Annie had fiunii: down her history m Ability ia a poor mim's wealth.-[Ma.tthew dessert d.ish and especially to chil· It never was intended, so far as C can le1trn· . comical de3pair. Elsie seized it and began Wren, dren. Oranges are the fa.vori~e fruit for Tha;ee~!1i~~ men or women wore intended. ' ' ..,.,.EB.Y.ll'EDNESDAY ltlOE~ING stud¥ing it wiuh 11oll hormight. Annie Economy is of it<1elf a greatJ revonue .thi:qmrpose, and they are first peeled and I think you will believe me, indeed I'm en..-5 , .,.. · -BYLittle orphant Annie's come to our house to to look over with her, and &s the second bell [Cicero. qu11ortered, or separated iilto eeotione without you will, stay, rang they went to their desks etr!vingin the Ile waa a bold ma.n that firat ate an oys breaking the thin fo.ncr ekin. A p~rc:elain· If at the"ParisHalrWorks"you bave owlled. MI 'An' wa~h the cups ajl' saucers np, an' brush b f h I b 11 t l' d k ·ti I l · 1 f t'· ' " few moments e ore t e cans· · e r~ng 0 ter.-[Dean Swift. . me e. e mav )C n«oe< l1l p .e.oe 0 uc There Is one thing Nature thirilrn ot-let ns AT 'l'HE O:B'ElOB . the crumbs away. glance over the neglected lesson. Elsie was · · · d" d , copper boiler direcL't!d in to0 following re· thank her for all we can. ' 11 .An' shoo' the chickens off the perch, an' dnst fond of history llond. w11.s familiar wilh the N<_>thmg is demed to Wt>·· irecto 1 aoor. · cipe, and a pcmnd and a ha.,f of loaf sugar is She takes particular trouble with our race; omee Block. IUng St1·eet, Bowman· . ville, Ontario. . the hearth, an' sweep, · incident which formed the principal pa.rt of ,-[Sir Joabua Reynolds.. · · a. convenie.i.t quantity. Put the sugar into She knows a scanty growt.h or hair, the gray .An' make the fire, an' b11oke. the bread an' the lesaon. ". If nobody yvas to be th~re .~ ~he great ~~ty of life is not to give a copper sugar boi~er, _with three gills ~f Wil~d~t';.!'~~~~':Jf {g~\~uuty of the face. TER~S: know I could get through it after a. fashion> p~1n.-Frederrn;a. Bremer. · cold water, and brmg it elowly to a bo11. ea.rn her board an' keep : · .i· 1 · , J 1 , , I · · .' Iii 11 ).laid In adnmee :An' all us other children when the supper ahe· wh1'spered to.Annie, "but i1 J a.Iw,a,vs up· I Euery one ha~ ~ fair turn. to b.e as great : As .often as the sugar boils.,u . p lifb the boile.r But Nature has her laws so E' rict that you Things is done, ' b f , · ~ C l t t h k th b d h t must never err, ~~ nt strictly In advance required Crom We set around the kitchen fire au' hiu> the sets me so ;;o r ecite e ore strangers. · as he plea.see.[J ercmy ol 1er. ) ~n ma .ant o c sc e omng, ~n w ·en i J!'or you'd surely pay the penalty at fast, 'llDecribersoutaide of the county. Ordf'.rB to mostest fun It was not strange·s who were to listen Ii yo.:i make money your god it will pla· ) rails wipe the suga.r from the sides with a s~;~~o~e~1:Jn~~~H1:i~u.M:~:fo~sot; ~~~passed. !lacontinue tho paper wru<t be_ s.ccompan1ed by .ot'n"1n' to the wi"tch tales 'at ::Annie tells to her rec!tll.tio:n. T hat would have b een gue you like the devil -[Ffolding ! cle!.\n we o cloth. a bowl of cold ..a:e amount due,orthepape w1l not bestop~ed. A·l1 ~ abou bad enouoh but how in!:111irely worse to find T · · d ' water by t he fire, and when the auga.r boils Jtiat try it you afflicted, you 1111ver will regret BllJtBoriberS are responsibleunti C ull paYwent la 1 · t.h are accompame t, .· · '~ " her unprep9.rcd Iesscn, face t o · h hey bl are never ' up · · b u bbleg, d ;p · a 1· Tho Ma" ·nil , · ·0 was never yet kno~·n .cle . . herself with h . a one[S .atPhT s ·d : in l arge air i "t1e s t" i Ck ~1 ., to ·q An' the gobble.uns 'at gits J-OU face w'ith her mot her and some one else- wit no et ong~te·-: ir ! lp i ney·· ' into it and then quickly in t he cold wat~r ; And ~~~ ~~~~ ~~S:e~t will do you will make JU.TES OF ADVEllTISINGt -~~~ ... Efyou Aunt Laura who had come fer a few days' Common sense Ill 11>n uncommon degree 13 · if tho sugar cra.~kles and brnaks easily The expenditure a bottle will entail, <Wh.c: leColumnoneyear ............. $GO gg . !"'~:;; Don't visit who h~d alwa.ys taken such pleasant wh11>1l the world calls wisdom.-[Coleridge. I aw11.y from tht1 stuik, it has boiled t.o tlie .. .. Ha.ltyeai- ······ ·····.. 36 oO ~~ Watch inte;est in a.11 her school e.ffa.irs, who had Let pra.yer be the key of the morning Mid proper point. The moment the proper This now famous preparation for invig... .. Ono q11-arter ···... · · · "blt·Colttmn one year ······ ······ · .. u6 OO _ Out ! even suggest;ed that she i:night ~end her own the bolt of the evening.-[Matthew Henry. : point ia reached ta.k.e the boiJer from the orating 1md stimulating the growth of the 1 " Half year ............ ·'" ~O "n _ Onc't they was a little boy wouldn't 11&y his little daughter to stay with_El~1e a.nd _go to Good ma.nnera is the art of making those . fi!e and gtai:e the fruit. Have each nut a:i:d hair is universally accepted as tha moat .. One quarter ··.········ 12 ;,u _'rs; school ~ith hu·· a most d~hgh.fnl thmg to people e11.11y with whom we converse.-[Swift. 1 piece o~ f_rmt stuck on a thm skewer; dip valuable specific o.a the market" All !luarter Colun.n one yee.r · · · ·· ······ 20 ~ _ ' " HaHyea.r ·..········ 12 nn 6 An' wheu he went to bed 'a.t night; a.wa) up think of, a.a Elsie had no sisters of her own. . , . . . . ' the fruit into bho sugar 1md lay the skewer diseases of the scalp either relieved or " ·· One quarter · ·· ··· ·· 8 vv stairs, How despairingly «he tried to recall the Narrow_ mmas tlunk. nothrn~ nght that is /I on a sieve so thab the frnit hangs over the permanently cured. A rich and ·; i'en lines and under ,first Insertion· $0 5() His mammy heerd him holler, and his daddy words at whfoh she had ta.ken such a hasty above their own oa.paoity.- [Roohefouoauld. edge and no two pieces touch. The augar growth of hair will follow after judicious !lllachaubsequentinsertlon ...... O 26heard him ha.wl, glance. She was able to give a. .blundering Beauty is worse than wine, it into;x:ica.tes .w!ll ha.rdei;. quic.kly, a.od the fruit may he and regular treatment. 1t remains with ih>m1!ixtoten,lines,_ftrstii;isertlon 0 75:: ·sach subsequentinsert1on ···_. ·· ~-10 Au' when they tnrn't the kivvere down, he account of the hero who figured m the les· both the holder and the beholder.- [Zunmer· laid on a dish tdl wantild for u~e. Grapes the user alone to secure the desired :Q1'tll' ten lines, first in~ertion,}Jer,~me _ wasn'b there at all I son, but: names and dates entirely escaped man. me.y be held by the atem and moved about results . . Dr. Dorenwend's "Hair Magic" Bach subeeqnent1nsert10n. ·· 0 03 _ .An' they seeked him in the rafter room, and her. She sta~mered e.nd ~es~tated in It is a way. of calling a man a fool when in the sugar. A clear dn.y sh ould be chosen Tile number of lines to be reckoned b~ cubby hole, an' press, a.nd confusion, her eyes sinkmg before the no heed fo given to what he says.-[L'Est· bec11.uee dampness softens ihe sugar. is sold by all druggists at $1 per bottle, ~f!1>ace occupled,.wea.sured bya scaleo or six bottles for $5. If not obtainable An' seeked him up the chimbly fiuean' ever'· loving ones who gazed upon her. S~e could range. ·~d Nonpareil. wheres, I guess, ~ feel all t.he surprise and di3appomtmeut Discretion is the perfection of reaiwD, A Cause for Sore Throat. in your loc.1lity send direct to the sole Bu.b all they ever fourid was thist his pants which she knew they must express. T}ie and a. guide to win 'all the duties of life.manufacturer, enclosing price. A. DORN· DRS. !lcLA.lJGBUN d; BEITH. an' roundabout I questions p11.ssed on · tJo Mary and H att10, [Add. ' " A novel incident re11ul~ing from a h11.bit w.1<;Nn, Paris Hair WOl'ks, 103 and 105 An' the gobble-uns '11 gib you at whom she had often laughed for being won, · of very common prevale~ce among n1'rvous Yonge St., 'l'oronto. For sa.le by ...J, 0.ll'l'ICE :- MORRIS' BLOCK, BOW?.IA.NVILLE. Ef you . "plodders," and. Elsie thought she would Wit should bs used Ml a shield for defens.a, pe.o ple waa l~rought t~ ~y notice .r ecentl:l:'.," Higginbotham & Son, and all druggist Dr.J.W.McLAUGHJ,Jif., Dr· .A. BEITH, Gradu have given a.nythm~ she owned to be able to rather than as a s word to wound othei s, sa.1d a lead ing physician of Philadelplm!.. Don't .licentiate of the ~!>yal ate of the Toronto recite 11.11 they did, promptly and clearly, -[Fuller. "A young lady presen ted h eraeU a t my Watch Clollege of Phys1c .1sns Un ivereity l:'hysidian and member of ·the · . with the confidence which always comes of 1 A miser grows rich by seeming poor ; an offioe a.nd oompfaiocd of a conat~ut irrihu!on Out! .Royal College of Sur· Surgeon, &c. dilligent, conscientious study. j extr!l.vagant men grows poor by seeming j' in her f,h1·oat, Tvvo w eeks previously she ~eons, Edinburgh. . An' one time a little girl 'nd_ allus laugh an' "l don't believe you'll ever want to visit ricb.- [S henstone. he.d been taken with a very severe attack of 'Wb!ln was sick, we ga.n bet' Caotorla, grin, . . DR. J. (), 11UT4JHELE.. my ~hool agai!1, Aunt L~ura,". said Elise, Vvhilst ou are r osperous you have many sore !b.roat, which wa.a treated by the_ family When she was a Child, sho cried for Castoria, .An' make fun of ever' one an' all her blood commg to her m the evenmg with tears ln f . d Yb t h P th t u phya1man. Under his care, sh·3 said, the ~ff !l'MBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIAN s; . u w[O· en"d e s orm comes, yo . " · ._,_ 1y snos1<1t' .11 · If rien ft . . , d , b Uu · Th ere When she became Mise, she clung to Cast-0ria, an' 'kin· [1i'.l and Surgeons; Ontario, Coroner, eto; her eyes, " N o, I ,_ ..,r;.ow you never WI rnu<immat1oi:r qui..,.., 1 171 An' ono'b when they was company au' ole I could onlv have known you were coming, 1e a 1 · ·t '41.oe and Res1d.ence. Enniskillen. . U. one.' atill ram&ined a ~enaa.tfou of irritation. Whon aho had Children, she gave them Ca.stari.. '·· .·. , ~..,,.- .. , folks was there, you would have eeen what a good lesson I I \Ve seldom find people ungrateful as long Examination revealed a E!'l111oll fleshy.looking She mocked 'em a.n' shocked 'em, a.n' said should have had," .JJB. I':. t'. JllC'IJCJ~ l ,l.J.. as we are in a condition to render them ser- object about the aize of 11 kernel of whea.t she didn't care I "I wanted to see you just as yon, vices.-Rochefouca.uld. adherent to the tissue posterior to the foft ICJ!NTIATE OF ROY.AL COLLEGE An' thist as she kicked her heels, an' tnrn't Elsie, not as when yon prepare for com-1 He who cures a disease may be the skill- tonsil by the oue end. The othe~ parts of ot Physicians. Lontlon, Eng.;Member ot to run and hide, -t.,(Jl!,i;e o! Physicians ana Surgeons. Ontario. fullest but he that prevents it is the safest the throat were normal. The httle mags -j;'OllGJ\RY AND R EBIDENCE:-Rear of Mi;ssrs. They was two great big Black Xhings a pany." "And you saw me," said Elsie, monrn- , physician -[T Fuller could net be detached bv a cotton covered h~1til:iboth11m's Drug Store. , Bowmanville, standin' by her side, fully, "a careless, idle little drl. And E ' , · 1.f 1· ' "th" th t probe, hue by the use of forceps it was 6-lyr," · f tt 'f I very mans 1 e ies w1 · m e presen ; il d d . t' ed An' they snatched her though the ceilin' you ,II never f orgeu it o me, no mo. er i for the past is spent and done with and the eas y re~ove , an , on e~amma. ion, prov 'fore she knowed wha.t she's aboub !' turn right 'round and do my very best f t . " in to be a piece of finger nail, which had be· A t . ' D, BIJRKE SIMPSON, 1 .An' the gobble-Uiill 'Il git you after this. And you'll never, ne,ver let u ure IS unceroa. .- n onius. come embedded in a cheesy deposit. A l.RRISTER SOLICITOR, &o. MOPRIS Cousin Helen come to go to school with me 'Mid pleasures and pa.laces though we ma,y broken lliece of the nail was also removed ·B LOCK, up ~tairs, King Street, Bowman· ··.· «--.. _,. .. L Ef yen ~~J. C~2 S,,~·~J.1L~. Don't T·.., Solicitor tor the Onta.rioBank now." roam, be it ever Ro humble there's no place from uader the mucous membrane a.ti the ).r,,;.,.,, , ,.ct4hj . . Watch "Why, my dear little girl," said Aunt like home.-[J. Howard Pa.yne. same spot by a. sharp-pointed probe. ·l"rlTa&e lleneys lcaned at the lowest rates, ~ ~~i\,\'; ~f:~;-~~~~~~ _ Out! Law::a, puttio_g 11. v~~y tender :1'rm around The way to wealth is 11.s pl11oin as the way . '.'The lady then confesse<). to the habit of .John Ii.eUh Qalbralth, 0 the little penitent. do you thmk I never to m a.t"ket. It depends on two words'- in· biting her fio.,er nails, and, moreover! could Unlocks nil the clogge<l avenues of the A RR IS TE R, · .S OLICITOR, NOTARY An' libtle crphant Annie says, when tho do wrong myself, never need ~o repent and dustry andfruaahty.-[Fr11.nklio. remember that o. d11.y .or two p~eVIous t<J B1.1we!s, Kidney s and Liver, carrying blaze is blue, PUBLIC, &c. Oftlce- Bounsall's ,Bloc,k seek forgiveness, that I shoula be so hard 11os · " · . her throat trouble a piece of nail ·she had off gradually withou t we~ kcning the system, Au' the lampwick sputters, an' the wind th11.t on yon?" ~ Streat, Bowma~ville. Money to .end, The. wise prove, and ~he foolish coufes~, bitten cff bad become Iosb in her mouth, all the impurities and foul humors of the · gees woo-oo ! "Oh, Aunt L11.ur11.." said Elsie, very ear- by their c.onduct that 11> .hfe cf employment is but, it had caused a fit of coughing, 'ecretions; at the time Correcting 'VJI. BINGllA.M, An' you hear the crick'ets quit, an' the moon nestly "I'm 'going to turn over a new leaf the only hfe worth lea.dmg,-[Paley. she h~,d forgotten all a.bout it until reminded Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bili· is gray, SSUER OF MARRI~GE LICENSES as m~mma says, really and t1:uely. I'm The first ingredient in conversation is by the disao~ery." ousness, Dyspepsia, J:foactaches, Diz· An' the lightnin' bugs in dew is all rquench · going to ahow you and mamma how h ard I trntb, the next good sense, t he t hird good R eEidence, Enniskillen. 50 ·- - ---- ziness, Heartburn. Constipation, ed away, · · 11.mgoing to t ry l}nd do right-I meo.n ju~t humor, and t he fourth wit.-[Sir W . Temple. Dryness of the S k in, Dropsy, DiTu... You better mind yer parents, an' yer teach- because it ia ri,11'ht. And if I do, perhaps m S. (l, ~UNKJNG, . . Neariy Wrecked by D ynamite. ness of Vision ,Jaundice, Salt lth?.Ulll, ers fond an' dear, F ew ever lived to & great age, and fewer ICJEN13ED AUCTIONEER FOR An' ohurish them 't loves you, nn' dry the another year you'll let Cousin Helen New York, F eb. 15.-A t en ific explooion Erysipelas, S c:rofala, Pluthdng of r' still. ever becam.e cfat~n.guished, who were come the County of Durham. Sales attended occurred 11>buut 9. 15 o'clock tbiomorning be. orphant's tear, "Elsie," said her aunt, with a smile, "if not ~u the h11>b1t of rmng early.-(Dr. F. tween Williams Bridge and B adford P.-rk, t1w Heart, Nervousness an :J.. ·feneraI ,t;i <n ·hortest notice and lowest rates · .Address Debility ; all these ancl mnn)' .Jfl1·or simi)~·~:IiTICB P. o. 36:tf . An' he'p the pore an' (leedy ones 'out dusters I should tell you I had so much faith in Toda. on the New York, Newhaven & H artford hr Complaints yield lo the ha r py .nfluence all about, your promise that I would Jet H elen come Nothing so r econciles us to the thought! S. BlJJlDEN pj, 00., railway, just 11.a t he t r ain from Stamford, Er the gobble-tms 'II git you next ttirm, wha.t would -you say?" of our own death O\S the prospect of one which is due in this city a.t 9. 40 a..m. passed of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. . it.. UCTIONEERS for the County of Ef you "Oh- that you are the dea.reet Aunt fri end i>fter anot her dropping aronnd us.- there. The train, ap of p &ssenger Sampl e Bottltm lOc; Regular s ize $1· l:t.. Durbam ; Insurance and fteneral .Agent8, Don't Laura in the world, and that it l<'ould make [Seneca. Ve1uator aDd Real E state Agents. Sales and coaches and a. baggage c:\r, we.s nearly blown .Ji'or s a le by a 11 d e a iers. Watch lltller business promptly attended to. Box ll72, me try a. great deal ~arder than i!,you pun· Age makes u s most fondly hug and retain off the r11oih. Every window on bo~h sides Out I Bowmanville P. O. 36-tt . ished ?le by not letti~g her come. the good things of this life, when we have in ~he four forward coaches was blown out, , - lJa.mes Whitctmb R iley. . Hhmk Aunt Laur1u WiiY was a g ood way, the least prospect of enjoying thom.-[At- n e<lrly every window was shattered fa the - - - - -- - - - - -- - --"!E-:;'don.'t you ? terbur y. Pianos Tuned and Repaked. ba.ggage car, t he engineandlastcaronlyescap· ' · H e ia happy whose circumBtances suit his i .:g unfojured. The maj .n·ity of the paasenIn School. .O ARTIES WISHING :i:HErnPIANOS Curious Story of a Froe:. temper ; but he is the more excellent who g~rs, who numbereu nearly 500, were cut and 'C- Tuned orrepairea oannavethom attended ca.n suit his temper to any circumstances, or uised mor e or !es~ seriously by flying gla~s Paid up «Japital, $31HUU3'. BY SYDNEY DAYRE. 1 have long been a.u observer of the curious - {liume. and the hua.vy jolting of the train. at this 0 by leaving word .at the DOMINION ORGAN ·est, 111 r·.ooo. Co's OFvrcE, Bowmanville A first-clas man "Are you doing your best 11.t schocl, ha.bits c;f frogs, but the following story told Laughing, if loud, ends in 11. deep sigh; poinb some very hett.vy bla.sting had to be '1lllOW being in their eu:..ploy Elsie?" asked her mother. to me by ProfeBSor Frank Ferguson, of the and a.ll pleasures have a sting in the t 11oil, done, and just as the Stamford special was . "Well, I don't believe I exactly am, NewYorkHospial,isbetterthananyican thoughtheycii.rrybeantyontheface.-[J er· approaching the foreman of the Harlem con- I beg to notify the publ!o that am recelvfag mamma," the little girl, h11.lf laughiu~, reca llin my own experience. emy Taylor. struct ion g ang had brought out several dyna- deposits for company, and allowi11g 1. hiaher ra.te o ( interest than the bankfl. half soberlv. "You see, th11re are so many In a. tank in the mnsenm· of the hospital Men with grey eyes generally keen, mite cartridges preparatory b blaet. The girls there." ' were kept a frog, seven ~urtles and a {' 0 ung energetic, and ab first cold, but you may d e· carttidgee were being t!mwed out at a. point No NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL REQUIMD.. I am also pup 1 to grant " Yes, but thev all go there to study, allege.tor, .the l_a.tter bei!Ig about ton inches pend upon their sympathy with rea.l S'ln-ow. inlly 2 00 feet from the track when, without p.::i a moment's warning, several ol tb.em exploded. Loans on REAL ESTA.TE don't they ?" long. Thia mixed familv · eot along very - [Dr Leask -0 A man ·m \med Taylor , of N"w Roc.h elle, was "I- suppose so," said Elsie, slowly, as if smoothly during the winter. The frog N · '. h "l ~ on favora\>Ie term.a. the.r e might be some doubt In the matter, perched himself on the top ot a piece of wood · 0 sc~ool is more ne7essary to .c . 1 dren st ruck in the t emple by a piece of glees. He OF~'ICE: "But Lulu Grant and Annie Hill do so that floated in the tank. At.night the little than pihien~e, be7~use either the will .must pulled the ~l!\SS out and nearly bled to ·~ At McMu.rtry's Dry Goods Store, manv funny things behind their desks, I turtles-for they were not quite grown up he broke? in ohlldhoJd, or the heart mold do!llth. can'· help lauc:hinl.( when I see them." . - and the baby alligator would settle them- age.-[R:chter. ~ W. F. A.LLE" 0 Every man, however humble his station, " But if yon were.busy with your studies selves beside the frog, and slip into the Bowmanville , Oct. 11. B~8 . ll -: ·n Think Over This. you would not see them." water again for the da.y. During the ent ire or feeble his powerii, e'l'.er~isess1Jme infinence There is food for r eflection in a couple of "No, bat I like to look. And then some. winter the frog never moved, but spra.wled on those who are about him for good or for advertisements which appe!'.r side by side times we have t o :write notes to each other on the stick, his eyes pointing skaight up; evil.-[Prof. A. Sedwick. 0. HA R.N D'E N, L. D. r3 about i.rning to vhe woods, or going t o see nor :lid he all the time taste a mo~eel of ~ood. Never shrink from doing anyt.hing which in a contemporary, which read , with tho Gr&dnste ofthe·imYal Collei;:eot Dental each other after school. .Aud sometimes But toward the end of May he slipped .rom your business c~lls you to do. T he man wl.o omission of 11ddreea, aa followa :OF CANADA. W ANTE D.-Young lady in publishinz .. · Surgeons, Ontario. we p ass 'round candy, when the teacher the bit of wood, and t-Ook his place at the is above his businens m& y one day find his c:ffice·; quick writer ; $4 a. week. Capital paid up, t§1,oau,1100. Best, iJai;~.w 0 FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. isn't looking, and e11.t it," bottom of the tank. Shortly aft er this, one business above him.- [Drew. WANTED- An experienced ghl for gen· " Can' t that all be done out of school?" of the hoapit11.l looked into the tank ) OLD E'ILLING A SPECIALTY " 'l'his B 11.nk ls prepated t o do L sglU· eral housework in a family of seven ; assist~ es, of coarse, mamma, but all t he girls and found t her e only six turtles in~tead 'of A RTIFICIAL TEETH I NSERTED WITH OUT (l.ll!.t a Banking ia a ll its branches. with washing ; wages $4 a week. ed seven. He said nothing about the matter, The Atmosphere of Lov.;. do i t ." PLATES. It will be observed th11.t the rate of com· Farmers notes discounted ; Depo.sltlt "Are yon sure of that ?" and the next morning he {!OUId count only A physician found a patient shut up in a pensation is the same · in both these case:i, ie oeived and I nterest pa id on amounts of areat Reductions in price on. all Dental "Well, I mean almost all. Hattie Grey five. The frog was in his own place and damp, chilly room. H e sa,id to him, "No Work. Vit11lizeC'. Air, constantly m use probut t h at while the " lady" r Meivt>s simplv 85 upwards i n Savings Bank D epartm<illnt: ilucing Painless Operations. Particular atten never does. She and Mary H<inderson and quite lltill. . Then it was believed t hat some wonder that y ou are sick in euch a. place, $4 per week the" experienced g irl" ge t~ in \ 11md to the i eiculation of Children's Teetll. a few of the other girls study a.way. just as one was robbing the tank, and close watch You don't need medicine, but fresh air, sun· a.dd ition her board and lodg ing. Whether DRAFTS _,.A.LL WORK WARRANTED.-., if they were big girls. I t hrew a. bit of was kept, b ut nothing was discovered. The shine and exercise." He took t hat hypo- gentility- the word most beautilully ex. [ a1me<l a.nd Oollectlons made In Eucope oandy at Hattie tho. o·t her day, but she following morning ther e were only four chondria.c ouli of doors. He made him E rnllch office, D r. Rutherford's Orono wouldn't raise her hea.d, 11.nd· it rolled out turtles in t he tank; the nex t day there were and ride a.bout . Soon he was well again, presses t he thing !-is worth what itJ cHts CTnited States and Canada. of her l11op 11.nd fell on the floor. Mi£s Roy three : the day succeeding tha t there bnt and t he doctor left him, But in a littlo must seem 1>ot least an open question wh en W.J··TONES, saw it and she asked abont it and ·gave me two; the following day there was only one. while he wa.s sent for. His morbid and the ra.t e ia eo high. - [Boston Courier, IS PUBLISHED t~!H!'E~C~A~N-!A!-!D!l!A!~~c!~~l~A~;~;~i!;~ - ~A~N~fi~W~-~y~-~-~~~;~;~w~;~·~·~;~~:~n-~-~~~~-~~~~ · ~~~~·-----==~~~~:~~---~~~~ri~~r plea~iog . 'P' Little Orphant Annie. · . . . .. ~m')~JJn'i.~t·~~...~..,..wt·llllln1'lil'lmfil~.a'rutl.'\'IJW>!:1.Wi~..wllJ'f.l.l~~ A. JAMES' 1 ;o __::_ i I I I I I L B B I L I l The Oµtario Loan a;nd Savings Co. --o-- DENTISTRYm .o z > STANDARD BAN!\. a bad mark." · .At this point t£.e authorit ies angry, perverse patient was lying in. the close, - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - T he Chinese Question, " I wish you were mere like Hattie, my and a. constant wa.t-0h was k.ept upon the damp chamber a.s before, shinring and d11.ughtEr." tank. · mo11.ning. "Oh doctor," h e cried " t hat The appeal of the Chinese Government to "O, mamma, I'm going to study hard H er e is wh11ot an 11.~tendant saw : ['he frog sure ctire of yours h as failed, and I am just Great Brit11.i n against the infraction of treaty co11tlnues to do a. General Banking Buslnl!U · when I 11.m.older." was in, perfectly motionless, and as bad as ever." "Did yon k eep yourself rights, growing out of t he proposed exclu- Bo wmanvill11 Branch, ·· If you do not begin forming habits of the turt le was going round and round look - in the snnshine ?" "No, I thought t hat sion of Ch inese immigranh to .Australia and DEPOSI'J.'S faithfril industry while you a child, Ing for its lost triends. At 111.St ib wen~ over I had taken enough of iti uot only to mak e C11.n11.da, has behind it a. strong commercial t ecelved in Savings Ba nk Dep&rtmentairC yon may be very sure they will never come to where the frofl' lay, and settled itself for me well, but to keev me so, and t hen I e.s well as 11. moral backin~. The position of . to you when you are older." the night, rhen the frog wa.s seen to give baek to bed again. ,t the British Government is embarra.saing. It 1all and interest allowed at onrrent rate11. I' 1otice of withdre.wal neoessary. All d&iicdfo "Well,," said Elsie, fretfully. a. bound, swift l\S lig htning, and to compose Jnrt like this imaginary invalid ar e me.ny can hardly steer a. middle course, so as to ~ayable on demand, W ITH0\1'1' TBlll'H · 'WITS: TE!l:TB "I'm sure I sho11ld do better if yon would himself in his motionless a.ttitude, {11olas ! how many! ) of the patients of the pacify China, without offending the colonies EXU.Htl.NGE .send me to M ies Carr's school. She always Bufno t urtle WIWI to be seen, :I:'he frog Grea.t Physician. They r ead of his wond. (!;he people of the Unitad States are spec:hlly gives prizes and the girls there study like had fairly, in the words of the w11otcher, r ous love; tnoy believe in it; they rej·lice in interested fol' the rea.son t hat unresbr1 cted lo1:tgh t and sold a nd Dre.fts issued upon En: O'Jl'!!! every thing to try to get them." " jumped 011tside of t he tnrtll'." Nothing i t. It kindles in t heir souls a hope t h at i s Chinese immigration to C11.nada would prac· Jnlted States and Canada, a lso Gold , Silver 1u 1 PIU.()TJCAL DENTIST, " I am sending you to what I think the now remained except the froi;c imd the alli- full of glory. But , having "tasted the good tically n ullify our policy of exclu~ion, It Jnited Sta~& Greenbacks bouirht and aold, · OVll:B TWENTY YEARS E XPERlll:NOE. best place for you, E lsie," said her mother, gator, and thov seemed to enjoy each other's Word of God and the powers of the world would be impossible to preve.nt Cana1ian .1. ;r1H1110xideG111 Admlnbieredfor l'alnler soberly, " Y on are sent there t o learn what company. This st11.te of affairs continued to come," they retur n to t he beggarly ele- Chinese from crossing a line bh11.t extends Operations. will be of use to you for :your whole life. lf for a week, when one morning it was dis· ments of this world. H ence they lose t han the whole breadth · of tile continent. - [P hil· f'romptly m.ade. a t curren~ ra..t ea upon a ll o:a.r. you do w ell what you are expeotud to do, covMed t hat.the alligator w11os missing. bleast d hope. They become cold and sa.d, adelp hia ftecord. .$ '1 rl'I CE !11£()L1TNG'8 BJ.O()lt, lf Great Brittain, the Umted States and ·.Do mini on o! Canada, you will grow into a. wise wornn.n, able to do "There;' said some one, "the frog isn't and then they wonder why God does not - - - -- - - - whatever duties the· Lo1·d may send you, thetniefthis time, t h11.t's sure." " keep them in perfect peac.e." Alas! t hey! Lookat Your.Mercies. T elegra1·h T1·an srer$ But if you spend the best p 1 i.rt of y our life in "Isn't he, though ?" replied Professor for~et t~a.t God callllot make evil good and One who is consta.ntly look ing at the M'.ade for lar~e ? r small sums on all pii.rtc of good evil. He h::is cr eated an atmosp~ere. of d ark side of life will be apt to nhink his Canada. ThlB 1s especially a dvanta:.roo11$ to trifli ng, you will be worth very little. [!'ell Fer guson. "Look h ere." me, dear, do you think that some small prize Ther e was the frog , sitting back, and !ov?· He ott:era rt fr~ely to a ll wh~ will live lot a hard one, aud m11.y even find fault perso~s living in Manitoba. or t he Noi·th·west or even the gratification of winning it, would contor tedJu the mosti comical way. Out i~ it, But ~f we fail to do ao~If we shut with his Maker. Such a person may verv 1111 lt '!llakes the tunds a vailable at once a tt he be equal t-0 the pleasut e you ought t o take in of his mouth hung about two inches of the oarse.lvea up m. caves or cellars of seltish!Jeas mat erially relieve himself by turning to the ()lace of payment. For further particnlars oall at the Ba.n~Jt Jeeling tha.t y on are doing your best, t hat you 11>1ligator '11 tail and part of the head. H e refusmg t<! enJoy what. God has provided ot her side and seeing his mercies as well are {>leasing God a.nd your father .a nd moth- had, with nice precision, seized it by the for susta.inmg tbe n ew l_ ife-ca.n we wonder ·s his mi"eeri'es. H e wi · ll find th· t t he tor· Rouse· . er?" middle when it was performing some grace· th t k d kl 1 w w T. BRODIE, GEO. McGILL. Accountant. "N I 11 d 't" "d E l · ful curve.- [Harper's Young People. a we are wea an sic Y · me1 vastlv ex ceed the latter, H 'l>ppiness, Ma11~e1 o, mamma, rea y on , siu Sie, But h~w 1ha!l wekeeo ourselves 1n the love rather t haii mieery, is the predomina nt con · 'lll' kissing her, "and I'm going to try to do betof God. By study, by meditation, by dltion of all men except rebels against God's t ar." . · , Chrieian communion, and abvve all, by She really did mean 1t, and for 11. day or A Fa.ta.I :M.JBtak:e. 9r11oyer. We don't r ead t he Bible enough; &ovennne:it. · two kept her eyes r esolutely on her book, .A b"t" - -8 Mamma- Ethel didn' t I see we don't lihink enough about wnat we r ead 1 in spite .of not.eii thr own by Lulu G rant and ou: ~;;,erguaon paying p~rticnlar atten. in it; we don't talk enongh with ot her Special Oircumstances. Mter spending much time and money, I aru . about onr heavenly F a ther, our Elder Bro. · iow p1·eJJared to fill all orders ;eromptly. I a ~mptmg bunch of grapes held up by Anne Yion to on last evening at the party ? mamma· but I snubbed him ther and our celest ial home · w e don't work After breakmg t he wishbone :- She.ave a fine assortment of W .AVES, BANGS, Hill. B ut she found, as so m any of us do, :t Eth { y t;WJTCH ES, COMBS and PINS very cheap. that a bad habit onoe !or~ed ie n~t ea.~tly eff:ctu~ll b~f~re the e;ening w11os over. enough for Christ to keep ' 0 11r hearts in a. "Ther e, i~'s yours. N~w wish; bu~ mind, rooted out, and the foolish h ttle Jaime quiet· M Y- Hor-or of horrors ! yc.u glow ; we don't commun e enough with God. y ou mustn t tell your Wl.Sh or it will never :SA.N'GS F::RO~ $2 UPed her conscience by s11.ying to herself: " It !'.~ma · Our r ea.ding, thinking, t oiling t alkin" an d come true." .:>ld SVI itches colored and made to look like n ew. Highest p1·ice paid for long cut hair, i~ alm~st the en~ of. this term, ~ext ~~rm cr~!Ji~I-Not a t a ll, mamma. Not this p rayinir will not create the atdiospher: th11>t j ; H~ (tend erly) - " But may I not t ell Im g11mg to ~egm nght and keep it up. · w· t His father is an ice-packer. our spiri ta need, but they will keep us J you? HAIR TONICJ Do you thmk she ever .asked herself 1fj l~=~ma.-Yes, but he ma.k es &rtificial l in it. They will enable us t.oclimb up cut She-"Oh ~ear, no.';, · Warranted to prevent the hair from falling duty ever belongs to one t ime more t han t o "ce ~ of t he d ampness and t he gloom of u nbelief. I:le (pa.thetwa.lly) - I~, can never come _ (J out and w!ll make it grow. another? , i {.D l1t f iuts ) T hey will help us to ascend the mount trull u nless I do tell you. S I have also a fine lot of new Stamping "I see some visitors going into t he recii>ug er LI ." _ _ _ of faitb. Ou it we will find the land of B eu: . She {shyly) " 'Vell, then, in lluch u,n ex · :BVPatterns, All orders promptly attended t.o.," said Lulu, haat en!ng into_the A Wa , of Eacapa. Ia.h from which we can sea the walla and , cept~011al, perhaps you had better tell If~ 1\tlrs ~ .entry JDSt as th e first bell tor the atter· aat es aud almost hear the songs of the golden ! me.' 47 Neads' Block, Bowwanville. noon session. "Dear me,!'1ll glad! don't B osom Friend-"Thii.~ gen tema.n who ~ity.' j . --« I amfnllyprepared to ttendFunerat!on 11 have to recite the first thing , Don' t keep lodges at your house ~~em:s to be yery,~tte~- -· Prof James Johonnot in t he Febru11>ry tho shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates · · "Po ~ir.r Science Monthly" h as a pa.per . aasketG andBuria! ready onshortno,tlce The s ~. Catharines natural gas well was me, girls, I want to study my geography." t i ve to you, my d ear· · Sweet G1rl7 H e I S " 0 I have t.o recite history the first and I I love him; but oh! what a risk: I am When a woman shows enough m terest 10 I 'P " Th S · f S h ol" wl:ich ·s First-class hearse on very moderate ~.fl!'lllll torix:doed yesterday, with such uns11otilsfa.c. ' h " 11 1 8hroildsandCofilnsconstantly onhand. ,FtuJ. " 1 · dEI ' · " ' d ' "R" aman t opickapieceoflintcffhis overcoat ca.ed e u oryo a. co 1 8 k~" Y 1 ·· s1~, m g~eat d ismay, running I We are engage ·· es h "f h ~ well worthy of perusal, especially by thoae erel cards supp e.d at on ce, Jftlrnitnre Sho:!l t ory result<$ that the project is for the pre· i; mg ! exc atme 1 Show Roows- f.lcu ~s&lls N ew B icek, "And so I," said Annie, it nearly breaks my heart when I thmk that he can marry er 1 e on1V sa.y:i ~o. I nterested in pedagogues · l!e·nt abe,udoned, "And I haven't looked 11.t mine," · .DENTISTRY THE ONTARIO BANR 0 J. 11. BRIIIACODIBE, Fine Hair Goods. LADIES, Patronize Home TRA. D E. 1 uNDERTAKIH." .J ·LEV I M 0 RR 'g · A. DAV IS, I Children Cr, wfor Pitther's Cast·~ ria.; 1