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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1889, p. 1

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... " TERMS :-11.50 Pn A.nUM. OUR TOWN A.ND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWA.RDS. M. A. JAMES VOLUME EDITOR AlfD !>MPIUETOB, Ni:w ·S11:m:Bs, · NmrnEB 559 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1889. TYRONE. Grandfather Collaoutt is convalescent. Mr. John Hare h ae employed Mr. W, MoyM e.s assistant. Mr.R- Lindoey is improving- his house with a rnat of paint. Mr; Jas, Hodgson is still veryl eak: not much change. Mr J as Curtls has bough a fine from Mr, D, Cornish. Mr S Pollard he.a sold hie fine team of horses at a good figure. · Mr, J ohn Haro was indisposed last week with an injuroo back. Mr. P. Werry e.nd wife have been spending a few d~.ys in the oity. Mr W H Clemens has bought a new binder o! tho Syivcstor ma ke. Mr. T. Creeper's driver has boen w ith bronchitis and distemper. '£he wind storm on Sunday brought down many fences In thlB section. Mias Susie Petch has gone to her home e.t Burnt River for a few weeks. · Miss Ida Uudgson has returned from nn en· OHt.ble visit among northern friends. Miss Ma.nninll he.s been compelled to stop teaching tor a short time on e.ocount of illness, Two exeellent sermons w ere preached by Mrs. W. Kenner on the esurrectlon of Christ on Sabbath last. ;J A Cook, Eeq., Prov·l D G WP, S o!T w ill visit Tyrone Division to-morrow night· A tull atlondance Is desired. · .A. reception service wiil be held Rt the ·church next Sabba th morning and the Sacra· meni or the Lord's supper wlll be administered at \ he close. A exhibition game of base ball wae played here on Good Fride.y. Beavers vs Gladstones and resulted in a victory for the former of 11 to 1. What wall wrong with our o&&cher ih&& he failed to connect 1 Easter visitors: Miss Ida .Binp;hrim, Town: Mr '\.V Williama, Acton~ Miss White, Mari· pos11; Mr Geo McLaughlin, Oshawa; Miss Hoidge, 'l'oronto; Mibs Knight, Miss Keith, Town: Mr Allin, Colborne; Mr F Manning, Another of the old pioneers of Darlington has paesed away in the person of Mr. Wm. Brent. er. who has been a resident or this 1!00tion or the county tor the fifty years. Mr. Brent has been falling for some time and on Saturday passed away. He leaves one daughter and hree sons to mourn the loss of a loving father. '£he deceased reached the ripe age of 82 year~. and we.s very h!gbly respected e.nd universally esteemed by all who knew him. His rems.ins were rnterrod at Bethesda cemetery on Monday. XXXV. NUMBER 17. NEW HAYEN. Mr Chae Witherldge ie on the aick list· Mrs l:'.ltevcns had a successful wood bee one e.tternoon recently, Mr Frank Brimaeombe. of Indianapolis, has been visi ting friends here. Mr ~'rank Wright. our energetic teacher, spent his Easter holidays a t home. Mr Rich 0Aborne haa disposed of his driving mare, F lora Keen. He will h< to get th ere now wit hout the F lor. KI.J:lBY'. Kirby Methodist Chur ch anniversary will be held on June 9th and 10th; Mr Jas M cCormick ha.s removed from .his fe.rm to live in Leskard for a time. It w ill no doubt Interest the many friends of Harry Chapple, MD, to learn that he will Roon be marrl9d and w ill t.h en go a t once t o Mont ana. wh ere a practice has been gnara.ntoed him, A nu mber of the friends of Mrs Morey met at her residence on the occasion or her Sl at birthday and her a present. Mr A Chapman read the a.d1'1.r.-ies. .4.n enjoyable evl'nlng was spent by e.l l prese n t. JOHNSTON II & II CRYDERMAN . · ~ .NEW PARK. ARE NOW SHOWING · the Largest and most Elegant stoc;k of @:RIOTLY NEW~~o Bowmanville. oos) ' e\Ter shown by them or any house . lll Thia powder never vanes. A marvel ot purity, strength aud wholesomeness. More ooonomloalth&n the ordinary Kinds, e.nd can not be sold i n competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders, Sold onlyin cane. ROYAL BAK· ING POWDER Q0.. 106We.11St.. N. Y. Mr, T. Kelly ls very poorly Miss Dee.n Is spending her holidays o.t homo SHA W'S SGEft 11J L FTOU8E . in Enniskdlen, Mrs. Wood he.a re tumed from a vlait to her Our little b urg is g ro ;vt1 roc .... pid. y, daughter iu Solina. Mr. Jno. llowe, of Ola.rk.6, is bus:; movin Sunday School will be · re-optned next Sun· into our neighborhood. de.y morning e.t 10 o'clockIlfr. Ponfound's fe.mily h ave tieen ser tOU!]\y ltecent Visitors :-Miss Gardener, Mies ill w ith scarlet fever for some timo. Heury. Me1srs. Beath, Coulter and Wilbur. Farmers a r.e nearly t b rough seeding in this Prayer·meeting will b9 h eld in the Temoer- section of t h e country. T he· rnslden ce va· ance hall next Sunday evening a t 7 o'clock. cated by Mr , Pollick is now occu phid by Mr. A musica.l enterta lnment was held e.t Mr. Gibson and family. Stuart's laat Friday Evening. All enjoyed themselves Immensely . NEWO~STLB. CLARKE UNlUN. Mr J Berry. of Franklin, spent Eaeter at ·home. Mr R J Rowe and te.mtly have moved to the front. Sheep doge have been around. W atch your sheep, Mr Holeyhan, ot Chica~o. daughter of Mr J H Fox. la home. Seeding .i s pretty far advanced. eome having e.lrea.dy finished. Mr Quinny, who ha.s hired with Mr R ;J Parker, baa moved into MP R Rowe's house. Messrs G Cain &ud W Allin he.Ye itone to seek their tortuno in Manitoba, We wish them euccss. NO LADY ·S hould ,buy a Dress before seeing their -stock of- JAMES DEYMAN LOCAL AGKNT FOR ----------. . GUURTIOE. .Miss Wilkin son is home rer E&tt~er; J Uglow, tailor. is building & ftno new thgp, Ml'll. ;J, K. Allen la improving t.f'9r her , l ong lllneaa. e. W . Moore, blaok6mitb haa a good ho111e to rent· The English church was beautifully llecor· ated for .Hlaator wltb1l.owers. Mrs. Frank Allin presented her huabend w ith e. bounoinl<'. baby· boy week, Our Dand is in:iprovlng· nicely ; they Kave thle town an open,ncert Saturd,i.y night. Ernest All n has ·retur nei t l the fa rin .e, after spending a while a· L in d&·Y ach co!. ' · 'l'h e ladles a re ~aktng a p;roa.t eJtott to havo the Mot hodis '..lrch orna mentea ier.i;e. opening next ound --1 DRESS COODS, I - which, for extent, elegance, variety and value, cannot be approached .in West Durham, anc! is only equalled by some of the city houses. ~ ~Bear in mind that our stock is new and fresh, 'bought for Cash, and-is sold cheaper than- you-ca-nbuy bankrupt, shop-worn or antiquated. goods. ·· Grocers' Due Bills taken at par for goads. COUCH. JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN. STILL · THEY COME I -------o---One of General Dry Goods, .House Furnishings, Linens, Lace Curtains, etc., and one of Boots and Shoes. -----...,.-0----- TWO MORE 'HUGE PURCHASES ! Mr Levi Salter, of Now York St a te, ls home HAy,iDUN. on a vls1', Prep&'rations are being made foi- Ebenezer Mr John Sylvester ha.1 bu.flt an a i<lhio. -$0 r:mni versa.ry, h is home. ; Mr B Courtice wa.s laid up with a sprained Mr 'V JI Creeper spent Sunday week m -ANDNo · knee on Good Friday, Hev R Sanderson preached special Kastor We are g:a d to see Dr . Byr on B:rl!D!lMmb~. L D S. in our m idst. sermons a.t Ebenezer Sunday; Mrs Pickle g&'t'e a party to a lar~e n nmb~.r Mr Sam Lobb and family left for · British of children in this section on Good Friday. Columbia last week. BOWM.A.NVILLE, · ONT. 'l'hey had a gre1t ilme. Mr James Mann is a.Mund :11 the "l Ebenezer base ball club has re·organi ed for eg.g buyer· Quite a ch ang e. James. OFFICE AT FACTORY. The annual tea of t ho Ladles' Aid took place the seaeon with the following O·t llcers: Capt~'e are sor ry ~o repor t Mrs John 8le!llc m, on Good Friday and Sunday last. A sumptn- Werry; Sec·Trea.s-R E Oo1borne,e.nd now 1le Qll ous r epaRt was highly appreciated and open 'to receive ohalleng e3 and e.rre.nge Mrs Thoe Mountjoy and M rs J ohn Ru111 t h o sick list. patronized bye. p;oodly number. In the church ma tches w ith with any amateur clubs. All e. program was given oonsletlng of reading, corresoondence must be sent to the Captain or .A large number or guests w!t nesaed the mai;· rooilations,speechos and dialogues intersperseQ. Secretary. Courtice P 0. 'l'urn out to vraot!se riagu of M~ Alex: G i haon, torme 1 : y miller of t his place and Miss F ra uMs Aunger. o f CoM with music by Mr . C , N. Callander, ot Ennis· boys, S.i.turday evening e. [o'clock, Valley ft1rUI, by Rev \ Vo; K <11Jner, on V i edne.kllhm. which were deservedly encored and hy day eve ning. · Th e re w as a larg<!> number of the choir. Tlie Ex-President, Mrs. W.Kennor. SULIN.A." sutlstaotor·v report of the working of hit.ndsomo presents. ~oo Sandy you c~n f\te.y tho .Aid, But they should not laugh at the old all night. Farmers arc well through scoding. laily that drove against the post. Proceeds Mr John has been very ill otlntl&mma8-!2. SUllG. G EN. WOODW ARD, u; 8 . .Army, tion. Mlse A VanN"est is suffering from a severe sa.ys o f the results o f chrouie malarial HAMPTON. sore t hroat. · . . " D isorder o f t he k id n eys p oison iug : M·r H Elliott, jr, was In Toronto recently. The · E ldad Sunday School int end to h old frequently com plicat es the cond ition. their anniversary as u sua.11 }l;fay 26th a nd 27th. M~ C Meum ha eold his 11ii0-11rtvlng mar e. . . M iss Nore. and Master Eddie W orry gave a u nder comiderntion . l:;canty , tu ore or l ess a lbumino ns urirv! i.> often ob3er ved, l\fr s Ashton . has been unwell, but is some par ty to uuwa.rdd of 40 ot t heir y oun>( friends on Good .Friday. .A. lively time was spent. betkc·. and tho3e c&S·"" no t :nfrE·q uen t !y termin a te \lm\lllllllO Mrs Geo Short. or Court!ce. has bCen visit· in c hronic fhighfa diae~se , wi th confir m ed J\l'rs H Elliott. sr. is re.due.Hy growing Ing relations around hero. Master J esse and DB. J. E. BINGR1'1'1, V . §., weaker. album innrta, oedema or gener al a.n a~arca.. " Mr W Williams, Acton. paid us a flying Miss Sophie James b·en spending their Honorary Graduate Ontarlo.Yeterinary holidays with their cousins e.t R oseland Ve.le. Wha.t .at lirst is r ecogniz ed a s m alaria is visi:t Sunday. College, Tho officers o! Solina Di vision Sons or Tom· subst·ci. uently found to he B right's disease , Mr B Cryder me. visited friends at Stonff· p eranco Calls promptly .a ttended to, nittht or day. for the current q uarter: WP-E li G ville recently, Pascoe : W A - Sister J Pnscoo; R S-.A. J w hich Warner's S,.fe C ure Cure·. Omcm ut Ct,,1tral Telephone Office, R<nT· Mr o.nd Mrs James McLean, Bowmanvllle, Reynolds; A R S-Slster Na.ncy Williams ; ---~ n1an-ville. 14;3m spent Sunday here. F S- H G Pascoe ; Treas-Sister Laura Ho· E.NNISKI LLEN. R .T Nidclery, of Claremont. spent his R'arth; Chap-Henrv Argue ; tJon- J ohn R ey· nolds ; A Con-Sister Annie B4ker ; 0 ::l-J . M r . Alfred Ma.r tin. liillBd..le. and Mrs. Easter holiqays here. Langm aid; IS-Sister Berthe. Hogarth ; P W T hornpaoo, Canarea, ~ere visiting llere , La dies. inspect our new dress goods-they P-8 Sh ortridge. are fine . F . A. Cole. 'fhenow 1\Hs;;lon H~.'.' '-" ~' H""'t ;rn will b e opo1Jed Suud11y M a;, .'ith. l t·1ll part imilars Mr}' Groat, of Toronto Normal School, w as E.NFIELD. n ex t week. home for the Easter holidays. Our school boys w ould lilrn n. frtenc Jly game l\fr W artln removes to Bow]Tlanv!lle this Mr. R. Winnnacott ha.s movod into the of ball with a te11m from B"IIIO u eighbilrlnii w eek. orry to part with you 'Viii. village. 21th pro:.. achoo! on the A .fine "'esoi·tment or clothe for summer suits Mary Ho~arth, Solina, is v is iting at The high w ind or Suncfay c e.!'rlerl · the and i;:on t 's furnishings at F. A. L:ole's. Mr. R. Paecoo's, barn belonging to Mr, John Reynolds e.bout Mrs. Done.ld McCullough has been uite Ill, sh. Mr R Katerson he.s been scourinll'. the conn· feet to thcsou t.h P -nd dcpoan "d I i sonwwh a t try in q,ueet of e. black horse to mateh his but is recovering. carelessly up<>u the ~r·oun<l· The harn had d river. Miss Hettie Bradsh aw, Brantford, jg v isiting heon j 9.cked up preparar,ory to build ing cc a. new foundation. Mr vV H Gilbert, cheeaem11oker. has been e.t Mr. 'l'hos. Bradley's. over some of the route ately and report pros· Mr. Thoe. H ill ls t aking steps to h ave a now Instea d of the lrnnu ,il church tea at the poets good. house built !mmedi!t.teiy. · M ethodts ~ church here on t he Queen's b irth. Mr R Hooper he.s ·returned from Man itoba. Mr. Thoe. Thorne he.s purchased a house and day. the Sa bba th School will t heir delighted wi1.h the country; he purchased a. lot in the enterprising village ot Podunk. a nniversar y. P repa.ra.tions are al reedy b ein1t half section of land. to fu1 ·nish e. ch oice Pl'OIOlra"n for t ho en·captain Fuller mourns tho lose ot his cherish- made Mr John Y Colo e.nd son been me.king ed pony. Her hind legs have found r est at tertainm ent of all com ers. 'l'wo oC t he former popular ministers on this circuit have con· ext.ensive improvements (fen cing. etc,) on their last. sented t o be present e.nd add to the enj oymen t farm in East Whitby. Mr. J. Forsyth. from near Toronto. h "'a mov- ot the day: R e v J C Wilson. Cobourg and Rev Our b ase ball boys were highly Jileased with ed on the farm i nst vacated by Mr. R · Winna· BG Grentr ix. Oavanvillo, Further notice will the troe.tmcnt they received rom tho" Glad- oott. b e given , stones" at 'l'yrone Good Friday. Our enterprising merchant, Mr. J. S. Ashton Monday morning &bout 2 o'clock t he villa!!'G Mr Fred Me.rtin takes che.rgo or a cheese has just r eceived a largo stock ot new ; prlng w a s suddenly a roused b y the cry oC fire. 1'he factory in Western Cauade.. Miss Libbie aood~. · residence ot Dr. McCullough was discovered Martin will accompany him as housekeeper. a ol.' Visitors on Sunilay : Mr. ..nd Mrs. George t o be in fla mes. . V ,·t·y i'. .<" ,,f ' he content. }'arm prodnco taken In exchange for goods Ar gue. Solina; Mr, Ernes t V a nstone, Picker· tho house wore saved.· 'l'he imna.tea- the Dr. his w!te and gran dch ild barely esca ping v ery by F . A. Cole· Our due bills taken same as in g; Miss Carrie S mith, Ashburn. cash by .l'.tr. John Ell!o\t.'the rellable grocer. scantily clothe d. R y t.he s tronuoun'>fi'or ts of a Mr. John Gibeon bas moved on t he Munson Call to see the All·Wool·Tw.oed pants t o farm. which be purchased hut fa ll. Mr. Joh n few only one build iugowa.8 conoumed. Some in order for $2 50. Worsted suits to order tor $9 Ranton the former occup11.nt having moved to their excitement a pp eared tor aetvico on th eo sceno more soe.ntlly a t tired tha.n t hose who at F. A . Cole's, Other goods at vrlces to tho next farm east. h ad escaped from the fill.mes. T he 1lre is suit. Visitors durlng the week : Miss Phmbe suppoeed t o have orl~inated from b urning Piles of Dress Goods, Silks, Marvellieux, Ilenriettas-black and colors MeAsrs Cla.twortby a.nd Jobns. carpenters. Hezzlewood, .Kaglnn; M iss Emma Dyer . Col· soot either in st.ove pipe or chimney. Loss and E 'l'renouth. mason. he. ve taken the con· um bus ; Miss Annie C ~rnish, Tllunton ; e.nd partially covered by insurance. 'T he wind w as in all the new shades-Braids and Trimmings to match. tract to erect a.fine brick house for Mr T Hill, Mr, Wm. and Miss Emma Smitb, Ashbum. in the rigbt dlrect io" to wipe out t hfl whol& lot 28, con 9, Darlington. v lllage which It w ould speedily have don e h ad 200 Jerseyi; and Sh01-t Jackets, commeucing at 75c. each a.n~ upwardi:. Rev S C Phelp, Brooklin, preached here i t not bee n f or tho w ell <.Ii! eoted efforts ot our twice Sunde.y. His discourses were highly in· fire e chief seated in Rta:e on h is ORUNU . etructivo o.nd edifying, t;pec!e.l collections in own building issuing the com m<>n daaid oc tho Trust Fund a.mounted to $15. A bn. e ball team has hoen organized hero. ----~ - - -1\fr. Jas. Ilallet t is putting h!11 h otel In shape S t op T hat Cough. CARD OJ~ THANKS.-! desire to sincerely thank the people of Durlin;:ton for thelr very liberal tor Me.y. M any p eo p l e n eglect what t hey call a'Onage in t he vast and ask for a contlnu· to be sold at 35c, 50c., 75c., $1 and up to $3, for fine goods. Clarke Snrln1t, at Newcastle, on Th urs. aJ'lce of their esteeuwd fe.vors which I "hall day April simp le cold, w h ic h , if n o t checked i n time endeavor to merit by selling good meats at LADIES, YOU SHOULD SEE THESE GOODS. Miss Ketchen. of Brooklm, la the guest ot may lead ta L ung tro u ble. Scott'!l E mulreasonable prfoes, being determined to give Miss Jennie Mc Cullough. sior, of P ure ,Cod L iver Oil with H ypoplW3satisfaction all. 'l'he public's humbl11 serPiles of Table Linen!'.', Table Napkins, Ticking, Sheetings, Cottons. vant, J . E· to Miss Emily Ode~l Is home from Cobourg phitcs, will n ot only stop t he co ugh but L. COL&. b utcher to the Queen, ~here she visited friends. . · Hampton. Creatonnes, Towels, T oweling, &c. E ndorsed b y t h ousands San!tsry Inspector w lll make hie r ounds he~l t ho l ungs. . School Report : Sr. Division.-5th otThe of Physicians . J;>a.l a ta ble as .!\'[ilk. T ry inspection about May 15. Class-H Couch, M J Elliott, W MontMr· .Albert Odell, of St. Ce.therlnes H igh i t. i::>old by all D ru;!giats at 500. and $1. ' gomery. Sr 4th-L S11.lter, E Cryder- Sobool spent Easter at home, man, J Eilis. Jr 4~ h-W Bunt, A.Allin, Mr. W. S. Ga.msby has brightened his n ee.t Spring Poetry. Glovefl, Hosiery, Laces, Frillings, Em~roi.<leries, Buttons, &c, m end- M Hastings. Sr 3rd-B La.w, D Cale, I residence with e. coi>t of, J ohn Spencer. V. S., ha.a moved to Bow. less quantities. · McLean. Jr. 3rd-C Hastings, L Haame.nville and opened e.n office. F lowers, Flowers . P lants. P lan ts! lings, 'l' Pennington. Jr. Division.-Sr Mr. R. Moment was in Toronto last week to H o use P lan ts, B ~dding Pi!ln ts, Our tables are again filled with Boys' 2nd-I 'l'aylor, E Clarke; E Cryderman. purchase b ooks for the Institute Library. N ovelties and old Favorites. · and Men's Clothing, and . at the rate Jr 2nd-II C ole. T Taylor, J Cowling. Miss Nora Coleman. B. E., assiste d by t he S. B u rden & Co. , at the A uction Ma.rt , talented Miss Annie Howden, will give a re· they are going they cannot last long. Come at once if you are need- Pt 2nd S r _:_M Martin, .B Martin, T Mc- cite.I and musloa.l entertainment in Orono Mar ket Squa re, -d u ring the sea s on w ill Lean. Pt. 2nd Jr-P Horn, W Cale, W ee.rlv in Me.y, ing }len's, Youths' or Boy's Clothing. . Oliver. Keep cons tant ly nn hand a. full assor t Pt 1st Sr-A Cryderman. H At a special meeting ot Counoll a Ry·la.w m en t . O rd e rs filled for s p ecia lti es. This department ls again well stocked with al Wilcox, R Heard. Pt 1st J r-S Martyn, we.a passed limiting hotel licenses to foul'. and Messrs. Higgin bo th ~\m a n d J ury having fixing tho fee e.t $150. 'l'ho Government W Clarke, G Oliver. ~ the leading styles in ::ihapes, Trimmings, &c· license ot i30 makos it $180. Ret ired froril the b us i ness, S. B. & c~. Every Indy in the town and vicinity !!hould visit this department. A stylish garment The suit entered by Jas, Kerr, adopted son G. JA~UESON,} T h . Will push the whole trade &t t he or the late W . L. Broad tor a of his and a bargain for y ou all. · E. J. KERSLAKE,. eac era. U sual prices. Call. 16 eat11ote has been amicably settled. He roeelvee 1 $700, each P!t.rty payin!l own costs, 47 cases of Bcots, Shoes and Slip· Mn. John Leitch, sister ot the late Andrew pers, all solid goods and fine goods, FREDERICK T. RoJsERTS, M."D., Pro'!'here was a c ook in our town, Knox. died In Peterboro, April rn. Her re· and will be sold cheaper than we have yet offered goods in this department. Men's, feesor in University College, London, me.ins wore interred in Orono cemet ery ou And sh e was w o nd' rous w ise, Boy's, Youths'· Women's, Mieeea' and Children's. Eng,, Examiners in Medicines, Roya.t 15th inst.· from the residence of her nephew, She bough t I m perial B :.kinq P owder, Mr. R.Knox. College of Surgeons, says in referenc!iJ to And caused her bread tO r iao ; These stocks will go quickly, under our prices, and we say don't delay a day, come advanced kidney disease : " Complica.Riche.rd Ruddock, Esq .· has been long and And when she sa.w h '..>W n ice it was, seriously ii but is e.blo to be out again. His and aecure choice. tioos are met, such as consumption, heart many friends will be p to hear this Declar ed w ith might a n d ml\in disease, morbid cond1tions, liver affections. as he Is one ot the few remaining land-marks Tha t Imperi al was t h e on1y B. P . between the p u.nd the future, Wa.rner'11 Safe Cure cu·r es these affections She w o u ld ever U80 again. t by putting the kidneys in a healthy conCONSTIPATION CLAllll!! muny victims. dition, thereby enabling iltem to expel Bankrupt Stock Men, wholesa.~e and retail. oft' 111lll dread disease by the u~e of DR. J.01V'S WORM Sl'R{il" h a s rewfl ni1l the wasto or poisonous matter from the 'Wair·l Smull Sn11ur-4::oatetl B11rdock Pills ·when t ape wornlM from Iii to 30 rcet l11or;. It u ll!'9 nteded, Remember the place-GEO. LAING'S OLD STAND, Eowma.nville. system. d cstro;ys nil other klncls of' 'nrms. Dominion Organs PI..A..N""OS:7 Now these are two of the best' purchases we have ever made, being bought wonderfully low, and all solid goods-new and fashionable, and must be sold at amazingly low prices; lower, we venture to say than you have ever heard of for goods of the same quality. 600 Sets of Lace Curtains CORSETS, CLOT.HING MILLIN"[j'IRY. BOOTS AND w. SHOES. ... .· E. THOMPSON & Co.t

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