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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1889, p. 5

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Photographs and Fancy Goods at TAIT'S Corner Store . ~ ~vou CAN HAVE A Deic,ious, Nourishing Soup in a moment by using FLUID, BEEF! THE BEST FOR BEEF TEA. STHE ONLY EXTRACT OF BEEF .suitable for makin~ JULIEN and other CLEAR SOUPS. A FINE RICH FLAVORED SOUP can be made IN A MOMENT by adding boiling water. _/ r LYMAN, SONS &Co., SOLE AGENTS FOR C.ANADA. l..iiCe Gi 1'ing '5t.Leon Mineral Water Messrs. STOTT & JURY ever in ad vs.nee to supply the demands with every 1i:enulne Ure restorative and preservative. The name, fame and increa.aln" demand for St. Leon Water ha.a necessit&ted their making arrangements with the Ontario agents for a11pplle11 direct from St. Leon Springs, Now is your cha.nee to build up a sound; etron"·conetitutlon. Send in your orders, call and il'et clrcula.ra, i:ea.d the lists of cured, &e., and try St. Leon fer a season. The extraordinary merits or this water is thus commented upon by the Toronto pt"ess : Compassion to a fallen raae In natures healing springs we trace: St. Leon, the rarest gem In America. to rejuvenate wretehed humanity. le more and more attracting learned analysts, professors, doctors, etc., trom all points. After critical -experiments they declare 8t. Leon Inimitable by art, either for internal or external use. .Abt!orb!ng and carryina: from the system all deadly secretions. blood poisons, eto. Even with tree use Bright's disease and dla.betes extinguished as water quenches fire, to which numbers cnred bsar witness; Young and old, sick a.nd stiff. even peovla in fair health all undeogo such a happy tran S· formation, after a season's free uao, the senses become heightened, the system steeled UIJ, the blood rejuvenated. vigorous health and pleaf!Ure follow, and lite in a sweeter and higher sense, paet imagining, is enjoyed. · All who value the restoration arid preserva· tion of lire to a happy end 11:0t St. Leon, use it treely, and centinue en until the system Is built up with those rare minerals of which the aip of our fair ir1land Canadian clime is deft· clent. As a regulator &nd health vreservative St. Vion Is unrivalled. Doctors say, "ioovospoas.i ble to say too much in its praise." .,. ,,..,)WMA.NVILLE, FEB. 20, 1889. Local and Otherwise. ~ I Ice Harvest ia brisk. Splendid sleighirti: now. The furniture factory is busy. Mr, Simpson's turnout i& attractive. See the print11 at 10c., worth 12!c, at Tod Bros. Two Clarke farms are advertised to . ~ent or sell . . Revival services be~an in Church-st. church Sunday night. · Go to St. Paul's church to-night to hear Rev. M. Milligan. Mrs. Donnelly is selling out he r entire .etock of Millinery below coet. McClellan ·& Co represent Gilmour & Co's work1, Trenton. See advt. Two local papers dated the last School Board meeting July 7th. Stale. See the new cloths at Mason's. They have the best cutter in the town. Tod Broe. h ave finished stock-taking. Inspect new stock of spring goods. l'he floral decorations at Trinity church opening were Tery beautiful. Citizens read with gre~t interest our article about .Ada. Hind last week. All t.he n ew shapes and styles in Fall and Winter millinerv at Mr11. Donnelly's. ~ Spring goods have ariived at Tod Br9s, " Inspect new stock before purchasing;-~ T Ocean tickets by different lines of ~tea.mships for sale a.t the STATESMAN office. tf Hosiery, Gloves, Blankets, at cost. Call and see the bargains at the West End House. . Henry is particularly S\tccessfulin Phot ographing family j;!;roups. Call at the gallery and see sampies, Henry has been turning out some grand pictures this month, if it has been d11ork and cloudy most of the time. We ommitted te mention las~ week that Mrs. Osborne whose obituary we p ublished was mothdr of Mrs. W. A. Neads. Mr. and Mrs. Allan L ochart, Clarke, celebrated their golden. wedding l ast month and received an easy chair each as presents. Mr. Wm. Cator, telegraph operator in the post office. has received an artifical hand fro'll the United Stat e~, which was procured with the money obtained by Mr. Jas. McLean by subscription from -0ur citizens in a couple of h ours' solicitation. Mr, Ca.tor finds his new hand a g reat conveniecce and dtlllires t o express t hrough the STATESMAN his sincere _ gratitude to the gentlemen who contributed to the fund for the purchase of the same. The n ew ~ bowrooms of t.he McCausland 'Sta.inw.d Gla.·s Works, T orrmto, have attracted cc.osiderable notice since they opened to the public. There are _ exaa_i· pies of and wall decorations m various mat~>rialB, repre~enting a wide range v i. nrices, while their specimens of Churcl> iJ. l House Glass are very su per· ior a.ndin'Wresting. The fi rm send samples of wall paper and glass to nny .\>1ldress. "f.'WOJllW! ()AlJSE SERIOlJS 81()KNESS. Dr. ·J .ow's 'l'ol'm Syrup 1te1troye11 and expells aµ,lda4i el worma qnlekly aod sorely. HamptonSalvationists have bought the ' Enniski!len barracks. Murdoch Bros. are paying the liighest David Kilgour is ill at Montreal. price for clover seed. Mr. Houston Stott has been very ill. The Misses Sherin l:(!IYe a succeseful Mrs. D. T. Tees has returned to Monparty W ednesdav night. treal. A contin~ent from the D. 0. Ba,nd Mr. Geo. S. Shaw visited Rochester played at 0'3hawa Carnival. last week. See Tod Bros. big raft of dry goods all Miss Phelps can rely on a large audibought at the lowest prices. ence next visit. A philharmonic society has been orMrs. W. Brittain has been very sick ganized under Pruf. Waldron. but is recoveriog, Large quantity of bricks are being JUSTICE HAINES initiated me to the tune of $7.50 fine Miss Ida. Shaw has returned a hauled from Mrs. Hambly's yard. visit to Montreal. The wife of Rev. T. Manning, recently and costs ; a~d His Worship, ABRAM YOUNIE, to p~t his Mrs. A Mitchell has been visiting of Oshawa, died in Orillia on the 11th name to a piece of paper called a License, (allowing me to friends in Toronto. inst. sell g?ods and cheap goods for one year in Bowroanville) $50. Mr. Archie ..Bingham was here from Rev. H. S. Matthews has been SecreTrenton last week. tary at the trial of Rev. Mr. Jeffery at St. Valeotine's Day was scarcely ob- Toronto. Ml". Jae. Maitland won a law suit in Now a year we purpose stopping, and to meet the bill a served in this to ivn. Toronto last week. Tod Bros. have a stock of 5 tons of cot. Attend 'Bible Society meeting in St. tolls, all bought before the advance. Buy Bankrupt Stock of Dress Goods, Boots and Shoes, &c., has been added New subscriptions ta the STATESMAN - - - t o our Bankrupt Store.--Paul's church to-night. a web and save money. are still coming in. Charlie Kelly has been delighting ManWhat man in town carries the heaviest Rev. W. H. Warriner was suffering itobans with his songs. insurance on his life 7 We can name one from a cold last week. Oshawa carnival did no~ attract many who carries just $20,000. Mrs. Donnelly is selling her large stock of our skaters last week. .M r. A . J . Smale, of Winnipeg, hae of Wings at half-price. BEAUTIFUL GOODS AT HALF PRICE. Local curlers and skaterR seem w have been visiting friends here. Go to Mrs. Donnelly if you want a lost interest in their sport. . The Ontario County Spring Assizes good hat for 25 cents. Beef ie selling at 6c and 5c per hind will commence on March 10th. David Da.rch has engaged with Mason and fore quarter respectively. FARMERS.-Best power Straw Cutter & Dale, harnessmakers. The jubilee at the barracks was fairly with reverse gear sold by CHAS. ROGERS, Mrs. W. G. Perry spent Sunday week -ATwell at~ended Thursday night. Tod Bros' stock must be reduced. They at Mr. W . McMurtry's. Mr. Chas. Sando has gone to learn will sell at cost and below cost during The West ·End -House ·Stock -Takingtelegr&phy in a C. P . R. office. January. Sale is st.ill in progress. The Grand Council of Royal Templars Bowmanville Teuiplars of Temperance The G. T. R. time-table will be fouud will meet next year at Peterboro. did not have a representative at the. in Young & Co'!!. advt. Our thanks are due the Toronto Globe grand Council at London last week. Mr. W. A. Pope has had typhoid fever for one of its handsome calendars. Mr. Thos. Broa1ie's fine span of at Redlands, California. . So~s of. England. F I E L D_ & M cC 0 L L' Mr. W. H. Ives is in Englsnd,' it is drivers made the snow fly Thursday American subscribers will oblige us by The fo!Jowmg officers were elected by 1 BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries,. . said, buying a new stock of cloths. when they sailed down King·st. without a sending us Green Backs. the Grand Lodge of the Sons of England, &c. Offices : St. Paul's choir sang at Newtonville driver. Mr. Chas. Rogers has bee n appointed at Ottawa, for the ensuing yllar : -Grand COLBORNE and COBOURG. Presbyterian church tea last night. Master Earnest Loscombe, son of Mr. agent for Sylvester Bros. w. Kempling, Barrie ; !llONEY TO LOAN. Farmers will find some thoro'-bred and R .R. Loscombe, drove from this town to President, .J . · Mrs. S · .A.. McMurtry, of Montreal, Grand Vice-President, Aid. W.R. Stroud, F. M. FIET,D, B. A. JOHN B. McCOLL. other stock advertised in this papeJ', Oshawll last week with his dog team and Ottawa; Grand Secretary, John W. Carhas been visiting in town. sleigh. ANTED.-A goad working houseOne town paper made no allusion to ter, Toronto ; Grand Treasurer,B. BenchMr. J. C. Brown, traveller for Millkeeper, comoetent to take charge and the burning of the Caledonia.n Mill. Dr· and Mrs. Hillier are staying at cliffe, Toronto ; Grarid Lodge Trustees, look: ~ttor children. Apply to Box 191, Bow· burn & Co., was here Thursday. Rural School Trustees be sure to at- Ventnor, Isle of White, England. Dr. Bros. J . C. Smart, R. Caddick and Dr. man ville, 6tf Munson & Bunney will place a ne>'I' tend the meeting at Eoniskillen Friday'. only missed two meals while crossin1' the W. W. Ogden; Bros. Skippen and Purpanel ceiling in St. Paul's church. Atlantic. UESS-MAKING.-Mise Grant (late kiss, Auditors. ol Toronto) is prepared to do first It is rumored that Mr. Fred. Rogers, The bulk of the watch and clock reMr.·J. B. Mitchell is attending the A. lJrees and M11ontle mFt.king at her home, corner Enniskillen, speaks of comin~ to town. pairing now goes to John J Mason's 0. U. W. Grand Lodge at Toronto. All winter goods clearing at or below of Concession and High Streets, Bcwmanville. 2- tt. Terms, reasonable. McClellan & Co. have bought that jewellery department. Nothing succeeds cost at Mason's. Mr. Geo. Laing and Mr. and Mrs . .Jos. handsome ~ray team from Mr. M. Burke. like success. Jeffery attended Montreal carnival. All wobl ·black cashmere hose at 25c. ARM TO LET.-To let for a term Mr. W. C"nn made a tour through Mr. Sam. Bray, Enfield, sowed 5 bush. a pair, at Tod Hros· of years, 50 acres of very fertile land; For the be&t cutters made anywhere go being composed of the south-west quarter of to Haines' Carriage Works, Bowmanville. Muskoka and Parry Sound recently in Mummy Peas last spring whfoh yielded T,weeds, Dress Goods, and Mantle Lot 31. in the 3rd Oonceesion of Clarke. Also quest of lumber. 84 bushels. He has a. few bushels for Cloths at cost, at West End House. for sale Cedar Posts. Apply to RICH. FOSTBR, Mr.Jas. Gale is attending the Supreme Newcastle. 7;3w Mr. W. Carter of Trinity College, Tosale at $2 per bush. Lodge of the Sons of Canada in Toronto. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. ronto, is assisting Rev· Dr. Macnab in Messrs. 1\, Glidden, Morrison and ROBT. VIRTUE, Agent, Bowmanville. tf. HORT-HORN BULLS FOR SALE. Mr. W, R.R. Cawker has been unwell Rattenbury assistt,d with brass instru- '£he ltllb&oriber oft'..r· tw.e Short-horn for a few days, but is around once more. Sunday services. The big raft of spring goods has arrived Bulle for sa.lA-12 and 15 month~ old, respect· The do.te of birth o f the late M11ry'Ann men ta at Trinity church opening. Mr. at Tod Broe. .All goods at rock-bottom ively, rei.ietered in the New Dominion Herd Creditors of the late Mrs. Morrison, Symons is .Feb. 21, 186!), not 2!)th as H. Knight rendered good vocal aid. Book. Both prize winners at Bowmanvil!e prices for cash. milliner, read the administrator's notice. priated last week. fair, :Fm:· furtner Jlarticulars apply to SAMUF.L Maple Grove farmers are marketing ~ LLI N, on Lot 2, Con, 2, Darlington, 6;!w* If you want Millinery Goods at half'fhe new S. A. officers are giving splenSeveral wom~n and children in town peas at Port Hope and farmers south of did satisfaction and the meetings are well are afraid to be alone at night since fires Hampton bave been hauling barley to price for the remainder of the sea.son, go ARM FOR SALE.-100 acres of the to Mrs. Donnelly. attended. estate of the late ARCilrBALD STEVENS, Burketon. What is the matter with our being oomvosed or the halt er lot i , con. 4, Mr. W. .A.lex:ander of Winnipeg, hlls have been so prevalent. We know of no artist in this part of Miss Eva Trewin gave a l;irthday party town buyers 1 · in the Townehtv ·otDs.rlington; also one acre been spending a few days at Mr. F. Canada, who gives such general satiafac- on lot 6, in the 3rd Concession. Possession the to over twenty of her young friends We take pieaaure In acknowledging a .tion to every one as Henry. Bleakley'a F irst of April. ·For enquire or Mr. Thursday night. 'l'hey had a merry time. beantifnl Scott's Emulsion Calendar for '.VILLIAM WINDATT, Ex~cutor, or MRS. A. Henry's Photographs are 11uaranteed The Happy Thought cooking range Executrix. at the residence of Mr. More attention should be given to ven- 1889 from Messrs. Scott & Bowne, New to please. , Proofs are always shown and STEVENS, sold by S. S. Edsall is the b est stove in John Rutledge, Ma.overs Road, <ltf tilation in the barracks. 'fhe air becomes York. Scott & Bowne are tnimufactnr- its not hi11 fault if you are not pleased. the market. very impure when the attendance is large. ers of Scott's .Emulsion of God Liver Oil ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. Mr. John Maynard, je weller, was laid The south :l of lot 21, con. 3, and the south Our rule is io charge for notices of all with Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. BIRTHS. by for a few days last week from the ef50 acres of tile north 100 acres of lot 20, Clarke meetings at which an admission fee is This preparation was perfected about Township, both pa.reels adjoining containing fect of a cold. BARCLAY~ At 'Vhitby, Feb. 2nd, the wire of cha1ged or a collection taken to pay ex- · twelve years.a1to, and ·as by the process Mr-1.. 100 acres. TJiere good bui'dings on this T. Barclllof, of a daughter. Mr. Tait says he has the Art that en:. penses. property, well a ood orchard and well of its manufacture cod1iver oil w1u made COUCH- In Raglan, on the ithfost·· the wife watered. The fenced. soil Is a black loa.m, situ&te 3.f ables him to make t rue Portraits at rea· Peterboro, Northumberland and Dur- palatable, with the addition of fhe of Mr. Ed win Couch, of a daughter. miles from Newcastle. Possession given April sonable prices. M'°ORRow..:..1n Kirby, Feb. ~ lst. t.he wile of lat. For tu rt.her particulars apply ·to, R. Ile J, ham Farmers' Institutes, five in all, have hypophospbites its well known c urative Mr. Andrew Morrow, of a daughter. · Ca.mpbell, Whitby. G:tw Mrs. John Pierce and Mrs. Jno. Rob· arranged for a g rand Farmerd' Picnic at pr<>perties largely increased. !'!LEEPIn Starkvllle, Feb, 2nd, the· wife of ertson, of Toronto,: spent a few days in Rice Lake next .June. A return shooting match between Bow- Mr. William Sleep, Of a son. A!{M !N PICKERING FOR SALE. town this week. - 01!10 of the beat farms In Pickering for Murdoch B ros' is headquarters for manville and Hir.thlnnd Creek was held RlTCHIE-.At Bethesda, on the 17th in,st., the ·ale containing 125 acres, all or which are wt!e or Mr. William Ritchie. · Cotton spools have advanced but you china Tea and Dioner sets for china wed- at the l('tter place on Saturday, rt'iiulting cleared and ln high 1tate of cuhiva.tion. Qo. can buy at old price at Mason's. Coats' din2s. Their assortment is the largest as· follows : the premlsee are a. good dwelling houee and MARRIED. out bulldini.11 and two wells. Thi· prooerty 111 best 2 for 5 conts. H i ghland Oreck. and best in the district. Bowma1wille. eituated on lot 15, b, f., one mile and o. bal'f PRIOR-RUMSEY- At the Metho.\ist parson . from Pickering village, 200 400 half a mile from Grand · The Public Schools are free for children 200400 Cottonades have advanced in price but · Names yde T'I Names yds T'l age, Orono. by Rev. T. Dunlop. Feb. 2nd. Mr. Trunk Suatlen. three miles from Ptoll:ertnst 2 1 u 35 Orlando Prior and Mis11 Ellen Rumsey, all of Harbor, and elx milee trom Whl~by. i'lir you can buy them cheaper than ever be- of sexes from five to 21, but w s Rueeel! 22 22 4-l R Puker Clarke. 20 20 to attendance is only compulsory · between J B Mitchel 2l 2g 41 'r Parker further apply w J ill'li:9 PJCJ[UQ fore at Mason's 22 22 u BECKET- DREW- In WhltQy Township, nn on the premit!M, or Plckerla11r, P . O. 211-C he ages of 7 and 13 years. J Sando 2'l 21 43 J Westney W C King 23 21 H W Chestel' 19 22 u Tuesday. 5th insr., by Rev. Elder Prosser, Mr. l\lr. ls!\11.c Metcnlf has bought a farm t Mr. W. MacKa.y was presented with a N SYoung 2~ 21 43 W Morrish 22 2~ « Geo, .M. Becket, to Miss Magll'ie E. Dre w. ARM FOR SALE. - 130 acres, comne11or Moorefield, Ont., and will move handsome marble clock by his Masonic D 21 22 ts 22 22 4' J Morrish MuimY- MAJon- At Widmer ·Street, a t poeed ot south pa.rt of Lot No. 19'-Broken 21 21 42 G Cheater 22 28 t5 the reeidence of the bride'· father, ou the 5th J Horsey their next month. brethren in Jerusalem Lodge the other J n Morris 23 22 45 W Clossen 19 21 ~o Inst.. by Rev. Alexander G!lra.y. E. J. Mundy; Front, Bild ls three mllee trom the Town of Bowman ville. Thi· is one or the beet farms in The Presbyterian Year Book is on our night as a wedding present. E L11mpton 22 22 4' c D Cloasen 21 21 t5 of the Port Perry Standard, to Nellie, third the county of 'ham. n is In a. high of table- full of interesting facts for CanThere wo.s a big storm .o n the Lake Fri- J Curtis 21 22 t3 - Humvhrey 22 23 i:. daughter otE. Major, Esq, cultivation and ia well fenced On the preWERRY- WATSON-At the Salvation Army mises there 11 a stone dweUilll!'. two h.rge ada Presbyterians. day night and Saturday morning, and we Total 433 Total 425 Temple, Montreal, on Feb. 18th, 1889, by the be.rns and other ouiobulldl~. with stone · k d Majority for Bowmanvllle, 8 points. Several citizen11 spent a soci a1 evening thin we never hear the waters roar eo Rev. E. DeGru~hy and Comm!se!oner Coornba, stablin~ for cattle and hnrsee, three wells and Capt. R. Luther Werry, son of W. Werry, ~q .. tour cisterns, also w1nd·mill for pumping at Mr. John Oke's tine residence, Eben· loudly before. The waves were very high Last Thursday at a large meeting of St. Solina, Ontario, a.nd Lieut. Llziie Wataon, of water. For further particulars apply on the ezer, on the 12th inst. and dashed on the shores with terrible Paul's Church' a reeolution was passed Wattord, Ont, premises or it bV letter to HBINRY .MANN, Bowma.nvllle 31- tl Citizens were greatly pleased with Mr. I grandeur. , . recording the sense of re11 ret and sym· Thos, Yellowlees' addreas in St. Paul's Last Su!lday St. Pauls church pulpit pathy with the Rev. R. D, Fraser and DIED. . was occupied by Mr Peter McLaren who family and granting him leave of absence H.A.MMOND- ln Kendall. Wlllla.m Hammond, churc h on t h e 12 mst. preached two very acceptable sermons. for six months to r est and recuperate,the ~ed88 years. F uneral on 11th inst. Several Oddfellows visited Corinthian During Rev. Mr. Fraser's absence. St. salary to be paid in his absence. The MANNING-At Orlllla, Feb. lltll, the wife ot HE LA.ND AND BUILDING NOW Lodge, Oshawa, Thursday night and Paul's church pulpit will be filled by R ev. metiting wa.s as one, in sympathy and re~ R;;~.;~~1~ln~~lumbus, on Tnursdw Hth occupied BS! a. SCHOOL HOUSE, In the were handsomely treated. Charles Gordon until April. gret at the circumstance of parting with inst, Harrtet Retallick. beloved wife of Wm. SOUTH WARD, Bowmanville, is offered for A f k "t t h bl" Its minister. A subscription list wa.11 Hayes, aged 76, 6 months. 18h sale. Mesus. Joseph. Jeffery and J. Nance .ew wee sago i cos t e pu - er started on th011potand responded t o most 1 J AcKMAN.- ln Bewmanv1lle, Feb.15 , of a.p· Fer psrticulars apply to Kivall represented W ellin~ton Lodge at of th1s.~aper one d.oll~r extra to obhi.;e a h eartily, with the result that Mr. Fraser poplexy, Jamee Jackman, aged 78years. S. BURDEN, the Grand Lodge at Ottawa last week. subscri er by p ubhshm_g an address. T~e was preet:nted last Saturday with a purse M1TCHELL.- In Hope, Feb; ?th, i.n her 41st Chairman Property Com· Public School Board. d h next week said subscriber stopped this f Q f th <i:!lOO yAar, Ellen Ann Thompson, wife of Mr. Thos. 7-tf February 12, l889. Rev. Dr. Wild is friendly to the Salva· pa \)er, because he was offered an i nferior 0 'II' 200 an a c eque o r ano er 'Ii' Mitchell. tion Army and ~everal ot Bowmanville on e for a few cents lees. The 5-cent men was handed t o him siiznifying the esteem 'fHOMPSON,- In Hope. Feb.13th, Emma s. of corps heard him preach here on 7th are not all dead yet. and reei;ect in which he is held 1j hia Thompl!On, church and congre11:ation. Mr . .lfraser STAPLEs,--At Pert Hope, Feb, 12th, aged 68 met. The Port Hope Guide says Miss Nora left town yesterday morning for New years. Mar.:r Greenleii., wife of Mr. Geo. Rev. Mr. Warriner'11 text Sunday was Coleman maintained her reputation 118 a y k "d h d · h f Staples, · "Th l f th· fi t I l t· · t W d d · ht or amt t e goo wts es 0 many W EEKs.- In Bowmanville on the 16th inst, . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that · most appropr1atlie gory 0 ts rs -c ass e ocu toms e nes ay ntg · friendd. He leaves Now York for G las- Mary Jane, beloved wile of Mr. John Weeks, the va.rtnershlp heretofore carried ou by latter huuee shall be greater than of the The Times says : Miss Coleman is a young gow by S. S . " State. of N evade. " 00 aged 4:1, the three undersigned as house·bnilders, carandjolners, at the Town of Bowman· former." lady possessing talent, which will win for Thursday. Rev. Mr.Fraser is universally .,,.----.-----~-------- penters ville, under the style of Osborne & Company, Mr. M.A. James is attending ... th~ her a high place among the elocutiooists liked by everyone and we sincerely trust .LooKOUTFoRlT. ~If you are.troubled i& hereby dissolved, and that the two underGrand Lodge of the Ancient Order of of America. Her pieces were r endered that h e mav be iestored to his congrega- with a cold or cough,_however hg bt .the signed, Robert Henry Osborne and Thoma.a who intend to carry on business at U nited \Vorkmen in Toronto ihis week in a faultless manner, showing cult ure, tion a nd to our town in his wonted l attack, look ou t !or it, do not allow it t o Osborne, Bowmanville, as house-builders, ca.rpentera and joiners, under the style of R. H. &. T. settle and Mrs . James is visiting friends in the ability and excellent judgment in turning health and s trength. Bon vovaae on ~he lungs: break up th~ cou gh 1 her rnntences. · 0 I by loosemag the t oug h phlegm with Ha.g· Osborne, to collect all Boconnts and debts due to the eaid late firm of Osborne&; Co., and city· The enterta inment on Monday even"I have used Ayer's Pills for the past yard's Pectoral Balsam. are also to pay all liabilities or the ea.Id late firm Rev. Dr. Griffith, of Toronto, preached ing, under the auspices of the Mechanics' 30 y, and am satisfied I should not be · of Osborne&; Co. . Witness our hands this fi rst;da.y of February, DRS, HILLIER d; LUIMIMA.N, twu excellent sennoasin Church -st .church Institute , though not as great a success a live to-day if it had not been for them. .A. D., 1889. Sunday. He was a junior pastor of the financially as could be wished, was n ever- They curtid me of dyspepsia when all HYSICIANS, SURGEO N S, ETC. · } R. H. OSBO RNE, TH O S. 0SBORNK, Primitive Methodist church here when theleljs one of the best of its kind ever other r emedies failed."- T. P. Bonner, Office :- Cor. Church and Temperance Witnes~. M, C, GALBRAITII. J. H. MO RRIS. Ste. Night calls attended from Dr. Hlllier·s he was on his probation. given in the Hall ·. Miss Knox from first Cheater, P14. Ayer's Pills are sold by G ;iw residence. t - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- 8, c. HILLIER, M. D. A matter of interest to Organists, t o last completely held her audience, sus· all druggists. B. LAMMIMAN, M . D. C. M. Trin. Univ., Organ Stndents and '1\: aohers is a new taining h er high r eputation as an elocuFellow of Trin, Med. College, Roselandvale Stock Sa.le~ 3tt Member Coll, P hys. &. Surg., Ont. patent organ pedal a.ttachment for Pianos tionist of dramatic power and cultivated taste. The Scotch portion of the audience, manufactured by Mesers. N e wcombe & TOCK FOR SALE.- .Six large Steers, The plan of calling together farmers by Co., 107 Church st. T oront0. Partic11.lare especially, were delighted, with her renrising 4 years, partly fat. Two heirers do. dition of Scotch poetry. Our loc&l talent advertisement on a i,:iven day and hour on application. · tf a n11mber or sheep ; also 2 sows in pig. J D as usual gave universal satisfaction aQ.d for the sale of thoro'-bred stock by pri· TRELEVEN, Lot 16. Con 4. Dtt.rlington. 2- tf. 233 MONROE A V ENUE, Mr. Hugh Greenlees, one of t b.e model were greeted with rounds of applause. vate bargain is entirely n ew in this disMOUE M E N to sell our Fruit I Scotchmen of this district, considers the All th e details in connection with mak- trict, and Mr. W. Werry, Solina, deserves and ornnmental Stock. We l~ its 11th Y e ar. items that have been publi&hed about ing the application for a repeal of the credit for introducing it. can give you a good paying situation at In a note to once. Address for terms. f OPEN ALL THE YEAR ROUND. clover seed the last few weeks only baby" Scott Act in th e countieaof Northumber- us Mr. Werry says : "My stock sale on E. B · .RICU&.RDSON d\ (JO. 1 . . . . talk. Mr. Knight and M r . Perkiii will land an d Durham, have been complet ed, the 15th inst., was well attended and it Nurserymen, Geneva N y The oulv inshtut1on on the contment ma.king 3~6~ ' the condensed air· baths it.s lea.ding and euo' h ave to try again and without the foxtail an d it now rests with the people to say was a rea.l pleasant farmers' gathering and ooss!ul feature. too. B illy Osborne really did a decent whether or not the Scott Act shall be re- scme sales we re satisfactorily m11de. I I ts facilities have been la.rgely increased by day's threshing, Friday for Mrs. Ro!{er pealed. Mr. T. H. Ambrose and Mr. T. have only one young bull left for sale tjie addition or E lectro·therma.l, Ta.rk!sh. Russ1an,Sulphur·vapor and other medicated baths, GY lbraith when he got 35 b usheb of clear T. Baines h a.\·e j ust returned from Otta- and will give a choice of two," The most · ·Massage treatment. and all the appliances of a clo~er seed from the product of 4~ acres. first-class sanitarium. wa, where they represented the repeal lucky b uyer a t Mr. We rry's sale was Mr. _N_ O_C_A_P_I_T_A _ L_ R _ E_Q _U _I_R_ E_D _ 1 Good nursing, and constant attend1 mce by Hughie says i t made him sweat like a petition, sis;:ne:i by over 6,000 names, to George Gordon, Clarke, who purchased · \competent ma.le ant; ft>me.le ~bysioia.ns. July day so take the seed from the clean· the under Secretary of State. The Anti- the most admired cow (Lady Glamis) in -=M '"" e n -t 'r "om ....,2 "" 5,.. to-oc 50 ,.y ears c a.n~ in c re -u -se Ei~ctr,o-therapeut1os a.nd or women er. N exi? . 8.iott Act Association h ave taken every Mr. Werry's herd with a fancy h eifer their income locally, or get permanent employ specialties, ment : My business is rapidly growing and Room,s light. airy. &~d pleas&nt. w1t~open A BooN AND A. BLESSING. - A boon and prec'lution to have all the legal requir- calf by h er aide, H e also bought a pro- very successful. Special inducements e;iven grates. lD e~ch. Bw.ldm" heated by steam. a blessing to mankind is Hagyard's Yel· ments of t he p etition fulfilled, and were mising yonng bull at the same t.ime from which insure success· Salary and expenses to Electnc ce.11 bells and elevator, men. Bill' commission~ for local . One ,or the pleasantest loca.tiOllll in the bea.u low Oil, the great pain d estroyer and complimented by the under S ecretary of Mr. W. Bain, of Taunton, of another permanent werk If desired. Don't engage until you write tiful city of Rochester. Skeet cars pass 'he Mr. W. J, me. Apply toFred.1£. Young,New England dooreveryfivemlnutee. access to sur· healing remedy fqr ex ternal and internal State for the completeness of the petition strain of S hort H orns. roundmg su'.11mer resorts. . use. Yellow Oil cures all aches and pains they pr esented. It is ex pected the ques- P hilp, of Wh itby, closed a sale of a fine Nurseries, Rochester. N. Y, Send !or e1rctlla.r, Correepondence solicited. rheumatism, back, sore throat, tion of repeal will be submitted to the young bull at the same time to Mr. Al1·ALE, "f'E.&K WOllEN need a tonic, Mr. We rry strength glvlng, lleab bulldlua Dledlet.Be croup, deafness, cramps, COlltracted cords people sometimes in the month of April. bert Rundle, Courtice. DR. O. S. STULL. s eems well plea11ed with the experiment. }Ike M.llburn's Beel, Iron 1111.d '\Tl11e, - P . H . Times. lameness, Procilre it of your drl'lagist,. Proprietor' Furs were never cheaper hero. H. C. Tait sells best spectacles. Sleighing parties are all the rage. Wood is selling at $4 to 4,!30 :per cord. Mr. T . E. Higginbotham was quite ill l&l!t week, Where is the man that prophesied an open winter? The South Ward School House i~ ad· vertised for sale. Turnips sold 1n town last fall are not good for cooking. The Canadian Press Association meets at Toronto Friday. A citizen was offered $20 last week to move out of town. Galt curlers won the Ontario Tankard for 1889. M. Mayer is giving real bargains in fur goods. Call to see. SAMGLARKE BEFORE THE BEAK ! And paid over to the Treasurer $57.50, in order to be a citizen of Bowmanville. ----o--- :;:Let everybody see our Goods at once.:;:_ ALL WOOL TWEEDS, 25 CENTS. Boots and Shoes at the price of Stockings, 0 I W D F S F F F 'o F I 0 Sale of School House. T Notice of Dissolution Partnership. P ROCHESTER S SANITARIUM, WANTED S _ P _L _ E _ N ---,-- 8 -us - NE - 1 8s l 0 DeHANGE I "

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