" UGGY AND HARNESS FOR SALE change for the better it was a change for The endowmflnt of tho Jesuits and the -both nearly new. W.ll be eold very the worse-a 'change that has brought sad- refusal of the Dominion Government to cheap, 12;tr. Apply at STATESMAN office. veto the bill is the very W'Orst thing which ness to ·many a home in that county. has happened to Protostantism at any ANTED,...:._A good working houseThese are the tell-tale figures says Mr. time on this continent, and yet how much keeper, comnetent to take charge and arter children. Apply to Box 19!, Bow. Chas. R. Morrow, . President Halton apathy is evinced in tlrn silence of m~n look man ville. 6tt· .. --··-···- - · County Alliance:-Convictions for assault . who have in the past professed so much OUSE TO LET.-That very desirable drunks, drunks and disorderly, disorderly, repugnance to even the milder forms of house just west of l\fre. John Brown's Romish agg:-ession. In permitting the residence, Concession street. Apply to COUCH and drunk and disturbing the peace, for endowment of the Jesuits in the Province JOHNSTON& CRYD&RMAN, 4'-tr the quarter ending December, 1888, un- of Quebec we are taking to our bosom the EED WBEAT.-For e111le a qnantity der liceilSe, 40; convictions for similar of- viper which will turn and bite us as sureof White Fite 'Vhea.t sulte.ble for Peecl. fences for 15 quarters from quarter end- ly bS it has bitten sa many others of our Free from noxious seeds. JAMES and RICH. BROWN, near Orono. ll-3w · own faith in other lands.-Spartaii HANDSOME PATTERNS ing March, 1884, to quarter ending SepARLEY FOR SALE.-I have a quan· tember, 1887, both inclusive (the only B. C. Tait a.ells best spectazlea. tlty of Engll~h two rowed h!trley for ea.le AND CHEAP. quarters for which I have the .figures), un15 to 25 per cent reductions for cash. at 60 cents ner bushel. JORN Plt:NJ'OUND ,lot 33. con. 2, Darllngtoo. Oehawa.P. 0. 12;3vr .der tempera.nee, 15 quarters, 88. -Elli.son & Uo. The figures are worth repeating: ConADDERS FOR SALE.-100 feet of All wool black cashmere hose at 25c. lartdere from 10 to 29 rounda. Other victions under license tor one quarter, 40; o. pair, at Tod Hros· )P.1'.lgths made to order. .Apply to Mr. M, Certain line11 of dre1111 goods at half MORRIFI, Liberty Stroot, .Howmanvlll'eo 12;2w· convictions under temperance, 15 quarters 88. We had the propheciea of those who price.-ElliHOn & Co. EED BARLEY FOR SALB.-A Tweeds and gent11' furnishing· rare quantity or No. 1. eeed ba.rley 11uitablo tor were shouting for the bar·rooml!-the seed. ·tree from all noxious Wf'ede. 1tDMUND, I also keep an assortment of above is our experience,. an (experience value.-Elli1on & Co: ConeL1m1CK. lot ?0, con. 6, Clarke. Orono P. O. . H;3w' Murdoch Bros. are paying the 'ltighea' that ought to make other counties think price for clover seed. ARM WANTED TO RENT.-.A good before they vote out temperance and in You ought to see our silks at reduced graio and dairy farm, must be oon· the bar-room." venient to R, R. Station and within 40 'mtlea ot prices.- Ellison & Co. the city of ·Toronto. R. L. RALI,S. Le'lillard See my Show Window. . Mr11. Donnelly i11 11elling her large stock P. O.· Ont. 11'-tt. of Winge at half.price. HEEP ASTRAY~ Came 0111 my &u1N1NG THE NORTH wEsT. Go to Mrs. DonneJJ7 if you want a . pr emleee. lot 22, con. 2. Darllnll'ton. tllree Sheep. The owner le requested to proYe progood hat for 25 cents. The North-Weat will In time be the ~rty, pay coete and lako them away, JI. W. See Tod Bros. big raf~ of dry good· all Hlol:llNDS1f, Bowmanvllle. 12::W AT LOWEST RATES. ·moat valuable portion of the Dominion, bo1rnht at the lowest priee11. TO RENT OR SELL.-Stol.'e, if the ·gross mismanagement of Sir J oho Mrs. Donnelly ie selling out her entire QTORE CiTONE PRICE ONLY. Ol:>welliTlll and Drlvlng·house In Ennlakillft. Macdonald and Sir David Macpher11on atock of Millinery below Cl!>llt. A ROQd l!ltand for bllAlneas, on reasonable terme,. Apply to the o.wner. R. HUTCIUSON, can be overcome. To their credit Is placed Boys' and men'11 11uits to· be cleared qut t.lstowel. or WILLIAM BINGHAM, Eonillklllen. 4otf the Indian rebellion, the exodus of hun- at any sacrifice.-Ellison & Co. See the new prints just ~ened out at dreds of good settlers h the United S:ates O~ES FOR SALE.-A Hpan of H good general pnrpoae mares, In tine cone and 1' monopoly of cattle ranching wh. e re- Couch Johnston & Cryderm11n'11. dhioJlll roro Sprl1111:' work, will be eold very Parties not ready to purchase can call cheap as the owner is going to Manitoba. APby the best grazing country in North pl7 t" Ml- A. J.u1as tor further particulara. BOWMANVILLE, M.A.llCH 20, 1889. America is locked up for the benefit of a and &ee bargains.-Ellison & Oo. ll·3W ... Tod Bro1. have finished ste>ck-taking. few English capitalists and a few political ln11ped; new stock of Bpring goods. TO.mE'. AND DWELLING in Ponty... Tl1E SCOTT ACT. aupportera. pool to· :-ent. .A good frame atore aodl Dut'lng the cheap Bale.the pl'licea will be dwelling with capftal atooe cellar. 11'.00d stablit' We will open· mp this week the SPRING Pl;TRCHASES of One of Sir John'& pale, Mr. Nicholas the lowest yet seen.-Ellison & Co. - and shecllaod goo4 well. Situsted in huaioeee. The Scott Act has been on trial now Davin, M. P., for Regina, has been telot village fronting on John. st. For ful ll> part FAR'.I URB.-Beat power Stra<W Cutter n,early three years in these United Coun- ling a few truths about Sir John's manage- with reTerse gear sold by CHAS: ROGERS. partlcnlar9'·a.pply to J..t.u1t11 scot·T, Ponti~i~1. ties · Where and when it has been en- ment of that great country. He said in FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Ilasurance. ARM1FOR SALE Or. RENT.-,-Contalnoing 50· at'res. being part ot the north,, .· fO!"ced it has met the expectntions of its a recent debate:RoBT, .VIRTUB, Agent, Bowmanville. tf. half ot Jot :Iii con. t; Clllrke. On the premises advocates and supporters and will again, ! say that the system we have pursued Ali tlie new shapes and style&- in Fall are a goodlitiouae &ml oorn with 11tone st&blinfl,. Kood well and 11enr tailing eprioir stream" if sustained, as we have no· doubt it will in dealing with the Northwest is radically and Wimer millinerv at Mrs. Dcmnelly's. running thlfough. theo oontre. Abo11t 20 acres~ Our eyatem h11a been to aklm the wrong. have arrived at Tod admirably suited· t-0r pasture. For turther parSpring< goods be. The objections urged aga.instthe Act cream and le~ it go into the pockets of the ticulars appi,. on. the iwemlaes to R. L. ltALLs,, Bros. Jhapect new stock before purchasare insignificant, compared with the good capitalists. The result is that we find ing. · 11-tf. Leekard. P.:·0·· · it is destined to accomplish. That it is rich men, rich companies, have hold of · Ocean tickets by different lines of ARM 11'0R' SALE.-100 acres of the not a perfect la.w its most ardent ad vo- the Northwest here and there; they have, steamshi{lli for sale at the ST.H:&SMAN estate ot the· late ARCDCllALD STEVENS, I in fact, pecked the e1es, to some extent, being comp0&ed ot theo east halt or lot 7, c~u. 4, cates will frankly admit, but before we cflice. tf out of 1he Northwest. We fiod the counin TownMilv otkrlinKtoo; also ono acre nn the lot 6, ln the 3td Con~seion. Poeeeesion the . . ; · · ' i · · · iet total prohibition let us come a.11 near try full of intere&b of persona hundreds Tod Broa' stock must be reducedii They Firot of April~ Il'br pM'tlculan onq11ire of Mr. . will sell a!f 0011t and below oost tl111ring to it a.a we are allowed to by tho powers and thousands oi miles away from the WILLlAM E:acuril, WIIND.A.11!11; at JBSt'cutor, or MR!i. A. ST&VJCN8, the reaidenco of Mr. _ ~ , · ·. : · that be. Then vote for the Scott Act. country; and whe11 you come to a town January. John Rutledl!il'; Man"l'Ol'e Road, 4tf . · · like .Regina, or any other town along the HosieryiGloves, Blankets, ai cost. The strongest argument we hear advancline of railway, you tind a lot of atru~ Call and see the bargains at th<Y West A.KM lJJ;PICDRING FOR SALE. 1 · ed in favor of repeal is that the Act has gling men, whereH, if you had pursued End Romie. -01te oi"tMe bes~ . farms In Pickering tor --> 11. 'ot-been properly enforced,and that a li- the svatem you ou~t to have pursued of ,3, · .P. The cleuill·g Hie beginning on March sale contalni·~ 125· MT61! all ot which ere eoo:se law 'vould be better than the order allowing the wealth of the country tC> re- 9th will l~ throughout the 11eaeo11. 7"" i~ar;!.:?a~sm..!1~h~ ::V:.l'i~~i~~ a~ out buildings and tw:ow:elle. Thlil property le I of things that ·h'\s existed the pnst three main in the country while it waa young, Elliaon & Ob. situated on lat us, b\- r.. one mile a.nd a ·half . you would have in eriJ those places at the .. Mr. Tait· 1 11ey11 he hu the Art tbail en- from Pickeringrvill~.half a mile frol!l Grand years. Granted that it has not been en- present moment rich men to help them mlleB from Pickerlnir Trnnk Station. three fOTced, and that those entrusted with the forward, and you wo191.d have had the ables him to· make true Portrait& at reasonable pricei.. ~~::;·p!~~c!\!rsm:,,~rIJ ~i'itVicu.~o;, duty and paid for its enforcement have profits of their early enterprise helping on the premleet, or l"ictlering, P.O. !9-·I · · , The big ..alt of 11pring goods hu anived . . ahamefullv neglected that duty, shall the to build ihe countey·· at Tod Bro1. .A.II gooda at ·rock-Bottom ARM Ftl8 S.A.LE.-130 acres, com· license ·ystem be subl!tituted which when posed ot eeilth. pert of Lot No. 19 Broken se' prices for c..h·. . Front, ud . I& three miles from the Town ofl Yi ·""" ,~ ,; THE BARLEY QUESTION. · Jf you wmt 'Millinery GoCJCla atir·llalf· BowmanTI.lie. ··IJlillt it one of the be8t f&l'tne In it was law was not better enforced than the county of r ham. lt ia·-ln a hlitll 5tate of price for the remainder of the sea.wn; go cultivatloo aJMb i11 well fenced On the prothe Scott Act has been. Violati<Jns then · mlaea there ia a atone dwellitlll', two la.rg& Bro. McLean of the wonderful Toronto to Mrs. D<>nne~I\y. were very frequent and hotel keepers barns and otllar ont·bulldinR'ff, with stone Tod Brok h·ve a 1tock of 5 tons.of cot- sti.bllng for C&ttle and horsea. ·hree wells and . were often invited to contribute to the World has gone back en the Butter Que11-' ton1, all b<>~ht before the a d vance.: Buy tour claterna . alao wind·mlll tor pumpltJiR public ire&l!ury for breaking existing law. tion and now givlls wiae counsel on an· a web and aa'l'e money. water. For furt.Der particulars apply on the premises or if by letter to HlilNRY MANN. BOW· Don't go back on the Scott Act till some· other a~ricultural topic-, tbe Barlt-y QuesHenry i& }lal.'tfoolarly succ; e1111ful iD Pho- manville · 31-tf thing BETrER is offered us. · tion. Following up· tdiie artfole of l&at tographing famH'y nroupa. Call at the gallery anef~e llUDplea, As we stated last week, if the repeal is week, the World say1·.: The Wea· End! Bouse w ere fortunate The adoption of new methods in brew· (1&ttied, the responsibility will rest with Choice sele..ted 1eed Barlev for sale atBtllllcein 'buying tll.leiit npply of cottoD> goods Tod! Bros.' buyer attended . the· &nkrupt Stock Sales those officially charged with enforcing th'3 ing by United State11 &ewen, which pro· when cobton· 'l'l'a&< a' Ha lowe 'at price. ton ·Elevator ; t!Uy·fh·e oonte per buehel; :alao duce a bright thouRh h'lferior qualit7 of email peas at (6.So) slxty-lve. 11-b'. heldJ hoy Suckling Cassidy on Ma.ooh, 5th in Joronto. The Act. 1t has been a well known fact that beer from low grade bM-ley, ha· thrown The ban' cutrlln and th e largeat and bajye11s bought like fish bite on & .duJJ: cloudy da.y, a,n~ like liquor has been sold regularly in a.lmost tha Ont11rio barley tl'llde cemplietely out choiceat 1!'-3ek· of' Riting DI aterial are at 'fiery hotel in the riding, and as for the of joint. Dealers wh8,. haTe l8tge 1toclt1 Mason'·· au ancie:umine l .afore JIOU buy. the :fish some got left. We coulcl not buy a. stock at ·Jiotel11 in this town we are assured that en han:i have suddenly come ie· ind that The oldheliabt. to the f ore witll cheap such prices as were given and give our patrons any Ontario barley is not ll'lmted in the marACRES ADJOINING THE :no effort has been made to keep the sale ket that has heretofore madil· , - taken our cottons, g;rey andl white 1b irtlnits,.cottonvlllaare or Ennieklllen .. West bamgains. We were able to buy. a large Stock of ~ry adea. Ca.l»ati tJlw. West Ii' .nd House for Dv.rham. h&ViDR thereon good frame d -lllng :.secret. No excuse ca.n be given of want barley. aod outbuild.foll:'S, barn ~txlOO. stone foundation cottons. Geods just out of bond at prices away below lOOcts on The que1tion of -porti~ bSirley to of information by the inspector, for he stables, root llouse. etc., undemea.th, Sp~ndid For OV&I'· forllJ' years . ·the W eat End young orchard or 10 acre&. Well fenoed and ·!has had information after information laid England waa di1cuBSedi 1n tbe pu.blie preu tih.e $. and we only bought wh&iJ. we wanted and at about or water. All clea.red. ome mon,hs ~o ant}\. oonsi~riiog the re House ha.a-been noted ·for giving best pleoty Aleo. 20e·acres in Cartwright lot 1~1· eon. 1. ' ·with him ·b y responsible men,· in some .s ou.r own prices, so foF the seaoon of 1889 we defy any cent developments, verJi eppertuneily 10. value in eoiton· goods. ··Call andi 1ee for good bar11a, good etablee i.nd one ot the best ~es ministers, and as far as they or we Since then Hon. Chae; . Ii>ruey~Mmi&ter of youreelL. dwelling houses m township, spring creek and aompetition. All we ask is to slaow the goods to intending good well and c1~tern, well fenced. ~ loamy lmow no effort was made to bring the Agriculture, has been oontn.11in;: inveetiMoCiumg Brott millini iry opewllj( will soil. A boat ~acres hard wood and bush· puJJchasers and they will speak for themselves. Goods In that diremon, ll!e has. found gationa v.ery e1s1y-titles indisputable. Poa· 'l'erme take placie on 'nainrsday i md Frida7, 28th guilty ones to justice. We make the aseession on April lot next. or sooner if desired. tbllt if our bar lev is. oif a. 1uiit.S1ble eharacin Q\U staple department were- all bought 'hEifore the big and 29th..ofl Mrarch. C all ancll inspect Ai. DEAN, For farther partlculare apply to . aertion without fear of successful contra- ter there will be an. almost 111nlimited detheir pllil;t.er.n hats and 1: 1onnetaEuolaklllon. : 9-5w·, advance and marked at rock bottom prices, An early diction, that no public officip,l in West mand for U in Englancli ab hi~n prices. Ever~dJI' W11inta to know tbe news. . Durham has neglected his duty as the in- In reply to enquiri;eit; he- reeeiwd ~othen call will convince all that the mighty $ can be spent to The lataetdii t:&iai Ester.brook is-still mak· tic Information th&b ff Canada oould supipector hM, nor ha.a there been as many th.& best advantage at TODi BROS. io'( those. dellightfully easy writing and. complaints raised 1against the whole body ply a bright grade of barl~ w&ighin~ not reliable.P10n& ·bat are so popular every· lell! than 52 pound. to th.· b11&bel it would of public offic1als in the five municipali- be in demand in. the · British markets. where. -~~---0·-~~ To '1'E:iB. hAF.-A Persoo cured of In alli parts of City, Parkdale-, or West ties for neglect of duty as against the li- The Minister of &gr.icllllllnne baa taken Deafn. u s an-i noises in the bead of 23 measure11 to obtain a ilwrou3h test of Torontn Junction. cense inspect.or. Canadian barley, Bi1l b.a.11 aent a quan- years· ·atancimg by a akmple 118medy, will Capiulists wishing to inve&b OJ' parties Now, leading temperance men tell us tity of it to LivH"poo1 with instructions aend a..d~scription of 'it FREJti:to any permoving to the city will consult 'b~ir own tha,t a petition will be presented to the to Ontario's agentJ then- tv Ji&rward ea.m- son ia.'Jo, i.pplies to N !CHOI.BON. 30 St. intere&is by communicating, ab once with 44--lyr. Government asking for his removal and ples to the leac!ling· bl'&W&ra. The sample John .1:111. Montreal. me. No,charge to purchaaer. No purchase Ollt'!l·&took iA now the larg.est and best another man appointed. Why don't they sent ie the two-11owed barley which produces a strongttll <lj;Wl,Jity of malt than the show that they mean business by doing so 11ix-rowed ba:rley.. th& kind heretofore aesor:tedl . .d best value in, town. You recommended that ia not a olil.oice inve11tare a.w;a11e &f recent ad.vaao88 in fabrics ·o f men1I. at once7 That he has proved an utter grown for the l!TniteO Siate11 market. Tbronto has juat etartedlto develope. eve!ll' deaeription. Sill~. W.0.01 1 Linen The result of this sest is awaited with and, Cottron. These ad'llanoes we failure as for as enforcing the Act is conG;ood nnillcumbered fal'ms exchangt!G ha.ve cerned is admitted on every hand. Why great anxiety , lb will be unprofitable to auli.ilipa.ied in nearly ev:ery instance £011·eity property. continue grnwi,ng huley for the United T. E. WASH]NGTON, loni;ter entrust such great responsi.bility States market, oQt if the t1ist i11 111.ti>tfac- which will be to the a(llilanllage of our ciallomen.-John J. l\'.11160n1 Real Estate anch Financial Agoot, with such an inefficient officer1 The work tory the barley growing ·induatry will be 281 Vi..etoria Street, .Am A1'T QUOTATION ftom · letter by . GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. done by a sco~e of zealous advocates and more inviting than ever. According to 2-2w. Toront0. Mzs. Sullivan, 124 Wm Ave., Hamilton, present quot11tion11 barley will bring 72 workers for the Act is more than counterBOWMANVILLE STATION. cents a bushel in Toronto, and the yield On.ti. ~ "'After trying a. number of medi· acted by the want of zeal and faithfulness of the twe·rowed barley is con·iderably Clines for liver compnynt, from which I GOING JC.A.BT GOING WEST on the part of t he inspector. Th.e se men more per acre than ·that hitherto grown. &Wf~red for years, I \Dugat two bottles r Mall.. · ····· ,10 ()( a. m Mall .. ..... · 21 a-m Qf Burdock Blood Bi:t;t;ers and. found it a Mr. D. Plews, the wdl kaown miller see this and acknowledge it, yet they al· Mixed .........3 40 pm Local, ........ 8 20& m , complete cure. My li.t>WS& is never with~ HOUSTON STOTr, deceased. Local .........710 p m Express* ...... 9'7 am fow matters to re!llain in thi8 unsatisfa::· of Brantford, ha· is·ued an open letter to 0utH." Mail ........ ilO:U pm J Mixed ·.·.·· ·. 3 15 D m the farmers of Wtstern Ontario, in which Mall .. ....... 81>7 pm tory condition. he recommends them not to aow 10 much ·&xcept Monday&. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in Without any vigilence on our part, . we barley the forthcoming season. He reoBOWMANVILLE MARKETS. pursuance of Section 36 of Chapter 110 of the Revised Sta.tutea of Onta.rlo. 1887, that all have not the slightest doubt but that .we ommends;the sowing of early spring wheu and other persons haviog clalm11 avoiding the hard variety. For years tbe Ceneeted b7 ~. lllealar&17· eTer7 Tae1da7 creditors ag&lnst the estate of Houston Stott, l&te of the could h ave produced evidence enough to Canadian barley has commanded the Towo ofBowmanvillein the County of Durham secure one hundred convictions within the higheet price in the American market bat FLouit, ¥' 100 tt... ...·.· · on nr about tbetw11nty.1ixth. .. $2 75 to$3 00 palnter1,..whodled of J.rebruru-y. 1889, lntesta.te, are reque3ted past three months, and we have not been during the past year, uafortunately, WHEAT, Fall, ~ buah ····· 1 00 11 1 05 day for YouNG & Co's GROCERY STORE, where you will find a full on or before the twenty-fourth day ot April, : 11 Spring, 11 1 00 11 1 Op 1880, to aend by poat prepaid to John X. Gal· in an hotel in thi11 riding more ~han once things have changed. a.ssortment of bra.Ith, of the Town ot Bowman Tllle. atore11aid The Lindaay Post referring to the arti- BARLEY,¥' buah, No. 1 ··.· 0 50 11 0 00 Solicitor for John Stott, of the Crty of T8ronto. 4uring that time. Why did we not give II II II 2 ... , 0 48 11 0 00 the Adminfatrator, a statement in writing ot on the Barley Question published in the information 1 Because that !11 not our cle . II II II 3·· · · 0 45 11 0 00 of their names and addre!!Bel and full 11artiou· the STA'.?ESllAN last week Hys: The World lers of their olaim· duly attested and th.e Ru:, 11 ····· , . . . . 0 60 11 0 65 business. The man who pockets the $500 finds in the aituation an argument again1t natnre or the securities (it.~ny) 11.eld b7 them. II · · · · · · · · · 0 32 II 0 00 After the eald day the assets of the said de· or. $600 a year for that duty has failed to reciprocity. But if the new system low- OATS, will be diatributed, regard being had . P1u.s, Blacke;ye, 'f' buah ··· 0 70 11 ·O· 00 ce&11ed for auoh claims only ot which no&lce shall &et on the information given him and we ers the price of Canadian barley it be11 Small, 11 0 60 11 0 68 have been reoeivt!d as aforesaid, aQd the ad· knew it. Wo are not a whisky detective; comes of much more importance to re11 Blue, 11 0 '10 11 0 76 niinletrator ahall oot·be llable for 'the a1Beta or move thb toll tha; ta.kM 10 cents a bushany part taoreot to anv peMon who1e claim he is, or should be. el off its price to the· Canadian farmer. Bu'l'l'BR, beat table, \" lb, · · 0 00 11 0 18 ehe.11 not have bean received at the time or the Eoas, ti' doz ............. 0 16 11 0 00 distribution of 11&id 811.!!ets. . The Canadian farmer call st<ina the toll Dated at Bowmanville thl1 1ixteenth daJ' of Bat what ever may bo done with the bette-r wltm 1u is gettittg a hiyh priu than PouToES, ~ bu·h ········ O 00 11 O 00 Maroh.1118'3. JOHN K . Q:ALBIUITH, inspector, lat n11·support the Act. Im- when ht ha-& to taM a low prc6. Does not Po:n., ¥' cw·. .. · · · · · .. · · 6 60 11 7 00 8ollel.tor fol' Kid A.dmiJ!lstrator. H.u, ~ton ·.···. ·· ··.··· 14 00 11 16 00 pedootly aa it has been enforced ill is bet- the World 11ee the point1 CHICKENS . · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· 0 01 II 0 08 CENT~E t.er than a license aet. What hall been · 1· · Ducxs . .. . . ..... . . , ·.· . . · · 0 10 11 0 00 ·SOJIE IYKPrOK8 o I' woaxs are 1the reault in Halt.On where the a.ct wa.11 ·o· JllETl'LE a.um, Sammer Bea& aad u ·zzsl!l · · · · · .. .. .. · · · · ·.·.· 0 OT n 0 00 Jl'cTer, colic, Tarlable appeU~. ra&l~a.ueaa ....:alf I t-- .J f . sea..nl toilet parpo1r1, uae 1.ew'a Salpbar CLOV.llt SEED ············ 4 50 0 6 00 wealiaeH and eoaTalilleJU. Tile uafelllq Bo~ma~ville, reaed7 111 Dr. Low'· Wena ·.rr ... repealed after · f ai r \oTI ns -"1 o · t BeaP. · B W J. H. KENNER'S FOR BARGAINS IN W-ALL H PAPERS . S VARIETY HAlf. Baby B Ail the newest novelties . for Ceiling and Side Walls. L Wall S FINE ENGRAVINGS. F Pictures Framed P. Trebilcock. Paper, Carriages, Picture :- Picture F ·rames, Frames, .w _ a .11 Carriages. p ·a,per. S Babiy The West End House. COTTON CQQ, D· s. S F F Factory, St. Loom, Shirtings, Cottonades. , F I These goods · were bought when the marT-et was at 1·ts lowest po1·nt and will be sold on that.basis. c a}} anui examine our s t ock'. . b 0.LOre · plireh as1ng .. F West En...:i· Hou · JOH ' N McMU;'RTRY' Bowma.n'D"i"- .· ATTENT'IONI o------ SEED·BARLEY. FAR·M S FOR SALE. ~.· 100 i · · ...· 1 .. . .\. ,.:., "'.i.·· HOUSES & LOTS FOR SALE i TOD BROSm G. T. R. TI::ME T..A..ELE. . YOUNG&CO'S I 'Notice ·to Creditors -o- N GET A THROUGH TICKET Groceries, Teas, Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Brushes a.rid Brooll!s, all bought for Cash and sold a.t prices to suit the times. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. STORE, Wellington Buildings, King St.,