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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1889, p. 6

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afll.1cted pa.rt a. ligbV plast~r of !aris, or STRANG£ FUN.BR!L OUSTOM OF TH£ turbed at night and broken of your re1 starch dressing to an&ure 1mmob1hty, and NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS. by a s ick child suffering and crying wit_ be ass~red that the oure in the moat cases IS PUBLISHED will be very speedy and r_ema1·~a?ly ea.tis Written by Francis L1t Elcsh, a ltlember pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If so send a; The Human Body as a. Machine. once and get a bottle vf "Mrs. W inslow's factory. The writer h a.a tned this _111 several l&VERY WEDNESDAY MORNING of' the Omaha Tribe. Soothing Syrup." For children teething, l It has often been stated, fig11ratively, case~, and he has yet: t o have a smgle un-BYWhen one is in the dying , agony th~ rela· that 1he hn m9.u body is a machine. Pro· satisfactory result. lta value is incalculable. It will relieve tives give vent to their grief in loud wails. the poor littlo sufferer immediately. Deb11obly ib has never be~n claimed that the The crying cont inu es at intervals until death huma.n body , or t hat of an animal, or a A STRANGE .RESENTMENT. AT T HE OB'EICE takes p1ace, abo up to the time of pend upon it, mothers ; there is no plant, is a m8chine based exclusively upon mistake about it. It cures Dysentery ecientific fawe-a machine in a mechanical Aj'Fatller who Did Xot Speak to Ills Daughter burial. Thie cry has bben by some white and Diarrhcea, regulates the Stomach and To11t tJ11lce Blcdi:, K1ng !!>tred, :Howman· persons mistaken for a song or chanb, but it vll le, Ontario 1 sense ; y tit there is mnch evidence corrobor· for tltty Ycars. in no wa.y partakes of that nhii.ractEr: it is a Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the ative of the fact that such is undoubtedly the TERM3 : n11se. F ifty y'lars 9.go J a.mes Martin, a well-to-do genuine expression of anguieh and grief, Guma, reduces Inflammation, and gives $1.00 per Annu:w. n 181.110 if p aitl in All mat!er is divided into t,hree greaL farmer living n£ar B·llietville refused to The wail or cry is interspersed with terms llO:::ie and energy to the whole sy~tem . advance. olassGs1 oa.lled respectively the animal, miner· his 15-year·old daughter a drern which express the relDotionehip J;ietwecn the " M n. Winslow's Soothing Syrup "~or Pa)ment ehictJy in advance required frcm. sub· al and vegetable k ingdoms ; t his is an arbit· tha.t she very much coveted, on the plea decoased and the pe1son grieving. The children teething io pleasant to the taste ~Cribcrs outf ide cf tbe C< un1y. 0l"~ers to dl8COD· rary clasmfication, however, an the indivi- that he could not afford i t. It was a 1ew writer has many times heard the cry of and is the prescrip, t ioa of one of the old · tlnue tte p ap · r must be ncccmpsnild by the a m~unt duals comprising the anima.l ancl vegetable da.ys before St. Valent.ine's Day. The In;iian men and w omen, and he.a ~een the eat and be3t female physicians and nurses rlne or th· pnper will votte stepped. SubEcnbern teus :flow down t heir cheeks. There is kingdoms are compounds of substances be· daughter was a. quick tempered girl and are ttsponsible until lull p·~mem is made. something truly awfnl in the jlound when in the United States, and is for sale by I 5§'3 loniring to the mineral k ingdom, For took her fa.ther"e retUl!al t o purchssie her the men and women together lift up their vcicee all druggists through the w01ld. Pdce E..t.TES OF ADVEll.TlSil\'G t Whole Column, one year ......·....... . ~O GO~"ii~ instance, u living oak tree is a. vegetable; yet dress much to heart. On St. V aleotine's " ·· Half year ..... ., . . . . . 86 00 ~...,.., it is composed entirely oi oxygen, hydrogen, D a.y F armer Martin took from the village in the wail of l;rief. It is far ftom being 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP.' .. " One quarter..... . . 20 oolc.-o~ like a. long or chant, EaU Cclnmn one year ............... 36 00 ~ carbon and other minerals. Tne human body Post office a. valentine addressed t o him in When 't;he breath bas left the body of the and take no other kind, ~a likewise composed entirely of elementary his daughter's handwriting. h was a rongh " Halfyear ........... . 20 00 _ One quarter ..... ...... 12 50 _ mineral substances, such as iron, oxygen, caricature, representing a miser counting one dying, t he nearest rela tives, such as --Quarter ColuII.D one yettr .......... 20 00 COXSIJltlPTION CJtrRED. c11<lcium, hydrogen and carbon. These ele· and gloatiog over his money. There lived p11orent or child, broth ~rs or sisters, husband .. · " Half year ·..·..· .· ·. 12 50 _ or wife, be6in with .A.n old physician. retired from practice. hav· " .. One c ua.rter ·····. .· 8 00_ 5 ments of the same kind as those which, in the neighborhood a man of tbat kind. singly or combined, composa each and every He had a niet:e wnom he treated brutally. Ing had placed in his hands by an East India. A MAD ZIDAL TO STRIP THEMSELVES !!'En 1l1Jn1 1.u1dunde first insertion $0 50 _ missionary the tormula of a simple vegetable / :Each eubeequen insertion . . ... 0 25 _ terrestrial object ; they are inanimate, insen· When Farmer Martin looked at his valentine FTimi mi::to ben lines ih'st in.serttnn 0 7~ ... sible and inorga.nic ; they ar" the simplest ef he showed it to his wife, simply remarking of every ornament and cut their hair, eca.t- remcdyforthe speedy and permanent cnre of Collsnmpt1on, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma · au bsequon t insertion ... : . O 3o _ all substances. The human body, therefore, he ha.d not expected euch a bitter and un- tenng the shorn locks a.bou~ the fireplace. Over ten lines, first inscrtion,Jlerlln O 10 -10 cnnsists of such substances as those which called-for insult from their child. Mr. ]\far. The older married women who have borne, all Throat !'nd Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility Eaeh 1mbeeouent insertion " O 031 compose crdina.ry machinary of any kind- tin took the ~irl to taEk about it. The children clip their hair short to the ear, e.nd all Nervous Complainis. after having 'rbe ntn:nber of lines to be recltoned by the,tested it& wonderful curative powers in thou· the only difference being in their selection, daughter at once declared that ehe had not while th<i young women pv.rt with but an sands of cases, has felt +pace cccnp1ed, mea<urEd bJ a ecale ol sol!dlit his duty to make it proportion and classification. Surely no· sent the valentine to her father, but, on the inch or two. Young men do not sacrifice kn_own to. his suffering f~llows. A otuated by ~- u11H1I. b ody with intelligence wil! eta t a that · th.e contrary, had mailed him a very compliment- their locks, .but the older men sheer theirs this motive and a desire to relieve human DBS. HcJ.AlJGBUN d: BEITH. oxyg?n an~ hydrogen ~h1ch are the prrnm- ary one, entitled " The Honest ]<'armer, " ehort. The older women pull of their leg- suffering, I wLl send free of charge. to all who it. this receipt. in German. French 011 pa.l u1gred1ents of ammal flesh are a.ti all · it having been her custom since she was a. gings and moccasins, a nd gash the fl~sh of desire English with full directions for preparing and difl'.erent from t~e oxygen and hy_droge1!' little child to sen~ him a. valentine every their legs below the knee, lengthwise and using. Sent by mail by addressing wit.h which found m the ocean, or which are year. The old miser's n iece had obt11ined croeswisl', till the blood :flows freely. All stamp, naming this paper. VI'. A. NoYES. 149 41-ly necessary in the boiler of '.1 locomotive. The the valentine Farmer Martin' eceived to the while they wail i>.nd call upon the dead. Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. iron axle nf a. clock wheel may be reduced to send to her uncle. Fl!.rm~r Martin' sdaugh- The young men who aro n ear rela.tions to palatable form, and introduced into the sys· ter was with her when she bought , it. The the deceased remove their leggins and moo tem of ama.n; it will not there remain as afar· two qirls h ad ae11led their valentines at the cas!ns, and pierce their legs with a sharp eign substance, bub will be ta.ken int o the sam;;' lime, and the Martin girl took them knife until the blood runs fast from the blood and become pl\rt of the living_ m!l.n. So both and addressed them. In doing so she wounds, The old men do not scarify them When Baby was sick, we gave her Ca.·toria, also may a chemist take into his labo:ratnry, a. got t hem mixed, and sent t he misor'a valen- solves, . When oho was a Child, she cried for Cast<iria, few gills of healthy human blood, and sep· tine to h er father. , With every new arrival, whether the perarate the.ref~om a bib of metallic, malleable, In spite of a.II explan ation, F armer Martin son be of near kin or not , the wailing sta.rta \'{hen she became Mias, she clnng to Caatoria, -~ E. ,t1~ ltl(JloWEi.1: ~ ,~" c'?rnmercial 1ro~, capable of rendering ser· could not be brought to believe his daugh- a.frenh. By this long-continued crying, the WL en she hi>d Qhildrcn, she gave them Ca.storia, ICENTIATE OF ROY.AL COLLEGE vice as a workmg part of the clock The ter'n story. From t ha n clay he never spoke ex citement of grief, and the pain at wounds, of Physicians, London. Eng.;MembJJr of Collei;:e of Physicians and Surgeons. Ontario. b11dy of a full grown man, 1mima.l or vege· to her. She man ied 1rn,d lived on a farm the relatives b ecome cxha.uat ed before the SURGERY AND 'RESmEl'CF.:-R ear of Me.ears. table is not the same body which was inher- adjoining her father 's. \Vith her husband time of burial arrives, and una.ble to speak l'iligginbotham's Drug f ' · · · , B<twmanvllle, ited at the commencement of life ; changfng and her children F armer Martin was on the above a whisper. Soon after deBth the ,,. 6:-;:lyr.* particle by p article, in accordance with the kmdest and most familiar terms bu ti be never corpse is placed in a sitting position facing wonder ful law of evolution, it has become not iced his daughter . Last week he d ied. the east and d ressed in gala costume, orna' ' DBS.· BJlJ.O:R ·<'t JillilHJHMA.N; · a.nother phydca.I baing. Itri substance, 1:1.e left an estate val11ed at $45.000. To ments are put upon the ;wd person, and T">HYSICIA'NS, SURGE·0 'N S;· ETC t he1efore, is interchangeable. h is aged widow he left $30 000. To h is sometimes ·I ' Oftice ': -Oor.. -Church and 'l'emp~rl!nc~ son· in law h e bequeathed the remainder of THE FACE rn rAINTE D St~: , Night calls ·attended from Dr. Hilhei:s the estate, provided be survived bis wife, in t h e same manner ae the Hung;i, in the J:esidence. . .. , . , -, ,.. Hay Fever. the t armer 's daughter. If the son-in-law ceremony of the sacred pipes, that is, if the ::!; C. HILLIER, M.D. · . M T. U . ' B lJ.AMMj:MAN M. D. C. . rm. mv. Dr. Morell Markenz1e, in his monograph d1td first then the $15 000 was to be divided deceased belonged to one of the g entes own. · Fellow of Trin, Med. Coll~ge, , Me~ ~er Coll, Phys. Surg., out. on this comphlnt and i ts treatment, sa.ys a.mong his t hree cl11ldren. To his daughter, ing a sacred pipe. The " Hunga·keunz·e," 3tf FoR 61 LIOUSN ESS, CONSTIPATION· tha~, a.more; races, the Eag!ieh anJ Ameri· Farmer Martin b cqueat.hed " a. paokage to as this mode of p ainting is called, is d one by INDIGESTION, DIZZINES S, SI.CK. D. l!IJJUU~ f!l.JDllI'SON, can: amongcla.>re3, the uµpera.nd cultivated; be found in his trunk tied with a green rib· painting the entire face red with vermilion · ~li=:4.DACH£. AMI) l)IC::E.Af=[8 OF 'THE: AFlllETHR FOLJCITOR, &c. MOPRIS and of the sexes, the mi.les are · especia.lly bon, and ee!lled with · green wax. " W hen then a black line about the breadth of th~ £5'":>~+=.,~N. ~. ~ -..~~~ ~N r.t 13'..:.t:.U-t::it..S~ BJ.CCR . u1stairs, I\:h1g _Btreei._Bowman- sueceptible to hay fever. In the north ol this was opened ib wa.s found to he the un~ · little finger Is marked a.cros~ the forehead ·r1 : ..~·: ;,.!";;.: ;_i1;# r;,··~ ...,:1C:'...~~ >; N;; i=o:!C:'!! ?'S'"'ule. Sc-lidtcr for the Ontar1 Bank fortunate valentine that had caused the ex- horiz~ntally and down both cheeks to meet · rrtvate Monevs loa1"ed at the lowest r~~e. Eurrpe it is almost unknown. It is rare in t~aordina.ry estrangement of the farmer from, a. line dr& . ~r: ,.~ :~d ft f'l. ~!l! ,, ,~'l'}i:M r. }~I UAr.H .. E: ;...·o;. WJ\ across the chin, thus forming a "France, Germany, Italy and; where· .--:c Bur:r.,._.ct'. Ei..coo iS3TT~ RG 1 r<: r:.. 15: Equare. A cent re line starre from the ode ·.--- -· .J~hn ~~bralth, · " as in England it is frequent, and in America his daughter fifty ago. ' i" REAT MENT AND CUR'E O i' Ci-i RONI~ across the forehead and ia.lls along the ncee ARRISTER OLIClTOR, NOTARY prevalenli. Again, 99 p er cent. of its mar· "A N D O~GTlNATE D I SEASES. The Danger of Statistics. tn its paint.· This black paint is made of PUBLIC, &;c. O:fHce-Bounsall's Block, t ,> re of the upper class, while agric11ltural . . . I charcoal and prepared .f?-t. Men. women, lUng Streat, Bowmanvi!le. ·Monev_t~~~~ laborers, who most exposed to ~he cause He was of a2tat1s_t1c<ol turn _ of mmd . · ~n <'lmd children belonging to t he N eneba.t an of the compfaint, are less subjecn to its attii.cks. L <>stly, Ih e male sex is mox;e liable fact he was wbat might be na.lied '..' at a.trntl· (sa.cred pips own er&) gentes of t he tribe cal c~ank. He can tell you preomily how with few exceptions, _are painted in thi~ :BARRISTERS, <::C>!icitors, Notaries, &c. to it than the female, in the ratio of three long u would a man no walk from the manner death to one. He !!lVfs its cause - "the entrance ea.nh to the moon, if he walked twenty When & momha; of a society dies t he r]iHE SCIENCE OF LIFE. iato the eyez and air-channels of those p re · !Ji.. the great medical work ' OOLBORNE and OOBOURG. disposed t o the ailment,'.o f minute pll'tioles miles a; day. He ·can tell inch tho nu~· body iii; take? care of by t he ·fraternity, ltlON.E1' TU :J,OAN. of vegebable m ihtter frqm grasses a.nd, plants her of mi.lea tha~ t he avcr~gc · wom~n. "'!di and t he burial caremonies are transferred o· the age on Manhood, F. M. FIELD, B· A._~-~~~H~ B. ~~~~L. in 'flower"-and its cur.e , chit fiy cocaine in ~hlle lo~k11'.g for her sornsora aurmu from the family to the m1magement of the N ~rv ous and Phyaics,l De· o'ne form or another~ or residence in certain a.n ordma.ry hf.et1me. · He knows, · or pre- society. ·For instance when a member of btii v, Prema.t11re Decline, ---·-----~JI. BINGHAM, mountain or seaehore loc11.lities which tends to~know, the facts and figures about the Society dies the body is i:r' o:rs of Youth, and the everything, .· . . . ta.ken i mmediately after death, while the n ·old miseries con~eqnetJt SSUER ~~BRIAGE LICENSES, free from the dis ease. Well, oue - day,, this ~-yp1cal ch1;>ra;:c~ar, body is yet limber, to the lodge where. thereon, 300 pages, 8 vo., 125 ,Reeidence, Enn1sk~len. ·' whom w~ shall call Stat1smcu~, wa.11 21ttmg the .society is accustomed to meet. On prescriptions for all diseases. Cloth, full gilt, g, (), lllJNIUNG, by the side of the youn~ lady t o whom he its arrival it is placed in a sitting pos only $1, by mail, sealed. Illustrative sample Reads Up. wc1;s engaged to, be ma.rued, wh.e~ he eudde1!-· tu re facing the east, and decked with free to all young and middle aged men Send ICENSii:D AUCTIONEER FOR An erect bodily attitude is of vastly more ly drew a note book ;uid penc!1 from h1a the regl.\lia of the society. The fdce of now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded 't::.J the County of 'Durham. Sales attended to the author by the National Medical .A.siooito en <1hort.est notice and lowest rates. .A.~;t~ss importv.nce to health than most people gen· bre11o11t pocket and began .to cipher. The the corpse i3 p1inted in the manner in . ation. Address P. 0 . Box 1895. Bostoll, Mass.1 erallv imagine. Crooked b~dily positions, young lady a!so beg~n t o sigh, for sh~ knew which the man while living was acoustom· or DR. v.·. H. PARKER. graduate of Ha.rvara Jon!'flCB P. o. maintained for any len~bh of time, are al· College, 26 years' practice in Bost.on, . s. BllRDEN !It «JO.. " ' meetings Medical who may be consulted confidentially. Specialty ways injurious, whether in the sitting, by ~11.d experienc.e ~hat he was. ~omg te ed to p aint when attending the hand is Oiseases of Man. Office. No 4 Rnlfi.nch St. A UCTIONEERS for the County of ~bnding, or lying posture, whether sleeping sor1ng some ot Ins u1fernal sta.t1st1ca upon of t he society. J.n his light placed t he " Ta.·sha-ga.t> " or deer's a_ Durham · Insurance and fieneral Agentl!o or waking. To sit with the body leaning her. However, she asked: "Ar e "OU 't" h oof ntt le, w hich is carried ' " , wri 10g a poem a b 011t ma '" · only by the Vatnatorand'Real Estate .A.Jl:ents. Sales an.d forward on the stom11ch or to one side with other business promptly attended to. B HEALTH~. H~;iv mu.ny me~ls.a. day do you getawlly leader of the society. Thie preparation the heels elevated on a level with the hands, with :Bowmanville P.O. -t . ask ed Stllbt1Et1cua. of the body is done by the relatives of is not only in bad taste; but exce~d ingly d e· ::~hree, of coi:-rse. !Vha.t do yon Il).~~n ?" the . deceased and one or two members Pianos Tuned and Repain~ trimental to health ; it cramps the s tomach, ,~ 11 ~ell y~u m .a mmute, _deare?tJ, he of the 1:1ociety. ·when all is complete presses the vital, in~erru pts t he free repa;id. workrng vigorously wnh . hrn lead· the crier eummons the rnembers, anO. motion of t he chest, and enfeebles t he func,p · ARTIES WISHING THErn.PIAN?S pencil. After several other quest ions oi a.n these wend their way to the l odge Tuned or repa1ren can nave them a.ttena.ed tions !lf the abdominal and t honcic orga.n~h almost impei-ti?ent ,na.1;, pl>'1cing ·his arm W H ERE T.IIE DEA~ MA · 'Oby leaving word at the DOMINION ORGAl\ and, lll fact, u11bala11~es the whole muscul~r around hat· vvrost, hi? ~aid tenderly : · "!' SITS We ·OFFICE, 'Bowni~nvllle A :fl.rst-clas mall system. Many children becpm'il slightly "l>an't you want to know, dea.reatF.:.uny, as .r. silent h ost. '.!-'he Me.wadane songs ·tM>W being In their emplo~ , hump·b!i.l"ked or severely round-shouldered how many beef 6 teers, , ~beep, turkeys, e.s whwh were the b ,vontes of th e dead mem b~ eleeping ~vith their bead raised on a high well a.a barrels of :flour, gallons of coffee ~er are th~n suvg and the . rhythmic steps Unlocks e,ll t he dogged. avenues of tho pillow. Wnen any person finds i t eagier oo hu ndred dozenr;; of eggs, etc., etc. , been vaken, whde prei1en~B are 11Ud on the drum; Bowels, Kidneys and L iver, carrysit or stand o.r walk or sleep in a. crooked telescoped by tbiB !ovelf, pouting, little these la~ter are offermg~ t~ward the f1;1;ne:a.1 ing off gradually without weakening the po~ition than '& s brnight one, such mo.y be mouth?" c~remomea, As each gilt 1s made ths crier system, all the impurities and fou< sure his muscul&r system i~ deral'.l£ld, a.nd "I don't want t o know anything of the smgs ~crth the name of the giver, that all humors of the secretions; at the same t~e more.c~reful he is to p~eserve an up · kind," she retorted a.ngrily. the ullage. mar hear the deed. ~nile time Correcting Acidity of the right pos1t1on and g et straigut vg ·in the " Y ou would beanrpr ised to !call'n t hat the body he)! m ~tt\te m the lodge, either Stomach, caring Biliousness, Dysbetter. during the last 'teu_ yeara alone, ycu have of the family or the soc~ety cf which the de· . pepsia, Eeadachet:1, Dizziness, sw<t.Howed seventeen h~ad of c(l,ttic, iorty-, oea.s.~d was u. m~mb~r, 1f the person or his Heartburn, Constipation, D ryness ~eveu sheep," he r q:lh· ".'1, once more work· fomi.y are he~d ll.l h igh respect by the tribe, Comp'. exion and 001,ummption. o\ the Ski.11~ Dropsy, :Dimness of ing his peucil. Thet> eht1 got her demder up, the you,1!,g mm, those between .t he ages of Vision, Jm.mdice, Sa~t Rheum An idea has been started tha t fair-hii.ired and for five minutea thne wa&.,, fl.ow Of fo.. 20 and oO, g!!.ther !iogether t o perform a Erysipelas, Scroful a , ::!fluttering p avple are more liable to conaumption than <l ignant elcqu~uce th1>t surpiised him, for he ce~emony e;i:press~ve of their esteem an d ·the Heart, Nervousness, and Gen~ tnose of dark compl&xion. '!.'he exQJana.tio:o bego,n a 1:;e w t·c;.l cnlation. gnef. Ha VII!g stripped t liemeelves of their eral Debility; ail these and ma.ny probabjy fa that oonanmption fo c;rnmon~at :·At t h<l 1»lll you wer'e ta1king just now,' ¥armonts, except ~h.e brellch cloth, ~ loop other similar Complaints yif'ld to the . , i'RA()TJVll DENTIST, _ in northern la.nds- a hob tha.t the severe!" Mrns F,rnuy, ' he said a.s soon as she po.u ed ts cut through t?e skm of the arm, midway 1 5 h ap:piy influence of BURDOCK t ' 1 . ~~il TW~NTY YJ~AR~ EXPERIENOB. . climate will account for-where t he ml!.jority for breath «;,-1.m r lower jMf would in twou ly betw,een the pomt of the shoulder and th~ BLOOD BITTERS. of tha inbabit!l.nts ar.e fail:, but phtisis does ··. ~~o'ildeGas ::Cdmliitstcredf'or 1,'aln.let not them in lllrge,· prr.pord()n to tbein yearn tr,,;~,; a d:istance equal to 1 423 678 elbow, a.nd the e_n(l of a. willow twig, about T. l!ULElJRN ~ CO.. Pronrfom.....,,, Toro~tc. milee or tViilC'3 as -far c.a from the moon 8 foot l9ng, havrng the leaves on, is thrust Operatlon11. number than their dt\rker neighbnrn. And. tlHcugh the loop of skin. The hlcod trick· ltl«JCLIJNG'B BWCllo , in fact, ' the 'dark skinned nadves of th~ t o-"'._ Ilnb she ho.-i fhd, aud wheu he cE"<llcd !es d<;>wn, the willow stem, and r.p!lttera the south are apt to be attacked by ooµsumption h& w.a.s given, the " only be 11. aillter to hangmg .1ei1ovea. The young m_ en th~n waik when they come to our colder country. you" bonnce. - [Tex11is Siftings. slowly to the lodge where the dead hes, and c ?n tin uea to ao a Banking Bll81JH!llll Bo wmanville Branch. I i · ADVICE TO wre~vwwrmr~·r······z· L£111Zm111~ 1flECANADIAN STATESMAN J.\t.I, A.JAMES, HEALTH. MoTnERS.-Are you di oo~ .-If you want a good ~ituation write MAY BROTHERq, Nurserymen, Rochester, N. 1: .. as 1hev arfl m want of honest and uprigl1t salesmen, to sell tb.eir,choico and hardy varieties of Nursery S tock. oithor on saluy or <)O~ mission. Mnny ' new and valuable varietie· t.o offer. "' rite them at once for terms; delayR are danP:erous. ·~-4W· L ARM FOR SALE OP. REN'l.~:Cou· taining 50 acres. being part of the north half of h t 34, con. 6. Clarke. On the premises are >t good house and barn with s~one stablinµ-, J?<,od well and never failin g spring stream rurtninJ? throUJ?h the centre. A.bout 20 acres admirably suited for pasture. For further particulars appl:v on the premises to R. L . RALLS, Leskard, p, O. · 11-tf. F ARM FOR SALE.-1.00 acres of the estare of the late A1tcarnALD ST>::VENS. being composed of the east half of lot 7, con. 4, In the Township ofDarlmr.:ton; also one acre on lot 6, m the 3rd Concession. Possession the First of April. .l!'or particula~s enquire or Mr. \VILLLAl\I WrNDATT, Executor, or MRS, A. S TEVENS, ExecuL r ix. at the residence of l\fr. John Rutledge, Manvar~ Road, 4-t! ARM lN PICKERING FOR SALE. -One of the best farms in P ickering for sale containing 125 seres, all or which are cleared and in high state of cult1v&tiou. On tho premises are a good dwelling hoilSe and out buildings and two wells. This property is situated on lot 15, b, f., one mile and a halt from Pickering vlllage, half a mile from Grand Trunk Station. throe mi!ca from Pickering Harbor, and six miles from Whitb\T . For further particulars apply to JAMES PrnKA.nD on the premises, or Pickering, P. 0 . 29-tt ARM FOR SALE.-130 acrea, composed of sonth part of Lot No. 19, Broken .!front, aLd is three miles from the 'rown of Bowman ville. 'f his is one of the best farms in the county of h am_ It is in a hii;rh state of cultivation and is well fenced On tho premlses there is a stone dwelling, two large ba.rns an d other out·bulldinga, with stone stabling for cattle and horses, , hree wells and four cisterns, also wind·mill for pumping water, For further particulare apply on the premises or it by letter to HENRY MANN, Bowman ville 31-tf- F F -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -· · F R. PEATE, TailoPJ Gentlemen's· Clothes Made toOrder. L TO ADVERTISERS. pHc ation-FR~E. .A. list of 1000 newspapers divided mt<> ST.A.TES J\l\D SECT JONS will be sent on ap- To those who want their advertlsing to pay. we can offer no better medium for thorough and effective work than the varwus selections of cur Select n.ocal :List. , Newspaper .adver tising Hureau, 10 Sprue" street, New Yo;>rk, 1843 1SS9 Glio.1·. J10U' ELL&CJO., SALESMEN WANTED. B "\-XTE HA VE A LAJR.GE STOCK OF fl' all the leading Varieties stud Novelties in Fruit. and Trel'AJ, Shrubs, Roses, ::;mall Fruits and Bulbs- all of our own grow· mg; and o:lfer speeial ind11cements for mdustrl· ous,e.ctive men, Perseverance, not experience, necessary. 4-lOw. B -FiEL o_&.McCOLL. 1 GEO. M }ULSON & SON, --- ROCHESTER, N. Y. EXHAUSTED VITALITY. I OF. their mcome locally, at get permanent employ ment. My business Jfl rnpidJy. growing and very euccees'ful. Speci!ll inducements ~iven whrnh Insure ·uccess. Salary and CJ enaes to permanent men, Big tommissior· .for local work ir desireEl. IDon"t engage unt J,:ll write me. Apply to Fred. 1£. Y()u11g, New England :Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y, s~?~i~~!~.~i;~;;b Notice to Creditors--OF - T· I HQUSTQN STOTF, deceased. , OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in N pursuance of SecUon 36.of Clrnpter 110 or the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that al 188i, 00 Ii2· THE KEY TQ DENrlST:R·Y I o ! creditors and at.her persons havinJ{ claims aga\nst the estate of Houston Stott, late of the 'To\'Vn ofBowmanville in the C:onnty of Durham painter who died on or about the tw·mty: sixth day of February, Hl89, intestate, "'re requested en or btifore tile twenty-fourth da.y of April; 1889. to send by p ost P"epaia to John K . Gal· braith, of the Town o~ Bowrna nv1He, afuresmd Solicitor fo~John S tott, of tho City of'l'eronto: the Administrator, a siatement In writing of of their names and addresses and full par t1cu·. lars of their claims dt1ly attested a nd thenature of the ·ecuritiea (.if any) held by them. After the said day the a s~ets of the said de· ceased will be distributed, regard being had for such claims only of which notice shall have been received as aforesaid. and the ad· ministrator shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof to anv perwn whose claim sliall not have been r eceived at the time of the distribution of said' assets. Dated at Bowmanville this sixteenth day of March. 1889, JOHN K. G ALBRAITH, Solicitor for eaid Administrator. 12·5 of J.. X . BRIM.A.COMBE, AUTHORS 1.CttX,, ot .Manufaotnrus :!TRUSSES, A.rtid.clal Lfmbi!i~ .A.hd .A.Jlpl!ances for al!! !)9 formlrJee ot the HuntMt.Bod:v 2t)pin,al D~. HlpJotnt Diseaim. Dleeaaes ot j he :K.il6e and .Ankle, Knook 'Kne(l1 Bow !#gs, Club Feet, THE ONTARIO BAN DEPOSI'.l'S et HAflNDEN, L~ o. a. :a-OLD J!'ILLI~.G .A SPECIALTY thTIFICI.AL ~ o -· ofthe Royal Coliegeot Dental · ~ Surgeons, Ontario, . tO FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. ·TEETH INSERTED WITHOUT PLATES. Great Reductions in prioe on all Dental ·work. VitalizeC:. :Air, constantly In use pro· 'lluoiog Painless Operations. Partioulli.r,a.tten ilon 1111o1d to the 1egu\ation of Children's Teetfl .,_..ALL WORK W .ARR.ANTED·. _ '.Branch office. Dr. Rutherford's Orono Children should not, if it can he av~ided, be given epwtaclea to wear.· These do not always sit straight on the retrousse nose of youth. rfha patient loo!rs over them or under them or t hrough one glass only, a.11 ot whioh things tend to a.guravate ra~he:r, ,th an relieve disease of the eye. Where it is at all possible, attention should b'e given first to testing and then strengthening the ei~ht; PJ. certificate of vlsna.l defect slibn1d be ehaugh to give any. child at school the right to es.·-from !JoDY task involying special strlloin on the eyes, and in such cases school-bocks printed in extra large t vpe might b~ pro!fd· ed. Slmulta.neonsly with these preventive measures a.tlien~ion should . be given to strengtbenmg the- sight, by training . the child· to look at and observe thin~s at a 'dis-' tance. rfhe proverbially long· sight of sail,, ore is due to their consta.nb exercise of t;he utmos~ powers of ~isiOn. Au ab~urd.idea. once prevailed , that if these eruptions were interfered wibh fits and v11otious- other terrible dDongers , :were l.novita.ble. The plain anawer to all this is, that so surely as they are bub the out ward and visible sign of some trifling interna.I. derangement will they dis11oppear without ~ shadow of risk, if t his condition be r ectified; wiser , surely, than leaving to d ame Nature whir.t she is ~ometimes tardy in removing. Sho1'tsightedness in Children. Their Ship Towed by a Leviathan. The fishing schooner G.'H. WhitJe returned to Port Townsend, w. T: , from & he.libut cruise in the nort h Pacifia the other night. Her m &9ter, Cc\pt. Chules Johnsnn, rflates au exciting adventure with a. whale one Mondr.y afternoon. The vet1ael was aochored on Fiattery banks, seventy miles from shore, wibh a.ll;Of the crew,out in five d-0dee catching h8!lib11t~ when a school of five black whales came alongside. ,One of the school got ~nta.ng1ed in, tile vessel'.s nable, the anchor ,parted, a.nd .tll;e vessel, i~ tow of the monster, ~a.a ta!'ieI,t ,a.t a rapid r~te to t h e westward, the only persons a boa.rd being tue' and the cook, .who were unable to stop his progres-s. · ' '.L'he whale exhausted, a.nd brought the schponer a.round . in a .circle whhin , fifty miles ,from t.hsy.started. The wind· hss 'Vas rigged 11.n<l t he ve@ sel ha.uled alongside o{ t\le whale. · which mea..nxed over eighty·fllttl'. ,foet.,. W ith one turn . the cable became dfaenta.ngl~d. on the wha ii:!'s :ll.11nk, and t he wh!l.le disappeared the wa.tet.".' ' · ' ' The Captain and ' the cook hoisted sail 1md r etu rned for tlie b~ats, where t he crews were safely fou ri<i twenty.four hours later. The experience wii.B r.h~ mosn exciting t hat has ever ocaurred off F1attery banks. T he story is vouched for by all of the crew. '· - ·-·!D - time by striking together two short sticks of t&oelved in Savings Bank Departmen ta114 willow. AU shed t ears a.s they sing. This t811 and in\erest allowed at ourrent rates. !!! son/I' is an old one, having he.en handed down ,otice ot wlthdra.wal necessary. All depe!dt from a.n unknown It is the only iayable on demand, funeral wng in the Oma.ha. tribe. ~!~n~J=~~~~~~:~C:;, :~~~!:~~~~~~:~;!~:~ Etc. 4LSO CRUTUH~~. Didn't Want to go Back. "Mr. Bankersley," said a. young traveling man a.s he walked in f~ t he head of the firm, "I would like very much to my route cbane:ed. if possible, ~o e.e to " omit the town of JayviUe." · ." What's m'>ttcr with J l1'yville ! You h11ove a very g ood c11st omer." ." Yes sir," I kno w I have; or at leaet I u oed tl Buu I"euenll events--" "Yo~haven't been doing anything wrong, have you?" . T he traveler lowered his gaze and was silent, "Come ! Come!" his emp1oyer . in a fatherly tone, "tell me all about it, L~b us have a friendly confidence in the matter " w~n. sir;" said the m11on, .. I t Wa.3 this way. I waB walking a.long the street with t his customer in J ayville, when we h'loppened t o p a. watchmaker's establishment. H? re~ a.rked that ib n quired very close ap· plic'>t mn to succeed 11.t a · t rade of that kind." "And what then?" .· ·~ ~othing, except ing thatlreplijid ' Yes, 1. 1s ~1omentous thau the minutest care should be observed in m~king wa.tches.' T he poor old ma.u thcughu and thought, and just after 1 wrote iii out for him on a piece of pa.per, a number of by stv.uder s helped me ~o 'cv,rry him into a. drug store. I rea.llj t hink you had better stud some one else out Joughtand sold andDrartdssned upDnEurope lnited States and Canada, also Gold,Sllver an Jnited States Greenbacke bou2ht and sold. 117 CHURCH ST. TORONTO, ONT~ · tJ9LLEVTl01'8 STANDARD .BAN I\. to Skin Eruptions j~ O.luldren. Telegraph Tranif'ers This Bank h prepa.r"ed do for large or small sums on all p~rte of mate Banking ln all ite brs.nches, .Canada. 'l'hls is especially advantageoua to Farmera notea discounted ; Deposit.ti ;ierson11 living in Ma.n.1toba or the North-west U1 lt inakoe ths funds a v&ilable at once a*t he received and Interest paid on amounts of olaee of payment. ·~upwards in Saving& Bank Department: Jl'orfurthor partionl&rs call a the Banll::ln DRAFTS Elouse. Issued and Oollecti~ns' made In Europe T. BRODIE, .A.coonnta.nt, United States and Canada. W. J · ·TONES , Age1 t'romptly made at current rates upon all Piil 'O F CANADA. Jf Groat Brittain, ths Unltsd States and no Capital pal4 ap, 151,.IMI0,6&8. nlnlon ot Canada. _...,_ Res&. @260,CO · THIS YE:il.R'.S " MY~ R UlJT and PLlJG . T·L· E .. ' The Ontario Loan and Savings_ Co. Paid op Cllplt11I. $33\)000 SMOKlNG TOBACCO .FINER TH.!l.N See E\~ER. . ltcd, $ l'0,000. Ti:e(\tment of Sprains., Relief from pain ii; the firsh essent ia.l to be. produced in a. way w hich will further the process of cure. This may b~ done by stimulating the circulation of the p a.r t, thus preventing blood sta.sis and engorgement a.bout the pa.rt. Immerse the injured joint b hob wa.ter, or hot salt and ,water, for from twelve to eighteen hours if necssary. As soon as the major portion of the swell· ing and pain hall abated, apply to the ~D. bronze on n-1r Ea«:h t·L1JG & PA.CKAGEI In thE;J ' Gitlety ·,conce~t Hiloll .!faming· hlllm, Engl<1nd, a _fe:V ~Jg\lts a~9 a. d~ama.tic sketch wail being .p resented in which a sailor was represented ' ' as betng drug£ ed and murdered.' A rel.l'sailor at · this pnfnt leap ed from t he gallery n[Jon the ex~Taim· ing tha.t he would not see a comrade so mis- tnere." And the merchant thought so tmo,-[Mer· used, a.nd it took all ttie st hands and four p olicemen to remove hi m. T be funni· ch1lnt Traveller. est part of in was bhat in comt t he police Self-made men are most a.lwus tew J e testified that the man wa.a cold sober when a leetle too proud ov the job. he di::J. it aF UNDERTAKtMn -.:a~- ·.he shortest not1oe, at the lowest possible rates 'Jaskets and Burial Cases ready on s hort notice Jl'irat-class hoarse on very m oderate tArms Shrouds and Coffins constantly on hand. Fun e ral cu.rds supp ·d at once. l!"nrniture Shop Show Rcems-Eoun&&1lsNe-w Blllck. 1111" I am tully prepared to attend Funerals o L EV1 MORR,S. ' ~ecei vin.o: I beg to notify the public that lam deposits for this company, a.ud al\olvtng a higher rate o ~ interest ~han \j':e .oa.nlts. No NoTI0E OF ·WrTHI:JRAW.A'L REQUIRED I am also p; epared t~ B~it Loans ou. KEAL E~ ':tl.Tll on favora nle terms, OFB'ICE: McMurtry's Dry Goods Store, W. F.AI~LIE1" . Jil<>wmanvme. Oct. 11, 1883' 4.Z-3m · -

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