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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1889, p. 2

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·tl!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!lilili!!!!!!!!!!!~·!!!!:!!!!!'!~!!!!!!ll!.!.!..!!!!l!!!tf~V~ .Uf~~~-! !'!~CJ!--!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!7!!77!!!!T1!!!!!~!!~!!!!~~!1!~!!!!~'*!!!~JJ!IJ!J!CT!C!e0!!!!~~~4fi!!!!!IM~liiiii&iJll&!!!~!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!ill!l!!!!lll!l!Wa'llllil !----...... m!-!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ ... ~!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!J ... - ----__!!I! "Now, however, there was no obatacle in Jade, a Precious Mineral. the way of the gra.tifioat ion ot M a.d11orne Des. The tombst one of t he conqueror, T amer. jarniera' desire. Willing a.a they were to adopt the little orph an themselves the, a.t Samai;caod-he died i;here in 1405 - Scrofulous, Inherited, Oon'tagious fathers and mothers of the vil111>ge per~eived ?0nsists of an immense block of dark green Humor s cured Outicura. ~ that they would be standing in the way of the Some courageous va.nd11l b r<1ke a piece A TRAGIC STORY. child's best interests should they put jn a trom it for t he late D.r. :Heinrich Th_rough the meclinm of one of your books claim in opposition to lille wi~hes of their of Ba.den, par t of whicll was sent to me'. received through Mr.Frank T.Wray, Druggist Pa,. I became acquainted with O.:-your wet1lth ier a.nd kind hearted neighbor. , Mos t The rest of t he tombstone is still at· Apollo, Cutlcura Remedies. and take this oppo~tnnit;v INTRODUCTIOJS. O t>en ii.t>erturea which h11.d once been win· of them alr ea.dy had daught e1·0 of their own· c.llind for some enterpriaing A merican or Eng· to testify t o you that their use has ·permane" ' It wa.s my r:c>gular ha.bit, while I resided d ows, I looked in through one of them, and D eej s.rniers had none; and, t here'. hsh collector. The block of Siberian j ade ly cured me of ono of the worst cases of blJ'OG. In Montreal, Canada Eist, to spend a!x or 1 saw that th? .room was ._ larg?, .and tha~. ~he fore, wit h the general approbaticn of the exhibited for a time a t the British Museum poisoning, in connection with erysipelas, tb.a t have ever seen, and this after having been alght weeks cf every summer in travelling wa.lls and ceihngs were 1na similar condition community, the little Louise Legris became wei~hed ll30 pounds. De L!!.et (16'17) men. I pronounced incurable by some of the best in Canada, or in the United States. I ha.d to those of ~be pa.ssage. What, ho'!ever, the adopted da.ughter of the wealthy farmer tion~ " lump of j ·de tile ~fza of " man'~ b.ea\'i. p]lysiQ.ian~ in~~ cQ u ntry, I take great pleain this way, visited the greater portion of struck me with amazemenb, was the discovwhich came from the Amazvn R iver ahd sold sure In forwarding to you thls testimonial. un. and his wife · -the Upper Province, Nia1?ara. Fllills; Sa.ra.· ery that the ab1mdant, an~ a.ppa.rentlv ,o.nce as it is by you. in order th!Lt othera "Felix De~ja.rniers had at t his per iod just for £50 ($250). A piece the size of a cup solicited suffering from similar maladies may be en· toga Spriugs, the City of New York, P.11ila.- ha.ndso~e and co.stly, fu~m~ur~ of the a pa.rtcompleted his tw~lfth year. He wa.s a noble, wa.s sold to Rudolph · II. by the imperial couraged IO gtve your Cuticura Remedies "' ·delpnia, and the ca.pital of Washington; ment still ~1thm 1t; the chairs ma.nly boy, with d!U'k eyes and hair, and a jeweler at Dresden for 1600 th&lers. Cortez trial, and, no one occasion, ha.d penetra.ted into a.~d tables, .the la.rge muror over th~ ma.ntjllP. S. WHI'l'LI NGHR, Leechb urg, Pa. fine open expression oi coun:.ena.nce. The wa.s contenQ with four pieces out of all the Far West until I reached Kans11.s p1eae, the sideboard loaded with china. ornaIl'.'ference>; Frank T, Wr!!.y. Druggist, .A.p()t!O, little Louise was jueb three years hie junior Monttznm11o's accumula.tAd t reasures. Pa.. One summ~r I resolved to change my mente, and the P.iot uree in gilded. frames on '.l'he Emperor of China. h as a necklaca of -a golden-haired, blue-eyed child, with r out. and instead of going westward I de- the wall--rare thmga to be met with, even at pretty, delica.te features, a. l!raceful form, fine green beads of jadeite as large a.s oher· SfJllOFULOIJS U.LCf!itS. terminsd t o make a tour through the eastern the P,reeent da.y~ in this remote porb ion of the and an expression of countenance in which riee, strung a.t between severa.l of James E Richardson. Custom House. New diatrictslof Lower Canada, where the French provmce-rem1 uned as they had been placed the archness of girlhood was mingled with a the finest coral. Penda;nt from this is a la.rge Orleans, on oath aays: "In 1870 Scrofolous Canadian inhabitant s still retain the when the house was tenanted; butwerecov· sweet pensivene11s rarely seen in one so r~by-spin!l.}· Amo11g t he principa.l collec- Ulcers broke out on my body until I was a peculiar che,raoteristics ef their N ormar.ic ered with dust and dirt, and blackened by t10ns ma.y oe mentioned that of t he Museum mass of . corruption. Everything known to CHAPTER I. ) outhful. · , anoestora. damp a.nd age. the medical faculty was tried in vain. I be· " l'he good, simple villagers used to de-. of Freiburg, in B~:lev, which cont ains the came a mere wreck. At times could not lift With thia object in view I travelled along On my return through the front garden, I BETROTHAL AND THE ELOPEMENT. collection ol the late D~. Heinrich Eisaher my hands to my he!ld could not turn i n bed· clare that she was the very Image of the the southern shore of the St, Lawrence r?marked, w~th aµ r prise, a li:-rge, almost M. Dabois'e household consist ed' of him· of Freiburg, the greatast authority on was in constant pain and looked upon lire as & until I rea.ched the little village of St, circular spot In the centre, which. wa.s per. seff, an ae;ed female, hie housekee[>er, and a Madonna w hich stood in the niche about the and t hose of the museums at Constance and onrae. No relief or c11re in ten years In 1880 Claude where at I resolved to sojourn for feotly denuded of wass, or vegeta.tion of any little girl of ten years of age; t he former the church porch. I heard of the Cuticura Remedies, used them, "I can only say," the wor thy priest, at Dresden. At the Colonial Exhibition in and was pefrectly cured," hree C:r four weekR. description; the sot! having, a.ppa.rently, been widow, and the fat ter t he orphan daughter London ·there were shown large r ounded Sworn to before U. 8 , Com. J , D. Crawford. in parenthesis, with a smile, " that the St. Claude oonsiste of one long s treet of c!lilcined· by the a.ction of fii;e, and which pre· of a fisherman of the, whi;i had per · and wa.terworn blocks of j ade weighing hunwooden cottages. There is the usua.I wheel- sented a strange and startlmg contrast bo the ished in the exercise of t heir perilous occu· image of the Madonna whiohlthen adorned the d r eds of pounds, and called by t he Maoris ONE 0.1' TRE WORST C.UiES. wright'.! a blaol!emith's, andoarpenter'a ahop, !uxuriant, though rank, vegeta tion by which pa.tion, to whom the good priest had given chur ch must have been very much panamu. Much oi it, of the finest green ,\Ve have been sellillg yo11r C11ticura Rame· handsomer than the present one, or the good and !l. general st ore. A short dista.nce from it w11os sur;rounded. e_ · a comforta.ble and happy home. color, was worked into charms an d knife <hes fo:i; years and have the first complaint yet the street stands the litllle toylike, On agam consult mg my wa.tch, I found We sat down together to a plain but ·ap· folk must have sadly malign ed the child. to receive from a purchaser. One of the handles at the exposition. "It was, moreover ; a common remar k worst cases of Scrofula I ever saw was cured white-washed., red-roofed Roman Ca.tholic that I should barely ~ave time toretrac_e my petising repast, a.fter which we adjourned to by five ~ottles of Cuticura Resolvent, Cuticura church, near which is the residence of Mon· my steps to my lodgings before t)le dmner a little summer-house in the garden, whither that no two children could hg,vG been found ..._ench F1 ' she"-Folk. and Soap. The soap takes the 'cake' aieur ,le Cure-the l11orgest and neatest cot. hour; and, to tell the tru th, I was not sorry the housekeeper brought I.\ bot tle of excellent better suited to hold the r elative positions .i:.r · l hereCut1cur9o as a medical soap. tage in the village. · to get awa.y from the singular spot in'·o whioh wine. of brother and sister than were Felix anJ The ind ustry carried on by t he coast peaTA l'." LUH. & TAYLO!j;r~~kf~r~t'kan The r esidents of St. Claude (like those of I ?ad penetrated. , I ha.~tened, therefore, to "Come, fill your ~lase. Yon will find the Louise, who soon came to love each other as ' · Lo.w~r. Cana.da gener~lly) ar e certa.inly a ol!mb. the s~eep hill wh10h led to the sum· wine of t he best quality, t hough I never in· dearly as a real brother and sister could have z;le on the ~'rench f.oreshores is quite a sight. SCROFiff,OViS INHERITED.~ loved. H appy had it been h s.d this brotherly Even the little children contrive to make dulge in it when I have visitors. " pr1m1t1ve people. WJth the exception of m1t or t he cliff and the road t o St. Claude. And Contagious Humors, with Loss of Hair, M. le Cure, scarcely a dozen among t hemAs I passed t hrough the valley on my re· . After a brief conversation on :various top- and sisterly love never been disturbed by 11 money bf bui~ding fish ·ponds, or forming trenches Ill which to gather ealt or in ~ome and Eruption~ of th e Skin, are positively a.nd they number some four hundrcd-b~ve ~urn, I could not help rema.rking the stirange ics, I ventured to introduce the subject love morn passionate, and still more tender. other industry incidental to se~shore life. ~uredll by Cut,icurl!< ana Cuticura . Soap ex. H a.ppy, perhaps, had it been if M . and ; ever journeyed fifty miles from their homes; absence of animal lire. Not a hare, ra.bbit , whioh cbid ly occupied my thoughts. . The villagers all dreea alike in the ancieut squirrel, or weasel-t h 1ugh these creatures "Ahl the accur sed farm!" exclaimed my Madame Desja.rniers had remained content Some of the p_eople ? ,old .rickety boll.ts ; ;~~~ fii ~~:a: ~uic\1~{~s ~;i1?lvenc rnternally, · Sold eveT'ywhere. Price Cuticura ·· r e . costume of Normandy. The youug women abounded ~n thJ neighborhood-Jros~ed my host. "So, t hen, you have already visited with the one child whom heaven lia.d be- p atched up w:1th at1il older pieces of wood and eids, however, diaplayed their a.bund· path. I d1:1 not; hear ?r chirrup of the spot? You would learn its history? s towed upon them, and not craved so long - ~r .lea~her; sails mended here and there till Soap. 35c.; Resolvent $1.50. by ~lie 1t 13 difficult to know the original p ortion POTTER DRUG AND CHEMICaL Co.. Boston ant e\lony treeseo uncovered by cap or hon. 1 a bird, not ~ffen the buzz of an inscc t. T he Ah, my friend I 'tis a sad and painful st.ory. ingly after a daughter, whom Providence f h h h Mass · net, a.nd being ve;y ne!>tly, tbey 1 only au.dible sound waatbe whiepering of.the Still, if you care to lis ten, I will relate it to had eeen fill to withhold from them. Often · ~rom t ose t at ~ve b ean a.dded to io; nets I ""8end for "How to Cure Skin Disease,, 6-i ooru a nd ~arned till they are scarce able to I pages, 50 illustrations, 100 tes&rmonials~ ' alas l the boon which we poor, short· t imes, present a very attractive appearal)ce. lofty pmes and cedars ;, and to my e~c1ted you. Come, let ua go in-doors. It is gi:ow· As a ruls, these people are in a st a.te of fancv, there was ~omethmg unearth!y m the ing da.rk and the a ir is always chilly after eighted morta,ls most ea1·nestly cnve, proves hold a fisn ; and yet, ~hs.t boat and that I =---::-:----- -- ------ -- ma.(lhinery are the capital stock of I PIM PLE~. bla'!k·heads, red, rough. chapped perfect ignorance, not one in fifty being sound, he~rd ~i:·~d the stra.oge, ~olitl!de, as sunset, a.t St. Claude. We shall find a fire to be the fertile source of our future great· crippled perhaps two or threegener..tions of a family and oily skm prevented byCuticnra Soap. able to r£ad or write, or caring to acq uire though ·~nl spmts were wh1spenng ID lhe in m y study. Gertrude will bring us est affliction l the ;ioncern having probably been founded I th': knowledge. t.!iey arc, in {act, well up,per 11o1r. · · · · another bottle of wine, and I will tell the , " To proceed, however, with my story. satisfied to foll~w In the footateps of their ~he !1t,ter lonelme£s u~ ~h!Ch r ·.found O:Y· s tory. " Years piil!aed a way, and Felix and Louise half a century ago by the grnndfa.ther, who An d ·weakness ins~antly relieved b y forefathers - ch1tfly to make their own gar· selt "':e1gnad u~o:i mys)?1r1ts,and 1twnsw1th In the course of a few minutes we were -who had assumed the surname of her n~w nci.s aro1;1nd fiim ihe series of hungr~ J the Cuticur~ Anti-Pa.m P laster. iamaut s, to cnltiv!l.te their small tenures th e a foelmg of positive relief that I Wll.S once sea.ted by the fire in the good cure's cosy foat er pa.rents- were a.lready on the verge of g ...nerat1on6 tn;i-t I~ would ta,k~ a fleet or Perfect Ann dote to Pam. Infiamma· old-fash ioned style, and to live and d ie fn more oleu of the valley, e.nd on the summit little study. We both replenished Qur man and woma.nhood, -the one nineteen, boats t~ keep m food and raiment. The their nabive village. . of t?s cape ; _phen turnine; about,_ and gazing giasse11, and M . l e Cure, ha.ving settled him- the other sixteen, years of age, and were moment the tide runs b ,\ck, the sea.shore is twn .u.:.d Wea.knees. A new. instantaneou at once overrun with a legion of hungry· and mfallible pain-killing plaster. I ~id not find it an easy matter tQ ,procure agam for a mmnte at the deserted farm, I self comfortably in hie easy chair, proceed· universally acknowledged t o be the hand· 30 cents. lodgmg!l in St. Claude · t here is no hotel made t he best of my way homeward11. ed with t he narrative of lihe " accursed somest youthful pair in the p!l.rish of St. ~eople who are e!lger to clufoh a t whatever fishy fragments the :receding waters mv,y and most of the cottvies contain but tw~ .On my arrival there, I found .that. I was farm. " Claude. Both had bean well educa.ted for hav.e left ; the shallow poola a re eagel'ly rooms. However; a.fter much difficulty I late, an, d that old Junob, and' his wife and "Neatly a century has elapseo ," com· this posiuion-Felix au the collel'?e atJ Quebec. ohtai~ed apartments at a of the el~er chil~ren, were-;-~jth ~he French Can· menced M . le Uure, " though a.lready the and Louise at a achool u.t Trois .Rivierea ; aud hungrily examined, and contents grabbed JOB PRINTING of all k incls d one wi th an anxiety tha.t balongs only to pover. ,neatlv and promptly at 'rHE 8TATES~U.N superior class, occupied by Pierre J unot ad1a.n pohteuess-waitu_ig dmner ; a.lthough province has p,i,ssed from the possession of botn had returned home, for good . About a ty At 5 l th prmtmg office. Country orders and orders by ome P, aces o.n e coast, h OW· mail r eceive our special a ttention. 'f ry us for his wife, and family. ' the.younger. children w~re a!ready sea._ted :i-t France to that oi Grea.t .Britain, since An· twelvemtinth 11ofter their return, a great · · On the fourth day of my sojourn at the their own little table, busily occupied 1ll toine Desja.rniers, a.nd his wife, Lisette, im- cha.nge h11.d taken place in their feelings to· ever-the.adoption of fish. culture has led to yo~r next prii; a:nd yeu will be thoroughly a. traffic m oysters tha.t xs surprising-in- , sat iafied. :WJ<, DDING CARDS, all. the la test ·migrated into Cana.cla. from their na.tive Nor· wards each, other. . They no longer appea.r. deed, farm-house, I ~trolled u.we.y towards Cape dfocuaeing .their pottage, · a new life ha.s dawned on some dis· st~le,s, printed nea f:ly and tastily a t THE St. Anne; 1\lld having clambered t o the · I apologized for my tardmes!l, and exprel!S- mandy. ed as brothe\ and Sister, but regarded ei;ch tric t~ · a··d where ab .\ N Office. l\ o daub work. · one t· 1me was poverty S'.ta1ASM , ~ ·sum~it of the lofty cliff which overhangs ed m~· r egr et th:it they ha.d waited for me, " A.ntoiue Di:sj ;uniers was of a. olass super, Qther wit h a str ong;;,r and moi·ti affect he river, stood a. long while gazing around and ID · five minute~ we were all seated ior to the _?rdinary emigrants from Fran.:o. tion. In fa.ot,"th~y had secretly become be· and rqualor, t h ere fa now wealth and pros· : me at ~be fine and majestic scenery I was around the t~ble, which was sprea.d with an Be wae, ID fact, -a. sma.11 landowner and trothed to each \l'tller, i>nd looked forward parity. enablea to sur.ray from the eminence I had ~bunda.nt atH· wholesome, though humble, when he had eold his farm and s toc'k in to the day when they 11hould become man gained. · meal. " Nol'mandy, he found himself in poaseesion and wife. N.:ir wera Monsieur and Madame Long I stood watching the effec ts of li" h t , "M'aieur must he fatigued. He has of a. considerable capii;al wherewith to Desja.micrs blind to the change that had a.nd ishi.d ow upon the wa.~er where not a :eB· ed for?' saicl the motherly Madame Junot. commence operations in the new country of ti\ken place in t heir children s sentiments ; sel could be seen, save, per~hance some foe. " YEa, ma.dame," I replied, "I r a.mbled a bis adoption. o.nd ~hough they we1a ignorant of the fact Gentlemen's' Clothes Made toOrder. bound wreck upon t he rocky ;hore and considerable dis tance beyond the "This gave him~ Yl\!l1l advantage over bis of their seC'ret betrc>tha.1_. they were far from where the cotmtry in the rear, now ~reen Nevertheless, the day is fine, the walk was fallow immigrants, He n!>t only p urcha.sed being · averse to their ~uturo union. 'l 'he A S URE CURE and fertile, and r ej oicing in the bea.u~y of pleaaant, a.nd. I am. not at all fatigued." a. much larger tract of land them they, wit h fair frJ11ise had been t-0,1 them all that a , FOR BILIOUSNESS , CONSTIPATI O N.. sum1?1e.r, would be shrouded beneath a pall And then, bemg curious to learn t he history their more limited means, were able to secure daughter could pos~ibly h~ve been ; nor IN DIGESTION , D I ZZ INESS, SI CK of glit tering snow, from. a.midst which the of,thedeserted fa.rm, I r elated my adven tur e. to themselves; and supplied him"lf abun· could they have loved a da.ughter of their I Manufacturers of '°' J;:.O.OAC l-1£. A' " ' 01,.~·SE!l nF THll: trees, de!1ude_d of their pow brilli!liJl:t foliage, a. bombshell fallen thr~ngh the roof d a.n tly with cattle and sheep, and eveJry var· own more dearly. They re<joicad, ther efore, STt)i(!.:,,c s~ l.. "l ' .. '.': !"'i !\ ~""1 t- 8' C'"1 i ~ ~.. would rise hke so many spectral obj ects of .the peaceful cottage, the lleteners could iety of uecesauy agricultural implem~ts ; at the thought that Louise's marriage would . s~arcely have appeared m~re ~ disconcerted. but he was,likewise looked up to with rBllpeot not sep11.ra.te them, but tha\~ the youthf ul scalitered over the drear :~~::' . ~ ~~~!: ~::: , ~ ~~~· ~ ;;;; ~~·· ,.:2;. ::~. . At length, I turned aside, when my atten· Pi~rre J unot and ,his .wife dr?pped the~r by his less fortuna.te countrymen. And well, couple would still contintie to l ive with them A.r1iticial · 7·~ au ntJ . . . c :t. Eh.C~O '3 J T~ ~ fi 0 ~ 1': ·r :1e:: hon was arrested by wba.t to me to ~nives and forks, and raised their eyes as if according to all accounts, was he worthy of at the farm-house, nntil death s~1ould remove ':J"R!:AT ME N T ANO CUR£ OF C HRONIC ' be a. ruined and doaerted fa.rm· house of a d e- .in ~ppea.l to heaven. T he . elder. son and the respect and regard voluntarily accorded them ~ a happier world, where they would LimJ.s, "AND OBS TINATE DISEASES. scription very far superior to any at prerniit <i~ughter .almost sta.rted !rom their cha.ira, to him. He, and hie fair young wife, to awaiti an eterna.I-reunion witli the.'r beloved And Appliances for all De and even the y ounger children bokad amaz. whom he ha.d been wedded only a few. weeks children. exis;;ing in this part of the province. \ fWllllities of tho HumanBody It fltood in a deep valley, a mile or more ed. ' before he quitted France, were kind and "Monsieur and Ma.dame Da!ja.rnif1·,t1 had ll!Si>tnal Diseases, Hip Joint dista.nt. Several outhouses · were seemio l ~t, length madame found ~~tera.noe. generous to the sick a.nd aged ; were al ways c~mtinued t o pi osper, aiad their wealt~1 had Disease. Diseases oi the Knee and Ankle, K nock a.tta.ched to i t, and it wae surrounded gb~ You h,~ve truly, .then, VISlted the a.curs .r eady to extend a helping h11ond to the poor increa.sed to such a deg~s. that t here 'were Knee, Bow Le1ts, Club Feet, la.rge fialda and pastiue-grounds . but eo far ed fa.rm ? she exola1med. " Yet wha.t mur· a&d necl'iy ; and were at ioll times few few ill hhe p rovince who were possea·ed Et-0. as I couli perceive the place prese~ted a. cy that you have returned safe. Never to ine lei.:.d in every movement tna.t of greater riches ; t hough M . Desja.rni<~ni OF CANADA. .ALSO CRUTCHE~. should I have plli:rdoned myself had any evil eeeJDed calculated to tend to the welfare and assumed no ups tar ~ airs, b!l<t um continued · singular aspect of' - 'oom Not; 11 h Capital paid up, 1111,oeo, ooe. Rest, $!60,eo )leing, nor even a -~nlmai· of anumd~~ befallen you. would have been my fau111. happiness of the little communiliy. to live the si~ple, q uiet J~.. of a humblt' · -,,;;~ipticn, wa.11 to be discerned from theyerni· I !iho"1ld h11ve.warned you . I should have . ·· They prospered, Siii the kind and good far mer.. N1>th1ng, mea.nwh~, had occurred ·J ' · Ti:lis Bank is prep ared to do Legitl· ; ,.,_ nllRJje upon which I atood, and whiah oom· Wllir.ned you. I should told you to deserve to prosper; and within ten years t o di11turb the even tenor of their wa.y ; and j · mate Banking in a.II i t s bra nches. , ·1 !ll1<;iilgtl a, perfect view o, f the entire eet!llte, avoid _ the much _dr~aded spot. Y ou are a from the date ofhi(Eettlemeni at St. Claude, a.ud It appeared as if heaven had exempted 1._W Farmers notes d iscounted ; DepoaltA Alt.qgetilt er, t he preeented a stran e st1anger, and p , ?vidence h~protecte!1 ~,cu; Antoine Desjarniers cr el\ted a large and them from the ordina.ry 'sorr<>'lff and troublee tk" ~ received and Interest paid on a.moun t s of · to thegenerall bri say, t~en, you will not go th1t~er a.gain. " oommodioull dwelling, with bama and out- which alRiob poor mortals in almot1i every , and smiliqg summer land~ ll. 11 ~ hg I .lles1tated to any promise, h owe 1~r, houses adj oining ; and imp&rted iurniture, oondi tiion of hie. It had b~ett at length ar15 upwards in Savings Bank Dep art ment: VETERINARY SURGBOll. . sight would ··-ve be c kp b'l ':1uo a a nd requ1;ated my worthy hostess to g ive and pictures, and various c911tly orna.menos ranged t hat t he muriage of FeH!l} a.nd Louiee DRAFT~ ._ en remar " o n any th h. .. f th f d · f , . part cf the :wadd but · 0 ·a.t[ · me e llluory o e a.rm an its ormer from France, w hich caused his ho1111e io he should i~e when t he former ha.d comfssned and Oollect1ons In Europe · gular in a com, ,;rntlv!l was especi 1 lll!i· .inhabitants, a.nd to t o !me by what r egarded as the wonder or the surrounding pleted hill·twenty.firsli year, and when Louise United Sta.tee and Canada.. ' which r uins do ilinot f JI newf ch o untry, m mb;;na it became forsaken, and r educed to eoun _try, &nd as a fitting residenee for the would, oonseqae:nt l;y, be eighteen of · the eyes of tr orm ll one ·t ·s presen,·· rumo~ · . o dt e attrac- 1 and d eso1a t e cond·t· 1 ion. proudest -and wealt hiest seigne~r in t he age ; and a public betrothal, followed by a , ... vlons 1n W . J ··I.O NES, \. <\!ld.iti whlc.ib ;i.s .et ~ve ~rs a.n strang~r~, F ierra an~ h is wife and his son and pi'OVinoe. gra.ndjete !liven to a.ll the vill11giirs· by M. Aire· \.IQ> ,:(~%'.~y. · J ' othing has been leit daugbter, .ho:ii·ever, hesita.ted to. grati"Alas l house !IUld furniture> oathouses Desjarniers, sooa a.fter wa.rds iook place. r i9Ckeli at m t h I fy my curiosity.. In fact, to a certam de· and farm, have been alike, for ms.ay, many Felix wollid have been better pJeased had · ·~-< d ly wa c · t was yet e~rly gi:ee they profei;&ed ignoranoo. yeue, neglected and deserted, Mld leb to the . weddi:ig·da.y been fixed &1> an earlier ' '1.11 r~ rC1101ved to d~scend mto ' l·n the ~ period ·; &IU1 perhaps Louise WlAS lleOretly OD ~.., , . _ -i "1"here are many e~ories, " said Madame. ruin· and decay. . the v~Uey, and dis.::>0!.!'· -~ ·19~hu the fii.rm "We do not speak ,;0f It. his regarded as "About twelve ,m.imths after lhe arri'l'a! her lov-er 's side. :Both however, were con· ww:i, ID re~hty, the aeso~.~ spOU it appear· unlucky to allud e the subject. We avoid of .A.tonlo and his wife in , theill' aaopt!!d tent to a.bide by the wishes of t h6li'1! pa.rents. Pah l up C:apltal, $3DD ODii. "Everything, in.fact, seemed to be v·ewed from 11 d is"a.uce. the epov which ha.s for many yeiors been coulltlry, their mutmiJ ha1'pineea. was icn· He;;&, . · $ 70,UC)O. with the li>esj; a rniers-aged and. ;yi011tmf!al ; ly A.£ i drew ne&r the home, the absence of accursed, Yet stay, " 111he added. , ·If oreasea by the birth of a son and hei·r,. who yet a terrible cE>la.mity was swiftlF approachany t rodden pa thway seemed to confirm t he M 'sieur is really euriowi to learn ihe history was n&lllled Felix, after his maternal· grandI beg to notify the public that l am r eceivin.,. opinion I hact formed while gazing upon th,e of t he odion.s pla<te, t he cure will n<> doubt father. Felix grew up 1iO becoin& a fine, ing, whio& would she.tier all tbi:Mr dearHt de po ~its for this .company, and allowing spot from the ~ummit <1f the cliff. Evident· be willing to gratify h is de1ire. He ifs 2e· ha.ndso:me boy, alike the delight aad prid"" hopes, and blight ttl<ilir happiness for evsr. higher rate o ~ mterest than: the ba.nks· ly there had opce (Xiflted a tolerably broad cure from t he maehlna.tiims el evil spirits. " of dotinlk pa.rents, who-now only ora..,.ed for But I mWlt not. a.iatioipate my l!!t11ry, It roa.d, ~ei·ding, apparently, froJ:? the va.lley to \Vith this I was content , siuee a aubsequ· a. daughuer liO crown their felici ~~ ThM. lacked but &e moo.ths to the day appointed Graduate or the Onbli!G Veterinary Co11ege, No NOTICE OF WITHDR AWAL REQUIRED I am also prepar ed to grant the Ylllage, acd eeveral wide footpaths .ent endeavour to obtain t!cttt information craving, however, Proviidence, .doubG!.ess f~ for t he wedding rd the youthftd. oou~ .Reststered membtt or the'Ontario Vetermary Mediool A.ssociatlon. e:ros~1id and r ecrossed other ; bu t all I sought from the eldest so» of my host wise reaoona, saw fit l':Ob to gra.tti:y... A:t. when M. Daejiuniel;l!I came :li1om· Nov.Loans 011 R!EA.L El§T A.TE ·Oftl.ctt and!loa. Newtonvllle, Ont. ha.d·.j:lcen long disused. . . and hostess proved to be a romplete fail· length tiJ:vj,y resolved, if ~ssible, to adopt a. Sootia, whither he harl gone to p.1111oh11Wiie on favora~le terms. I turned t he amlle of a copse, the trees of ure, The youvg !l»·a.n evidel!l.tly did 11ot little gir1 a.a their own;, but this they found cat~le. He. had Billde a ~a.rge purcU&e ~ a»d Will visfQ Orono every TUesday andJSaturday OFI!'ICE : which were surrounded with undergro'!tb, like to talk on the oubj:ect. no such eMY er as they had anticipated. lla.ving a.rra.nged fo11 the. recept;ion 0f<the Cl!JI. OmOO ho'!ll'll rr m 10 e. m., to ' p. m., e.t MoM:ur~ry's Dry Goods 8tore, a.mi entwined hv parasites, and came into My curiosity was all t he mo:te excited in Although the comamni~ consisted ahiefry t ie on his fMm., h& was about to l!etmrn to Coult&s" Hotel Calls b¥ Telegraph receive imri ediate ~ttention, full view of the house. It wa.e a la.rge, roomy consequence of this etrange retieenoe on the of poor fat1mera and fie.hormen, t h9re wai;, N ova. 'Scotia in order to bring t hem, hoIM, W . F. A.LLE11 CHAE GES MnDERA'l'E. Bowroe.nville, Oct. 11, 1888. 42-3m · struct ure, which mi~ht have serv~.a, in the part of my boat a.nd bis family, a.nd I reeelv- ·not one father or moth e1' among them wh 0> when Fell:E; who probably fel t · the time earlier daya of the province, for the couutry ed, if possible, to solve t he mystery from ~he was willin,~ t o part with any one 9£ their wearisome as. the day of his marriage dr&W . -------- -~ ------- --- ----;------ - - -- - ===s sea.1J of a nobleman, Vestiges of carving lips of the cure, whose acquainttulce, how- own. little daughters, even. in favour of the. near, and wished 1We intervening, sp,a ee to and other orn:>mt ntation were still visible ever , I ha.d nob yet made. De$ja.rnieu, much as they were lo"Jad and pa.SB over !Wil>&peedily as possible, 11:spresood ·over the door and windows. The palin11s sur· .Monsieur Dubois, our" of the parish <£' St. respected. '.!:here were none so pOil!I a& t& his earnest aesi11e to proceetl to Neva Se~ rounding t he garden had rusted and fallen; Cla.ade, was a short, stout , fresh-coloured find the,coat ofsupportini,a family 11.l:iurdeu. in his fathe~'s .pla.c~ b was expeoted t.bQi.t the paths aud flower-beds were overgrown ma.n, of about sixty years of For twenav· to them. Qu the contrary~ in t hat y~wig it would owupy fo\ll' months to complete t ht> with grass and .weeds; the roof of the house five he h a.ct <1:fficiated as cure of t he and t hriving communit y, abildren were l'e- journey to and fro, and that w~ hiring and the ohimneye had fallen in; the win- parish. He was a. cheerful, kind-hearted, gardcd a.s a. source of wei&hh, and the la.r~eJ' his weddmg da.y close at hand. dow fra.mEs ~d glass were shivered to :haritable ma.n, indefatigable in the perfo11m- a man's fomllil:it:, t he greater he acconnt ed hi4 ~'.!!<> Nil CONTINUED) a.toms, not a single e ntire pane of re· ance of wh11.t he consider ed t o be his duty, riches. '.1'.b.e. poor fishermen and iarmera maining; the whole front of the house was and beloved as well as r evered by the eimple- feared lest a daughter aoopted by the weal· blackened _by age, and overrun with fungi , minded, honest people with whom. bis lot t hy D.:sjawiers ehould !ilecome pro~, and and every surrounding object presented a was cast, who looked up to him not only as forgetful, or neglectful, of the a.utnoraoI h er Na-ierW»Misa, Bhe Got l:ef.t. sad ru;pect of ruiu a.nd dtsolation. The out- t heir ~piritual pastor, but also as th.air advis- being. Xhey manage these things b etter in Ar:kanhouses, barns, &c., were in a. similar sta.te er in a ll temporal difficulties. · " Xhere wa11 one sweet little g izl, who sa.s. A member of t he I ,egislatwe of t hat cf dilapidation; the large kitchen·ga.rden Hitherto I had merely bowed in re turn to bade to·grow up the belle of, 'State r ecently had occasion to nominate a and orchard in the rea.r of the dwelling, and M. Dubois's polite salutaLion, as he pa.seed upon whli)m, especially, M.adame Des].a.miers young lady for t he office of enrolling clerk. the la.rge fields and pasture grounds, ha.d rhe house at wh ich 1 lodged one morning looked with a feeling oi envy that she could Re ia raport ed as having met the responsievidently been uncultivu.ted for many years, while I was strolling in the garden. I made not claim the child as her own. . '.!lhis girl's bility of his position in this oup,erb manner: and had become a mazy wilderness; even up my mind, however, to attend mass at the name Wl\S. Juouise Leg,'l'is. She was the only "I ehioU not say that the one I name is as tl:le neigbbouriug words appeared as though little pariah church the next, think· child of a widower - .l:'ie11re L egria., who was beauti,fiul as ihe angels are, for! have n ever they had long been l eft to solitude, shunned ing t ha.t the most likely way t o secure the one of the. poorest fiah.armen in ~. Claude ; seen a:a ange1 and k now not how bea.utifnl ho~h by man and beast. friendship of the good father, and perhaps but not foi; ten times t!Ul wealth of the Des- they Lre, but I will sa.y t hat it angels look My curiosity induced me to enter the' an invita~ion to .visit Jlis cott,age, ja.rniers, twille liold, would he have parted like the lovely m!!.iden whosa 1 put in V!!orden-:--the ga.te of which lay deeply em · espeCJa.lly as I ha.a bee~ mform;~ t hat he with his little ewe·l11>mb, his only earthly nomi:nation t he angels are be~utifulindeed." bedded in the soil- a.nd peer into the house was always glad to receive the V!Slts _of the treasure, for whose l!ake he toiled night and Vatera.npr.,>liticfa.nswho ha.vel!lever missed at. through the windows or t he doorway, the few strangers who came Ui St. Claude, a.nd day, and often wen t forth to ee!li in times of tending a political convention for the last door itfelt hanging ha.If open on one rusty to hear t he news from t he outer viorld, from storm and tna;i k~pt his. brother fish- quarter ~f a century and m:ire agree tnat hinge. · which he, good ma.n, had been so long seclud· er!11en a.~ home m their suug cabins, th,!ltl he they never heard a ca.ndidate placed in l would indeed have entered t he house, ed. rmght mcr~ase h~ stor~, and ~roVJde a · nomination so beautifully . Ana did t he but t 'le passage was strewn with the debris The next Sunday, accordingly, I made dowry for his .da.rlmg the time w hen young lady get the pla.ce, the entire that had fallen from t ne ceiling, and had appearance in t he churoh, and was politely she would a.rnve a.t a marriageable age. Legislature galla.ntly supporting her by blocked up t he parlour doors on either side, 11,ccommods.ted with a aeat near t he altar, "Ala.s l poor rierre L egrls d ared the ele- Ala.s for man's inhumanity t<l and I saw that the staircase was broken, although the edifice was t hronged t.o such a ments once too often. His li'Gtle bark was woman, she got left, owing t o the fact that and t he stairs were in such a rot ten oondi- degr ee that many of the worshippers could caught in a h ea.vv gale in t ha estuary of the another candidate r eoeived more votes. tion thati they were unsafe,ifnot irnpioasable. not find Hta.nding room, and were compelled St. Lawrence, and neither he nor hie little What a sa.d world it is in pla.ces.- [N. Y. The walls, like the outside of the house, to wait outside the church doors. After vessel were seen or h eard of more. Poor trribune. WE!re over·!Jrown with fung i, a nd pocls of service, a.nd when the good priest had little L ouise was l efb an orpha.n at nine Turning Off the Gas water, whi·Jh ha.d dripped from the brokeu heaped blessings on the children of his year s of age- an orphan, without near reroof, were visible on t he floor. A sickly, pa.rishioners, he perceived me, and 'step· lai;ions, but notfrientlless, for there was not She (tremulously)- " George, threatmouldy, death-like smell preva.ded the place, ping forward, cordially welcomed me to a family in t he village or parish of St. Claude ens to turn off t he gas if yon st.i.y after ten and I was glad to t urn away and breathe St. Ula.ude. · that would not gladly sheltered the o' clock to-night." He (delightedly)- " Let the fresh air, a.fter ha.ving stood in the pas"We seldom see strangers," sa.idhe. "A poor lUtle child, and adopted her as one of him, let him. frbat's just wha.t I want, s11oge for half a minute. As I pa.seed the strange is a rarity in our remote villioge, their own. Re o'lin't s11.y I did it." THE DESERTED FARM. and therefore we ought to welcome t hem all t he more gladly when thoy do u s the honour of visiting us. Doee :Monsieur intend to remain long at St. Clauc le ?" " Three or four week~." I r eplied. "Then," said he, we must become friends. Ishal! be ~appy toees }'.OU a~ my. humble dwelling ; and as your tu!'le is linukd, the so~ner W\) become friends .the ~etter. Will you do me the honour liO dme with me to· m~rrow ?" . . · · Thia was JUSt· the aort of 1nv1ta.t1on I ha.d h.oped for, and, of course, I gladly accepted it. " I shall regard it as a.n honour on my part ~? acquaint~nce ~f :Monsi~ur le Cure, said I ; a.nd with the Wt> wished , . each other good day. The next day, at four o_ clock Ill the, after. ,noon I ta.pped a.t t~e door of. the cures cot. tage, and wa.s admitted by his h?u.sekeeper, who conducted me to the d1nmg-room, whi:re I found. ~he good father apparently· a.n:uouelv awaiting my appea.rance, DISEASED BLOOD. 1Jy I I I in 8 , UTERINE PAmS. · · l l R. PEATE, TailOJ'. AUTHORS &COX, / T~USSES, I · · :; ':'":: STANDARD BAN 1 soiT;a.ry n 117 CHURCH ST TORONTO ONT - -- ft to .The .Ontario Loan and Savings Co. --o-- a DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, Dried. other~~Factory and W"ork all Kiln AFull Stock always on hand. Call and Examine. .;Uc Clellan ~ Co., BOWMANVI LLE, sole ag-ents in this locality f o~~-, TRENTON, ONTARIO · . GIL~OUR&CG.,

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