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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1889, p. 5

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Photographs and Fancy Goods at TAIT'S Corner Store. and do over hats -;;o to M'i=s:- Donnell;;-;ou want a Wall paper and buggies at Tait.'s. in all t he latest styles, good hat for 25 cents. Bowmauville Fair Friday, April 26. M. May')r has got in his rpring hats Read F. A. Cole's new advt. For chear Spring Fair is to-day-April Cobourg Deicioua, Nourishing S·oup in and invitee inspection. suits he takes the bakery. 17th. a moment by using The N orseman wi1l start on Iler regular Attenct the auction at Sam Clarke's The sting of a bee will drive away T d ds d - h tripR on or about Apr. 22. hurs ay an atur ay rng ts. rheume.tism. -~~isse~-.;~~e~ ~enew I -I:MM:EN'"SE- CLEAR IN DAMA""l.JED SALE ! ---C>F-Mir!1 · ODOOonneltlhv, fmi!lbibner, has bought Li~~:.µ Y,oo}~~~~~e~~ig:nl~e~~~l:.d · from over IP wor o r1 nns. Now the sidewalks are nice and dry the .All citizens are pleased to see Mr. T. Burd <'n, Reeve, on the streets a!?ain. I "I Small b oy n ever plays · ·marbles · " Leeds and Grenville vote on April 25th We hear that Mr. L . Bt'nnett, of Newon petition to r epeal the Scott Act. castle, has leased the Rue bottom H ouse. Mr. S. B. Bradshaw is offering bis comThe STATESMAN office can print as la·ge WE WILL RE-©PEN . ON fortable cottage horn() for sale or to rent. single sheet posters as any obher office in Mr. W. W. Tamblyn's family at Whit· town. by have had diphtheria, but are recoverCh;is. Ruse's educ ational school of muing. , sic is located in Mr. Maicland's residence M R b C S I r. o t -, _. inc air, of Toronto, was A Frost & \Vood binder is no w on the King -st. E ast. , in the st@re in the West End of Ruebvtt. o m's Block; oown on a vlSlt ~eceotly. . . wav to t ht· agent~. will be on exhibition Counterfeit bills are plenty. Eight or Mr. Albert Wmdso~ has been vis1t10g SaturGay or Monday. ten h ave been presented at the Ontario In v iew o_f the lat e disastrous fire, and the e normous q uantity o Mr. Geo. B .t,00, . ht a pre tty J flr sey Bank within a few days. m.r. J o~. J effery b oug - -· .. ~ goods partially damaged, we n eed hardly say that it is imperative to he boys ~1ghtly.homeward plod theti;,j heifer a t Vallency Fnller's sale near Ham· ' Dr. J. Spencer, V . S. , of Orono, has sell these goods at once. . ..~ w~y with s~~ oJ fish ~- _,.,,...,, ilton last week for $80. removed to Bowmanville, his office bein~ M~ss Mi!l?ie ~herin has gone to PeterThe Fisheries Inspector will allow no in 1'he STATESMAN Block, second floor. THE BEST FOR BEEF TEA. boro to Visit friends for a mouth. fishing in Rice L ake until after June 16, Maynard the Jeweller has a fine stock 11! THE ONLY EXTRACT OF BEEF E H . Heaps, Oshawa, is goi ng to .Brit- the end of close season. of cl<·cks, watches, silverware, gold and and t he prices cut dowr:. according ly. euitable for making JULIEN and other ish Columbia to embark in business. If you want the newest thini in the silver jewelry, wedding rings, specs, etc. ·CLEA.R SOUPS. Sir J ohn Macdonald enjoys a guarran- · neck tie line call at the \Vest End House. As a result of R evs. Hunter & Cross- W c want to re-enter our old stan d with a brand new stock, and inA FINE RICH FLAVORED SOUP teed income of at least $25,000 a year. There is where you get it. ley's services in Peterboro the past six: tend to sell out t he entir e dama.ged stock within six: weeks, if possible. -.can be made IN A MOMENT . by adding Misses Wilson have no stale or bankMr. M . Treleven has bought the cottage weeb , 1C28 persons have professed conboiling water. rupt st ock, all are this season's goods. and garden formerly occupied by the lat(i . version. Elgin, La mbtori, Qxford and Middle- Houston Stott on Queen·st. for $G25. D ry Gvods are beiug sold cheaply just sex:, will vote on the Scott Act May 9th. Sam Clarke's last week in Bowman ville. now in B owman ville and John J. Mason's The smiling countenance of Mr. Bruce Auction salea T hursday nil(ht and S atur· big Cleariug sale leads for big bargains. ~· B.-Customers ned n ot fear that they will be kept too l ong SOLE AGENTS FOR C.ANADA. Williamson graced our streets last week . day afternoon and night. Goods at your See advt. waiting, tbe s taff of clerks bemg largely increased. E.& Co. A Montreal judge has decided that a M r .ur n ; W . T amblyn, M . A . , o f ' .Wh. 1t- own price. fi b k t t d Bowmanville, April 1, 1889. by, came down here to vote br the Scott Re\·. E. Barr&ss, of Hampton, had a man may re a . oo age o ou oors. Act. . .. . . trutliful letter in the Empire last week.. .Bet t eh r sizeh~1p thet agent first to see if you Mrs.F.A.Philpand child of Haldimand His reference to a certaio license inspec- can t row im ou · :} iESSRS ..STOTT & JURY, were guests at Mrs. C. Munson's last tor was none too complimentary. · Better late than never to get a box of H. C. Tait sells beat apectacles, Murdoch Bros. paying the liighell't ....... """°\'- . . The 1), 0. & p Co. have bought the Es ·erbrook'H superior and standard steel Mrs. Donnelly is selling her large s tock price for clover seed. DEAR. Srns.-ft is with plea.sure week. Mr. Edward Channon, Tyrone, visited triangular corner ju it east of the Factory P"'ns. ~re furnished in all t he popular of Wings at half-price. Couch Johnston & Cryderman are now ·that I call the attention of the Mariposa, recently, to see his aged from· Miss Brent for $600. They are dyles. Sin.tiomrs have them. Mrs, Donnelly is selling out her entire showing what is undoubtedly the ·finelb public to what St. Leon Mineral mn~her. likely to buy the Trinity manse p· opH rty FACT. -At ,V, E. Pethick's barber shop stock of Millinery below cost. stock of dresa goods in a.ll the newed Mr1. Geo. Bond, of Cobourg, has been also. oppo~ite the post office y o11 will find a . See the new prints just opened out at shades ever shown by them or any other Water bas done for mt':. During houst1 in Bowman ville. visiting friends in Darlington and Bow· \Ve want news-items of hlppenings hrge lot of pip<ls to choose from which Couch Johnston & Cryde .rman's. the pa~t 20 yE"ars I have always manville. · t d JI A ·d t' · will be sold near cost to suit the times. Persons wishing to improve t heir memV(ll pa ·Y gossip; Give him a -c~ ll. Dress goods of all g rades will be offer S:1le of damaged g00qs will be held in grea an ema ' suffered more or lefs from Liver ories or strengthen their power of attenjibes and sneer3 at neighbours, aud Ion~ ed about half price.- Ellison & Co. west e l'dof the Ruebot tom block.-El- winded expressions of opinion. N ews Ge nts looking for a first class suit of tion should seud to Prof. Loi~ette 237· -Complamt , Dyspepsia, Pain across lieon & Co. items are welcome from any source. . clothes at a reasonable price ~hould call FARMERs.-Best power Straw Cutter Fifth Ave., N . Y., for his prospectu; posb Good tea, choice music and excellent Dr. Young, v. S, and James M:ann, at the W est, End House. They have a with reverse gea.r . s old by CHAS. Roaxns. free, as ad·e·tized in anoth'<'r column , the Kidr eys, etc., and. have tried All the new shapes and styles in ]'all . 13 '4w almost ev. ry known remedy with- lecture all for 25c. at Church-st. Metho· have returned from Marshalltown, Io wa, large lot of tweeds and can give you a dist church Good Friday nigM. where they took ·!\ carload of stalhous and suit at any price. and Winter millinery a t Mrs. Donnelly '11. M~es M. McCiung has ope~ed clasaeg out success until recommended If you want a first-class cigar you must mares. Dr met a dozen Bowmanville STATESMANS in wruppers all rady for FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Irnmra.nce. peuml and crayon 'drawing · also in oil go to W. E. Pethick'e where you will find people there aud was made qnite at home mailing :;it the office 3 ceuts per copy. ROBT, VIRTUE, Agent, Bowmanville. tf, ·a bout a. year ago to give bt. Leon c~ina an~ water color painting. Sh~ de~ a great many kinds to choose from. by tllem. · Send this weeks number to your friends. Ocean tickets by J i:fferent lines of e1re ~ to mcrease her pupils. I;J:oldlll.i{ .& trial and I am now grateful and ~'Lie on the left side," says a health A verv handsome Scotch granite mon- You could not send e.s much Bowmanville steamships for sale at the STATESMAN certificates from the Tofonto .S chool of .pleased to state that for the past journal. If it had been a law journal it ument has been erected by Bounaall's news fo a letter for three cent~. office. tf Arts, she will pay especial att~ntig~ to Marble wot ks in BAthesda cemetery to We h received from The National Mr. Tait says he has the Art that en- drawing. Enquire at the residericei~Xl>e year, I have enjoyed better health would have said, "Lie on both sides." . ·'-". Pleased to see that Rev. M. P . Taliing memory of the late "Rev. John H. Eynon Publishing Co., 37 Yonge St., 'l'oronto ables him to -make true Portraits at rea· Evergreens." than during any time within 20 B . .A., has won a $60 scholarship at the born ill Gloucestershire, England, M8y three new novels: "Dolly" by Justin Mc· sonable prices. Mrs. M. Jennings will keep her s'f udio 6th, 1801, died at Exeter, March 22, Carthy; "A F!ilse Scllnt" by Mrs. Alex· If M·lr G od h lf on Temperance street, a few doop <f nor th years. I used continually in- closing examination of Knox: College. 0 8 at · 1888." . auder·, and "In Exchan"'e for a ·s oul" by you want 1 iuery a - of the Organ Factory, open to pupils on Mi!\s F Annie E. Bflaver, of Ha.stings, · M L. {' b d price for the remainder of the season, go - -~stead of ordinary drinking water 1 the afternoons of Tuesdays, 'l'h nrsda1s who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. G. Mr. W'm. Clarke, student, of Knox ary mskil. or 11a e y news ealers. to Mrs. Donnelly. and considtir 1t the most valuable Bickell, returned home on Friday last. College, is engaged to preach for R ev. R. Mr. T . J. Jewell, ediMr of the North'f he Frost & Wood Binder sliella lee! and s~tm:daye, after the third of'April. 1889. Pamts, bruslles, etc., 'f urnishid ; .,· . Mr. and Mrs · .James Millar, of Park- D . Fra&er, M. A., in St, Paul's durin~ umberland Enterprise, who is about leav. th th B. d d p remedy for Dyspepsia in the the ensui11° four ruoatbs. If his sermons .ing 'or the editorial ch air of tha Stayner gram an any 0 er m er ma e, en- !or the use of pupils free of charge d uJ, d'lle, came ·.down on the 4th inst., the " ~ fou nd Ma·o1 1 & V1 ' r tu e ag.,nts iparket. Ing the term. Instrt1ction: given m former to vote tlie latter to visit friends. S:tbbatb are fair !amplee of his preiicb.· ISun, was entertain11d lH-tt week t o a sup· O ·b k d b ·111 · ing, he will fill the church with h . per at the Brnuswick Home, Colborne. ur oo e ta w1 to be arranged drawing, p1' in oii and water colors ·ROBT. ADAIR. Miss Agnes Knox appears.a1!ain in Port He is anodier Spurgeon. A larga number of the leading men of thll at a certain date. Parties indebted should scenery, figures, flowers·; etc. ·T erms mod.H ope Apr. 26. She i11 decid"dly OM of Mr. E dmund E . Sheppard has publish- to'wn and rnrroundiug cc·untry lrnre pres· prepare at once.- Ellison & Co. e~atc. ~nstruction fint· claas. Au inspoo- . tho · best elocutionists that has visited ed a new novel written by himself tm - ent. Our prices · 'Jl b e Iowe: t h im auQti(ln tLOn ,of samples solicited. · WI · · w o spa-re our ,nen t · d 11 til6 pam · of - _ .Bowmanville. --.,..., N .·~ . .,r iitfm... . tit1e d "A Bad Ma.n'11 Sweetheart." W e Canada ii! b eing congratulated every pr:ces. WU ~1Ul11lll).,..,...,....jllla.. . MN. Dingman has moved ioto the seldom read novels, but having found ' where< on the· excslli!nce of her mar ufac- going to a~ auction room.-EiJison & Co. ~-· t , · ..~~ ~~~~~~- - STATESMAN .Block over Heury'e photo gal- "Dolly" and "Widower Jones" so inter; .;tui'i>s in the vati<us,branches. ·.Art Staio- ·· Dont Buy ehr. ddy, but spend · your '., B~il'.Al!i'VlLLE APRII..17 1889. lery where sh~ intends doing- over straw: esting,wr;i were read hia latesL .t d GJ~s is p1()mi r;, ently in the f1ontraok money for goods .that will wear. Tn" BIRTHS. ·· · · ~ · · ' · · ' 1md felt hata m the late11t styles. "' d f d · ti I · · · ·r h. · T k M J h J M ' -, . ,. , . ._ euoi';t an oun ·.1t equa y as p eHf!!l'l,~ : -, o. _; ,'.ti~ . 1mp1·0·.:emenis, han !i to .c· do tn . ason s .·. · selection. See new . Prncu-rn · B . owm·n·v ·,.119, M··ch "O .th,· ·· t·h · ·Froni. all indications ttiiii';to~n cj$ going -reading as the former ones. '·Lovers of' Uaris and & Son; ·o f :Toronto~ who for 40 a v . . ·I vriro ~t Mr. wm1.... nPlnch~ or adaughter. v \JP& to be the tint in Canada able to boast of ,.. aood 1tory · · h o uld read· I ·i. h l b ur d t 1 t · · · year~ ave a o ~ , no on 1 o accum.Jnst openel out at Couch Johnston . · -ARRI . vD · · : · The local minstrel entertainment on ulate' money, but .. to make Sbined and· & Crfderman's a lot af German·made I · .... . .D · The lighte·' binder :n:iade i1 the Frol!t ladies' band . . Mr. Ruse 11hould have our hearty co-operation in this work. Friday night was a financial auooeas, the Glass of all kinda d credit to b. dies' jaoket.s for spring wear. The1e McGILL-GeAHJ.ld-8).-Rev. H. s. Matthew11. ~Wood. · · M:isse11 McMurtry, Armour and Edith rectiipts, we are fold, · re11cbing upwards the Do.mm1on . . , . · . .. aoods fit to perfection on the 4th· inst.. at the Church·ee. Methodist All tweeds gladl1 offered half price. W h d h l · l "' ' . Parsonage, Mr. S&muel McGill, ot. Mauvel"B Allen at ten d ed the meeting of ihe of $115. The Town H&ll was well fiJled. e ave t 0 annua circu ar The Frost & Wood binder has only two a.nd Mis~ M~ry Mat.ilda Graham, · or BltlOk: -Ellison & Co. W oman's Mission Society in Toronto last The p rogram was full . o f inteaest through of H amilt?n Busine~s College and Sho<t· rollers and oue canvass. The best bindstooG k, CartwrR1ght. . - A lot of the newa in this is8u0' was ont, the ~ua!c being by no m~ans the han~ lnst1tute, ~· ~pencer and Chas, R. · · t f 8h t · p f d IUHJ.M - oLLHW&R- By the Rev, J , :I. week. crowded out laat week. · d · · least mer1tor1ou·· . s· o me good hit· were... u .. cU..illon2 . h, nr1nc1pa's. The fa ..ct that er Ill e:ua ence or or gram· en oun Redditt, at the Methodist Paroouage, Scil.rbor.o. The agents for t h e F r0st & W ood .Bm a ~ ~i ··· ... Mason & Vll'tue, aaente. on 2nd inscant. Mr. Alman Graham, of Ca.rt· 0 Attend the tea between 5 and 7:30~and er have been kept busy the ptlst week, ex· made by the end men that caused· great .eight·graduates of o.ther commercial colwright, to Miss Layina Hollinl{er. Pickering. get your money's worth. plaining the merits of their machine, lan~hter. The whole audience ·lege.~ entered their. college to pursue Any a.mount of '5Uits are now being ·· 225 horses have been shipped from which no doubt is a great improvement pleased . special courses during the. pa~t ~ew ordert1d at J ohn , J. Mason's; the best DIED. · Cooney, of Clarke, writes months · should c:Jmmend choice of matllrial and Cannin1etou ffinco November. on t h e ol d styles. Mr. Jno. W. .' . the msutut1on . · · best cutter con· Pucce -In Bowmanville, on Sunday. April· ""an·eche,· Man. , March ·SO th ·.very strongly to mtendmg students. tinnes to attract customers. JHh, Katie Luella; infant dau11:Mer ot William WUl have at Ie111t one pile of dress from Mr. J. A. McClellan, of the . Ontario " dM p· h d 15 d b b } The weather for the past w = k ha· been A F.RIEND IN. A. FRIEND .INMorris' works ary me · · aya. ~ood!I at 6 cents.-Elli1on & Co. B ank h118 b eeu removed to ""h. n 1t y ranc i. F L NEED C 1s 1 p"' t· . t has d'got ta first· h , an MUTTON - In Bowmanrille. on Thured&J", · . Carriaae 1 a~ ies in ~n m.g o ~ve April 11th, Emma Jane Mutton, youne;est .Andle1 poat·office waa re·op1ned April "Mao.,, m!lde many warm friends while very cold, in fact the groumi has been DEED .-: or . iver omp amt, for B~le, ca~· pamt~r. in Peterboro.and will bs miased particu· f.r ozen so ha.rd that since Tuesday night for Ind1ge11.t10n, for He~r~burn, for 8rnk their buggies repa1... ted this eprmg br1og daughter · ot Thomae and Elm.beth Mutton, l'Bt, Mr. Chas. Lynn, poatma11ter. b · 'bl d h. H adach ud f r A d t £St h them alon~ at once and them done aged l8 YBl\ra,3 weeks, 2 days. · h Jt as een imposs1 e t o o anyt rng on e . e, a o c1 l yo o·ma~ ' . Ps:Tmcx-Jn ·Bowm~nville. on the 6th Inst.' We wdl be obliged to any person re· larly by the ladies.-E:i::aminer. . By referring to the advertisement of the land and prospects for fine weather y~u wil.l find a ~afe, ~u~e. a.nd .effective up m good style. Lottie Mildred. d&Ullbter ot Thomas and Mary . turning a stray article.- Ellison & Co. . Pethiok. a.god t year, 5 weeks, Chas Ruse's School of Music in another are very little better yet. S ome farmers friend m Cockle a Ant1-b1ho·1s Pills. In Pickering 1pring fair, April 24. Onta· had as inuch as 4() acres of wheat sown use for about a cemury and a quarter. Spring Po&try. 1'uxR,-lu ·Bowmunville, 00 Tuesday, tbe column, ladies will find some information by March 23. . · 11th Inst. Marr Vipond. relict ot the late . .r'io spring fair at Columbus, May 2nd, 2 1 the band no 1f beinst organized. Flowers, Flowera. Plants, Plants ! .William Tuer, aged 79 yeari!, to monthe. Hats in all- the latest styles just .t o concerning For particulars call on Mr. Ruse. Bowmanville Royal Templars held an I ·t p bl ? Coox.-In Bowmanville, on Thursd~y the open session Friday night after bnsiness sl qssi e Ho nae, Plants, .Bedding Piautt, lLLb Inst.. Mary, bel'>Y'ed wire or M r, Jas Cool!: hand at Cooch Johnston & Oryderman'I!. Novelties and old Favorites. aged 77 ye&r9. . Mu1krat'sktn1 bought by M. Mayer at drThoe. Benson, Esq. , King of Manvers, was tranucted. A pleasing proaram of .O'Jped "' EDITOR SrATEl!MAN.-The man who 1 ·s S · B urd en & Co., a t the A uct· ·· · 1·n'"" our 1auctum 'tn ,,. daY· H · 1·· 11peech, sont{ and recitation was rendered, ion M art , ~=~============~!!!! highest prices. Caeh for all kinda of raw Over 83 yenrs of age and looks as you.arr ·· Rev. H. S. Matthews, S tilect Councillor, , howling s ·) lond to. have the counc1'l 1 ·n. M ark e t S quare, d ur1ng · the aea.aon w1 ·11 OOD GENERAL SERVANT furs. . W A~TED. ApplT to Mrs. M. M .. Fenif only two score. Mr. Benson has been presiding. Refreshments were t1fterwards crea1e (!Ur taxation, haci_ not paid his Keep constantly on hand a full aesortwick, Wellington at., Howmanville. 15-tt The Engli.ab hats a~ Mason's have sold tl. resident of Manvera 57 yeara.-Gttide. aerved to all by the lady members. This tsxee for 1888 y et, but . appear~ on the ment. Orders filled for specialties. Tery futr-the beat nlue ever 1hown in Rev. W. H . and Mrs. Warriner Rave a Council is progressing nicely and such. oc- collector's roll of unpaid taxes for upMeeera. Higginbotham and .Tury having ARM WANTED TO RENT.-A good Bowmanl'ille~· very succ1ossful At Home to Trinity con· ca~ions as thia was will tend to make it wards of $95. . "Let the town go up ! Retired fro'll the buainess, S. B. & Co. grain aod dairy farm, must be can· ~·enient to R.R. Ste.tlon and within !10 mileaof Mr. E. D. Hand, editor of Fenelon g~ation in the school·room Monday yet more popular. Who cares r' Will push th!l whole trade at the the city of 'l'otonto, H. L. RALLS. Leek~cl · ht Ias t week . A very h appy time · , Pooa RA.T&PAYElt. U sua1 · ca 11· lG Falls Gazette, has bQen appointed-division mgP. Q., Ont, 11-tt. was The champion mean man of q-.nada . prices. court clerk at Fenelon Falls. spent, Refreshments were served to all lives near Newtonville. His hired man A Popular House With La.dies - ··' EWCASTLE.-For, sale or to rentHear D r. Stafford in Church-at. Me~b· present. .who has been with him for several veare, S. A . NOTES. ..l A brick house on North St., nine roo!ll.'l otjist clum:!! Good Frid~y evening at 8 One of the prime features in the educ&· left for Mani<e:>bl\ laat week. He t c iok a In speaking of the leading' business fzame kitchen . attached, garden. Immediate Last week'& War Cry is a very good P08888Blon. .A PPIT to owner, s . \V. MOORE. o.'clock on "Get ~our Money's Worth." tioual ,p rocesses of Chas. Ruse's school of lunch with him for which h"' was charged firms .who advertise in the STATESMAN Blacksmith,, Newcastle 16-tr Hear Rev. Dr. Stafford's lecture on 01u11ic ia the presentation, culture and, by his formar boH: eggs two cents each, there is none we c,m commend with more number-fall of newa. Laat War Cry cont11ios the obituary of "Getting: your money's worth" on Good practice of .f'JUNCIPLES, that u nderlie and bun1 two for five cents, and other things confid.ence than that.of Couch~ Johnston & OR SALE OR TO LET.-Frauie house and lot oo the .eorner or Elgin !Uld }friday evening-in Mr. Matthew's church. govern the intelli2ent rendition of all accordingly, He was driven to the eta- Cryclerinan whose advertisement appears the late Mary 8aunders. First Streets. containing IJ!x rooms pantry 11.nd As The S. A. Barracks should be ventilat· atone cellar, with hard and eott w~ter, half aa Under Hampton the War Cry records music; thue indudin,g any and every com- tion, miles, and once more had to every week on our first page stand the ex~ense of one dollar. moet of our reader.· know they have always ed better when crowded u it usually is acre of land and.Jrood fruit trees. For tertna the.convertion of "an old man who has bination of voices and inatruments. apply to W, H, IIANSO'.N. · Htf · Citizens were much pleased Saturd11y What might hlve proved a destructi'rn been noted for keeping a very choice stock op SundaJ. not been in a place .of worship for 25 This week's War Cry is to be devoted to see tho cheerful face of Mr. S. W. fire occurred in the kitchen of Mr. J Rlln· of genera.I Dry G()ode, e~pecial!y in Dress years." OUSE AND LOT TO RENT· oommodloua brick dwellinll' on Nelsoo:When you aee a citizen on the 11treet Sanders on Kiniz·st. after being confined Ii in'e residence on Thursday night, had it Goods, ·moths and Carpets. 'fhis week to "Rescue Work" and a splendid nmu · St. between Liberty and, witll es· ber is promised. dressed like a gentleman, it is 1111fe to con· to the hou8e for 18 months. He is q uite not been disol·vered. A clothes rack la· they direct putic:.ilar attention to their cellent garden !one aere) ohoioe fruit. well and helpless and was wheeled in a Sons of den with newly launderied clothes upset . Dress' Goods Deputment. They claiin to other conY"enienoes. Moderate rent. .Aoply Capt. R. Mutton waa in town Sat urday elude that he geta his clothes of Couch, Eugland chair by Mr. S. Snowden, jr. on tile etove and a big blaze ensued. For-. be· and those who examine , their i;?Oods and Sunday having been called.home by to M URDOCH BRos,; or MRS. JOBOPH S11nrn, Johnston & Cryderman. on the premlses. 61-4w We hope to see the old gentleman heed· tunately it was eeeri 'by Miu Milne who will admit the olaim to be well fouudedNo as!eHment in the A . o, U . .w. for ing a triumphant Reform procession in was aitting up with Mrs. Ra.nkin who is the Dress Goods House of West Durham; the death of hia cousin Emma. ICE HOU SE AND PROPERTY There will be a apeci&l meeting Good April in Canada, nor in the Relief So- yet.· very ill, and the alarm given. Mr. Ran· They certainly shnw an immense variety . ImR !:!IA.LE OR RENT.-A eomforta.l>le Friday evening, when a 11ervioe of music, ciety. 'l'hi1 society now numbers 16,345 brick oottage ot nine rooms, bard and son The veta are on the wing. .Robert kin, Mr. Prower and Rev. Mr. Matthews of all the newest fabric~ and designs in all songs and addre111e1 will be held. members in the Dominion. wa~r.. good garden and orchara ot cholc6 Young, Y. S., has his office now three succeeded in extingnishing the flames the latest colorings and shade· which can one acre ot grollDd, driv,ng house Mi111 Mutton's funeral wa1 condncted fruits, Newspapers cannot . pleaee everyone. doors east of the SrAT&SM.A.N office, John atable and other buildings. · Wi.11 be .,Old · In the list of successful students at the be procured in the best European and Can. A widow has broul(ht a suit against a Spencer, Y. S., of Orono, ha11 Iocaied in Spring examinations of Trinity l\ledical adian markets. We are satiafied but few by the S. A. ofiicera. An impreeeive cheap or rented. App·y to s. B. BRADSHAW, t~2w· newspaper which that her husband .thie town in rooms o·ver 1he STATElW.&.N College, we are pleased to see that Harry Houses, even city Hou~es, ahow as line au mem9rial 11ervice '!Villi held in the Barracks Bowmanvillo.. Sunday evening. had gone to a happier, and J. E. Bingham, V. S., of Ty· Chapple takes a high position in the first- assoxtJDent of really nice go.,ds; and it i11 Capt. Andrews uo..,.- in charge of Bow· Be sare and 1ee the Frost & Wood rone, bu hie quartera in the Central class having msde over 70 per oeut, not to ·be 'lf(ludered at -that . several ladia11 ai.ngle apron 1ti\nd Binder, the !ates~ Telephone office. Councillor W. W, ·Among the fi rst year men . 0 , N. .Callan:. who formerly; went to Toronto for their !Jlanville corps of the Salvat:on Army is -TO BEmade. John Pe~found, Courtice, and Dickey, y~ S., of N ewtonville, haa re· der, Enniskillen,· heads the list in firat- dress go·o d, no lon\{er find it necessary . to a Sootchman.aud he 11ay1 "all there is left of a Preabyterian." 1 d A 8 T1 · th do eo, but now buy their dre!B goods regu· Virtue & Mason, Bowmauville, A~ents. moved to Orono. . c aes a.n · "' · 11ey 18 m e eame c1ass la.rly from Couch, J ohnston & Cryderman Col. Dowdle and wife from England Your last ch·nce for bargains at Sam A D1sousTING CRIME. -Mr. JG Dean, having both made over70 per cent,tl_iough and· iH11,not to be wondered at either that concluded a auccesaful week of 11pecial · Clarkll's thia week. Salea every day and a lay reader of the Church of England, they attended only half of the term. auctlon~ Thuraday and Saturday night. for some time mi1siona.ry at Minden. and Herbert .L . Barber's name appears second their busine1111 is ccristaotly increasing, meetinl(ll ·at the Barracks laat Thursday TendeFR wUI be received np to Goods almoai for nolhing. Evei-ybody later curate at Feoe. l on Falls and Cambray amon~ the eecond claaa men, who made whe!l We take into account that they not evening. Mrs. Dow'dle pr~ched a~ elo· orer 60 percent. . oaly carry good goods, but have the repu· quent sermon Sunday afternoon from Saturday~ come. WRS brought before Judge Dean, Lindsay, · · .t ation of doing busineae in a 11traightfor. Isaiah 9·6 and W edne. s day evening ahe tor the purohaae of the t&rm or the Jate John RELIA:Bu}'IRE lNsQJU.NCK Colll'ANI&a ; 8 h inst., on five separate charges of in"HEMORRHAGE may take place from ward manner, and have ample capital to oontatning 50 1M>res of land. and beiDK -City of London Eo11Jaud, ·capital £2,· decent asaault. The partie11 concerned the kidneys o r from the mucous mem· .e nable them to buy in the beat w.arkots held the audience spell-bound for aulwu: .Ewart to the not"th ot D, Cberry'e ·farm and a half, while delivering her lecture immediately 000,000; and Laucuhire, England, capi· were boys, and the offence is technically branes, particularly that of the. nostrils." and on the very best terms. on lot 19 i.n ihe 9th oooceealon of DarUngton, on "Isaiah's Menagerie." Her telling save and exoept a halt an acre In the nortll· tal, £3,000,000, Ilo'presented by Jo:e:N described. On four charge1 the prisoner So writee T . Granger Stewart, M. D., F. oorller deeded to the Oe>rporatlon. THB BLOOD ts XH.& LIFE,-And on ita denunciation of the exce1111e1 and follies ~t 0.0LE, Sen. ,·.J lamptou, ·Ont. was found not guilty, ae the boys ad- R. i:. E.. Ordioary Surgeon to H. M. the Posaesslon c&li be given a.l eompletion ot . purwh11110. ·· · purity largely depends the general health. of the day did not appear to 11es well with A PoPULAR IN&TBUMll:!!fT,-A new scale mitted they were oonaenting: parties; but Queen in Scotland, Professor of Practice TeDder&,/mnet be l!Mld:reseed to lJprighi :eia.~oforte recently completed on the fifth charge there was no such ad- of Physic in the University of Edinburith. N 0 one .is free from danger, aµd ~ine 1ome of t he hearers. · The Col. all through T·.R. CARTWRIGH'J', ~.· by Meaus. Newcombe & Co.1 Toronto, ia. mission and the prisoner 'was convicted in an article on Bri~ht's diseal!e Hence teutha of humanity actually do suffer the week dealt largely on HolineB1, in Registrar Q. B. Dlviai1111, affording ~t.iir.t ·iatia.faetion. It fills the and sentenced to three months iii the the only '1atural infer.nee is that the kid- trom one form or other of impure blood. wtii~h theme he appears to be well veraed. · 08!foode Hall. Toroni:o. e r{(me4y hu such a wid~ range .of The Col. and hie wife are among the old· For further }JBltlCulal'JI or BnY ·iAformation · nquiretll\ .ta for a reliable ·in1trume1 t common goal. There is a very a~rong neys m1ut be restored to a healthy condi- No 9 n. .. · .. , · · , h B -' ~ -k B eet and ablest of S. A.. officers, having appl.r io by a firai·-~&88 _ a fii;ture wit?in fee-ling again1t &he priaolier, and it is 11aid tion before lt11 efftcta ·.will disappear; .eurat' D. BORKEl SIMPSON. . 1V8·: power . aa as . uruuc lorid -~ connec~ with the move~ent iince . $De n11M1ll tif Ml. · Write tb1111 for pa-rtica· more tha11 a dozeu boy· wel'4t CQlltaIR.i· Warner's Safe Cure is the nioat ttfticient· Bittara-<that best of all blood pmitiers' ital»auaurat.ion. Banister, . Bovp111mvme. ageat for .tlrie purpuw known to acirnco. a'lld ton !cs. l~ -ti. . uated.. " Mr. Archie Bingham was npfrom Tren· . ton last week. Mr. Arthur Parish, of Philadelphia, is visiti ng in town. Mr . .r. Kidd, Guelph, sp~nt Sunday in town with friends. Mr. .T. .r. Tilley spent a couple of days in town last week. Mr. w. Ruse has also gone to St. Paul to embark in business. DRY G©fJDS AND CLOTHING. ----o---- Thursday, April 4th., The whole stock will be treated as a damaged stock, FLUID BEEF! -- 1 ,.,. LYMAN, SONS &co., I ELLIS@N & CO. 0 · · · , and Otherwise. Lo,.... ,_ ' a' 4 1 · at I 00 Q l 0 Q 0 0 · " - G F N F - H .:.:A· N JOHN EWART FARM Sold by Tender. April 30, 1889, llAIU'il !CU), mt. .· · 16-t<I · - - --- - - - --

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