r.n 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ z 0 u H +:a Q) en ...._ · ...:l ..:I 8 ~ ~ d ~~ < 0 0.0 ·.-4 ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ I . J:q ~m p 8..J I.I.I m, U a 0 r:n 8 H ~ ~ r:n t:Q 0 ~ ~ po.. ~ 0: 1111 ~ r£I ~ ~ 0. 20, 1889. BOWMANVILLE, FEB. THB Dominion voters' lists will be re· viaed this year. TnEn.& ia a rumor afloat that the Do· minion House will be dissolved after this 11esaion of Pnliament and an appeal ruade to tbe country. Tli:e Yotttig Liberal Club, of Toronto, have decided in favor of having but one official lani;uage in the country-that language the Engli 1h. Mn · .ToBN DRYDEN will introduce a Bill to amend the Act · imposing a tax double the present one on dogs. Good act-five-sixths of the dogs are nuisances. THE new poahge regulations will pro· vide for an increase in the weight of letter under the three cent rate from a half to one ounce, the same as in the United State.. WINNIPEG ia without a Conservative paper, th!! Call having been bought by the Free Presa Co. The Dominion Government anbsidiii;ed the Ca.ll to the amount of $2,856 last year, too. PUBLIO S CHOOL SUPPORT. No departmen~ of tho legislative ma· chinery i1 of greater interest to the people of Ontario tha.n is that h1'~ing to do with our P11blio School system. The principle ~hat every child has a claim on the state ~or auch an educ11.tion as shall fit him to become an intelli~ent citizen is conceded by all, but we save not yet devised a plan by which the cost of this education can be equally diltributed over thti property of the country. While Ontario was yet uncleared in any atriot sense of the term our municipal system took form, dividing up the country Into counties and towaallips-immediately on this came our educational eystem with its net-work of Public School eectioDB. It is not difficult to understand that the1e sections, even at the time <!lf their first formation, from a variety of causes, would of necessity be unequal both in area and value. As time advanced and the country became cleared and cultivated the difficultv aria· iog from unequal 1ections became greater, until now it is recognized a11 one of the mos~ objectionable features of the system. The grants from the Government in aid ' of our Public Schools have all along been distributed with a. view to encourage regularity of attendance. That they have had any effect on ·the attendance may fiµrly be questioned, but unfortunately the method of distributinf( these grants haa added very materi&lly to the difficulty above referred to, as the Government aid almost invariably goes to assist the trustees of large and prosperous sections rather than to assist those of small and poor sections. The· two evils have long been reeognized and regretted by the thinking part oft.he eomm·unity, but how to overcome them has th.is far been a problem that no one has undertaken to aolve. The Ontario Government some three _years ago took a step in the direction of a solution by enactiag that townahi.P councils may raise by a uniform rate on the properly of the municipality $100 towards paying the salary of each head teacher and $50 for each assistant. Small as thi11 promise is there has been a hesitation iu adopting it, Manvers being tho only township in this county that has yet taken advantage of the clause. The l!lyatem of township boa.i:ds is not likely to come into general favor as there il!I no disposition on the part of our people to give up the local control of their echools. We have just perused a paper written by our Pubiic School Inspector, Dr. W. E . Tilley, and read before the Ontario Teachers' Association in Toronto, la1t. August, w.h ich though not professing to deal with this question, contains some valuable hints along that line, au extract from which we intend publishing as soon ff' space permits, p J L Parsons Rev J W Patterson George Pollard John Penfound The Ottawa correspondent of the Ham· Rd T Philp ilton Times in referring to the opening of GREAT ANNUAL ASSEMBLY oil FRIENDS AND Eli Pa~coe li,red Parker Ed Pinder the Dominion Parliament says:-.l\1r. PATRONS OF THE STA'rESl\fAN · SR Parsons A A Pe11.rson Blake looked like a thoroughly healthy man, who had not known a day's illness This week we publish tho balance ot the Robt Philp for decades. Sitting in his old seat be- list of subscribers who have paid in adR side Mr. Laurier, now his leader, it was vance for THE STATESMAN. No doubt R L Ralls Frank Ruse difficult to imagine that he was not still several names have l:.een overlooked in Fred Rundle Mrs Mary Richards at Lhe head of his party. He was care· our haste in preparing the list for the Jas Ross A .J Reynolds ful, however, to observe the etiquette of compositors. Any person who has paid Jas T Rundle W JRoy Pa.diament, for he abstained from any in· for the paper either at the office or book- W G Rundle Rei Ruddock terference in the work appertaining to stores and has not been credited on these Ivliss S A Robinson the party leader. Of the little that had lists should notify us at once so that they to be done, Mr. Laurier did everything. may receive due credit on our books t1.nd D SmiLh It is understood that Mr. Blake will be a the name~ will be enter~d on a. supple· Mrs J Simosofi Jas Slemon(Stratton) prett.y constant attendant durlng the ses- mentary list to be published the first Norman Samis Miss KR Squair sion, giving the party the benefit of his week in April sfter which we shall charge Chas Souch Sam'l Shortridge assistance and taking an occasional $1. 25 till July lat when all subscribers in W Souch Jas Souch part in the debates, but not assuming any arrears will be charged $1.50 .. This may James Storie F Ecolt of the functions of a political chief. appear to some to be a big increase, but Thos Silas Miss A Spear · ·- · it is not an increase at all, the act 11al J Sanderson Ralph Slrutt, jr Pearl Wadding at Bethesda., j pric~ of the paper is ~1.50, and the .re- John Strachan Mrs W Salmon -I duchon to oae dollar is matle for· advance .Tno Staples On the evening of Feb 12th, a large I payment. We can collect $1._50 ~y law Mrs Smith(Exeter) Rich Sanguins Mrs Jas Sproul surpriae party ma.de their appearance at every case .where payment is no· ma.d e N Skilding T the deor of the very hospitable mansion at the beg!nnmg of the year. Any . pres· of Joo Hoskin, Esq, and ne'er asking ant s1;1bscr1bA~ who cannot con.vemen~ly A. Tamblyn Jeese Trull leave assumed possession from the front pay hll bt~r m t~e year, and w _ ill so . m· Wm A Tom Jas Travail door clear to the back yard. After their form ua, will be given further time with- J H Tremeer Robi Taylor wraps were all a.towed away a snowy out extra charge, as we know some N Treleven Jno Tape cloth was deftly spread and as if hy magic farmers . an~ others find money very v that table was laden with-well Mr. Ed. 11carce this winter, and we would rather John VanNest You ought to have been there-the w8:it on such ones than have ~hem d~ A Va.mum prettiest pies, the toniest tarts, the pr1 ve~ of the pleasure of readmg their William Vanstone Mrs J Vinson Mrs J no Vi neon J W Virtue choicest cakes, served up to the accom- favorite paper. John VanNest, jr A paniment of Chickenpie. Imagination must eupplv what pen cannot describe Sam Allin B Ashton .John Winter Armond Witheridge concerning how that table3' load was John Allin Miss Aikins Mrs R W a·hington Rich Woodley lighttmed-it fairly "groaned with the Frank Armstrong Ramm.o nd Arch Mrs W Williams Mary Jane Ward weight of the feast. " At a siqnal under Wm Adams Edwin Annis Wm Werry W H Westlake clo~e escort Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin were Geo Argue Henry Argue Rd Woodley J H Werry seated ln the parlor when order was GeoAwde John Ashton Jas Walters Peter Werry called by W . .T. Roy, Esq., who heving John Arnot .Tessa Arnot '!'hos Woodley J eflsie Williams ascertained that no one had any objecions LeYi Arnot Thoe Allman Miss Laura Welch D F Walsh to the enterin~ of the worthy couple into Robt Archer, (.Ap) Frank Armstrong Sam'l WooJ. Jos Ward the bond11 of Pearly matrimony, read the J K .Allen RB Allin Geo Waddell following address : · Daniel E Allin Geo Allin, ] r 1 MR. AND MRl!lo JNn. HOSltlN : .A.8 Fa.th 'lr Chas Awde Sam Ashton J. H. KENNER 8 PAID·UP LIST Time ls now calling off the thirtieth anniversary ot your wectdlng day-of all your days the Jitcob Gaud Robt Down B beat-your friends assembled to wieh you much .Tns Clem.,us Henry Hocken joy and 11 continuation of the felicities of. life Dr .Ta1 Bray Thoe Bragg known only to those who trea:i life's rugged Robt Fieldi[lg Mrs S Clemens Thoe Bridgman road hand In hand in thorough self surrender John Burley Sam Allin Joo Foster each to the other's weal. Many of the hands Jno Burley John Barton WC Allin l\lrs J Laurie that clasped yours then are folded In calm re· Mrs Thos Batting Rev T Brown pose and dear familiar voices will utter their Rich Souch Sam Jeffrey Jas Brown con~re.tulatlonsno more this aide of heaven. But Rich Barrett W J Langmaid Mrs R Galbraith round your hearth has grown up since then Norman Billirigs Mrs J Brown some dozen honest la.de and bonnie lassies R Collacott Chas W~lch Berry Elias .Tohn Bannatto whom you hold dearer than all else besi.des. Jno White Alex White and th"' hopes that centred then in your own SM Billings Thos Baker Chris Cox S Rickard life's work ls now difl'used, but not lessened iu Wm Brent, jr Jas Berry the livesoCthoae who bo'l.r your likeness and Jnu Somers JD Hoar your name. The times or failure and the Mrs Chas Branton lion E Blake Frank Osborne Thomas Blythe hours of gloom that have .ca.et their shl\dos WY Brittain Mrs Jno Hell upon you have, we are glad to sa.y, been fieet· Tom Osborne Jae Rundle, jr TS Brant .Tohn Buckley ingand now that you a.r6 on lifo's decline and MrsJ C Rowe Wm Cox are walkinll amid the lengthening shadows, ft, W 0 Black burn Michael Breen R Witheridge W El Osborne ls pleasant to know that you are in such full S Baskerville Mrs Beall possession of that·peace which is the heritage Wm Wiudatt Jno Metcalf W Bonathan of those who "trust in God and do the right" EE Billing1 Mrs Slute The value or an experience gained in thirty John Baker Mrs K Bickle years of the most active p&<t of lluman l!Ce Is now in your po1eeaeion, and as every effart Ila.a Frank Bambridge Dr Bateman Scott's Emulsion is to-day sold in al· been an honest end ea.var to live out the pattern John Bradley John Brown most every country of the world, and its of the God-man, your example and your conn· AL Bradley Steph Bradley sel is now felt ns a power for good in our sales are increasing every year. This midst, and in the formula taught to I~rael's Henrv H Bradley TR Bradley grand result has been reached through the lawgiver we say: '"Tile Lard bless thee and Ja, Berry FR Brown keep thee: The Lord .make his .face to shine Saml Beacock sterling merit of the remedy. It is used Jas Bennett upon thee and be gracious unto thee : The and prescribed by the medical pr1Jfesaion Lord lift up hia countenance upon thee and 0 for consumption and wastin!T diseases and give thee peace." Thia is the smoere desire of those assembled here who beg or you to a.o· John Colwill CM Cawker sicl,ly. delicate children with remarkable cept these articles as a token or our esteem W RR Cawker .Tno Couch succe1u. It is a wonderful flesh producerand good will, Signed on behalf or your .Tohn Coram friends w. J. Roy, tlhe.irman, M. A· J.1.:M:1u;i, .Tohn Colwill, .Tr a perfect nerve food and tonic. We can Secretary. John T Cole W Clemence recommend this preparation to our readAt thi1 juncture the gifts consisting of Isaac Clark Mrs R Clarke , ers. a beautiful hanging lamp and ele~ant SM Clemens laal\o Cobbledick silver se~ was presented by D. Mont- Robt Courtice DH Coatee BA Music tor the Young. gomery, Esq. Mr. Hoskin"s hearty re- Wm Cox Mrs J Clarke ply wa11 followed by short speeches from WR Cole A E Clemens · Parents desirouf! of haying their childMessrs. E Cann, W Law, John West· Thos Oreeper Paur Courtice ren attend the Saturday afternoon class away, George Argue, H Hoar, John J as Courtice WR Clemens in Chas. Ruse's School of Music may call Bellyar, Levi Morrie, G H Jardine, J . .T. Roger Cole J AChartlon at his office and secure tickets. Only a MIUlon, Fred Rundle and otheH. A Cowan Edmund Cobbledick limited number of Students can be acRich Col will R Clarke commodated. W Couch Jos Colwill Chin& Wedding. Tickets, $1.00 per term. Office hours, W .J Collacott Emanuel Cawker 9 to 10 and 11 to 12 a. m. Please arrange John Cinnaman SM Clemens On Wednesday night nearly 140 relayour calls for the above hours as other tives, neighbors and friends met at the· portions of the day are fully occupied D farm residence of Mr. and Mrs. .Tohn Aaron Davis with claaaes, excepting Saturdays, when Mrs S Dunn Elford in the cap!Mlity of a surprise party Rich Davey the office will be open from 0 to 12 a. m. Robt Davey to celebrate their chin" weddinit. Thos. Elias Dickinson and 3 to 5. p. m. Jos Darley Smale, Esq., Deputy-Reeve of Darling- Ed ward Dowson Mrs AH Deike ton, was appointed master of ceremonies Geo Dobson A' GREAT SuFFERER.-Thatperaon who and ably discharged the arduous duty. is afllicted with rheumatism is a great E The ladies furnished a supper fit for a sufferer ·and greatly to be pitied if they William Everson king, includinlir chicken pills and many Robert Everson .. cannot procure Hagya.rd's Yellow Oil. Thos Everson Eli Earle other nice thing· to which all did f·lll This !remedy i.e a certain cure, not only W Edgerton justice. Between 9 and 10 o'clock the Lwi Ellens for rheumatism but for all external aches F company were called to orderin the large and internal pains. sitting room by Mr. Smale and Mr. and Fred Flintolf .Tno Frayne Mrs. Elford were escorted to their posi- Wm Frayne AUCTION SALE. Rhys D Fairbairn tions, Mr. R. Osborne and Mrs. Northcote Jae Ferris W Farrell SATURDAY, FE11. 23.-There will be actin~ as groomsman and bridesmaid. W G Fairbairn sold by auction in tbe village of HarDr. W. K Tilley, M. A., Inspector of G mony, the eft'ec~s of the late Hugh HinPublic Schools, waa then called upon and David Grigg M Garvin read this addreH: ton, horses, cattle, implements, etc., Thomas Goard Wm Gilbert some household fllrniture, also all of the To Mr. and Mrs. John Elford. Wm Gorrill David Galbraith freehold property. See posters for parDEAR FllIENDK.-We, 11. number of your Alf J Griffin friends, h&ve unbidden taken possession at MGarvin ticulars.- S. C. HumuNG, Auctioneer, ;your home for an evening's enjoyment on this H the ocoaaion ot tbe twentieth return of J'OUr D Hogarth wedding day. S Hogarth A PnovESSIONAL Or1N10N.-Rev. F. There are those hear to·nhrM to whom the Alf Hogarth S V Hoar Gunner, M. D., of Listowel, Ont., says Old Homestead recalls many h:o.llowed as,oc· . Mr Thos Harris lations, &bd others wbo rememoer the home Wm Hambly regarding B. B. B., "I have ueed your ot Grandmother and Grandfather Elford as SJ Henry Jas Hodgson excellent Burdock Compound in practice the scene or some o! the most pleasing recol- W H Hicks Alb, Hillis and in my hmily since 188!, and hold it lections ot early days. Jos Hurd GrandmotheP and Grandfather Elford ha.ve FA Raddy No. 1 on my list of sansative remediell. Jong since gone to th~ir Home beyond, but the John Holmes A E Henry Your three busy B's never sting, weaken Olcl Homest<~ad has not loet lts charm. The WW Holman W .T Holman broad Christian sympa.thy that prompted the or worry." many acts of love and charity on their part In Henry Haney Thos Hooper those by.gone days, has since animated you in l&J all your rel&tlons in life, and led J'OU ever to extend the ea.me hearty welcome and sump· TT Jardine John.Johns tuous hospitality to all. . Isaac Jewell We cordially extend to you, both, our warm- Thos Johns est congra.tule.tlons e.t this time. and ask you Wesley F Joll Geo E Jamieson to accept these presents as a. mark of our re· Wm Jewell gard and esteem !or you, and as an indication Henry Jollow ot our best wlehes !or you·r future welts.re. K While we are not unmindful that, " "l'is not for mortals 11.lwaya to be bleat." yet we feel R Katerson Jaa Kelley that we can rejalce with you that a kind t>rovidence has thus far led you m paths of tem· L poral and spiritual plenty, 'fha.t even more Mrs Jno Libby abundant blessing may continue to surround Thos Lott you in time, that your lives may be long Mrs R Lund Lewis Lyle spared to ;vour family and. friends here, &nd J E Linton .TS Lick that the kmd habd of your Heav1:mly F11.ther Mrs John Linton ma.y guide you safely Home at last, is the earn· William Lott est prayer of your many friends. Wm Lammiman TC Langmaid Signed: Tuo. s . 8:&ULE. Chairme.n} Jae Leask Geo A Leask L&v1 Mo:ruus, Treast1rer Com. Ontario Legislature Bart Lammiman M.A. JAMES. i::lecretacy February 13, 1889. · Miss K&tie Lee( Mar)Edwin Layton The presents consisted of a $30 Royal John Lyle Worchester Dinner Set of 144 pieces and M a handsome Hangini Lamp, both bought Jam es Morris Geo Mason at Murdoch Bros' China Hall, and a mas· Mrs .l:!:liza Mason Robt Moon sive Silver Dinner Cruet, bought at J. J. Mrs B Mitchell Joi'! Moore Mason's Jewelry Store. A beautiful John Manning D Montgomery Biscuib Barrel, purchased with a. contri- John Mutton WMuir bution sent by Mr. and .Mrs. Cor- Jas Moore John Mason nelius Elford, D"'kota, wa.s afterwards John Mayne Iai\ac Metcalf added. All present enjoyed a very plea- Abram Morris Mrs D Mutton sant time and dispersed about midnight CW Mounsdon Jon G Moore wishing Mr. and Mrs. Elford many more Mc happy years of wedded life. T H McLaughlin Ch&s McDonald HON. E. BLAKE · OUR "AT HOME" NEW SONG BOOKS, containing a.bout 100 songs. PRICE, 50 O'TS. ) - PICTURES s Wall Paper, VERY CHEAP. Carnival Number Im MONTREAL STAR now ready. Sent to any address on receipt of price, 35c. The West End House STOCK-TAKING w S-A-L·E '· now going on. . Tweeds worth $1.00 for 75c. Cardigan Jackets worth $3 for $2. All Wool Hose worth 25c. for 15c. Dress Goods worth 25c. for 20c. Dress Goods worth 20c. for 16tc. Mantle Cloth worth $1.20 for $1. Mantle Cloth worth $1 for 75c. BLANKETS AT COST~ I Room must be made for our Spring Goods. JOHN McMURTRY. The Jolliest Time ~ Year. When every man,! woman and child s_ h ould , be happy. Why? Because ·~ "J.Md. rNJ.RD Tlie JeiDeller," Diamond Rings. I Gold Silver Watches. Fancy Clocks. Watches. All kinds Bracelets. ~~~--t>-~~~ Brooches, a.nd Ear Drops. Lockets and Cha.ins. A SQUARE DE..A..L IN EVERY LIN"E_ Silverwaro. Knives. Forks. Fancy Goods, etc. Wedding Rings. Spectacles and Eye Glasses. BJack Jewelry. Will try to add to your happiness by offering you gr11at bargains~~ the eqnaree You can save money by purchasing your Cbristmae and New· l'. e11or presents from us, We have the finest stock 11ver brought to this town. Wa are bound to llElll our goods this month. It is acknowledged by thousands that we have the neat.ist store, nicest goods. and do the beet work, and give the ooat &atis· faction in West Durham. TRY MAYNARD, THE JEWELLER. · '- YOUNG&CO'S G- T _ R_ TIJY-I:E T .A.BL:E:L GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, BOWMANVILLE STATION. GOING EJ.ST Mall.. ·......10 O! a m Mixed .........3 4.0 p ID Lacal .....··..710 p m Mail ........ 110:15 p m ·Except Mondays. I I GOING WB:BT Local , ........ 8 20 a m Expreas* ...... 9 47 a m Mixed ........ 3,15 p m Mall ......... 857 pm Mail .. ...... 21 a m GET A THROUGH 'TICKET for YOUNG & Co's GROCERY STORE, where you will find a full assortment of Groceries, Teas, Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Brushes and Brooms, an bought for Cash and sold at prices to suit the times. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. .. ('~ ..A BARREL FULL OF Jlrfo.N:EY,,, ia a good thing to have, but what's it good for if R J Niddery your health ia poor. Preserve your Sam'l Northcott health by using Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder. t J obn Otton, jr N John Newcombe Mrs R Nori.on ~~ \ ·~ 0 John Oke (Eng} Thls powder never var1e11, A marvel of purity, strength and whole·omen1111. More eoonomioal than the ordinary Jlinda, and oan not be sold in competition with the multlinde ot low test, short wela-ht, alum or pho1P:h.ate powc\era: Bold only In cans, ROYAL B.4.K· NG POWDER C0., 108 Wall St.. N. Y, CENTRE STORE, Wellington Buildings, King St., Bowmanville. ... ) I '