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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1889, p. 2

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OOK.-If you want a good situation he followed his comp11.nions, The blood preache~ ; b~t he neve; , takes the book ADVICB TO MoTHERS.-Are you di write MAY BROTHERS, Nurserymen. darkened his face in, spite of )iis efforts to about 1!1th him now, for it a drea.dfnl he.avy turbed at night and broken of your ret N . Y .· as thev are in want of honest Rochester, force it back, as the np from t t e aud Millard ~ave never been stron~ smce _by a sick child suffering and crying wit. and upright salesmeo, to sell their ;choice and 18 PDBLIBHBD stream led him: tlirough ·· little company of the fire. ,,Besides, he says lie knows U moat I pain .of Cutting Teeth 1 If 80 send a\ ha.ray varietie3 of Nursery Stock. either on WAS'HE A COWARD? sahry or commission. Many new a.nd his schoolm11.tes on the outer edge oi the by heart. n d t b ttl f "M w· I ' '8Y:ERY WEDNESDAY MOB.NING stood in the little te11.ober's eyes, 11.s 0 00 ~n ge 11 ~ e o . rs. ms ~w s valuahle varietie· to offer. Write them at crowd. A wave of pailled surpri6e swept once for terllls·; delays are dangeron ~ . 13-4w. -BYshe sat in the chapel, the next Si>bbath Soothmg ~y~up. For children. teeth~n!(, llY LENNIE GREENLEE, over her own face, ae sho saw th11.t, though morning, and ,watched a familia.r figure, its value ~s m~a.Jculabl~. It _ will relieve ARM FOR SALE OR RENrl'.-Con"Goin· to the baptizin' to-morrow, Mil· most of the faces were t ouched with raver· stooped somewhat-from its old, prnud bear· the poor httle sufferer Immediately, D e · en;;:e;·eome at him ~uriously a.nn even . taini n g_50 acres, being part of t he north lard ?" called out a youngster to his chum, AT THE OFEICB ing, ascend the staps to the rude pulpit. pend upon it, mothers ; there is no half of lot 3-1. con, 6, Clarke. On th!l premises as the motley crowd of school-boys rusheq mockingly. 011e boy, vJl!h a leer _and_ a. Onoe there, the gropiDg movement of the mistake about it. It cures Dysentery are a good hC>use and barn with stone stab 1inir, motion, threw out lus foot to trip bun. -( T911t (J11lee Blciek, King Street, Bowmau· for their ha.ts in the hall, ·p reparatory to an- quick Une fi~eh straight out from the shoulder of hands ceased and p;oud. upr ightness return· an~ Diarrbrea, regulates the Stomach and guod well a nd never failing spring stream vuJe, Ontario: running through the centre. About 20 other · rush to the playground~ · u t.he clear, brave Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the a.dmirably suited for pas ture. F or further pa.f· A dull1 red fla~h surged up over Millard that whit~, dripping arm, and Miss Roberts ed. There was a. ring 1. TERM3 : · tlculars apply on the premises to R. L. RALLS, sprang forw1ud to lift George Raby·s head tone~, and she could ~ot thmk it altogether Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives Aneon'sJ~ce, as he answered slowly, ··Bap· 11-tf. from 1ihe stones, crving oub, "Oh, Millard !" by cna.nce that the sightless 11yes, c.lear and bo:ie and energy to the whole syc<tem. Leska.rd. p ; o. $ 1.59 per A11nun1. cir l!!l.GO If paid ID t-izlri' ! ·where?' : ,. advanee. with a 'White face and agonized eyes up dark as ever, turned full upon her · face, ae " M l · S h ' . . "Why, up ai( the chapel, Didn't you 106 ?W s. ARM FOR SALE.-100 acres of the he slowly repeated the words, th11.t oame to . r<J, oot mg yrup 'l'l'or PaJm<nt ~hldly in advance nqulred i f"rom: _ sub.' ,?··, They s11.y there's about twenty· to turned to his own fierce ones, as he hurried ber pitying hea.rt as a message . of eomfort children teethmg is pleasant to the t aste estate of the la.te ARcHrBALD ST.P.:VENB, '81lribers oubide of tbe county. · ~rderp to q1scon· know _ her to the cottage above. ?eing composed of the east half or lot 7, con. -.l, ·tinne tbe pop<·r mu·t be occc-mponied by the amount be 'mersed." and re11.ssnrance : and IS the prescription of one of the old- m the Township of Da.rlington; also one acre All over the hills sprea.d the story C>f how llue, or the pop« ~ill rot l e stcpi;e11. SubECrlbera Yes, Millard knew, a.nd at every one of c>n lot 6, in the 3rd. Concession . Possession the " And I will bring the blind by a way est and best female physicians &nd nurses _., tt"l'onslble ur.t1l lull pa:vm em is made. the night meetings which had preceded this "Miss RobertR' boys h11.d behaved at the that they know not; I will lead them in ln the United States, and is for sale by First of April, For particulars onquire of Mr. W I LLIAM WINDATT, Executor, or Mns. A. IUTEl!I OF AD\'ERTISUG : ~~ "ba.ptizin' "he had been an anxious listen- baptism,"· and more than one righteously -wlaole Column, one year. .. ....... . .... f,6D 00 ~~ indignant parent refused for a time to let ~aths that they not known; I will all druggists throuuh the wol'ld. P1ice STEVENS, Executrix, at the r esidence of Mr. 4tt " "' Half year...... .. .. . 36 00 ~rn er. B11t 'h e evaded the question now, by his ohild:-en retnrn to the little school· make da.rknese lip-ht before them, and crook· 25 cents a bottle. "Be sure and ask for John Rutlcage, Ma.nvere Road, ,. .. One quarter...... . . ~o 00 ~ rushing with all his might into 11. of ed things straight. These thiµgs will I do "l't!Rs. WINSLOW'S SooTflING SYRu:r.' 111'11 (',olnmn one·year ...... ......... 36 00 ~ ball. The boys; however, did not forget it, house ; but the gust blew over, and ll-eorge ARM IN PICKERING FOR SALE. unto them and not forsake t}\em." and take no other kind, " Half year . ....· · ...... 20 00 _ and as they left the playground 11.t the Raby's fractured .·skull b,eJ1.led again. and -Ooe of thti hest farma In Pickering for One quarter_... .. .... 12 50 _ the little teacher gathered her usual quot11. sale containing 125 .-ores, all of which are clanging of the bell, eome of them bega.n to '.Quarter Coh1n.Il one yePr .......... 20 00 of pupils round her, all uve one-Millard, cleared and in high state of cultivation. On ·· " · Halryear ......... _ 12 50_ speak with loud irreverence. the pr!l1~ises are a. good rl welling house and When questioned about his non-attendance. The Wonderful Ways of French Thieves. 1 OONSVllll"TION ClJRED. ·· " One quarter...... ·. 8 00 _ 5 cc Ki I boys," shouted one, " if its cold out bu1ldmgs and two wells. This JJrop0rty is Ttn lines and11nde first Insertion $0 50 _ Th2>t mourn,ful estab~ishment, the Mob .An old physician. retired from practice. hav- situated on lot 15, b, f., ono mile nnd a. halt to-morrow as 'tis to-da.y it'll freeze on 'em." his little sisber at first refused to answer, Bech eubsequen ineertion ... .. 0 25 _ then twisting her apro11 with nervous . fin· guo, W811 surrounded by a howling aim ing had pl11.ced in his bands by an East India from Pickering village, halt a mile from Grand u Why, the ice is two inches thick on the '.Fr<Jm1i:x to ten Jfnesflrst.lnserUon II 75 ·Trunk Station. three miles from Pickering missionary the formula of a simple vegetable gers she, her eyes and face angry. mob the othar day. The burglars subeequent insertion . .. : . O 35 _ crook up In that hollow I" cried Rob Carson, Harbor, and six miles from Whitby. For who plundered the villa at Auteuil the remedytorthe s_peed y and permanent cure or further --'Ol'Cr ten Jinee, fl.rst insertion,perlm O 10 _10 less sacrilegious than the others, ' but equa.l- crimson, "He be " particulars apply to JAMES P1CIC.ABD Consumption, Broncllltis, , Catarrh, Asthma Eat:h eubseaueIJt insertion" o 08 _ frwo years pa.seed, and Miss RGberts lef other night, and cut the throat of the ann all Throat and Lun~ Affections, also a on the premises, or Pickering, P. o. 29- tt ly aghast at the idea of such icy baptism. the hill country to brighten 11. valley home care t11.ker of the house, were ta.ken to the 'lbe number of linee to be reckoned by the,positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility " Why don't they wait until summer time 7" - rpace G<lCUpled, me:uured bJ & scale ol solid all Nervous Complaints. after havin.g ARM FOR SALE. .::_130 a~;~;.-~~~he queried, running to overtake Millard, of her own. The little school·housej under Morgue for the purpose of the urual"confron· and ii- c_JJ)~· Jt il. 1 t.eated its wonderful curative powers in thou· posed of.south part of Lot· No. 19, Broken who strode r11.pidly on in front, angry at the the rule ofa.ny chance pedagogue who might tation" with the corpse of the victim, and as sands of cases, bes felt it bis duty to make It Front, aDd 1s three milas from the Town of DBI!. llcLA.lJGUUN 4 BEITH, boys' light, rude jesting, yeb not brave apply for the position, the scene of they were ertering and leaving the dead known to bis suffering fellows. Actuated by Bow man ville. 'l'his is one or the best farms in frequent broils. One ·night the cottagers house the people and made indfectu11.l this motive and a desire to relieve human the county of ham. lt is in a high state ot enough to turn their ridicule upon himself 01TICJC :-MORR!!!,- BLCCK, BOWMANVILLB· along Cle11.r Creek saw a blazing beacon on d11.shes ab them. M. Guillot, the J uge d'In· suft'ering, I wi·l send free of charge. to all who cultivation and is well fenced On the pre· it, this receipt, in Germa:n. l!'rench or mises there is a stone awelling, two large Dr.J.W.McLAUGBLIN., Dr· .A. BEITH, Gradu by defending the ohurch of which bis father the hill-top a.nd knew that their little tern- struction, h11.d arranged an extra dra.matic bib aealre English.with full directions for preparing and barns and other out.buildings with stone "ilcentiate of tbe Royal ate of the Toronto was well known to be an elder, " Cause they're '£raid the sinners'll get ple of learning was on fire. Those first of business fox the occasion, having brought 118ing. Sent by me.ii by addressing with stabling for cattle and horses. ·bree wells and CoUege of Physicians 1 stamp, naming this paper. W. A. NOYES. 149 four cisterns, also wind·mill for pumping upon the ground s11.w plainly, from the rich down to the mortuary Madame Bourdon, tho "nd member of the UniverBlty, l:'hysic an, out o' the notion," shouted someone behind. H-ly water. For farth er particulara apply on the ends of resinous pine under the burning sills mother of the man who was murdered by PCYtOer's Block, Rochester, N . Y. ~al College of Sur- Surgeon,&c. "You ought to be ashamed of your premi~es or it by lotter to HENRY MAN N. Bow'80011&, Edin bur11:h. selves !" Rob Carson cried as, bangin~ his and the m11.tches scattered a.bout, tla.t the the burgl11>rs. The magistrate had done this manville 31-tf DL J, C. HITCBE:U,. cap on its peg, Mills.rd stalked up·stairs, work had been inoendlary, · nd when George for the puxpose of m11.king a.n impressbn on came skulking out of the bushes afew the miscreants, ~who ar11 all hardened in ·1'.-KBMllER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIAN without a word. "They eay he is to be minutes le.ter thev openly accused him of crime, and whom the mere spectacle of a Tailo;P~ l'l'1 ··nd Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, eto. ba.ptized, too." -em ·ie and Residence. J!:nnisk.illen. 7,, " Then he ought t1> be a.shamed for pre- the mischief. When it w11.s found th11.t the dead body would not move. Allorto, the Itaha.n, who was captured on tending be didn't know," George Raby flames could not be extinguished, the feel· Dlt. E. (). McDO"'ft'EJ.L· ing grew strong againetj him, and circum· the night of the burglary, wa.s the first prissaid indignantly. 'L · ICENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE Millard Anson could not study the rest stances 11.H pointed to h ie guilt_. Only the. oner enmineci at the Morgue, He that of Phyeiclane. Lontlon. 1£ng.;Member or of the afterncon. Hie conscience trc.ubled day before he had been expelled from ~chool when he aud his confedera.teB went ibto the .College of Physicians ana Surgeons. Ontario. and w11.s supposed to have left that evening dr11.wing room of the villa. they saw BJurdon .!Sui<GRRY AND REBIDFNCE:-Rear of Messrs. him, and the boys at their desks were for his home in the valley. Bia very pre- pretending to be asleep on his iron cot. ..Bi(jgi.nbotham's Drn12 f'lme, Bowmanv!lle, whispering and laughing abC>ut him he Thereupon they d11.I;lced 11.round him, 11.nd 6-lyr.* knew, for he met their eyes whenever he sence there was an a<:cusaGion. F'or the first time sinoe,that evening two Cathelin, one_ of the .,, "Yonr la.~t raised his own, and as one p &seed him on ·a n FR~EMAN'S IllCI!. HU.J.U:R di LAJJMIJIAN, errand to the teaoher'e desk, he whispered : yean before, when he lefti it with Miss Rob- hour bas come, old chap!" 11.nd atruck him erts, Millard Anson stobtl before the old sever11.l times in the face with his fists and WORM POWDER.& HYSICIANS, SURGEONS, ETC "Better turn Methody, Mill, and be Ofilce :-Cor. Church and Temperance sprinkled. 'Twon't be h11.lf so cold." And school·ho11se ailently watching its fiery de· then with 9. bnrgla.r'a chisel. Allorto, accord· s~ -Ste. Night calls attended from Dr. Hilliers' George Raby, with a contemptuous flash in st-ruction. His face wail sofrened by mem· ing to bis own account, Baurdon turn Am pleas<1nt to t a.ka. Cont ain th~l'r eV9 .l'esitlence. ories of the ol:l, bright days spent within its pale and green by screwin~ bis wrist hgfl.tive. Is a safe, ~:.ire, a nd cffuCtaal bis eyes, h11.d sa.ld, " Yo.. sneak I to pretend S, <~ BnLIER, M. D. walls, and in the light of the fbmes one in a vise, but the vic tim still affected to be B. LAlllllllUN, M. D. C. M. '.frin. Univ. you didn't know I' ' ot ~ U» 'lh .ildren or ad~· oould see that t he once bright, handsome, asleep, and a burglar Sellier the Fellow of Trin, Med. College, He h·\d made up his ~ind that he would boyish face h11.d grown grave and was some- M!lonchot then "We most finish him 1Mernber Coll, PbJB. Surg. , ont. au "thrash them 1111 out," when echool waa whati ead, yet there were no hard lines of off," and stabbed him several times in D-llXllB l!UIPSO!f, over, for he had not moral courage to de· npon it, and tha eyu had gained a new the chest and stomach. Afoor that the b11.nd " I>AllllJEl'.lER. SOLICITOR, &;c. MOPRIB fend his faith, neither had he p11.tience to en· and steadfast light. Tl!e sound cf load and bega.n to dance. Ca.thelin and the fellow nickDBl.OC'K, u1etairs, King Street. Bowman· dure reviling a.nd ·revile not 11.g<>in,_and the NO CAPITAL aI;1gry shouts and C!lolls roused him suddenly named the M11.nchot intoning the popular dit· ·Ule. Solicitor for t be Ontari Bank boys a.11 knew that physica.lly, at least, he froin bis reverie and turning quickly, he ty,"Pe1e 111. Victoire." Fina.llyC11.Ghelin,whc., Men trom 25 to 50 yea ts Cl'LD increaee ' # .rlTate Bonev· loaned &t the lowest rates. their income locally, or get permanent employ wa.s no coward. B11t, after school, Miss sa.w two st11.lw11rt fellows, one on 1;ither side as Allorto said, is "a bit stage-struck," sug. ment. My business is rapidly growing and ' Roberts In her sweet, quiet way, forcing George Rlby up the rough stone gested that all the burglars should p lace .iollit llel&ll GalbraUll, very successful. Special inducements i{lven "Can I see you a moment, Millard?" He their candles a.round the dead bady as in the which insure success· Salary and expenses to - --e 6 .BBISTER OLICITOR, NOTARY waited, and after the others had a.ll gene stepa and under the blazing porta.l. permanent·men. Big commission8 for local . . PUBLIC, &;c. Oftioe--Bounsall'a Block, "S.i nge him !" shouted. a aozen of voices, scene in Sudon'a "Tosca." After Allorto, work If desired. Don't enga ge until you write she came and ~tood, a tiny figure, before "D11ck bis -hea.d in the fire !" "Throw him I Sellier the Ma.nchot was ci!olled, and he I~ Streat, Bovrm&nvill~ .ldo~ey to lend, me. Apply to Fred. K. Young, New England this gre11.t, tall bov, and, taking his two down on the ffoor and let him shift for ' would confess all in the presenoe of Mme. Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y, FIELD & M~COLL. h11nds, looked up to his face and told him him~elf J" Bourdon, 11s if she were hie own mother. H e With a dexterous etroke, one boy d11shed admitted that he stabbed Bourdon twbe, b11t ARRl S'IEB S, ':lolicitors, Notaries, &c. how gl!Ld she was to he11.r of his coming out on the L ord's side, and how thankful she his feet from beve:?.th him 11s the other it was Allorto who finished cff t he c:uetaker would be to l:now that all her boys were swayed bacii:ward wfoh 1111 hia might, - a:ud with a coup de i;:ro.ce. This Allorto strenu- OF OOLBORNE and COBOURG. walktn2 the same p ath with her. down with a went all three, thti Ja.r ously denied, but he acknoivledged th11.t he HQUSTQN STOTT, deceased. MONET TO LOAN. Tile older boys of the school were all de- hurling down upon them the burning door· had helped to strangle the vfotim. F . M, FIELD, B. A. JOHN B, McCOLL. voted to the little teac.:ier, and when Millard way, the heavy upper stlls, and a. put of The prisoners were then conveyed to out of the sohool·room c11.rrying her the roof. Odee C>f t error hushed the angry the principal police station amid cries of OTICE IS - HEREBY GIVEN in Wlll. BINGHAM, books, the knot of boys, who J iad evidently l"Oices. Aft-er 11. moment one b oy rushed out "Down with them I" from themob outside the pursuance of Section 36 of Chapter 110 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, that all SSU1"R OF MABRIAGE LICENSES, been waiting for him, dispersed. All the from the fbmes, his clothing on fire and his Morguf. creditors and other persons having claims lle·idence, Enni·i.illeo, way home the little woman poured bright, face singed and blackened. The ethers, he against the estate of Houston Stott, late of the brave worda into his ear, and said at part- Hid, had been-canght & he11.vy sill Town or Bowmanville in the County or Durham 1!1. C, BIJNKDG, painter who died on or about the ing, " I shall O)me early to-morrow, Mil· .Military Statesmen. he could not move them. , day of Febru&ry, 1889, intestate, are r equested · 'L ICENSED, AUCTIONEER FOR lard, and ! know moeb of the other boys will and "They're 11tnnned, an~ Raby'a neve_r been · The history of Boull\,ngilm would aeem to on or before the twenty- fourth day ot April, · ' the County or Durham. Sales attended be there. 011Jy think how much good your 'VETERINARY SURGEON, much more than a fool since he got his hea.d add a.nother proof to the ma.nv .that exist of 1889. to send by post prepaid to John K. Gal· 11~- lborte·t notice and loweetrates· .A.ddrellB ot the Town of Bowma1>v1lle, o.foreBaid bro-" Some gne pub h_ia hand _ o ver his ilips_: the fa.ct tha.t these later-0 B 0 .NO.-- ONT:-" -ilra1th, · ' ' flllll-'ftCll P. O. 36:tf example will do them." Solicitor ror John Stott, of the City of 'feronto. " T_g_ey-they'll la.ugh I" he blurted out, and looked &b- Millard. Th11.t glance .was days of the world's history, do not make suo~- ~ -8. BUBDEN P, CJO., the .Administra.tor, 11. statement iu writing of for answer. like a. knife- thrns~, and Mlll11.rd sprang for- oesaful politician·. The greatest soldier that ot their names and addresses and full particu· -UCTIONEERS for the County of "Langh I Oh, no I" ahe cried in ·grieved ward, pusbinit the crowd aside. One end of the English-speaking ra.oe ever_ produced 19 rs of their claims duly attested and theA . Durham; Insurance and Oenera!Agenit\o tone. "I hope I not a. boy or girl in the building was as yet almost unh11.rmed was a. failure as Prime Minister of Great nature or the ~ecuritles (if any) held by them, uator and Real Estate Agents. Sales and school wicked enough for that. " Aft0r the said cay the assets or-the said de..-and, making his w11y to a. sma.11 window. in !lritain;and though the Doke of Welling. o ther business promptly attended to. Box 172, oeased will be distributed, regard being had " They'll .,nly come to fun." BowmanTille P. O. 86-tt it, he. orus}ied in toe sas~, clambere? over ton kept the s11.ddle for nearly three ye11.ra, VETERINARY SURGEON. for such claims only of which notice shall " You must not believe them to be so the high sdl and droppea down amid the he found his methods were not consistent have been received as aforesaid. and the a.d· ba.d," she answered brightly, "A11d, oh, flames below. He was not l?ng in finding with the exigencies of populi.r Government. c Piaaos Tuntd antt Repaired. ministrator shall not be liable tor the assets or any pa.rt thereof to anv peraon·whose claim Millard, to be ashamed of Christ, after you t~e obj,; ots of his se&i;ch. With. a burning F.-ance has gained little by militarism. The shall not have been received at the time of the feH his love would be worse. ll1y piece of broken scanthng, he pried up the first Napoleon laughed at ~he English as a. distribution of said assets. ARTIES WISH!NGTHEIRPJANOS don't be & moral coward." boy, Dated at Bowmanville this sixteenth da.y of eill that lay across t.:ie writ~ing, prostra.te "na.t-ion of shopkeepers," bnt the "shop·' Tuned orrepa1ren cannave thomat tended March. 1889. -o ·bv leaving word ,a t the DOMINION OB&AN Notwithstanding her premise, the little fignree and 11. boy drai;:ged. himself free, but keepers " have on the whole done their JOHN K. GALBRAITH, llo's OJTIOE,Bowmanvllle A. .11.rst-cl a s m&11 school mi11tress was late at the chapel next he saw by ths fl!l.mes that 1t w11.s not George. governing better th·m the nation that is so Solicitor for eaid .A.dmlilistra.tor. 12.5 ·uo'lll' being in their emJ)lO'!" morning, having been c11.lled in to see aud "Here, keep up thfe_dll while I pull inclined to lose its be11.d over "la. glorie." presoribo for one nf her pupils who was dan· George out," he cried, bot the boy rushed France certa.inly did better under Loui8 gerouely ill. As she thre~ded the path that past h_ i m toward the window. "George I Napoleon than she bad done for years pre· led up through the va.lley . to the rude little Georp-e I" he shouted, and very ne11.r a viously, and Louis Napoleon could only be chapel among t he hills, she could hear the fooli8h laugh, and the broken an6wer called a soldier by courtesy. Bouhlnver may people singing down by the banks of the " -Wh11.'" The bar snapped be- nob be a. very good soldier,· but still he has a stream and k new that the converts were be- the weight of the sill; but with a mdihry record, and jaat tha.t of ing b11.ptized. Q ~icken ing her stepP, she quick mo.ti on Millard grasped the ·dark ob- " how nob to do it " which appears to beset hurried on, wi th a prayer in her heart -for j eot and drew it from -beneath. ,A crackling the milit11.ry m11.n who da.bbles in politics. poor Millard, 11.nd for the quiet, or derly be· nound above warning, but George could France h11.s a.lready a Salio lsw. lf she were havior of her own litt le fl ock, who, in com- not sMnd upon his feet. Dngging and to substitute for it &law to the effect that of the Ontario Veterinary CoHep:e, mon winh many of their paren t a and older push ill g the heavy body, Millard at l.ut no military m&n should be eligible for govern- Graduate Registered membu of the Ontario Veterinary folk , would t ho ee1·vioe of t heir own reached the window. F rom the ledge strong ment office ib wonld probably do her more . Medical Assoeiatlon. · · l ' R 'I: well- folded valley churc.bes, t o come up here a.rms seized George 11.nd drew him ont, just good, ·0111ee &nd R.e!lidence, Newtonville, Ont. among the hille and be " amueei" by t he a.s the roof whh a whirlwind of ~nd W'.ill vtslt Ot-900 every Tuesday a.nd&Saturday often devo11t, but strange, wild service, in- smoke c.ime crashing in. Otlloe houra rr m ltl a. m., to 4 p. m., at PKACTJl(J.AL DENTIST, A Onnnrng Da.rky. li&nnla.eturel'B ot clua!·.re of shouting and ranting of the It was Rob C1raon who, '111 hen Millard Ooulten' Hotel C&1l!! by Telegraph reeein OVJCB TWENTY YEARS ICXPlllBilllNOB, A colored gentlemau knocked at a. white children of the hills, or H ar,' shell B.!1-pfiite, had been given np for lost, leaped in among lwri edi&w attention. the burniDg timbers· 11.nd teariDg awa.y the ma.n's door. The man out and asked ·u oaaO:l:ldeGa1A.dmtnis tered for PulnleB a.a they ca.lied t hemselves. cnir GEB MODERATE. ['he little white ohapal, rt mding out debris beneath the window, came st~gering the negro wh11.t he wanted. Opera11on1, cc le dat yo' dog in de ya.rd, nh ?" clearly upon the summit of the-hill a.gll.iost back with his friend in hin arms. Ae thty llCULlmG'S B:LO£ K. Artificial "Yes." a baokground of dar k , plnmv pine, and the thronged a.bout hi"!ll, lying helpless on· the Limb1, da.rker green of shining laurel leaves, was ground, with words of praise and gratitude, "Well, &ah, he dun trer.ted me mighty Mntlnues to no a General Banking Buaineoo indeed deserted when she reached it. R e- he threw out both arms to keep them back. shabby." .Alld Appliances for a.11 De Bo wmanville Branch. " Wh11t did he d() f' gardless of the keen, frosty air, the congre- "D()n't thank me ; don't c!loll me bravo ! me, !QlllliS;lll·<Jt the li[u~Bo . iy DEP9SITS :i;._"ftPin,al l>iaea.·. HI!) J oill* "J11mped ober dat fence j ~s' now an' tore gation thronged the banks of the clear a cow11.rd I a dastardly coward !" µ:i Di119ase, . DiJ!es.aea ot Pl· stream bslow. The ice had been broken for .p::l Th11re · were weeks of pain for Mlllard ; my garments. Look yere, jee' mined dis ~oeived in Savings Bank Department ad\., Klille and Aukle, KJiook quite a space around an unusually deep weeks that wore away and left him frail and 0011.t I" J&ll and inierest allowed &t cutrent rates. r·· __ Knee, Bow Leg s, Club Feet, 0 10tioe of withdraw&! necessary. All depuit "Why, I &m very sorry." pool, and the limpid water dimpled along, feeble, with all the earth's sweet light forEJlo · "You ain't ha'f ez sorry rn I is, E&h. All . payable on demand, tinkling the broken bits cf crystal with a ever quenched for him in darkness, and hla ~ ALSO CRU'l'UHEl:S. silvery sound egaineb the frcz~n barrier be· poor fa.ce sadly seared and scarred. de coa.t I's gob, an' I ha.b ter gotermy wife's ~ 0 low. A hush had sucoeeded the singing; "Blind I" his poor mother had shrieked8 , fonnl dis ebeniu' ." t ONT~ " That is bad. Let me see if I ca.n find ~nght an'd sold and Drafts Issued upon Eur op& and wit h bare head, in white shirt sl£eves, wringing her hands when test ~fter te t ~ ]nUed States and Canada, &lso Gold,Silver an coat." yon a the stalwarb Baptist preacher stood in the proved but too plainly that those grea.t dark ]nlted St&,e11 Greenbacks boua:ht and sold, !le went back Into the house and soon re· midst cf the pool, hie hand raised above the eyes were really sigbtleae. "Oh my boy! turned with an excellent coat. "Here, old HARNDEN, L. D. S head of a. lithe, elendt.r figure, as the ba.ptiem my poor boy l my eldest born, my best a.nd Then, claaping brightest I" a.nd throwing herselt dowo on man, take thill. I ca.n't !pare it very well, Promptl1 made at cnrrent rates upon all par from on high we.a evoked. <:k'aduate ofthe RoT&l Ool1011:e of DenffJ OF CANADA. the two hands in one of his, and braoing the her knees beside him, she caught his brown but as I have been the innocent canse of-" Jt Grea\ Brittain, the UnUell States and Do Bnrgeons, other back of the shoulders, he sw11.yed the head to hei: bosom, amidst a 1torm of sobs "Oh, doa.n mention it, sah. Thankee. minion ot Canad.. Capital paid up, SI,GOO,eoe. Best, $HO.ID ' ' :0 'l'ICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. Neber seed slch er fine coa.t in all my life. boy's form slightly, and the nexb moment it Tele1raph tender word·. :ooLD FILLING A SPECIALTY aa.nk swiftly Into the clear. cold wa.ter, ap· and This Bank la ""Pr";pared to do Legltt. "Nay,. mother," he said, gently freeinl( Good da.y. Huh !"granted the old fellow Kade for larRe or 1mall 11uma on all pan8 ot .k Til'IOUL TEETH INSEB.TBD WITHOUT pearin' upright a.gain in another second. himself. "It la but the adding of patience as he turned a corner, cc Da.b dog couldn't Canada. Thia 1· e·peciall;r ad vantageo 1111 00 mate Banking lii all its branches. With a qnick, firm hand the preacher swept and brotherly kindness to my faith-and, t'11.r er hankerchuck. Bub· er man ha1 ter peTllODI U-rlnir In !bnttoba or the North·weet PL-".TES. Farmen Dot01 discounted; Deposit.a ai 1' tn&DI the fund1·vailable &t onoe ah he received and Interest paid on amount· of 'Great Reductions in price on all Dental tne watu from hie face;· 11. few more words what wa.e it you read? 'He that lacketh take kere hiaae'l deze days." place of pw.yment. 'Wi>rk. Vitalize<! Air, constantly in uae pro· of consecration, fl.Jld then, 1111 the newly hap· these things is blind and cannot aee 11.far off, k Dep~tment: B'or tnrther o&ll a the Bankla 85 upward1 ln Saving· Ba.n_ ,luclng P&lnlesB Operations. Particular atten t ized w11.lked to bhe water's ed!Ie, Mias Rob· and hath forgotten that he wa.s purged from House. An Exoellent Bill· .~ ll&ld to the 1e~lation of Children'11 TeettJ. erts, sta.nding quite close now, ea.w that it DRA.FTS . ~.1!0,McGILL, _,...ALL WORK W .A.RB.ANTED·.._ waa Millard. Xo her surprise he did not hiaaln1.'" A bill for the better protection of life and T. BRODIE, leaned and Collections ln Europe In the early summer of tha.t year the "lit.A.ooountant. Manqe the water, to find warmth 11.nd dry property by aight has been introduced into United State· and O&nada. £ranch office, Dr. Rutherford's Orona tle teacher " viaited the hill-country ·Iv clothing at the cottage close by, but stood and, among the fl.rat cottages, that of the the British Parlla.ment, It propoeee that if W. J ··TONES, dripping and shivering at t he edge of the a.nyone armed with a da.ngerous we11.pon or TRI~ .YEA.R'S Ansons. Millard Wll.B not at hie home ; he stream until the lasb convert h11.d left the was high"r up among the mountains, hie instrument entllrs or attempts to enter a pool, .and the preacher, following, had mother said, holding a. protracted meeting dwelling-house in the night with intent t-o blessed them all. . commit a felony, he 111 to be gnilty of felony; in which gre11.t Interest was m11.nifested. She ahivered under her wa.rm furs and, "Yes'm', he have given himself to the and, In a.ddition to any punishment w being near, would have thrown a 1hawl over Lord, my Millard have, a.nd there's not which he is now liable, he is to be liable to Savin~s her favorite's shoulders, bad she not feared a.notber preacher like him anywhere. !rhe be sentenced to be privia.tely whipped three CUT and PLUG $31Mt,6tl0. Paid ·P (Japltal. to offend their sense of religions reverence. people from down in the valleys oome up to times. In the caae '.lf an offender who ie $ 10,tltltl . ..~ Keat, " Will they not ale of colds or fevers after hear him nigh every Sunday that he under 16 of age, the number of strokes such exposure ?" ehe asked a woma.n of the preaches here, but they don't come to laugh, a.t e&eh whipping must not exceed 25, and congrega.t ion, who was sta.nding near. for there's no shoutin' an cavortin' in Mil- the instrument must be a birch rod. In the 1 beg to notify the public th11.t I a m receiviu11: FINER THAN EVER. deposits for this company, and allowing a "Oh,rno I miss," she r esponded quickly. lard'9 church. It's nigh about a.a quiet as case of fl1lY other male offender the number higher rate o I interest than the ban k:s· "They never takes cold from bein' baptiz3d, 'tis in your'n, But he keeps a sayin' some- of strokes at eaoh whipping is a.Jlowed to go See No .NOTICE oF WITHDR AWAL REQUIRED My Tim says when he were baptized las' thir' I can't understa.nd &bout Peter, a.n' up to 50. The court must, however, alwa.ys -.:EJY'December, he out fairly in a glow." bein' a coward, an' tryin' to wipe out the specify in its sentence the number of strokes I am also prepared to grant Nevertheless Mis. a Roberts bre11.thed a by st_andin' up for Christ all the rest to be inflicted and the instrument to be Loanlil on REAL ESTATE used, and no whipping is to take place mora sigh of relief as they left tlie water, bhe of his life." on favorable terms. p eople singing a. wild, d iscord ant, out fer· "Here's his Bible," _ she continued, touch Gha.n 6ix months from the p11.SSing of the w I a.m fully prepared to attend Funerals o th f th the shortestnotioe, at the lowest possible ra tes OFFICE: vently religious chant. Miss Roberts did ing a ponderous book with raised letters sen t~.n~e. ·""' ~.or e purposes o e me~su:e a&sketeandBurialCasesrea.d;on s hortnotlce McMurtry's Dry Goods Store, not j C>in in the singing, but stood lea.ning which lay upon the t11.ble. "George R 's the mght 1s made to commence at SIX tn First-class hearse on very moderate te'l'ms in bronze on aqainst the shaggy trunk of a water birch, father bought an' give it bo him, an' George, the evenini;i, and to last Gnt il eight in the Shrouds and eomns oonstant'y on hand. Fun W. F. ALLE~~ 1 e :rel cards rnpp "d at cnce. 1'-urniture Shop Each PLlJG k PA.CliA.GEI h er hands cfosping each ot her tightly inside he pr ofessed the first time · Millard ever morning.- [Philadelphia Ledgt>r] Bowmanville, Oct. 11, 18e8. !2- Sm I Stow Rccme-Ecun&al U! ?".ew Blc;ck, her tiny muff, her eyes fixed upon Millard U-ly l"flECANADIAlt STATESMAll M. A.JAMES, YOUNG E 0LKS. 1 118 l L F w· s " "' F I - tm·· - F F 0 I · R. PEATE, · P --- . ..,_,::>U- S PLENOIO BUSINESS RE~~~!~~. -~~~-~~-~~~ .--:J3 Notice to Creditors I N IOHN SP ENC ER, ~ We ,We Bl~K:~Y, : p· DE NT-IS TRY BAKIN DUNN' S THE COOK'S BEST F'Rl END POWDE R f. II. BR I MAC OMBE, AUTHORS & COX, TRUSSES, . O ENTISTRYa THE ONTARIO BAN > -a EX()H&NGE H7 CHUBCH _ ST. TORONTO, 0. STANDARD BAN I\. :M YRTLE The Ontario Loan and Co. SMOKING TOBACCO --o-- UNDERTAKINC T&D LEVI MORRIS. I

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