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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1889, p. 1

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TBRMS :-·t.50 PBR A1urox. N:IW SBBIBS, NUKBEB 552. OUB TOWN AND COUNTY J'IRST: 'THB WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES VOLUKB EDITOR .UD l'MP:&RTO:a. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDA:Y, MARCH 6, 1889. xxxv. NUMBll:ll 10. I COUC.H , JOHNSTON& CRYDERMAN '-}'}].ave DISEASED BLOOD. Scrofulous, Inherited, Contagious CARTWRIGHT. Rev. R. Hassard was viaitlng Western frlende week. It le rumored that we &re going t o have &D· ·other veterinary In our town. Mr. Wm. Brown has nurchased the Cadmus Milla from Mr. James Fluke. Mr. NP!son Marlo\Y ha.a purehaeed theMedd farm, 100 acrea at ~70 per acre. Mr· Anson Taylor has purchased the north 69 acres or Medd farm !or $57 an acre. We oa:ree with the sta tements made by Rev. n . HaRsard Sunday night, on the Jesuit Bill : That unlese Protestants unite the Cathohca will become our rulers. Mr. Thomae Graham purchased Mr. 'Vllliam Parr'· brick residence Instead or Mr. R. J. Gr&ham'a &8 mentioned last week. Mr.Neleon Marrow has purchased the house and lot from Mr. R. J, Graham. Vls·tora last week: :-Miss ltobertaon at Mr. J. Beaoock's: Mrs. R. GrahRm. ot Fenelon, at Mr, T. A. Wri~ht'a ; ~Isa Motfatt. of Raglan, at Mr. T. Werry'e; Mr. H . T. Ferguson, of Cobourg, is at home visiting hie parents ; Mr. P'rank Cole, or Hampton, was in Cartwright on Sabbath. . KIRBY. 80.LIN~. Humors cured by Outicura. Through tb.e medium of one of your books received through Mr.Frank T.Wray, Druggist, Apollo, Pa.. I became acquainted with your Cuticura Remedies. WJd take this opportunity to testify to you that their use hae'permanent. ly cured me of one of the worst caaee ot blood poisoning, in connection wft.h eryalpelas, that I have ever seen, and this after having been pronounced incurable by some of the best physicians In our country. I take great rleasure in forwarding to you this testimonla , un· solicited ae it ie by you, In order thst others suffering from similar male.dies may be en· ooura.ged ;o give your Cuticara Remedies I\ trial, P. 8 . WHITLINGER. Leechburg, Pa. Reference ; Frank T. Wray, Druggist, Apollo, Pa, S()JlOFIJJ.OUS IJl.()ER!ll. opened out a number of Bales and Cases of White and Grey COTTO IS, SHEETINGS AND James E Richardson. Custom House, New Orleans, on oath says : "In 1870 Scrofulous Ulcers broke ou~ on my body until I was a mass ot corruption. Everything known to the medical faculty waa tried In vain. I be·. came a mere wreck. At times could not l!U my hand11 to my head. could not turn b1 bed; was in constant pain and looked upon life as a ourse. No relief or oure in ten years In 1880 I heard of the Cuticura Remedies, uaed them, and was pe!rectly cured," , Sworn to before U. S, Com. J. D. Crawford, ONE OF THE WOllST CA.SES. We have been selling your Cuticura Remedies for years. and have the first complaint yet to receive from o purchaser. One or the worst cases ot Scrofula I ever eaw was cured by ftve bottles ot.Cutfoura Resolvent, Cuticura anct CuticurB. Soap. 'rhe soap takes the 'cake' here as a medical soap. · . TAYLOR&; TAYLOR. Druggists. , Frankf<ll't, Kan. SCROFIJl.OlJS COTT. O NADES. ~.~-q. INHERITED. .These goods were bought when the prices of Cottons touche,d the lowest point known in Canada, and Pl have since advanced from fifteen 'to twenty per cent. W°-e are ~therefore- in a positien to ~sell, what are actually the cheapest Cottons in the county, and we ad- S vise our friends to lay in a stock of thes~ goods at the present low prices. And Contagious Humors, with Loss of Hair, and Eruptions ot the Skin, are positively cnred by Cutlcura ana Cuticura Soap externally, and.;,Cutlcura Resolvent internally, when all other medicines fail. Price, Cutlcura, 75c.; Sold everywhere, Soap. 35c.; Resolvent $1·.50. Prepared by the POTTER DRUG AND CHEMICAL Co.. Boston, Mass. a-Send !or "How to Cure Skin D!eeaee,·' 61 pages, 50 illustratlon1, 100 testimonials. .MPLES. black·heads, red. rongh. chaoped Wld oily sk!o prevented byCuticura Soap. by A.nd 1he Cullour& Anti-Pain Pluter. a Porteot Antidote ro Pain, Infiamma\1un ..~d Weakne!I. A new, lnstant&neou and Infallible pain-kllling p1aster. 30 cents·. w~I~e~!~~!~~!~;ved ALESMEN W.AN1'ED.--Good eruariea or commission paid to the right men, to sell our choice and hardy varieties Of nursery stock. Steady employment to the · r ight men the vear round. Now ls the time of year to eng:age. None but honest and upright men need apply. Do not delay il you decide to join us as delays are dangerous. Apply with refer· ences. MAY BROTHERS, Nurser1m·e n, Rochell· ter, N. l{. 1-lOw; COUGH. JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, C~.A.S. One Door West of Post Office. .. WANT E Fl.'USE::'S ·EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL OF MUSIC. TO ---o--OVER 600 LESS 0NS IN ONE SCHOOL YEAR ! ----o---G1·aded o.ff§tudy, Daily lnstruction,.Rec:.itation, ~ou1·ses DSALESMEN TO SELL Nursery Stock; · All qooods warranted first Perman~nt, class. pleasant, profitable positions for the right men. Good aala.riee and expenses paid weekly, Liberal lnducementR to beginners· Ni:> previous experience necessary. Outfit free. Write for terms, eivinJo: oge~ CHARLES H. OH.A.SE, Nurseryman, Hochester. N. Y . Menr.ion this paper. 52·10w* Music as an Education for the People. A list of 1000 newspapers divided m ~o STA'.J;ES .6ND SECT JONS will be sent on application- FHl.l:E. · To those who want their advertising to pay. we can oft'er no better medium tor thorough and effective work than the various selec~ions of our Seled l.oc"I I.1st. Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce street, New York. GEO. I'. llOWELLd: ()0., ADVERTISERS. CJultu1·e and Praciice in Cour departments, viz. Religious Music, Military Band Music, Drawing-room Music, Orchestral Music. "',R{l._ph d(;partment having clearly defined courses for graduation, qualifying the learner to compose and render the music, of the department pursued, with taste and propriety, and when completed the candidate is entitled to receive the Diploma of the full University degree of . graduation. There are ~lso two degrees for under graduates in each department, for the attainment. of which tokens of scholarship are awarded.· DR. BAXTER, of Baxter University of Music, New York, wili be in attendance for the examination of candidates; the conferring of degrees and awarding of diplomas. For fu]ler ~nformation address : I SPLENDID BUSINESS CHANCE. NO CAPITAL REQUIRED. Men rrom 2S to 5() can increase their income locally, or get permanent employ ment: My business is· rapidly growing and very euccesstul. Special indncemente i;rlven which insure success. Salary and expenses to permanent men, Big commilll!ion11 for local work If desired. Don't engage until you write me, .Apply to Fred. E. Young, New England Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y, PERRI N'S Pine Tar· Cordial. DONT NEGLECT THE COUGH. Cough, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, 'Whooping Couah, Croup, Influenza, Diftlcurt Breathing, and all ThrClat and Lung com· plaints. to take; children are tond of it· . Instant ·relief1rom firs t dose; heals and cures like magic. Prepared scientifically from the Pure Pine Tar, :Sold by Wholesale Dealers and Druggists everywhere. CERTIFICATE, I am acqua;nted with ·t he composition of Perrln's Pine Tar Cordial, tr.nd recommend it ad being t he most effectual remedy known to the medic..! faculty. P. PALMKR BURROWS, M. D.M. C. Lindsay, President Executive Board ot Health tor ' Ontario. l'EIUtl~'S d:S:.A..S_ RU-SE:J Box 88, BOWMANVILLE, . ONT. PERCHERON ,HORSES! -;. .S.A.'V".A.G::El ~ ~.A.BN"O'l::-4:, JSL!!!D BOU STOCK FARM, Groae Isle, Wa7ne Coaat7, lllchlran. AbouUOO pure-bred anlmalt on hand. Prices reasonable; terms easy, Hones guaranteed bre1>derL Larae catalo1111e witb. hlotory of the breed free b;y mail . .11.ddree1 BAVAO:E & F ABNU?ll, Det1oil, ldi<h, FRENCH COACH HORSES· . ·Jlet.ntlf'ul17 formed high-stepping Stal· o( l'INE T..llt ()OUDU.L CO. :LIND. SA.Y. ONT..llllO, under the patronai:e the French GoT· emmcnt. For catv.· 101111· and history ot the breed addren - ~~r'l,' a~~e,1:.resb~~ 81T1ge&FarnumJ De&roll, IUch. RENNIE'S GREAT ······ ., DOLLAR COLLECTION ·····OF GARDEN SEEDS. si.·00 . AWARDED FIRST SILVER MEOAL WORLD'S EXPOSITION, NEW Om.EANS, U.S.A., 18&1-5, iu c ompetit ion :vith thfll pianofortes o f Europe and .America· . Th e only U.S. InLernational Med al ever awarded t o a Canadian pianofor!c ; also Me~a.l a nd Diploma at the Coloma! and Indian Exhibi tion, London, En g:, 1886, witl?- the supreme honor of supp)ymg Her MaJesty the Queen with a Ncwcom !Je Grand, selected by Sir Art hur Sullivan. For Illustrated Catalogue, prices and terms. Address ~Seeds, · ffE· NN1£'S SEEDS ARE THE 8£STAnd in to order induce hundre~s of '!ew customers useto them I am offermg this Com· plete coJleetlOll of the very choicest 'Ve.:etable $ I 0 0 The Collection <ontains full sized including many novelties, FREE by MAIL for · · packages of the Improved Half. Long lllood Beet; Rennie's Nonpl>riel Lettuce, the best in cultivation ; Golden Hearted Ce!ety l New Cory 'Corn, the sweetest variety grown; Olive Gem Radish, the finest new Radish; and standard varieties of Cabbage, Carrot, Cucumber, Melon, Spinach, Tomato, Turnip and Herbs, also ·· pound of the best W a.'< Beans, and a pound of the New Pea, Pride of the Market, which is the finest Gard·,.~ v·riety in cultivation. The entire collection amounting. at C atalogue rates and e postage, to $1,SU. will .be sent tree by mail to any address in Canada. for · Order ot onee, and induce your friends to send with you. I will sup,ily FITe of the above ~ollection· for $,.OO. My Annual Descriptive Catalogue now ready. Free to a;l applicants. Send for It at <>nee. 8:1 0 0 Octavius Newcombe & Co., · .r ~~d.ress, WILLIAM RENNIE, Seed Grower, TORONTO, _O_~T.... WAR EROOMS, 10'7·109 CHURCH ST.· T ORONTO FACTORY, 89 TO 97 BEL.lo.WOODS A VENUS Mre. (Rev.) John A .Jewell and daugh· Mr11. J. Clarke hu been ruitins:friends ter, of B loomfield, and Mil!s Davey. of in Tyrone. Napanee, are the guests of Mr. Isaac H o w a bout the saw now? Hu it been Jewell. "set" yet 1 MiBB Ida Tremble has sufficiently) rePROYIDEN.0.E. covered t o get out a~ain. .,o ·,~ Report S. S. No. 5, D arlington, for Enfield Evangelistic Band condacted Feb.-5th clasa-F Hoa r, E 8male. E service here Sunday night. Allin, F. B lackburn, E Crago. Sr 3rdMapl e Grove D ivision intend Tfaiting M Bragg, W. Bragg, B Laing, A E lford, I Osborne. Jr 3rd-E Osborne, C .Allin, our D ivision on Friday 1.1ight. Master Geo. Cowie went to Broul[ham W H oar burn R Smale. Sr 2ad -W _ d, A Battle, A Wight, Sunday t o visit h i1 sist01: whu is \'ery ill M w· Bellamy, ,J L11ing, with consumption. A , W Souch. M. · V isitors of t he week : Mr R M Kir kpatrick and son, Oshaw21; Mr and Mn D Malcolm, Cartwright ; Mr Frank W right, M iss Minnie Werrv, Mies Mr. an · <10rnelius Osborne visited M oaett& James and Miss R o!a B tford of B owmanville; Mr Herman ai.d Miu friends in T oronto last week. L illa Pascoe, Enfield. HAMPT011. Mrs. J. C. R owe had a. successful wood llfrs. John Cole ls gradually improving In bee Tuesday hauling wood from Tyrone. Z IO!¥ . health. There is an interesting program under Rev.E.Ba.rrase,M. A.. preached to a crowded Messrs. J oe Langmaid and H ar vey house Sunday n ight. preparation for t he Band of R ope meet- Lander spent Sunda.y a.t Ebenezer. Miss P. Roach returned to her home at ing Friday night . Avening last week. Mr. Wesley Brooks is making e x t ensi ve Numbers of residents of this · c ommun- preparatio ns for building his b .i.rn this Mr, J. Y. Cole ,;,nd sou have been doing a ity (not G rit ty but claim to be Libe r al) coming season. large trade in hides lately, Our far-famed Dramatic Club will play her e attended the Tory co nvention on Friday. The choir and some others wer e enterapln this Wednesday evening. GL .4.RKE U.NlUN. ~ained by.Miss Henry on 'fhurs:iay even· Dr. Jas. E. Brown and bride, are expected to visit Darlington friends thle week. .Y report an enjoyable time. Mr. J Colville is gathllring h is supply rng. ThJJMr. Wm. Barker, eldest eon ot Rev. W. R. On 'ftieiiday evening the 19th u lt. the Barker, has been renewing old acqua.inta.nces of ice. here, Hamp~on -.S. of T. gave their p opular Mr. H. J. Souch spent S un d ay 8 t · dum._ __ ~ ·;rhe fruits of t he w ine cup" fol· Mr. W, Gilbert, cheese manufacturer, lee"peoted to become a cltlz;en. We hear that Providence. lowed l)y ;~be com edy " BambC1c.zling" i11 prospect\ore bright for the coming ~ea.son. Mrs. W. L. Cobbl edick is around again t he Ta11_1~ton H all ti:> a. fairly large a udiMr. and Mrs.E;Hastinirs entertained a nnm· ber of Bowmanvi!Je and. Hampton friends after her severe illness, ence~ · By special r equest they rendered l'hursday even ing, .A. verv enjoyable time Mr. and Mrs. John Parker are visitin g ~he saip,e,on the M onday ev.ming followwas epent; mg, ,when t he h ouse wa.s well filled with Mr. Thomas W loox desires through the col· friends i n Cobourjl and vicinity. Amon~ tb.c 1pecial ' um111 of the 8TATl!:SMA.N to thank his numerRecent vilit ors : Christopher Rex, plea1ed Ji~ teners. ous friends tor their liberal contributions B owmanville, Mr. W. J ewell, Tyrone, feat ures may b e mentioned Mr. W. Ma.r~'1:r~Ti!,~e purse which WILB recently presenttin's song "Napoleon" which wa~ well and Mr. Thos. Souch, Kendall. rendered ·.. School report for February. Claes 6--W Miss Helen Hill after spend ing a few Montgomery. F Allin, W Cryderman. Sr ' W Bunt. M Hastings, A. Allin, Jr '-E Cr.[· weeke "' Mr. W. L Cob bledick'a has reKEND.ALL. derman. L Salter, I E Ellie. Sr 3-J Cale, D turned to her home a t W elcome. Cale, .E Furs1er. Jr 3-C Haatinge. T P enoing M r.s . Dk: Leitch, of N ewtouville liaa ton, L Hastings. Sr 2-1 Taylor, E Clark, S baen Tiaitil'lg Mre. R . Cowan's. SALEM. :,!tonehouee. Jr2-A Martin, TTaylor, H Cole, Sr Pt 2nd-E Parish. B Martyn, M Martyn, Mr. ·P. Blue is recovering from illneas. School report for Janua ry and Feb. Jr Pt 2nd-W Cale, P Horne. W Oliver. Sr P t Mr. R. Cowan, carpen ter, has in co1 1rse le·-E Cre·per. A. Wlloo:s, H Wiicox. Jr Pt ruary, 1880 :-Senior 4th.-Nina Collalat-\V Clarke. G Oliver, L, G. W. coU, B.Stevens. Junior4~h.-N.Hocken, .of erec·ion a windmill which h e-- t hi nks ~.l.JllESON, E. J . KBRSLAKI!:, Teachers. . G. Collacot~, S. McFeetera, E. Stevens, will be ten or twelve horse power. OUURTIOB. · G. Hutchison. Senior 3rd.-E. Darch. The band concert on Friday was well Mr, Luther Courtlce spent Sund& at home. Junior 3rd.-W. Cano, L. Sc'ott, A. W. attended. Mr: M onaghan, of P o rt Pope Senior 2 od.-Susie gave several lr1;,h songs. :Messrs. T. A. Special services have been commenced e.t Welsh, C. Cornish. Ebenezer, Hutchison, W. C .McFeeters~ W. S. Cnl- Bro w.n an d C. G. Armstrong, of O rono , Ml~s Go:l'ne, of Oshawa., has been visiting at lis. Junior 2nd.-W. Symons, Bert W. sang m good style. In ou r opin ion the the Grand Central. · Stevena, H. Stevena, F . \ V. Stevens. favor ite was the so ng by M r. A rmst ron~, . Miss Minnie Brown. of l?eterboro', is Tisiting Second Part lat.-L.A .Darch,I. J .Hut ch"When I wheel the baby out." M iae 4er aunt, Mrs. J · .Waiter, Senior M onaghan presided at the organ. A diaMien Wilson and Miss. Campbell, of Whitby iaoo, C. Stevens, L. Burgess. College, were recent guests here. Ta.blet.-S. Hockeo, M. J. Hall, Frank logue b y Mr. and Mrs. S. Conlin, Mr. Mr, and Mm. J . Stone, or Uxbridge, were Wonnacott. Junior Tablet. -E. Darch, Jno. P owers and Miss Jamieson a nd the guests of Mr, R . F. Richai·ds last week, : l. Trevelle, R. Burgess, H. Smith, C. comic farce by Messr s. Arrn st ronl( and Mr, Wesley Perkin and sister Stella. ha>e Burgess, E. Sn\ith. R. REID LAWRIE, Jackson of Orono were very amusing. be!')n spending a. few; days with frien ds here. Some of the comic . ex tempor e 11elections 4 surprise party from here..visited Mr. R, c, teacher. $hort, of Oshawa, one evenmg during the were drawn out too long. T he orcheetra week. NE W HAVEN. e.nd brass band gave several well k nown On W cdneeday evening a few of the relations Mr. A. Wilson has~sold his . farm , part selections during the eveniug. Mr. D. of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Everson aS!!emb!ed a their home. it being the eighteenth annlver· of lot 20, Broken Front to Mr. John Comstock occupied the chair accep t ably. sary of their wedding day, to present th.em The sad in telligence of t he )d eath of with a be&utltul hanging lamp and a few Metcalfe. other tokens of good will. They were taken Mr. Thoe · . McLean reached he re on Mrs. D . Pollard, Mrs. Thos. Powers quioe by surprise and thanked the donors for and son Herbert been visiting friends Th ursday last. He met hia death on th1t the good feeling manltested. ill-fated train a t S t. Geor;;e lt'Llla on his On S!llnrday evening & la.rite representation in Cartwrig ht recently. way ·to P ort Hope. Deceased was a. of the Ebenezer congregation met at the resld· We soon t o lose one of our enter·ence of Mr. R ., jr., leader of the brother of Mrs. J . D. Fallis of our villchoir, and presented him with a purse con· pr i;iug farmers in the person of Mr. age. The so rrowing friends have the· talning $35 with the object of purchaslnll' a Kivell who is moving to Solina. fiuta. A very appropriate address was read sympathy of all in their sad beroavement . Before this appears in prin; we exp ect by Mr. Wm. Everson. signed on behalf of 1he congregation by ~lr. J. Llttlej ohns, on behalf Mrs J. Foley will be on her way t o her Three orphans are left to. m ourn thElir father's untimely death. of the choir by Mr. W, Rundle, and oo behalt of the school by Mr. W. E. Courtlce. In home in Manitoba. We wish her a safe replying Mr. Courtlce thanked the people for journey. NEWCASTLE. this token of tbeir appreciatloo of his services Parties seem to be the rage In this loand advised the young people to spend their A very plea.sing e vent took place on pael time largely in somethinii that they could cality, three havinl( been given on Friday turn to practical acooun~. if necaasary. It Wednesday lallt at t he r esidenoe of Mr. _ nigh t Jaet. One at Mr. 0. R. Hall's, being Saturday night the company broke up early, having enjo,Jed a social even ng one at Mr. Jo<J. La.ngmaid's and one at Oliver Thomas, Clarke, the occas ion being the marriage of his eldes t da ugh ter, M iss pleasant ly. ·rRI:.l. Mr. A. Rundle's. Annie Thomas, and Mr. Erast us T urk, of TYRO.NE. Hope. The young and beautiful brid& la.APLE GROV E. Mr. W, J, Roy has been harvesting Ice· was attired in brown satin and looked Mr. Arthur Fol~y r eceived a severe charming, while the groom had on that Mi1s May Clemens has been nick with bll· iou1 fever, kick in the face from a h orse. happy smile indicative of having s ecu?ed Mrn. Thoe. Jardine, Sen., han been very Ill The Mr. Samuel E:nowden, jr., is under- one of life's gr eatest trea11ure11. but Is con valeeoent. bride was assisted through th~ ceremony Revival meetings ere are to close thi1 going medical t reatment for his throat . Wednesday evenmg. The S. of T . intends gh-ing an open by .M.iss E. Co lwill, Newca.s tle. Mr. W · Mr. I. Higgins is about .to take up his abode entertainment in the School .House, Wed- Courtice of Lindsay did the honors o f In Proyldence settlement. groomsman. The knot wa11 s ecarely tied Mr. s. M, Clemens had a very succe33(~l bee nesday, March 13th. by Rev. J os. K ilgour, of Welcome, who drawing brick Wednesday. Mr. T. J. Oole wishes the public t o wiabed the other co u ple would bring the .A few of our staunch conservatives attended know that he d id not sign t ho petition for the meeting at Bowmanvllle on Friday. beans and let him tie t he other knot also. The roads north of here are tearfully bad, lhe repea.l of the Scott, Act, nor d id he The happy couple left at a respectab le give any one · permission to put his name h our for their ho me in H ope where we and a great many tip-overs have occurred. It won' t be well for t he party if wish them a long a.nd happy life. The - Mr. T. Kirb:f', Bowman'7ille, gave valuable there. assistance at the revlyal meetlngn last week. he finds out who d id it. bride was the r ecipient of s ome very He was present every night. A large gathering of friend s and ac- lovely presents " too numer ous t o men· Mr; John Rundle, or Hampton, took an active part In connection with the revival quaintancee assembled at the residence of tion. " meetings here last week. He is a.n earnest the bride's aunt, Mre. C. Rundle, t o witAnother Clarke b riy h as b.ien heard worker. marriage of Mr. D.h M cK innon f row, son o f l\"' · Miss Broad, teacher at Mo. 10. being sick nes11 the ..r. J · p L ove kin. A . . M B b R left on l:!aturday for her home at Little Britain, and M HS · ary urgess, Y t e ev. R. was formerly i n the Bank here and his ·.Mr. Henry Kenner takes charge or the school Sanderson. An enjoyab le time was spent m imy friende will be pleased to hear in her absence. . news. · The Sacr amento Mr. .Davey and wife. Mr. :&i. Cha.nnon and by all preaent and after part ak ing of an such good wife, Misses Sarah and Mary Henry and 'Mr. excellent supper · the happy couple t ook Record-u nion says : "Mr . A . L oveS. J. Henry and Mirs Jennie Fraser were th e evening train for their west ern h ome. k in, who has been acting 88 General Secvisiting at Mariposa week. Mr, T . H . Hancock and family movo this We have not a full account of the pre- ret a.ry o f t he Youn~ Men's Chrietian week to Pickering and Mr. Jas. Souch has eents, but the followin~ are some of Association of Sacramento for the past taken possession of the farm vacated by the them: Clock, Mrs. S. Penfound ; hble few months, left l iAst week on t he O regon for':Der. Weloome baok Jimmie, Recent visitors: Mr. A. Bingham, Trenton; spr ea!J, Miss S. Baker ; silver tea.spoons exp ress for the Te x as and 1md Georgia. Mrs. H. Wilhams, Campbellford, Mr. John and butterknife, Mrs. J. P enfound; mining district of Shasta county, where Williams and son. Newtonv11le and Cap t. C hina cup and saucer and moustache cup, he will engage in min ing. Mr. L ovekin Mutton and wife, Bowmanlllle. Miss Cassie M cKinnon ; $2, Mrs. H. a great many friends d uring his The eexton Is CClmplaining loudly of certain P earce ; pair crystal frui t dishes, Mrs. J. s tay in Sacramento, and the evening beparties spitting tobacco j uice about the lobby and within the church. This filthy habit is Kirkpat rick ; crystal set, Mrs, Geo. fore his departure they c&me d own on very annoying to those who love cle!lnlineas. ~ethridge and ; half dozen him in a b ody and gave h im a grand s ur.A. me· ting will be held in the interest of About 100 yo ung Sabbath School teachers on Friday. March dmner plates, Miss May O~e ; set of cut .pr ise a nd rece p tion. 8th at BtJthesda to commence at 7·30 p. m. glass crystal, Mrs. C. M cKmn?n ; br?ak: ladies and itontlAmen gathered at the Messrs; Higginbotham and 'rreb!lcock of Bow· fast cruet and lamp,.Mr. T. Kirkpatrick ' Congregational Church o n Sixth st r eet, manvllle are to be present. The termer will deliver an address on "Sabbath SchClol Work" crystal cak.e st and and lamp, Mrs. C. and from there marched down to the and the latter will teach the lesson for March Frank; pair of towels and spread, Young Men's Chr istian Association 10th. Discusstcna will follow. All friends of Sabbath 8choC1ls are urgentl:v!requested to at· Mrs . J . Rundle; la r ge fruit dtsh. an.~ Rooms and p r oceeded to makti..., them · dozen small ones, Mrs ·. R eynolds · pau · selves at home gener ally. A very in· tend, E dit h Run dle. teresting musical progr am was r endered, , Report ors. s. No. 13. Darlin11:ton, fClr ll'eb.- colored glass b ottles, . lith Claes- F ,Virtue. 4th Farrll; C after which came refresh men ts and a Campbell. Sr 3rd Cla.s11-D Hooper, A CampA vorn :lPPEARANCE.-A worthy gentle- gen eral good time. Mr. C~mpbell , P esillerry. Jr 3i·d-M Hooper, S Woodley, bell, L Hooper, W Burgess, M Deane, C Thorpe, G . man, havmg an unus~ally r~d n ose , was den t . of the association, made a sh ort Hooey. Sr. 2nd Cl&ss-M Hooper, B Virtue, N long suspected of bemg a t1p~ler on t.he speech suita ble to the occasion, to which Woodley, A Virtue, E Deane, \ V Hamley, J 'l'ape. Jr 2nd-R Hur;;ees, R Hodgsun, A sl7, bY, tbose not well a~quamt~d with Mr. L ovekin mad e 3 fitting response. Hooper. Sr Pt 2nd- M Colwell, J Burgess, W h is str1ctl_y temperate habi ts, ~1s unfor- T h o fest ivities were kept up u ntil a Jato Edgerton. ETTIE CAMPBELL, Teacher. tunat e d1sfigurem~nt was r io:adily cu; ed hour, when the company j oined hands and sang Auld L ang Syne. " "TRUTH CR.USHED TO EARTH will rise." by the use of Ayers Sarsaparilla. S o will Biscuit and 1 1read made with lm· PALE, 1YEAK. 1VOMEN need n tonic. S DA.LL SliGAU-COA.T ED Burdock PlllA d <> p1.1rlal Orea.m T artar Baking Powder. It stru1gth giving, 11esh buildin g wedlcluc not "rl11c or sleken, They are mild and er. is t he only reliable. 1 111!.e Mllhuru' s Beel, Iron uud ' Vine, rectuilI, ~ a. c. 'V I I +

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