p;a" ' ence at t hatmoment.wasto turnitselfineidal SUIENTI.FIC AND US£fUL, oat." T hese s,re the earliob fl ttempts ail muscular development, and sl!Ould be on~ A r ay of light_ t ravels ll,160,000 mi!es in - - - - - -- - - -Stav North if You Ga.n. couraged. ]a minute. What more powerful tonic does the whole --Leo.mi'!iat~r, Maes., is lik?lY t!> h ave both , WEDNESDAY, FE B. 20, 1889. range of nature's a gents supply than the dry, The Need for Salt . eloctnc h gh,s and _ an electric radwa.y. .. . .. _ crisp cold purely hypo.oxygenated, exhilllor· T '- .· t f 1, t· a· b J Robert S hevenson, of Glasgow, Scotl!!>n<l 1 · . · . · . · . · .. e JmllOJ < nee o ea " as au M w1e o 1 te · . h h f · · h" · h ·1 of mid winter 1 Such a.1r ha.a no · d" " . . . . . t' c a.1ms t e c mor o an mvent1on w 1 c w1 I PRINTING of all kmds done , atmg a·r J OB : 1b. . . 1 a.ccor rng to G ement1t1c writer, IS over-ra. · · l ·..... t.J neatlv and promptly a,t THE STATESMAN I . germs m B reathed with proper prec» u- 1 d ~ . . f g1v0 ocl'an s h" 1ps a epeed of f or t y k no tII an 1 0 0 printing office. Country orders and orders by t-ions it has life vi~cr ;;.ud v 1tl\l renovation e ; .. ' oontmusu use "rge q iia~tlt!eB . · ii mr. mail ll.'OOeive _ou: special a.ttent_ion. ·rry us for I , .,_' H . ' k tl h rt be< 1t uTJ<ler si;.." pro,foces . t·curvv,, ~ ~e p11J)Uiar behcl S ;ea.m iss11ing from a pipe or hcse undr r a yoturifinedext pWnEntDmDglNanGdCyAe'ilnJll ~I~ tf~!of~~~ l ~b:·~timu~:a l~/~: 1~3a-g~:iu!~·X"Uen. How tlhimr, !.\Ll "'ppe~1 ·ullor_ sa.:~ ihs uu1v!_ersa~ at:nor:g vressnre of ninet y pounda p er steam gage se. s , , . o ,,, , ? 10,ver anim.a s ·~ wtt out oLrna a ion l!J l 1 · f b 0" f styles, printed neatly and tastily at THE the pulses bound! How the blood p resses f · . D t d "h . mi.ve s a t a ve oc1t y o a out 1, 9 v eet per 2 second. STATASM.\N Office. No daub work. int o fi ager tips a.nd toe tips! How the "'~t. ca a, a.n · . "" er ?arntvorou 1 c t houghts fly! H ow the imagination runs! ~mma!a 2 ow no fondi.~ss fo~ it, a n.d t he According t) P rof. Thompson, with wires ' k · 1· t mach sa.me 13 tsue of the_ fruat-ea.trng a.mmu.ls. neP.r the ear th electricity t ravels with onlu 11 11 I H ow t h e . b Uoy wor crs Ill 1 I Evan hcrllivoxous emmals dll not eat salt re· . , .ver, s 0 U 1 I 1 lungs, brnm, muscles, nerves, 1n every fibre, "n~arl" w:t h their foo:j !.?u: onl~ c..t Ion:; a~ ouo_ one-half tbe _v-:iloct t.~ th at 1t doea oo ' every gla.ud, 6Vcry ucJk a.rid cQrner o.l tM 1 ::' ~ J 1 :J ~I WU'es with a. very high 15.lutude. A. W. MORRIS&. BRO. _ . viMl d omllb, tp.-ilfg to their tasks. Not a. m ,ervs. ~. ---MeBBrs. Moore and Lyon, t wo . Danbury, Begs to inform ths inhabitants of Bowma.nville and surrounding PROI'RIETORS, · · - MONTRE.A.L, · sluggard among them all. H ow brigh t the Cr., engineers, h ave invented a~·:apparatus Townships that he has OPP ' out business in the old stand, formerly are the makers of the celebrated eye! How clear the skin! liow clean the Position During Sleep. by which a.11 t he co.rs of a trl\in can be heatly Mr. W. M. Hejrsey, one door east of Standard Ba.nk, and occupied ~~ blo.od! How o .weet the breath! L ife has The poshion in which the . body is lying ed by hot air direct from the locomotive. · sto ; K all goods usually kept in a first-class t'!tce th~ c_ffbiency und~r the healthfully d facts our night's rest in an _important Southbridge, Ma.as,, bas the largest specta.- will!at all times keep stimul&tmg mflueuces of t_ue pure col~ atmo· gree. By alwa.ys lying down m one position cle factory in the world, the products .,f the ll&r,iware Store, conl:listing of ~phere of the Northa~n wmter, t~an rn s~en we. may a.ocuatom ourselves t o. fall asleep instit ution last year having been over 1,500,· m t he. damp , hen':'y e.!r of .'!.mehrtou~ s~n .h- e<lrly, bat th3re· must he no tossrng er turn· 000 pa.ir~ ;f gol d-co wed spactacls and eycern c!im?, wher~ uhe ?dors wh1cn ea.lu te.the ing, for the drowsy god is only to be wooed glasses, · BRAN;:;° o:: r.:ANIL!LA GermMiy claims t o h11ve the fa.stesb ar " nose 1nv1te myriads o·· buzzv.rda b.o a grimy by gentle means. As a rule we sleep easiest ~ea.~t? and countless m1orobe~, active. though Wt l en lyfog on the righ t aide. 'ro sleep b y mored cruiser iu the world. I a is the 1nvl8lble, hoH themselves m readiness to oneself is conducive to hell.1th. "Gdef " of two t housand four hundred horse attack indincriminutelr the living .and _the ___ . power.' She attained a speed of twenty~ dead, Where lazy alligators bask tn sltmy three knots I shall ahlo keen a well assorted stock of the best manufacturers' pools,-t he outgrowth 11.n d embodiment of Living on a Penny a Day. , 'h E h a· f i t · the lethargic influence ofa clime which knows D· T R Allinsou bas been trying bhe ex- l' :J.hte · Dt ghi~ are mt.a. mg.· uSse k o. e ecT~~c . . nu sno .. , wmc.., , . ,_, 1 ... . of, hvmg . · , wa.·er for a w Im. ue 1w~ 1~ 1!1 , . h sees no ICe, no f rost, w.n1c w, lpar11n~i1t on moa.l-· ann "'l a in f l e1r t · opera r bt ions · au f ua · b I stamps npon its every innabit!l>a t t!.Je i'.lhat·· month_- His daily allowance is one pound of ue oil e ec .nc, !~ s md ~ar areh1s · ed~acter of moderation in theauperlllotivedegr ee. ~hole ~e~l IU"·dc '"t~ ·. C' k~ wi't·h dhti1led ~D l g.we ;ecogn, ~3- ' A a.fn. !a ernp asrns y St·OVe p ipes, · M" th th '"h · + · " ... ..... " ,,,.,.. "' " " ' · .. , ·le1r emp.oymeno in · r1ca. icas, &·C. S uch · l~ e a1mny SOil · -'- e p1c.urf! m :.y water, a!l.ll one qu'lrt of water. Ria accou nt E · .., h be strong, but is not overdrawn. D on't be of his condition after a week is cheering. In ' AR bestos c!othm~ ha.s b~en pn~ to use by The man ull'actu1·e and putting up ot ave .a.roug · 1 U· afraid of cold weri.~ber. If yo~ are not, a. the first few days ho felt hung~y, b ut ahoi<t t M tirem~n -~~ :r~m .~~d : prcved to be!' w ill 1·ece1ve Sttt~ cial atteotiOf!· . Pronounced, by practical consumers, S hopeless consumptive, a chroia c ruithma.t ic, thefourthday thisdisa.ppeared andhe ha.d. no gMd protecG 1on a~a ·..ist Ji.e _ beat. It 19 &': t, ~ perior to anything in the Cana· or :oome ~ther_sort of a cripple, or a (.!Sllf;ra~l.y lo:a;er any craving for ot h1ir fo~d. H is brain m iid th~t thla kind ot clothing will soon b~ ase c ea i.Or cas ' a:n .1:-'re~ar d ian M,nket. used up ln~1d, we sr.y! B~ llll mea.n~ s~i?k WM clear, his l ullg capac;ty had inmasei o.doptea by the ~remen of L ondon . . Write for Information. !O y our na.t1ve l~nd, ~otb its snow, its ice, five inohes, aud both h is sight e.nd his hearThe sta.tment 1s ma,de th11.t aluU?-inm m ha.s "t t· . 1te blusters, and ~ts bhzzu?s. . ~etter freeze ing ha.ii improved. He had Ioat seven pounds been successfully ~anufaotured trom E..en. CU C OSe 0 SUI e l'danufacturers also o! 0 ) tl?Jl ii]\!) D 'lti!1' A., 1\1?'1\Tr'i1?1\1?et CQRDAGE, JUTE a nd COTTON BAGS, to death than. die from manitto? · Batter weight , bu~ 6El!llll8 to regrml t his as ra.t her an tacky chy. A p.a.nt WiiOS erected ii'>t Newyot, maJi;e a fr11md cf the oold· · Gaton good advantage. Altogether he foels thor~ughly port cs.pt>b1e of tur.'llug ou t a t on ei d.ay atatl @~Q~ ~'~ ~e ~~~~~~We '.IJ.ALCINED and LAND PLASTER. t erl!ls With J a,ck FFosh. Fortify YO':l'lldf ~atisfi-ed wit h hfo experiment, It ie a very approximate cos t of $H. The price of · aga~net th? harmful m.flnences of cold air by economical one, the whei.t for sev,;n tla.ys aluminium is now $6 per pound, Bowmanville, April 2nd, 1888. Toronto Office & Warehouse t a_kmg d~1~y dose~ of it, and be a~surad y ou h1J.ving cost only eightpence. "Thfo," he T he reporb of E lectTical Control of N ew 20 F ront Street East, W:lll ~nfa.d~ngly d iscover tha.t the 1ca-storms, says, "is living on almost a p enny a day an.d Yo1·k cit~ shows that 4,500 miles ·o f tele.-.) ·' W. C. BONNELL, p1~rcmg wmda, and zero temp era.ture of ~~e enj oyin~ it. "- ['r he Hospital, graph, telephone and electric ligh t wires Manager. wmt<'lr eeMon, a.ra r~ally blessm l(s wh1.h ha.ve been put under ground , but in spite of thia t here a.re to-da.y more overhead conducwe cannot afford to m1ss. -[Good Ile!\lth. ITnexpected Pa.ssen1?:er. t ora t han there we-re a year a.go. How to .Live Lon~A co tr(spondcnt of the Lewist on Journal Exp<irimentJJ on the relative ad vantages The true secret of good health and tells a st~ry of "'fishii:;:: ;irip in th.e Mo~se- of different covaring material for steaml(.'le&ned, Died,' P ressed and Repaired by; immunity from disease lies in finding out Jh?ad region, I t was J~~" at d11.yhght imd pip es, recently ma.de at S h. Denis, proved n Lil aud pra ctising the golden mean of every h ts boat was a.bou c a rmndred yards from waste uilk the most effectu~l of all nont:). L!I ' creed. The vegetarian, fo1 inets.nce, goes the _shore, He had oa~t ~chor a.nd was conducting compositions; and it is statod as ~e tha.t notwithstanding its high p r ice this too fu.r; but he is perfectly i;orrec~ in h ia ~etting ready to emoke hie pipe. Jnstk Dyer and Clothes Cleaner, assumption that moat men eat too freque tly lifted t he lighted milltch he saw a wa e ID mater ial ia !l'rea tely used. Gooils warranted to be as n o one will know and too plentifully of meat , and not ue rly the wa.tc~. . . · Acids in lubricat ;ng oils may be detected them from new when done. enough of vegetables and fruit. The ave- · The an~ma.l_ makmg it Wll.'l heading towa._rd by analysis in a !:1.boratory, or by patting rage Englishman believes in good slices .he clea.ring m such ~ ~a.y as t o lel\d him the sample to be t ested in a. clear glaaa bottle <Corner of King and Ontario Streets,! Bowmanville. from the joint, usu!l.lly underdone, a.n~. often 11>crosa my bow. Immedu .tely. I s tarted tn wi th a copper wira running down through eaten in ha.ate , wi th the day's work but bull the anchor, and at t ni; nom: the w~ke the cork, air t ight; atand the whole in a half done. V egetables a.re with him a v ery at onci; he:i-ded for ~e. Thm wag a surprise, sunny pli;oe for t wo or three weeks, and secondary considera.tion p artly because a.ud thmkmg . t he ammal rrught be a water th~n, on r emovs.l, if ver digris or green rust tb.oy a.re often bihdly cooked a.nd not tempt snake, .1 took up the paddle, l'eady t.i do appears on the copper, an a cid is in. the 011. inglv served. Ware he to eat less mea t ba.ttle if neces~a.ry. ATand more vegetables and fruit he would be f?n came the wa.ke, but _ &11 l was a.bout to Rochest er, New York, capit a.lists int erestless of a mar tyr to rh~umatiFm in his old strike I e11.w the creat:ire to be a sma.11 ?ue. ed in the- p roposed electrical snbnrban rail· [ ~ w· ·er t h·,.ik way are · m eeting · with considera.ble opf'-osiddle' into · th u a.ge t h a.n he is a.t present. N c > r ia he 11uffi . d r Op~,8d. th ,, ~ P ~ "" ·. h ·~ f r cently appreciative of fish as e.n a.rticle of !ng to flip it mto t ha Mr a~d g~t s1g to tion from the R., W . & O. rai h·oad compa.ny, diet. Here, again, u nsa.tisfoctory cooking u;, Bu_t before I could do this, hke a Ha.sh >\<ith which it will oompete; The eleotrlc comes in as a. fac tor in d eterring t he gene ral so~eth1iig· ran up . the, :iaddle, a.crone my railw'a.y company has been gmnted the right public from wh~t is good for them. The wrist a.nd out t o the_ oow, and t hen I ~aw of way over T he eu~ire r ou te, excepting on ordinary English oaok. is aa wi;steful in her th.u.t I ha.d a .red r.q:11 ! rel for a co~p:1.mon.- the R., W . & 0 . b ridge, and it is expected metl:>ods of coohiug it as she ia ca.rt>lass in Re was p antmg; his , s ides worked nke bel- t hat a commission will be appointed e.t an -ATher mii.nner of serviug i t. The m:i.n who lows, _yet he watc~ed me ~eenly. ea.rly d ay and condemnation prooeeding. s does the most justice t o his own constituI did~ n ot approach him, a~d as the fish begun. tion is he who compass9.s an attractive now be15 a.n.to bite a~ t he end of my one hu~Mr. Gordon, mining inspector, who wM varlet} in hia dieb ranging throuo-h all the dred foot line, be aau there. u nmolested !1m1l d ep ~tched by t he British flO V ernment to t he flavors of fiah Resh fowl and th: wares of long after ·the sun had nsen. A hail t<· Rlarmer Springs in New Zea.land to report the greengro~er in' a wa.~ that not only breakfast was a welcome one, and as I ap npon the effects of the recent earthquakes, ea.tisfies a.i>petite but stimulates it. pro~ched to ths bow to pull the anchor, ~r. ,tlltee t hat he found fil!ll~ree ranging from ' 8qu1rfel took ·the stern sheets, P.i.ddltng m , on!l to four inches in swampy ground at the 1 put my end of the boat aga.inst the rock, ~xtre111ity of a liue ex tending twenty miles · · nor t h west from tho S prings. He found rents inten&ing to keep t he ~quirrel a.board. General Helth Notes. B11t as. the p !iddle touched the rock as ] in ha1 ld ground some two feet wide. He ab· A sty on the eye will sometimes yield to " fended off' the craft, the Equirrel came ~ribu "'tles the recen t phenomena. to chemical an application of very strong black tea. G ood teeth mean, to a certain extent, !l>long the gunwale of t he boa.t, over my a.rm, rathei· than volcanic action, owillg to t he· the paddle, over t he boots of my com- vaat ciuantity of sulphuretted gas liberated good digestion, and consequently good down health. while ba.d teeth often mean the panion and np a spruce-tree, all in the twink· in the disturbed looalitv. ling of a n' eye, a.nd their he chirped and con trary, W hat Saved Rim. One of the most irnport a.nt rules for the chl\ttered ga.ily. The equirrel must have swam a. mile befort One Christm11.s morning, many years ago, a.voidance and cure of dybpcpsia. fo to eat :S. with a quiet mind, and then to rest quietly I saw him ii.ad evidently was bound for_the a young r eport.e r on a d a.ily uaper had occa.· scrap ~ which fishermen throw out a.round the sion tci ca.11,with a message at the office of one for an hour or two after eating. F or sore or infl·med eyee, wash t llem in ca.mp, for he lillgered all day and then dis - of the foremost editors and publishers of the a weak solution of s alt s.nd warm water. appe11.red. An old guide told me tha.t h e country. This is also useful to remove the infbmme.- cho~Q an hour when the n ight birds, nawks The yonvger m!l.n was a sickly cou ntry lad tio:a caused by extraneous substa:v.ces iu t he and ow1s, ha.ct gone to roost, and before the of keen sensibility and nervous temperamen t, clay h!lwks had come out, in which t o swim eye. who finrlin~ hims!lli hc.meLss and friendless by the public is unanimous that the M ustard is the nearest approach to a 11cross, s.nd t hat "he j es' k new whl\t he war in a grea.t city, had yielded to t emptat lon, about;" and I don' b doubt the statement. universal cure-all. Few pains will not give a.nd had fallen into the ha.bit of drinking and way before a mustard p!a~ter and a w id e ga.mblinl,l· . ['he publisher, as he listened to A Large Clock. the message, noted the lines which dissipation range of internal mfla.mma.tione, from colds a.nd other causes, may be stopped by its A new clock, weighing t wo and one-hall had already left on the boy's face. He wa.s is the cheapest place in the, county for timely application. tons, hM beeu placed in the tower of the I\ man who made it his work in the world to After Rising.-On getting up, t·he first Glasgow University, si milar to the great help others, N <> man touched his hand in J;n: 5T ROYS A ND fl.EMO E:S WORMS action should be to throw open bo th door clock a.t Westminster. The frame of t he passmg who did not gain from him new Ranges, and Hall ;. OF" A U_ ~ lND S : IN ·C l-l!LDREN OR and window to admit the morning air; clock newly erected is horizontal, and of courage and hope in life. ;.WULTS ~W!'EET A,r;. SYRUP AND the neu wash quickly and thoroughly in cast-iron planed. It is six and one-ha.If He answered the message which the reCANNOT· HARM THE M O.ST cold water, rubbing the skin dry with a. feet long, two feet wide, and one and one- porter brought, and t hen, holding out his , ..;;. DS:L.!CATF.: CHILD ·E- -· roughish towel ; then a little exercise in the half feet indeptb. It is supported on beams hand cordially, said, " L'9t me wish you a j open air befora taking any food. builb into t hP wall of the tower, so as t o Merry Christmas, my lad. " He took from Hair Tonic. -The followiuiz has been used obvil\te vibration . The wheels, wh ich a.re a shelf a book, containing sketches of the Duchess, Grand Universal Diamond Range. successfully for falling hair, after fevers · .. of gum met a.I, can be moved separately, a.8 lives of tho grea.ht:s b English, French and Zinci sulph, ten grains; quin.l.E eulph., the pivot holeB a.re screwed to the frame. German authors, with extracts from t heir b.venty grains ; tinct. ca.utharides, one The ma.in wheels of the striking and quarter works. ounce; bay rum, two ou·nces; water. -two trains are twent y inches in diameter, and "Here," said he, "are some friends for the ounces. Mix. To be bruehed or rubbed in attached to them are ca.ms to lifb the ham- n PW year. When vou spend an hour with to the scalp, with much yei:tle shampoo· rners, which a.re fixed in iron frames con- them, you will have nob1c company." ing, nected with the clock by cranks, a.rid ha ving The surprise of uhe gift and the unexpecb· a check spring t o prevent vibration. Thti od kindness from t he man whom he regard. Granite, Iron and Tin Wares constantly on hand. weight of the hammer that strikes the houro ed with awe had a powerful effect upon the Use and Abuse of the Brain is 120 pounde, and it is lifted ten inches. lad. He spent all of his leisure time in porIn tbe course of an address on this sub· There is an automatic appars.t ua attached to ing over the book. I t kindled his latent Eave Troughing, Roofing and Job work done o.u a1io:rtest notice at. jeob, Dr. Wm. A. Hammond said :-"Anx- the clock, which stops the quarter pea.la a.t scholarly tastes. He saved his money to prices, considering material, as low as the lowest. iety causes more brain disorders than a.ny night and starts them in the morning. The buy the complete works first of this other agency I know of nnlese it be love, It escl\pement of the going part is known a.a author, and then of that ; he worked harder is well for us to know ti at t he emotions the dou\Jle three·le~ged gravity , invented by to earn more money to buv them. After a canse more unhappiness a.ml crime than 11.ny Lord Grimtoorpe. The pendulum is of zinc few years he bega n to gavher together and obher function of the bra.in. Huma.n beingR and iron, to counteract influences of t emper· to study rare and curious books, and to 45 NEWOASTL. are governed by their emotions, and it is ature, Th(l t~be 3 are arranged 60 t hat the· write .s hort pa.pers upon obscure literary well tha.tthey .ihould be, though it iethe emo- expa.naion of one r-a.isee the cent re of gravity eu bjscts, . tions that Wt.llJ'. away the brain, and not hon- while that of the other Jowers it. Tb.e bob Men of similar tastes sought him oat ;.he est, intellectual work . Very few people of t he pendulum is cvlindrioal, and weigha numbered some of the foremost scholars and suffer from intellectual work, and if my three cwt. , and the beat is one and one.half thinkers of the country among his friends, (This Engraving rep-resents tlie Lungs in a healthy state.) memorv serv11e me I do not reoolleot ever seconds, The "bol~ and sh utter " appliance bub ho never forgot the lonely friendTIIE REMEDY FOR CURING ha.ving a mathema.ticie.n for a patient. lt of the nobleman already named maintains. lees lad who had been sinkinl,l into a. gambler is not intellectual work that causes nervous the motion while the clock is being wound. and a drunkard until a kind hand drew him 1 dyspepsia., bnt the emotions, such as anxiety Me811rs. J, B. Joyce & Co., Whibechurch, back, and he in his t urn sought out ot her ASTHMA , CROUP, fear, sorrow, and love. I consider tha.t Shropshire, manufactured the clock;. . lonely, friendlese boys in the great city, eight hours are sufficient for a man to use A significant sign of tha times in England and gave them u. helpful hand out of the ALL D ISEASES OF THE THROAT, LUNGS AND his brain, becauae if he exceeds that time is that, a.ccordivg to the report of the Regis- gnli. PULMONARY ORGANS. he becomes nervous and fretful, and 1m ex· trar-General, the average age of those who get So, year by year, his life w:dened and BY ITS FAITHFUL USE hausted bra.in is a.n irritable b1a.in, You married is beooming higher and higher every deepened into a strong current, from which Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the OONSUMPTION H.A.S BEEN CURED ma.y nob feel the evil effeot:a of the stress of year. For bachelors the a.ge is now 26, and many ~rew com~ort and help. . bra.in work at; the time, but ycu will sooner for spinsters 25 years. It will be interesting He died last wmter, The sale of h1s library\Vhen other~"TI~~~\~~;~~~ ~~~:..iciaus ha'fe LIVER, ST01'1.1l.«JD, KIDNEYS A.ND BOWIU.,,s. or later, when it is too late. The men that to calculate at what date, if the present ge.thered all tb.e collector~ of ra.r!' books m lt.e<:t1mm en<1ed hy Pn v ~1r, ~ A ':~, ~·i{r~ r~'!'F.I!S, AND work at nl2ht with their brains a.re the ones p rocess oontinnes, t he average age of being the sea.boa . rd cities. ~ann~ bis illness, t he T .!h ., 'nvigorate and restore to health J)ebil;tated Constitutions, .r.~un::rns. In fac~ hy cveryhn<1:t ,'.·!n ha: 1 !dven it a. gonfl t,l'ia.I. ...·l 'llC IU.'J' fail~ to b.·iu .,.eiiej. tha.t expose themselves to da.ngera.nd d~a.th, married will reach fifty ye~rs. The t acu, 1new~pa_pers spoke (If him w_ith a suddeu a.pare lavalnable lu all Oomplalnt s lncldent a v ~ emalea of all .Ages. !!' 1 1 AS '-l N EX:PC ,'";. 7~ r-tANT IT HA S 1 · EQU AL. whioh will surely come nnlees the great however 1 indicates either that :i. dislike tor ' premat1on of the worth which had so long Ohlldren and the aged the7 are prlceleu. fl fa hat.·1(1",").). (') tli.e ZJloist Ddicat(: c·L· · 1. strain on the mind is ligh tened." married 1ife is spreading, or that the dif- been hid in obscurity. · . .. fi<:-ulties of maintaining a. wife and family are '.'A ;yrofou_nd echo.lar, wit h the heart of· H co:it1i:-,::; : ;o 0 PI UM: in rc.iy for.:n. Exero1se In Ulrildhood. iricrea.sing child; "A 3ourna.liat who never wrote a an i nfa.llible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old WouDds S roword to subaerve a base end," they said, l'he rnst mct1ve desire for exercise so early . W ;d ll d h ' B k He read thoae eulogies with a quiet smile &nd U lcers, It Is famous for Gont and Rheumatism , For disorders of t i. 01 "ld 1 · · f , 1ver ene an is oo a · · h b h DAVIS & L:\,,W!l.EHCE c ~. ",-,:zii.ted), s own Y c 1 ren s a wrne p rovision o I The a.ct1r who has left the ehge forever -Chest it has no equal.GP1f.f't·r1l .Ayr.U.f,'f. )fI(> !'{';: j'.' ·:A.L . nat ure for the foll and perfect development D r. Oliver W end,,!! Holmea, in presen ting ca.res little for the fa.int plaudits of the crowd of tha muscles e.nd bones, the lungs, hean, I his medical libr ary !;o t he Boston Medical in the distance. .i,or Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Vougbs, Colds , and other .vita.I org·~~a. E ..c~1 little. move- Lib~ary A~socfation, has p~rted with a col· One day he put into t he hands of a. friend mei;it entails a mo~t vigorous mrcule.t10n and lection which has taken a hfotime to gather, an old dingy volume. "When I am gone," Gl.11.ndula.r Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and an mcrease of respiratory powei . "A c hild The oldest book in the .ier iea wii.s written in he said " take t h is to Mr.-- and tell him oont racted and stltr joints It acts like a charm ·~ in health," says Sir W. J ·n ner, " delights in 1490 l\nd the lat~st in 1887. Says Dr. H olmes: that whatever of good or usefulness there moyements of every kin~. h j oy~ uo ex· "Tbese books are dea;" to m a ; a twig has been in my life I owe to him, and this Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOW.A.Y's Establishment, erc1se every musole. Smp t!ie chdd of . a from some of my nerves ru ~s to every one of Christmas gift oi his thirty yea.rs a.go." f~w m~nths old, a?d s?e how it_ thro~s !ts them, and they ma.rk the ·progress of my The little story is absolutely true. We 'J.R, ··· · OXFnp ·r 4?REB'l, (late 633, OXFORD STJ' .ET) 1 LONDO· lunbs ID every d1rec ~1on; it will ra.1Se its study and the steppmg-s tonl.'s of my profes· venture t a tell it because there is no one !ntJ" est, . ._ ai 11. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6 d., 118., 22s., and 33 each B<':1 or p head from the place on ~hich in lies? coil it· sional life. If any of them ca11 ~e. to others living whom it oa.nhurt, while there a.re many may be had from all Medicine Vendorsthrougho\lt the World. self round, and, graspmg a foot w11 h both as thev have been to me I am wilhng to part whom it may help to hold out friendly hands hands, thrust into its mouth as far as possi· with them, even if they are suol1 old and be· to their brot hers who have stumbled into W l'arehaLer& sho11ld J11ok tot·e iabel on the Pots a11d Boxe1. lftbeaddre1111laaetll3 ble, as though the great object of its exist- loved companions." darker patbJI in life than they. Oxrer· B&reet, J.oad··· &lle7 are· 1parleu. a~ J" ~.auauUltt jtatt~mlHh ~m~nf I i HEALTH. =;:::_;=============c'--'-C- 1 ! I I I I HARDWARE ! HARDWARE I I Stoves and Tinware, Paints and Oils. \ onve1se M O' Go I lh J A L lfl ":f:· BEO.E.MANNINB ea· l.a. ?e- Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shalt Goods, Glass, Putty, <l?aints, Oils, :Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, ·Hoes, Spades, Shovels, &c, · i; I f l ;a . co DK . "" ' s. [HfALL & PARLOR STD E ' · .' . -- · d h t v . h ItH av1ng pµrc o sell goods at I small profits and prices wlll be1 t th Imes. m p h I ,, ed Gents' Ulothing p AT TH 0 DRY GOODS WHOLESALE COST, ,d uring January TOD BROSu 1 Newcastle Stove and Tin Depo~ Cooking Coal and Wood Cooks, Parlor Stoves- all the most popular makes and styles. Jewel Range, with the new Duplex Grate also Grand and Parlor Stoves with and Without ovensArt Garlands, Art Sultanas, etc. Orders taken for the best Hot A ir Furnaces. "W. T. BONATHAN, HEALTH FOR ALL! CONSUMPTION COUGHS, COLDS, THE PILLS 1 . . . . . ! I . · THE OINTMENT ! · · DUNN~ AKINC PCJWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND ·