~ - the presence of some mysterious intangible MISOELLAN£0US. evil. Did you ever see a Western constable?. He The snres~ and ~he shortest way to make ~ ,. .'"'":: . ' : , . : ,., , " : , i .. ;· ~ ~· · · ~ .. ~"":, · · ' . . . .. . . .., · ., , ..,..__. ·· · · · ., -· - - ---·· . ·-··-· - ·· . · "'·'""~ "l never eee a tria.l in thin. city of a man is long, broad, le&n, and muscuJ1u. He has:a 'J ·unelf beloved and honored is t~ be in}VEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1889; charged with a fearful crime," ea.id a. lawyer hand ·like a sma.ll ham in eiz· imd color, and deed the very man you wish t o appear. - -! " - j ulit after senyence had been pronounced upC1n seemingly made of sinewf. H i" neck is long, L1s t year the wolves in Russia devourell ~--- . - - - . - {\ man_who had riddled with bullets the wo· and as brown a.a b D>rk. His fo oo js lean, and 438 hoTses, 1517 foals, 313 cows, 1158 calves, his ey. c s ha.ve she.ggv brows. Ife stands on 1510 pigs, 7674 sheep, and J347 fowls, wort'1 one foot, with the opposite hand on his. hip altogether aboull 200,000 roubles. fingering a seven-shooter. He is loose joint· - , · t "' A ·t· ., , · ot·the law. I ..m a New Yorker, a.nd one ed, and shows the strength of a horse. A 3 I CHEESE STRAWS .-Roll pleorust thin, cut · 'would surely think I would take tha.t oonfi- looked over that crowd of long-haired, ser· in long narrow stripR, spread with grated oence for grnnt~d. So I Wfmld, had I not ious faced cowboys I noticed at lea.st a score cheese, fold over, in shape like L'.1.dy Fin· . had an cxperi9nce in the Wes,t which unhing· of constables 2cattered among them. Their ger~; pinch edges, rub over white of egg, · ed all u1y .p revious notions ef w ba.t men will eyes sparkled expectant ly, and they kept an~ bake. . a.nd will riot .do under trying_, cir~uinstanc~s, furtively fooki. n g aboub on every side. Neat Mr. Washburn, the newly appointed U .S. and which lia.s made me tremqlefot the,,pub- the door I saw tl:te Sheriff. They say he ca.n minister to Switzerh.nd, is eix feet tw~ for and 'lic pc~ce wl:ienever a peculiarly' at~ocious pull a gun quicker than any man in Nebraska. inches in h eight, has a. well proportioned crime ht1a been commit ted: . . . . - .. H~ heavy jaws were sbu t tight even for him, body and a fine head and shoulders. He is ' "Cnstor!Ai~oowellada11ted tochildrentba\ CastOl'la cm:es Colle, Constipation, · "J,t .was only three years sgi> that r went to and his r ignt hand reeted upon his belt. slightly bald, with gray side whiskers and [ recomme:id it as :ruperiortoanyprescript.ion SoUI' S tomach, Dio.rrhcea, Eructation, Ha.stilies, Neb·; · I 'bad a clim .iilea ~bat I "I drew a 'l\averingbresth of excitement. featurEs of a refined Roman ca.st. /alowu to me." H. A A.2CHE~ ~! D Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di> .. ..., ·. ., gestion might st"'Y there permanently. 1£.ve·ntually The . re was something in the faces of every The wife a collier named Isaac Evan, !11 Bo. O:::tord St, Brookll'Jl, N. Y. Wit!iou~ wjurlo medicaUon. I couldn't keep u.way fr~m New - York, but ,_ T mg at c VI mtw1ch, · near Swansea, Wales, at the t ime was .much impressed by the one o£ taese rough cowboys that m ~de me res1 1 . . . almost trnmble. There wa.s a suggestion of recently gave birth to four children. Two ·western temp.e r, Things were in many :ways tension in the faces of the cons tables that of t he children are alive and doing well, but {Jifferent fro!l\ cl:ie wild idea I hstl got· of thei ala.rmed m2. l could hear my heart beat, the mother and the other two expired in a West by reading the iJ&peri!'. · But' tlie one and I knew my breath caught, yet I so.w no J few hours. · of all .. phases which I found differed ~oat h d h d h ca.use o f alarm. 1 looked at the J11dge and A curfous method of obhining work was 'viddy from the stor~_es 1 . ·.a .. ea~ was t e t!ie lawyers and I 0aw the came epell rested that recently employed by a Philadelph1°· FOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON. B OWMANVILLE· Western way of dtia.lmg out instrne. I ex· th ~ o«cted to see mob la.w rule, but I found as upon · em, man. He bung a board over his back in: :ffiuient courts .there a.s .here, and o. very "[Che County Proseautor began the triill scribed "Work Wanted'- and t ook a stand genera.[ respect and confldel!c~ in' th~ law and in a low, firm tone, Every one spoke low. in & business street. He got a job within o:ffic~rs, ·I laughed h.iart1ly ab. Hie ya.rns he Jh11dgefbowe~ his de~isiona. The counael two hours. . PUREST1 STRONGEST;. BESTi its i.>bo. tib Judge :r,ynch, and.told ~t;i:~old. ·citizen or t ~de ence mterposed objections in a B; P. Shillaber, better known as "Mrs. ·' CONTAINS .NO .. that the . .West.eiin·: r . olk;s ' milab·';i>e·;· fond· o~ set vo~ce, The fa~e of the prisoner was pale Partington " lives atJ lJ!ielsea a suburb of . and his ·yes starmg. He glanced at the B H· . ' · · · · . · k ,l Alum, · Ammonia, Linie, Phospha.tes,) ·painthig therrmilves ' i.·. n ,b_l,ac· er _ co.·· or.s than Uour· w"th th t· ·f t t · Clston. e 1s .74 years of age, and crippled OR ANYINJURIOUS SUBSTANC_E~ . .· , YI~ . ~ "f I d t"' t ~es l t el e.· his face ". l b t e sugges ion o con emp in "th r h eumat" H e h as no t b een1n . Bos.on · theydeserve11 ,1 .t1ey ·rnsp\re ue . t th d" · "th k w1 ism. .. . TORONTO '.ONT .., 1 E. GI LL E·T;T~ . <· CHICAGO, n.r.. gri;,phecL:~(i ,E listern.iiewspa.pen. _. .. ·; . ·· thllt 1 til:u~:t w:e a~l~~::te ;:rror~ T~e for seven years. :8;e says be is" aB.Pl;~ent · ·MANUFACTURER -OF ,; . :< ·. ., . ::· "· We,'re a:peacea_bl~fot,_' he.fephed,_w~th p luses. between the 99ntences of those who as ~a.y be, _but :wa1trn~ foi: a.. better life. mE CELEBRATEDcROYAL -,YEAsT .OADs. a !'..winkle· of .the·eve:,' but,oncni ln..'a while· we spoke showed that but for their spea.king . Tbe Par~s Figaro sa.ys that .thci Leaning : -· . . ' ···-t..:·:· · ,- ' · ·' .. :: :·· -· ,··: git up on o'ur hind f~et a.ll'the Sa.me;~ the room was densely silent. I don'o believe .Tower of P1~a has a.ctua.lly been proposed u "One d ay the Stieriff drove rapidly into any one formulated his impressions, but the great prize of a. lottery, T~e town has Hustings withs prisoner. _ He was a. doctor down in his hearb every man there must I be_come bankrupt, a~d the creditors "'.ant t o Has received a large consignment of Hats living in a settlement on tlie bord,Pr of the .have known a.swell as I knew that we were I se1z~ the H~t~l ~e Ville: To avert this ~ala.· . county, made np largely of ra.rcbmen and in the very presence of a coming tragedy. I mity & mumc1pal couuc1llor started the idea A. W. MORRIS & BRO, co"'boysa.ndtheiriam~Hes. fl3 wa.schurg· "Whentheyoung: plaintifftold· her :sfory~ of a.lottery. . · 1Qll3 0 OT.S PROPRIETORS, M ONTREAL ed with an offence aga'inst a . girl, a mere her faintest whisp)lr seeme.cl to dng out to · Thirteen miles from Ctieyenne is what is lll cbil<l, who bad been h ~ usted. to hie ~are the corners of. the room. W hen aha ceased said : to be the largest horse farm in the t.he makers of the celebrated, · ;i.;i a physician. 1he 'de~ails of th~ cnn:ie ;a suppreseed sigh strugglM uom the crowd. world· . .-There ·,re _ 120,000 acres . .of land, prices from 5 ~ ~ 'ii.rid the arrest got out au.d were prmted m : "The clerk cui!ed the prisoner ·to tli.e bar. where roam 5000 horses; which. require, the for. Men, Youths and B oys, hard and soft felt and cents upwards. the H astings newspapera,:.and aroused no His face grew paler as he aroee. He cast constant attention of sixty-five men. One . 11J .ITT end of indigna.tion. Men ga.thered on the one appealing glance ab the still impassi ve hundred milea~of wire fence keeps the ani· ~ii'i1 ,,.r~ ~ dtreet corners and t alked about it angrily, audience. You've· seen the· andden gloom ma.lain bounds. . · · · . ~COME ALONG AND YOU WILL SURELY nE SUITED Sl!ill a.nd small crowda ga.thered a.round the j lil caused by a light cloud . sw~epin!:( r ovel' the , A way t~ prepare soft coa.l . so thah ·there lll!iS' D· . · ·~--. ----o---· to try an<i get a cha.nee to peep t?rough uhe sun. . In some such intangible way did au will be no accnmula.tion of · soot in the bars at the prisoner who was for tne moment exprEB8ion of pitiless determfau.tion seem fo . 'c himney,' and t hat the undercides of t he "() nctorio~s: It was rum?red tha~ _a," gang 'p ass over}hat sea of fac6ll at the pris?ner's I stove lid swill be kepb cle&n, 'is as follows:~f .oowboya_wyuld be down ·tha~ nigh.". i.nd glance. \ en no one moved. '.l'he pruioner For a. ton of coa.l buy a f.ew pe1!,nywortbs of raid the JMl. '.rhe !3her1ff 1mmem11>tely saw the sudden cloud and grew white. He commim .s alt,· ma.ke a brme of it, and . pour .I have a large and well assor ted stock ~wore in a d( z m. huge fellow~ ~s extra con. ~ almoat st~ggered to tho ba.r. H e turned his. ov.,r the coal. . . . . . R 9ligion is the ti.i tha.t connects. ina.n .with % tubles, and sta.t1oned them mstde and out be.ck upon the courli room and. faced the t he jail. But by night the little wave of in· Judge. · his Cmi.tor, e;nd hol ds him to · His. throne. · '~ dignii.tion had settled dow,n . :is:o gang of "It was then that I felt as if· a weight If the.ti tic i~ sundered or broken, he floats ~;.. ,fe~pera.te countrymen, appesre!J, _ a nd the were on me. I glanced · with tight closed awa.y a worthless ato'rn in .the universe_:its . ~°',:~.~' nexo morning Ha.stings wae_ a$ usua.l. · I have lips a.round the :room. I don't know wh·at I proper att~actions "'all gone, · its '·' destiny r;,Jj "een just such momentar} outbursts ~f expected, but I h11d never been so excited;' ~hwa.rted, and its whole fu ture n:· o.tJ-.ing 'b ut public sent iment in the Elst, and ::he cond1· ';['he facea all seemed blurred aftbe moment,· da.rkuess, desolation 'and dea:th. ' Pronounced, p ractical · · if by faeclriation; -one face .· The Rev F A Grace vicar of ·Gre. n e:rior to by anything . in'consumers, the C»na· . su · don of the city nexo d ay was p r ecd1sel Y· wh a.t I.>ut gradually, a.s · ~ [ expected it would be. Severa.1 ays p1.ss· took poseeasion of me. It belonged to a. · . · · ·. , ' . a P .dian M.,\rket. ad, and the crime was an old story. The twenty-year-old boy with . the . form of a ~,\rl~g, Essex,,Kog}a~d, :who.recently p u:i. Write 'j01· Information:· ~ewsnapers dropped iu, and I began to lanuh giant a.nd the dress of a ca.ttleman. He iabe . a catec~~~'? m whi:ih ae· den~unoed , ~t the Sheriff for swearing in those extra stood in the middle of the room. What wa.s a.a a. sh1.n the vmting of_ a dissenting. p~ce of PRACTICAL H ATTER · · l\a.anuraotnrers also of constables. I had told him in the beginning peculiar in him I do not know; · for I 'never wors tp, ha~ b~en ceneurc~. by his B ishop , Neads' Block, Bowmanvi~le. CORDAGE, JUTE ~.nd COTTON BAGS, '>hat it was a foolish P;Keense ~o saddle on the remembered his expression:....:perha.ps never !~r t~e P?bhcat;o!-1·· .. The B ishop that tC1wn, and he had. s:ud nothmg. N:ow, >a.s cle!!.rly sa.w i b. But thb gr.owing horror in e vicar. B ass1e t1ona are most. unr g eous. CAI.CINE.I? and LAND PLASTER.. . . t che lazy fellows still ~nocz.ed. around the.J ';>_d IJle seized upon that boy's face , centred in iti j A fash1onab,e young woman m _ New York Toronto .Office '& W arehouse (made jC'kes at th.a Slierdh txpenie. He fed upon it. His eyes stared heavJy at t he 1 h.as underi:tone a i:ema.rkable _ P.u:grnal ope:a· 20 ])'rop t Street East, . ~ml. I wore good friends, and h e .t?ok the prfao,1e:r, and I stared with be11.ting heart i;,t t!ou, long and po.rnfu,1, . by whicjl . her t_ip· · . tdt?d nose pecame a.n or17ai;i of pure Grec1ail W. C. BONNELL, . jokes iri good nature. He only replrnd cnce, him. "I did not see him rni:ie it, though ]oohing des1pn. The cruel c~arge 1s made that t~e M a.n ag11r. a.nd then only to s~y: . ·you're a. trifle greeri yet, little feilow.' at him. ~nt in a twinkling a p.ili~hed be.r· n.i~. nose d~es not a111t the genera.I confor" I alil not & small ma.n, as you see, but I rel gleamed along the line of-that gaze. Only matlon of b:er fa.ce. · · ·· _ _, . didn't mind bis patronizing me beca?a~ be his gaz<J was not heavy now, One eye closed', . , John Jacob Astor lias ·au hia lffe been a 1v:~s. eo almighty ·big himself and set his ia.ws ~lowly. ,.Th,e 0th.er , bl?-rned , da,ng~ously firm believer in the etlica.cy of pedestri&n I simply walked off :hrough the al~ng ~he ba.rrel eight.. I hel!1 my breath exercise ·.as a mea.ns of h>ialth. He re.rely 60 firmly. . ' ' · . :'!'....·· quiet streets and smiled at his senseless a11u w:e.1ted. It seemed five mmutes-before enters a public vehicle, no matter wb.at·the fee.rs. ~he re_ p ort came. · It wae·probablv not .tbre~. I \Veather .may be and-seldom, makes usii ..ol. .. Two weeks later, the day ~efore the sei:onde,· When the smoke cleared away the I his ow11 private ca.rri!\ge, one ~f the plainest. trial oame. a.long, Hastings_ ~as quie:er than pr1so~~r lo.y where he had stood, before the e.nd most inconspicuous of a.11 the million· ever. The lawyers had their plearimga pre· bar of Justice.. . . a.ires, i".l New York. {Jared and their . wit.nesaee rea.dy. The.prison· "I don't kn9w exactly whab happened I L r · F'f h" th 1 { er rested quietly in j a.il. Leas that da.y next. Ir _ememter a.wild scrambl11 for the ·j esie, 1 d" fur~ ep~o)ieb ··'~~~;nanf· 0 ohan auy otner so fa.r, <lid there eeem need street, in which I was drawn rather than ~~~ mir.s;1~~ra e t on~r of t e 1 II hay for the 8llerilr~ extra oonst!'l.>lcs. ' . joind. I hes.rd down . there that the cow; f ns.,. ~s yearh wetn Y· . odurdptohug tment, ·~ . · Mys had cleared the court but that the . armers~ an mere. a.n s para e . e fl ree s ' WORLD'S ExPOSITION:, NN'wOm.EAmi, "C"wboyR are common m the stre1hs of . t bl h d t d h. ' . . dressed m the costumes representing i.s many U.S.A., 1884·5, i11 competition w ith thG<' · T t h r d cons a es a urres e t e man who fired . astmgs. hey come o uy mpp 1es! a.n the shot · Th sa.·.i h . th · . 1.11·1 ·qharacters from Burn'e works. The Old Nick, r,!miofortefl of Europe a nd America. The someti01ee to pa.int the town. OA busmess b ~h · o· ey I th et ~ads teb girf Burns him~elf, T ... m O'Slisnter Bunnie only U .S. Intern ational M edal ever a>7ard· · · _, b ID" an atmosphere rou er. r course · ey rrn b.e oy or J . d S J h . · ed to :.1. Canadia.n p ianoforte ; al so Medal ·r p 1easure, th ,ey wways r " . murder T here were a.b0 t t . ty · "·t ean, an outer o nme were amomg the Twenty.:five cents extra will be charged when a ccounts run 9 : . · · ~ wen WI nesse chir.ra.cters represented and Diploma at the Colonial and Indian ·>one the less j ovial and good·humored for \ . ExhibiL1011, Lond on, Eng., l&oB, w ith the ·ii inO. sometil:tl~s ·a. litt.16 la.wleas. Cowboys bronPho. Every emgle witness swore on the l" " d · H · th t ft .B t s tand the.t he hnd seen the shot fired bnt A reyent alleged tra.o.1Jla.t1on of a popular supnm1c honor of suprJlyin,:; Her Majesty over one montb. .· Itnh. . a.stm~s a Sa n G;t noaCJsn.nsu:l co .uldn't to save his life. tell who did it.' He French .no . vd cha .ngo . s "cold r oas.t mea..t with t1ie Queen- with a ifewcor:nbe Gmnd, ~ppeat:e 1 m l' e , eir coming .v · · d rnh ~ 'ff · · · d" · to " i;nust &rd t oaR t , " . ma, · kes " a l'I cli . llop ga'y.ly W& in leap carelesiily Wl\B acquitte , .L e Shen met me a. da.y mus .ar · 1.n selected by Sh: Arthur Sullivan. FoI' cnts iey · c Ilu ga.._ d , .d· ' . t th or two later. pure P11.r1s1. e nne, m fact , the very essence of Ilh~ s trµ,ted Catalogue, pi:ices-and terms, off their mustangs, a.n n,n em 0 e near- · , ..,H · d N h k · · the gay c ital " re d " · '"d · a.ve you ripene to . e ras a Jllstice . . ap , _a ; .i. genum~ a ... p_ 11re "St saioon They trotted to town in grouns Addt\o!is Hewcambe 8~ ' d. "th ' b I rk i ab0 .utthe~' yet?'heas1red." Parisian, an .essence,' and· contain!f · s1mllar 111 · · ..u Wl 11> ua ness: 1 e a r blunders on .almost every . page, : a.lt hough Mf,nUFACTUPILRS .rhey .were non-oomm1tta.l when qnestioned, AFFECTIONATE ANI,."ALS. issued by a. leading firm· in lihe, publishing. WAREROOMS, !07PIO!?J CHVRCtl ST,, TORONTO prices~ a.nd merely nodded ca.reloesly to a chance m business , FACTORY, 89 TO 97 8EL..LWOODS AVENUri \cquaintance. They didn'. t drink much. ·, · · ·· ·· They hung arlund the em·ners, ·lingered TwoChnrnctcrtstlcAnecdotes orthe De· Du!f!as .two children in'h;erit the dra.ma,tic their belts, and appeared restless, suspicious, votion of Dogs to Their o,,.ners. a.~d litiµ'ary talent ?f the~r pa.rents. .Jea.n. ' , and determined. .· nme, the youngest, 1s a v10lm1st , of ~lent. . . The la.e Mr. Eyre, a clergyman, left a Colette, the eldest dan'(hter is now Mme . Somehow the. coming of tbe cowb_o~s, dog which wae very mueh:attaohed. to him at·· ·Lippm_ a.nn, wife of a. wee.lthy manufacturer: c . !!!! peaceful though. it was, stra.x:gely electrifi~~ the country house of a. friend; while he left No French girl h·a.s been brought up more -.~·- -·- - · the town that mght. .Hsstmgs seemed a.I England for a. long so3ourn a.broad. After severely· than Durriae' · d augtiters' until her at once to a.wake as if from sleep. The two years Mr. Eyi:e returned,. ar.riving at marriage only once had Colette ;een B·ball . streets filled o.ftei: supper. Men, w.or.nen and his frien~l's housidate at pight, and retiring and there ehe met her hus.bandi . · . . .' children po.cad up and down, seemmgly only without h aving the dog called. . · . , . . · · .' ,.. · .. SAVAGE ® FA~NP':tv.:I:, Next morning Mr. Eyre :WM awakened bv Recently a la~er ·. of ~K1,~gston, ·N , .Y., to enjoy the ~vening. ~hey chat ted abcut ISLAND HOlllE STOCK FARM, Grosse Isle, Warne CQU11ty, llllchlcu. Only Genuine System <>fl'liemory Trni11in1r. all sorts of cuiren.t goea1p, bi;it wore never the dog's bu .stmg into his bedroom a.nd leap· a.eked a oountry_ 3c11st1~e . - Wei!, what _beFour Books Lcn.rnc1l in one reading, theless a nervous, expecta.nt &IT t ha.1J stra~ge- ing upon him wi.ch. tile wildest . demonstra. came o~:he.t suitJaga}~st-;:-· tried . bef~re A bout 200 pure-bred animal· on h and. P.rlces reasonable ; terms easy. Horsen . Jl'lind wandering cu1'1!d. guaranteed bre£dera. Large cato.Jog;uc w ith b!story ·of the'breed free b.r m:i.il ly i;.ffected me. I got nervous myself wnh· tions: of deli~ht. you? ountry,. · ust~pe-::; Oh ,! I could n t Every child and adult greatly benefitted. ·., Address SAVAGE do F ARNUM, .~etroil, Mich. out knowicg why. ~threw away cigarettes, "Il<>w on earth di1i he know I h ..d arrived?'.' . ,r:~ke tt~~~ ~ ,~&il .;~t af~~r ··tho Iawye~~ Great inducements to Correspondence Cla.ssea.. Pros_pecta.s, ·with Opinions of Dr. ·A . Ham- bcught some bla.ck cigars, and tock to wa.lk- asked the gentleman of the eervant who ~' Wh . /i i . t h !d · you d do id FRENCH COACH HORSES, 0 1non!l, the world-fa.med SpeCfallst in li-{ind · JUB arge .6 Jury, an to D!!-mel Greeulen.f"Thompson, the gre . ing~ Around the se.loons we~e. gathered brought hot water. llcanitruny formed :;Agiat, J.M. Bnckley,D.D~editorofthe crowds of men. ··They were .c1tJzms, !'nd "On, sir," the man replied, " l t is the them lf they knew a.nyth~ng about the case h igh-stepping Stal· Advoeal§.._N. Y., Rieliard Proctor, the Sc . of the beab men of tbe town were - t · th-· 1 A 8 1 they knew mare tha.n I did, 11 a.nd then I sent 1eanmg lions and Maree, suH<>Dfi· ";'.. W. Astor, Jndgc Gibson, Judah r: many .., · . . . mos curious I.cg was c them out to rleliberate" Wh t d"d th B en1amrn,_and others. sent 11ost free by · perb action. bred Some of ~hem wore a.nx10us your boots t he d.og recognized them and · d ?" "Th f d, a i e Prof". A. LOISETTE, 2:n :Fifth Ave., N. y, among them. under the p ntrona.ge faC!;ll!. I mi:x;ed in the crowd? and listenEd. be~a.me excited beyond mes.sure, and I have J?ry, , ?: . ey oun no cause _. of aco< the F rench Gov· ernment. For cata.· It was. only .commonple.ce t alk that I heard. not been able to quiet him till h~ sa.w where tlon; . . · ·. · ·, ~.:; ; ;: .. logne and history ot The cowboys, wnose numbers w~re percep· I was carryfug· them, and rushed· up a.lori g . The total strength of the Contmental armies the breed address tibly incr.e asiDg,. etill h~d notbmg to say. with me to your door." Is ~alcula.ted to be 28,000,000 of Enropee.ns, Ttiey began to drink as mght came on, &nd A correi pondent of the same English .all m the prime of manhood. Thewar-stTength a few. amused themselves by .soinu to the paper.relates that he ga-ye· away, a.t a year German! ·is 2,a20,000, of France 2,440.000, .Detroit, Jlich. outskirts of t~e town and shootmg at pretty old, a dog which he was ..unable to ·keep in. of Russia ~. 495 .000, of Italy ..1 010,0001 of near everything _that ca.me alon!:(, There his London borne. After eight years . the Austria 1,145.000, of Tarkey 620,000, · of the was little or no disorder. In fact, there were dogwa.a returned to his first owner. Balkan SQa.tes 250,000. The second reser'.l'.'es only the crowds, and tli-e oommonJ?lace talk, "The do~met mei" says the correspondent, and the final reaerves__ of th. e sa.me cquntnes and the cowboys, a~d thatmystericusatmo- "a.t first as a sfre.uger, and then, with ~~e re~pectively 1 ·520-000 and 1 · 860, 600, I,. CA~RIAGE spheTe. By 11 o clock there must h.ave little anima.ted eniffa of inquiry, gdlng 01 0,000 and 1,700,000, 1 980,000 . .nd ,2,200,VY been 300 strangers in town, every one In 'II round and round me. 1 remained still for a CJOO, 1,320.000 and 1,200,000 1,470,000 and. ~- _:__ few moments while she grew more and I, 700,000;310,000 and :340,000,165 ·ooo and flanniil shirt and a -~brero. ~~;;._; ~ " At midnight the streets began to clea.r, more excited. At last.! stooped a.nd pa.tted 195,000. . C~ and an hoar later only a few groups were her and called her by her name, ·~Dee" . When Charles Dudley Warner, sa.ys ·the seen around the ar.:oone. ['here was rio un· "On hearing my voice the poor beast March Book Duyer, WWI the editor of the - - M ANUFACTURER. 011'· -· usua.l · noise except an occasion<1l drnnken gave what 1 cm oilly; describe as a scream Har;;ford (Conn.) .Press, back In the "six~ brawl. Bat that strauge sense of uneasiness of rapture, and leaped into my arms. ·From ties," a.rousing tihe pa.triotism of the eta·~e·· continued to , pery.a.de the air. I . meb the that moment she attached herself .to me as with: his vigorous appeals, .onll of the typeSheriff as I wandered home about 1 o'clock. if she bad never left me, a.1id with the tend. · setters ca.me in ttom .the composing·room . "'DC1 you smell it?' he asked. erestdevoti~n. " 11nd,.ph.ntinghimseltbefore the editor, said, . KING S 'l'liEE'l'. BOWMANVILL '"Smell what!' '.'Well, Mr. ,yYarn_er, l'.ve decided to. e .nl.ist / Has now on ha.nd a. number of vehicle~ (and ls manufacturing n g,·eat ms.ny mor e) or tb.e ne · cc· The blood in the a.ir,' enid he with a The boy Emperor of China jg now seven- lll .the army. ~ 1~~ mingled ~ensat1ons. of patterns a.nd best' finish, which I a.m offerini; for sale 8.t the H;w~; P':icea?onsll!1len··4 laugh, ." ·I've '.>Jmelled it before, and I know tee:q years old. He is a slender, · yellow- pride ·l \nd resp<JI1eiblluy Mr. W arner replied with due regard t o workmanship and quality. The . h llow1ng 11< a hat ot · . the odor.' . faced, almond-eyed, black-queued young enconra.gingly that he was gla.d to see the the principal vehicles manufa.ct:ureq by me . (This Engraving represents the L u ngs in i' healthy stat e.} .. .;..:,.. ,.. Trtar ordi · · man felt the ca.II of duty. "Oh, ,·iu"bu" isn't D.ou bl0 Covere d Carnages · ~15f) Up w 1li ··"· : THE, REMEBY.. FOR CURING ' ·" · · x t morning ' it · waa . · ;. ' ' who has all the in·t "· in0 ts of the that," said the trut hful compo<iitor ........................ ....· ................... ..... 'IP .o Wh en I go·t out · ne 11 wit h a la.ugh at my own nervousness nf the nary boy, and who likes fun as w.e ll as any ,.. " S mgl 0 Ph00t ons . .............. .. ............ , .... . .... ... .. .... : ...... . . ..... '... JO precedini;.r night. Two hours bdore court boy among his aubjeots. ..lli is ea.id t hat his I'd rather be shot than try to read any I · at l'ieg11n the, entnmce to the Court House was majesty ia not a ,very good student and that more of your blalloke<!_copy/' . · : j Open B uggy ................ . .... ···· · .... ···· ..... ......... ............ · · ······· II ASTHMA, CROU.P, beaieged by cowboys. !rhey formed a COn,:1· he ha.a a. rather petulant dfaposition. He is A.dingy, time· wor::i oil painting was sold T op Buggy ... .. · .......... ····· ... ................. ····· : .......... ............ " "' .65 , II pact crowd around, and when the doors v:ariable iii his·ta.ates, and, iti may be on thie .in New York a few days ago.for $2.50, Then Democrat Wagon.................. ... ... .. .......... ........ .... . .... . .......... ALL DISEASES OF THE THROAT, LUNGS A NO II were thrown open broke into the courtroom, account tha~ the empress regent still. holds it we.s discovered ' that the picture was in Lumber Wagons ...... .. .... '... .... . .......... ... ................................ 55 PULMONARY ORGANS. filling it , to overfilowing. · The citizen& of the position of royal adviser. He will have, a state of ~utlicient ~eca.y t o wa.rranll the re Light Wagon.... ...............,....................... . .......................... . 40 DY. ITS FA.ITU.F'UL U SE Hastings who wauted to attend the trial however, unlimited power in a . shorb time, port that it '!Vas pa1~ted by a.n. old master . Express Wagon ........... , ·· , . ... .. .. ... . . ........... .............. . .. ....... ... 75 O.ONSUMPTION HAS BEEN CURED arrived later, and had to hea.r proceedings and it depends on him whether Ctiina shall So~ebody sa1dd that it loo~e~ like a Gui.do Skeleton . ..... ...... ................... ................ . ;......... . . .......... .. .... 50 When other ·R.ei:nedie~ a.ncl Phvsicians have u frn·m the L.allw:i.y or not to hear them ab follow J a.pan in the march of Asiatic civmz. wfh1Ve s omebo Y B e1she sda.w 1hn 1t a auggestT1on · . Sulky..... .... .. ......................... .. .. ..... ~............... .. ................ 40 failed to effect a cute. 1 1 1 all. · . · . , ation or not. The empress regent has be en o a asqurn. e o t e resu t·J he · . · R~q>mmended_. by PHYSICI A ·~,R, · Idi:~IsTEas. AND ··I had a seat within the railing command· one of the most progressive thinkers among blurred and ugly c!ionvas . jg now valned at Possessing eupertor ra.cillt1es tar n_iaoufacturing carriages, I lnte.n d to sell ver y cheap fol' ~ .,NUJJ.SE'S. !n fact by e vefybocly .~h'J h:t.s "'iven · · l · f · d t t mh th Cb" d "d · th · t' th d d ll · D ·· or approved credit; and b:;: so dotng I hope.to .greatly Increase my number of ea.lea. Wanl ; Ha. good trial. it neuer fa_ ila to b.·in\ 'f'elief. · ·lDg' a· v ew 0 . court · . a n spec a ors. "· e e mese, an , ~ cons1 ermg . e 1so1a ion .s ever a1. . . O¥_ se.n , o ars: oes it · P1ea,se sell the wood pa.rt~ only, or t he gearings of buggies ironed, A!l AN ·Ex FEC"71 : iRA NT 1T HAs 1. · ) EQUAL. spectators interested me more than the of China, it seems strange to. record . t411ot in. the art1stl,c sense? Not at all. · It simply: _;·A . It i.s ha:rmicss to tke 11-rost Delicate Cki :sl. court. The faces wereallrongh, allhearned, a short time these palaces will be lighted satisfies an absurd craving for t h e a,nbique, h It contabs !W OPIUM in cny ~~rm. all bronzai with enn and wea.ther, all strong with six thousand electric lights, and that And yet here in this city, remarks The At the Shortest Notice, Painte d and Ti:immed lf Desired. in· feature, all silent, e.11 we.tchful, all deter- the emperor will eat his breakfast with World, there are artist s whose p1.lntings ~ PmcE 26c, 50c AND $1.00 PEI\ Bc'.l:'.::LE. () mined. As I looked at them the se.me old ivory chopatiqks)ipp,ed.with gold under the are things of bea.uty who ce.n hardly make Ai the Factory I also do Pla.ntng, Matching, Turnln11 an<\ B&wlng with O!rcle,Ba.nd Bawa. and prepare all kinds of lumber ror carpenter11 nd others for build ing l)tll'J)flfl'.le, a. living. DAVIS & LAWREN CE CO. ;;.11mited.), feeling of the night before cam~ over me in rays of electricity. . Ornamenta l and Pia.in Pickets tor !eno"a in ever:r style reonlred. made to or.der. · redoubled force, I felt as though I were in General A.gents, JlON'l.'REAL. ~auadhnt ltatt.\lmau. KILLED IN THE COURT ROOM. PER14 -, >·.:~~~:otf~f~!R:n:::1·£~ii;:.~!~~~:~~; CREAM Infants I Children. .9~K11'G POWDER w. o! f HATS! HATSlf a 11 t h e F ·a sh" bl e C 1 __lh,e J, A. ·Converse M'f'~. Go! =Sh ~ apes,· "R· E · .· . : ~~, !~ D rr at I OF GENTS' F'URNISHINGS~ White, Regatta and Flannel ·Shirts,. Drawers,,: Braces, Collars, Cuff$, Ties, Han dkerchiefs, · ·Gloves, Umbrellas, etc. Highest price paid for Raw Furs. M. MAYEii, B?:t < McDOUGALL & ~ETCALF, BO W'JM:A.NV"'I LLE '· are oner1p.g"Goal as follows :. AWARDED .FIRST SILVER MEUAL Stove and Chestnut,,. .....:... ,~ .. ....$6.2i) I H . ~ra~e and Egg, .... :......................... 6.00 I 1· '· . ·· ·· '" . . .:. . .. Octavius Go., LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & OORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest McDOUGALL &. METCALF. DISCOVERY. '"rm. r· 1 t!h · ,Sa.vage&Farnum, '·H A IN E . s' -l:TTQR ... ·KS GEORGE HAINES, Proprietor, OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGON-$,' &O ·' . I I CONSUfHTION, COUG]S, COLDS, ~ 1 l ... " l l K'i nds . of vehicles · · ·Repaired. Children Cry for Pitch~r-'17"