·~------------~....-...-11111111111111~---------.......~---~---------~·~~-- -- READY, · ~READY. W-ALL PAPERS HANDSOME PATTERNS AND CHEAP. All the newest novelties for Ce.iling and Side Walls. I also keep an assortment of FINE ENGRAVINGS. See my Show Window. Pictures Framed AT LOWEST RATES. WONE PRICE ONLY. P. Trebilcock:. Sb lauadi·· -cftat#mau. BoWMANVILLE, MAlitCH 13, 1889. If the Scott Act i1 repealed next month iD theae countiea, the blame will lie, u far as We.11t Durham is concerned, with those oftioially charged with enforcing tt. No law on the statutes has been so openly violated and BO persistently winked at by 011ioer1 handsomely pa.id for its enforce· ment. BARLEY! Bad News for Farmers. DON'T WANT CANADIAN BARLEY. One of the moat important branches of the Toronto commiBsion busine111 is tlie barley trade, and in it are engaged more than a score of men, some numbering their capital in business by thousands, othera by t~n11 of tb.oustt.nda, and a veey few by hundreda of thousand· of dollars. In the past, their business ha.s been one of the greatest industries in Onta~io. Theidmme!llle aggregate capital has been engaged ia buylng from :the farmer in .emall qus*titlea and holding until large ahipmeat1 were accumulated. Then at a eeaaonab!e time tranaactions have been consummated with the big brewers of American citie1 and the good money of the Yankee brewer ha.1 really found its way into the pocket of the Canadian far· mer. During the past yea.r, unfortuna~ly, thing· have changed. The American brewer no longer needs the Canadian ba1'ley, for by a new proceY of brewini, in its place he is to-day using the dark and low priced Weatern States barley, and brightens his product by the uao of cheap rice. The beer thus made ia not quite 1\8 nourishing and not nearly as wholeaome aa the beer made From Canadian or other high claH barley, but It id sparkling and bright and answers the purpose of the general public just ss well, and also has the advantage of being cheaper. This change in the manufa.cturina of American beer i11 having a moat peculiar effect vll OU~ Canadian buaineu. aa well as on the business of brokers in border American cities, who have heretofore been engaged in handling Canadian barley extensively. To-day in Toronto there is barley stored and in large quantities, too, out of which the barley buyers will never get cost p1ice, let a.lone the ·thought of making any rofit out of the transaction. L<Jniz 15eforeJan. 1, 1889, complaints were lteard with alarming frequency, tha~ there wa.s not that demand for ohoice Canadian barley that there haa been in former years. The new year 1aw no cihange for the better. Day by day, instead of ha.vinit au increa.·e of business, now almost stagnant, barley brokers are looking with anxious eye towards the Am· erican sources of demand. But no change bas yet come, except a .change for the worse. The feeling in American centres is as adverse a? it is here. As late aa the 4th inat. a well-ku"wn Buffalo commission man who has in pa.at years handled million· of bushels of b&rley, write& to his Toronto agents and says: There's n'l use in your sending ns on samples and asking -us to q.uote you a price. We must now be plain with you and tell you there is no barley tielling and no prospect of a.ny husinees at all. The simple truth is your barley has lost its grip on our market." Another firm· with a. first-claas connection .:th·111 ·write· to a Toronto house from which a telegram has been received -!'llk· iogforaquotatlonforNo, lbarley: "We have to acknowledge receipt of your tele· gram aaking u1 to quote a price for No. 1 barley. 'l'hill we are aorry to say we are unable to do and 11hould ad vlee you not to llhip on consiinment. as we frankly admit we do not believe if 50 cars No. 1 barley were olfered al 65 cents here to·morrow, and consignee exhibited a determination to sell, he would be able to get that price for it. The barley trade, 10 far 1111 your Canadian barley i1 concerned, is gone to the dog·." Since thia atate of alfaira ha1 been .known in Ontario, the efl'ect hY been ll:IOJlt diaaatrou1. Instead of buyen 1eekl111 w pt hold of the farmen' bal'ley, ,All the newest atylea in men's fine felt A . O. U. W. Oo11oerli. they have been holding off and thi~ policy hats just opened out a.t Couch, J ohnstOn bv force of intuition, has communicated The Sons of England H i·ll was c?m- & Crydcrman'a. itself to the farmers. At points where ·Murdoch Bros' is headquarters for in former yea.rs weekly receipts have fortably filled on Friday rii.ght with. an amounted to an average of 10,000 bu~hels invited audience to listen to a capital china Tea. and D inner sete for china wed. during the period of barley buying, .not literary and musical progra.111. Mr. ~o~n dings. Their assortment is the largest more than one-fif1.h of that quantity has Keachie, M. W., occupied t he chair m and best in the dist1ict. been received.for corres'E'onding weeks. in his usual genial manner. The number~ To THE DEA.F. -A Persoa cured of 1889. At first H was feared the barley consisted of readings by MiH Mabel Tait, Deafnes11 and noises in the head of 23 was not in the country and that the crop and Messrs. J ohn Irvine and J.M.Joness, years' st anding by a simple remedy, wiil was estimated greatly in access of the ac- music by Miss Russell, solos by Messrs. send a description of it FRKB to any per· tual crop. Recent returns and reports C . Murdoff, Geo. Peckham, W. Mc- ,son who. applies to NrcnoLSON, 30 St. from various se.c tions have shown that the Cullough, J . Keachie and J. Irvine, and John St. Montreal. 44-lyr. farmers have the barley and a.re holding a short addre.s on the objects· and pro· Oar stock id now the largest and beat it. When we eay that farmers for 45 gress of the Orcler by M. A. James, P. aBBorted and best value in town. You miles around Toronto are teaming their M. ,V. Several others had agreed to asbarley end eelling it at street prices to sist on the program but were. unable to are aware of recent ad va.n ce· in fabrics of every description . Silk, Wool, Linen local brewers rather than end1oavor to sell be present. All present seemed highly and Cotton. These advances we have at buying points very much nearer home pleased with th" evening's entertainment. !\nticipated in nearly every · instance the desperate state of the trade is estabChae. Pa.ul!s Univel"e11iy. ,, , ..,wh~ch will be to. the advantage of our lished. cuatomers.-John J. Mason. Farmers, we ~ive you a solution of the AN APT QtrorATION from a letter by d.ifficulty. In the future do not gro ;v aixWs take pleasure in directing attention . row or four-row barley, but grow nothing to a new Meieter11caft School of Lamcuages Mrs. Suliiv..n, 124 West Ave., Hamilt on, but two-row barley, and you will find a eatablishecl at69 Queen-st. Ea.st, Toronto, · Ont. : "After trying a number of mediPtice in that market that will give you a by Mr. Chas. T . l'aul, of Bowm.lnville, Cines far liver complaint, frulli which I hands?me profit. In the future let your who has associated with him on · ~he suff..-red for years, I bou ght two bottles efforts be directed alom~ this line and you directorate Mesara. Philippe de Saillfora of Burdock Blood Bitters and found it a will see that our solution is the correct and J ame11 Cuein. The Meisterschaft complete cure. My h ?use is never withone. And wl1y the correct one1 Where system h a wonderJ ully simple and prac- out it." do you propose to find your market? How tical method, enabling any one to leun, BOW.MANVILLE .MARKETS. do you propose to get us a good price? with scarcely an e.ft'ort, to speak fluently Let us explain . . In the manufacturinit and correctly Spanish, French, German, Corrected b7.J· lllellurtr7, ever7 Taesda7 of beer in England large quantities of and Italian. Pupils learn to speak from two·row barley is so universally used the very first lesson in long a.nd connected FLOUR, V' 100 lbs.·. , · ·.. · i2 75 to $3 00 there is thaJ no other grade has 110 great sentences. Exact pronunciation given. WHEAr, Fall, V' bush .···· 1 00 11 1 05 strength, or produces such a quantity of Ten weeka etudy sufficient for entire 11 Spring, " 1 00 fl 1 05 saccharine matter, so necessary in the mastery of every-day and business con- BARLEY,~ bush, No. 1 .... 0 50 11 0 00 brewini.t procesa. The result is that the versations. Rev, W.H. Withrow, D.D., ll ll ll 2:... 0 48 It 0 00 price paid is relatively higher in England F , R . S. C., editor of "Canadian MethII II II 3. . .. 0 45 II 0 00 than in the United States and then there oCl.ist Magazine," says: Next lo living in RYE, II · · · · · · · · · · 0 60 it 0 65 is no duty tc pay, while freights to Eog- a foreign country, I think this System OATS, II · · · · · · · · · 0 32 It 0 00 land are, in the f&l! of the year when the beat of all methods of learning PEAS, Bla.ckeye, ¥' bush .·· 0 70 11 ' 0 00 mostofthe barleyieha.ndled, lower than to modern languages. 11 Small, 11 · 0 60 fl 0 68 American centres. Thus it will he seen 11 Blue, ·" 0 70 11 0 75 that the price to be obtained in England B. a d blood causes dyspepsia and dys· BtrTTER~ betj~ table, ~ lb. · . 0 00 11 0 18 would be grea.tly·in access of that now pepaia react11 by causing bad blood. So EGos, ft doz ········.···· 0 15 11 0 00 paid, and the farmer would reap 'he di· both going on, growing worse, until the POTATOES, ~ bueh. · · · · · · · 0 25 fl 0 ()() rect benefit. whole ayetem il!I poiaoned. The surest The above embodies the opinion of To· mea.m1 of relief for the victim is a t hor· PORK, V' cwt ......... ; .. 6 50 11 7 00 HAY, ti' ton ............. 14 00 11 15 00 ronto barley men whose opinions always ough and persistent course of Ayer'a Sar· CHICKENS ...... , .. · . . . . .. 0 07 11 0 08 pass at par. To-day the buley trade is s~parilla. 1 Ducx.s . ········.··.. . ... 0 10 11 0 00 simply demoralized, and it is worth a . . . · . . · · · · . . . · . . . · 0 07 II 0 00 huge effort to endeavor to revive and to B. C. Tait sells beat spectacles, .~<"" GEESE CLOVBR SBEl> ·· · · . . . . · . . . · 4 50 " 5 00 stimulate it as we have said. 15 t<1 25 per cent reductioni-for 'oash. l:o says the Toronto World, and there .,-Ellison & Uo. · ANTED.-A gocd working housemay be more truth in the article than we keeper, comoctent to take ehRrge and All wool black caehmere hose at 25c. . are willing to believe. after ehl,dren. Apply to Box lll~. Dow. look a pair, at Tod Hros. man ville. 6t! The Oshawa Vindicator eays: "Mr. Certain lines of dreaa goods at half OUSE TO LET.-That very de~ira.ble Samuel Miilman, of East Whitby, who prioe.--Ellison & Co. bomiejust weet of Mrs. John Brown's haa grown two-rowed buley for years, residence, Concession street, Apply to CoucH Tweeds and gent11' furni.ahinga rnre JOHNBTO N& CR1{Dll:RillA.N. ~4-tt says it pays him juet as well to grow it as it does to grow six-rowed. He finds a value.~Ellison & Co. Mnrdoch Bros. are paying the . hlghest SEED- WHEAT.-For sale a qttantity ready market.for all he can grow at No· . rice for clover aeed. . or \Vhite Fite Wheo.t euit~ble for seerl. 2 price11, and the extra yield briogs the P Freetrom noxious seeds- JA.MJCI! and Rrna. You · ought to see our 1ilk1 at red'u ced BROWN. near Orono. ll-3w · price up to that of No. 1 aix rowed; He contends that if a large number of Cana· prices.- Ellison & co; STOCK FOR SALE.-Six large Steere, dian farmers should grow two-rowed' b·r- . Mrs. Donnelly is 11elling her large stock rislng-4 years, partly fat. Two belrera do. ley the decreaee in the growth of six-row- of Winga at half.price. .a number or sheep ; also 2 sows In piir. J D TRJl:Lll:VKN, Lot 16, Con 4. D.ulington. 2-tf._ ed would increase its value to such an e:i:Go to Mrs. Donnelly if you want a FARM WANTEDTORENT.-Agood tent that the Canadian farmer· would be grain and . dairy farm. must be con· greatly benefitted, as the American· will good hat for 25 cents. See Tod Bros. bi'? raft of dry goods all venlent to R. R. Station and within to mllee of have our brighter barley at anv cost, and pthe cit.y of Toronto. H. L. RALLS. J..esln.rd a market would be opeo with the mother bought at the lowest prices. . . 0., Ont. 11-U.. . country which would tend to mike us Mra. Donnelly i11 selling out her entire · . Millinery below cost. DRESS-MA~ING.-M1ss Grant (late more independent of the plueter. of our atock of , · , ·· : ..· _ 1· , . of ·roronto) 1a prepared t<> do firat ol11oss American neighbors and open up a very ~ya and men B suits to be cleared ou~ !JrellB and Mantle m"king at her home. corner important avenue of trade for Canada." at ·any. aacrifice.-Ellieon & Co. · of Concession and High Streets, Bowmanvtlle. · . . . .: ..'J;~flD·· ree.sonable. 2-tf, This is 11 sensible suggestion. Mr. Mill· Parhes not. r~ady t'? pul'.c:11ase . ~an , 'pall, . , . . , man's post office address is Columbu1. and·1ee bargams,-,..Elliaon ·& Cp; ·.. ·.. -. .;;; .~-TO~E TO RENT OR SELL.-Store, He advertises a quantity of two.rowed · . . - i : 11..l> ,., , , ·' ~w~ltifig and Drl'Ving·bouee In Ennisklllen. . Tod B.roa. have finuhed atp~ti.aKlng. , ... good - atand for bnalneas, on l'.easonable seed barley for eale. terms.. . Apply to the owner. R. Hu:rcm11o!f, According to America.a disp:itchea a In1pect new 1took of spring good!/ · Lill&o'f!'el. or WILLIAM BINGIU.111, Enm1killen · company of Englishmen are visiting the During the cheap sale the price11 b~ . .otf largll American cities and buying up all -the,loweet yet 11een~-Elli1on & Co. ::. HORSE S FOR SALE.-A 11pan of the brewries. There is great speculation FARMBRS ·.-Beat power Straw qut.t er" ' good general purpose mllres~ in fine con· respecting their motive. di·ion as for work, be sold very W ith reverse gear aold by CHAS. ROGERS. cheap ha. AP;theSpring owner ia going will to Manito FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. ply to M. A. J..1.HKS tor further parttcuI.ars. LONGEVITY. 11·3w* RoBT, VIBTUR, Agent, Bowmanville. tf. TORE AND DWELLING in PontyAll the new 1hape1 and styles In Fall Scientific men see no rea11<>n why the S pool to rent. .A good frame store and span of human life may not be ext1mded and Winter millinerr at .Mrs. Donnelly's. dwelllnr; with capital stone cellar, srood stable shed and good well. 8ltu&ted in husineea to a round hundred years from the presSpring i oods h.a ve arrived at Tod and part ot village fronting on John at. For full ent limit of seventy to eighty yeara. Bros. Inap. e ct new stock before purcha.s· pa:rtlclllar11 apply .to ,T .uo111:s Sco'l:T, Pontypool. From Adam's time to that of Meihuae. ing~ 10-tt. lab and Noah, men are recorded as attainARM FOR SALE OR RENT.-ConOcean tickets by of different lines ing to well nigh the age of 1,000 years. talnlng 60 acres. being part of the nor'h Tbe Psalmist David, however, 1ay1: " 'f he 1teamships for . sale at the ST.lTESMAN 'half or lot 31, con, 6, Clarke. On the premise· tf oftlce. are a good house and barn with stone st&bllnl!', days of our age are three1core years. and good well and never falling aprinir etream Tod Bros' .11tock muat be reduced. They runnlnir ten; and though men be 110 strom~ that throusrh the centre, .About 20 aore· they come to fouracore years, y0t is their will aell at cost and belotll' co~t during ·admirably suited tor p&sture. For further par. tlcula!'ll apply OD the premillel to R. L. RALLS, January. strength then. but labor and eorrow; 111> Leskard, P. o. 11-tf. Hoeiery, Gloves, Blankets, at cnst. soon pa.saeth it away, and we are gone." Thie wide margin of longevity, toiether Call and 1ee the bargain11 at the West FARM FOR SALE.-100 acres of the ,.. estate or· the late ARcnrnJ.LD STKVKNI. with µroper observance of mental, moral Er.d House. being composed or U1e eli&t half of lot 7. con. 4, and physical law11, lea.d11 investigators to The clearing 11le beginning on March in the Township of De.rlington ; also one acre believe it is po11sible that human life !lth will lae' throughout the aeaaon. - on lot 6, In the 3rd Concession. Possession the First of April. For particulars enquire of Mr. mi11:ht be made to increase in length of Ellison & Co. WILLIA M WIND.A.TT, Exf'cutor, or MRS. A. day· to a full century, at leaat. Mr. Tait ny111he has the Art that en- 8T11:Y1111<s, Execu.rix, at the residence or Mr. Moderation and regularity in eatlnr, ables him to make true Portraits at ru· .John RutledKe. Manvers Road, ttt drinking and sleeping a.re conducive to aonable prices. . F AHM IN PIOKERING FOR SALE. longevity, and those who observe proper The big raft <.Jf 1pring goods has arrived -Olie of the best farms J n Pickering tor habite and use pure ancl efficacious reme· ea.le containing 125 acres, all or which are All goo dII at rock· b ottom cleared and in high state or cultivation. On dies when sick, may accomplish immanae at T od B ros. the premises o.re a good dwelling house and labor with no apparent injury to them- prices for cash. outbuildings and two wells. Thia prooerty ts If you want Millinery Goods at half- situated on lot 15. b. f., one mile and a half selves and without foreehortening their price for the remainder of the seasoii, go, from Pickering vlllage, half a mile from Grand lives. . . LO Mrs. Donnellv. . . , Trunk Statlan. three mi:es from Pickering Hon. H. H. Warne-r, Pre1ident of the " Harbor, and· six miles from Whitby. For Tod Broa. have & stock of 5 tons of cot- further particulars apply t'l JAMl!:s P1c1c.t.RD Rochester, N . Y., Chamber of Comm1>rce, tons, all bought before the advance. Buy on the prcmlsea, or Pickering, P. o. 2g-tf and manufacturer of the celebrated 'Varner's S&fe Cure, ha1 devoted much time a web a.nd aave money. · ARM FOR SALE.-130 acres, com· and research to this 11ubjact of longevity, posed of sooth part ot Lot No. 19, Broken Henry i11 particularly auccesllfulin Pho- Front, aDd Is three mllea from the Town ot and has arriv.od at the satisfactory conclu· tographing family groups. Call at ·the Bowwanvllle. '£hie is one or the best ta.rm11 In sion ths.t life may be prolonged by ration- gallery and 1ee 1amples, the county or ·ham. It Is tn a high ~tate of cultivation and is well fenced On the pre. al and natural mea11s. Thousands of perThe Weat End House were fortunate mlses there Is a stone dwelling, two luge eons are living to·day-enjoying the ble1s· in buying their supply of cotton goods barns and other ·out.buildings, with stone ing of perfect health and vigor-who will .s~bling for cattle and hnrees, ·hree wells aod four cisterns also wln:l·mlll tor pucnplnii testify to the almost magical efficacy of when cotton was at its lowest price. .water, For lurther particular· ai>ply on the The beat cutter and the largest and Warner's Safe Cure in restoring them to premises or If by letter to HllNRY M.t.NN. Bow31-tt physical potency at1d to the normal type choiceet 1tock of suiting material are at man ville of constitution, aftllr they had almost Mason'1. Cali and examine before yqu buy. given up hope of life. lienry'a Phot.o graphs are 11uaranteed After middle age, many be11:in to lo1e to plea.1t1. Proofs are alwa.ya shown and Choice selected seed Barlev for eale atBurketheir wonted vigor of body, and thereup- ita not his fault if you are not pleased. ton Elevator ; · fifty-five oents per bushel; also on give way to inertness and u1ele&11 re. Our rule is ~o charge for notices of all amall peas at (65c) ·s1ity·five. ll-2w. pining. Yet all such have within reach meeting· at which an admi11ion fee ia that which both renew1 youth and con· charged ·or a. collection taken to pay . extributes to the prolongation of life. ·War- penses. ner's marvelou1 Safe Cure1 are in e't'ery The old reliable to the fore with oheap drug store, and'are now regarded aa atand- cottons, grey a.ad white ahirtings, cotton· ' HE LAND AND BUILDING NOW ard specifics throughout the civilized ade1. Call at the West Encl Houae for ·. T _ occupied a9 a SCHOOL HOUSR:, In the world. cottons. SOUTH WARD, Bowmanville, b offered for The etrong desire to attain old age. . For over forty yean the W eat End sale For particulare apply to mea.ntime retaining the ·virile powerii of House has been noted for · giving best S. B URDEN, body and mind-is necessarily connected value in cotton goods. Call and 1ee for Chairman Prop.er\)' Com· Publio School Board. with the respect paid to aged per1on11, for younelf. Ft1l>l'.uary 12, lSill. . Mt people would scarcely desire to be old, Johnston & Cryderman a.re Couch, were the aged neitlected or regarded with ahowing the cheapest white and fl,rey cot. mere euffera.nce. ton1, shirtings and cottonadea to be found AORES ADJOINING THE tn the county. ·· · · Tillairo or Ennisldllen. Wea\ SAM OLARKE New Scotch and Canadian suit.ings. Durham, having there0n good frame dwellin11: wonted and pant goods, the very lateat and outbuildings, bam 4.ixlOO. stone fonndatloa Bought by telephone from Cobourg, while desil(ns, just received at Couch, Johnaton stables. root house. etc., underneath, Splendid young oreharo of 10 acrea. Well fenced and. the auctio!l wu going on--Sheriff Proctor, dJ C.ryderman's. plenty or water. All oleared. Auctioneer-the stock of W. H. Ina at Also, 200 acres la Cargwri«ht lot 19, oon. l. An expensi't'e case-tba.t ia the c&!!e of good barns, good ,sLables and one of the .bo1$ 31! cents on the wholesale coat-the dreBS goods, direct from Bneland, to dwelllog houeee ID township, sprln11: Ct'eek antl cheape1t stock aver 1old in this county. sood well alld cistern, well teneed. 11:00d loamy Cloths. Tweed11, Ha.ti. Cap1, F1uni1bing11, Couch, John1ton & Cryde1man'1, value soil. A.boot M acre& h"rd wood and bullh. Term· very eaa)'-\itlaa indlapotable. Pand Ready-made Clothing will be sold at oae thouaand dollara. · aenlon on April l·t next, or 110Cmer if d811lred. AI lllACTIV8 er 'i'o...ld I.her half price. Openin1 day, lilAroal'.u, al"ln11ted For ttirther p11.rt11inlal'8 e.pp1Y to A. DJUN, aild ·ll kd bile re1110Ted; lhl'4ilCll( J ANt1.Ur.Y 26th, Ivm' old 1tand~ Enlli1klllen· . f-.iw·, Pllla are ltftt ntor old _. 109Jl1t. 1 · ,:~ NEW SONG BOOKS, containing about 100 songs. - PRICE, 50 O'TS. PICTURES Wall Paper, VERY OHEAP. Carnival Number MONTREAL STAR now ready. Sent to any address on receipt of price, 3:5c. - - -~ The West End Hous· e. -----o----We will open up this week the SPRING .PURCHASES of ~~ COTTON COODS. Factory, St. Loom, Shirtings, Cottonades. These goods were bought when the market was at its lowest point . and will be sold on that basis. Call and examine our stock before p11rchasing. -·-·- W H. JOHN Mc:MURTRY, West End House . J Bowmanville. ATTENTl~N o----Tod Bros.' buyer attended the Bankrupt Stock Sales held by Suckling Cassidy on )larch 5th in roronto. The bayers bought like fish bite on a dull cloudy day, a.ni. like the fish some got left, We could not buy .e. stock at such prices as were given and give our patrons any bs.rge.ins. We were able to buy a large Stock of ~ry Goods just out of bond at prices away below IOOcts on the S. and we only bought what we warl:tedand at a.bout our own prices, so for the season of 1889 we defy ~y competition. All we a~k is to show the goods to intending purchasers and they will speak for themselves. Goods in our staple department were all bought before the big advance and marked at rock bottom prices, An early call will convince all that the mighty $ can be spent to the best ti.dvantage at TOD BROS. wm · - F 'l'OD BROS. YOUNG&CO'S G. T _ R. TI::M:E T..A..ELE. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILL:e: STATION, QOINQ Jl:AST F SEED BARLEY. Mixed .........s 40 pm Local, ........ 8~ a m Local ...... , .·710 p m Express· ...... 947 am Mall., ...... 110:16 p m Mall.. ·.···· ·10 t» a m I QOIKCil WEST Mall .. ·.·.·· 21 a m Sale;of School House. ·Except. :Mondays. IMall Mixed...... ·· 3 15 m .. ....... 857p p m GET A THROUGH - 'TICKET for YoUIQ'G & Co's GnoCERT STORE, where you will find a full assortmen:t 'o f FARMS FOR SALE. loo Groceries, Teas,. Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Brushes and Brooms, all bought_ for Cash sold at prices ,to !'uit the times. and Hi_ ghest prices paid for Wellington B.uildings, ·Xing -· . -, ~ Fa~m Produc~& ,, . 11t··· .. CENTRE STORE, ' ~ ~. - ... S~ Bowmanvll)~ ~. . ' - - - -- - -