C!V11utdian Jtattsnuu1. . ' WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 18S9. " ' 4 0id n't Know 'twas Loaded,,_ May do for a s tupid boy's excuse ; but what can b e sa id for . the parent who sees his child languishing daily and fails to r ecognize the want of a t onic a nd blood-purifier? Form erly,. a course of bitters, or sulphu r a nd molasses, was the r ule ·in well-regula ted families; but .n ow. all intelligent housel10lds k eep Ayer's Sarsa parilla, which is at once pleasant to the tast e, a nd the most searching and effective blood medicine ever discovered. Nathan S. Cleveland, 27 E. Canton st ., B oston, writes: " M y daugh ter, n ow 21 years old, was ill perfect h ealt h n ntil a vear ago when she began to compla in of fatigue, head ache, d ebility, dizz iness, indigestion, a nd loss of appetite. I co ncluded that all her complaints originated in im pure blood , and induced her t o t ake A yer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine soon r estored her blood-making organ:; to h ealt hy action, a nd in du e time rec< ta blished her for mer .h ea lth. I find Ay er 's Sarsap arilla a m ost valuable rnmedy for t he la<isit ude and d ebility incident to spring time." · J . Castright, Brooklyn P ower Co., Brook lyn, N. Y., says : " A s a Spring Medicine, I find a splendid substitute for t he old-time compounds in· Ayer 's Sarsapa rilla, with a few d oses of. Ayer 's . P ills. After thefr use, I feel fresli'e r a nd stronger t o go through t he summer." - Aye r's Sarsaparilla, ,,._ l'RE l'ARED B Y Dr.· J . O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. P rice $1; six bottles, $5. W orth $5 a bottle. . neatlY and promptly st T m 11 8 TloT1!1BM Al'I' p rintini;c o11l.ce. Country orders and orcters by mail receive our i pecia\ attention.. · .rry ns fo r your next prin tin~ an<i you will be thorou11;hly satisfied. WEDDIN G CARDS, all the . latest styles. printed nea.tly and taetily a t T H E 8 T A TA S1\Lll'I' Office. No .da1tb work. J OB PRINTING of e.11 kinds done I Gents' Ulothing Cleaned, Died, P rceecd and Repalred·l>y TH 0 S. ' P'EAT, Dyer a nd Clothes Clea.ner. Goods warranted to be as no one will know them from new when don e. Corner of King and Ontario Streets, Bowmanville. '~ ' t:a~Q~~ · $ n TORONTO STEAM LAUMDRY, 106 York !!t., Toronto. SHIRTS, COLL.ARS AND CUFFS Fi'I · rn a. speclayty. Out Of town woril: IL1J . UJ promptly a ttended kl~ retuned per instruction.s. . · ~ cloor to Pa.Ima' houeo. . G. P. SHARPE, Proprietor. HADdJ' to U nlon l- ~ 11ne -a-- ~ -umls~ LADIES Patronize Home TRADE. ~fter 11pending m uch time l!lnd money, I a.ru low prepared to fill all orders promptly, I .ave a fine assortment of W A VES, BA..i.-.,GS, SWITCHES, COM BS a nd PI NS very cheap. J3A.NGS F R O::t.4: $2, UP. .>Id Switches colored an d made to look llke new. Highest price va ld for:lonli cut ha.Ir. HAIR TONIC . Wa.rra nted to prevent the hair from falling out and witl make it grow. W I have also a fine lot of new StampinJi Patterna. All orders promptly attended to. M rs. A . D A V IS, N eads' Bloek:; Bowmanville. JlTN o/,f,.- TM,s f a'IXYtite m & dicim Ui put up -it& 011at b1>ttles lwldin.j ~liree 01V1tC<IS 1<U}r., with .. tJu 11atiu bloum fa tlie glass, and tke name of the in?;cntur, S. R . Oann:pU U, VA r ed i nk across tlui fttce oftke label. B eware "/ i-rnitaticins, re/11.se a ll irubstitutes, and you will not be dUJanwinU!d. Gannlbell'sC a thartic GomDO illld C u res C hronic G on&tiDatio n, C ostiv e n ess, and,all Com Dlaints arising from a diso1dered state of the Liver, Stom~h and Bowels, such as Dyspepsia or Indig est i on. Bilious .A.J'kctions, Headach e, Heartburn, A cidit y o f t he S t omach, R heumatism, L'oas of Appet1te, Gravel, N ervou s D ebili ty, N ausea, or: 'V;p m iting;·&o., &c. Price 25 c e nts per Bottle. F~6FARE.O 0 "4.LY BY JJAVIS & LAWRENCE CO. (L!mitea.), lY.OlST R EAL. noxioas weed. L <J.t er in the s easo1 1, when I SAV £ YOU.R THREE CENTS. more fully developed, the fleshy s t:e ms iue · ll& thered, t ied into huo<!" es, coolrerl an ti A. Word of Ad vice tu Has t y Letter Wr lte1'l1. Washing Dishes, ~erved as aspar~~us: In this form puesley / " Tile affixing of the stamp is in the Wa.ehing dishfs I wa.ehing dishes I 18 a. ch· ·rmtng v1db1t. · majority of ca.sea t he la.st stage of the letter 1 .How 1 llate the very words : In ,a. few weeks m?re. t he gooso _foot or writ ing. It is a. kind of sealing, signing, la.mb s q ua.rter, a.a lt .1a cal~ed by BOII?e- snd delivering. I t would not be a bad moral How I long' to fly a.nd leave them, ma~ be !l!&thercd, I t i s ea e1ly reoogn1~ed ha.bit of a man t o p o.use before affidn g his Free and happy as the birds ; by !ts d~r_k g ree_ n, fleshy l~a.ves, 9trewu With , p ost age sbamp, and to consider whether When I see a waiting tower e. e1lvery du et-l1lrn iormatwo. · , I j udiciously a.nd conscien tioa·l v, he had not On a. level with my nose. Dirty, sticlry, gummy, gritty, ~roba.bly o:ie of t~e .most deligh ful of 1 better sa.ve his money, When once he · Ea.ch and \ll my deadly foes. sr rmggreenR l3 the s trng1?g nett le. G'\th ~r ha.s dropped his lt.tl;~r into the let tertnem w1 .th gloves on, t rtm off t.he young box h e h a.s commit ted one of the irre· " Ho.w we hate y ou I how we hate yon !" nettles, and y ou h av" a di~h of very a.c· voc11.ble a.e ta of this life. OnlJ with the ~ Goblin-like, methinks they cry; cepta.ble green~. u t most entrea.ties, and only in r arest in "Now you've got to wash ua ! wash us 1 I n swa.':'1 PY i:i·a ces may soon b e l!~the~ed stances, have I ever known of letters render · · · And there'll .be more by and by !" the cowsh p, ';rnh yellow b11ttercup fl ·were. ed b. a.ck by the poetma.ater to t he sender.I Every dish now grins i. n ma.lice, 1:hey B hould or; ?o?ked ~s are the ? ande. Aa you prepare to affix your 8 tamp , give one · · · · As I don my working dress ; Sleeves rolled up, hair tied wit h shoe.stri.µga, ho~·· a~dshon ...i ·my moisture. rems.Jn a.dd fi aa.1 thought to conscience, whether you a htle d1 ss<!lved flo ur t o absorb i t. . might not alter, improve, or altogether ob,._ Aprvn ci>vers all the rest. _ ,T he . quickest wa;y no p repa.re a boiled literate t he let ter. T her e may be all sorta ~honer 1s to. buy a ca.n of cor ned beef, he~ t of wrong and evil connected with letter· Then I wrestle with those dtshee 1t1fi~teen ~rnuteo, open t~e c~n a.nd turn 1b writing; but to specialise an insta.nce, you Foran age, I do belie ve, · outl ma dish, .surro:nnd tt with the gr~ens may h a.ve been wri ting an a.ngry letter. lb Ere they're fairly, squarely vanquished, altern11.ted v:i.h litt le mounds of boiled may be a clever, caustic lett er, and you feel And the kitchen I can lea.ve. caJ"rots, t urmps, potatoes, and ba.ked beets. rather inclined t o regard it approvingly, But ere long age.in I'm summoned-New Yor k Sun. considered as a. litera.ry product ion. But it Dishes grin in impish gleemay be a passiona te aud u njust letter. I t And ago.in I bat tle with them, may be unreasonable and untrue. You may Till they 're forced t!> set me free, WITH THE EBB AND !'LOW. be giving unmeri ted pain by sending. Y ou So it goes from morn till evening, The ()auses er t.be Sh i fting To ·and .Fro of m ay bitterly reg ret tile momenta when To t he pan a helpless sla.ve, ine 'l'lde. your hand obeyed t he in:moral behest of And some time-if nothing happem your mind. You have hear d of t he phyNo movement of t he sea. is more impor· From its clutches me to savesicia.n's prescription about the cucumbertan t thRn the regubr rise and ' fall, once in I'll be found a ri; id fii::ure, to peel it carefully, slice it tenderly, be a.b out twenty five hours, wh ich we know as gingerly with your vinegar and plenteous Grasping in my outstretched hand the tide. The movement is due to the dif· Pa.n and dishcloth, while .around me wit h t he oil, oprinkle thfl pepper, brown or ference between the a ttractions exerted by red, over i t -and t hen fl ing the mess out Dishes by the score will stand. the moon and sun upon t he solid earth and of the wiadow. .All tlle dishes, pots, and kettleP, those exerted upon the oceanic envelope. Gia.gs and silver, pa.nil and knives, Attraction, as shown by Newton, variea not The Siesta. All I've ever in my 1ife·time, only directly as the mass, bu t also inversely ( E.qg.al to a cat's nine lives, The slsta. is Spanish, and means t.b.e as the square of the distance; thus at an Full ot scratohea, kicke, and wailings,) equal distance one body will exert doul:>le ehor b sleep after dini;ier in which most peoW ash~d, all, all will gather there, , t he attraction of another of half the mass: ple indulge who live in bot climates. Tile While a spoon will grace my forhead, bub if the distance of . o ue body he twice hea b of mid.day is so enervating tllab it ia And a steel fork pin my hair I t h a.t of the other, and their ma.ssesequal, t he impossible then t o d o effective work, so a ttraction of .th3 mor e distant w ill oe but a that the sies ta, while it gives a brief rest , quarter of that of the nearer. So t he im· does not cauee a loss of worki ng hours. Sprillg House Cleaning. The need of a sh orb "nap" after d inner is mense mass of the sun exerts, In spite of its D evo.te a.t lea.at a week t o preparation for greater dist ance, a far greater attraction not less here than in the t orr id zone. Tts cleaning house. See tha.t a.U aeeded repairs upon the eart h as a whole than does the effecb is to furnish a new supply of nervous are made, and have everv necessary t-001 on moon, force; to do on a smaller sea.le what the hand and in good order. Provide lime for Th e difference, however, between the night's sleep does on 8. larger one. whitewa.eh~ng, e~rpet ta.cks, good soap, Both the climate of the country and our sawdust carbolic a cid copperas and !pirite sun's attr action upon the solid earth and its nat ional h abits tend t o keep t he b ra.in and attraction upon the ocean is, on account of ' · ' ' d ..,_ of a.mmoma. H ave closets, burea u rawers,, its distanc e, tmt 8. smaHfracbion of its total nervous syst~m at a hii:h t ension . From et c , thor oughly cleaned a.nd r enovated. at traction ; whilsb thab between the moon's you th to ola sge we are on the race for R e-organize aewing table, and arr ange bags for t he odds and ends tbat havfJ a ccumu- attraction upon the solid eart h and its at· wealth or p osi tion, for plea.sure or fashion, lated during the winter , and h aving different traction upon the ocea.n, owing to its com· for reform or r eligion. How different is pa.ratively small dist ance of 1240, 000 miles, t his from t he indolen t life of the tropics, ones· for each ar ticlt, and ma.rking the out- is a very considerable fract ion of its t oba.l and even from life in t he E uropean counside of each b ag ia some wa.y. P ut pieces action. S o that whils b the earth's attraction t ries, wher e t he .p res8ure-perha.ps also the of ribb1>n, velvet , lace, and flowers in a box, ca.uses the moon t o travel r ound it once a. r ewards of ambitious st riving- may be less. and ha.ve ready for the spring " fixing up." month, the reciprocal attra ction of t he moon W e need something more t han t he midday If you is m!!.inly eflecb"Ual in eauring t he t ides, the nap. We need to see that, wit hout a ra~ic11.l ;LiYE I N THE COUNTRY , change, there b da.ilger ahead for ua. Indeed, sun's · a ct ion being O illy about one.third as m uoh of it is a.lrea.dy on us, · in t he rapid while a.lf t his is being done in t he hou!e, see greab. Tne wat ers of the open ocean have a. . uhat the boys clean awav the rubbish and tendency t o rise up in a he,jp on the side mul tiplying of apoplexy, paralysis, softening litter from t he y ards, and watch car efully nea.rest the moon, because t hey a.re pulled of the br ain, heart compl~int1 nervous prosthat no waste from the kitchen ls t hraw n more strongly t han is the solid globe, and, tration an d nervous ailmen ts generally." We need t o force ouraelvee to take - t hing1 out t o decay a.nd scen t the air, oa.rrying it.s being liquid, yield to the attraction. Simpoison to other h ouseholds, ae well a.s dif· ultaneol!sly a similar heapiog up occu rs at mer e quietly ; t o think more of the fest and fusing ib a.round your -0wn. Finally, when the antipodes of t his poin t- on the side, eola.ce and duties of home, and less of the you begin to clean, don't upset all the room1 t hat is, farthest . from t ile moon- because shop and club and t he p 11.r ties of pleasure. a.t once and drive your husband cr azy ; but the solid globe is, as it were, pulled away We need to preach up the virtues of con· tent ment and self-control, and preach down use a little tact ; clean one or two r ooms at from the wa ter there. T wo great t idal waves are thus originated; t he vice of an all-consuming greed. I\ t ime ; settle and r e-arrange thoroughly But, meanwh.ilti, t he mid·day nap is of and, as tfie e;i.r th's movement ia its orbit, before proceeding to the n ex t. The cellar should be cleaned first of all, coupled w ith its daily rot a.tion, makes the vast help. It is wonderful how much r efor out of it emanate all manner of d iseases. moon occupy· t he same rela.tive position caperat i ve power t here is in a. nap of a. few R emove e very puticle. of vegetable remnants every t wen ty.five hours-or, more exactly, minutes. No one who has ever acquired the and sprinkle and scrub t he· places where every twenty- four hours and fifty minutes h a.bit.of a.. bri~f. si.~_~taP,as failed to experience t hey have la.in with strong copperas water. - high t ide at any pla.ce occurs twice . in it, and perhaps t her e is no way in which a q uariier of an hour of our time; every day, every such period of time. R emove boxes and barrels to can be invested with a prospect of a better · FRESH LOCALITIES IN T HE CELLAR, dividend in health and length of days t han so t hat the pla.ce where they have l!tood .....-.-Th~' Sta.ne Dvke. in, ·t w a.fter·dinner nap.- fYouth's Commay 6ecomeafy:"' 1il ow wailltn ewlnliowB,"' ·p a.nlon; Aul' Dauvit Shaw and Widow Meg an d whitewa.ah every nook a.nd comer with W ere neibors at the G.uie.::.. common whitewash me.de yellow wibh copThe Tme Ree.son. p erae. Scrub 'out all boxes and barrels and. The widow tended sheep and kye, While D ..uv it cii.'d t he plane. dry thoroughly; carry out any unnecessary N<>twithstanding t he glowing tribute of A guld bit farm Meg held in lease accumulations ; leave the door and win dows admiration which t ile p ress of t he UnUed F rae P at , the la.iri!Jy tyke ; open, and go n ext to the garret. · Str.t es h ad pa.id t o t he memory of John An'.Dauvit own'd a muckle yaird Pick up, sor t, and arra.nge all r ags, p aper s, Bright, t he Sena te at W a.eh ington declined S~rounded by a. dyke. etc., p utting each kind in its appr opriate on .Wednesday t o vote directly upon a re· place, and wa tching for traces of moths. solution ~xpressin~ i ts sorrow at his deat h, Aul' DauvitJ's yaitd aye bore guid era.pa Old newspapers a.n<l paper hall's ha.vo many The excus e was offered that an awkward t at ties, k11il, and cor n; uses; old papers ar e ge>od for cleaning win· p recedent would thus b e established, and the An' in l'Ieg's :llesh t his long h ad been do ws V a.pd mirrors,,, for spreading on the resolut ion was r eferred to tha Committee on A d ainty, fa.slliouE thorn. kitchen table whi11ungagedin greasy work ; F oreign R elations. . The true inwardness of Sile oouldnii. thole ta.a see the beds in fact t hey will be foun d of la.bor saving t his proceeding, however, is t hns explained Ea.ch ma.rked ~lfwi' a spike; utility all t hrough . Af ter bin.eking a stove, by the New York " Times :"- " The rea.l She cursed au!' D .. uvit's muckle yaird, ·it can be kep t brigh t for a long time by rubreason why the reeolutiona wer e not prompt· An' swore the a.ul"ata.ne dyke. bing ib with old newapa.pers every morning. Iv and uuanim1 msly passed is t hab John P dper bags, in which many ar ticles are sent Bright, one of t he noblest cha.ra.ct ers in E llg.Adj oinin' Dluvit's y a.ird Meg h a.d home from the Q;rooer y store, should be savlish history, the firmest , mo ·t faithful, and An or'na.r' guid gra.ss park, ed for use must fell.'rleas friend of t his R epublic in its So ta.e h ersel' she ya.e rla.y says, W H EN JIL AOKING A STOVE , hour of t rial and peril, the Ea11:lishman to My fai th, I'll bae a. h.rk . " whom we owe a. deeper d P.0t of gratitude You can slip t he hand int o one of t hese and blessed day my queys I 'll put This than to ·any other since C lrntham and Harke, handle the brush just a.a well, a nd the hand On grass, or if they like, and as·g reat a debt a.a even t o them, wa1 in will n ot be soiled, and when through with They'll hae a rive o' D .-uvit's kail t he later years of his life a n opponen t of the t hem they can be d ropped into the fire. By k ncckin' owre his dyke. Irish party. T he Senate t hat could confer a After all you.r different ar t icles have been ·l h igh diploma.tic office upon Pa.t1fok Egan, on a.rranged in the garre~ remove · and burn all An hour or two gaed skimmin' past whtll!e na.turaliz11.t ion pa.pers the ink is scarceuseless r ubbish. · Use beDz ine wherever E 'er D ..uv1t saw the row, ly dry, does not fi ad it ' proper ' t o express moths are found, bu o handle ca.r efully; for An' t hen he was a wrathfu' man sorrow for the dea.th of a atat eama.n who was it is very dangeroUB. · Wash t he windows, T hat day at Meg,_ I t r ow ; t he champi ~n of the principles on which our clea.n . t he walls, paint and fbor t h or oughly, F or in h is yaird were kye an' ctueys, Government is foulfded, and wi:io was in far and your r oom is r ea.d y for pa.eking away An' wi' n ose like ony pik e, closer sympathy wit h a.11 th a.t is t ruly and winter clothing and bedclothes. A boar was buev ploug hln' owr e r ight ly American than any one of t he. h.ea.rt· Now, we will suppose you are r eady t o p ro· The ga.rden aul' ata.ne dye. leas demagogues who constitute so large a Jeed t o the ot h er rooms: I have always pa.rt of t hat body. Tile grief of genuine Am· found it a good. plan to olea.u the sleeping A dizzen queys h a.i stocks a piece ; erioa.ns f }r tile lose of J ohn Brigh t is not more r ooms firet. To commence, firat remove all The kye were in the corn, sincere than their contemp t for such selfiab t he pictu r es from the walls, carefully dust An' haahn"t u p like deevils starved , co wards. " ~own t he walls a nd the frames before pro· J ist like it ha.d been sh orn : ceeding t o beat beds, brush furniture and A Ludicrous and Perplexmg .Mistake, A monstrous pig fra e " P a.ddy 's Ian '," clean all t he paint, wind ows and floors. T b.. t the weans had christened '" Mike," Clothes, carpeting and all "trumpery" Mr. J oseph G ilbert , who wa.s attached to W as busy h owkin' up the yaird, should be thorou ghly aired a nd baa.ten in t he astronomical service in Captain Cook's Whtie the boar knook'd ower t he dyke. expedit ion to observe t he t ra nsit of V enna, sun and wind before being p u b away for t he summer. need to wear very tight lea.ther ;broeches. He IQTCa.11 and see me in my new quarters. Aul' D l n vi b cursed an' sbamp'd an' swor e, had ordered t he litt le tailor t o attend him The diffetent rooms mnst be ca.red for in T llen seiz3d a muckle stick, regular order , heavy d raperies p u t awa.y, one mqrning, when his granddaughter, who An' ower the hur dies o' a. quev light ones replacing t hem, and matting if resided .. with h im, bd a.lso order ed her C a.m' a.e t remendous lick. used p ut down for t he summer months. If shpema.ker to wait upon her. T he young He st ruck t be boa.r a.tween the lug~ these few details will a id even a sing le house~ la.dy was -aee.ted in t he brea.kfast ·room. " T ak · that y in gin ye like ; keeper in arranging her spring house clea.n· when t he ma.ker of leat her breeches was Ye brutes, " said he, " l'll le.a.r n ye a' inl!, our task will not have been in vain. shpwn in, and , as s,be did not happen to Ta.e keep oot ower the dyke·., - [Godey 'e L !>dy's Boolr. ' k now one handicraftsman more t han t he ot her, she at once i ntimated that ~he wished An' n oo a gen'ral r ace began him to measure her for a. p air of-" leather," An Old Connecticut " Boiled Dinner." 'Tween k yE', an' queys, an' pigs ; for, as she r emarked, the wet we.a ther was , At this season of the .year a New E a g· They ran r ichti th ro' t he ka.il.an' corn, coming, and she felt cold. in "clobh. " T he land boiled dinner consists of a br iske t piece An' danc'd across t he riggs; modest tailor could hardly: believe his ears. of ·corned beef, boiled or r ather simmer ed T hen a' t heg it her in a lot , ".Measu re y ou, miss I" said he wit h hesita· twelve minut es to the pound and served with Like bees owa.rm'd oot ;i, byke, tion. · spring itreens instaad of cabbage. The meat T he d eevila jump'd richt oot t he yaird " If you please," B f:\id t he young la.dy and t he gr eens are cooked separately ; ..so Au' levEll'd fl ab t he dvke. who was remarka.ble for much gravity of Purify t he Blood, c01·rect all Disorders of t he a.re carrots, t urnips and potat oes, depor tment; " a.nd I have only· to be::t t ha t Aul' D"'uvit swore that he'd ma.k' Meg The healthiest and at t he s&me time t he you will give me plenty of room, ·for I am a. L I V ER, STOltlAUll, KID~EY~ AND D OW E I..S . P <iy sweetly for her. lark ; cheapest greens are the w holesome dandelion 11reat walker , and I do not like t o wear any· Ta.e coorts he'd ganjl au' law he'd hae which may be had for t he picking. The ~!l"\ i nvigorate and rest ore t o h.ealt b J)eb> l·tated Constitutions, thing th1Lt constro.ind me. " ·· Tho' he should sell hia sa.rk ; mistake most housewives make is in boiling are l a valuable i n a ll Compla ints i n cid ents o ,,. emale s of all Ages.. ' "" " But, mfas," exclaimed t he poor fellow in N a.y , mair, he swore he'd eel! t he ya.ire , this vegetable. T he water in which t hey · Ohild r en and the a ged they are p r iceleaa. great pr eplexity, "r never in my 1ife measSae strona was h!B d islike, are boiled is invariably t hrown away. This ured a la.dy ; I - " And ther e he pa.used. If int.h e end they 'd' only mak' is a mistake, as it contains much of the ·· Ar e you not a lady'~ ~!ioemaker ?" was The' wid ow build t h e dyke. healt h.giving propert ies of t he plant. T he the query calmly put t o him. · a. n i ofallible r emedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breast s, Old Wounds S ra best way t o cook them is t o out t he dande" By no means, miss," said he. " I am a Bn t noo the row's a thing t ha t's past lion moderately fi a e and cook it in a fry ing and Ulcers. It ls famotll! for 'Go u t a nd Rheu mati sm , F or disor ders of t i.. leath er breF.cbea maker, and I have come t o is lookin' braw, T he y aird p 'ln ·wit h a littl!} of the corned-oeet, wa.ter . -Ch est it has .110 aqua.I .take t he measure, not of ycu, but Mr. Gil· An' Dauvit h a.a for a.nee p roved s&,ge Add a thin slice of bacon 0 1· ham, cover , and bert ." In bidin' back frae law. , For S ore T liroa1s, D r o 1B.c llitls, Cough s , Col ds, cook fifteen minutes. The young lady b aca.me .per p lexed , too, Wi' willing help fra.e R ab and W ull, Along the hedges and in neglected places but she r ecoyer ed her self-possession after a G111.ndul:ar Swellings, and all Skin Diseases has t h ings as t rlm's ye like, has n o rival ; and H e the t en der shoots of t he d ock are n ow t o be good oommon·senae laug_h, .. and sen t t he An' roon the yaird t he l oons ha.e built c ont r acte d and stiff j oints it atita Uke a charm, . found. .T hey are very wholesome and re· mak er of br eeches t1J her grandpa.pa. . A nit her guid sti.ne dyke. quire bnt lit tlo cook ing. P ussley , with its red, fleshy stem and M anufacture d only at T HOMAS H oLLOWA Y 's E st ablishme n t , Geranium is now t he fa.sh iona.ble color thick oar -shaped leaves n o longer than a for 111en's ties. Dress ties a.re wider than 78, "°'" · OXF flP T", :..rREET, (late 633, OXFORD STl' J, E l ')i LO!lll>&!t: quarter of an iuch , will soon show t heir R usset t l eat her shoes and slippers for for inerly. heads above grou nd. As a vel!'et a.ble it ladies promise t o be as fashionable as ever A.nd a . e .1<J.ti ali J.B-. l!d., 2s. 9d . , 4a. 6d., lls. , 22s. , and 33 . e ach Box ol' p The " .Little E mpire" ia t b.e na me given can not be surpassed, a nd if more universally ma7 be had from all Medicine Vendor st h rongho.it t h., World,, to a. new d reBB of French design. used gardners would soon cease t heir· com. t his flUmmer . w F11ull a teu sh ould l ook to th e Label on the P0U a 11d Bn:e 1. Htne a ·l l ren ls aat s;., Lyoils silks for even ing and reception plaints against it. They should look upon it Some of the new silks for summer a.re in dreBSea ar e n Orien t al d Eeig na. Ox ford St red, Lon do· 1 t he7 a r e spmtous, a11 a blessing, instead of calling it a.n ob· the moat gorgeous tartan patterns. HOUSEHOLD. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT 1889a ----e---- I I W-indow Shades, all colors, both with and without dado, Genuine Hartshorn Spr1·ng Rollers B esse " 1 C arpet Sweepers . . Curtain Chains Cornice Poles Stair Plates and Rods· Sanderson,· Percy & Co.'s PURE MIXED PAINT. r Genuine Elephant Lead. A fine Jine of Kalsomine, 'White W"hitewash and Paint Brushes. The best goods ·atl bottom. prices~ S. S. EDSALL. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, D;ri~d~ and other Factory "Work all Kiln AFul~ Stock always on hand. Call and Examine. BOWM~NVI LLE, ' .lllc Clellan ~ Co., sole agents in this locality for TRENTON, ONTARIO. G-ILJM:OUR·&SO . ., o· ---o --Everbody wants the best Boots and. Shoes to be bought for the least money. At my new store, To the Public. SCOTT'S OLD STAND, I you will find a very well assorted stock of the best .g oods. in the various lines that the market affords .. No need to enumerate the different classes- 1keep everything in foot·wear for men, women and children and at prices that can't b e beat en... See our German Felt Slippers. RUBBERS AND FELT GOODS, Trunks, Satchels, etc., also in stock. Ordered work receives special attention. DAVID, DAVIS. A 'LL ! · HEALTH F O R T HE PILLS THE OI N TME NT S it - -·- . -