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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1889, p. 2

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~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!·!!!!!Z!!!!!!M~ ~llll'Ulll.'<!i'm~~~l!lf~~~mr~ru:.~~~~~n~~a~~~·~~"'»l'.W'~~Wu~a,~~~~~~.J..1t.<iWWW~~RDm!!&···&&arn~!! _ _ __ _ ____ ·.·_ .· '. · . ~' . ·---- - - -- - - -- -··· - - - - - - -· - - , . ""- - -·-- --I .af \H'nHH 'l.'l u g ~ l..i ~ ~~ if.H"' ~ M' j From December to June, and from June to _ __ .L ,e 1>1 u!l.tlo? on ·ll~ · _g a.Jl .ro11,1er . . i-eems fo prorra se a. colhs10n b<otween ~he December, 1 Wben we were unburdened wit h ccrrow or A Pretty Gift. ! Rus3iaos r..nd t ho Ameer 'e forces. One of · t!le p rettiest pifts in the line of j Signor Cost a, e. member of the Italian Frnm g"rret to cellar, from cellar _to gHret, ss. Li:o painting is to be made of live-eighths .C hamber of D~puties, ia to be prosecuted for M115 do for a stupi<l. boy's. e.irnuMe; but , Wit11 happy abandon we frolicked and of a. yar~ of .;~ea.m-~hi . ~ sa.tin; div_ide ~his Ima.king revolutionary speeches. played, . li:ngthw1se whicb. will fJIVe two_ strips fiveThe provision market in Chicago continues ~ what can be said fol' the parent w ho ' for and Invokir1g the spirits of mmic and , ?1ghths 10!1,s;: by ~leven mchcs wide, a.!fo_rd- d.epres$ed, a:od is now very Jow. Pork ie sees his child languishing daily and fa.ils A:od nob ody frowned at the r11cket · we 1ng material enough for t wo aoa.rfa, t1d1es, down ~o $11 20 and la.rd to a6 65. to rP.cognize the want . of a tonic and or ch.ah' ~achets, as you choose to oall them. 'lb R . G t h ted ' "Caatot':bissowelladapt.edtochitdl'enthat Casto'l'la <mres Colic, C!onsMtlat!on, · blood"pu rifier? Formerly, a course of On ono end paint a. branch coming from the e . ussuLn overnmen a.s grau a I'recommenditassu:periortoanypres . cription Sour Stomach, Diarrhrea, ~cta.tionofiell dlOh, t he games and the gambo1s out. doors, so side and some of Fi delia Bridge'a birds with can?rnsmn_f?r 81 to a comp'>ny pro· bitters, or sulphur and molasses, was the &:JloWA to me." H. A. .A:ltcHzR, M. D., Kills gives sleep, _ an prom inviting, a.n appropriate motto, A charming deaig n posing to JOin tb.e Bl.-ck Sea. and the Sea of rnle in well-regulated families ; but now With home vcrv h andy to run to, in case was a mullen ~t ilk a11d yellow birda, two in Azov. !11 So. ~Si., aroo~, N. Y. WiJ:oui illjurlous medicetiOn. . all intelligent households k eep Ayer's "lome lawless marauders, ag11inat us unit· close companionship3, the ot her flying off It fa reported from Ofta,w~ t~at !he reply Tmi: CJJ:N'.l'AUR CoMPA..'<l<', ':'7 !i!ur ray Street, l!r. T. Sarsaparilla, which is at once pleasan t ing, wi th the lettering: "Two is company, three to t he O.ttawa Governments 1nv1t,t1on to t he to the taste, a nd the most searching and Should press us too clos{ly, compelling a is none." This scarf was finished at the Ai:.straha.n Governments is not very fa.vor· effective blood medicine ever discovered. race. painted end with a. b r.nd of yellow plush ahle. Nathan S. Cleveland, 27 E . Canton st.., AU through tbe dear tlwelling and every fourinchea wide; on the oppo3ite end the lt ie etn.ted M.M. Istee, of Ca.lifornia, ha.1 place near it. Boston, w rites: "My daughter, now 21 recipient's monogram was painted and the been offered and ha.s accepted t he Secreta.rySo fearlessly, freely, permitted to roam, ol~l, was in perfect h ealth un.til a FOR SALE BY J . HIGGINBOTHAM&; SON, BOWMANVILLE1 edge finished witl:i lace j :ist outlined here ship of the Interior in Gen. Harrison s Cab. year ago when she bega~ ~o co~pl~m of What wonder that we ahould· decide in our and there with yellow silk. Tlie aatin, after iue~. fati~ue, headache, deb1hty, dizzmess, childhood painting an~ hav~g th~ plush s~we? on,, In the House the Postmaster .General stat· indigestion, and loss of appetite. I conThere we.a naught to compare with cluded that all h er complaints originated the was nea.~ly }med with a.prn~e of or ed tha.G the Department would increaeA t he gcod t imee at home I in impure blood, and ind~iced h_e~ to take crea.m s1lesrn. _ of the same size, .by st1t ch1ng limit cf weighn for single-rate letters to an Ayer's Sarsaparilla . This med1cme soon Th£n the 17amea in t he evening in which we t o>(et.h <:r ~.nd c;;.r.d ully turn_rng. S11chet outBe. restored her bl ood-making organs to powder $hGuld ho sprirkled l .l l befoi·e the Th . K ' . 'I t d d wouldriob ! healthy action, aml in due. time left fot t urniog is fastened; gath· · e mgstun ity ounc1 vo e . owr; a 'fi1e telling of stories, adveotul'es, 1 , m d e.ll little lished her former h ealth. I find Aycr's er the sod.rf gracefully a. little to t he left of mot,i:m. to redu?a t.he n:;1!1be?' .,f liquor he· That had brlghtened the day l And thrn, t he centre, leaving the end decorated with ~ns,ea, out &do.p .ed a ~e~1~,on to Plirl!amenb Sarsaparilla a. moflt vali;iable _re~edy for the lassitude an<l'. debility mc1dent to later, the quiet, the birds t he longest, nod place a bc.w and 1_:i l!!.vor ol:. tota.l P roh1b1t1on. spring time." The peac~iul home hours-how 1meeD t o loops of inch and a half ribbon of the same ~:j_Mr. argues very strongly that the J.. C11Stright, Brooklyn Power (!o., recall I colcr as t he plush to oonceal t he fastening. S~11.t611 ~houlo purchase <?ubc., nnd expres~s Brooklyn, N. Y., savs: "As a Sprmg · There were books, t here were pic~ures in This is e. fa.vorite or:oam~int for the oorncr hu belief that C11uada will some day fa.ll hke Medicine, I find a splendid substitute endless profusion, for the old-time compounds in Ayer's The sick or the studioua ones to beguile ; of a chair, or tbe m iantel drap:ery or t he up an apple into the Yankee hand. Sarsaparilla, with a few doses of Ayer's Yesierda.y Bishop Dowlinv, of Peterboro', And the d ark winter day/ii were cheer- right spres.d. Pills .After their use, I feel fresher and received the P~pal bull a.ppoin· ing him Bhh ful and pleasant · stro~ger to go through the summer." op of H amilton, and prnmoting Dean O'Oon· By the mother's dear prntle1we, her voice Household Suggestions.' nor,iot Bi.rrie, to the Peter'>oro' Bishopric. and her smi!e, Dark c irpets do not need to bs swept oftener than light ones if y ou give them a PREPARED BY o:i., blest were the ti. s of dfoctiull thi.;t S rATlSTIC&. good du btiug say t wice .a week wi th v. flannel bound as, Dr· .J. C. Ayer u Co., Lowell, Mass. titd around an ordim.ry broom. cloth Oh, joyously s weet were the songs t hat New Yor k C ity has reasondor boasting of l'dce $1; six bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottlo. When O'le ha.a· been so unfortunate an to get her greatneEs, whh a. net debt of $91,000.UOO, we ;.ung, machine oil st i\ius on. white aewing, saturate When merry compauiona were gath<ired The war of the rebellion cost the United the piece of work in oold water immeciiat<1lv, States $6,189,929 900 The number of fed. around us, aoa.k for t wo hours, dry in the suri, then w.;;,sh And familiar tb.e scenell th;i.t we frolicked era! troops was 2,859,132. in the usual way. among I The falls of Niagara ce.rry down 10,000,000 If you are building put the hooks iv Though many a. banquet is spre.>d for our children'!l bed room cloeets low enough tp be cubic feet of water per minute, equal to plea8ure, Gentlemen·s:o1othes Made toOrder. ThC1ugh oft from 1 he fireside we eMily rce.ched r>y them. It is also a good about 3,000,000 horse-power, According to the Eoglia!i official crop esti idea to a closet so arnmg'd tbat sleds, tem;-ted to roam, The hee.rt will still cherish i ts fond recollec rooking-hone and a.11 large pla.ythinge can me.te for 1888, just oub, the wheat yield. is 4,· h ave a place. 000,000 bu~llels lees th<1on last year. ' t ions, Dust haa a. l!ad wa.y of insinuating Of the days t hll.t are past-and the good Since J anuary I, 1888, t he receipts of do. Mannfaoturera of i tselt wherever there is a pfo.ce for it to lodge mestic potatoes a.t New York reached i;imes a t home l or work tbron gh, t ha t hous ~·keepers .; re 317 463 barrels, against 345,147 barrels same -N ew York Letlger. almost distracted to find hrnoms and dueters pertod in 1887. ;X1 th!!ot will fit iu every nook imd crevice. A July I to date the exports a.ggrega.te over Amusing the Children. loug·h!!ondled .feather duste,., a toy broom, a 47. 00,0000 buohels of wheat and flour, a s .A.rtificiaJ whisk broom, a ft~t b ristle brush, a paint with nearly 68.000.000 bushels in . Tales and storks (narrated, not rel1>d)fur· Limbs, nish an1usement and plea.sure inexhaustible .orush, aud the ordinary cheeae cloth duster tne period year. And Appliances for all De t,o children, and give as immense power for seem to do all the dusting that is required, The Sta,t cs export ed ll,051, Oll pound· f vigorously wielded. fori;nities of the HumanBody good. ·The simpler they sre, the bet;ter will i. of cluver seecl in September and vctober las~ -$pinal Diseatl68. H1pJoin1 t ney please their ever-ready ·rnditors, who Disea.He, Diseases of the against l 967 684 pounds in the eame time io Kmi.; and Ankle, Knock (the cbild or children) will lis~en to Choice .Recipes. 1887. Exports ot timothy seed in t he tw... Knee, Bow Legs, Club Feet, the little taie, told in the· GIBLET SouP.-An excellent soup can be per1ods·were rela,tively 1,633,347 pounds anu E tc. wortls, over and over ag!lin, wit h undiminished ple!lsure, and then Mk its repetition. of t he giblets-thv.t is, hea.rt Jive1· and 331,814 pounds. ALSO CRUTUHE:;. A ccording to Gaekell's Atl<ls, Mount H er No one, therefore, need be at a loss. If she aeck-of chick~n, which 1n city ma~ket11 be clever at t ales she will a.lways lfod r ead) ~oid s~parately aad very cheap. B oil from cules, in New Guinea., ill the higt1.e11t mclll'.I 1 listeners. Personal experiences, the most owo to four hours as 9onven,ent, strain and ra.i.n in t he world. Its ho!gh~ is given a> 32, 768 feet. The same authority give> . t1i£! 1 ng events aud detail<J of advemure any eeason well with onfon and herbs. F ISH CHOWDER.--Fm e. pudding didh Mvunt Everest 29,002 feet, so thao Mourn lcDgth of time 1'!\ck, give never· failing pleale the world e.a tne "gnesi au,.e. vVha.tever the subject, it should be with t he fiah cut in pieces, seascning ea.oh Hercult\s lea< of kindness, gent;lenes~, and goodness. layer with eah; and pepper a.nd bits of snet mountain by 3,766 feet. or fat pork ; put over it a potato crnot, as According tio the recently issued annua. - [ l 'he F amily Doo~or. VETE.tU.N ARY SURGEON. for mee.t pie or a aode. biacuit crust, ~nd report of the Salvation Army greater a.dvanco~ke. Bread crumbs or slioed potatoes may es were made during ille plat yea.r thar, Setting the 1able. be mixed with the fish and more eea.soning ever before. The number of corps increa.seo The majority of housewives like to see 11 used. from 2 267 to 2 587, the number of outpo~t. nicely-se1' table, and, indeed, many who are · from from 553 to 653. a.nd the number of dli cen; not housewives find a. well s et table an invit· A Du'J'.CH APPLE. PIE.-Stew five n:r lllX u '.,. ,. ..... ·· · · · · · · · · . ... 5 687.. to 7 ,l07. As many- I'S 885 c.i.ding sigb.t , '.I:'he dishes may be as p lain as apples ~!th ! l~. of sugar, e. few uurr~n~ eta pa.~sed through the Training Home. A i the.y will, yet if . c'es.n, they present e.n au- a.nd ramns, a. little m;xed peel cu~ up, a the shelter for the destitute poor opened in the b ~ractive picture. Ma.ny ~ omen pay so few chop17ed-up almonus · e.nd i. pmch of powdered cinnamon, !l<fakesomepuffpa.ste, ,e~rly part.of the year 2,350· eds were pro!itlle attention to this work. t ha.ti the table is line a. pie-dish wi th some of it, pat in the v1ded, wh1!e 250,000 mea ls ao a. penny each never set the way ·twice, and, conge· tewed a.pplea (when cold) covei· 'with the .w ere _eupphad o e.dults, e.nd 220,000 at_a q uently, never looka as well u.s though a lit· 8 t d b k . 'b · k farthmr~ and a halfp~nny to children. lI fi 'll b e c]larged w h en accoun t $ rull tile care were t'xerci~ed in its arrangement. pas e, an . a e Ill a very rls ovon. the United Kingdom the army use 1,575 . Twenty- ve cents extra WI . It is j u$t as etHy, if not easier, to set a. table ALMOND CAKE.-Beat e. quart er <?f a buildings, wi th sitting a.ocommodation fo, well e.a carelesBly, for, as the dishes mu~t be pound of batter a.nd. h.alf a pound of sifted 700,500 p~rsona. The rent r oll of theat over one month. Ci·,,. put on, it is muon better t o have oue certain su_g~r to e. cream ; st1~ Ill on~ pouud of fil;our, buildings is upwa.rds of £100,000· per annum. """-~~~\ wa.y of arranging them and thllt way adhered m1xmg very ~ell. Uhop six ounces of ~1- O'pwarde of 2, 000,000 meetings were helo to at e.11 times. It is a nice p lan to a monds very fine, and e.dd them to the mix· a.ud 3,01}(),00Q houses were visited. N, ad} cover of flannel t o place under the table- ture; the almonds mu~t be blanched. Add thirteen e.nd e. half millions of the War Ory Gr aduate or tlle Ontario Veterl~a.rY Co~lege, cloth, as h gives thto Cloth a much better e.p one t ee.spoonful of b a.kmg powder, and the five and a half millions of the Little Soldier. ~"i.etered member of t.he Ontario VetertnarY pearance, bri ~ging out the pattern clearly. eame of e.lmond essence. Ba~t the whites e.nd over half a million of All ~he World Medical Association. · it is best t o b.1>ve fine table-linen, but as of eight eggs to a solii froth, a.nd stir them were sold in the United Kingdom. BOffice and Residence, Newtonville, Ont. this cannot a.Iwi.ys be affor ded, a cheaper The Pope h as le.tsly examined the ac Will vu!it Orono every Tuesday andlSatorday grade will be much improved by the use of in. Pour into e. tin lined. with buttered Office hours fr m 10 a. m., to ~ p. m., . at the fl.annal underclotb. It will also pa.per, and bake one hour in a moderate counts of his income a.nd ex ptmditure duriog the yea.1 1888. The following are t he oven. · Ooulters' Hotel Calls by 'l'elegrsph receive wea.r of t he cloth, which is a gree.t deal to !mi: ediate attention. SrEWED eight le.rge., principal figures :-From St. Peter's Pence recommend it. Io dee.dana the sound of h a.lve them, remove ~he cor~s, leaving the he received £300,000 ; from interest of capi· OHAI GES MODERATE, t he pla.te or dish striking the table, which stalks on; pu~ them into a lmed se.ucepan, ta! invested a.broad £100 000 · from e.lms is so annoying to a nervous person, a.nd, with five o~ncea of loaf eug~r, six cloves, six and other souroes, £20.000'; to' which must taking everything into consideration, there half a improvement, of we.ter. a.nd A jubilee. be added abo14t £80,60() received during the . are tew things that give better ua.tisfaction '!hole little port wmee.nd ma~es an The ordine.ry e.nd extraordinary to the household. In putting on the table- e. few drops of cochm~al .a.dd to the beauty expenses of the Vatican duriog the yee.r cloth be sure that it is even, for there is no- '?f the colour. Let 1t s1m1!1er for t hree or hwe been e.s follows :-Alms given in thing th11ob will give a table such an untidy tour hours very gently, until the Rome £4 000· alma given a.broe.d, £4000 · appee.rance aa a cloth p12t on unevenly. t~nder. :I'hey should be wa,toh~d. and, when alms given' in Italv £4 000 · ordinary s..ibsid. Put on the plates evenly, about an inch from glass dishwithont iesin Rome, £20,000; ~rdinary subaid- · ~ s. the edge. Place in the p late the napkrns done,~a.refullyplace!1ona br_ee.kmg t~em._ ~11 tbe syrup about three iea in I, £3,200; ordinary aubsid· ' . _ _/I_ ' i · ~ folded Fan oy folded napkiu.~ are only mm~tes ·· a.Jlowmg xu to cool a. lil'tlle bef~re iee t o ihu Church genere.lly, £§, 000; lilif" .JI. fi b for restaurants, and ahoulu not be used pounng it on the pears. Let them get q uite lordine.ry subsidies w poor priests in the home. Place the knife at the r ight of cold before serving. . £00,000; 3ums for the prop~ge.nda, £20,'. the plate and the fork at the left. If indiv· PorATO SouP.-Six large poti.toes peeled, 000; sum6 for the missions, £40,0Qi.l ; Bual salts and butters are used, place these { one large onion, one heaping t easpoon salt e.dminisurative expense, £40,000; mainteu- ,.,DIE e · ES ' 'I' ·.lJDR.I .., ..,TOR in the epe.ce between knife a.nd fork a.t the and one·quarter teaspoon pepper. For a. a.nee of apostolic po.laces, £20. 000 ; expenses · llA .._. Unl. Jl'W THE JDARK::<Y fc, left. Sugai, milk, and spoon receiver Rhould richer soup add one·quarter pound salt pork of public monuments, £10,000; pay of the ·. . be always together, the .sugai· and milk ~ide cu~ in bits (in this put in less salt), or Cardinals, £80,000 ; maintenance ot aeminWhen buying Cea! OH ask your dealer for the New Oils, by side with tha receiver i.n the centre, a at lea,5b one cup of milk ore. baa.trn egg. aries, £90,000; diverse expenses, £100',000. little in a.dvauco of both, If there is a cas. Ci1opped celery leaves give a good flavor. The toml expenditure is £339,20fll,, whicb ter ir should occupy t he centre of the table, Boil pota.toes, onion and so.It in a Utile water, leaves a surplus of not much less than a. but as this article ia not so much ui!ed aij and when verv soft; then a.dd, a little quarter of a. million sterling.-[LJ)ndon·Daily 1§iJNcte.-Thisfa· vorite medicine ·is p iit formerly, Mme other article, such as a dish a.ta. time ll< t o k eep smooth, one News. it once, and you will use no other~ t lp in oi:al bottles holdiny ~.1!ree ounces of fruit, sauce, &c., should be u sed. Pepper, qua.l't of hot water a.nd one tablespoon beef £ach, with the name blown in the glass, ea.It, and all seasonings, group togeuher ; lat in which one tablespoon flour he.s been Met.;OLL UROS. & VO'Y, Toronto. :Motherly Devotion. a nd the nam.e of the inventor, S. R . Camp· bree.d and butter pla.ce aide by side. When cooked, or usa the fat for frying bread dice, bell, in red ink across the face of tlie label. A touchingstcry, illustre.tive of a. mothers' serving tea, coffee, &c., always put it at the which add at t he minute. Most cooks .Beware of imitations, refuse all substi· righ ha.nd of the person served, and berries, fry sliced onion before putting them in the forgetfulness of self, is associated with Suss, lttus, and you will not be disappointed. · sauce, &o., at the l.ifr. These are only e. few s oup, but the diffuence in taste is so slight a village. of the Lower Engadine, t h!l.t wild, general rules, bur if carried ont, using a. a.a not to be worth the few minutes e:xtrs. blea.k, pent-up valley of Switzerland, which e. barrier of many glaciers separatea from little thought as to wha.b dishes go together if time is a.n object. Italy. At the period of the R eformation the and whe.t eepa.ra.tely, and', i;·d· Time to cook; three-quarters of an hour. pastor of the Susschurch was UlrichC,.mpill, ingly, the table so 11.rrio.nged cannot ' .elp whose wi'.e, Anna., wa.e a devooed mother being attr, a ct ive. . and e. brave woma.n. -.-.M.ANUFAC'rURER OB'-How He Aocounted for it. One day a. flood caused by the melting of Limits of £oonomv. · "How d.o you account," e. north many glaciers, ca~e roaring down the Enga.offth . e le.ab The economical housekeeper who would country R M mmlster M'B Al ) (the ·late ! I dine, and carried away a score of bridges. A arising from a disordered state of the Liver, throw out of the list of necess&riea all the ev. r ean, o ves to a. sagacious narrow gorge, separating the village from KING STREET, BOWM.ANVILL and Bowels, such as things · tickle the palate, that rouse the old elder of his aession, "for the almost to· the minister's house, was spanned by a small Hau now oir. hand a number ot vehlolee (and Is ma.nut& a great many more> of the ne '.Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious sense of mell, that please the eye andatim· tal disappearance of ~he gh?sta and fairies bridge. U lrich was on the village side e.nd patterns and best finish, which I am offering for sale at the loweetprioesoonalatenU Affections, Hea.daohe, Heartburn, l · t be . d h that used to be common in your younll his wife essayed to croes the bridge to bring · with due regard to :workmanship and quality. The t:1llowingia a list of Acidity of the Stomach, Rheumatism, u e.te om tire nerves, J US ca.use t ese da.vs ?" "Te.k' my word for't, minister, " ,him home. As she rea.ched +he middle pier, the principal vehlclesmanntactured b:vme things contain little food, would °' replied the old man, ·. · it's a.' owing to ·the ! the flood swept awe.y the two side pier s, a.nd Loss of Appellte, Gravel, Nervous grave mistak.e. She may know just what tea ; when the tea came in, the gbaista an' ~ she we.a left ste.nding a.lone on the tottering Double Oovered Oa.rriages ..................................... . ..... .........$l50 Upward· · Debility, Nausea, or Vomiting, &c., &c. outs of meat to buy, wha.t vegete.bles f · i ut Weel do I mind whan a.t ; b .d Th h d h · 1 . Single Phmtons ................. . ........................ ... .................... 100 " --._ 1 0 Price 25 Cents per Bottle. christen· In Open Buggy...... .................. ................................... · · ....... PREeA~ED o·<v av h ., h 1 b · ings, lyke·wa.kes, and the like-we enter· ,the cros~: I Top Buggy .................... . .... , ........ ............................... .-; ····· "'A""IS e. LA"7"ENOE CO (Limitea.) mout run water1 er a or 1~ 1arge1Y 1ost. ta.ined a.nither wi' r ieh nappy ale,· an' "Father, 1 " nto Thy h · nd· I c~mmend my . D t W 65 " .w.a v "" '" ...i. ' ' E3pecially if she has but little money should h h d 1 , d t t w ~ ~ I emocra agon ··· ·· · ··· ··· · ··· ·· ·.... ·· ·· .. ·... ··· ······ ··· · ·.. · ··· · .... ··· .. · MONTREAL. I alJ.e pay great abtention to this Aubject . w en ~. e verre. ov:' es~ D us usa ? ge ; ~pirit." 1 Lumb er Wagons.... ................. ............ ... ....................... ...... 55 II for it is the only way to induce the body to warm I the fa.ce,fia.n a little confused mh~be I Then the pr ayer -cho.nt ceased, and an I Light Wagon........................................ .. .... ........ ............... 40 II . h hee.ds th an' weel t to . s ee . onyt mg ·expression of a sudd 'n recolleoting passed E W · "5 .. · f d ' 1 1 k 00 l ta. euppam WI r!' IB' whenonthe muir, onyourwayhame. But overherface Thev~a.whertee.r a.way the 1 I · xpress agon ...... . .............. . ........ ............. ........ .. . . ........... ' We cannot econ~mize. m. t~e amount of I the tea has put out the nappy; an' I have keys from h;r gh·,ile a.nd fling them e.shore, I ~keleton......................................................... ... .. . ............ oO 11 N ervons De b ti . ·1·ty, Semi nal . L oases and prema.- our food. beyond and field yet re· " in healthy andas trong lm,tt The true of remis.rk ed that by losing the na ppy we los and h ea.rd her sa.y . · " There's the keys' child· ! ' Sulky...................................... , ··· ·····' ............ ··.............. ... 40 tureDecay promptly and permanently cured by . ma h 0 Id h ·th t . ba.tL ghaists and fa. iries. "-Hugh Miller. !ren I" as she disappeared down t he ravine. 1 Possessing superior ta.ollttles tor mann!aoturing carriages, I intend to sell very oh~ap for 0 · ho~se · i:conomy as .en cer ·atn pre· i ['he mother sweepiag into hea.ven r emem- 1 or approved oredit, and by so doing I hope t o greatly increase ml' number ot sales. Woul :1 ltssco!le hes :- . · . . ib d th t . sell thewoodpa.rts only,orthegearlngsofbu ggieeironed. In furnishmg a certain food prmc1ple in Th Didn't Remember ere ~ s · : its cheap rather than in its dear form; for ey · jat her g~rdle and that the c~lldren would I Ill 0 1 "You a.11 remember the words of Web- need theu supper. l . .r...f , · Does not Interfere with Diet or uena.l occupa.- exa.mple, t he proteid of beef instea.d of the.t tiOll and fully restoree lost vigor and insures of chicken ; fa.ti of meat instead of butter. ster," shouted the orator. "No, we don't, " j I At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed If Desired. -. · ~ect manhood. Sent to &ny address, post· He.ving bought foods wisely, in cook· interrupted a man in the gallery. "He has . ['he French explorer Champlain lies .A,1; the Factory I a.lso do Planing Matching, Turning an<I. Sawing with Circle Band nr 9>~ on receipt of price. One Doila.r per box. . Saws, and prepare e.11 kinds oflumber fOJ' carpenters nd others for buildlnK- pnrp(l8eir, Bole agency, SCHOl'.IELD'S DRUG STORE, ing them in such a. manner as to bring so ma.ny words I ca.n'tremember more than buried beneath a flight of stairs in Que- 1 King etr iet, 'l'oronto. out their full nutritive value ; for in11ta.nce, half of · em,"-" Harper's M~gazine. . bee. Ornamental and Plain Ptokete tor tencos in even style reonlred, made to order, of dry a.nd taste1es3. ! · . -.. _ . 'iehu.un\UH.\- ~' h~ ll~~Oh<t~h I n lea . rning how o use t11Ter~ scrap . A full crop of ice wu.l be g a.tllered on 11he Th G T' t H to advantage as in soup 111a,kmg, und, if we Upper Hudson. -- - · -- ----:.-:::-"==-=::o:-:c::::. 6 00 imez a ome. . aid to t hese tbe art of so fl~voring irnd va.ry-, The French Budget eatimnt~o for 1891) '. W EDNESDAY. FEB. 20, 18F9 Oh, t h.e good tim:s at hom:; l how meet . t o i fo . gas t (, simple · in".: erials relfoh, we show n.n increa,se of $5, 000.000 . r emember, . l ll!<V<> cr,vered the whole Odd of the · 1 An epi demic ho.a broken ou t a.mon cr tha The pleasures ~ud JOYS t ha.t ~urrounded h {)l<l economist, so far ao tho food q t1e2t1on Indians a. t Col d L gke, N. 'l'.. "' us there, . ia concerned. ""h ·t · ·1 At b ' ,.. ;.: .- ~)'U':'.!·"-;R' 1 'JT ;::.iJ.. )...).'C.! · .L ··t :o· I I a : l m:>..king s. roast j a:cd delici.oua, insh;ad ) . t T.ELEGRAPHIO TICKS. 1 1 I I 1 · w. "Did n't l<now 't was Loaded" Infants I Children. ,!,;°or:,s· c· c p al '- Latest Designs in Ayer's Sarsaparilla, TEA ANDIlINNE BSE T S arrived this week at Great variety of R . .PEATE, Tail~ . .Jrlurdocli Bros. A, UTHORS & COX, i TRUSSES, Endless varieties in Fancy Goods direct from Europe. 117 CHURCH S T. TOR OtHO, ONT. MCDOUGALL & METCALF, BOW JY.I:..A..l"J""V-ILLE:J are ottering Coal as follows : · tove and Ches1 -.n ut $6 25 8 G rate an d Egg) ...... .. .................. ,.. . 6.00 L . UMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. McDOUGALL & METCALF. I allspto~, ~lint TH B ,Es ,· u ·ER s A .N 'D 1.1A· . R .: .1 ER .s USE ONLY McCOLL'S L Aa R D J: " N___ ·: MACHINE OIL. F .A MILY SAFETY& SUNLIGHTCOAL OIL Try GamDbBll's Cathartic Comvonnd Cures Chronic ConstiDation, Costiveness, and an Gomulaints HAINES' CARRIAGE "WORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, I OAR RI AC ES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O. i~ ~:et :~~lt!!d~:~ndoh~;icf.~' !-;~a~~ :~: J~~:~~bourry ~eetings-bridals, j si~f;:g L:rin ~hre sa.'.!'i~uer~~·1:~s::rds ~= :: -----1 I ERRORS OF YOUTH . 18 + UM·1~l'~~,~~,~~1a · + ·~ertam ! . scribedhm1t~. h~hadthekeysofthe~upboa.rd , A 11 K · ds "~ f V e h ·e 1es R epa1 ·'rP d I

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