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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jan 1889, p. 7

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BLAIN Bt A BOY FIE.ND. ' PA.BSING .cfOTEB. years ago as he haa cattle since, and the\ Resolves fer the .Hew Year, , . o·.... peasants whom Millet admired did not find Of t k ~-·Peculiarly BevolUng Milrder et aa ,. him UIJappreoiativo. L!.tely hie eon ·1111 pr.isc~urae we a 11 want, o ma e a ce_roaua 1 WomaatnaC:ountryBowe. Leeds, Eoglant; has a permane11t art edhimwithaveryfineetohingofoneofhie resout1on on New Years day, even if we CHILI, N. Y., Jan. 24, 1889 -A horrible gallAry containing museum court and veeti- beat piotures of sheep, tliefather being quite break the~ the out, as most Goods down to the lowest WEDNESDAY, JAN. ;}O, 1889. murder W&s committed between the hours of bule, sculpture gallery, a11d six well.lighted unaware that his son had artistio power. of us do, but. if we look 1ato tho matter seven ~nd twelve last 11ight at Myron Davis' ro >me for pictures. Ite own colle.ction is Jacque is the author of a volume on the closeI:r, we w~ll find .t~at we do_ not make point except given away. house m the town of Riga, on the ChHiroad, ·sn:all, but the exhibitio11 for the Winter is breeding of poultry and is said to be a man the~ in the right spmt when they are 110 two and &ha.If mi!es from Chili Sbtion and enlarged by piotares lent from other muse- of uncommon bre~dth, critical force anti broken. In the fint pliwe~ "!e i:ziust --otwelve milss from Roche t< r. Mrs. Mary- ums. teaming. . ' study ourselves, our faults a~d hm1tat1ons, J. H! a lady sixty of age was kil~ed A circular tomb ha.s been found in a hill-, , · a~d then such resoluttollJ! as we see ' J J J . r I by Uhris B:irger or St1ckle11burge!, a. 81~. aide nea.r . Epidaums Greece coIJtainina A strange case of a !:\lother a laok !'f ~ra.t1- will be moat helpful to us to correct these, in endless variety-we make a Once said that the secret of good health toen-year-:>ld boy The murderer killed his k 1 t 119 'th " tude to the preserver of her own child 18 re- looking to One who alone is a.ble to help us · lt · h 1 'rk th ' f th · consisted in keeping the head cool, th.a victim with a. bo~t, pounding her hea.d a11d ~·et e ? t w~ ;~~t 8 1 .e dosb 0 e pri: porte4 from Bo,ton. 1t· api> that 011e keep theiri. specia Y in t ese goods, 8 the frontal bones of his doric.dofimb 1 Ity~ez;re, afn a. ronzedsplea.dr- day last summer Doctor Galvin wa.s atte11dAs I am writing to women, I propose to feet warm, and the bowels open. Had face co a. pulp · brea.king . · M rs. M a.ry p· ark er w hom h e . ha.d 'd e- tll · CLOTHS&TWEEDS-.a ·L· ,.,..OD"' the skull and crushing the nne and fore·· ea.b an · tua.. t 0 bel'isoneo th t seve11an 't ' teas lllg ·e t h em of a cod e ma.db e ya. friend of .mllle, n. ,... · · u. thi& eminent physician lived in our day, 1 head reJo17te s i;ive a . I represen ian liveredofaohild Tlle ohildhad been laid nJa.nuary 1887 ·She is a.farmer's wife Our CLOTHING DEPARTMENT ·and known the merits of Ayer'.s Pills ~; L;st evening Myron Davi;,' wife . imd two efpoc~l nGt for a. few isole.ted pla.ces only, ·but upon the bed whlle some speoia.1 a~t9n.tio11s with sever;l ohild~en, a.nd wa9 'a very Ma.rth~ h t'll . h as an aperient, he would certainly have · 11r a reece, were being given to the mother, when a amo11g wome11, "ca.reful and troubled a.bout as S 1 a.t its ~ad the only first-. leh their home a.bout seven o'clock 1 d l · recommended tliem, as so many of his children to attend a. school entertainmeIJt. There Shakspeare is nob i:elished by the R'um- bu l og suddenly sprang up from one corner many things." I will q11ote from her letter, c ass cutter in town. M Jst of the distinguished successors are doing. w~re lefo in ~he hou se. Mr 8 · H >le, two of auia.ns. "King L1a.r," which ha.a just been of the ruom a.nd a.ttempted to aeiza the child. which may help some of you : other hduses that blow of first cla.s . The celebrated Dr. Farnsworth, of , upo11 the boa.rd~ a.t the Na.tiona.i Thea.tre The doctor sprang to the rescue a.uJ a life "I wa.s fast working myself i11to that . · S IJ..vis 1dr en a.nd Curi· Barger or put youag c hi B · l d db h and death 11truggie ensued, wh1.cb e11ded i'o narro~ bed wh1'ch must form our last rest. · cutters have their work m"d"" Norwich, Conn., recommends Ayer's St ickltmburger (a.e went by uwo na.meR). '.1.'he in, rn open y a.mne y t e press. ., "' ,, up boy aeeurnd to ti~ in good humor when Mrs. This is wh'l>t the critic of the lea.ding journa.l the doctor mana.giog te> hurl the fierce brute It wa.s 011e eternal round of washing, iron- by sueaters and call it ftrst-cl!\Ss Pills as the best of all remedies -for Davis and ~he two c'!J.ildrenleft thehonse. of the R >11mauian capit&l says : "The pla.y tnrough the window, but 11ot before hfj ha.d ing, clea.ning, sewing, sweeping a.nd ba.kiIJg. to gull the publ' ' "Intermittent Fevers." is antiquated. The subject da.tes ·from be· received such injuries a.3 obliged him to One day when I was fl11ting the ruflhs of lC. Dr. I. E. Fowler, of Bridgeport, A GHA.STLY SIGHT, fore the B.ood. fostead of being interested witbdrilw from pra.ct ice for many weeks. my lit~le girls' a.prone, I ha.ppe11ed to re· Every customer that has an eye to Conn., says: "Ayer's Pills are highly At twelve o'clock Mr. a.nd Mrs. Davis re- in the insanity of.the howling kinu, the pub· He ha.d to sue ~rs. P<1orker before he could fleet upon probable future of my little beauty in clothes 11 and universally spoken of by the people ' ca s upo 'J. turned. ·on e11teriog the bedroom occupied . lie went sweetly to sleep, a.nd won't be like- obbain any sa.~i$faction for the terrible risk ones · H I · should be ta.ken skk ·o r die. about here. I make daily m;e of thew by Mr~. Hale and the two children left a.t ly to come he had ran a.nd a jury awa.rded him $700 Probably I was then overtired, for one or home wich her they were horrified to fiad In my practice." One of the moat lamentwble oases of tar- damages. · other of these ca.ta.strophes seemed to be at the body of that la.dy lying on the floor in a · bl · It · f ll · ,. · d ·1 · th t That the moat complete .freedom of con· that m,ment immine11t. That night after Dr. Mayhew, of ·New Bedford, Mass., p ool cf blood. The dead woman's face was rfi; e re~u l~ ~ owlll:· u gence i11 a science in m'3otters of worship prevails in the I we11t to bed I framed in my mllld a set says : "Having prescribed many thou. a terrible sight. Lying on tha d ead woma.n's ha. uo: ia~ lff on w ll so :a.r:y ph;io.i;s ; United S ba.tes is evident from the fa.ob . tha.t of resolutions .which I a.fterward wrote out. sands o! Ayer's Pills, in my practice, I breast, iua little hauds covered with her a.~~ g~ c; or dn. raiowif.\w I e a hea.thon temple for Chinese Baddhist They were, that I would lie dow11 da.ny; if can unhesitatingly pronounce them the to design them for him. blood, wa.s the youngest child, a.ged three m~ ionM ipDne K Ill r\1a. . ;5 . I ceremonial wa.s rece11tly opened in New only. for fiftee11 minutes. That one after· best cathartic in use." · years. It ha.d evidently crawled on the : en h db· h ·h. ia.n, : k arrifferb o th I York and the new·papers f.ull a.ccounts noo11 i11 the week, in wiIJter a.t, I The Massachusetts State Assayer, Dr. ot 1st e~s a. e1Ito " ove. e of the performa.n~es And IJOt only this would devote to the excha.nge of ideas with body after Mrs. Hale'ii death. Upon a aea.rch kwn, A . A. Hayes, certifies : ",I lu~ve made a seem\ i~- bat 80 far as we kn~w 110t a. word of pro~ the.outer world-I would aee some friend, being it wa.s found tha.t a drawer of a. ne~,bl ~ng d nex iti ayto careful analysis of Ayer s Pills. They bureau io ~he room in which the murder wa.s pteosst~ e t Vtha d~ont t on, f secnre muc a. - test wa.s e11tered. agaidst heathe11ism being either i11 her home or mine. -Tha.t three contain the active principles of well· committed had been ra11sacked. . .A silver n ;on t~ \ i~ a ~ o co~motn 1~:ns:h~~ thos permitted to place itself side by side eveniIJgs in the week, in winter a.t lel!ost, I }[PQwn drugs, isolated from inert ~at watch, a loa.ded revolver, a ha.If dolla.r of the ~ucO~la.l. ers, h~ Stl!.re y achoi ends l e Ith with Chrhtia.11ity Of course any other would rea.d a.loud, with, or without, the ter,Y i.vhich plan is, chemica:lly speakmg, i11 c1 1a. oug ·. o prea.c pru ence w . ' · · h.ld th ~ i t' f th · coinage of 1812 which was a in the t 1 d th th . d v1ew11 would have been altogether mcon- c i ren- a.u s, some tmes or eu of great importance to their usefulnes~. It never wa.e Intended, so far as I can learn: family, and a. bunch of keys were missing. o11g11es ou er a.n 11~ er. siste11t with ·right conceptions .of liberty. benefit, a11!1 somat1mes for my ow11. It insures activity, certaintY., and um· That either men or women were intended to<. formity of effect. Ayer's Pills contain It was found later tha.t the murderer had ll'here is ariy quantity of cul'iosity a.nd Buddhism ha.s the same ri,e:ht to erect a "Now, i11 order to do this, the work must be bald. · · no metallic or mineral substanc~, but also taken Mr. Davis' overcoat, a.rgumenta.tio11 going on a.a to the gentlemen temple·in :New York, and even to ca.rry Oll be lessened somewhete. First, I lef~ d! I th!IJk you will believe me, Indeed I'm s~ ~ you wm. . the virtues of vegetable remedies in R')BBE:&Y THE PROBABLE MOTIVE. whom Preside11t·elect Harri~on i~ likely to a. ri.lligious ··propaganda there, as Americ&n every .ruflle a:nd tuck from garmente, ~1ttle If at the"Parle Hair Worke" you have called..__ tkilliul combination." ~ YouIJg Barger, the perpetr~tor of the a.w- honour by ca.lliog them to h111 ca.bmet, No or Presbyterians or Baptist~ a.nd big. Thie saved both se_wi~g and tron ful crime, ha.d worked for Mr. D.lvis six thing definite is k nown, as the Ge11era.l is a. to erect churches in Pekin. ing, F1a.nnels, plain underoloth1ng (and we There is one thing Nature thinks of-let us thank her for all we ca11· th M: D" I h d b 1 ., b ma.11 who ha.a a fa.culty for holding his . · . . soon had no other) were brought from the She takes particular trouble with 011r race;· mon s. . rs. ,,.,, e a. ee11 emp oye~1 y tongue whes he thinks it necessa.ry. Even · The city, town, a11d township par- li11eo11 w11osh day, a.s 110011 as dry, foldedneatPrepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer& Co., Lowell, Mui. She knowe a. scanty growth of hair, the gra;y_ the family only two months. She was born his trie11ds admit !ihat he is as close a.a a.n ltaments have been chos-eo for 1>nother year. ly a.nd hung on the horse t.o air without t11ok· and white;iing locks. · ·,~ Sold by all Dealers in MedleiDo. i11 the house, it having once belonged to her oyster, a good listener, but a veritable Hu?-dr!!da of people . have b~en deputed -by ing an iro11 to them at a.11, I have sinee Will detract tram Uie bealltf ol the face·. _ _ .,,, father. Yesterda.y Burger a.sslsted in killing sphinx so fa.r as answering goes. So tha.t it thet~ fell~ws to ma.na_ge their loca.l a.ff~rs, I.earned that it. is considered better not to But Nature has her laws so strict thaL f ott hogs at a neighboring fa.rmer's. No motive would seem they are all as much i11 the da.rk a.nd in thu wa.y to. tra.m the!118elves for tm- ll'OIJ sheets, as it ta.kes off the sweet smell of must never err, · for the crime is knoWIJ, but Mr, Davis thinks a.s a11ybody. The thiIJg is to be settled in the porta.nt aIJd prom_1nent . duties by a11d by, 11ewly wa.shed linen. H such things For you'd surely pay the·penalty at last Susta!IJ it. that bounteons head . o f hair · tha.t the boy expected to find a. large sum of President's O·'Vll hea.d, aul as the responsiblle Let IJO l!la.n despise ~uch offices. L't IJO hung up straight, a.nd the11 not ja.mmed in a. Dr. Doren,wend·s Hair Magic's unsurpassed. mo11ey in the house. One th.iory is that the ity will be his in ~11'y he mea.11s to settle man belittle the duties atta.ched to. them. wad in a ba.sket to lie over night prepara.tory They . of th~ ver~ essence of liberty. to 'spr .inkli11g,' there are few wrinkles tha.t Just try It you aill!cted, you nover will regret. boy wa.s opening the drawere, when Mrs. it without advice. Hale disco. v ered him a.nd a.ttempted to stop They are s c hooJs m w h tch men t a.ught to ca11not be rubbed out with your two ha.nds The Mal{1c was never yet know11 to fail · h. b ti t d the good that i& will do you will J 0h n t' C ma.bmta.h ~a.y a~ P\ en u~ transact public business, to interest them- d&y remained a necessary evil but i Alld :rou him, a.IJd tha.t he, being a.fraid of arrest, resoon forget · . solved to kill her, ' · Ph~ov?c:t ion\hu t e fio~st 0 u :h.ways ,Z~e 6 selves in the common weal, and to see to it saved washin 11 in every way possible' Lit· The expenditure a bottle will entail. . 18 . rig ~wt ou g thor s · em. C er t that the country or district sha.11 s11ffer no tle squares of white oilcloth were laid a.nder T~is now fa~ous preparation for invig. The Year 1900. lSf athcasue J~ts dnoswt t e oreh e. upcr~me c:r wrong. Sometimes those chosen may be no the children's plates a.nd in summer when 1 8 h n e tt es w t~~e~i; r~ f th~ grea.t affJ.irs. Sometimes the position of the me11 were afield 'and clothing was neoes· ora.tmg 8nd stimulating the growth of the Although the yea.r 1900 will be divi8ible op· 11 c a.Ee11lges. eAcotnsft ul8180811a tI.~t o. . Councillor or Alderma.n may be sought for sarilymore soiled ~ o11g strip d thif .ina.t< r- hair is universally accepted as the moafl. by four without a. rem!loi11der, it will 11ot be lh~g !ti b N · d th _ _ ' . . · mese xc us1on c o . seems BY ONE MA · Grea tly improved. Also TOOL leap ye.u. '.l'.welve· must ela.pse be, tha.thewenttoChina.inJ1111e 1887, but not se stl'rea.e,'.lntsh. evfermdtnt.' ef ·arlrfange- ia! was upon either side of the. ta.ble. valuable specific on the market. All 1 0 ~1'gt, fi~~~esa~~·~i~f!~~~~Y J!1~t f~:~·s:O?t~iP~~~~i~. ca;~ f men ies au every oun a ion e> se gov- Pies which had been on our ta.ble da.ily be· diseases of the scalp are either relieved or . h . , t _ , · .fi t elhe,.., tor common cross-cut"""'· by moll , 9.oo. Runore the interesting eve11t takes pla.<ie; but 1fer:1 caf ~hs . ret erIJment all the same. , It is home gover11- ca.m~ a. ra.rity . still more Think permanently cured. A rich and rapid dreds haves..wed5to 9 COJUlS tlas ly, Wo w an t !'llWhO it WaS j.ust the Same in 1800 and 1700, but wi~ odutb stlcurmfg a rt~ uC11 q:fuirse FY a.w_ rom T~- ·0 ~?fior to e p~r m~nt in its essence, and nobody but a fool of the savwg' of l~bor that thia· sa.crifice growth of hair will follow after judicioua ~~1i1e'fg1~~u~n111 ~!t:~~:~~~~~ ~?ar;ro!:~:r"i,>~~~;:~o~ not 1600, for ~ha.t was a leap year, 0 dan ~~ncts~o. . 19 ~SS 1 ca. e thwas would speak ligbrly eitl;ier of its duties, or meant and my husband says it has bee11 110 and .regular treatment. It remains with actly what y ou w:cnt, the gre.ntes~ ln.bor-saveraod be~t- the yea! 2000 Will be a lea.p year also. Why 1 sellitig tool now on ef\"rth. F irst ot·tler front your vicm· h' h Id b . - b . . d' .otn 'de Pe~ of itll privileges. lf things were exa.ctly a.s aa.crifi~e but that on the 0011tr.i.ry he thillks the user alone to secure the desired ttysecures ngency. N'.l d11tytOfH\.y, 'Vemann fl\c t nre ti 18 8 OU e..1s a pi:,o ]em. To expla.ID 1D nhoret honEis 1re .urnAlllt a. t e x:c uemn c ma e ·i voi · a.u they ought to be the v b t ld ' · · · · h' · 111 c,da. FOI:urn .·G S.·~nNG 11ucmli& co .·, aoa 10 811 d.eta.ii wouhi be a tiresome task but it rests t this Is the question which the Supreme ·. . · . ery es .men '!'~u doin!J without these da.1nties has given 1m results. Dr. Dorenwend's "Hair Magic" 80· C&o·I 8 '"·1· thieai;o. u. 8' .1.. on the pri11ciple that II. ditrere11~e of 11 min.t h b ll d t d 'd be w11lmg to aerve in such unpa.1d posit1011s a new lease of life BakiIJg day which once Cour a.a een ca. e noon o em e. ' WvllId s~e t o it · tlla.t t h ~se with its doughnuts · a.nd piea had ' ' bee11 my is s~ld by all druggists at $1 per bottle. a.11d the counury utes pe. day exists bt1twee11 a.otua.l time and This is a da.y of reverses for the German best man .w.ere chosen. lo a.ffect to despise busiest da.y, 110w my., day of leisure or six bottles for $5. If 11ot Qa.lenaar. time. :rhuv a.. ye~r is computed at in your loc~Jity send direct to the s.o lo0 .. ' 1 1 · 3651 da.ys, three be1Dg 365 da.ys long Fa.therla.11d. Hamiliated in Sa.moil. by the such pos1t1ons, and to make fun of. those -comparative Ieisute for I still do not lux. i;:i, S, a11d the fourth ye&r 366 days. In fact, the defea.t of ite forces, aud die~ra.eed at home who occnpy them, is a. crime against liberty, uriate in idle11ess. Tbe cqildren are merrier ma.nufacturer, enclosing price. A. DORN· r .a prepJ.ra.tion to its overthrow. aIJd ha.ppier, beca.use I ()&n give tb6m more WEND, Paris Works, 103 and 100 . I yea.r is 365 dB.ya, 5 hours and 45 minute& by the oonduct of the Bismarc~ wing in the and so fa._ time. My husba.nd is more pleased, beca.uee Y~ng.e St., Toronto. For sale by .. J , · .,,__ . ' 'J lo11g, or 11 minutes abort of 3651 days. The Geffcke11 Morier cases, sackcloth a,nd be sa.ys I do 11ot now look overworked, and, Higginbotham & Son, and all drciggis~ _,..,..-.- -Painted lu first-class style at leap yea.r every four years is to have ashes are the a pprppriate rii.ilneIJ t of the 1 altogether, we sil.tillfied with my resohiPlanets Visible in February. & bee11 a11 in!e11t~on of Julius Cresa.r's. ~o a.l· period. The imperious young potentate who tion~.J, · Emperor, sta.rted in with. much calls himself \j;o tf J · low for this difference of eleven mlllutes Four plimets iIJa.y be se.eIJ i11 February. My friend could nob ea_ s ily kept these Parties having anything in the above line that ·per year, one leap·year was dropped every the spirit as that Jewiah King who requires l)aipting will save money b;r having hundred years. Bat this .Willi found l:!>Ot to was going to chastise with scorpions those Mercary, . .Venus .and Ba.tarn eve.oing· resolutions without the co-opera.tion of her , '\ the work done at my shop. _ be - exa.ot, and Pope Gregory XUI. i11 1582 whom hie ta.ther ha.d been co11te11ted tc pun· Jupiter ill morning ata.r. , , husband, e.nd, i11 the name of overburde11ed Bring your Sleighs a11d Cutters in early 111 the a. . n improveme11t and decreed th·t ish with whips. It ·will be well if . outwa.rd Mercury, during the tira1i weak ·of the. woma.11hood, 1 ask the husba11ds ·who rea.d season. It wont cost any more and better work w Paid up «:apttal. $300.000. can be done by having plenty of time, centuria.l year a.11d 1etti11g it remain as 112u- results of a similar kind do 11ot follow a sim- month, . is visible to the na.ked eye, ha.ving the "American Agriculuralist" to be i11 thb Relit. ljl 1·,000. . Orders for ·l on the fourth centuria.l yeaj,, a. eystein ls· i!ar "pig-hea.ded" policy·in the ni11eteenth just pa.ssed J;lla approach to the ma.tter a helpmee.t tO th~lr wi:ves.'.'""[Alice --o-- . ce11tury. earth, a.nd his period of greatest brillia.ncy. Chittenden . obtai11ed so closethli.t it would take thousands Public feeling OQ ;the other side is being He seus 011 the 1st about an hour a.nd a ha.If of years to make up another·da.y's difference .~~ I beg to notify the public that am receivlu g deposits for this compa11y, a11d allC1wi.og a.~ in_time._ The cale11dar time is still not ex- gra.dua.lly brought to a boilin~ point on the a.fter the sun. If the eve11ing be exceptionHATS AND BALDNESS AGAIN. will receive prompt attention. higher rate o : interest than the bank11; ,· snbject of the moral pestilence which openly ally olear, an observer will ea.sily find this act mathema.tioa.lly, but a.e no oha.nge will Shop over McMURTRY'S LIVERY STABLE. No NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL REQU'IREJT ' BOWMANVJLLE; . . be riecessa.ry for 4,COO, it will 11ot fa.11 flauIJts itse~l in the WiscoIJsin woods. After rarely beautiful phnet, three-q11a.rters of ari , A. 11 ew Discussion or a Famuar Topic, The habit of weari11g warm covering bn to the share of tlla prese.ot genera.tion to all the outcry 'about the mora.l baseness of hour a.fter sunset, in the southwest, 11early I am a.lso pr ep t to gra.n t the Chinese on the California, a.nd eight degrees north af the sunset poi11t, An the hea.d is·.11ot of recent da.te, the armies ol correct the discrepancy. Loans on REAL ES'.l'A. T.13 the lewdness of Mormon. polygamy, careful opera-glass wil! be an aid in finding him, Europe, for instance, 110 inconaiderable 39-3m on favora ble terms. investigation has. de117on~trated the fl~ct a.nd when fo1111d, it is to follow his 11umber of men, with hea.ds close cr'opp .d, An Old-time Wedding Feast. OFl!'ICE: tha.tin the lumbermg districts of Wisconsm, coUise with the UIJaided eye. · worn for a long period wa.rmer a.nd At McMurtry's Dr;y Goods Store, ~ TORONTO STEAM LAUNDRY, . In a.n account of the expe11$eli incurred at amid white men, and so.called Chrhtia11s, Venus is the peerle3S evening star, reigIJ· heavier headgea.r than ~he modern dwellers :"\)O@Q'l;,Q 106 York St.. Toronto. a wedding in 1530, the following items a state of things prevails which is as ba.d as mg supreme in the southwestern sky. i:lhe in cities, without the tendency of baldW. F. AL LEJ.1 Bowman ville, Oct, 11, l~. 4~ - hu · wh"t is vilest in the most depra.ved heath rea.ches her greatest dista.nce from the ness, sa.ys W. C. Gouinlock in the Builder. SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS rema.rkable i11 the menu of tile dinner : Two oxen, £3; seven calves, l9s: ; seve11 11ism. sun, on the 18cb, and then retra.cea her steps Nor are the heavy fur. coverings of norther11 a specia(tY. Out ot town work promptly attended to and returDed lambs, lOa.; six wethers, l4a.; twelveswa.ns, Mr. Gla.dstone finds some difficnlty in ex- towa.rd him. Her stay above the horizon, ra.ces inoompa.tible with luxuriant hair. It · per instructions. £3 ; eight era.nee, £1 6J. Sd.; sixteeIJ hearon pla.ining a te~egrai;n sent by him .from, after time, w.ill be shorter, ~ut her size is a.lso difficult to understa.nd whab injury fews (herons presumably), everyo11e 14:1.; III which he ts said to have sa.1d that he a.nd bnlllancy will constantly as ca.n r1:sult from clo$e cutting, per se. Tbe G·.P. SHARPE, Proprietor. door to.Palmer __house. Handy to Union ten butters (bitterns), everyone H:i.; sixty favoured the idea of having the questio11 of she approaches the ea.rth. Venus will be growth is in the follicle, and in it a.lone; cowple conys (ra.bbits), every cowple 5d.; the Pepe's reassvmption r.f temporal power (seen in her moat cha1ming aspect during there ia no vita.I connection between the peyot. OF CANADA. ab,teen capo11s of. grease (fat ca.pons), every· settled by ro-bitra.tion·. He declares that ~e Februa.ry., Ma.rob a.nd April. Sae.must 110 u ha..i r outside the scalp a.11d within; it is 011e 6d.; thirty other ca.pons, te11 pigs, four · IJc.ver said aIJy suoh thing, though be admits be mistaken for the "Star of Bethlehem," usually cut cloeest !lot the back of tbe head Capital paid up, 811,00o,OOO. - Rest, $160-1. . · dozen chickens, etc. Spices innumerable are himself to have no very district remem. which has 11o prese11t existeIJce except iIJ a.nd neck, where bald11ess never ocoure. Thla Bank lB -;r';pared to do Legltt.. THI~ YEA.R'S mentioned, and materials for sweet dishes. bra.nee ofjaet what he did say. · It is likely the popula.r ima.gination. . Would 11ot close cutting ra.ther stimula.te .nate Banking ln all its branches. Amo11g them 3 lb. ma.rmelet, l lb. tume· e11ouyh tha.t this storl;' . will be the Sa.turn is evenini;c star. Re le nearest to the growth by exposure of the sea.Ip? Such Farmers note11 discounted ; Depoelt.8&11, 2 lb flour of portingale, 3 lb. ora11ge most of by those who give ~redenoe, whether the ea.rth on the 5 th, a.IJd in excellent posi· at least is the popular .belief. So, too, with bndds, 4 lb. ora.nge syrroppe, etc. Amo11g real or a.ssumed! to the silly sc~11d~l tion for observation duri11g the whole month. i11door life. Women,. who ought to show it ceoeived and Inter.est paid on amounts- ol the dress items_are twenty-011e yards russet Mr. <.la.dst<ine is a.lrea.dy a. papist i11 dlS· Re may be found 011 the 5 th in the north· most, whether i11 the home or in the factory, 95 upwards in Savings Bank Department; damask, every ya.rd 3s.; six ya.rds tawny guise, a.IJd would be 011Iy too weU pleased to east, rising when the sun sets, a.IJd rems.Ill- are 11ever ha.Id as men are; on the contra.ry, DRAFTS UlTT and PLlTG velvet, every yard 14s. ; twelve white bear give support to, a.ny scheme that would fog visible through the entire night. Ob- it is most commo11 with men in good cir· skins, twelve coneys' ski11s, thirty.. white further the Pope 8 ends. servers ca.n easily follow hia courre remem· cumsta.nces, as Mr. Ea.ton's sta.tistica show, [saned and Collectlons made In Euro(Ml lambs' ski11s, three bla.ok velvet bonnets, U. S. Sena.tor Blair seems to be actually bering tha.t he rises four minutes ea.rlier men who spe11d a larger proportion of their United States and Canada. daytime in the open tha.n the Indoor each 17e.; a wedding ri11g of gold, 12~. 4d.; iIJ earnest in his efforts to bring abo~t a eveiy 11igbt. S!!.turn m..y be know11 by his worker. W. J ··TONES, a. millen bo11net dreused with a.gietts,. 12a. Fl~~- TDA..N El,.ER. I believe the common form of ba.ldneBB is Ac~ 4d.; a pair of mytten sleeves of white sa.tin, politica.l union of .and the United pa.le yellow color a.11d seiene, steady light, 8$., etc. Thus we see that in those days a. States·. lie a. speech in the ~enate re- and also by the,.brtgbt star Regulus in the due entirely to the kind of ha.t that is wor11, See ya.rd of velvet was worth a.s much as six oeIJtly, m which he .ca.lled upon ~1e ~~other . handle o! the Sickle, a few degrees south- principally to the high hat aIJd the ha.rd felt · !hat but a.lso to a.11y other hea.d covering tha.t wethers (sheep), a.nd that eight la.mbs would dignitaries to coos1~er the adv1Bab1hty. of of him, Jupiter is morning star, risi11g on the lat, 0011stricts the blood vessels which nonrieh oontinues to do a General Banking Buslnt(E!> just a.bout equa.l the weddi11g riIJg in va.lue. re.alizi11g the American dream of nothing short .of continej'.lta.1 governm.ent. If the a~ - more than two hours before the sun, a.11d <?n the hair bulbs. To have a clea.rer under- Bo wma11ville Bra11ch. oexa.t1on of. Canada rested with t~e Amen- the last of the month, more tha.11 four hours sta.nding of this, we mustremember that the DEPOSl'I'S PAP FOB CBILDREN.-For infa.nta the fol- cans only, it would b.e verv ea.edy a.cdm· before the su11. A gla11ce at the southea.atern scalp is supplied with blood by a.rteries a.t lowi11g · is especially recommended :-one pliehed, a11d Mr. Blair would D;0 t nee t~ sky after he ha.a. rill.en .will reveal the the, sides a11d front of, a11d lying close :teoelved ln Savings Bank Depa.rtmentand in bronze on qua.rt of buttermilk boiled with one ta.ble- wa.ate much valua.ble ekq?ence lil pere~a.d presence of the maJestic king of the, to the akull which diminish in size by · fre- 1811 and interest allowed at current rates. N' of wheat flour to the consistency of ing his countrymen; but smce the Can~dtan11. He o8Jlnot be mistake11 for a.ny other, for 110 qi:ent brandhmg a.a they ·converge t.oward 1otice of withdrawal 11ecessary. AU del!Glil;. Each PLlTG & PA.UKA.GE. spoonful · thin pap. 41-ly the other star in the vici11ity compa.rea with him the t.op of the hea.d. They 11ore ill a. most ~ayable on dema11d, would require to .some " 8 ~Y" EXCDA.NGE ma.tter, the Senator is hkelY: to have i:nater- in bright11ees. fa.vorable position to be compressed lyiIJg . ia.l for "tore.ting " for a conSldera.ble time to The starlit sky of February reveals much on unyieldi11g bone &IJd covered by thin tlis· Jought a.11d sold a.nd Dra.tts.Issued upon Euro~. come ye · to interest those who watch the pla.nets in sue. Consider what effect must be produced ]nited States and Canada, also Gold Silver.._ At a meet~ng of railroa.d m11gna.tes r.ecent· their courses. Venus a.nd Mercury shine by a <!lose·fittin11;,.hea.vy rigid ha.t ; its pres- Jnited Sta~es Greenbacks boul{ht a~d sold. ly held_in New Yo!k, some very strmp;e~t in the southwest in grea.ter a.nd lesser glory. s~re must lessen to a cer~ai11 extent the t:JOLLE()'l.'18.N~ regula.t1ons were laid dow11 as to the wa.y tn Saturn holds his coart in the southeast in B.ow of arterial blood, and obstruct to a which ra.ilroa.d bi;sines.s is hereafttr to be the early eve11ilig, and Jupiter, sole repres· grea.ter extent the return of the ve11ous; the E'roinptly m.ade at ourreni rates upon all. P4"' 0 co11ducted, i11 this there seems to be eatative of the brotherhood in the morni11g result being a. sluggish circulation·m the ca.p- ~f Great Brittain, the UnUed States and De·· hope that a. more. honourable Pra. in the sky, reigns without a riva.1 as the sun's illariee a.round the follicles a.nd bulbs, a mlnion of Canada, history of railroad ma.nagement. ha.s . at bright harbinger. consequent impairment of 11utritio111 and Telegraph Transf"el"s leng·h been reached. ';l?he wa.y III wh1~h fi11a.l a.trophy. Xhis pressure is not trivial tor large or B!:llall · on all parts Qt;. some of the Western railroad orima.gina.ry, a.s a11y OIJe will admit who Canada. This ta espeoiall;y advantageollBto. · bas 11o·iced the red band of co11gestion on the perso11s llvln1t in Ma11itoba or the North-wt11' pa.rticula.r have ducks a.nd drak8'! of the money of their sha.reholders, by wa.sting The Chinese .Emperor's Wed,ding. forehea.d when a hard hat is removed after r.11 lt makes the funds available at once ai t. "-· plaoe of payment. it in 11eedless among themselves, . · modera.te exercise t' t ha.a been disgra.ceful, a11d if a. 11ew lea.f shall The Pek~ (Chma) "Gazette" ~a.ya :-The ---·----B'ortorther particulars call at the Banklll 00 lS . 0 be found to a.ctually been turned by !3oard of R1t~s presents amemona.1 C?ncer~An Anxious Outlook. Elouse. the recent meeting in New York everyo11e mg the marriage of the Empe_ror, which Will RODIE, GEO. MoGILL, 0 will rejoice 11.nd t he stock holders in western take place Feb. 26. Her Ma1esty, the Em- .We go 011 to i11crease i11 numbers a11d in Accountant, Mil.~ · l e ·l 9' re.ilroa.ds IJ~b the le&Et of a.11. press Dowager, has already sanctio11ed a. wea.ltb, but the republic is to receive, per. · . programme prese11ted by the board, wherein j haps, its severest test in the opening yea.r, The S ackv1lle mm~ent s.eems to have set forth i11 order the ceremonies of the century upon which we are enteri11g · · given tmpl'.tus ~o a feel in.~ w htch bad alrea.d! proposed to be performed. First will II in ada.pti11g these numbers and wea.lth to its ay~ been W?r.k!ng lIJ .the mllldS of so~e Amert- place the sendi?g of pres·mts to the bride, system. .There is a. large u11intellige11b vote _ ca.n pohuc1a.ns, th~s, name~y, tha.t it woul~ be then the :raarnage, next joint· worship by lat the North a.a well as a.t the. South of the well to do.away with sendm~ representa.ti~~s the imperia.1, the conferring of a patent country. If the 011e is suppressed by force, of t~e UI11ted St ates to fore1g_n c?nrts. Tats M Empress on the bride, prese11tation to or fra.udulently deprived of represe11tations WE HAVE IN STOCK : feelmg has recently found vorne lil Congress the Empress Dowager, reception of felicita.- 1the other is 11ot without subjection to a11other whereMr·. McAdoi;, ofNe_wJers~y, madea tions, a.11d imperia.l ba.nquet. The board lillfl.ue11ce ha.rdly !ess objectlo11a.ble. The " speech "!'h1ch he 'Yas in t he lme of P0P · now reports tha.t it ha.a given orders for the wealth of the cou11t ry comes i11 here a.a its ula.r feebi:ig on the sub1ect. _He condemi;-ed fa.brica.tion of a sheet cf gold for the patent 1danger. The 1111otion ha.s just see11 how ea.sily the sendmg of to foreign and a golden sea.I. It also presents a list of wealth ma.y be employed to a.ffect a natio11· courts on the ground t~at .1t ts ~ useless, ab- the du~ies which should be performed bv ·a.I electio11. A serious q ·1P.stion is as to surd cust?m, a.11d und1gmfied, maemu~h as the vart?us departments of St.ate in connec- lwhether this is the bei.imiln5 ofa pract ice the Americans have ~<> a subordma~e tion w1~h the celebration, a11d it tha.t is to increase, a.11d, 11 so, if <>nr Govern· place ~o ~he more highly decorated ple111- commuruca.te the same to the departments · ment is strong e11ough to bea.r the strain -.:B'Y· potentia.r1es from elsewhere. whe11 Her Majesty shall have given her ' thus put upon it. The final problem to con· and all other goods that is ha.rd to be surpassed. The veteran pa.inter Char}es J ac.q ue is of them: At . the festivities front the.people in the secon.d ce11tury_ orthe 111111' I am fully prepared to attend Funerals oa We mean business, i.nd many returns to y ou for many years' past about to show in Paris six of his moat import- a.ttendmg the marriage wdl be employed republic ts, therefore, that mvol ved III the ant pa.iut inus. In some rega.rds he can be 40,0C O horn . lanterns, 12,~00 gla.~s lamps, preserva~ion of sound au~ judic~ous govern- the shortest 11otice, at the lowest possible Coskete and Burial Cases ready 011s bort nctic>1> favors. cla.ssed with the Ba.rbizon pa.imers, for he and 24,000 pieces of embroidered stlks, and ment while the suffrage is bO widely shared B':lrst-class hearse 011 very moder ate tffiliis ~ettled ther e at the same t ime with Millet. I skilled arti_ficers i:ow ha.rd a.b work , by uni11:ellie;ent pe~ple. a.nd th~ power_ of Shrouds and Coffins consta11t !y on hand. F au. ' I He painted ohick e11s as a.ssidu ously 40 or 50 manufa.cturtng these a.rt1cles. money 1s so potent lD it. lb ts a serious e ral c~ rds supp_ · d a 1. once. Ifnmiture Shop Show Rooms-Bouusa .is New Bleck. THE PEOPLE'S JEWELLER. one.. -[Boston Hera.Id. 48 !)auadian Jtatesmau. ECLIPSE HOUSE AFamous Doctor j TIES COLLARS CUFfS CLOVES. 1 ° 'h f:hkt IV d. I W. H. IV.EE . ANOTHER WONDER. Ayer's Pills, bf £ id: C · I in and :g· Surreys Bugcri es Market Wagop Sle1gh Cutters &c . L ""EStPRICESllN TOWN The Ontario Loan and Savings Co. ' I NTI N Q SIG.N.. PA -W.MORRISON. $ n ['J [l} f STANDARD BAN A. · MYRTLE SMOKING TOBACCO T&B THE ONTARIO BANK lll Canada Our Rome. TO OUR RESPECTED . FRIENDS · I I We have greevt reason for thankfulness and .hopes for future prosperity. · aJ}owed , a t the present 1me, be 0 Ur s t k ·n the Dom' n. on and the One f the tineSt 1 . 1 l , Same will be sold at prices to suit you. All of it is Worthy Of your attentlOll . "'now..and dur1·ng the hol1'd . we shall not From be undersold by either Jew or Gentile. llll I Gold anfl\Silver Walking Canes, ~? Wedding Rings ~the genuine, Stirling Silver Spoons, I will ! UNDERTAKINC LEV I MORRIS. AARQ N BUCKLER I Children Crlf for Pitcher's Cast©ria.'

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