ORUNO. Mr. J. E. Harvey, Toronto, is visiting here. Mr. John Pryor has leased John Stalker's saw mill. " Mr. Lewis Patton, of Toronto, has been visiting friends here. Two steers fed by Mr. S. Powers weighed 3400 lbs here last week. The Grange lodge has bl'en abandoned and the furniture is fcir sale. Mr. Hill haa been trying to organize a. council of Chozen Friend here. Miss Bennett, Port Newcastle is at her HANDSOME PATTERNS brother's at the North American. Miss Emma Kirk, of Toronto, is visitAND CHEAP. ing her sister, Mrs. Thos. Vinson. Mr8. Walker, Por~ Hope, spent a few days recently at Mr. W. S. Gamsby's. Messrs. T. A. Brown and 0. A. Gamsby assist at a concert at 011hawa this week. Mr. Thos. Dancaster, Port Perry, was vi&iting at the parental home recently. Mi11Se1 Barbara and Minnie McLeod · I a.Jso keep an assortment of and Miss Ida Ham have been visiting in Port Ho~e. The road between Orono and Newcastle is in a terribly bad condition, pitch-holes innumerable. See my Show Window. Mr. Geo. Davidson, R. Hall and D. McAlden spent a_ few days last week whh Mr. R. D1 n:idson, Pfokering. JohnWinter,eonofMrs. Wm. Winter, of Orono, is dead after a lingering illness AT LOWEST RATES. from consumption. A son of Mr. John Law, of Leskard. WONJ: PRICE ONLY. was .thrown out of his rig when turr.ing Beet's corners, and had an arm broken. Misses Colburn and Robbins, of the }l'aoulty of Demill College, and Mr. and Miss Stone, Oshawa, were the guests of Mrs. A. A. Gamaby recently. The Misaes Colville ha BOWMANVILLE, MA:i.CH 6, 1889, with their horse Su ing from church. WlliT a fortunate thing for Conserva- en and Miss Colvil tive11 that there is no duty on "crow" and 'The benefit cone that leekt will soon be plentiful. It is ter was a gra.nd sue · allzed. Dr. Tucker terribly humiliating to think of eiating gram was quite lengt one'J own words, but they must swallow with a laughable farce entitled the Unrestricted Reciprocity. "Haunted House" which was rendered in good styie by Messrs. Wm. Ja.ckson and A. Tourje, ca.using considera.ble merriWJl.lT a bitter pill unrestricted reci- ment. The principal artists of the evenprocity will b~ to the Conservatives who ing were, Mrs. A. Sommerville, Messrs·. are now asked to bless what they have T. A. and Frank Brown, J. Burns, C. G. been told was the duty of every loyal sub- Armstrong, Mrs. John Miller, jr., Miss Bessie Hallett, Mhs Irwin and Miss ject to curse. But they must take it Brown. Mr. .John Spencer, V. S., who without a whine, becau&e their political waa the principal promoter of the concert, · t0 b t I t d h b" leaders tell them to. They must ·now 111 e oongra u !I. .e on t e 1g success bow do·n and worship at the shrine of attending hia efforts.-NEws. REAov, m R~Aov. WALL Sixte enln A .nnual Re~ ort o f tne Ontario loan &Savings C-o., February 20th, 1889. HE SIXTEENTH AN NUAL MEETING OF THIS COMPANY WAS held at the Office of rhe Company on Wednesday, February 20th, 1889. The following stockholders were present: Messrs. W. F. COWAN, W . F. ALLEN, R. S. HAMLIN, JOHN COWAN, J. A. GIDSON, THOMAS PATERSON, T. H . MCMILLAN, THOMAS CORNISH, WM. READWI.N, J. S. LARKE, THOS. CONANT, JOHN CARTER, and CHRISTOPHER BATTY . The President occupied the chair and T. H. McMILLAN acted as Secretary to the meeting. The minutes of previous annual meeting were read and confirmed. The Chairman then read the Annual Report of the affairs of the Company for the past year as follows : REPORT. The Directors of the Ontario Loan and Savings Company have much pleas· ure in presenting the sixteenth annual report of the Company for the year ending December 3rst, 1888. Maturing obligations of borrowers both as respects repayments of loans and interest accruing on mortgages have been paid with more than ordinary promptness, indicating that the crops Larvested in the territory covered by the operation& of the Company have exceeded the general average of the past few years. This result (not exceptiom.I in the Company's experience), should be gratifying to the shareholders of a corporation the basis of whose security is represented principally by improved farm lands, showing as it does that under the low prices ruling for the majority of farm products, agricultural pursuits conducted intelligently still yield a reasonable profit on the capital and labor invested. While the volume of business has not been as large as the previous year, the earnings have been fairly well maintained. Two half yearly dividends at the usual rate of seven per cent. per annum have been paid, and the available surplus remaining after careful.investigation amounting to $s,ooo carried to the Rest, and the balance, $245.70 to Contingent Accou.nt. , The Rest Account has now reached the sum of $75,000, being twenty-five per cent. of the Capital Account. . It has been built up almost entirely from surplus earnings, although the average di.vidends paid shareholders since the organization of tl!e Company have bee.n except1onally·h1gh. The mortgages held by the Company repres.e nt the best class o{ investments obtainable, and any probable shrinkage in their value has been fully discounted. OSHAWA, December 31st, 1888. W. F. COWAN, PRESIDENT. STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. 1888, RECEIPTS. J an'y 1st. To Balance from 1887 · .. . .. .. .. .. · . .... :. $486 56 Dec. 3ut. " Repayments on Loans .··...·.·.···..... $u3,166 70 " Interest received do. · . ..· . . · . · . · . · · · . 50,721 05 $163,887 75 " " General Interest, Bank Account, etc . . ... . 224 92 , " 7 00 " Capital Stock ..· . ··.·..·..··...··....·.. " Deppsits received ·. ··H ·· · ········ · ·· · ··· 298,527 5 [ " " Debentures issued .. .. - .. .. ...... . ....·. 74,591 50 " " Revenue Account, Rents, etc .·..·. · ...·. . 1.56o 00 " 1 r6,oo:> oo " Bills Discounted ....·...... , . · ·.· · .····.. " \Vestern Bank, Oshawa, balance .... . .···. . 2 r ,452 19 " " " " Cheques not presented.. . . . . 2,3i9 78 23 77r 97 NEW SONG BOOKS, containing a.bout 100 songs. PRICE, 50 C'TS. T PAPERS All the newest novelties for Ceiling and Side Walls. PICTURES Wall Paper, VERY CHEAP. Oa.rnival Number MONTREAL STAR now ready. Sent to any address on receipt of price, 35c. FINE ENGRAVINGS. Pictures Frallled P. Trebilcock. The West End House. ~--~~o~~~~ We will open up this week the SPRING PURCHASES of ... COTTON COODS. Factory, St. Loom, Shirtingft,"Cottonades. These goods were bought -when the market was at its lowest point and will be sold on that basis. Call and examine our stock before p11rchasing. .. . _$oz9.~p~ Mr·.. Wiman. ~~~~~~~ 1888. Dec. 31st. " " " " " " " Marvelously Low Prices. SIR JOHN AGAIN CONVERTED. What a aurpriee it will be ·o Conae"ative· to learn that, Sir John has been holdtng .1 weet counsel with Mr. Wiman and rectifying the Government'a in·erpretation ita treaty obligations by Mr. Wiman's standard. It ha11 really come to)hia aher two yeara spent by the Tories and Toi-7 prNll lo denouncing in 1tronge11t terms Uie Liberal Part1 for de.iring i~ued trade with our Americ1ncowdn1. Ontarie Reatrictionistll have ~en pre· clicting ruin to t}\e farmer and ma0 ufact- · mer if unreatrfoted reciprocity came ·into force, and now the Tory papers inform their readers that the Goyernment all along h~· been in favor of auch tra~e relations! What do our Con11ervatiYe rea!lera think. of Sir John's audden converaion to the doctrine of .Erastus Wiman, the great preacher of 1alvation to Canadians through~ unrestricted reciprocity i We i-uae for a _reply. of I will aell my entire 11tock of fur11, from $6, 536 56 now till the let of March, before stock" 6;8, 36. " takin1t, at a great saonfice, irrespective of $679,057 21 coat. A large stock of men's fur coats, 11:oat robes, and ladies' fur jackets, all STATEMENT OF PROFIT AND LOSS. muat be sold. Don't miH this chance, Cit, everything at and below cost, so bring 1883. · along your cash and you will get a good Dec. 3rst. ·B y Interest Received 1888. .....................$50,721 o; " " R~venue Account... ......................... 1,560 oo bargain. They are all A one. Higheet " " Transf'erred from ContiDgent. ;. . . . . . . · . . . 2,1 SS 91 price paid for raw. furs.-M. MH-:&l!t, S;4,661 88 " " Bank Interest ... . ... -.·9!. . ·. .. .. · · .. · · · .. · · · · · · · 224 92 Furrier. .. .. DISBURSEMENTS. By Western Bank, Oshawa, balance ··.··.·· ·· " " Whitby ' do. . . · .. - .·. " Loans on Mortgages and Stock ... . ..···. . " Interest paid . . ··· .. · .·..·..·.........·.... " Expense Account .·....·. · ....... ··· ·..· " Dividends Nos. 30 and 31 ......... .. . ....... . " Deposi ·ts Returned ·. ··· ·.·.·····... . .· · .· " Debentu'res Paid . ........................ . " Rills Retired ......·..... ·..... . . . ... . .·.·.· " Ontario Bank, Whitby, Balance .······ · ··. $ 53 48 " do. do. Bowmanville do·...... .. 4,424 49 · " Western Bank, Whitby. do.·.....·. 2,058 59 " Cash on hand, do. · · · · · · . · · $27,498 · 705 88,895 18.002 5,813 20,948 336,367 57,630 116,000 56 14 14 68 76 54 84 63 00 JOHN McMURTRY, West End House, Bowmanville. . The Jolliest Time ~ Year. When every man,f woman and child should be happy. Why? Because z_::x HOSPITAi.. REMEDlES. · 1sgs, .· D1t. ·· To meet a demand for a line of relinble Dec. 3ut. To Interest Paid · ·..·······...·· ··-· ·········. $18,002 68· remedies ohmquestioned merit, the Hospital .. ··Expense Acco1lllt........ ·· · · · ··. . · . · . · · s,813 76 Remedy Company obtained ihe preacriptions " " Dividends No. 3-8 and 31 . . ........... ~ ... ;' .· ~ · 20,9·8 54:of the celebrated ho1?pitals of the Old World ,, "· Jo/. · Discount on 0 .1 '¢e,. f)~rniture ... ~ · .'... 66 2z - London, P1uis, Berlin and Viena11. " ·· lpter.est accrue~ in ~3~7 _.paid in 1888 1 ····· ·· 4,584 98 These hospitals are p;resided over by the " " TraD1·f erred t o Jt.est Account ......~. ~ ~ -. ·; . .... , 5,00o 'c:O most brilliant medical minds in the world, " " Colltinzcnt AcCount .. . ......... .:.. · · · · · · · 245 70 $54,66r 88 and to ohtain the prescriptions, elaborate and place on the marke\ iho remedies in $54,661,83 nse an<l entlorsed by such eminent medical AS~ETS. authorities was a bold and brilliant piece of $881,026 86 ~nterprise, and worthy of tthe success which Dec. JUI. By Mortgages!and other Securities, p11esent value ..as attended it. Shoala et quack remedies u,ooo 0 -" Office · Premis .e···· .··.·· . ····. ·-· .··.·. " crowd the market, each a»»urdly claiming " Furniture· .$66z :291 less ro percent. f66 :t:J 596 07 " to cure every ill from cme bottle. The " Cash in Office ....··· ."·.··. ..···.··.··· - ·· 658 3ts public will tum with relieUrom such blatant " do.do~ in Bank ...... . ........ . .._ .... .. . .6,536 56 and shameless cntchpennilf!I, and patronize, $899,817 85 not a remedy, hut a list of remedic&, each of LIABILITIES. which, is a speci.fio for a single clisease1 and Capital Stoett..· .· ··.···.·· - · ·.·. . ····.....···· ..····. $299,266 8 S has the recommendation of having been Too THE ONTARIO LOAN A.ND ·· Depositors -··· ······················.·..··· · .······· :27 3,831 64 originated (not by the oltl woman or the beastly Indian, ns the quacll:advwtisementa ·.. Debentures_ ·..········.·····.····..·..·....·. -· ....... :z17,7or 69, SAVINGS 00. read), but by educated genblemen, who r.re " Rest Account. .. . ...·... ··- · ···....·..·.. .· . - . . · . · . . . 7 5,0oo oo, The sixtoonth annual atatement of thi! physicians and specialistsi of the highest .._ Contingent A:ccount ····· - ···.·.·.·..····. - ···· · · ·· .:24 5 7<i1> standing in Europe,and wlrose patrons have "" Due Western Bank ..... u·· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ".. . . . . 23,771 97 ; $899,817 Company i1 publi1hed, and we are pleas· to pay from $25 to $500 t()>commnnd their ·ed to observe that the gratifying succes1 services. Th~ is the greaiest depnrturo T. HI.. McMILLAN, SEC·'l1':aJ:As. met With ever 1ince its inception still con· known to modem medicine. The specific@ We hereby certify that the above statement contains a correct representation which are sold at one dollar each are eight tinuea to attend the eff'.irta of those who in number, and cover the rornowing ailments: ofithe affairs ohhe Company as shC?wn .by the books at 3lst Dec., 1888. We have hne the management of thls deservedly No. 1, Qatarrh, Hay Fever,,Rose Cold· . No. eJtamined voumers and securities and find the same correct. . popular institution. Tho Company ha11 ! , Diseases of the Lungs-, Coughs, Colds, G; H. GRIERSON, E. DUPONT, AUDJTOR.S Bronchitiil and Consumption. No. 3, en authorised capital of $300,000, and it Rheumatism and Gout. No. 4, Dyspepsia, The Chairman said : I am pleased to be again the medium for presenting i1 all pa.id up. The usuQ} dividend of Indigestion, Liver and :&i!lneys. No. 5, the financial report for 1888. As you_ doubtless anticipated, it' shows that the aver· 11even per cent has been declared, and the · Fever and Ague; Dumb Ague, Neuralgia. age rate of C>lll" financial pragress during the past has been maintained. It is, No. 6, F emale \Veakness, Lencorrhtea, Jaowever, particularly noteworthy, owing to the fact that at its termination the Rest 11um of~,000 placed to the Re11· account Irregularities. No. 7, S:i,""Stem '1'onic ruid Account reacMd the proportion of twenty-five per cent. of the Capital, a position to which now amounts to the handsome 11um Development of F orm nnd Fi~ure. No. 8, :the advancement of which tl!le best efforts of the executive have been directed for a a golden remedy for Nervous Debility. Wo lengthened period. of 875,000, being 25 per cent. of the cap· send a ciroula.r dflsoribing the. above diseases Since the inception off the Company material change has been ·effected in ital a.mount. The reserve hae been cre- . and treatment on recci11t of stamp. The ated almost entirely from surplus earn- reme'llies can be had of' any druggist. If the value of money which, owing principally to its importation from England, has reduced the 1ate obtainable oni loans by at least one· third, an di it certainly speaks ings. At the same time the ehareholdere your druggist does not.' keep them remit , price to us and we will shiip direct. Address ' well for the credit of the Company that it has been enabled with the support of have received an exceptionally liberal div· all letters to Hospital Eemedy Company~ local capital alone to main11ain its position and add to its strength annually while competing f>r business in a continually declining money market. · idend from their investment, as mention- i03! West Ring St., TQl!Gllto, Canada. It is not reasonable to expect that the preseqt loaning rate can be further re· ed in the repor-t, the payments maturing duceci on long dated loans payable by instalments, as · the margin of profit between on loans having been met with more than the cost of money obtained by the Loaning Companies either through deposits or by ordinary promptness, an indication that the issue of home or foreign debentures is now altogether too narrow to be. satisfactory. In fact it is so small that no new corporations can enter the loaning field the crops harvested last year were above with any rational hope of success, and only those who have acquired and can mainthe average of the past few years. The tain a Rcst1or respectable pre.portions are likely to"prove permanent. · fact also demonstrates that fa.r!lling conIn order, tllerefore, to strengthen still further the :position of the Company, ducted intelligently, aa ia largely the case I would advocate the policy of devoting the whole surplus eamings for some years to -in this part of the country, will yield a the building up a Contingent or Rest- Guarantee Account, which will keep the Rest in tact and available under any circumstances however adverse. fair profit .o n the capita.I invested. That the Compsny, in a declining money marWith those remarks I beg to move the ad~ption of the Report. ket, the financial situation in Canada MR. ALLEl'f seconded the adoption of ~he Report, which was carriad. Jargely affected by th~ impodation of MR. LARICK, seconded by MR. GIBSON, moved that the sum of $150 be paid Engliah capital, should make ao favorable the Auditors, Messrs. GRIERSON and DUPONT, for their services for the past year, a showing, refieota great credit on the and that they be appointed a~ditors for the cutrent year· . Carried. . , moved that a vote of thanks be and MR. CONANT, seconded by MR. CARTER_ Secretary-Treasurer, .T. H . McMillan, is hereby .tendered to the President, Vice-President, Directors and Secretary-Treas· Esq., and the Directorate, all of whom urer, for the very satisfactory manner in which they have conducted the affairs of take a deep interest in its welfare, and the Company during the past year, and that the sum of ~b.oo be presented to the who have every reason to feel proud of Presidetlt, and $200 to the Vice-President, for their services to the. Company. Car· rie~ the high standing it has attained, which MR. HAMLIN, ~econded by:MR. JOHN COWAN, moved ~that this meeting do can only have been reached by diligence now procred to elect by ballot seven Directors to fill the plai:e of those retiring, and and wise precaution, Important 'POints for that Messrs. JoHN C~RTEJt and WM. RBADWIN be appointed scrutjneers for said 9bserva.nce ln the managemen· of a well election, and that the poll remain open for . one hour for. the purpose of receiving the vote of the Shareholders; but that should five minutes elapse at any time with· regulated money Institution. The report out a vote having been taken, tha poll shall be declared closed ; and that tbe said given in another column, will well repav scrutineers be paid the sum of two dollars each for their services. Carried. perusal. Meantime we wish the Company Chair resumed and the scrutineers reported ~he following seven gentlemen ~ure. a aucceaaful future, and believe we are who were duly declared elected Directors for the ensuing year: W ·.F. Cowan, Esq., Thia powder never varte1. A marvel or R, S. Hamlin, Es~., w. F.· Allen, Es·.,, J. s. Larke, &sn,, J. A. G.ibson, Esq·.· justified in predicting that 1"e1ult fOT it. purity, etrength and wholesomene19, More ~ ~ ooonomlcalthan the ordinary klnd1, and ean John Cowan, ~&q., homas Paterson, i:sq. · . · not bo ecld ln competition with the multltnde . A vote ol thanks was tendered ·to t'he Cltairman and the 1neating adioll1"Dcd· .,.Woaxa ~.&IJ'Sll SBlllOIJ'll lllrnl'NllSI. Dr, of low ie11t, abort welirha, alum or pho·&~~ · · C · At a subseqoent meeting tlte Directors W, V. owa.n, ~·-.··was nnan IIAW'I Worm 11:rru· ·ea1re:re11 -·ella 11>wders: Sold on11 tn oan1. ROYAL aU-khld· el wor111a ci.·1417 a11d ··rel)'. NG POWD.R:R C0·· 105 Wall llt·· N· Y, I meuSly e1ected ?reliint, &Ad W. !', Alle11, &it·· Vico-Pr.esldentl $~4.661 · 88 "Md rNJ..llD The JtVelkr,,, ' Diamond Binp. . ,, Gold i Sllvir c-"._,, FaifCJ' OloCks, ·1 , Watches. Watchea. .. .. All kinds Bracelets. A SQUARE DE.AL Wedding Jtiqa. Spect11eCles ~d IN" Brooches, and Ear Drops. Loekets =====- J1 EVERY LIN""E_ Silverware. Knives. Fancy E7e Glaaaes. Black and Chains. Forks. Goods, etc. Jewelry. Will try to add to your happinl!llll by offering you great bargaina'in the squarff You ca11 eave money by purchasing your Chriatmaa and New Year presents from llB. We have the finest stock ever brought to this town. Wa are bounrl to 1t1ll our goode this month. . It i11 acknowledged by thoWl&uds that we have the neat.tat llOOre, nicest goods, and do the belt Work, and give the b4'St aatis· · faction in Weat Durham. TRY MAYNARD, THE JEWELLER. YOUNG&CO'S ·G- 'l:'_ R_ TI::ME T..A..BLE. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. .....J._. BOWMANVILL.11: STATION, GOING Iii.ABT · Mixed ....... .. 8.Wp11> !,.ooal ······ , .. 710 p m Mall.. ······ 110:15 p m ·Except Monday·. Mall .· ·······19 04 a m Mall ·· ······ I GOI!UI WEST I Local,,..... , · 8 20 a m Exprea1· · ····· 9 47 a m Mixed...... ·· S 15 p m Mall ' ;. , , . ..;, 867 pm . 21 a m GET A THROUGH· 'TICKE.T for YOUNG & Co's GROCERY STORE, where you will find a full assortment of Groceries, Teas, Crockery, Glassware, Provisions_, Brushes and Brooms, all bought for Cash and sold at prices to suit the times. Absolutely Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. .CENTRE STORE, Wellington Buildings, King St.., Bowmanvllle.· ?-,,...~- ··d or