pur:underta· king are legion, and it can be only Beith for $11,050. A small briCk cottage chase pure 'l.udtrue seeds. Send your objected t ') on the ground of expense. on church st was sold to Mr. Wm. M cGill name to th,. lirm'11 addre~s at Detroit, Its cost is nb circumstance to the. a.dvan- for $700; the double brick house ou Seu· Michigan, I. di they will forward you a tagea .promised by, publicity; and the gog-st., to Mr. Hugh McKay fo1· $1.800; copy. rolls shculd be printed,'.' . The. ,suggestion the small lot cor. King and Scugog ets to SAM CLARKE be adopted. to Mr. W. Heard for $205; 6 acres land is a timely one, and wm yet _ If the .;assessmeut roll~ printed e.. on Liberty-st. to Mr. W. Pinch for $600; Bought by telephone from Cobonrg, while ,good m:J,ny people. would pay more taxes. frame . dwelling and lot on Lover's Lane the auction was going on-· Sheriff Proctor, A ·CURE ·FOR DEAFNESS.-There have to Mr. M. Treleven for $700; and · the Auctioneer-the stock of W. H. Ives at 'been m1:1.1;Y rtimarkable cures of dea.fness "Ev'e rgreens," the former residence of 3H cents on the wholesale cost-the ·made by tlae use of Hagyard's Yellow E. G. Burk, Esq., to Mr. S. S. Edsall cheapest stock ever sold in this county. ·Oil, the 41.~~t houeehold remedy for pa.ii:, for $5,500. Cloths, Tweeds, Hats, Caps, Furnishings, infta.mwation and soreness. Yellow Oil AHEAD OF ALL.-I have used Hagya.rd's and Ready-made Clothing will be sold at ·cur r ~eumatism, Sore Throa~ and Pectoral Balsam in my family for half price. Opening . day, SATURDAY, Crou ·and is . useful internally and ex- and have found it ahead of any prepara- JANUARY 26th· . Ives' old stand. ternally for all pains and injuries. tion of the kind in curing colds, etc. I TO INVIGOJU.TE both th"tl body nn4 the EXPE'l.L THE.WOR!llS by U§lDg the safe can especiallv 'l'ilcommend it for children. brain, use the reliable tonic, !llll1urn·s· :.!lntlrelhtblc Freenuu1'· '\Term Alex. Moffatt, Millbrook, On~. matlc Q1d.n ill1l Wine, ll"o. w ders. !f - A grand en\ertainmeo.t will be given in in the Town Hs.11 1 on Friday evening next, where Miss Nora · Colemo.n, and ~iiH ~ Howden of Milbrook, will take par\ in the program, assisted by ~he D. 0. & P. Co's. Baud. · ]:foll particulars. in programs. '· '.brn many friends of Dr. Hillier will be pleased lo lea.rn tbal Mr. McArthur received a lcUer from them after their arrival on bo~rd the Brittanica, and ihat neither be nor Mrs. Hillier were feeling any the worse for their journey Iha.\ far. The offiaers of the No. 2 Fire Co. for the pre~ent(year consisls as follows: Capt. of Oo., Wm. Edi;er; 1st Lieui., Thomas .Tucker; 2od Lieut., John Botrell; Cap~. of hose, 'l'hoH. Boi\rell ; leS Branch, Wm. ·:r~dgham; 2nd Branch, A. Matbicwa; Set'., D. Lockhart; 'l'reasurer, Geo, Maynard; Steward, 'Valter ·_Tod11ham. The following are the Officers of Alerl · Fire Co. No. 1:-Capt. N. 3 . Yonng;, Liout. W. 'l'rewin; .2 do A. Mitchell; Sec. . G. Peckh!\m; Treas. C. Barden; Steward, G.D. Fletcher; hi BnnchmAn, T.Down;og, G. Downey; 2nd do F. Smith , Fred Ho!\t; Engineer. G. 0. Haines, AssiHtant !lo·'r. Tap~on; Obief Engineer, Tbas. Hoar. The Annual Meeting of tbe Liberal Conservative Ass<iciation of "rest Dur· ·ham will be held in the Town Hall Bowm'anville, on Fridav, Feb. 1st, 1889, at 2 o'clock, p. ;n. The business of tl::.e rneetil'.lg will be the electi on c>f officers and other imporhot matters. Let every member of the party th11.t can possibly be present uttend. S. Burden, Sec'y. Geo. Piggott, Pres. . On Wednesday eveniog last, a very sue· cessful Sabb'lth School Entertainment was · held in the Disciples church, where a very ple'lsant time was spent. The first peri of. the program consisted of a sumpluous spread, which was go~ ·1p in a style which . the ladies of t!Jis church noted for,and the tables presen&ed a l ·very altractive · tippearanee. A!&er tea, a ' program was ; given in the church by the children; when lhe ·'Flower Queen" was given. Everybody enjoyed themeelves, . IP _____ LETT,EJ:t OF CONDOLENCE. Al a recent m.e eting or the W. C. T. U ., the subjoir.ed let.t er was presented lo Mrs. Mason, the esteemed · Presideol of the Union, in reference lo the recent deaLh of herneice,Mrs T. J . McMudry,who was also a member of lhe Uuion. Mrs McMurlry . took a greai interest iu the Union Band of Hope, and was one of the mos' e-arnesl workers, among3t tlle children, with whom she. was a partioul11r fa" vorite. About a year ago this month, a most successful public entertainmeot was giveu here by the Band, the success of which was in a . great meaRure due to Mrs M's. eilorts, and a cold taken on ihal evening was supposed l he . foundalion of the com· to hQve been plaint,~consumptiori, which so qniokly cu\ her down, . while in the prime of li!6 and w.ith - brigh~ prospects .before her. Her end was a most happy one and it can lruthfutly be s11id of her death, t bal she peacefully fell asleep iu Jesus. The following is a copy of the lelter :teferred to above: · / Uowmanville Jan. 71h, 1889. To lllrs Samuel ilia.i-011. I DEAR MADAME PRE~;-bENT.-We 'ha members of the W. O.iT. U. desire to express our siuoere and l hear\.fell sympathy with you in yQur sait' bereilo'Vemen t. II is difficult for us to realize thal one so yoong and beauliful, anii with such brighl proapeela for 'he future, bas, . indeed pused aw11y from amongst us, and that h_ e r familiar face and form shall be eeen in our midst no more forever. While ,we mlaa our dear , and -esteemed sister' "And deeply mourn the las~, we know· that to you the stroke m11st be infioilely heavier, but let us atrive 'o ramember that our loss is her eternal gain, and °\Ve _ trust that this fao' will ever aonRole you in yonr deep affi · iotion. Ahhough you mourn, it is no' as those who have no hope, for we believe that our' dear sister, who h11s been taken from you a.nd us, is now enjoying the smiles of a loving Saviour, in tho!e fair mansions whioh the dear Redeemer ha3 prepared for those that love hi~, and may we as a Union, so live that we all may meet her i.t last, in the sweet bye and bye: from the W. C. T. U. DRi;I. HIUIER d: ~A.~DIUUN, . HYSICIANS, S.URGEONS, ETC. Office :-Cor. Church and Temperance Ste. Night calls attended from Dr. Hillier·s resirlence. · · S, C. HILLIER, M . D. .B. LA.MMIMAN, M . D. C. M. Trin. Univ., Fe.Uow or Trln, Med. College, 3t,t Member Coll, Phys. &, Burg,, Ont. of A NT 'E D . - .A Gen. e raI Servant W Apply to JAMES REID, corner of Wellington and _ Ontario Streets' Mm;, 5;lw T~~K FOR SALE.-Six l arge Steer~, runng 4' years. partly fat. 'L'wo heiters do. a number of sheep; also 2 5ows in pig. J D ~~~: Lot 16, Con I.. Darlington. 2-tf. ~- agent to handle P&tte,.son Bros'. (Woodstock). machinery tor Darlin!<'ton and Clarke. Apply to J . w. SMITU, Box 290, Oshawa. S A GENT WANTED.-.A go0d pushing 5:3w* RESS-MAKlNG.-Misa Grant (late ot 'I'oronto) is prepared. to do ·first olamJ lJress and Mantle ma.king at her h ome·. corner of Concession and High Streets, Bowmanvrne. Terms, reasonable. 2-tf . D -- ---· ·---~---~---- AND FOR SALE.-2 acres of la.i1d L on Sougog Street. a.t the fol"ks. Bowman· ville, well suited tor fruit or vegetable guden, For terms apply to Ja.s. Va.uden on the premises, or 8. BURDBN & Co., Anctioueers. 3-4w. 2 TOCK FOR SALE.-For sale or will S excha.nge tor other suitable stock or equal value, the ch< >ioe of two Durha ·ri bulls, one 3-3w years old registered in D H B. the other 1 year old rcgisterable in D H B. For further pa1·· ticula£s address J . W . PHIE.P. Whitby P . 0 , F I ARM FOR SALE.-100 acres of the esta.·e o! the late ARCHIBALD STEV&N~ being composed of the e&st _ h&lf of lot 7, c. m . 4., in the Township ofDllrllngton. Possession the First or .April, For partlcnlars onquire or Mr. WILLIAM WINDATT, Ext'cutor. or MRS. A.STJl:VENS, Execu.rix, at the · residence o f Mr. John Rutledge. Ma.overs R:>a.d, - -----~- - -;. Local and Otherwise. l '.l'JIE Oshawa Reformer . sa.ys:-Last Sab. bath, at the close of the Simcoe Street Methodist Sa.bbath School, Mr. J. W. Higginbolbam was made . the recipient of a h11ndsome framed p!:loiograph of, the Orchestra, and !\D address, ae ·an ·eicpression of apprec.iation and regard, ea.rued in connection wilh the Orchestra and as its originator. Mr. Francie, as leader of ii, read the address, and Mies R , Mll.Y, as lhe youngess member, presPnted the photograph, Mr. Higginbolham made a be-eoming acknowledgemenl of the gifl, _ a nd wished the Orchestr11 success in the f11ture . stock. Steady-employmE>nt to tli'e right men. the vear round. Now Is "the tlme.:of yea,. t<l en'l'age. , None but honest and upright men need ll-PPlY. Do not delay If you decide to join us as delays d e.ngoroug, Apply with references. .MAY BRO'l'HERS, Nurae ~ymen, Roches1-lOw; ter, ?-;. Y. WANTED.- -Good salaries SALESMEN oi· commission paid to the ril{ht men, to sell 011r choice and hardy varieties of nuraery A · Good Investme:µt, Bowmanville. The above hotel is new 'and is rented for 1lv~ years at $300 & year, payable in advancR. Price $2,000. Apply to . F. E.,DINGLE. 3-4w, Oshawa. 1843 18891 OFFER FOR SALE A HOTEL I · situated in the growing villa'l'e of Burk&ton on the c. P. R., twelve miles north o! DARLINGTON COUNCIL. WE clip the following from the Whi\by Chro11icle. H will also apply t-0 this town. " There are a number of young felfows io this town, and there are . plenty of such charao\ers in other towns we k11ow of, who never do anything in foe· way of work, but who always wear pretty good clothes am) appear well fed. One can see them eneqk. ing about st any \ime of llie day or oigM, excepling the morniog hours, during which it is suspected that they sleep. How on earth they can liv~ .iP ihe question we have not learned an iraswer for. These oft-recurring crimes gin one a suspicion of such cbs.rn.ctcrs, and it is a pily these young men could not be brou11l1f up oceasionallv, to what they do whh l.hemsel'ves,and how tbE>y get their living. THE Hol(sEHOLI>,·-A special feature of 'l'he D;itroit ~ree Press, devoted to, and which especially pleases the ladies, is lhe Hous..bold. Il is made up ofteontributions of women 1'lpon all sorts of subjects and furniehee an opportunity for an exchange of ideas a.nd experiences upon every phase of home life, embracing cookery,. dress, fancy work, homa decoration, gardening, etc. The Detroit Free Press is a paper that once read and enjoyed cpnnol be dispensed with without Porrow and l oss to the whole family circle. II is a family friend. We will send you the Detroit Free Press and The _ NEWS one }Car for ·$1.60. A NEW VoLu)rE.-The one hundred and eightie~h volume of Littell's Living Age opens with the first number of J anu11.ry . During the long existence of this standard weekly maflaziue its value has constantly increa."'d, and it can hardly be dispensed with by the American reader who wishes to keep informed in the work of the best writers a.nd thinkers of the day. 'l'he first number of the new ye1n has the following table of contents:.:....Style bv Walter Pater, i'ortnightly Review; .'rhe Future nf W estmiaster Abbey, by Archdeacon Farrar, Contemporary Review; Ir1eh Houseke~pino;: and Irish Cnstoms in the Last Century, Rlackwood; '.!.'he l3eothuk~ of Newfoundland, by Lady Blake, Nineteenth Century; Society PlletP, '.l.'emple Bar; My Ride to clhe·houan. Blackwood's Magazine; Which \Vin·? Murro.v'a Magazine; Th" Circuits. Spectator; 'l 'he Submissi~n of Great to Queensland, Economist; 'l.'he Training of Kings, Spectator; with cho;.c~ poetry and miscellany. This, the first weekly number of the new . volume, is a go'.Jd one with which to begin a subscription. For fifty-two numbers of sixty-four large pages ea.,h (or more tha.n . 3 .300 pages a yeai·) the subscription price · ($8) is low; whil11 for $10 50 the publishers offer to send any one of the America.n $4 .(JO monthlies or we~kUea with the L iving Asle for a. year, both postpaid. .Littell & Co., Boston, are the publishers. . Re!!;U:lar meeti ng Saturday, January 26th, members all present. Minutes of meeting read and confirmed. E HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF Petition was presented asking for im-· . .all the leading Varieties and ·Novelties provement of the hill at Enniskillen. in Fr111t and Oma.mental Trees. Shrubs Hoses Referred to Qom. of whole Council t o Small Fruits and Bulbs-all of our own grow: ing ; an~ offer special inducement.s for ind113triexamine. ve men. Persevera.noo, not experience A by-law will be passed at the n ext ous,act1 necessary, ' meetini;: for the appointment uf town- j G EO. MOULSON & SON, . ship officers. Meeting to be called for ROCHESTER, N . Y. Saturday, Feb. 16, for nominatbn for 4-lOw. same at 2 p.m . :M:eesrs . I. L. Brown and W. R. }\:.night applied for position o f Assessor. Mr. Hrown was appointed. Reeve Smith and Deputy Small were 1 . appointed to ex11omine the security of · ---oTreasurer. The subscriber offers at private sale, on The Reeve was instructed to grant orders on the Treasur~r for the f ollowing sums ; AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M.. ON R., sundries, $45.80 · Lot 27, Con. 6, Darlington, ne\1-'r ~olina, R. Winna.cott,sheep dam, 6.:~~' ! One high gt"ade Cow, milking end in calf, winR. Nicliols, do. , 13 33 1 ner of 2 first prizes : one tho~ough. bred Cow 3 ·. years-old, with calf at side: one thoro·-bred S . .J. Williams, sal. col. 90.00 Cow. 2 years old ; one Bull, 16 mos. old-all S . .J. Williams extra ser. 10. 00 . bred from excellent stock. · Mrs. Well er and R. Luff $6 each ; · Terms and pedigrees made kriowri at time of sale, Correspondence or a call S(}licited. Mrs. Sproule, Mrs. Cornish, Mrs. Wilson, $5 each ; Mrs. :M:a.llett and Mrs. WM. WERRY, Courtice $4 each : Campbell,, Roseland vale Stock Farm, 5;2w SOLI~A. Heard, Fobinson, Trick, Dean, Stacey and Staples, $3 each ; Orchard and Gregory, $11. each; Mrs. Campbell $1 .50, ~~~~e~~:i~journed to Sa.~urday, Feb. SALESMEN WANTED. W I SHORT HORN STOCK FOR SALE. Friday, Feb. 15th, 1889, z, IJ ' u D 1 cIAL SALE ·· _ First Day of Marc~. ~~~·um· 1FOUNDRY srocK~·& MACHINERY.. BETWEEN PORTER & ~ODEN. . Pursuant to j udgment in abovo suit and with the approbation ot the undersigned Master of the Supremo Court, at Whitby, s. S. EDSALr., the receiver herein. will, up to the next, dispose o! by private sale. at his store, in Bow. manville, tbe following Stock, Mo.chinery and Tools. namely : · -.A. la.rile quantity or Plow Points. of all ma.kes: a large number of Plowe, .A.grioult ura.l Imple· ments. Bag Trucks, Urestings, Stove Castings. one Engine and Boiler (Dooty Bros.), 3 Lathes. 3 ·Drills, 1 Planer-manufactured oy London . ; a.a also a large Tool \Yorks and Bertran & Co_ number ot Dies, Taps,Yioes, Chucks, Beltings. Machine Supplies, etc. · TERMS, CASH. 'fhe sa:me ma,- be inspected on application to the said receiver. Dated at Whitby, this ~th <la:r ot January. A.. o., 1889. 5:Zw, · . G, H1 DAR?NELL, Local Master, S, u. / -

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