____ __- ·------,.... ~ T l!I RMS :-tl.50 Pu bxt1J(, NEW SERIES, NUMBEB 550. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWA.RDS. M, A.. J A.MES EDITO R .AND P:BOl'lWITOS, VOLUME BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1889. XXXV. NUMBER 8. SElYl!·ANNUAL CLEAR/NB SALE. Before Stock-taking COUCH, JOHNSTON & . CRYDERMAN will offer Great Bargains lll . all Departments for the (NEX[SIX WEEKS) specially in DRESS_ GOODS, PIM MANTLE CLOTHS, OVERCOATS, FURS, and all W"inter Goods. S /"A lot of Dress Goods will be sold at about half price. .. N. B.-This is a Genuine Sale, as our s~ock must be reduced. We make it a rule not to carry goods over from one season to another. COUCH. JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, One Door West of Post Office. ---o--Everbody wants the best Boots and Shoes to be bought for the least money. At my new store, To - the Public. SCOTT'S OLD STAND, you will find a very well assorted stock of the best goods in the various lines that the market affords. No need to enumerate the different classes-I _ k\'µep everything in foot·wear for men, women 5,};fd childre:g. and at prices that can't be beaten. See our German Felt Slippers. RUBBERS AND FELT GOODS, TrunksJ Satchels, etc., also in stock. wean and Ordered work receives special attention. see me in my new quarters. DAVID DAVIS. PERCH ERON ~ HORSES! :El . FRENCH COACH HORSES. Beant!flllly formed high-stepping Stal lions and Mareti, tHI · perb action. bred under th· patronaga of lhe French G-Ov· logue and blotoey o! the breed addreM _ S.A.'1'".A. G ~ ~ .A.~N "'O' ~. ISLAND HO·E STOCK FA.It!I, Grosso Isle,:Wa1no ~lllltJ, lllich1gan. .About 200 pure-bred animals on hand. Prices reasonable; terms easy. Horse& £Uaranteed breeders. Large catalogue with histor y of the brero free by mall Address S.A.VAGE & F .ARNUM, Deboil, .Mi ch. ernment. For cat a- Savage&Faraaiu, !Jetrolt, IUch. R ENNIE'S GREAT··· ·~· .a. DOLLAR COLLECTION ·····OF GARDEN SEEDS. · s i.·oo · a packages of t he Improved H alf. lli>od Dcet; Rennie's Nonpariel L ettuce, tho best in cultivation ; Goldon H earted Coler y; N cw Cor~· CC.~~~he sweet est varjety grown ; O live Gem R adish, t he finest n ew Radish: a nd sta ndard varieties ot C abbage, C arrot, Cucumber, Melon, Spinach, Tomate, T urnip and Herb» also a pound of t he best W ax Beans, =d aponnd ofthe N ew Pe a, Pride of the Market, which is the finest G arden variety in cultivation. The entire collection amounting, at Cztalogue rates and e post age, to $ 1.60, will be sent free by mail to a ny address in C anad a , for · Order a1i once, and induce your friends to se nd with you. I will supply Five of the above C ollection; mts. Send for i t nt "nee. for $ &.OO. .My Annual Descriptive Catalogue now re.,dy. F ree to a ll applic1 S'!',' '" "· including m any novelties, Ji'REE by HAIL for U.H I E'S SEEDS ARE THE BEST And in order to induce hundre~s or ~cw· ens· HE RR, t om-.s to use them I am offering this Com· plett:t C()lleetlon of the very choicest \'egetabl e $I 00 - 'l'he ollection contain· full sized C . I.:::_'""'- $:1 00 Address, WILLIAM RENNIE, Seed Grower, TORONTO, ON:t°· A meeting ors. S. workers similar to the one We expect to reoort a wedding shortly, Eldad Praying B and comiU4tad aenioet held 6 t Enniskillen two weeks ago, will be Mr. Frank, who has been eick, is recoverinR a t Burke ton on S unday. held in thA church here, next Friday night, to Leave your orders tor meat with New Hi.van Mr. Wm. Werry's aale waa a huge sue.· bep;in at 7.30 o'clock. Mr. Jas. Gilfillan, of · Bowmartville. will discuss the Study of the butcher. cess, large crowd i:md pri~e· bigb . Bible. Mr. W. J. Rol'" will introduce" .A. Ta.lk Mise Maggie Oke is visiting her brother in Mr. Eli Pascoe has eng!llge.d Mr. Geo. w ith Teachers"' 'l'he lesson for next Sund.av Port P erry. will oo lad by Dr. Mitchell. .A.11 Sunday Read as foreman for the ooming summer. Mr, J ; H . .A.lli11, ot Tyrone, ;!sited friends workers will be welcome, here recently. Mr. Wm. Everson preached an int er· Mr. Robt. Barkerlutends entering the police eating sermon on Sunday night laet a.ti ZIOll. force in the llpring, Eldad. ·Mr. Samuel Cornish, Port IIope, has been At Saxony on the 10th inst ·· the wlre of Mr, We expect a S olina boy will taker unto visit!n~ his relatives here. John Worden of a daugilter. Fa~mers are busy threshing clover seed a.nd A vacant house belonging to Mr.Casey TNll himself a wife before this comet! so prin~. ther e seems to be an average yield. was burned one night last week. Particulars lat{;r. · A sleigh!og party from here attended tl\8 Mr. Samuel Everson hae sold. a fine young Messrs. Tho!'. P11.~ <'r"" ' l . ncl Albert an nual soiree at Columbus recently, team t o Mr. Robt. Beith for a good figure. Hampton S. or T. t al k or giving an entertain· Mr. I . L. Brown, i:.ssessor, has been here r& W ashington !>av ., l:ie"i:i ~l>@"'H ng I! few days viaiting fr.to..i.uc in T1.n"ll'O· J.Acx:. ment in the Taunton Hall. No doubt they will cently. Dogs a.re scarce and hard to find, have a. large heuring. Mr; Nor11111.n Perkin, or "\Vhltby, and Mr. Visitors of the week :· Mr. Md Mrs Mr. J, .A.. Underhill, who Jen here recently, Wm. Jackson, of Greenwood. are spending 11. Oliver P asoce, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs~ to attend school at Guelph, has since obtained few days in our midst. a position in one of the lea.ding nursery firms Mr. Thos. and Miss Van Camp, Mrs.J.Foley, E lgin Annie, Mi~s Jennie Jame11, of Oah· of Rochester. N . Y. (of Manitoba.~ and Mr. J.F. Wright have been a wa, Master N. James, B owwllnville. visiting friends in C&rtwright. OUURTICE. KENDALL. Mr. Casey Trull entertained a largacomp&ny at their IJ&lathl residence on Friday ever.Ing The lad ies of tlie P 1 ·eftby terian ch11rch Cavt. R. Mutton called on a few ot his old last. Tho elite of the neighborhood were friends here last week. there. will have a s ocial on ]friday e Teningnex· :Mr.· and Mrs. IIeaitt, ot Myrtle, were gueste · ' Mr. Frank Wright, our teacher, Is not the 22nd inst. at the parsonage recently . a8hamed to own his colors, havtug joined Miss Marion McConnnohio, of Orono D. 0 . Philpott conducted the services at the M ..ple Grove Division Son's of Temperance, in a nd Miss Marion R eavie, of Verdun' barracks la.st Friday evening. . which he takes a lively Interest. were v ieiting on t he 6th line fast week . ' Mr. Norman Perkin, of W hitby, is. vi~iting friends here before leaving tor the West. TY.RONE. . Mrs. Cameron, of P ort J:l:lldn, Mia1 A 1leigh load went to hear Miss Phelps'lec· Division meets Saturday evening. Stark, of N ewca.s tle, and Mr s, Rettve, of tµre in Bowmanvilld, and were perfectly de· lighted. Mies R h oda Walker is visiting iu to~n. Winnipeg, were visiting their eh te r, Mrs. At the Y. P. C· .A.. last week a. very interest· Miss J anet Mcintyre ha1 been visiting here. Y V, Cooper, of the 6 th liat:i. Ing discussion took place on " 'l'he proper Miss M aud Emmerson i11 visiting &t Raglan. Rev. A. Leslie and R ey, J · .A. Oar· methods for r aising church moh.ey." The subWe c&nnot do justice to the esteem in which Miss Mary EmmerJon ls vi.siting friends a t m ichael, of Columbue, exchanged p11lpit11 Cuticura, the great Skin Cure. aud Cut1curn ject was ably introduced by Mr, ,V,H. Tonkin, Soap, an exq11ieite Skin Beaut!der, prepared Petertxiro. last Sabbath. T he latter ga ve a bible rrom it and Cutlcura Resolvent. the new Blood Capt· Rich. Mutton assl!ted at the Barracks · r eadt ' n rr 011 «The T1 "tl " on Sabbath, o e an d p r da.ch ed a.a Puriller, arf' h old by the thou"8.nds upon thous.lr1APLE GROVE. ands whose lives have been made happv by Mr. Thos1 H._Hancock h&11 been on a. t our i n excellent ser mon. the cure. of agonizing, humiliating, itching, _Miss Matilda Gimbletthas returned from her Western Ontario. Kendall's oldest citizen ha.a pasead t a t Toronto, scaly and pimply diseases of the skin, scalp, v1s1 Mr. John Moyse ot the corner house has away by the dea th of she late Wm. and blood, with loss of hair. Mrs. R . Harnden had a bee last week dr11w- commenced ice harvest. ing brick for her. new house. Mr. T . Gardiner & Sons have the contract Hammond on Saturday t h fl 9th inst . Sold everywhne. Price, Cuticnra. 75c.; Mr. W. Snowden has gone to learn the for building Mr. 8 . M . Clemens' m..neion, Although he h ad reached the r ip e age o f So&J). 35c.; ResolYent $1 50. Prepared by the blacksmithing with Mr; G. c. Ha.Ines. Mrs. Ed; Moses and d11.ugi.tcr ot t.own are 89 years he was apparentlf eo ·; iud in ~ind POTTER DIIUG AND ClllliMICAL Co.. Boston, .Mr. 8 . Gimblett had tho misfortune to crush 11pending a short time with her mother, l\lrs.C. and body until within about :l weeks pre· Mass. «~end for "How to Cure Skin Disease," 6! his hand badly recently in a straw cutter. vious to his death. D~oeMed was an A tew of our young folks went to Hampton Walters, pages, Ml illustrations, 100 testimonials." Our champion checker player w &B knocked l · h on Frida.y evening to the dr&ma and report a out of t ime one day last week, 'l'he mantle ~18 m a n by birth, a oomservati-re in politime. good PLES. black-heads, red, rough. chapped has fallen on Mr. T . Creeper, tics, and a memb er of the Methodist and oily skin prevented byCutlcura Soap. On Saturday about 25 neighbors of Mr. The Golden Wedding o! Mr. and Mrs. R obt. church . He w as a great r eader and left McKinnon cut and split some 40 cords hard Davey was eelebrate. d Monday night. Big l bl ··b · h h d wood; Quite an exciting time w&11 spent crowd, grand time. Particulars next wee!!:. a va ua e lI rary wh1c a iatributed racing. Revival meet!np last week was w en at. among his friend.ti. T he r ernaill3 were inWe are pleased to learn that Mr. Jonathan tended and with good results, l!Jnniskllen tarred i n Newto n ville ce1uetery ou MonChest Pains. Soreness. Weakness, Hackinll( Cough, Asthma. P leurisy Rundle. who is now a citizen of Toronto has and H!l.ydon friends ca.me In sleigh loads to as- day the 11th i nst . 'f he funeral sermon and inflammation relieved tn one been appointed pollcem11.n. he being one' ot 16 sist, ~ minute by the.C:uttcuraAntl-l'aln s~lected out ot 200 who applied, We w ish Mr. Vermilyea. preached two earnest dis- w as · preMched in t he Method ist churcli hrm every eucces~ in hie new oacupation: His Plaster. · Nothing-like it tor Weak Lungs. _ presence an_ d genial manne11 is greatly·misHed courses on Sabbath, 'l'he evening meeting last Sabbath by tile Rev . .J. Whialock. 30 cents. w& a crowded, and many could not gain ad· m thl.8 locality. · m itta.nce. ALESMEN W ANTED.- - Good salaries DEX'rER. Importan t Testimony. R ecent Visitors : Messrs. W . a.nd D. Hutchi. ~ commission pi.id to the right men, to son &nd their wives. Port Huron; :Mr. John sell our choice and hardy v arieties of nursery CARTWRIGHT. Dames and w ife; Mr. \\' . Ciia.nnon and wife; stock. Steady employmant to tho right men T he false p osition taken b y some in the vear round. Now is the tim e of year to Mr. Geo. Laneand wife, Mariposa.; Dr. P , N. Miss Poole is visiting friends in Whitby, Da.ver. Duart: Mr. Jno. Davey and wife & nd musical circles, si nce P rof. Ruae resigned en11rage. None but honest and upright men l'v!r- J oshu11 Ferguson sold a horse lately tor Mr. Nelson Da.veY ·. Whitby; Mise Downs, Miss need apply. Bo not del&y H you decide to join $l5J, . Cotton and Mr. J, II. ·Kenner- aud Mr, Ed. the le11dership of Q ueen-st. Methodist us as delays are dangerous. Apply with refercho ir, seems to d emand the publi· ences. M AY BRO'fHERS, Nurserymen, Roches· " "t. \~s L. Widdess, of Ltnds~y, is visiting in M oees, Bowmanville, and many others. ter, ?;. '.{. 1- lOw; ·L:.·ao. parts. cation 0f the follo wing le t t er :x reev<! Spinks wh.o has been very ill of late ENFIELD. BOW)!ANYILLE, Feb h t, 1889. SALESMEN TO SELL le E. recovermg, Nursery Stock.- All 'l'o PROF C H AS. R u 1rn.-According to Miss Mary Ann Hall, Brooklin, has The enticing and "all dance" menageries goods warranted first inform.a t ion, receive d from m embers of been visiting hero. class. Permanent, ea.lied " sprees " are JJrevalen t. pleasant, profitable positions for the right Successful revival has been c~nducted in the Mr. a nd Mrs. R. Pascoe spent a. few o ur choir, we expregs our c on fidence in men, (lood salaries and expenses pi.id weekly, Methodist Church, Blackstock, your ability as P r ofesaoii of Music and Ltberal indncementRto beginners· No previons days last week v isitin g friends near OshMr. Sam . B~cock, of Orplia., and Mrs. R. P. b elieve tha.t y ou rsystem,thu s far pursued experience necessary. Outfit free. Write for Bowles, of Islmgton, visited friends here re- awa. terms. giving age: CHARLES H- UHASE, cently. w ith ou r choir, is e min ent ly c~lcu lated to Nurseryman, Rochester. N. y , Ment.ion this Mr. M at t . Elliott has purchased a lot lay the fou ndation of a t h o ronf{h m usical Miss Lillie PruRt, of Blackstock hM l?One paper52·10w* Quite a tcainmg, and b y s t rict a ttention to the back to 0, L. C., Whitby, to r'e sume her of store cattle around here. 11tudies. 111.rge drove left last Thursday. instruction given, and an earnest desire Mr. Wm. Cowan has r ented hie farm to a Checkers are all the go in the village to learn, on the pa.rt of t h ose p laoing Mr. C&rr. Mr· Cowan is going into the corn er store, Blackstock, to carry on business. again. Why not organize an ama.teur themsel ves u nder y o ur care a n d tuition. The la.st debate at Crosarea Imp, Class was draft club .and have reg ular meetings? they. m ay acquire a good knowledg:e of reeolved, "That Na.poleon was a. betterGenerai R ev. E. Barras&gave an acceptable dis- m usic. :~ ~~ Wellington." Decided in t&vor ot negaY Ve a.1so ex press t he opinion · that you DONT NEGLECT THE COUG H. course last Sunday afternoon. '£he Mr, Wm. Muirhead was r ecently married to oftener he preachea h ere the more h e is are h eartily d e vote d to the work in whioh Cough, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Whooping Couuh. Croup, Infiuenze., Difficult a Miss Whiie from the weatern pa.rt ot the you are e ngaged, a nd ea rnestly labor to Breathing, and ell Throat and Lung com· township ... .. Barely had & wee.I!: ela.Jlecd until appr eciated. p romote the interests of y our p upils. Joe Muirhe&d of the s&ine house passed plaints. · 'A sleigh lo&d of our western people attll~ough the same trying ordeal by capturing a S IGNED: Pleasant to take; children are fond of it, Instant t relief from first dose ; b ee.ls and Mus Thompson from near Cadmus. Who tended the carnival at Oshawa las~ M on- Samuel Vanstone, P. Trebilcock, will be next 1 cures like magic. day ntght. Everything passed offshout· L evi Morris, Geo. C. Haines, Prepared scientifically from the Pure Pine i nl(ly excep t the buffalo robe ; it p assed T&r, R. Bragg, S am uel Mason. off very q uietly. Sold by Wholesale Dealers and Druggists ENNISKIL LEN. J . E. Sanderson, Thos. B o,vden. everywhere. Mr.Nathan Byers had the m isfortnne to have .John Hellyar. J. Higginbotham, CERTJFIQATE. a valu&b!e mare die last week, dropped my pen and listened to the wind. I I e.m acquainted with the composition of Trustees of Q ueen-st. M et h. Chu rch, McClung Bros., or Bowmanviite. have start-_ Perrin's Pine Tar Cordle.I, and r ecommend It W ord.~worth. 8-3w a~ being the most effectual remedy known to ed a branch store J1ere in R, Hutchison's old The maker's name e ngraved on it I tind stan d, the medic&! faculty. Esterbrook. P. PALMER BURROWS, .M.D.M.C. Linds11.y, To THR D 11u.- A P erson 'cured of Mr. James Pre has been re-appointed 11athPresident Executive Board or Health for master to the satisfaction ot tloe m ajority of · Deafness a.nd n oises in the head of 23 Ontario. ratepayers. BA..Ml'TON. , years' 11tanding by a simple r emedy. wlil PERllU'S PINE TAR tJORDU.I. ()0, LIND. Mr. and Mrs. N. Byers attended the funeral send a description of it J'R.ltR to any perof Mrs. Byers' mother, the late Mrs. Hayes, on l!!A.Y , ONTARIO, Mrs. John C ole, er., baa been very ill Satur day last, at Columbus. son who a pplies to NICHOLSON, 30 St. for aome d ays. Among the visitors ! Miss Floody, Blyth .John St. M ont.reilll. 44- lyr. Mr, a.nd Mrs. S, Hoskln's family, town· Mr, Mrs. .James M cLean, Bowmanville, end Mrs~ John Davey and family, ' Vhitby - spent Sunday here. · Miss Sykes, Osha.wa, We have received a copy of the hand· R ev. S. Salton pre&ched a.n excellent l!omely illustrat ed Catalogna issned by We expect & larl!'e gathering or school trustees a nd others interested in the educational sermon Sunday m orning. Wm. Rennie, the w ell-known Seedsman interests of Cart wright artd Darlington at the t school house here, on Friday next.in reference Mr. W. Brown, Orono, spent a few of Toron to, and i t is cer tainly t he mos. t o the call ot our Inspector. Dr. Tilley. There days visi ting in this neighborhood recent· comp l et e pub licat i on of t h e k ind which ~~eb~ o fi~; ::ieJ~portan t and interesting topics ly . has r eached u s t his s eas on. Mr. Rennie Rev. E- Barrasa, M . .A.., in the Methodl~t Mr. Franklin Groat, of Toronto , s pent offer 5 a general lis t of Vegetable, F lower Churc.h here, Sunday night, "handletl the If- Saturday and Sunday with h is family and -.Agricultural S eed , Seed G rain and quor traffic wi th out gloves," In an address of Potatoes, and in addition to a large colleo· 011e hour and twenty minutes ho gave a won- here. WORLD'S EXPOSITION, NEW Om.EANS, derful amount of informat ion and produced tion o f s t andard v a rieties, h as a n umber '.l'h e "Drama." on Friday ni~ht waa of sterling N o ve lties, which are worthy U. S.A . , 1884-5, in competition :vith ~h<.> the most unanswerable arguments in fa vor of pianofortes of Europ e and A m erica.. Tha Jlrohibition . It was a. powerful appeal and well attended and wa3 b oth a dramatic of a trial from our. p a tr ons'. The Cataonly U.S. International :Medal ever award- n veted t he attention of the large congregation and financial success. logue will be m ailed fre e to a ll upon nppli· ed t o a, Canadia.n pian of ort,e ; a lso M e!ll'll nsscmbled. Mr. W.n. Greenaway and Mr. B. cat ion t o ·William R en nie, To ron to. Thero should be a good turn out a t Haydon a nd Diploma at t he Culoma l a n d ~nclian Friday evening to hear the address on Dickinson and wife, of Hop e, were visi t · Exhibi tion, London, En g ., 1886, W1tl;i t he next ·"rhe StuO,y of the Bible,· by Mr; Gilfillan. of impreme honor of supplying H er MaJes ty Bowmanv1lle S AM CLARKE H igh School, 'l'bo Ch&h.u qu& ing friends h ere t his week. the Queen wit h .a New com?e Grand, Course will be talked up by Mr. w_J. Roy Mr. T h omas Wilcox of this place whose select ed b y Sir .Arthur Sulhvan. For ai;d the Sabbath School lesson tor 2:1th inst. Bought by teleph one from Cobourg , whila w1U also be taken up by those present. I t will eyesigh t has been badly impaired fo r the auctio!l was going on- -Sh er iff Proct or, Illus tra t ed Catalog u e, prices and terms, no doubt be a very instructive meeting to all some y ears, was presented with a purse interested in Sabbatb School work. Aa.dreEs &, cont aining $105 on Friday · eveni ng by .Auction eer- the s tock of W. H. I ves at 'J'.he CounelJ of Royal Templars are enthusl his m an y friends in t his villag e and 31i\- cen t s on the whol esale. cost- tha M ANU FA C TtJ R ltRS astio m their work and are. deter mined to cheapest s tock 3ver sold in t his county. WAR E.ROOMS, 1 07· 109 CHU RCH ST. 1 T ORONT O eta.nd by the Scott A ct or any other prohibltory n eighborhood. FAC T ORY, 8 9 T O 97 DELLWOOD$ AVENUli Cloths, 'fw eeds, Hat s, Caps, Furnishings , ~ea.su re and assi·t by th eir work and Influence In answer t o 0ur friend the ' 'bun" m the proJlel' enforcement of said laws, There and R eady -m ade Clothing will be sold at; a re no"! 50 members and fresh accessions cor.- We w ould say that we t hink any half price. Op ening d ay, SAT\JRDA.Y, ever". mght. The following resolution w as p erson wit h u nbiased min d o ugh t to b e unem mously pasHed ;- Moved by Bro. A . A. J ANUARY 26 th. Ives' old stand. :Bryant and seconaed b y B ro. J ames Barton satisfied with our explanation i n last and resolved,- That whereas the recen t ·s cott week 's issue cf the S-rATESMAN; we are ~iiarvelously Low Prices. A?t trfo.ls at Newcastle were & comparativ e failure, m that second and t hird offences w ere not r esponsible for the act s of ot hers. allowed to go by payment of a first o.trence I will eel! my en t ire s to ck of furs, from tine and thus encouraging liquor sellers to now till the l at of March , b efore atockbreak the law with i mpunit y, This Coun cil " Lo as th e w ind is, so is m ortal lifehereby de>ire to express its profound disgust A moan, a 11igh, a eob, a storm, a strife." t ak ing, at a grea t Bf.\Crilice , irrespect ive of at the uon:-enforcem en t of the Act by the proMuch of the ill that B.esh is h eir to may cost. A ]aTge et oc k of men 's fur coa ts, per autheritrns ; and earnest ly protests a!(ainat thrn apparent conmvance a t lawlessness b v be- if not totally o blite ra t ed- greatly goat robes, a.nd la.dies' fu r jackets, all those who should be a "Terror to evil·doers:" alleviated . "\Vhen suffering from ennui, must b e sold. D on't miss t his chance, n ausea and l assitude , be sure y our sys - ever yth i ng a t a n d bel ow cost , 80 bring tem is out of order; a nd do n ot have re · alo n g your ca.ah a n d you will get a. good ~ ri:~c7i~1 1~~[~c1~Da~,Ju1f:~1?:f1 c~~~1 1~1~it!8~~J ~~~~~;1~~·; ~! , The "'.orl~ wid e r e J)u tation of Ayer ' a course t o alcoholic sti mulant s to t one it bargai n. They are a.11 A o ne. Hig hest r, ~ bloomer ; not an -0ld tfower b a. new n Am e, but· 8ar s ap ar1lla 1s tha n atural roault of its ~h~~~~a~ob:~i[frc!:r11;de~;~~.'a r:;,r;1ij 3Dtl ca1>b pursurpas sing value as a blo od ·m edicine. u p ; su ch will, under the circ umstances, price p aid for r a w furs. -1\'L M AY.ER, V 1CK' S FLORAL GUIDE Nothing, in the . w ~ole p harma copreia, only intensify t h e evil, produce commo- F urrier. for I MM9, ~he P lorieor Seed Cnt.11.logu e of A mer ic' ; now - - m- effects m ore astom~ hmg results in scro· tion in th e 11tomach and i n all probability ready; re?iuid and ~n!nq;ed; n ew , bape ; MW typ e i ~J egnnt COTer i a frocfapi ecc !'Uld 3 (1o}o rcd i > Jatcl'I, . M rnA.cuwus .- " My Mir aculous] Cu110 0 fula , rheumatism, _ g e11eral debility, and violent sick headache. In Cockle's Eno ~l~!~'.u~,~'!,~~1,u 1!~~1~~;1;~bf~r~~igi1~~\t~: :re:Xrle~pu;~ a ll forILs of blood d isease, than this r em - lish Rem e dy, abou t a century and a was t hat I had aufier ed from kidn ey d ia<1.~us offl"r. See ~ur X o\·i<1tio in F l owers and Vege- ~ quarter in use, free fr om m ercu ry o r ease for about t wo y ears, was off wor k all t n~ks. Pri<-·e of GlJIDE, 1 Ocents, nud cnch topy con. edy. ttt.m" !\. c cr tffica te JrOO <l for ih:.i awouut i n s~e1b, l:iO \ha.t ot h er d eleterious substance, b eing a pure t hat t i m e. A friend t old me o f B. B. B . ~ li Q book is W!l.ct.irally fre e. ~AS. "\"1£1h , SeNl·mnn, :no~lt~!!lter, N. T. S '.llA.J;L SUG.ut- tJOA.TED Burdock Pllh dB vegetable compound, you will find an I tried it, and am ha.p py fo say that I wag They can not [ cured by two bottles . " Wm. 'l' ier, St. 1..'-ot gr:111 e er stckeu . They are 1111.ld and ef· Elix ir. Try these pills. teetua1. hurt. Sold everywh er e. ;r Marys, O n t · IlnUI the skin \'fas r:t w. Body ~overecl ,,.·uh scar~ like spots of mortar, c:ured by the ()ntlcurn Remedies· I am going to t.ell you of the extraordinary change vour Cuticura Remedies performed on me. About the first of .April last I noticed some red pimples like coming out all over my body, but thoul(ht nothing ot it until some time l&ter on, when it began to look like spots ot mort!lr spotted on and which came off In layers. accompanied with itching. I wouJd_ soratoh every night until I wa.s raw, then the next night tho scales being formed meanwb.!le, were scratched off again. In vain did I consult all the doctors i n the country. but with· ont aid.· After giving up all hopes of recovery, I happened to see an ad vertisemt'lnt in the newspr.per r.bout your Cutlcura Remedies, and purchased them fr"m my druggist, and obt&ined almost immediate relier. I began to notice that the scaly eruptions gradually dropped off &nd disappeared one by one, and have been fully cured. I had the disease thirteen months before I began taking the Cuticura Remedies, and in tour or five weeks was entirely cured. My diiiea.Be was eci:eme and psor!&ais. I recommended &ho Cutic-c;ra Remedies to a.JI in my vicinity, and I know of a. great many who have ta.ken them,&nd thank me for the knowledge of them, especially mothers who have be.bes with scaly eruptions on their heads and bodies. I can not express in words the thanks to you for what tho Cuti· cura Remedies have been to me. My bocly was cover.ed with scales, and I was an awful spcota.cle to.behold; Now my skin is as nice and clear as &ba.hy's. GEO. COTEY, Merrill,, Wis, ReIJt 21. 1887, Feb. 7, 1888.-Not a trace whatsoever of tho disease from which! suffer ed hn.s shown itself since my cure, GEO. COTEY. EVERY NIGHT I SCRATCHED. HAYDON. NEW HAVEN. SU.LIN.A, j a I CAN'T BREATHE. J' WANTE D PERRI N'S Pine Tar Cordial. AWARDED FIRST SILVER MEOAL Gctavius Newcombe Co., , t · - - - -- -- - - ----"- - - - - --