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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1889, p. 5

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Photograp s an YOU CAN HAVE ancy I ~ oo cls at TAl TI~~~ Murdoch Broe. are paying the nighest Note the farms a.dvert'.sed for sale in H. C. Tait sells beet spectacles. price for clover seed. this paper. Voling on Scott Act repeal April 4. You ought to see our silks at re:luoed Newcastle Council has fixed the license Mr. Lucim1 Vanstone, Toronto, is visA Deicioue, Nourishing Soup in prices.- Ellison & Co. fee at unly $125. iting here. a moment by using M. Mayer is giving real bargains in fur .· See Tod Bros. big raft of dry goods all Mr. and Mrs. A. Mingeaud have moved bought at the lowest prices. goods. Call to see. to Port Perry. Tod Bro11. have a stock of 5 tons of cotWe are crowded with stock from cellar Mr, Douglas McArthur, Toronto, is tons, all bought before the advance. Buy to garret.-Ellison & Cu. visiting his home. Darlington Council will appoint a col- a web and save money. lll Miss Laura Taylor is visiting at Peter· Tod Bros' stock must be reduced. They lector at its meeting Ma.rob 30. boro' and Lakefield. The indigent lh!t of Darlin11Lon Council will sell at coat and below cost during Farmers around Brandon, Man., have January. increasing yearly. Why should it 1 is begun sowing wheat. For over forty years the West End The prime object being to sell quickly, Concert in St. Paul's school room House has been noted for giving best JUSTICE HAINES initiated me to tbe tune of $7.50, fine prices must come down.-Ellison & Co. Monday March 11th. · value in cotton goods. Call and see for and costs; and His 'Vorship, ABRAM YOUNIE, to put his }'armers, do you not consider 75 cents yourself. 1t1r. I. L. Brown, assessor, reports dogs too much to collect in lieu of statute la· name to . a piece of paper called a License, (allowing me to scarce in Darlington. Any large farmer desiring to engage a bod Mrs. Donnelly ie selling her large atock capable, trustworthy man for a year will sell goods and cheap goods for one year in Bowmanville) $50. Mr. J. C. Elliott, carriage maker, of Winge at half-price. hear of one by inquiring at the STATES· Baltimore, gave us a. very pleasaDt MAN offi,ce. Go to Mrs. Donnelly if you want a call last week. The bulk of the watch and clock re- N ow a year we purpose stopping, and to meet the bill, a good hat for 25 cents. It is said that the old fashioned habit of . American subecribers will oblige ua by spanking children . is almost obsolete. p11iring now goes to John J l\lason'a Bankrupt Sto<lk of Dress Goods, Boots and Shoes, &c., bas been added jewellery department, .Nothing succeeds · sending \la Green Backs. - - - t o our Bankrupt Store.--More's the pity. like SUCCeSB. THE BEST FOR BEEF TEA.. Mr. Thoe. Miller, me1chant, Newcas· Mr. John . Newport has sold his car· The intelligence has reached ua that a tie, has removed to Oshawa. works in N ewtonville and is re- couple RITHE ONLY EXTRACT OF BEEF of om enterprising young swella Mr. and M:ra. W.W. Tamblyn, Whitby, moving to Port Perry. imitable for making JULIEN and other ar.e taking little girla to raise. How unvisited frieud11 here Saturday. CLEAR SOUPS. Now ie the time to advertise 11eed the matured. BEAUTIFUL GOODS AT HALF PRICE. Mr. A. R. Dobson has been appointed grain and this is the p1per in which to do A. FINE RICH FLAVORED SOUP manager for Miss Agnes Knox. There was a large party at the residit. The farmers read it. ence of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mutch, Lot 1, can be made IN A MOMENT by adding Parties not ready to purchase can call If you want a comfortable residence. Con. 1, Township of Darlington, on the iboiling wa rer. and aeE) bargaina.- Ellison & Co. with good large garden and orch}lord ap- 2ht ult. The guests were numerous and came from Oshawa, Bowmanville, NewDuring the cheap sale the price11 will be ply to Mr. W. B. Couch. the lowest ye~ seen.-Ellison & Co. -ATRobt. Hodga.on,, of the Queen's hotel, castle, Orono, Tyrone and the Township SOLE AGENTS FOR CANADA. The spring promotion Examinationa Port Perry, was recently fined $100 and of Clarke and Darlinaton. will be held this year on April 5th. · · chats for violation of Scott Act. Tht1 Mail is causing great excitement For the be&t cutters anywhere go ' Capt. Owen (Mr1, Margetts) formerly by publishing all the evidence given at lV.[ to Haines' Carriage Works, Bowma.nville. in command of the Army here, died in the Jetft1rv trial. How the evidence was obtained is a mystery. Thousands of exDeath has been very busy of late Toronto ~onda.y of consumption. The West End House were fortunate tra copies ar~ being sold daily. The en· among our cltizena. See death column. Mr. and Mre. W.R. Climie attended in buying their supply of cotton goods terprize of the Mail in this m11tter is highly commended in Methodist circles. the Ma.sons' Ball, at Port Hope, on the when cotton was at its lowest price. A by·law fixing hotel licensee at $400, 27th ult. On Wednesday evening last, by the is the ditrerenclil between &ix The Happy Thought cooking range saloon licenses at $600, and shop licenses breaking of a tyre on the drive wheel, a dozen dozen and half a dozen dozen 1 terrible accident occurred at St. George, aold by S. S. Edeall is the best stove in at $300 in Peterboro' has been carried. What three figuree, multiplied by four the market. Our rule is ~o charge for notices of all Ont., by a part of a railway paesenger wil,.' jll&ke precisely 5 1 Mr. Tait says he has the Art that en- meeting· at which an· admission fee is train crashing through a bridge 00 feet wliat is the difference between twenty ables him to make true Portraits at rea· charged or a collection taken to pay ex· high, resulting in the death of eleven perfour quart bottles and four and twenty sonable prices. aons and injury of about 20 others. Mrs. $90,0 s wo1·t11 oC Choice Spring and Sum· penses. quart bottles 1 John Bell and a Mre. R. McLeod, of NewThe d weilin~ of Ed ward Conlin, 5~h Ea8t Whitby Council have fixed hotel er Goods to select Jron1. Place tluee sJxes together 10 as to castle, were oo the train, but eacaped un.con. Eaat Whitby, waa b·uned with con· licenses a~ $176 and will iBBue only three injured. make aeven. We beg ounce a Great Clea.ring Sale, commencing on SATURDAY, -one each in Raglan, Columbus and ients Feb. 28. Competition open to all new subscrib· Nxw BINDER.-Meaus. Virtue & Cedardale. ·· THE 9TH OF MARCH. , have advanced in price but . Cottonade11 era te the Medical Adviaer (25cta a year). Mason of thia town, a.ud Mr. J, Penyou can buy them cheaper than ever be· An eipensive caae-that is the case of found of Courtice, have secured the Fe>r the first correct answera received fore at Mason's We want, and must have, about $10,000 before a certain date, hence dress goods, direct froin England, to agency for the new Frost& Wood Binder. we will ~ivc a Handso111e Nickle Couch, Johnston & Crydelman'e, value This Binder uses but one canvass and arises the necessity to sell quickly: For that reason we have dticided the newest styles in men's fine felt All Clock valued at $3.00. hats ju11t opened out at Couch, Johnston one thousand dollan. two rollera- a. solid steel frame, lighttst to force the sales by lowering the p1ices from 15 to 25 per cent. for For the next correct answers ,:received & Cryderman's. · Murdoch Bros' ia headquarters for machine made and the knotter which Cash. Every piece of goods in stock will be overhauled and marked The Standard :Eiicyclopedia ' valued at Cotton spools have advanced but you china Tea and Dinner sets for china wed· weighs lees than three pounds was shown down; but. Dress Silks, Dress Goods, Tweeds, Prints, Cottons a.c.d $1. 50. can buy at old price at Mason's. Coate' dings. Their assortment is the largest us to-day. It is very simple aud ties Boys' and Men's Suits will be sold at any sacrifice. For the next 20 answers we will give beat 2 for 6 cents. and best in the district. · perfectly. Fifteen orders have already During the fall sale we were daily crowded with custo_mers. We the choiee of a life aize portrait of Sir Sam.plea Mr. Edward Farrar, editor-in-chief of been taken in this vicinity. Mr. Ii. Elliott and wife of Southern Johll A. and Hon. Ed Blake. expect a greater rush at the present sale. Manitoba, '.are vi11iting friend~ in the The Mail and Mr. John Livingstone, will be oo exhibition by above agents in editor-in-chief of The Empire have both two or three weeks. By giving the death blow to the high price system long a<YO, we AddreH, township of Hope. 0 been on the sick list for some t ime. PARTLY GAVE UP.- "ln the year 1885 established a well-earned name for selling cheap. MEDICAL ADVISER, . Since the St. George railway accident Darlington farmers will consult their I coughed for six months, and having BowMANV ILLE, With an ex tra reduction of 15 to 25 ·per cent. off prices already low the s11le of railway accident tickets haa ininterestl by insuring their buildings with unsucceasfully tried many remedie·, I enough, the bargains will be the greatest ever seen in Bowmanville. Ont. creased 400 per cent. Mr. John Cole, aen., Hampton, ~o rep- partly gave up, thinking I had consump<>r learn answers at Messrs. Richard and W. H . Oabome resents two of the bes~ companies, See tion, At last [ tried Ragyari's Pectoral DUE BILLS STRICTLY DISCOUNTED DURING THE SALE. are visiting frienda at Goderich, Liatowel, STOTT &; JURY'S MEDlCA HALL. Balsam, lees than one bottle of which hia card. and Stratford thi1 week. cured me, leaving me as well as ever I Loat in the Barracks on Feb. 27th, or Parties owing accounts are respectfully requested to settle promptly. Ma~ietrate Grierson, Oshawa, fined ' waa." Henry W. Carns, Walbash, Ont. . John Hamilton, East Whitby, $20 between there and Concession-st., a small N. B.-We may be too busy to write more advertisements, hut we · · I grey aud black woolen shawl. Finder week for firing a revo ver. will be rewarded by leaving it at Suns· assure our friends that the clearing sale will be actively carried on 'Sam Clark has bought anotht1r large l'clJ.:!f office. . All winter goods clearing at or below between the h of March and the 80th of September , · . BOWXANVILLE, MARCH 6, 1889. atock of dry good1 to Cobcurg at 67 cent· Keep paoe with the f T" · . coat at Mason's. on the dollar. Sam's a hustler. what the EsterLrook St~:;ePen C~~sa:: All wool black cashmere hose at 25c. · CO~ · ~ocal Mr. Wm. Hambly, wife and family, of 1teadily doing .with regard to quality, a pair, at Tod .1:$ro1. Bowmanville, March 5th, 1889. '.foronto, are visiting his aiat,r, Mrs. new design· and ieneral perfection of Certain linea of dreH goods at half 10-3m . t rth · t Robt. Strowger, at the Arlington, their goode. price.- Ellison·& Co· 121 Jlo, a . ~~ the pr!D. 1 at 10c., .wo. News hae been received that Mr. Thoa. Mr. R. D. Power, · Columbus, drove i . ,Boya' and men'· auits to be cleared out AUCTION SALES. ~ Bro1. FIELD 4 McCOLL, ~'"'jfany old citizena at~nd~d the funeral Bridgman,Ottawa, formerly of thia town, valuable horee t1? .Cartwright a few day' ·at ': aiiy aacrifice.-Ellison & Co. Suu:imu, MJ.Itc:H .15.~Totten·coroer BAltRlSTERS; Solicitor~; · N~tal'.ie's, jlied on..._, M<1nday, of consurpplion. ago which sickened -and .died before- he .:McOiella'il& Co represent ·Gilmour & of H oueton StottThuuday.' 1 -·:~ Estate, Oahawa,ioclUding horses, 'buggie1, &c. Otncea : The· Sona of England and Canton are returned home. ' Htt has lost' $400 worth .C11'1 work·, ~renfoti. See·. a dvt. . · re. Donnelly i~ selling out her entire alread7 maturing plans for the great of horse·fieah rec~ntly. OOLBORNE and OOBOURG. · ; . FARMERS.-Beet powe.r ·Straw Cutter cutten, robes and furniture will be aold. 1t00lc-of Millinery ·b elow coat. MOXEI' TO 1.0.A.lf. demonstratfon on Queen's Birthday. Farmer· in the vicinity of Hampton i.w~th reverse gear eold by CHAS. ROGERS. Sale at 1 o'clock. s. c. HUNKING, AU<:· F. M. FIKLD, B. A. . JOHN B. McCOLL. Se~ the new cloths at Mason's. They " Mr. Chas. Ba1kerville had the misfor· ahould patronize Mr. S. Thompson who ··FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance~ tioneer. h8'_ve the beet cutter in the town. . SATURDAY, MARCH 30.- The house and WANTED.- A good working house·une to slip and fall on the 1treet, ou ha1 opened a harness shop there, as it · · · · h ts ' must be a great con>entence to them. H e RoBT. V1RTUlli, ~ent, Bowmanville. tf. lot occupied by Dr.McBrien and 16 acres 1 keeper, oomI>etent to take charge aud Tod Broa. h~ve finished stock-taking. S und ay evening, 1evere1 y s~ram1ng 1 In1pect ~ew stock of 1priog good11. a11kle. is a fi.ret clase workman. ' '['.he big raft CJf spring: gooda baa arrived of land on E. aide of Albert·1t., Oahawa, :.!v~~~ children. ApplJ' to JJ<>x m, Bow· 6 · -~ The old r eliable to the fore with cheap RE:t.IABLEFntB INSURANCE COHPJ.XUI! : at Tod·Broe. All goods at rock· bottom will be sold at Q11een'1 .l:lotel, at 2 Mr. Jno. Wyllie has sold his fancy o'clock. s. c. HUNJU:!fCJ, Auctioneer. TO LET.-That very deeirable cottons, grey and white ahirtlnga, cottoo·, -City of London England, capital £ 2,· pricea for cash. blood 1talli on to Mr. E. Hall, Clarke. bonse just west of Mn. Jobn Brown's adea. Call at the West End H ouse for 000, 000; and Lancaahire, England, capi· If you want Millinery, Goods at half"I d realde11ce, Conce11sion atreet. .Apply to CoucH ·N OT~ING L IKB I.T.Wal trQuble JOHN8TONk CRYDBRJUN, H- tt All the new lhapee and 1tylea in Fall cottona. tal, £3,000,000, repreaented by JoHN price for the· remainder of the season; go with b.-er complaint for a good many . and Winter milline?T at Mr1. Donnelly's. Members of A. 0. U. W. are particu-:· cOLE, Sen., H ampt'o~, o . nt . · ·o · Mri. Donnelly. years, but waa cured by one bottle of DR~SS-MA~ING.-M111 Grant (late T d I arIy 1eque1ted to be present at the lodge d ·· Sprinf goods have · 'arrive at h o Friday night. A good program baa been The gold-headed cane supplied by We know of no arti11t in thia part of B11rdock Blood Bitters I have never ct roronto) IB ll~p&l'ed to do tlrat ol·se · b · .. ·h . lJre~s and Mantle mak1og at her home. corner Bros. nspect new atock efore pure as- Maynard the Jeweller for presenta.,ion to Canada, who gives such general satiafao- found any med1cme to elp me hke B. of Concession and High Streets, Bowmanville. ing. B. B., in fact one bottle made a complete Terms, reseonable. 2-tf. 1 Mr. Robt. Daver, Tyrone, on the oc· tion ·to every one as Heory. Ocean ticki!ta by different lines of On actul'ol count ~11, 873 foo~ paastn· casion of hia golden wedding is 11:1id to be Henry's Photograph· are 11uaranteed cure. " W. J. Weat, Patkhill, Ont. ARM FOR SALE.100 acres of the stea.m1hip1 f-o r · 1ale at the STATESMAN gere and 45,000 vehicles aver:agmg 3 per- the moat handsome and valuable one ever to please. Proofs are always ihown and estate ot the late ARCHrBALD STll:V BNS, office. tf sons .ea~h crossed London Bridge on Feb. sold' in'this town. It is a beautiful . one, ita not hie fault if you are not pleased. BillTRS. being·composed of the eaet·half of lot 7, o~n. i , 23 24 In the Township of Darlington ; also one acre John Leslie, hotol-keeper, Whitby, . withm hours. indeed. . , Couch, J ohnston & Cryderman are WRillHT.- Tn Clarke 011 Sunday Feb. 21th. ·on lot 6, in the 3rd Concession, Po88et18lon the was fined e100 and cosfo for violating the Mess.r s. Sam.uel Allin, Providence, w. Mr. Thos. Yellowlees has been COD· showing the cheapest white and grey cot - tho wile of Al.bert Wright of a eon. First of April. For particulars onquire or Mr. Scott Act . Werry, Solina, D Dyer, Columbua, and ducting special aervicea iu the William WILLIAM W n lDA" IT, Ext'cutor, or. MRS. A, too1~ shirtings and cottonadea to be found DIED. STEVENS, ExecuiTlx, at the residence of Mr, u ·ngaton lady wi · 11 enter · breach of J amea Leaa k, T aunton, attend e d t h e Stre . et Mi11ion, Toron_to, for .three ..weeks · A i.n. 1 John Rutledge, Manvers Road, · 4tt w l · t' f th Sh t H d In the count y. McMu LLP-.In Bowmanvllle, Ma-h ', iae auit aoaioit a western physician annua · mee JDg o e or oro which ha11 reeolted 10 the a dit1on of g" ·~ ~ Prom for $lO OOO. "' . Breadera' A~socia.tion in Toronto last twenty members to Erskine Pr~ebyterian The Haine· Carriage Works received 1 Marnaret, ~1~2ed Wtfe o! Mr. Jamee MoA.KM IN PIOKERING FOR SALE. 1 week, church. · Each new commumcant was theDiploma.forthebeatdiaplayofcarriages ; en, ai\ B years. Ill Ma h 2 -One of the best ·farms In Pickering tor 1 11 llosierv Gloves Blankets at cnst d · h f "Th Ch , · · ~ at West Durham Fall F·ir, · a nd have DOW SmMlth T, · &' -ed'!'lyoeawrms.anv · e, ro nd, Jos. 1alo contalaing 125 acres. all or which are ~' · ' . ' · A matter of int erest t o Organists, presente wit a copy o e r11ttan w ~ .. and in high state of cultivation. On Uall and aee the at the W est Org11n S tudenta and Teachers is a new Secret of a Ha.ppy Life ." on ha.nd the best assortment of cutters SMJ.RT.- At Fontanelle, Iowa, U. s., on Fri· cleared the premises are a good dwelling house and End House. t t d l tt h t f p· · .. . ever shown in this vicinity. day, March let, 1889, George Smart. eecond out buildings and two wellll. Thie property i9 pa en organ pe a a llC men or ianoa Dr. H1lbel,', who csme here from Bow· · son o! the late John Smart, Esq., o! Bowman· situated on lot 15, b, f., one mile r.nd a hall Henry ia particularly ·ucceesfulin P ho- manufactured by Messrs. N e wcombe & manville, Canada a month ago, on acTo T HE D EAF.-A P eraoa cured of ville. In his 63rd year. from Pickering village, hair a mile from Grand 1 0 tographing family grouvs. Call at the Co., 107 Church st. Toronto. Particulars cunnt of ill-h ealth, has so far r ecovered D eafness and noises in the head of 23 M~~~!a'1'fs9 !ft~°!ai!!~~ :iid !rf:i~u~le Tru11k Statlen, three miles from Plokerlr&lf Harbor, and six miles from Whitby. For gallery and see 11amples, on application. tf in the genial clime of Ventnor as to en- years' standing by a simple remedy, w1il of a joyfnl 'reen'rrectlon unto an eternal life. further particulars apply to JAMES Pm~ In publishing the list of E ntrance Lit- able him to go to London, where b e in- send a description of it FREE to any per- Mary..beloved daughter ot s. w. and l\fary on the premise1, or Pickering, .P, 0, ~ . - Bow1nanrlUe merchanta are r eceiving 8 their new spring gooda. Watch our ad- eratur" lessons laat week we stated that t ends takin g a specialty in gyneacology aon who appliea io NICHOLSON, 30 St. ~!:~!'.itns.-In Oshawa, March 6. Samuel ARM FOR SALE.-130 acres, comver tiaing columns for their announce· there would b e a pa.per on Agriculture. before re~urniog t o hie native country. ~ John 15t. Montreal. 44-1yr. :Morler Richards, aged 22 years. Funeral posed of eouth part of Lot No. 19,_Broken .. Thursday at 2 p. m. Member o! Oshawa ~en,, . Thia is a mist ake. There ia as yet n o I sle of W ight .Advertiser, F eb . 23. A~ APT QuoTATIO~ from a letter by Coult A. o. Foresters. Front. lllld is three miles from the Town of Bowmanvllle. is one ot the beet farms in 'Far mers ar e waiting t o eee the won· book authorized and hence t here will b e T he many friends of Mr. W. A. Pope, a Mrs. S ullivan, 124 West Ave., H amilton, GILBERT,- Ia Darlin~on. March 2n.d. Lewis the county of Thie ·ham. It ie 111 a high state ot d erfully simple st eel binder for wpfoh no paper on that subject at the July E x- former citizen of this town, will regret Ont. : " After trying a number of medi- 1 1. Leelle, eldeet ion of Jo n and Eliza Ann Gil· cultivation and ie well fenced On tho premises there Is a stone dwelling, two lt1.rge :Messrs. F. H. Mason and R . Virtue are ammations. t o learn of h is deat.h, at Redlands, Cal., cines for liver complaint, frum which I I bert, aged 2'l years, G monthe, 2 days. and other out-buildlnp:s, · with atone barae ~gente. Mr. nnd Mrs. W . E . Pethick attended on F riday last. 1\fr. P ope has b een ill suffered for years, I bought t wo bottles DRS. 1111..LllER 4 : U JIDIIMA.N, stabling for cattle a.ild horses, ·hree wells and tour cisterns also wind·mlll for pumping New Scotch and Canadian suitings.' a weddin g at N ewtonville, on t he 20th, aince the 19th of December and leaves to of Burdock Blood Bitters and found it a pHYSIClAN S; SUR G EON S, E TC. For turther partlculare apply on the Office :- Cor. Churoh and Temperance water. worsted and pMit good11, the ·very latest at t he residence of Mr. and Mrs. R. mourn their loss, a loving, faithful wife complete cure. My h ouse ia never withpremises or if by letter to H&NRY MANN, BowSte. Night calls attended from Dr. Hillier's man ville d eeinns, 3"ust received at Couch, J ohnston Petluck, the cont racting parties b eing and four small children, wh o· have the out it." Sl-tf. ... residence. & Cryderman'·· Miea L. P ethick and Mr. J. Gilmore , sympathy of this entire community in · ·· s, c. HILLIER, M. n. A popular and easy way t o edit local R ev. Mr. Whitlock oflfoiat ed. They their sad bereavement. SAiL·· OLARKE B . LA MMIMAN, M. D. C. M. Trin. Univ., h t 1 t" .w. F ellow bfTrin, Med. College, papers is t o si t down in respective offices ave our con gra u a ions. The funeral of the late Mary Sandera, 3tf Member Coll, P hJI!!. &; Surg,,_Ont. ACRES ADJ OINING THE The new S. A. officers here are Cap t. on M onday, was one of the largeet ·that Bought by t elephone from Oobourg, while ·pAINTER' S APPRENTlCE WANTwith a copy of the STATESMAN a1:1d r e· village of Enniskillen. West ~d at Morris Carriage Works, Bowman· Durham, having wr ite the correspondence and local ne ws. W.Andrewe,of Yorkville Training Home, has passed throu~h town for a long time, the auctio!l was going on- -Sheritr Proctor, thereon good frame dwelling and Lieut. F. A. Gerow, of Toronto. there being upwards of seventy vehicles, Auctioneer- the stock of W. H. Ives a t !.i:!~· . lO·lw. and ontbuildinQI!, barn t 4x100, stone foundation A cousin of Dan. O'Connell, the famous Lieut, Marshall has gone to P eterboro' besides r. large number of citiZens on 3lk cents on the wholesale cost- the STOCK F OR SALE. - Six large St eere, stables, root house. eto., nndernooth, Splendid I rish Statesman. wa1 admitted to mem· orchard of 10 ·~ee_ Well fenced and assiat Capt. Hind. The new officers fo9t. T he · Salvation Army, of which cheapest stock <1:ver sold in th is county. rilling 'fears, partly fat. Two heifers do. young plenty of water. All ch~ared. bership in Rev. D r. Wild'a church, To- to have made a very favorable impression Mary was a con~istept member , tur ned Cloths,. Tweeds, H ats, Caps, F ur nishings, a number o shee1> · a1110 2 sows in pllf. J D Also, 200 acres in Cartwright lot 19, con. 1, r onto, S unday, and is n ow the oldest since coming to this corps. good barn s, gDod stables ,.nd one of the best out iu i;1ood form, he,aded by their brasa ·and R eady -made Clothing will be 11old at TRELEVEN, Lot 16· Con 4, Darlington. 2-tf. dwelling houeee m township, spring creek: a11d member of Bond-at. congregation. She The attention of STATESMAN r eaders is band. T he Army ceremony was ·perform- half price. Opening day, SATCJRDAY, STORE TO RE NT OR SELL.-Store, good well and cistern, well fenced, good loamy was a life-long Roman Catholic. Mary had been h er JA!l'UA RY 26th. I ves' old stand. : Dwelling and Drivlng·house in Ennlakillen. soil. About 25 acres hard wood and bush. dir ected to the important announcement ed at the µrave. A ROOd stll.nd for bnslness, on reasonable Terms very ef:l.Sy- titles indispntable, Poe· On Mondav evening, March 11th_, the made by Messra.E llison & C o. in our ad· father ' a faithful attendant during his long terms, Apply_ to the owner. R. HuTcHIB O N , session on April 1"t ne:i::t, or sooner I! desired. ch oir of S t. Paul's Church, under t~e di- vertising col 11 mns. That they are in afiliction 1md will be much missed in the EDUCATIONA.L MEETING. Ll8'owel, or WILLIAMBIN GHAM, Ennieklllen, For :further particulars apply to A. DEAN, rection of Mr. Jas, E. Wallis, choir~ downright earnest can be aatisfactorily home. Enniskillen. 9-5w *. But the family's lo1111 will b e tOtf master, wHl give a m1 11ica.l entertainment proven by an inspection of their immense Mary'· gain. H er end was peace. B owmanville, F ebruary 25 th, 1889. STORE AND D WELLING in P onty· in the b asement of t he church. The to k · t o w h" R emem b er th a t Ayer' s Cherry p eot .<1ra1 A mee tin~ cf persons intere11ted in dwelling pool with to rent. A stone good cellar, tramo store and d the prices 1ch th ey aro . c apital 'llood stable choir will be asai11ted by ioc&l t11lent and a c an now reducing the good11, Some of the hae no equal as a specific for colds; coughs education is to take place at the Town and shed and good well. Situated in bnslnees -th e L adies' Choral Club, under the d irec- figures will s tartle you. and all affections of t he t hroat and lungl!I, H all, H am pton, on Sat urdav, ·9th of part o! vmaee fronting on J ohn-et, For full <tion of Mi11s Armour, will give -a short . h be . # particnlara applJ' to .TA.MES SC O TT. PQntypool. . h lf l\lr. Samuel Allin, P rovidence, informs F or nearI Y . a a cen tury it a11 en m March ; at 2 p.m. The following among tO·tt. cantata for female voice!', called ,., The us that h e has sold the ·two S hort H orn ~reater demand than any other remedy other subjects will be discu1111ed : Angele of t he :Sells." Silver collectioo Bulla advert ised in the STATESMAN the for pulmonary complaints. All d r uggi11ta 1, School Sections and B oundarie11 ; 2, .at the door. All persons having claims or r.cconnts aga1nst past three weeks. They were both very have it for sale. l School Maintenance ; 3, School P re· 15 to 25. per cent 'reductions caah , prom ising an imals, one waa bou1<,ht by the late BOARD-OF EDUCATION, Bowma?i· COMMON CROUP is o~en fatal when n ot miaes ; and a resolution, of whlch -:Ellison & Uo. · HE LAN D AND BUILDIN G NOW ville, contraotecl prior to J~n. 0., 1889, are Mr. William Elford of Essex, the oth er reml'!died in time. Leslie B. N icholson, notice waa given at the last meeting of or,eunled &!I a SCHOOL HOUSE, In the '!'weeds and ~enta'. furnishinga rare by Mr. Samuel Everson, near Ebenezer. 19 .W elltlsley Ave., T oronto, a!"ya: " As a the Darlington Council, to levy .by SOUTII WARD, Bowmanville, is afl'ered tor requeeted t-0 place the ume wl. t h the under.Yalne.- Ellison & Co. . ~his is another evidence or the auperiori· quick cure for croup, colds, sore thro!'t , general rli&e $100 for the T eacher of sale. signed immediately !or 11ettlement. p&rtlculara apply to For Th e ,clearing sale beginning on March ty of Mr.Allin's stock, for he l{ot very sat· chilblains, e tc ., I C!lU recommend H ag· each School. and $50 for each Second . S. BURDEN, JOH N McDOUGALL, is~actory prices, and of the value of tho iiard 'a Yellow Oil." It la a sure cur~ . Teauher. You are 1pecialli requested Chairman Prope1iY '.9~h will, lu' t hrough()ui tho .·e~!Qn. Com; PubUcSchool Board. Sxu xsMAN as an advert.iamg medium. Directions accompany each boUle. · · to attend. By o~der, R_, WINPAt1:, T.C. · February 1~ l 889. Elli.§QP,& C o. Mr SAM CLARKE BEFORE THE BEAK! And paid over to the Treasurer $57.50, .. order to be a citizen of Bowmanville. UID BEE .Ff FL. ----o--- ==Let everybody see our Goods at once.=: LYMAN, SQ NS &CO·, e d ic a 1 Adviser. PRIZE NQ. 3. ALL WOOL TWEEDS, 25 CENTS. Boots and Shoes at the price o{ Stockings, ~ CLARKE'S B·NKRUPI s~ ..A.. N"' 0 T ::S:: E R CLEARING SALE GOODS AND CLOTHING. ~ and Otherwise. ELLISON & nousE ., l F F F FARMS FOR SALE. loo SCHOOL BOARD NOTICE. for Sale of School House. T · I I

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