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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1889, p. 4

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READY, AYE EADY. \VALL ff 1 A GREAT FIRE. Six Leading Stores Burned m AFTER THE FIRE. · / Meesra. Rhyee Fairbi.l rn and- D ouglas Bowmenville h as been so unfort unat e McArth11r, 'ror0nto, havo been down looka11 to be vi11ited b y t wo d estructive fire11 ing at the ruins of our big fire. within ~y ear. On July 7th last t he Alma Messrs. Thoe. M cC1ung and W . T. hotel, atables an d shede, Mrs. Shaw 's B ona.than u p fro1 n N ewcastle on re1idence, Tiinity Church and sheds .and Thursday to see t h e r uins after the big some other building11 were burnE>d . Thurs- fire. day morning about 4 o'clock another fire Ditvld DaTi~ has moved b ack t o hie old broke oot in the rear of Q11ick & Co's shop by t.he Expres4 offioa wher e he is ~rocery 11tore, in McClung's block; the prepared to give bi'!: value i n boots and fineet business block in town, and before shoes as usual. HANDSOME PATTERNS· it spent;itself three brick blucks,containing Meellrs. C. M. Cawker and R. W orth 1ix leading etores, were d estroyed , besides AND CHEAP. have bought Mr. J . B . Fair bairn'l'I block offir,es and dwellinge in the second and' third flats. N obody seems to be ab!tJ t o since the tire for $3,900; and will re·o uild t ell exactly where or how the fire origin· 1md occupy the t wo stores. Mesl!J'i!. J ohn Ly le and T . G eo. Mason " ated . It had ga ined great headway before It wu see/J a nd t he alarm given. In h&ve bough t McClung's Block since t he spite of the exertions ot the firemen, who fire for $5, 300 and will rebuild at once we re ready for operation a few minutes and occupy the two fine 11tores. after the fire bell sounded t he alarm, t he Mr. W. Bunney was kept very busy on I keep an assortment of blocks known ea McC!ung'o and Fair- Friday a nd S;.turday last acting all v.a luahf.irn's were completaly gutted, and tor of da.m11gee on the buildinge owned by most of their cont ents destroyed . By MeClung Bros ,J . B. Fairbairn, Eeq., and ·, six o'clock tlte fire was subdued a nd F. F. McArthur, Esq. the crowd diepersed. The · firemen -McClung Bro1. have leased Mr. H or· See my Show Window. continued to p our streams on tli.e sey'11 two'ehops op posite J'!ldJ!all'e hardware burning emlDers till after nine o'clock, store and will be ready almost i mmediate when a volume of smoke burst from ly to give red hot bargains in dry goods. the roof of H igginbotham's blook adj oin· See t heir immense announcem en t on Jut ing the burned section on the east. This p .A.'l' LOWEST RA.TES. building had A double roof, and the fire Elliaon & Co. have temporuily moved having evidently cover ed a large are a beinto t he Ruebottom H ouse Sample Rooms clr0NE PRIOE ONLY. twee n them before the smoke b.roke out where the stock s aved from the fire is b eon the north side, the firemen could not extinguish tha fi A mea till the roof and ing got into shap e a nd where it will pr ;bWatch ·ably be offered for_sale shortly. 11eooild storey of Elliaon's atore and _ t he ::slz::_ __ _ _ _ roof of BigginbothMu & Son's drug store these columns for announce ment. Dr. and Mre. J, M. Brimacombe N and dwelling ll'ere de11troyad. 111 the meantime m ost of t he contents of theee turned from N ew Orleans on Monday. two stor es aod the d welling had been re· His loes by the fire over ineurance will BoWHANVILLE, 27, 1889. moved. The da.m&&!e to the b uildings and be about $1000. H e was in T oronto yes· 11tock is estimated at between $ 50,000 and terday buying a new out fit and will re· sume buaineu at once. INVESTIGATION DEMANDED. $60,000. McCiung's was the higheat and beat N orrn:r..- After the di1astrous fire on Whv doee n ot onr Tow~ Council take brick block in .6owmanville, and was re- Thursday, the rear d oors a.ud iroa bafB immediat-e aotion to find out who set fire built after it1 predecessor h&d been burnt of our atore and office were forced, and in November, 1869. It contaiued many val uable articles s tole ::i. The par to McC111ni'11 blook last Thur11day morn- down two stores on the firet flat, with carpet ues are req uested to return same, as th eir ing~ If ev-er there waa good and 11uffi- rooms and tailoring department in the names are k:nown. Signed, ELLISON &Co. eieot eat1Ml for an investigation, this fire back portion of the second flat. McClung R . WISrth has removed to the corner p\"e!lent.11 it. Why did not the Oouocil in- Brother· carried on . o ne of the bigge11t 1tore, B ounsa.11'1 Block, where he will dry 11;oods buainees in town in the weat sell a lot of dam~ed hardware a t greatly etftu~ an loveatigation into the burning p11rt of this block, and W. Quick & Co. of the Union School huildin~a, and !1tter did busineea a11 grocers and provision mer- . r<:> duced price11. He de1ires through the STATJIS)UN to thank the citizens who ren· into the Alma Hotel firei If ihe Oouacil chants in the eaat ehop. Qutck & Co. dered Much valuable aasi~tan ce in remoYwill not take 1tepa to hue these fire bug11 were leaving this ahop and h11d aJrel\dy log his stock and otherwise during the a:pprllhended, convicted and punillhed, an moved to their now premises a large por· fire. tiori of their ~beck. A-lariie q.iantity of Fnn: ! FIRB ! !-J. Higginbotham & indignation meeting 1hould be called and a cr.o ckery and gli1s11ware and aeYeral cheats committee appointed to communicate with of tea eom~o1ed t he bulk of their rerµitin · Son bf g to Inform their customers and the public generally that they h1ne re· the insura.uce compani&1 intere1ted and ing good1. The fron t rooms, f&cing K ing moved their bu~intias to the ".Big 20" next street, on tho second 1!oor, were occupie!i eee if something cannot be done. The aa dental rooms by Dr. Brimacombe and a1 door on the west to Messrs. Murdoch opinion prevails that there i1 a nry close a law office by Mr. R obert Ra~11ell Los- Broa'. during the r epaira and necessary relation between the originators of the combe. The t1ntire third was used fitting np of their own premises, where they will be glad to see their many friends. three bi;;c flN11 referred to, sud ll'e do not by Prof. Charlee Ruse as a School of Everybody in thia district11hould know think it would talrt. a 11harp detecth·e a Music. The adjoining block on the eaet that W. Quick & Co. have moved their was owried by Mr. James B. Fairb11irn, week t o captnr<1 the fire bu~. No busl· postma11ter, and waa occupied by Richard grocery b11aineaa weetward to Mr. Buck-nellB man ia safe under existing oire11m- Worth 111 a hardware store and D. Davis ler'11 block, two doors east flf the poat office, where they 1ne now prepared to etances. · 811 a boot and 11hoe store. .The second Ha11 it oeenrred to anybody that whis- floor was used 1111 ·a dwelling 11nd was va- supply ~be public with everything in the grocery line,and also the beat fresh meats. key is at the bottom of thl'tlle firee1 Such cr.ted only &fe'ff dava b~fore, having been The store baa been nicely fitted up, and occupied by Sam.Allin, one of Mr. Davia' i1 the opinion of U1e SunallU.N. We workmen. Call H1ggiubotham'1 blnck was i1 now one of the neatest ia town. shall not ea7 more now, bd on behalf of occupied by Ellison & Co., dry goods and and 1ee. CARD OJ' TB.lNKI" lib.a bnsim. 'flll meu and citi.r.en1 of Bow· ready made clothing, andJ. Higginbotham manvilla demand aD h.iveetigation, .Men & Son, dru1u~i,t1 and chemia 1. Mr: T. Manager the Hartford Fire loaurancie E. Higginbotham Jived in the ce~tral Co. -Sir,-We d esire to thank you ' fo'r of the Couocil, what are you goinK to d o portion of the bu 1 lding facing ou Tew per· t he tii:cee:lingly pro wpt and Htiafactory aboll,t itf ance street on the eecond fi~t. The 11outh aettlt1J11ent of our claim again·~ your~ oom · end of t he eaet half of thi11 block was pany for ) o,!I sust ained to 01ir stock by used by l>r. E . Creighton McDowell as a the tire on Thursday last, March :.?ht, THE SQOTT ACT. 1urger1. havina; received a check in tull aettlemdn& }'ortunately there waa a fair amount of , On every haDd, from tow11 and coun- insurance on the bui1Ji9gs and stock, Mr. on Monday moruing, 25th lnat. J . BmGINBOTHJ.M & S oN. try, come comn10ndation1 on our article Davie being the only one who9e etock last week about Scott ~ct 1Datter1. We w11 not insured. Aa ne!lr u can be 1u· WB ARR PREPARED To PRov 11:· th11ot Imhave not · convereed with one man eince · certa.ined \he amouut of insurance and perial Cream Tartar Baking Powder companiea carryin!l the riake are a11 folthe arLisle appeared on tho 11ubject who lows :- I'rof. U Ruse'· pianos, organs contains no alum. ammonia. phf)aph11t.e or any impurity or adulterant, but i11 does not coucur in the atatement that and furni t ure, $500 in the A<:tna ; R. R of very beat Crystal Oream Tartar, L o1combe, law book8, papers and furni· the Licen&e lnspoo\or baa neglect«ld hie and English B i-Carb Soda.-LE.i.J duty. .,.W a give one paragraph from a ture, $560 in the PhC11nix ; Dr. J. M . Brimaoombe, dental t ools, 11upplie1 arid Tod Bros. have finished &t-0ck-taking. ·Jetter r-eceived from one 9f the be11t furniture; t400 ia the North British 11nd known aud active remperance workers in Mercantile ; Mias McClung, building, Inspect new 11tock: of spring goods. FAB.MER8.-Best po wer Straw Cutter Darlington : " Am much pleaaed with $10,000, t5,000 in the Western a.nd $5,000 with reverse gear sold by CHAS. Roo1uts , your editorial thil week ; it ia juat the in the Royal ; McClnng Bros., dry goods, oa.rpeta, etc;, 815,000,divided about evenFIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT ln11urance. thing. Keep to that atyle no matter ly among the RL)yal Canadian, Hritish RoBT. VIRTUE, Al{ent, Bowmanville. tf. what abuse you may get and you will be .~merl ca and Quebec; Quick: & Co., All the new shn.pes and styles in Fall groC'erlea, provisions and crockery, $1 .500 and Winter millinery at Mra. Donnelly's. all sound." We learn that the Inspector placee the in We1tern A111urance Co. and ·81, 000 in Spring goods have arrived at Tod London, , Liverpool and Globe; J. B. blame for not having aeeure'd more pro· Fairbairn, buildings, 86,000 in \he West· Bros. Inepect new stock before purchu· secution11 on the County Police Magie· ern and the Northern ; Richard Worth, ing. Ocean tickets by different lines of trate. This is hi11 usual way. He always hardware, painte, etc ., 16,000 in the steamships for so.le at the STJ.TBSMA.N shift& reap()Jlsibilit7 for neglecb .of duty A<:tna; Jno. Higginbotham,on buildings, office. tf $6,000 diatributed equa.lly between the from his ow n 11houlden. u witnel9 hie London, Liverpool and Globe. and the Tod Bros' stock must be reduced. They articles for the p11.Bt three ye111r11. While hi11 B riti11h America; Higginbotham & Son, will sell at cost and below cost during plea may have some force as applied to the on drurt11, fancy l(ouds, etc., $1,600 in January. country, it cannot bo urged for Bowman-. the Phcellix: and $700 in tho Hartford ; Mr. Tait says he ha11 the Art that enville. Mr. Haines,P.M., hu been at his T. E. H igginbotham, on furniture, $500 able11 him to make true Portraita at reain the Hartford and $500 in the London poet evt ry lawful morning to try all caaea and L'lncashire; Wm. Ellison & Co. , 1onable prices. The big raft <>fsprin~ goods ha11 arrived brought before l1;m. Will the Inspector stock, $2,000 in each of the A<:tnn, Caleat Tod Bro11. All good11 at roek·bottom donian and Co mwercial Union and $1,000 dare to say that he did not know that prices for cash. in the North British and Mercantile. liqu~r was being sold openly and con· If you want Millinery Goods at half. Thompeon & Co., who recently bo11ght stantly in more than three places within Geo. Laing's etock of dry gooda, effe~te d price for the remainder of the 11eason, go · a atone thrown of his office for the past an insurance o nly the day before for to.;Mra. Donnelly. Tod Bros. have a stock of 5 tons of cot$4,000, of which $2,000 were in the Royal aix:. months ! Canadian. Their g '> oda were very much to[JB, all bought before the advance. Buy damaged by removal. Tile Masonic · a web and save money. AUOTION SALES. Lodge room in t he third 1la.t of F. F. Henry i1 particularly euccesafulin PhoMcArthur'a block sustained some damage WEDNESDJ\Y MJ.RCH 27.-Mr. Abram from Rmoko and water. The surgery of tographing family group1. Call at t he Dean, Enniskillen, i1 giving u·p farming Drs. McLaul(hlin and Beith on the north gallery and see 11Bmples, The West End House were fortunate to go into lumber bnainEiBB, aod will sell of King street was slightly darnaged in buying their supply of cotton goode his two farms, a 1111.w mill, p,nd all hia farm aide by the intense heat, insured in the Hart- when cotiton wa1 at ita lowest pdce. stock, implements and machinery on ford. The origin of the fire i11 enveloped 11-bove d at e, posifrvely without .re8erve. in mystery, but there i1 a. stron~ c onvic· The be1t cutter and the largeat and Tb.e etook is well bred and most of the tion in the mlnds of our citizens that it choicest r:tock of suiting material ere at implements are nearly new and of the WIUI the work of an incendiary. Mason 'a. Call and examine before you buy. beet makes. Louch at 1l a. m., ea.le ·at For over forty years the Weet End 12 o'clock. See large postel"ll. L. A. ToLE House has been noted for giving beat Auctioneer. H. C. Tait sells beat speotaclea. value in cotton good11. Call alld 1ee for FRID.lY, MJ.RCH 29.-Mr. Job.n Potter, All wool black cashmere hoao at 23c. ti raelf. who is giving np farming; will 11ell on & pair, at Tod liro11. lot 17, con. '1, Darlington, the whole of Murdoch Bros. are paying the 1iighe1t For the cure of colds, cougha, and all his farm m11ehinery, implements, stock, price for clover soed. derangements of the reapiratory organs, etc., positively without reaerve. No Mrs. Donnelly jJi selling herlarge 11took no other medicine is so rt>liable a1 A yer'a hum bag. Horsee, cattle and hogs are of Wings at half.price. Cherry Pectoral. It relieves the asthma· very well bred and much of the imGo to Mrs. Donnelly if you want a tic and consumptive, ·even in advanced plementa and machiner-y of the best good h&t for 25 cent.a . 1tagel! of disease, and haa aaved innumermake and in good condition. Sale at t 1 o'clock sharp. Bee large poatcre. s. See Tod Bros. big raft of dry goods all able lives. C. HuNJUNG, Auctioneer. bought at the lowest prices. AN .APT Q UOTATION from a letter by THUBSDAY, MlUL 11.-The property of Mre. Donnelly is selling out her entire Mrs. Sulliva.n, 12· We11t Ave. , Hamilton, the estate of the late George Davia, stock of Millinery ~elo~ cost. Ont.: ".After trying a number of mediEeq., will take place on lot 18, eon. 4, See the new prmta Just opened ont at . cines for liver complaint, frum which I Darlington, conti1iinsr of farm stock, Ooueh Johnston & Cryderman'·· snff'ered for years, I bonght two bottlea impl" ment1, etc. Sale at 1 p . m.~ \ Hosiery, Glove1, Blauket1, at cnst. of Burdock Blood Bitter11 and found it a aharI?> See bill1. S . 0 . HtnrnllG1 Call 8!nd 1ee the bargain· at the Welt eomplete cure. My h·liae ia never wlth· Auotfonetr. End Home. 011t it;." ' Bowmanvllle. PAPERS Arll the newest novelties for Ceiling and Side Walls. To THE D EA.F. - A Person cured of D eafn ess and noises in t he head of 23' standing by a simple r emedy, · will send a description of it FR EE to any person who a pplies t n N ICHOLSON, 177 McD ougall St. , New York. 44-] yr. Our s tock id now the largest and best assorted ~nd best value In town. Y ou are aware of r ecen t a d va oces in fabr ics of every d escription . Silk, Wool, Linen sud Cott on . These advanees we h ave anticipated in nearly every instance which will be t o the ad vantage of ou r CU<1tomer11 .- John J. M ason. UGGY AND RARN.ESS FOR SALE B -both nearly new. sold very 12;tf1 cheap, Apply at STATEillUN offic:d. \V.IJ " " · Our Prices and Styles cannot be beat. J,A. H GE ~T £'1i~ OR'l' lllE1\"I' IN T OWN . OUSE TO R ENT.-Th"t semiH detached brick dwellinl!' now occupied by Mrs. W. J>>.1rter on Beech Avenue. Apvly to A . Yoi:N'Ie:, 13- tf. OUSE TO LET.- That very d esirable house j ust west or Mrs. J ohn Brown's residence. Concession street, Apply to C0u cH JOHNSTON& CRYDERMAN, H - t! EED WHEAT. - For eale a q !'lant ity of White Fite Whea t suit.i>ble for seed . Free C rom noxious seeds. J AU.ll:.8 ancl Rrcn. WN, near Orono. 11-tlw · BRO ARLE Y FOR SALE.- 1 have a q uantity of Engli3h two-rowed barle1 for sale at 60 cen ts ver bushel. JOHN P ENY OUND .lot l!3. con. :3, Darlington. Oshawa,P. O. l2;3w H FINE ENGRAVINGS. Pictu~es S B Framed ADDERS FOR SALE. - 190 fae t of L ladders from to rouads. Other Jenij'ths order. .Apply to Mr. M, JO 2ll MoRnIR, Liberty Street, Howmanville; l 2;2w· 1, all to P. Trebilcock. B ARLEY F OR SALE.- .A S·EllOD quantity of No. seed bar ley suitable for lree from noxious W <>eds. EDl!lUND St-ed. CoBBLltDICK, lot ?O, oon. 6, Clarke, Orono P. O. 12;3w ' P. 0 ., Ont. the citv of 'l'oront-0. R. L. RALLS. J,eska.rd 11-tt. ARM WANTEDTO R1£NT.-A good F grain and de.Jry farm, mnst be conStation and within miles of venient to R - R. 40 S HEEP ASTRAY. - Came on my p' emises. lot 2"2, con :!. Dar)ington, thr .. Sheep, 'l'he owner Is requested to prove prop!Jrty, p11.y coR ts and take them a.way. J , W . HARNDEN, Bowmanville. lll;'!w . 1 rnd <LCre J -- H. K ElVNER,, "VARIETY -,.. --- ~ALL. ··-· ·· ~ FOR SA L E.-Pretty cot· C OTTAGE taKe, brick front. s·;able. Oae ot 1plendid garden and choice rrmt and bhade trees, Apply to owner, on premises, GEO. E . BALL, Centre St.. Howman ville, 13tr. ORSES FOR S ALE.-A sp an of good g11neral purpose mares, In tine con· dl\ion tor Spring worlc, will be sold very cheap as the ow·ner i~ going to Manito ha. Apply to M. A . JAMK 8 tor f11rther particulars. U -3w· The West End House. -----o We will open up t his week the SPR I NG PURCH ASES of H COTTON COODS. Factory, St. Loom, Shirtings, Cottonades. These goods were bou ght when the market was at its lowest point and will be sold on that basis. Call and examine our stock before p11rchasing. TORE AND DWELLING in P on ty11001 to :-ent. A good frame store o.nd dwelling with capital stone cellar. ll'O od and shed a nd good well. Situe1.ted in hnslne·· part ot village fronting on Jobn st Far full particnlare apply to .Tu1:11:1 Sco1·T, Pontypool. S 10-tr. ATCHES FOR SALE.- ' ou nce ecrew. bessl{l c88e. with Wm. Elle:r works. tor 116.00 ~orth $30 00, also 3-ouooe caae with P. ::!. BartleU works, tor ' l :l 50 worLh $23 00. .Apply at this office, or addtess W . M. H .· Lock Drawer 7, Bowm..nvllie. 13- lw* W OOK.-If you want a good situation L write MAY BROTHERS, Nnrserymen. Rochester, as theT are in want ot honeat N. )'. ·· a.nd upright saleamen, to sell thelr1cholco and hardy_ varletioa of Nnrsery Stock, either on nhry or commisaioo. M11.n:r uew a nd valuable varietle11 to olfer. Write them at once for terms ; delaya are dangerous. 13-fw. ARM FOR SALE OR RENT.-ConF ta lnlng acres, belnir part ot the north con. Clarke. 011 the premises half of 60 lot 3l 8, are a ii:ood hollftl and barn wltb etone stablln11, JOHN McMURTRY, ' West End House, ---------- ROod well 'and never fallln11: apriug stream· running through the centre. About 20 acree admlra.bly suited for pasture. J'or further pat'tlculan apply on the premises to R. L. RALLS, 11-tt. Leskard, p , Q. Bowman~le. ARM FOR SALE.-100 acres of t he F eatare of the late ARClHRl.LD S1'EVEN ll, bein11r compoeed of the east h!ltr of lot con."· · · 7, SPRINC ANNOUNCEMENT, 18&9. ----o ---W"indow Shades, all colors, lo the T1nvnehl11 ot!Mrllngton ; also one acre · on lot 8. In the 3rd Concession. Poseesslon the Finlt-of April, J'or partlculal'8 enquire or Mr. \VILLIAM WUIDATT, Ex~cutor, or Mas. A . STEVENS, Exoou ~rix. at the residence of Mr. John Rutledire. Ma.nvers Road, 4tf -·-·- aale contalnlDR 12& a cres, all o! which are cleared and In high state of oultivation. On the preml11811 are a good dwelling house and ont bolldln1111 and two wolle. This property la sltnated on lot 15, b. r.. one mlle an'd a hatl from Pickering vlliage, hair a. mile from Qra11d Trunk Station. three mt.:ee from Pickering Harbor, and al.x miles !rom Whitby. For further particulars apply t!J JAlllltS P ICXdD on the preml·e·. or Plcktirlng, P. O. ll9-U ARM FOR SALE.-130 acres, com · F posed ot south part of Lot No. Broken three miles from the Town of Front, asd la F A1'M. iNi~iCKERIN-GFOR-SA"iE. -Oae ot the beat farms iu Pickering !or 19, -both with and witnout dado, Genuine Hartshorn Spring Rollers. Bessel Carpet Sweepers. Curtain-Chains. Cornice Poles. Stair Plates and Rods. Sanderson, Percy & Bowm!l.nvllle. '!'hie la one ortb.e best farms In t.hll county or ham. It ls l11 a hlgh -~ tate o! cultiYa.tion and Is well fenced Ou the pre· mlees there le a 1to11e dwelling, two large barns a11d other ont-bulldlnice. with atone for cattle and horaes. ,.hree and & tabling four clsterna, all!O wln:i·mlll for wells pumpin11r "'ater. For furtller particulars app1 y on the premise& or It bv letter to Hlill'l'RY lfasN, Bow~anville · Sl-t! ----·------ premlsea on Thursday. April llth, 1889., that farm containing 100 acrea more or lee· being the south half of lot lS, con. ' to wnship of Darlington, ·.he property o! the estate of the late lloorge Dt1.vis, E sq. On th is farm there Is a fr&me house. good frame b.i.r n, frame stab1e, etc. and a good orchard. The farm Is con· venlently located being about 1! m!les from I.he village ot Hampton a nd a.bout H miles trom the thriving town ot Bowman ville. The 11011 Is "ell adapted tor farming. Sale to commence a.t 12 o'clock noon, sharp. Terms and conditionso! ea.le m!Ld& known on day_ or sale. \ Vllf. H . B~UTH, Brampton, 1 Exeoutora J , t.., D .1H 'I8, Peterborough, i ' S. C. HUNKING , Auctioneer. Genui·ne Elepha · nt Lead. A fine Jine of Kalsomine, 'Whit e Auction Sale of 'Whitewash and Pal'nt Brushes. Farm.. · The best goods at bottom prices. There will aold by public auction on tile be ·PURE MIXED PAINT. S. S. EDSALI~- YOUNG&OO'S G-- T_ B,_ TI:ME T..A...BLE_ GRAND TRUNK; RAI LWAY. BOWMA.NVILLll: STATION. GOING BA:8T Ma.II .........10 04 a m Mixed .........s 40 p m (;ocal ......... 710 p m Ma.II .. ...... 1 10:15 p m · Ercept Mondays. Notice to Creditors .OF- HQUSTQN STOTr, decea.eed. OTICE IS HEREBY GIV EN in pur11uance or Section 36 or Chapter 110 or th() Revleed S~tutee ot Ontario, la87, that a ll creditors and ot.her persons having cl11.ims against the eetate qt Houston Stott, late o! the 'l'own or Bowmanville In I he County of Durham palnter ~ who died oo. or aboutthe twenty.six th day ot l'·ebruary, 1889, intestate, &re.reque3ted or. or before the twenty-fourth day of April, 1888. to send by poet vrepaid to John K . Galbraith, of lhe Town of Howwa. :ville. aforesaid Solicitor for John Stott. ot the Citr or Toronto, the Administrator, a a:atement 1n writing o! ot th~ir name! .and addre. sses and full pa.rt1cu· lurs of their clalws duly attested and the nature of the recuritlee (If any) held by them. After the aaid day the assets o! the said de· ceased will be distributed, regard belng had tor euch claims only of which notice shall have been receivoo as aforesaid, and the ad· mlnlstrator shall not be liable !or the assets or any part thereof to anv peNon wboee claim ehall not have been received at the time or the distribution or ll&id B88ets. . Dated at Bowma.nvlllo Ihle sixteenth day of Ma.rob. 1880. I I N GOING Wlt8T Mall . . ...... 21 a Local ......... 8 20 a ExpreH*...... 9 i7 e. Mixed ..... ~ .. 3 15 o Mall ......... 867 p m m m rn m :ro GET for YOUNG A THROUGH '.T ICKET GROCERY S TORE, & Co's where you will find a full assortment of Groceries, Teas, Crockery, Glassw~re, Provisions, Brushes and Brooms, all bought for Cash and sold at prices to suit t he times. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. CENTRE STORE, Wellington Buildings, King St., Bowman~ille.- JOHN K . G4LDRAITR, ta.a Solleltor tor ·&id Adminietrator. · - ---·----------110'.llE ~u1rro~rs o I' wea·s an 1PeT~. ee1he, variable a·"611le. rea'1e~aaeu weak1H811 &IU( e'ODYlll8l&M. Tile llllftlUbls ro·elly 11 DP. 1.inw·a 1Yorwl .,-..... ·

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