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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1889, p. 6

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ERRORS. F . YOUTH seemed content to bide liflr Off the The Terrible Expcdences or the Brotiters I la.undry wa.s a. lar11e, b 1\< 1ly -bghted room ; aml Mother of Frank. Ber,o. 1 Strange Experiences Related by the War- which ha.d been intended for r_efractory cells, J . WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1889 den but which hu.d never been llmshed up. The 1. Frai:k Be:g, a y~uog qerman, a~cd 23,,liv· l"OOm was new ueed as a cu.tch-all for the mg with _his family, lil West Twentieth I was f<;>r several years Msistant warden ! la.undry There were eleven women in the ; Street, Chicago, has for several yem- been . in a sta.te prison where only ma.le convicts laundry' and in doing what she did considered mildly insane. Two ago were confined, and I left that to becomejwimam'a had to blind them all. Oae end l hewa.5sent t-0the a.~ylum at J~fferson, but! wa.rden of a prison where over 300 fema.les of this room was tQward the side street, and was reles.eed in a. fo w month ~ and returned were under look a.nd key the year round. the wall wa.a three feet deep, and sunk six horn.,, H ') never. 'xhibited v.11y signs of vioF requently requires prompt action. An 1 If for ced to choose I would prefer to or seven feet into the ground. The floor j le~ceuntilla.s.tnight aboutl0.o'cl<·ck, wh1:n, h our's clelay waiting for the doctor may charge of 50G ma.lea r_ather th~n 100 females. was of concrete. A month ?afore I came I without warnmf-, Le a tr~ck his. mother and I · · b e attended w ith serious consequ ences, Most me..:i enter prison feehnr tha.t they the forewoman wa.s ta.ken aICk and Mrs. , commenced to avusa her m t he viles t ma.oner ., especially in cases of Croup, Pneumonia, h&ve deserved t heir punis?ment an~ a.nxious Williams was promoted to her p1ace. She His b_roth~rs spo~e to him ~h!'rply, ~u.t t·his f f and other throat and lung t roubles. to all t he g ood time possible. No could now pass a.ny where about the laundry only miur1ated him, and ae.zmg" cm..rr, he woma n admits her guilt, a.nd . by the time unquestioned and she at once began work· rushed at his mother with t he evident inten· 1 . · H ence, no family sh ould be without a she reaches prison she has convince.d. hers,clf inll' on a. plan'to esoape. H er tools were an tion of braining her. . . . . Begs to i nform ths inhabi tants of Bowmanviile and surrounding bot t le of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, that she la a martyr. One not familiar with old h:i.tchet and a. small fire shovel, and she The two brothers seized h im and succeeded Townships that he has opened t b · · th ld t d ~ , l · which h as proved itself, in thousands of t he workings of a female prison can have no bega.n digging from the room described to in forcing him into t he kitc hen, where a ter, OU u s1ness l ll e O S an , ormer Y cases, the best Emergency Medicine idea. of the t rouble a.nd'e an. obstin· undermine the wli.11. She wa.s never abaent rible struggle took pl.a.ce. T he intention of occupied ly Mr. W. M. Horsey, one door eas t of St.andard Bank, ~d ever discovered. It gives. prompt relief ate inma.te can cause. A ma.le convict who from the laundry over a quarter ot an hour the bro !hers was to throw t he lunatic to the wilP'a.t all times keep in stock all goods usually kept in a fi.rst-clas~ and prepares the way for a thor ough is obstina.te, ma.licious, and bent on causiu~ at a time a.nd could not work at her digging floor and tie him hand a.nd feet. W ith the . ~ IT d c· t · t' f cur e, which is ce rtain to be effected by ~rouble can be punished and for.cad. to. give over two'hours per day. The other wom~n cunning of a madma.n he di;ioe~ their object ar ware Q ore, COllt->l S Ing 0 its continued use. m, ~utyouca.nonlygoso farm infl1o~in.g saw her go and come, but it was not their a.ndu8ed.ever~por~ableo"bJ r.ct~ntheroomto pumshment on a wom..n, and the hm1t bosiness 00 inquire into her movements. defend h1msel, , Time again he hurled I '· 1 , · , , , S. H. Latimer, :M:. D., Mt . Vernon, Cl-a., says: "I have found Ayer's Cherry scarcely compels obedience to routine or· In about seventy days Mrs. Willfams had his br~th~ra to the fl)or, biting, scratching Peet.oral .a perfect e~re,_for Croup_ in all ders. gone down under the wall a.nd was ready to and kickmg at 1them whatever they crune cases. I have 'k nown the worst cases One of my first pa.tients was a. wom~n break the surlace of the ground on the other within r each. In the BCllffie th~ madman:s . i.-eUeved in a 'very sliort time by its use ; ~a.ry N oona.n. She was on a life side. She would not risk daylight, as the clothes Ylere almost torn from hie body, his !lad I advise all families to nse it in sudsentence for the murder of her husband, a.nd other ha.d done hut waited nea.rly a week arms berng bared to the shoulrlers. In some . ' den emergencies, for coughs , croup, &c." had been in the prison five A change until some extr~ gave her an excuse to wav his bare arm C'\me in contact with the I shall also keep a well assorted stock of the best manufacturers' A. J . Eidson, M . D., Middletown, of w~rdens always r,enews _the hopes of 'those remirin W- the laundry an hour 18.ter tha.n ~itchen stove, which wa~ i;t ill hot. T~e h~t T enn;, says : "I have used Ayer'& looking ~or a pa.rdoi>, and 1t a.lways ~a.µ&es -a. ujl'a.J..... filie· had been gone half an hour be· iron b~rned the madman s ~e&h and so mfnr!· ()berry Pectoral with the best effe(!t in 1 change 1n the conduct of ce1 hill pn)mner!i. fd.l:e ihe wa.s missed and it wao a full hour a.tad him that h e turned his wrath from his my · practice. This wonderful preparal ha.d not been in the new place a fortnight before · tb.e means ~f exit wa.s discovered. brothers to the stove. He ru . hed at it and · s ton once saved my life. I h ad a conwhen J discovered that a.11 the convicts The dirt had been ·ca.rried to the rear end of declared he would throw it into the street. Stove Pipes, Mic:i.s, &c. stant cough, night sweats, was greatly reduced in flesh, and given up by my except one were perfectly innocent. of crime the room and fltµig behind some old The lunv.tio endeavored to. pick the stove The manufacture and putting up ot Eave Troughs physician. One bottle and a half of the a.nd. ha.d ~een sent !1P tb.rou9h mis~ke ·or t ubs and man~les, and she had done up in. his arms, but the hot iron. burned his Pectoral cured me." will receive s pecial attention. mahce. The exception was a youngish wo- her work as well as the craftiestma.n. flesh Ill ha.lf a dozon places. With a roar of "I cannot say enough in praise of ma.n Haskins, who had poisoned ~he She ha.d likewisei;tot hold of bread and mea.t, pain he loosened his hold and pu~ fo:th .Ayer's Cherry .Pectoral,"' writes E. man who betrayed her a:id wa.s ma.king and when she gotJ into the street she only everv dfort to upset the s.tove. }eimng Bra"'don, of Palestine, Texas, "believrea.dy to dese:t ~er· . She not only acknow· went two squares before hiding hereelf in shat he would succe~d ~nd set the house on mg· ;;_s I do tbat, bi1t for its use, I should !edged the crime, but e liad only a horse ba.i'n. The owner ba.d no b.orae, and fire the brothers agiun mt<1rfered. After a lf>ng since have died." done her duty in elf. The as it was summer time the woma.n could not long struggle in which the luMtic b..ttered innocents were all ange to puffer lying on the hay up staire. There and bruised ·his fa.ce and eyes in a terrible bendit them, wni red ex- was water below and she economized her ma.nner, he waa thrown to the :ll.oor pected me to reco pardon. food to make it l:st as long ~s possible. Im· in· an exha.usted condition a~d tied h.and PREPARED BY Mrs. Noonan sough with me mi>.diatelv that her escape was c.'iscovered, I and foot. Although only partially consc1o~s Bowmanville, April 2nd, 1888. the purpose .of eta had dis· used every exertion to secure her recapture, the ma.dman atruggl?d h~rd to break his 'Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mas5. for co!ered new !"v1dence her case : hv.ving depots watched and the .country bonds, _a.nd the family concluded that the $ old by all Druggists. Prloe tl; six bo~tles, $5. evidence ~h1on would c usi~ely prove scoured in every direction. A week onlr thmg to be done wa.s to ca.11 in the her own mnooence. She had, in a fit of and I could not the sligh«ist clue. pohce. A · p!!otrol w:a.gon was summoned, anger, a.s the records o! the case show~d, Tb.enonenighuabarnq11 tbealleyoppositethe As soon~ 'Jhe !Dantac HW the officers he stabbed her husband with a butcher kDlfe one she was hidden in was set on fire, and became w1ld·aga.m and fought a.s well as he R~ Tailo~ at 11oontlme a.nd before her four children. before the engines got tci. work the roof of could aga.inst being :emoved, ~itteen min· lt was the clearest in the world, but the other was ablaze. I happened ' to be utes were spent tr~mv to get him out a.ndl Gentlemen'lil Clothes Made toOrder. she contended tha.t a. great wrong had been early on the sp'o t, a.nd what wa.s my as- the ~fficers were finally compelled to roll done her, and that tbe real murderer had tonishment when Mrs. quietly him Ill a heavy blanket a.nd str~p him u~. esca.peJ. opened the door a.nd '\\a.lked plump into my He was taken to the D_et.ention Hospital The new evidence had come to her in a. arms. Sho shed of vexation when re- for the Insane. The physicians there report drea.m. Sbe had dreamed th.a .ta clerk in a turned to her old qua.rters, having made up his condition serious. ·The room whe~e the certain grocery near her home ha.d st..bbed her mind that her· was!Bured. struggle took pla.ce a.t the Berg's r0111dence Manufacturers of Noonan before he entered the house, an4 Another of the inma.tes who pulled the. presen.t~d a. tel'.ri?le a.Ppea.ranoe. Nearly that the guilty ma.n was now anxious t. o con~ wool over my eyes for the moment was a. every piece.of fµ rmture m the room.i.abroken . , fess the fact and obtain her The Miss Hutchins who we.s serving a. sentence a.nd bbloohd is smeared over b~ve~ythmg. The / · · idea. was so absurd and silly that I could not for pocket picking. I give you her prison vwo rot ers wer e severe1 Y ru1sed, A.rtlficial promise her anything, and from that hour name but it· wa.s said that she was lihe wife she' determinea to make me a.11 the trouble of a. notorious thief · and bank sneak. ·He Limbs~ possible. She first refU.Bed to work, I had exausted the la.w in his endeavors to Stanley's Method. And Appliances for all De her a &a.y in which .to think it-over, and as get her clear, and ha.d made ·his bo2sts tha.t I remember Stanley once sa.ying to me, -ATt1m;nitiesoftheHumanBody sbe rema.ined obdurate ' she was locked up in she should nob se.rve her time out. When j nst ae I was stli.rting to ascend the Congo, "'1$pinal Dises.eee, Hip Joint 1 Disease. Diseases ot the a da.rk cell with only bread a.nd water. 011 I took oha.rge 1 .w as warned to be on the " Plit a native, slap him if you will with Knee · and Ankle, Knock the fourth day word ·was brought me tha.t aleri;, and I kept my eyes open a.a far as the open hand, but never strike him with Knee, Bow LElSS, Club Feet, Mrs. Noona.n was dea.d. I went with the possible, Miss Hutchins ..nd two others the closed fist, and never shoot until you are :\l)t9. prison doctor to the cell, a.nd we found the were employed in ma.king fancy baskets, first a.ttacked a.nd escape seems . hopeless." ALSO CRUTUHE8. body growing rigid .a nd .cold. Both ot us which were sold to procure books a.nd This was meant-and I , too, quote it.....:as · had seen rna.oy . c,ali!.e& of _ shamming, ,a.nd, . pa.pere for the . prisonere. They. had a. both lit,eral and fig11ra.t ive aavice. Tb.e while con\"illoed tha.ii this was another, the sma.11 room off the ball lea.diug from thl! "patting policy" is the oialy one thatcarrie'S counterfeit was sta.rtling. The jaw d1opped, corridor to the laundry, and were constant· a.n explorer safely through . Negro-. Africa, -ATthe half-shut eyes had the glaze of death, ly·under some one's eyes. I had been in and it is the cue tha.t men like LivingstQn, ~ '8' D 'li'li"'ll'&:'UV and the flesh assumed .that pallor which in the place about three months when two Speke, Gra_ nt, Kirk, Thomiion, De Brnzz!!o, W e W e . ~~ ~~~ .t!L, · only death ciil.n bdng. .. And yet .we both young women called ·as visitors. b so hap., Schweinfurth, Lonsdale, Coquilhv.t, eo felt · tha.t the woman wa.s alive. Indeed, pena.d that the ma.tron was busy, and r and Vaugele have pursued with such sue· there wa.s a. flutter of the pulse a.nd the heart volunteered to escort them about until she cess ; whereas what I would term the " fist VETERINARY SURGEON. to prove it. It was a of animation SUB· should be at leisure. · We went to the fashiOn"-the impa.tient recourse to brute pended by wiµ power. Perl).aps not more bakery, kitchen, laundry, and other places, force-'-has often led ·to grievous disasters, tba.n one person i.u ten. thousa.nd is able to and would pa.seed by the basket and has never resulted in much increase oi control mind and mu,s cle in this manner. It room had they not pa.rticula.ry req11ested knowledge or ga.iu to civilizll>tion. It is the is, for a time, next door to actua.l death. It to enter it, Not a sign of recognition application of the old fable," The wind, tb.e does not r1 q 'lire nerve, as I understand it, pa.seed between the visitor a.nd a.ny of the sun, and the traveler, or persua.sion is better but simply tne power to collapse, a.a it ware. three workers. · A few questions were than force." .vliich is so often needed a.s an Prisoners who have thus shammed on me, asked, some of the finished work atlmired, explanation of Africli.n success and failures. have explain3d afterward that they heard and we pa.ssed out. As the door closed A savage is much like a · ca.t. On'c e get your every word spoken around them, though behind us one of the visitors excla.imed: hand-your open hand, your pa.Im, not no voice sounded natural. They did not re. "Dear me, but I have lost my gloves; I your fist-in contact with his body, gently alize any feeling except tha~ of extreme must left them on the table in~the la.un· ·and in friendBhip, and it is rare tha.t he does not yield}ly. If he waxes lightness, as if all solidity had gone c.ut of dry." the body. It rEquired no particular effort I, of course, volunteered to go after them, friendly you may pa.this broa.d back approv· to hold the breath or keep the limbs rigid. ADd I found them on the table. I did· not ingly, if he " is saucy you m11oy vent your ah; . I ordered t he l ol y to b1: and stop to speak with any one, and was not noyance in a sma.rt sla.p, but of the . placed in a. coffin and the coffin placed in a absent over seventy or eighty seconds, The kiok and the · kuock'down blow. ['hey · · · . shed nflxt to the laundry. l supposed this owner of the glovils tha.nked me, complained elfeotua.lly preclude reconciliation. Chaff · · ~~w · ~!.~ Graduate of the Ontario -veterinacy College,. was what Mf.lry' wanted a.nd ·ha.d pla.nned of a sudden hea.dache, a.nd remarked that the savage, poke him in the ribs, pull his faertstered member of the Ontario Veterinary for. All the .other ·prisoners belisved her they would trouble me no further. I passed ear, make him grin, and· urge the grin on by the public is unanim0us that the · Medical Association. . d~ad, and she had two or three pa.rticular them through two wickets and the lll:ain hall Into a laugh, and he is yours, and the con· .-Offioe a.nd Residence, Newtonv!lle, Ont, friends who wept over her loss. The coffin and out of the front door, a.nd had JUSt got tagion of good humor spreads a.mon17 his "wmnsltOronoevecyTnesdayandlSaturday waspla.ced in th e shed a.bout sundown, and dsea.teinthe offi cetowritea letter when a hesitating fellows. You need not go in for I Office hoors fr m 10 a. m., to 4 p. m., at two men set to watch it. A t midnigµt ·meEsenger from .the matron I was want- buffooneri.,s or lower tha.t dignity which Coultere' Ho&el Calls by Telegraph receive Mary rose up, climbed out, and was work· ed at once. When I reached her she stood/ should always attend the white ma.n, but · is the cheapest place in the county for lmi: ediate..attention. ing t o loosen a. board when accosted by the beside a s~arp? go~d-looklng young woman, you will find a. little playfulnei;s, a little CHAI GES .MODERATE. watchers. She returned to her work next who was Ill di.haoille, and a. stranger. She human sympa.thy and kindness in no -way morning a.s usual, and refused t? answer any had be~n disco·vered in one of tne cells alinost prejudice the respect that the poor Cooking Ranges, Coal and Wood · Cooks, Parlor and 1 questions or make any explanations. About by accident. inna.tely feels for Dhe-to him-rodlike white once a. week for the next five she ha.d " What does this mean!" I asked, failing man. 1n penetratiug and over-running . Stoves- all the most popular makes and styles. . some new scheme to annoy me, and I wa.s to connect her presence with a.n absence. these uncivilized lands Eu~opean travelers ever wonderine what she woul~ do nt xt. "I ·d:i not know !'.' sh~ replied, wringinv . should remember tha.t they belong to the Jewel. Range, with the new Duplex · Grate; also Grand It is seldom that one hears ot a woman es· her ha.nds and lookmg ID la. helpless way. native inhabitants, not to the civilized dis· from a prison. This is not for the ."Oh, sir, where i;.m I, and won't you take coverer·-it is their conntry, not ours-and Duchess, Grand Universal and Diamond Range. reason tha.t they do no~ long for liberty, nor me home?" this is too easily forgotten.-[The Fortnighll· thi\t eome of them are not desperate enough I own up tho,t she befooled me neatly, and ly Review. · ·------ · - ...., at times to any risk. Oile of the most defayed me a. quarter of a.n hour. It wa.s a deceptive of.the inma.tes of the prison was a put up job. The two girls had come in to A YOUNG GIRL'S CRIME!3. little woman of 80, all smiles and sunshine, do just what t hey did do. When I started who had been Rent up for a number of years for the 17loves Miss Hutchins came into for committing a robbery. She was good· the hall. In the minute and a half She Shoots l!!e1· I.ovei··s Mother and Then looking, well educated, and evidently of she wa.s clot hed at the expense of one Kills iiei·selt. good birth. Evary w ord and movement ·of the visitors, and the fatter found . . · Granite, Iron and Tin Wares constantly on hand. was ladylike, and during the six months she r~fuge in a.n open cell. A ca.rr.iaae FAY~TTE,Mo. , F 3 b, 20-A~ove-crozed girl, had served before I t ook cha.rg.. she ha.d stood in front of the prison to carry them 16 y.e_a,s of a$e, .a 11d a _ Colts revolver fig· Eave Troughing, Roofing and Job vvork done ou. e;bvrtest notice a.t quite won the ma.tron's heart. She wa.s a.way, and they ha.d a long start. There ured ii;i an awt ul n egedy ,here t he other day. prices, considering material, a s low a.s the lowes t . placed in cha.rgl! of t welve sewing ·women in were two crooks in the job, a.nd the part y ~he girl was .J!lora . ~ohr, ~me .of t he pret· a room on the se()ond floor, fronting a side felt so elat ed over bamboozling me that they t ieat and n;ost .mtelligent girla ID the town. street. These women made the clothing of got drunk as t hey pushed a.long the highway She.W:a8 at.endIDg s.chool. . f',F Note .- This f avorite medicine is put the inmates, This sewing room was lighted for a town twenty miles off. Fifteen miles Ltvm111 next tJ t ne Rohr resi~ence was ·u p in 01:a t iott Its holdi1iy t.1 iree ounces by two windows, d efended by bars, of course, away the was upset and broken, the of E. J . J.ohnson. . MtHa.r John. ··sach1 w1tli the name blown fn the glass, 45 . NEWO.A.STL Off this room was a atock or store r oom, and Miss Hutchins ii: jured, and the other three son, one o. t he sons, i.s a. young man of 20 and the 1w/nw of tlt~_i:11. wntor, S. R . CampMrs. Newman, a.s the little woman wa.s arrest ed for bra wling. Suspicion wa.s arous· and is very popular with ~he youn!'! people -bell, in red ink across the f ace of the label. ca.lled, had the key to this and was in ed, and I was telegr~phed to, and inside of of both sexes. They tell in love with each JJeware of ·1·mitations, rejiise a ll S'Ubstichacge. There was but one window in this twentv· four hours I had my prisoner other and became engaged. Mrs. Johnson, tutes, and you will not be d-i.~appointed. · room. Mrs. Newman was the .last person I La.ter on those who had helped her escape the mother of the boy, soon heard of the should have picked out as a plotter. Indeed, had t<J serve out sentences for six months, engage~ent a!ld a.t once took mes su1·es to 1 should not ho,ve expeoted her to go out had and the crooks were wanted.for a. job which I brea.k. it off. . She gave her so~ a sound the doors been left open. gave them five apiece. ~eotun':1g· bu_t th~ young ~au. did not f~ll One midafternoon it was reported that the ' ?- rea.dily with his mother s .views. He 1nlittle la.dy was missing, and fifteen minutes · s1sted that he wa.nted the lj:lrl rhen M;rs. . Great Strike in Gas. :Johnson turned her attention to t~e girl, la.tar I ha.d disoovered tha.t she hlld gone by the wmdow. Where she got a file I never CoLLIN<lW"oon, Feb, 28.-Sunday morning ~he bera.ted ~er iwd_ qbarged he: with bk· could learn, but hhe procured one somehow while pumping wa.ter for a ba.ptism in the mg he~ ~on 8 affection from his motlier, arising from a llisordered sta't e of the Liver, a.nd filed off three She wa.s engaged Baptist church in this town, the .top of the The ,girl 8 only answer was tears. . Mrs. Bl d Stom~h and noweb, such as · . at this work.for .three months. When she . pump (which is situated inside the building) Johnson ordered her son not to visit the Purify the 00 , correct all Pisorders of the Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious 1 got readv to go she made a stoutJ rope of I was blown off bv natural ga.~. The windows girl, but he ~ould n?t 0.bey, and the mother ·., cloth, f .. stened one end t o a remaining ba.r, and doors · were immediately thrown open ~h~gi~l forhisd1Sobe!lien~e. LIVER, STOMA.CD, KID'NEVS A.ND BOWELS, Affections, - E~tfacihe, H ear tburn; l\nd then slid down to the ea.rth in safety. a.nd due pre·ca.utions were ta.ken to prevent The girls hfe was ren dered. miserable by T.llt. , 1.nvigorate and restore to hee.ltb J)eb;l · tated Constitutions, .Acidity of the Stomach, Rheumatism, Sb.e had secretly made herself a cap and a the gas taking fire. No daml\ge was done to these qua.rre}s. The other mg~t .the lovers C: l J:,oss of Appe tite, Gravel, Nervous cloak, and she walked off two blocks, boa.rd· the edifiae, bu~ the congregation was area.tly .met clandestmely, but some_body who observare Lavalua.ble in all omp a.lnts lncldenta ,;; - ema.les of all Agea. ~ Debility, Nausea, or Vomiting, &c., &c. ed a street car, and wa.s soon out of the ala.rmed. The gas is still ruah. i ng from the ed them reported the Mrs. J~hnChildren and the agod they are priceless, · Price 215 Ce nt& per Bottle. neighborhood. A trifling circumstance led well with grea.t force, but from the uncertain ' s?n.. The latter eent. for Miss ~ohr a.' 10 Q F'rlEF-ARE.D OhLY BY to her capture tha.t night. If she had i size of the pipe it is a.lmost impossible to 0 cloc~ the ne~b i:10rmng. The girl put h er , · '->AVIS & LAWRENC E C.O. (Limited.), planned to meet friends, they had not come I estimate the qua.n'tity tha.t is; Ex- father 8 revolve~ m .her pocket. What to~k an i nfa.llible remedi for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old · Wounds Sro iuo N T REA.L. on. She ha.d no money, and though the oit ement preva.ils in town, and grea.t things place bet wee 1 tne girl and the matron will and Ulcers. It la fa.moue for Gout and Rheumatism, For .dfsorder s of ·h .d not put her off on th' · t , expect ed t rom th' never known. · cond uot or d1 1s.accoun 1s fi n d · Th be . hb h d t . · tol h t d - Ohest i t has -no. equal _ . · · she was flurried by the sit uation, She got . e n~!g ors ear wo pie s ~ s,. an 1 ·o-: . off at a street running out into the country, . . . on enterrng the room fo~d Fl~ra 8 "~etched For S or e T hroats, B ron chitis, Coughs Colds . and .wa.lked b risk ly away; I ha.ppened to ~1ss Ame~ia. Wadswor th, of Sp:mgfield, on t he carpet dead, with a ~ullet m her , · . . · ' . 1 . NervousDebillty, Semfoit!L<>seesandpre . ma- t'all:ethissame car t wohoursla.ter, a.nd over· ha vmg publicly lect ur ed a.s a hea.d. Mrsf J~hnsonlay wm:;nded .on the l _GV~ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases 1t has no rival; and eu.reDeciay pro~ptly a::?d perme.nentlyuuJ-oH_ )?y heard the ·conductor ~lating- the circum· failur e, a newsp aper man went t o work a.nd other sicle 0 t e room, a bullet: havmg_ pa~- . ' . contracted and stiff jolnta it acts like a cha.r m , · .- ' · ;ra· ~ .. , stance. . .~ caugll,t at the idea that it was . P.roved tha.t . she had: been . engaged o,nd sed thr?ugh her body fror:1 the back, ['lie ! . _. . l.Q l l DlO l ! Mrs :Newma.n and at 10 o'clock that nivht I Jilted three d1lferont times. wound IS pronounced 1 ~' I fo~nd her in' a farm house ten miles away. A silver pocket flask that excites a.ttention The tragedy caused a great senss.tion and Manufa.ctured only at THOM.AS HoJ.Low.u's Eatablfahment, ,,, ! . . i She laughe~ me~rily, and hoped I would is delicately embossed with masses of twin- t~e hou~e W&ll soon surrounded by hundreds 1B, ;i.;·;.-,.?I" . OX:FOJ' 1' , :'..fREET, (late 583, OXFORD STi~ ·.~T), J.ONlf0 1 0 peop e, Does not interfere with Diet '!r usual occupa. ' l bear her no Ill will. · ing foliage and decorations. . J. · tiori and fully restores lost vigor and insures 'l'he assistant forewoman in the laundr . . . . · ' . .&. ll~ llod~ ~'· ·'°" at 111. llld,' 2s, 9d., 4a. 6d.' lls., 2211.' and 33 each Box o:i: P ~::feet manhood, l:!ent to any address, postM uT· . h h db . t Yd ! A bib pin that claims reco,!:'n1tion is decor· An owl s. head ill _attache~ to two t hm may be had from all Medicine Vendorst.f:trou<rhout the Worl.i, w 0 11 een sen enoe I a.t ed as the lower part of the frock from blades which when mserted in a book close 0 ~Qid on receipt ot price. One Dollar per box was a rs " 1 'lo· TM6 age~cy, SCEl:Oli'IELD'S DRUG STORE. to _ seven' imprisonment for maiming a. 1beneat h wbich are seen the toes of t~o tiny jwit h a' spring upon the leaf intended to be ta' ll." ureb11ters should l ook t o the I.obel on the P ots and Boxes . ltthe address is nou: King atr .et, Toronto I child she. had a.dopted, She had been in · feet. marked . a Oxfol'd Street, London. they a r e)lp n.r1o1u. IN ! WOMAN' S PRISON. Il:~et:y:rst~:e:i!ti~o~,c':,a~~~spi~~:y~lai~t1. - -· t~me, . STRUGGL.E:W.ITRAMAD.M.AN. ============ ==· I I [HARDWARE ' HARDWARE I I I · l I Stoves Save L·lfe . To .- I ' pa1n . ts an'd 0·1 and r·Illware, l s. 0 I I BEO £ MA NNIN. B I -----o---Iron Steel Nails Builders' Hardware Shelf Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oiis, Varnishes Barbe d w· · S pad es, ' Ire, F ork s, H oes, Shovels &c, COOK, HALL & PARL .DR STOV~~. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PEATE, Having purchased cheap for cash, I am prepared to sell goods at small profits and prices will be cut close to suit the times. AUTH1 DRS& COX, TRUSSES DRY GOOD.S WHOLESALE COST, during January 117 CHURCH ST., TORONTO, ONT. TOD BROS~ !RB ~-,,.·~~ N ewcastle · Stove an d TIll · D epot I Ha.ll , Parlor Stoves with and without ovensArt Garlands, Art Sultanas, etc. Orders taken for the best Hot Air Furnaces. I -W. T. BONATHAN, FOR ALL! Camnbell's Cathartic GemDonnd cures Chroi1ic Constination, Gastiveness, and all UnmDlaints .:EI E ALT H T H E P; ILLS 1' l T H E I N T M E N T ; 'J ft1tlltrtN1 rm ; . m1rn UUllJJ ·+ j I I ! I I I · '

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