Photographs and Fancy Goods at TAIT'S Corner Store. YOU C A~! HAVE Wall paper and buggies at Tait's. Uowmanville Fair Friday, April 26. Deicious, Nourishing Soup in Dr. and Mrs. Hillier are expected home next week. · a moment by using Mrs. John Percy, has been visiting friends at Toronto. Mrs. R. D. Davidson spent Eilster with her p!!.reots at Canton. Rev · . J. A. Sanderson, · of Montreal Theological University, is home:. Bowmanville champion B and gave a concert in Newcastle Monday night. Misses Wilson have no s:tale or bankrupt stock, all ·a re this season's goods. Mr. E Douglas Armour, of Toronto, was at his parental home Good Friday. Mr. Roht. Beith paid Mr. Rich. Trick, Cobourg, $225 for a young mare last week. FarmE>rs, take your eggs to Tod Bros. give you the highest market Maple syrup is not plentifol. ilaon renew and t l O over hats Misse3 \\T in nil the la.test styles, M. M1J.yer bas got in h i· spring hats and invites inspection. MrP. Donn elly, milliner, has bought over $1000 worth of ribb()US. See the D AW styles in bPys' suits at Tod B ros. The pric:es are right. M r. Arthur .T. Honey, of Toronto, spent E aBter at hia mother's htire. Mr . Arthur McLa.112hlin, of Toronto, spent the Easter Holidays at home. M r. S. B. Brndshaw iM offering his co mfortable cottage home for sale or to rent. Two very intoresting art icles-one for grown fol k, the other for youth-appears on the insid e pag~s. A Frost & Wood binder is now on the way to thl' a[!cnts, will be on exhibitior;i SaturC:ay or Monday. The fine m usic by t'ie D. 0 . & P. Co. Band was much enj oy~d by a large crowd Friday afternoon. Jf you waut the newest thing in the neck tie li ne call nt the \Vest End House. There is whern you get it. The sucker season is in-not the kind fo·mrl in the har room-but which makes the fisherman's heart glad. "I t hink inen associate t.:>o little with those i n tho different walks of life, " says a prominent business man. Hotel men should determine to keep the Crooks' Act and assist in bringing those who violate it tu jHstice. MRyna,rd t he ,Jeweller h as a fine stock of clocks, watches, silverware, gold and silver j ewelry, wedding rings, specs, etc. Farmers at~ bu~y seedii~g and sprl~g operations are 1<,oinq on grandly, many being nearly through, Seeding will be over two weeks earlier than last year. WARNER'S Safe Cure cures both malaria and kidney disease by tnking out of the blood the pni~onous walarial germ1, and by putling the kidneys io a healthy condition. FRUIT '.l'REES - I have on hand a collection of apple, pear, plum, cherry trees, etc.,-tiret class- which I wiU sell at reasonable prices. ,J OH'.'i CHAP I.IN, Bowmanvi!le. 2w FACT.·-At W. E. Pethlck's barber shop opposite the post office you will find a large lot of pipes to ·choo~e from which will be sold ne"r cost to suit the times. Give him a c.ll. An authority has Ftated that. there is not in the whole of the pbarmacopei~ eo sovereign R remedy as hard work. lf this is with the pen let ii, be with Edterbrook's ' 'Easy Writer." Mrs. A. Stevena has sold her fa.rm of 101 acres, lot 7 conr.ession 4, Darlington, to :Hr. Geo. Stepheas at a reasonable figure. We shall expect George· to take a wife and settle down now. Now is the season when ev.iry householder should clean back and front yards, burn the rubbish and put things in gen· eral good order before the sun causes decay that will breed disease and death. · The Stea.mer N orseman!'began her regular tri~ bet.ween Pvrt Hope and Charlotte ou. Monday. Our readers will be pleaeed t'J hear that Capt. · Dunla.p ts again ill charge and that i'1r. D. Cunningham continues purser. _ J u·s1' ARRIVED .A'r CHINA HALL.Crate nf Crockery, including (50) fifty chamber sets, to be sold at greatly reduced prices. Call early and inspect our stock, for at the price they are bound to sell. MURDOCH BROS. ' Mr. John Joli, Hampton, has .bought th·t splendid three ytoa.r o ld Clydesdale stallion, "Scottish Thistle," from Messni. R. Beith & Co. He is a big fellow and has few snperiors in his clau. He weighs nearly 2,000 lb·. The Presbyterian Synod of T .1ront o and Kingston will meut in St. Paul' church, Bowmanville, on Tuesday May 14th at 7.30 p. m. A large number of ministers and laymen will be present and will be billetted at the h ouses of our citizens. Miss M. McClung has opened classes pencil and crayon drawing also in oil, china and water color painting. She desires to increase her pupi111. H olding certificates from the Toronto School of Arts, ehe will pay e~pecial attention to drawing. Enquirt:i a t the residence, "The Evergreens." HORSEMEN, it will pay yon to get your route bills and pedigree cards printed at the STATESMAN office. Wo have a complete assortment of horse cnts suitable for all classes of aoimals. \Ve use.heavy paper and guarantee good work." Notic.i of route will be published ia STA.TEiMAli frae to all getting bills printed by us. The license commissioners will meet next Tuesday for West Durham. Following are the applic::i.nts for licenses: rlow· manville- ReubPn Bennett, Ruebottom House; George Fisher, station. Darlin~ ton-Eliza Beer, Rampton; W. C. Lattimore, Burketon; Wm. Hall, Enniskillen ; J onn Moyse, Tyrone. Cartwri~ht - Geo. Corfield, Royal, Blackstock; J as. Bell, Commercial, Blackstock ; . Joseph Cook, Caest1t:ea-six month's license. Newc1stle- Geo. A. Jacobs, jr, Windsor; Mary A Glendenning, R ' yal; Mrs. Rieh. Bennett, Globe, Beer and Wme Jic.,nse ; ,J. W. Tntf, Royal. Clarke-W Piipe, Newtonville; Peter B!ue, Kendall; Jaa.. Hallett and L'lwis Bennett, .O rono. Shop License-J. Milne, Temperance Street, Bowmanville; J, Lyle, King Street, llowmanyi!le; .Tohn Noble, King Street,, How:nanville; John Qri&wford, King street, Newcastle. · T. GR.ANGER STEWART, M. D., F. R. E., Ordinary Phy11ician to H. M., the Queen ·in Scotl<>r11i, Professor of Practice of Physic in the University of Edinburgh, writes : " Aoute bronchitis is common especially · m the advanced etages of Bright's dise1t11e, and tends to pus into the chronic state. PMh1sis (consumption) in its various forms is found occilsionally associated with these renal (kidney) affections. It usually proves fatal while the ren'll malady is yet in its early stage." It thus becomes evident that consumption and lroncbitis are intimately associated with kidney disease and W a.rner's Safe Cure should be 'aken early in the disease to prevent the damaging influeoa,e the kidney'.mslady exerts upon th11 respirator; '1rgtW&. Read F. A, Cole's new advt. For cheap suits he takes the bakery. See the lace curtains at 50c per pair at Tod Bros. Best value in town. Might there not be a standard or model set for the constru ction of school buildings? Chas. Ruse's educational school of music is located in Mr. Maitland's resid ence King·st. East. Mr. J, G. Honey's cheese factory, Perrytown, was burned week . Loss $2,000; insurance $1000. See article under the head ing of Chas. R nse's Educational School of music on editorial page of this is~ue. Dr. J. Spencer, V. S., of, has r emoved to Bo wmanvilfo, his office bein11; in the STATESMAN Block, second floor. Dry Goods are being sold cheaply just now in Bowma nville and JohnJ. Mason's big Clearing sale leads for big bargains. See advt. A poet sent to an editor a. poem en· titled "Why D o I Live ?" T he ed itor answered, "Bec1J.use you sent your articles by mail inste11d of bringing them. NEw MILLINERY.-Mrs. D onnelly has j ust received an immense new stock of all kinds of millinery, consisting of bats, bo11nets and flowers, ve lvet~, ribbons in all the newe·t styles and shapes t o be procured. L~d ies should call early and make their selections before the stock is picked over. This stock i~ one of the laq?eat ev(ir brought to town. Over $1,0~0 worth of ribbon. Inspection invited. I s I NcE THE . . ----o ---- FIRE! 0~.4.S. JEt."'U'SE::'S EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL OF USIC is n ow located jn MR. MAITLAND'S RESIDENCE, King Street, East, where ample facilities have been secured for carrying on tl.e Educational Study of Music with the U niversity Classes, as· heretofore. The EVENING CLASSES will necessarily be suspended until the School is more permanently situated ; when there will be organized, -in addition to these,- Mrs. M. Barrett, of the SrATESMAN office, is visitmg at Port H ope and MilljlTHE ONLY EXTRACT OF BEEF brook. Sale of damaged goods will be held in suitable for making JULIEN and other west end of the Ruebottom block.-El<CLEAR SOUPS. A FINE RICH FLAVORED SOUP lieon & Co. can be made IN A MOMENT by adding Mr. W, Williams, of Acton, formerly boili»g wa. ter. of Tyrone, is down on a visit to Da.rlington friends. Mr. David Bruce, of Stratford, was guest of Mr. W. Bruce, for a fow. d11ys SOL.E AGENT8 FOR CANADA. the past week. Mr. Albion Walker, one of Bowmanville's worthy young men, has gone to Portland, Oregon, Subscribers not receiving their papers lt.Essns. SToiT & JURY, regularly will confer a favor by reporting Sms.-It is :with pleasure to the oilice. If you want a first-class cigar you must that I call the attention of the ~o to W. E. Pethick'a where you will find public to what St. Leon Mineral a !lreat many kinds to choose from. Miss Jennie Grandy, of 'W isconsin, Water has done for m6.. During ·who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Geo. the past 20 years I have always Bickell, left for home on Thursday last. Mr. Geo. Ross, (Happy George) leaves 1 suffered· more or le:s from Liver to·day for Portland en route for Ireland -Oomplaint, Dyspepsia, Pain across to visit friends and to improve his health, Mr. Geo. Gray, Newi;onville, and Mr. t4e Kidneys, etc., and have tried .Tacub Pollard, Bowma.nville, were judges !84nost every known remedy-with- on heavy and light horses r-:ispectively at ' out success until recommended Cobourg fair. Mr. J, H. Betts, of NewcastJe, haa deiabout a year ago to give St. Leon cided to returu to the farm in Mariposa. :a. trial and I am now grateful and Mr. and Mrs. Betts will be cordially .pleased to state that for tbe past welcomed back again.-Post. Mrs. Dingman has moved into the ,year, I have enjoyea better . h~alth · STATESMAN Block over lleury's photo galthan during any time within 20 lery where she intends doing over straw years. I used continually in- and felt h11ts in the la.teat styles. Mr. W. Clarke, who is supplying St. stead of ordinary drinking water Paul's pulpit, was called to Dundas !aet and .c onsider ·1 t the most valuable week by . the death of bis sister. A Mr. Barron preached in St. Paul's last Sun,r emedy for Dyspepsia m the day. market. At Cobou~g fair last Wednesday, Mr. Geo. Cockburn's two Clydee dales which ROBT. ADAIR. he booght from Messrs. R. Beith & Co. won first and second prize3 in the heavy draught cl>1es. The agents for the FrPst & Wood Bind~auad.~ er have been kept busy the past week, ex~ -~~~--....,;,·...,.......,,. plaining the merits of their machine, which ~no ,lL.gtea iwp.r.o.nment on the old styles. Gents looking for a first clau suit of clothes at a reasonable price should call at the West End House. They have a Trout fi1hing begin· May 1. The watering cart is on its daily large lot of tweeds and can give you a suit at any price. .rounds. By referring to the advertisement of The lightest binder made is the Frost Chas Ruse's School of Music m another &. Wood. . All tweeds gladly offered at half price. column, ladies will find some information concerning the band oo ;v being organized. -,Ellison & Co. For particulars call on Mr. Ruse. . Thia season promises to be fairly liveMr;, Thoe, Jeffery, formerly of Bow'~ in_the buildlni line. manville, recited at a soiree-musicalt'I in Wtll have at leaat one pile of dress Totonto Saturday night, and the Globe .goods at ei centa.-Elliaon & Co. eays: ·'Ia th11 literar}'. porJ;ion of the pro10,000 dozen El{g· wanted at Tod Bros. gram Mrs. J elftiry easily t(>ok first place. ~he11t price paid in dry goods. She was re-called again and again." We will be obliged to any person re,One of the prime features in the educa.turning a stray article.-Ellison & Co. tional processes of Ch11s. Ru~e's school of Hats in all the latest 11tylea just to music is the presentation, culture and .hand at Conch Johnston & Oryderman'a. practice of PRINCIPLES, that underlie and Muskrat 11kin11 bought by M. Mayer at govern the intelliizent rendition of all 1i.lghest prices. Cash for all kinds of raw music; thu11 includinl{ any and every combination of voice~ and instrument! · .furs. The D. 0. & P. Uo. Baod gave an open The English hats at l\la111;m's have sold "Yery fast-the best value ever shown in air concert in the a.fterQoon on the Band Stand, playing beautifully Godfrey's Bowman ville. ."Reminiscer.ces of Bellini" being es· .Tohn Woodruff, cattle buyer, jumped pecially fine. The opening march "The <tA" a train at Pickering 1tatbn and is- Veteran" had only been practiced for the · located his left knee. · · first time and that only for a few minutes When you see a citi.Zen on the street before its public rendition, yet it showed dtessed like a gentleman, it is safe to con- tht: marked efficiency of the· Band in clude that he gets his clothes of Cou& h, their playing the piece with such attack Johnston & Cryderman. · and precision. The Band now numbers -Xhe·f&rm belonginit to the estate of the 36 players. lll.te Ueo. Davia, lot 18, con . 4, DarlingAs was expected the lecture by Rev. ton, was BOl:l on the 11th inst., by auction Dr. Stafford in Rev. Mr. Matthew ~s ~Alex. Trull, Esq., for $3,725, church, ·Friday night, was a rich treat inBe sure and see the Frost & Wood deed. le was no dry, prosy essay, but single apron atand Binder, the latesb abounded in sound practical common .made. John Penfound, Courtice, and eense, though1fully and logically conVirtue & Mason, BowmanvillE'I, A~euts. densed and put t<'get~r and ·given adRELIABLEFlRE INSURANCE COMPANIES : ditional zest by the humor and repartee -City of London Enrland, capital £2,· that was intermized.. The Dr. wa.~ fld· 000,000; and Lancashire, England, . capi- quently applauded while speakiog and at tal, £3,000,000, represented by JoHN the cloee a heart.y vote of thanks was moved by ex-1\1.iyor Horsey and seconded COLE, Sen., Hampton, Ont. by Mayor Younie. The tea served by On Monday night last week a very the ladies before the lecture was well J!tOod concert was given· in, Queen street patronized, aod tho nnanimous opinion church by the choir assisted by members wa11 that the edibles were never surpassed ()f other to"n choirs. The program was in qua.hty. The tables nicely set excellent throughout. Mr. J, · Higgin· out with plants and flowers. The · choir botham was chairman. furnished abundance of good music as Van Every'a Excursion to New: York uaual. and return only 88, from Suspension "IT IS a f11ct that miny of th" be~t proBridge, on April 29th. Write H. W , prietary medicines of the day," s11id the Van Every, 5 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, late Dr. J, G. Holland in Scribner's Magfor tickets and berths. Thia is an excel· azine, "· more succesaful than many lent opportunity to viait New York and physicians, and most of them were first fa also a splendid eeason of the year. discovered or used in actual medical A Pol'UL.All. I!iil!l'RUMR!fT,-A new scale practice. When, however, any 1hrewd Upright Pianoforte recently completed person, knowing their virtue and foreby Messrs. Newcombe & Co., Toronto, i1 110eing their popularity, secure11 and ad. affording great 1atialM:tioo. 'It fills the vertises them, in the optnion of the requirement a for a reliable instrumet t bigoted, all virtue went of theip," Failure by a first-class maker at a fisi:ure w~t.hin of eyesight, fickle appetite, hl'adache, the reach of all. Write them for particu· extreme wakefulness, frequent desire to ara.-tf. urinate, especially at ni~ht, gradual "A Fectestrtan" writes t.he STATB~M.AN failure of etrenllth and dropeical swelling, compla~ning that no sidewalk has been -there are 11yniptoms of kidney disease. laid in front of the burn\ blocka on Kin~ If you Mglect the symptoms, you will st. s\~e the fire, and asks if there ie not · eventually have Bright's Disease. Warn" .a by-la"W-whlch makes it imperative on er's Safe Cure ir the only specitic which th.a ()ouncil lo see tha.t the persons own- has ever bPen discovered for this disease. i~. ' :ie pr'opert1 shall build such side- The late Dr. Dio Lewis, over his own ~ ..: ~ We think there is and call lhe aignatnre said ~ "If I found myself the ~tention of the Mayor and Chief Con- vi<:tim of a aeriollt1 ktdney tvo·ble, 1 would uae Warner'· Safe Cor~." 11i.hl· te the Ii.ct. FLUID BEEF ! ';!~~8.will THE BEST FOR BEEF TEA. A Ladies' Bra·ss Ba11d, from members of the full University Course students that will be taking, as incidental study, some appropifate brass instrument. Any ladies desiring a full course, and wishing to u.n ite with this Band, will do well to confer with or add1 ·ess . 4~. LYMAN, SONS &Co., 0 :S:A.S. RLTSE'.1 -1:M:M:EN""SE- Box 88, B OWMANVILLE, ONr. n:E\°R 8ht -- ftatumau. Loca.1 .a.nd Otherwise. H. C. Tait sells best spectacles, Mrs. Donnelly is selling her large stock of Wings at half-price. · See the new prints just opened out at Couch Johnston & Cryderman's, Drees goods of all grades will be offal' ed about helf price.- Ellison & Co. lrARMERs.-Best power S traw Cutter with reverse gear sold by CHAS, ROGERS, FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance, Roer,. VIRTUE, Al(ent, Bowmanville. tf. Ocean tickets by · differen t lines of steamships for sale at the ST.ATESM.AN office. tf Gentlemen examine Tod Bros~ stock of tweeds before leaving your orders for a spring bUit. Mr. Tait says he has the ATt that enables him to make true Portraits at na· sonable pricPs. ·£he Frost & Wood B lnde,r shells lesa grain than any other Binder made, Penfound, Mason & Virtue, agents. Our book debts will have to b e arranged at a date. PRrties indebted should prepare at once.-Ellison & Co. Our prices will be lower than auction prices. We spare our friends the pain of going to an auction room ,-Ellison & Co. ·Dont Buy she ddy, but spend your money for goods that will wear. Try John J, Mason's selection. See new advt. · ·.ruet openel out at Cou ch Johnston & Cryderman'e . a lot af German-made b.di~s·· jackets for spring wear. These x-ood<' .fi~ to· perfection. · ' · ' ~he. Fro~t & Wood binde~ has only two rollers and one canvass. The beat bind· er in existence for short grain. Peofound ¥~ason & Virtue, agents. Any amount of suits are now being order~d at John J. Mason's; the beat choice of material and best cutter continues to attract customers. · Morris~ Carriage works has got a first· class painter. Parties intending to have their buggies repaiuted this spring ·bring t hem alon~ at once and have them dot\e up in good style. Marriage· Notlees, 50 eent11; blrtl11 and tleatbi~ 211 -·- =============~-==-:::::---- ================================== CLEAR IN C SALE · ! ---C>F-- DAMAGED DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. ----o ---WE WILL RE-OPEN ON Thursday, April 4th in the store in the West End of R uebittom's Block. ' In view of the late djsa.strous fire, and t he enormous quantity o goods partially da.m!l.ged, we need hardly say that it is imperative t o sell these goods at once. The whole stock will be treated as a damaged stock, and the prices cut dowc. accordingly. We want to re-enter our old stand with a. b rand new stock, a.nd intend to sell out the entire da.m1.ged stock within six woeks, if possi~le. ELLISON & CO. N. B.-Custoruers need n ot fear that ~ they will be k ept too long waiting, the staff of clerks berng largely increased. ·· E. & Co~ Bowmanville, April 1, 1889. l\IJ:..A..YN .A RD. 'l'BE Jl!tWEI.I..EB, Extends his thanks for the very liberal patronage he received since commencing business. His Stock being New and Stylish and his prices very moderate, is no doubt the cause of his success / eenta. 'l':EE NEW LINE OF BIRTHS. GJBSON.-ln Orono. Sunday. April th, the wife of John Gibson of 11o eon, KELLY.-ln Clarke, 7th CQn. April 17th the wife or Mr. Wm, Kelly of a daughter. RowE.-ln Orono, April 17th the wire of Mr. 1 John L, Rowe. of a dauicnter. MovsE--ln Bowmanvllle, April 9th, the wife ot Mr. He.rry M9Y8e, of a daughter, " STJ.PLETON.-On Friday April 5th, Mrs. '):'hos, Sta pjeton present.ed her husbaud with a lovely boy, HE.A.VY-SILVER· VT ..A..TOE:ES SHOULD BE SEEN AT ONCE -·-- :o: - - - MARRIED. Grnsox-Auiw1m.-On the th instant, at H ..vdon, by Rev. W. Kenner, Mr. .Alexander IJibeon to Miss r ..nca .Aunger, both of H"Y' don. LADIES GOLD .A.ND SILVEB W'.A'l'CHES .A.T .ALL PRICES. - - -:o:--- WEDDING RINGS, SCARF PlNS, CHAINS L OCKETS A~D CHARMS, IN EVERY STYLE, AND AT ALL PRICES. - - -:o:- - Remember my Goods are guarranteed to be jast as represented. . WATCH REPAIRIN G a.ttflnded to as usual, Promptnessand skillful workmanship-my motto,.--and all work warranted. · Your patronage ,olicited. DIED. AR.GUB,-~ear Solina, Darlington, April 22, Mary Arl(UB, relict or the John .Argue, aged a ye..rd, 9 month~. 20 days. CuaRIE.-ln B()wm,mville. April 2lst, Cath· arine, relict ot the late :Samuel Currie, aged 75 years. · REPMOND-ln Oahawa.on Frld&Y, April 12th, 188~; John Redmoud. aged 6L yeard. GIFFORD-In East Whitby, on Sunday,April i!th, Wlllbun A. Gifford. BRENT-Near 'l'yrone.D&rlmgton, April 20th, Wm. Brent, sr.. aged 82 years. . CRUMB-lnEast Whitby, April 19th, Eliz&· bath, widow or ttle hue Alrred Crumb, ot Dar· llngton, sged82years. Nativeot l:lradworthy, Devon, Eng. WE11Tcorr-In Bowmanvllle, April 23rd, Albert William, second 1 on ot the 1..te Westcott, agpd 23 years and 3 months. Funeral on Friday, Zlhh ine~. 11ot o'clock. :ro FARMERS! A fearful accident occurred at J ackaon'a · eaw·mill, in Kendall. A young man ~bout twenty.two, na!lled J a.a. V anetto, while removmg a elab, was thrown against the saw and one of bis arm! was .out oll and thrown several feet 011t of the mill .One of his legs w11s a!so out off and the body nearly c11t in two. Death waa in· 11 tau taneous. In coming lefore the public wit.h 0ur Spring Circular, and to save a.gents expenses, we have conc~ude.l to offer .our la.rge stock of Plows, Buggies, Mowers, &c., a.· the following low prices, to all who will k indly favor us with a call at our wor.ks. A first-class Open Buggy for ... , ..·.··· , · , , .· .-. ·.·· $70.00, A . first-class Top Buggy for.......... .. .. ... .. ... ~· 85,00. A first-class Lumber Wagon ..·.····· ~ · · ·.. .··.·.·· 60.00. A first-class Democrat Platform....·· . ..····· ~ . · · . · 80.00. A first-class Mower, good as the best... · · · · .. · · · · · · · · 45.0(). A first-class Hay ~l:'edder, worth $75 for ..·· .. ·.··. ~ 45.00. A Twin Plow with Polished Board, none better..... .... · 11.50. A first-class Champion Plow ., . · ·..· '- . ··..· , ·..··· 11.00, o. W. BRiTTAIN & CO. Market Square, WILL PAY CASH FOR 1 Butter, Eggs, Lard, Bacon,Hams, Hides, Tallow, etc. BOWMANVILLE. IJNSIGUfLY l"Ull"LES. BLOTCHE!!, TAN, ancl all UeWnir hamors or tile ·kln are re· lllOYed . , n.dq mu. J.o·'· ~alplllU' llo&p. -l.11 kinds or Machinery, Foundry and Ca1·riage Repairing done promptly. Yours trul1, Bowmanville Agr'l & Carriage· Co. - ~~ - -------- -- - -