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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1889, p. 7

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.. ~~~~~··~·~~·.u~·~~ll!!!iS?~·I!!!~!·!!·~·! .. ~·~~!!!!!!!!~'!'!"~· !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I. ftauadiau Jtatt$mau. them into cold wa.ter to blench thom ; when the tongue is tender remove it 1u1d skin it a.nd when the calf's head is dons ~i>ke it up House Cleaning. a.!ld Jut it foto illch or two-iii ol1 pieces. Is scrnling tho usands a nnua lly to the WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1889. The melancholy da.ys come, the saddest Uut the tongue a.nd bra.ins quite fine and insane asylum ; and the aocto:s say this of the ye·r, · ·mix with them half a. cup of cream a.ud the · ·ti'm.i\Jlci · is ahrminglj on· the . increase. Of cleaning P"'iat a.nd' ecrubb · · floors a.nd beaten yolks of three eggs'; add gr»du a.lly to Th o usu al ,l'<ltue<lies, . while they may them sortie of the broth in whl.oh the half gi rn t emporary relief, are likely to do scouring fa.rand nea.r, heactws.a boiled reduced down and Ghickenod Heaped in the corners of the room, the an- with flour, add the maat; 11'.st;' of all, and morn lia.nn than What is ·needed cient dirt lay quiet, . Fre~uently requires prompt action. An Nor rose up a.t the father's tread nor at the sea.son with i!, pepper, and a spoonfo[ of is an A lterntivc . lllopcl-pnrifiP.r. hour's delay waiting for the doctor may children's riot; : lemon-juice. Bs sure there is enough gravy Ayor's Sar sap .::wiBa is· incomparab.l y But now the oa.rpets a.U:are up, and ,from to make the pie quite moist. .Bake in a. be attended with serious C<)nseqnences, tile best. lt cotTects tliqse ·lli?turbances the staircase top ' pudding dish bordered wivh e;ood pr.;itry ·especially in cases of Croup, Pneumonia, i;L tlJe Circulation Which.IC .aUSe SleepleSS· The mistress ca.Us to ·man and to wield and covered with pa.atry, for one hour.· and other throat and lung troubles. ness,. girns ioereas£ltl vitality, and' rethe broom a.nd mop, CRANBERRY J ELLY,-P,.i:o, quarter, and Hence, no family should be without a· stores t h e nenons system to. a healthful core twelve large tilot't applee, ( greening~ or bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, condit ion. ; Where are tpose rooms,'· tho~e quiet rooms, · any juicy applee ' preferre(f) ..put in a porcewhich has proved itself, in thousanrls of Hey, 'l '. G . A . Cote,.agent,0cf t])e Ma1\S. the ·house bu.t now. preseute<l, Iain ketde whh two . quarta 'Of cranberries, cases, the best Emergency Medicine Wherein we dwelt, nor dreamed <if dirt, · so stew until soft , then strain through a jelly . Home l\1issiona1·y Society, :writes that ever discovered. It gives prompt relief cozy and contented? bag, ' pub the juice on the stove in liis stomad1 was out of ·:irder, his sleep and prepares the way for a thorough Ahs l they're a.11 turned up!ide down, that k et tle ( ,fter it is waahe<l) with two pounds very often disturbed, an(l some im. quiet suite of rooms, of cofJ.e A suga~, boil the same a.a for any cure, which is certain to be effecteu by purit Y' of the ·blooil manifest; but that. With slops and su~s a.nd soap and. sand a.nd jelly ·or until i b j alls from the skimmer when its continued use, , .' a perfect ·cure ~vas obtainecl by the ·use tube and p~ils and brooms ; yon dip it in 11o1:1d falls cff in two or three S. H. Latimer, M . D ., Mt. V ernon, · of Ayer's Sa1'8aparilla: Chairs, ts.blea, stands are strewn about a.t places. Skim l!f tl:.e fro t h if ,any rises Ga., says: "I have fonnrl Ayer's Cherry ]'rederick W . l:'r'a tt, 424 \Vashington sixes and at sevens, while boiling. Pour in j elly molds or Pectoral a perfect cure for Croup in a ll While wife and housama.ids fiy around like tumblers. The apples ~ive it a -nice flavor. street., Boston, writes: "Mi'·danghter cases. .I have known the ":Orst case~ meteors in the heavens, relieved in a very shod time ,by its nse; 1 was prostratetl with nervous · debility. ORA:<GE CusTAi\D PIE.-Bake, iil open and I advise a ll families to use it in sudAyer's Sac-saparilla restored her to The parlor and the oha.mber floors were shell, ohe cupful of powdered sug.. r, ona den emergencies, for coughs, croup, &c." health," · · cleaned a. week ago, tablespoonful of butter, one tablespoonful of A. J. Eidson, M. D., Middletow~, The carpets shaken, windows washed (1H a.ll smooth corn starch, one teacupful oi boiling William F. ·Bowker, ·Erfo, Pa., was Tenn. says : "I have nsed Ayer l! the neighbors know), Cherry PectOl'al with the best effect iu cured of nerYousness and sleepiessness water, yolks of three eg!!s, juice and grated my practice. This wonderfnl p reparaBut still the aanctum had escaped-the rind of one large orange, all mixed together. by taking Aye r's Sarsaparilla for · about tion once saved my life. I hacl a con· table piled with books, . When "set," CQVer with mering·ue of whites two months, during which . time his stant cough, night swea~s, was greatly P.ins, ink and paper a.11 about, peace in its and brown. · reduced in flesh, and gi ven up by my weight increaseu orer t"ninty pounds: very looks· physician. One bottle anu a half of the Hor SARDINES ON ToAsT.-Take a. ha.If Till fell the woma.n on them all as fa.Us the 9 Pectoral cured me." dczen sardines, clip them in boiling water to plague on men ; free them from oil. Pnt them ou a plate in "I cannot ·say enough in praise of And then they vanished a.11 away-books, tha oven till very hot, rea.dy some Ayer's Cherry Pecto1·al," writes E. PREPAR.l!:D l l Y pa.per, ink a.nd pen. Bragdon, of Palestine, Texas, "believthick toast, well buttered, and spread with · · · in" as I do that, but for its use, I should 11.nchovy paste. Lay the eardin is on thie Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, · Mass. And no. w when cornea the master home, as lo~g sinc,e have died." . and serve very hot. This disb. can be varied Sold by all Dru1;gi~tt1 . Price $1; ·bebo~tles, $5. come he must o'nights, To find all things are "set to wrongs " by using instead ofsa.rdines the fa.moua Nor· wegian lax, a prepa.ra.tion of smoked salmon that they have "set to rights," When the sound of driving tacks is hea.rd, that is eicported in tins like sardines. · l'REl'ARRD BY the rooma stranize echoes fill, PRINCE ALBERT. 8A11l'DWICHES. - Take And the aarpet woman's on the st:iirs (t ha.u three eggs, a piece of butter the size of a.' Or. J. C. Ayer & CQ., Lowell, t,llass. harbinger of ill), walnut, a. little gnted Parmesan cheese, a !fold by all Druggists. Price $1; six boltllll!,$5. He looks for papers, books or bills that da,s h of sr It and of cayenne pepper. P ut 01---all were there before, . all'into a. saucepan and stir over thCJ fire till And sighs to find them 011 the desks and it thickens. Cut some roundJ>iecea of bre'lod, Tod Bros.' buyer attended the Bankrupt Stock Sales, fry them in butter till of a nica brown. in the drawers no more. OB PRINTING of all kinds done Spread the pa.ate over them. Have some neath' and promptly at THE STATEeMAN held by Suckling Cassidy on March 5th in roronto. The printing oJll.ce. Conn.try ordel'!' an~ ?rders by And then he grimlv think s of her who set ham, or tongue, grated or chopped fine, to mail receive 011r spacial attention. Iry us far buyers bought like fish bite on a dull cloudy day, anc. like this fuss afloat, · be s~rewn over them before seryiilg. your next printing and you will be.thoroughly And wishes she were out at sea. in a very satisfied. WEDD1NG CA.RDS, a.11 the le.test the fis1: some got left. We ~mild 'liot buy a stock at FrsH CHOWDER - Four pounds of fish; . leaky boa.t, styles. prlnted ·. neatl;r and ·taetily, at THE STATASM.\:!( O:ftl.oe. ::-<o dau.b work. He meets her a.t the parlor door with hair half a. d ozen slices of salt pork, put into the such prices as were given and give our patrons any pot. When done very brown, take pork and cap awry, bargains. We ' we1 ~ able to buy a large Stock of ~ry With sleevss tucked up and broom in hand out, put in a layer of fish cut lengthwise;· then a layer of oracker9, small onions and defi~noe in her eye ; Goods just out of bond at prices away below lOOcts on He feels quite small, and knows full well potatoes &!iced thin, mixed with. bits of fried pork; then a layer of fish, and BO on. S trew there'11 nothing to be, the $. and we only bought what we :\Vanted and at about Cleaned, Died, Pressed and Repaired by He holds his tongue, a.nd drinks his tea, a Iittla salt and pepper over each layer ; our own prices, so for the season 1889 we defy any ov~r tile whole pour a bowl of flour and and Ene[\ks away to }:led, water, enough to come even with the surcompetition. All w~ ask fa to show the goods to·intendiiig face. Add a. sliced lemon 11.nd a. cupful of Dyer and Clothes Clea.ner, tomato ca.tsup, A few clams are an additiou, 1 V;ET~RINAJ3.Y SURGEON, purchasers and they will speak fo( themselves. Goods The Care of Lace Om'taimi. ()over ijQ th.!l!t ~o qt11am ~l;!Qili{le 6. . O R O NO. .. 0. .N.T. Gciods warranted to be as no one will know in our staple· department were 1111 bought before the big l'ake do\\11 the cttrtaina 011or~iully, shake them from new when done. , them briskly to scatter the dust which clings RoLYPOLY PoDDING.-Make a crust .with· ~ "mi' n.;~m¥"6'lT? ·Corner of Kio.g and Ontirio Streets, advance and marked rock bottom- prices, . An early to the upper folds. ready wash·tuhs two heaping teacupfuls of sifted fioul', two e e . ~I!,~~~ ~ Bowman ville. nearly filled with cold water, a tub for each teaspoonfuls of baking.powder, (mixed well) . · . · call will convince all that the· mighty $ can be · spent to VETERINARY ~VRCJ~Ql{, pair of curtains. If ta.ken down in the a pinch of salt, two table~poonfu!s of butter · the best s.dva.ntage at TOD BROS. morning, let t hem soak till the next morning rubbeci through the flour, a.nd sweet milk · 1 ':.? ~ n TORONTO STEAM LAUNDRY, bdore disturbing t hem, then press, not enough to mix soft like biscuib dough. Then · ·. ~'-)O 106 York .Si., Toronto. wring, the water out of tliem. If they a.p- roll oub ili:ib and add cranberry jam ; ·wet e· pea.r very dingy, a.dd fresh water ; for if the edges of dough, roll up and.fa.sten secur. SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS fi1 li"'il a speclatt:r. Out of town work they are very much soiled, it will take re· ly, wet a. pieae of cheese cloth and wra.p LIJ lU promvtly a L tended t<J iwd ~tuned peated so~kinge and several changes of water around the whole and put in a. hot steamer per inetructions. t o render.,tbem fi i for washing. If there are over a. kettle of noiliog water. Allow about careful w.anhers they Cllll then be put into the ten minutes for lt. to heat through, then G. P. SHARPE. Proprietor. one hour. Cut in slices and serve 1· N'e:t~:rtoP&lmer house.. Randy _ to Uni.on regular w ash, lUld be gently pressed and steam rubbed wit h the hands; then boiled or sea.Id· with sau ce, ed. · L s t them dr:i- before· starching , a.nd if ~7 . 4 ' torn mend t hem. Use clear sti:irch · a.nd let it be well-boiled. They must be made· The Sp~g Poem. erlimbertha.nstiff and.should not sta.nd out To N. L., Lucretia, John Smythe, Veri· in firm folds when Clry; or they will lose tas, Laura V., Regina.Id Fi1zwillia.m, Con· t' their lace·like characteri~ticG. After Qt1.>rch· 1 st a.nt Reader, Jeremiah Snooks, Clara, ing . Maude,_ Ethel J?nes, Old Subscriber, Marie H!NC '?HEM CARE!llJ'LtY .Ann W., J enme K. Reed, Hector, Pro · . · .· Bono Publioo, Lucy N., Liberal-Conserva- Gre.dnate of the Oatari. TeterlnaTy Co!ltme, of the Ontario Vet~rma.ry ~ver the hne, b11t ~ob 110 a.s t<! str~tch t~e1. tive, W. A . G., and 137 other esteemed con· !tegittered member Media.I Ae&0oia.tion. . Lhey should remam on the Ima .ttll a. htt e tributors : Many t hanks for your exquisite . .-e>tnoe Md Real6ence, Newtcnville'. Ont. more tha.n half dry. In the !11e..ntlme ha ve verses on Spring. They full of poetic visit Ore110 every Tnellday andlSaturda:r ' . a sheet (on,e for each cur~m) spread out fragrance and suggestiveness, a.nd all that is how:ii rr m · 10 e.. m., to 4. p. m·., a.t and ta.o,ked on the ~o?r or pinned on the oar- touching a.nd true and good a.nd beautifu om.e~ Ooul~' Hotel Oslls by Telegraph reo01ve T~ADE. pet, b!'mit ca.r.eful 1f on the latter t~e l:~e and grii.nd and nfoe: the rhyme is all but tmri ediatb a~ntion1 . CHAI GES MODERATE. liter spending ml.lch t ime and money, I am no. wr10kles m th sheet. When t 00 . · faultless ; the metre flo ws smoothly and ? m evenly, like a. meandering brook through 1ow prepare d to fill aJI orderR promptly. I t ame a.r4: n early dry, d~nble .ave a flne assortment of WAVES, BANGS, ha.If, placmg end to ?nd ; if long curta.m_s, a limitless expanse of dandelion dotted mea.d1 SWITCHES, COMBS and PINS vory cheap. then h.y each curtam on a sheeb and pm ows · the lines are instinct with the life and the hemmed ends n ea.t ly a.nd carefully to one f h' f h 1 h h l BANGS FROM: $2 UP. end res nese o ~ e .vernu. z; p yrs t at stea to .Jld Switches co'ored and made to look like end 0 f the sh e0. t · th en go. t 0 the. folded . us over t he limpid sun-kIBsed waves ot L ake llew. Highest price p aid for .Jonii cut hair. a.nd · draw tha t down b¥ t he sides, b emg Ontario, or come round by the wesb end of cautious abou t stretclnng out the centre. ·he ~ai "d lake ther · HAIR TONIC p· d th ·d · or aoma o way, 1rom a.way · kl · L eave ~o wrin 10 es, own e SI es d own south, or r a ther south-west, amidst Warranted to prevent the hair from ta.Hin g ~rst, gomg f~om those to t he cent~e, keep · t he p alms and spices 1if the Gulf of Mexico ; out and will make it grow. UI have also a fine lot of ne w Stamping mg a.n even line alw~ys·· If p~ssible keep or of those sunny climes "where the founthe edges from d~awmg mt-0 pomts, tains of Sonora glide in to the calm P.icific " Patterns. All orders promptly at tended to. PLACING THE PINS (not very far from wher e tbe bogus gold " boom " fooled a. lot of ha irbra.ined fellows (7 Neads' E.Jock, Bowmanville. close enough to prevent it. Change the week). We a.pprecia.te the poems high· pius if it becomes unev"'n, looking carefully ly ; they speak volu mes fo;.- t he poetic attaint o see must be done. A11 m~et be done gently or the l ace w ill bulge out when menta of the int ellectual giant3 and giant· dry. If is limited it is 1:;e,t to do one .:sees of Young Canada. They all cqu· curt11oin a b a time. S hould a breeze be g o- ally excellent, so muoh so t hat w e would do ing, it will hasten the drying process t " injustice t o select a few . al'Jd omit others. open the windows. As soon ,as dry they We can, if desired, keep them, and if not this spiing, t hen some other sprin , we may are r eady for put ting u p again, and will publi~h t hem. · present almost as good an appearan ce as if new. L 1ce curt1'.ina shoulrl never be ironed, as Baby McKee in Command. often done ; t hey show numerous bulging A Washing ton letter to the Troy "Times" places, where the lace has been stretahed, !Uost Sn ccessfo l R eme dy eve!' di~cov besides the process inj urea the Effect of the says of P resident H arrison'a grandchild ; T ile e red., as it is Cl:'rt.aiu in its efTt!cts a ud does n ot blis ter. R ead- proo~ below . dssign, of ten warping a fl : wer or leaf to one B~by McK ee i!i allowed more liberties about the head of this Government tha.n the ordiside. or even a member of. the nary office-seeker, If there ia n o floor space a.t command , another pla.n may be followed in drying the Ca.binet, among which m a.y b e included t he O FFICE OD' CHA.RLKS A . SNYDRR, ~ curtains : Procure ·the long handle of a p rivilege of entering the library of the P reBnEEDl!.R OF CL:E'V'tL.A.ND D.A"Y ASD TROTTING B RED HORSES. wall or wintlow.-brush. P in a. sheet around sident at all times and wandering about at . ELMWOOD, l!..L.., liov. 20, 18&9.. 1Pl!"Note.- Tliis fflimrite medicine is put this, wro.pping it as cloaely an d smoot hly as t is o wn sweet will, and there by h angs a 13ll. R ;J, KENDALL Co. , Uj i n "1!al bottles · holdin.,; ~hree O'Uinces Dea r S irs ; I have a lways purchased your Ken· possible. T a.kc another sheet and la.y the story. Ther e a re on the d esk of the Presidall's Spa;·1n Cure by . the· lialf d ozen bot t le·, I oack, witli(the na11ie blown fo the glass, a d esk p renent ed him by Q ueen Vicdentcurtain <>ni t , putting the end of the curta in would liko pr ices in l arger q u a ntity. I t hink it ls and the name of the in'llentor, S . R . Oampt o the end of t he sheet. Then lay this end toria. a.nd mad e out of the timber s of t he one of the best Hn.f?:nents on ea1·th. l have used. i't for three y ears·. bell, fa reil ink across the f ace of tke label . in a line on a pole and roll it over and over ship Resolute, which brought from the Ar ct ic en. my s tables Yours tru!y, CHAS. A . SNYDER. Beware of imitations, refuse all substi . the r emains of the Sir J ohn F r a.nklin expediround t he stick, tuts-s, and you· will not be disappointed. · ion..c..a series of ivory keys, which connect t USI NG TWO SHEETS with electric bells i 1 different parts of t he BROOKL~, N. Y., November 3, 1SS8. if one is not long enough, It will take t wo bnild ing, .so t ha.t h e ca.n· eummon hie secre- DF.. D. J . KlrnDALr. Co. persona t o do thfo in order t o k eep both taries .and att endants at a.ny t ime. One of D ~ar Sirs : 1 fl e~i re t. o give you t estimonta.1 of my good opinion of your Kendall's Spavin Cu re. I h a \ra sheet and stretahed evenly over t he these six keys calls the pl'iva.te secret ary, nsed !t for L a metl f@H, Stilf .Jol.nts and pole. W hen. done and fastened securely another the exeoutive eecreta.ry, and the ~if:ic~~~~J~~~J 1 ~~~~ff;tg1~!in~~~1re cure, I cordi· with pine, the pole can be set up in a corner roet t he talegre.phopen.tor, the stenographer, _ Yours trulyMa.pager Troy L'ilii~cig,'~~fes. ti.11 t he lace becomes dry. 1f done as d irected the telephone man, the messenger, t he doorthe appearance of t he curtains will r epay k£eper, and so on . And all of these officers, for the aare bestowerl u pon them as they will in fact , almo ~t every member of t he official arising from a disordered state of the Liver, seem like new ones. eta.ff at the White House, mshed int o t he SA1"T, WnfTON Ccu:-iTY, OHH>, Dec. 19, 1888. Stomsch and Bowels, such as · There movable frames const?ucted for P resident 's room in frantic haste yesterday Dn. B. J. K E NDAJ..L Coo C.~ente : I f'el i t iny duty to say w hat I bav e d on e J)yspepsia or Indig est ion , B iliot1s the purpose of drying !ace ourhins. Thea<> ·afternoon, not k nowing whether t he Presi- "1th. your x~ndall 11 Spav in Cure. I h ave cured A!fections, H eadach e, Heartburn, very sma.11 hooks on t he ends and dent had been assa!!!!ina.tad or not, but sus- t ·w enty-tlve horses that. had ~ pa~-hHJt ten O! sides, that take hold evenly and k eep all in pecting that the worst had happened, be- :;;!~: ACidity of the St omach, Rheumatism , J;:1:V~~r:e~ I~~~e11!!~ ~:~1dy~~~ place till dry. T 1 1ey are used at laundries cauae of the violeub and continuoua ringing books and followed tho direct ions, I h a1re never ~lioss of Appetite, Gravel. N er vou s lost a case of & n y k in d. where curtain washing is a business. T he of these bells. Bu t it was only Baby McKee, Yom·s truly, A~DREW T URNER.· Debility, Nausea, or V omit ing, &c., &c. Horse Doutor. price va.ries from three dollars up. Yet we who had found a new pfaything. Prloe 2 5 Ce nts pe r Bottle. seen, curt~ins done up in a private FREPAR"E.O Of'tL Y BY f.a.mily, as descrified above, ·tha.t were q.iite A queer freak ol nature is a.ttr;;ot ing t he i>AVIS & LA.WP.ENCE 00·.(Limi.tei), as well restored for use a.a those d one on ..... frames. Where it is not too expensive it is attemion of the madiae.l fraternity at Wabe2t t o use gum arabic fo1· stiffening all bash, Willia.ID Surber, a.mechanic, noticed, some months ago, tlm t the t ongue , la ces, fine muslins, and lawDs. I t gives a _ freshness and the crispiness cf new goods of his 11cin was becoming abnori;nally large, to worn fabrics and leaves n o lumps or but did not immediately report t he case t o a physician. The tongue h11os since incre11osed smeared surfa.aes. t o double its uatura.l 11ize, protruding from the lips in & dfogusting manner, a.nd render· Choice Receipts. ingit impossible for t be boy totake:nutriment aa. ve in liquid form. The swollen t ongue nas interfered with respirat ion, and t he p hyaici~ns a.s a resort decided to trim t he or@'"Call and see me in my new quartel'S . gan down to its proper proportions, th ough the operation·is attended with grea.~ danger. 4 The reduction will be effect ed in a few days. HOUSEHOLD, l Want .of Sleep good. ~ SPRING ANNOUNCEMEN_ T 1889. ----o---- .1 To Save Life Window Shades, all colors, anc f'· both· with and withou~ dad~ Genuine.Hartshorn Spring Rollers. ': :· , Bessel Carpet Sweepers. Curtain Chains. Cornice Poles. Stair :Plates and·Rods~ · Sande.rsori, Petey · ~-- Cg/s.-··.· PURE M, I XED ,PAINY,. Ayer s Sarsapari Ila, Genuine Eleph~nt L(;:}ad:, . .. A fine Jine of Kalsomine, "White Whitewash and Paint Brushes.· The best goods -at}bottom · prices. S. S. EDSALL. Ayets Cherry Pectoral, AT TE NTI 0 N! .i J Gents' Ulothing TH ;OS. PEAT, j IOHN SP·ENC ER, of w w t' ·I at @ "t:oi· I .· TO FJn-e Hair Goods. LADIES B - 0 __ =±:s DOORS ' SASH BLINDSI. . ._ _ , ' MOULDINGS' Patronize Home w:ru and other· Factory "Work all Kiln Dried~ · Q · , APul~ Stock always on haml Call and Examine. Mrs. A. DAVIS, McClellan Co., BOWMANVI LLE, sole agents in this locality for TRENTON, ONTARIO. G-IL~OUR&· CO-, !ENOAll~s Ganrnnell's Cathartic UomDonnd cnres GnronicGonstination, Costiveness, and an GomD1aints ---o- - SPAV Hi C U R Ea Everbody wants the best Boots -and Shoes to be bought for the least money. At my new. store, To the Public. $ COTT'S OLD STAND, 1 · 9ni; 1 you will find a very well assorted stock of the best g oods in the various lines tha t the market affords. No need to en umerate the different classes- I keep everyth ing in foot·wear for men, women and children and at prices th at can't be b eaten . S ee our G erman Felt Slippers. R UBBERS AN D F ELT GOODS , Trunks, S atchels, etc., also in stock. I DUN N'S I Kl Ordered work receives special attenti~n. DAVID DAVIS. IH ECOOK'S BEST FR IEND D

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