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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1889, p. 8

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c WEDDING CELEBRATIONS. incident& of the return home of the guests. Js it true that Tommy upset his Auntie in the snowbank 1 Messrs. S. J. Henry, M. A. Jamee, and Dr. Mitchell ·were the committee in charge of the proceedings. Mr. James was unfortunately obliged to be absent owing to business in Toronto. A hanJ.11ome bride cake was presented by little Misa Robinaon, of Torento. Letters were read from Dr, P. N. Davey, Duart, and Mr. M. Payne, Port Stanley, regretting their unavoid· able abeence . Two daughters, Mr11. W·lker Denver, Col., and Mrs. McBurney, Hope, were al10 unavoidably absent. WOODEN WEDDING. JNO. J. MASON, -.Has received-- GOLDEN WEDDING. (4,000) "W"orth -OF- New Ory B and will receive $4,000 worth more during the next few weeks, all bonght at the.lowest price the market has yet touched. Many lines have since advanced. ----o---- Despite the huge drifts that in mauy places cGJmpletely stupped the way cnm· pelling the travellers to turn .aside into the fields ; despite the fast falling snow and blfi\k winds that caused said snow to lodge securely in the meshes of the ladies' wraps and fill the gentlemen's beards and eye-brows so as tc> give all a very venerable appearance ; despHe the fac~ that the travellers did not know · Virtue's hill wa11 blocked up and that by attempting its ascent some one would be upset into the depths of the gr4vel-pit., making the necessity for a change of garments very desirable ; despite the ever to be remembered im· mereion in the deepe~t and softest drift so well managed as t::> appear an acci· dent by that most <Careful of undertakers, Mr. Levi Morris ; despite all these inoiden~s, and many others of that eventful night, at about 7 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 18th, one of the jolliest and best appearing crowds that ever assembled oa the 8th Concession, met to the number of nearly a hundred persona ai the home of :Mr. Richard Davey to celebrate the Golden Weddh1g of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert DBTey, of Tyrone. Some in the asaemblage cominll' from as far east a11 Cobour!{, some from as far weat aa Toronto, to participate in the festivities and above all to gladden the hearts of the 'fenerable couple whom we had met to honor. A11 11oon ae all had arrived, Dr. Mit. chell took the chair and er.lied the company to order, and having the bride and groom before him, stated to them the obj~ot of the gathering that al present were assembled to do them honor and celebrate with them .the 50th anniversary of their marriage. The Chair· man then called on their eldest grand · dau~hter, Mies E. A. W. Davey, to read the followin~ addresa : ADDRESS. NE~ { -- Spring Goods! "'N"e have just received our new O~iJan. 30th, about 40 friend11 of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel .Thompson, met at their residence, near Blackstock, ae a surprise party to celebrate the 5th anniveraary of their marriage. Mr. Ed. Thompson was chairman and Mr. W. Bradley made the presentation. The presents consisted of a half dozen perforated dining chairs and a rocker. Mr. Tho'mpson made a suitable reply on behalf of Mrs. Thompson and himself. After the presentation a sump· tuous supper was served by the la.dies. .! very sociable and pJeasan' evening was spent by all present. CRYSTAL WEDDING. Spring M1'. and Mra Robt. Dave11;D11AB GRANDMA AND GBA.NDPA.-We your many friends have assembled here to pa.y homage at the shrine of worth merit. Together for fifty yeal't! you have travelled the path of life, although all their hours may not have been houn of sunshine, yet a retrospect affords pleasure. In imagin· ation, we see the stron~, noble-hearted, young man, with his blushmg girlish bride, appror.cb!ng- the nuptial torch; and there, all their interests commingled, they began life together. The years paBt quickly and pleasantly, soon about them we s~e "their forms and features multiplied." · .But time, whoiie wheel kn1)ws no retrograde movement, rolls into eternity . . Again, we see the two, their chlldren, "one· by one been (,stolen awav to shine in other homes and hearts," while they are left in the.old home, but cheere\l by the thpught that they are the centre of an illimitable circlE' of influence. Doubtless during the journeT, mn.ny disappointm11nts have be~n encountered., wany briKht bope!I blaBted, inn11meraLle · eorrowil · lclt; nnmberleu a{!'onies endured, but what do wu eeu now? ' 'The night is fair. The storms of·grief, the clo11de of care, The winf'I, the rain. have passed avray. Th· lamps are lit. the fire burns bright The house Is full of life and forht, It is their Golden Wedding day." And we take this oppm·tunity of ex.pressing our love and appreciation. by ask.!ng ·ypn to become the recipients of these alight tokens of our tender regard, and as a mark of the high est'lem, in which you are held by those who recognize your sterling qualiti~s. We deeply regret the circumstan~es, which to·day necel!llitates the abs~nce of "ome of the dear ones, but feel assured. even though time hLq sprinkled your heads with snow flakes, they join us in wishing you many happy and p~aceful years, and we mi.y with confidence anticipata, alter having with Christian armor. conquerord the last enemy of happiness and glory. a joyful reunion. in that land where s·1rrows unknewn and the mhabitants never gr"w old." On htohalf of the friends by your loving grau.d-daughter,· BERTill DAVEY. Call an·d See Us. · At the Crystal Wedding celebrated at the residence of Mr. Moses Robbins, near Laska.rd on the evening of Feb. 12th, 1889, there assembled about 75, and when supper was over, to which each and every one did ample justice, the compa.ny was called to order by Mr. John Davey, and after stating the cause of their meeting, the Chairman called on Mr. J. McArthur to read an address, in which he presented Mr. and Mr11. Robbins with a beautiful Crystal Fruit Dish, set in silver. aleo a Silver Cruet, Cake Basket, Butter Cooler and knife, a beautiful Lamp and a pair of Crystal pickle jus. Mr. Robbins made a reply to the addreBB in a few well chosen remarks. The chairman then called on the etring band, consisting of Mesars. S. Billings_ , Colin Staples, H. Davison, George Staples, Samuel Staples. Mesars. C. Armstrong, ·r. A. Brown, for songs, Mis11 Davey presiding at organ, also called on Mr. McArthur, Willis Da: vison, and A · .Simpson for muaic on mouth organ: Messrs. T. A. Brown, D; StE1wart and Mr. McArthur for recitations All present enjoyed a very social time aDd retired wishint- Mr .and Mrs. Robbins many returns of the. day. CRYSlAL WEDDING. Cloths, Suitings, Pantings, &.e. Our stock is complete. Our Tailor the best.~ Our prices right. New Spring Prints, Ginghams, Shirtings, Cottonades, Table Linens, &c. Dress Goods and Millinery an· nouneement later on. ----o---JNO. J. MASON. J. BIGGINBOTBAI & 8011, Dispensing Chemists. A full line of Drugs, Proprietory Medicines, I Toilet Articles, Perfumery, etc., ALWAYS IN STOCK. New and Valuable Preparations. SCULLCAP INDIAN OIL, It works like a charm. Used internally and externa11y. For Inflamatory Swellings, Rheumatism, La~e Back, Colic, Sore Throat, Cuts, Bruises and all.aches and pains. PRAIRIE fLOWER C0No1r10N powoER. Although a short time before the public its sales are large. ,. It possesses many valuable properties. Wonderful results are obtained by its use. Every horse owner should try at least one package. Prepared and sold by J. HIGG-INBOTHAlVI & SON. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, and other Factory. -Work all Kiln Dried. AFun Stock always on hand. Call and Examine. McClellan BOWMANVILLE, · TRENT('"' ~TARIO. Co., sole agents in this locality for GILJY.COUR&CO., The preaentatiC>n consisting of a handsome and massive gold-headed cane for the groom and a pair of gol:l framed spectacles for the bride. Hoth artioles purchased from Mr. John Maynard,· Bownianville, anci a lovely pair of plush covered easy chairs {purchased from Mr. L. Morris) one for each ol the ag~d couple was made by two of the little grandsons, Masters Raymond and Fred Davey. ' A:number were then ailed upon and . ga "ve 'c.ongratulatory addresses, many of them making very humorou11 remarks, 11oroe of the elders aiving remini1cences of Mr. and Mr1. Davey's early married life, as several who were present could remember very well when the first wedding took place, all referring to their izeneral and oblig· ing disposition, making them every· \bing that could be desind as neigh· bor11. Many were the good wiahea that were expressed for the ha;lpy couple eepedally ·that some day they would meet with their King in that upper and better country. The following were . among those asked to make ,remarks : Mrs. F. Staples·, one 0£ the oldest neii;ihbors, Messrs. 8 . J. Henry, John Davey, Whitby, Richard Davey, sons, John Davey, nephew, Leakard, John. Byers, 8th Con., John Staples, Hamilton, ·E. Obannon, 7th Con., John Dam.e s and Wl)'.l. Obannon, Mariposa, Mr.. Gar· dener,. Hoi:;e. J . Pearce, Toronto, R. C. Tait and L . Morris, Bowmanville, G. H . Jardine, T. T. Jardine·, T. Creeper, Wesley Clemens and A. E. ·Clemens, Tyrone, and Nelson Davey, grandson, Whitby. · The aged couple were so taken com· pletely by surprise, they not having r eceived the slightest intimation of what was to take place that the Chair· man in a few words replied for them, thanking the friends for their great kindnesB. The tab!Cs in the dining-room had for some time bet:n groaning under the weight of good things there deposited : 110 all as fast as possible betook them· selves t o that apartment and thoroughly 11aHsfieJ the ·inner man. After tea a programme wae prepared the following taking part: Capt. Brown, Miss Tait and Messrs. G. H. and T. T. Jard'ine, and McD01Yell, Bowmanville. Abundance of choice music was furnished by Miss Henry · and Meesrs. S. Staples, Colin and George Staples and Robert Virtue. A very pl:eaatl.nt evenin~ was spent. We have n<)t heard ~f any remarkable On Tuesday, Jan. 291h, about fifty of the relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jewell, aseembled at their resld· ence, Centre View, and gave them a sur· prise, it being the 15th anniversary of their wedding day. After all had arrived and partaken of a bountiful sµpper, such as the ladies of thi11 community are al· ways · noted for, the pleasant company · were called to order and Mr. J ohti Davev was voted .I nto the chair to preside ove~ the evening's entertainment and after a very complimentary little speech, called on Mr. F. M. Brimacombe to read an ad· dress, which spoke in the highest terms of the friendship existing between Mr. and Mrs. Jewell and their many friends. They then presented them with a num· ber of silver and crystal ar.tioles, the most noticeable being a beautiful fruit dish set in silver, silver butter cooler, handeome silver cake basket and family album. Mr.·Jewell replied in very appropriate words, after which Mrs. Jewell made a neat little speech, thanking her friend· for their kindneH and among other things said that One bath said, "It is more blessed to give tllan receive," but she thought it did DGt sta.nd good in all instances, especially in the present occaeion. Speeches were made by several present and aft.,r a very enjoyable pro· gram of music, singing, games and plays. the party dispersed feeling better and happier for the evening's pastime. The silver presents were all bought from Mr. Aaron Buckler, the people's jeweler, Bowmanville. SILVER WEDDING. McOLUNB BROS. HAYlJON. E.N.FIELD. A social in aid of church funds will be Mr. Fred. Mitchell has returned 'f rom held at the residence of Mr. W. Broad a trip to Simcoe county. on W edneeday evening March 13th, Visitors this week Miss Emma. Dyer, commencing at 7 o'clvck. Admission, 25c. Mies Etta Hodgins, and Master Elisha children, 15c. A cordial invitation ex· Hezzlewood. tended to all. Farm laborers are scarce and wage11 are very high. C.J.ES.A.REA. r Mr. John Winnacott gave an "At Mias Fallis and Mr. Taylor, Cadmus, Home" last week. A large number <>f were visiting at Mr. Bruce's on Sunday. their friends t,ook advantage of the occa·· Sleighing is very good juat now and a sion. i:reat many are enjoying it immensely. ENNISKllEN. Oonsiderable quantities of fish be· " ing caught through the ice with wire Among the visitors are Mrs. Gladman;. lassos. This is a novel mode of fishing Peterboro: Mrs. Rowe, Whitby; Mias Hooey· Gorrle ; Mies Hooey and Mr; Stewart Hooe:r. here. Cartwright, The debate for Tuesday evening at T. An excellent sermon full of great encourqe· ·s more in- life ment to all who are in willing to lead a ohriatian · 8 "Resolved that there 1 L. S. 1 waa preaehed the Methedlst Church formation gained by travelling than by here last Sunday by Father Geo. Gale. reading," or vice versa. On evenlnit ev. E. Barre.s1, M. A., will deliver a lecture here on the life and Mr. Wm. G. Emmerson's bee to Port work of Dr. Punehon, and next Sunday eve11.· Perry on the 27'th was quite well attend· ing wlll 11reach on "Jesultism in Quebec-" ed, and the beys pronounced Wm. G. "a Mr. Albert Arnot and family are moving Into our vmaire, having purchased the reai· right jolly good fellow." , dence of Mr. P.Maroney. Mr. Maroney mov.ea. Recent visitors: Miss· Dew art of Port into the house vacated by Mr. Hntchil!J>J)~ to t M llr. H. :r. Saunders, a tailor hl&'hll' 'J>m>.· O k f H P erry and M lBS a O amp n a rs. mended, late of J'.ljewtonville, has re. __ tbeVincent's; Mr. and Misa McAllister i of vacant reeictence of Dr· Mttcheli 11oi:;Cl'bega11 Parkdal?. and Miss P&rker of 'J'.ay at,Mr~ ~~:"Z~pb~11J0i~o!n~~a~Yf: r::~ ,J,i~ Jackson s, ~r~. and Master Br1maco~lle moved into the yillage. at Mr. Martm s. / Mr. LewlsGilbert who has been m tors On Feb 26th atter the pro"""'m at the long time "fell asleep in JeaW1" on Satnrday morning r.tter a wellk of l{I'eat eutferlnit borne Literary Society, Mr. S. Bruce ru made with ohrletlan 'resignation. Deceased baa tor the recipient of two volumes of poems 110me years been an active worker for the · h f 11 · ' Maater, and although called to hie reward f or reasons 11et f orth in t e o owing while 11till young- Jn ;rears.has not Ii ved in vain. address : . ' havlvg accomplished more In the few years To MR. s. BRUCE.-,Ve, the members of the he ha~ been alive in Christ than many whoCmsarea Literary Society, have learned that hne.Jive~ O?-t th!! ~Hotted years of man. Fol!". you are on the eve of eeverins: your oonneotlon him to die 11 gain tor he hae been promoted; for the present trom us tffiry your fortun~"in to the courts of Hea.von. A. very large oonthe tar distant West. It ls with feellng-s"bf Go11r11e of people followed the remains to th& r'3!1.'fet that it ls tbue to be, ·but this ls an . ever Rampton Cemetery on Monday afternoon,. changing world, and iv hat ever is to bels best. The runeral obsequies were conducted by the· We therefore take this opportunity of express- t ReV'. S, Salton who preached in the Methodist lni;c In our humble way our esteem of your\ churoh where the Bel'Vicee waa held, a ver~ services in the Literary Society in whioh you. impr!l ssi'fe!l tull of comfort and con· have taken a very activl! part. and or express. eola.t1on to all ohr1stlan people.. Great sympaing our regard for you as a.n associate and thy ls felt for the bereaved fa.only as leas than, friend. You have mingled with most or us five monthl'l ago the elde~t daughter, Mrs. from childhood aDd nave always shown a good Tyreman, died of the same dise1Le-oonsu01pmoral and an amiable and pleasing ti_,o,,.n;,,,.==========~~=== disposition. Allow us now on be:tJ,alf of the Literary Society to present you with these copiea of Tenn7son's and Moore's poems as a small token of our beet wishes for your prosperity physically, intellectually a.~d spiritually &hd may you ever k eep your eye on thi* beacon star of Li1eht that shineth more and mo11e unto the perfeot day. so that your own star goetb not down .behind the darkened west. but melts awBy into the brightness of Heayen. Signed on behalf of Literary Society, l J. Bee.cock. Ex-Pre. , Thos. Ma.rtin, Prea. Miss Malcolm 1st Vice-Pres; The addresss was read by Mr. W. J. , Beaco~k', and the presentation was mads I by Miss Malcolm. Mr. Bruce suitably acknowledged the present in a neat speech. A very large number of rel·tives and friends of Mr. &nd Mrs. Moon met at their re_ eidence on Feb. 15th to unite .in celebrating ~he 25th anniversary of their wedding day. Mr. R. Beat arrived at an early hour and took a photograph of the scene. Later on the tables were 11et and a rich and bountiful supper was provided and partaken of by one hundred persons. Rev. T.· Dunlop cheerfully responded to an unanimous call to the chair. He opened tl'ie program for the evening by asking all to join in that beautiful hymn: "Shall we g.'lther at tbe River." After some well chosen and appropriate remarks he called on Mrs. J. H. Mlllaon to read the following address : h' · ··' ,. .- I FRIENDS: We. Q. number of relatives a.nd friends, assemble here to otl'er our warmest conitratulatlons to you 'bn this the Utb anniversary of yonr wedding day. We rejoice with you in the preserving care and goodness of our Heavenly Father, who has been pleased to bestow eueh a larlte measure of physical health, temporal wealth, and splr· itual blessing upon you, and it Is our united prayer that these blessings may he increased and enriched by the generosUy of your lives towards those who are needy: "For the truly generous are the truly wise" .and "he who lives not for others lives unblest." A silver wedding reminds us of the silver locks the flight of time, and the great eternity be· yond. May we all have . the unspeakable ple&·nre of meeting together at the Marriage . Supper In the skies. Signed on behalf of the friends present. J. H. MILLSON, AMOBCOBBLEDICX. Mr. R. Moment chen removed the spread and revealed to view some very choice and valuable presents which, with some kind and appropriate words he pre· aented to Mr. and Mrs. Moon. In reply Mr. Moon expressed his pleasure in meetin~ so many kind friends, alRo his appreciation of the sentiment of good will and sympathy expressed in the presentation. 'fbe evening was further enjoyed by Bil listening to choice music, singing, reci· tations and addresses. The presents w~re bought from Mr. Bnckler, Bowm1mville. "To say well fa good, but t o do well is better ; Do well is the spirit, and say well the letter." We say Cockle's Pills, which have been in use for about a cent· ury and a quarter are a. positive cure for Liver, for .Bile, for Indigestion, for Heartburn, for Sick Headaches and for Acidity. Do well by testing their v~lid· ity. To be had anywhere. 15 MR. & MRS. ROBERT MOON.-D:e:.tR ,V. I I CREAM POISON Ivy ERUPTION. -For poison ivy eruption and for all burns, sore throat, rheumatism, etc., Mr. C. W. Wood, of Hall's Bridge, Ont., advi110s the use of Hagyard's Yellow Oil, which has bean in use in his family for yeare. He regard11 it as a perfect cure. . THE FIEL» OF CHATEAUOUAY.-From this historic ground Mr. Frank Curotte PUREST, STRONG£ ST, BEST, writes that he was greatly afllicted with CONTAINS No constipation, together with pain and Alum, Ammonia., Lime, Phosphates,) swelling ?f his body_. "I trie~ Burd_ o ck DR ANY INJURIOUS SUBS!ANCf. ' ' ( Blood Bitters, and it gave me 11nmediate E . W .· GILLETT, TOBO?ll'Ocn~~ao lLt.. relief. I can now sleep well, and can MANUFACTURER OF \ ,. .'. eat heartily without any ill effects." nIE CELEBRATED BOY.AL YEASl' CAKU: I \')hildren Cry for Pitcher's~ Cast_~ria;

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