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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1889, p. 7

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· notice this, however. , He siuv it all at one and ellCh (lj them b~d eight feet, armed with glance. In a moment mor.e ho had eyes for sixteen murderous-looking claws It . ' nothing but the occupants of r.he ca11;e. was a rare sig\ID, liruly, and one the writer. 1 "8tand still there against the of the will not soon forget. As he pushed his head , THE BOLD ADVENTURE OF TWO NEW cage in tile middle," Mauag~r . Conklin through the sma.11 door, and wondered if he WEDNESDAY, APR !L 24, 1889. YORK .REPORTERS, in afow voibe. · . would ever come out of it alive, the scenes The reporter tock one step hack,w ard, and of his childhood passed rapidly through his They Enter Cages of Wild Beasts at Bar· felt the the rear of the cage touch his mind. He thought of distant friends and · nnm·s-One l'isits the Lions and the Manager Cunk, l in stepped to the things,. and wondered what would be door which separated the mjddle compart- when the nrxb shower cf meat was gathered Other the Tigers-Their Story 01 ment from that in which . the excited lions up in Kentucky or elsewhere, for he wasn't the Experience. The following remarka.ble story, which is were corifined, and, pulline: the bolt. opened just positive as to where he would be found. · ' · Anottter step forward and re~reat was cut true in every particul~r. relates the experi- it. And righn then occurred something which off, for Mr. Canklin banged the heavy iron ence .of two reporters of the New Y 01 k evcnthe reporter is at a lo~s to 'f ully ex:pl111in. The door shut a.nd locked ir. ilig ·Sun .who volunbrily '.faced vppalling Everything in th· t menagerie seemed diada.nger in quest of a new fo1 m of adventure. newspa.per ma.n . i~ 'a. copfirmed .cigarette for and rhe rt1portera w~re N. A . Jennings and \V. sinok<>r, and has been for many years, but it toned and distended. The facee of the re· would· certainly seem that at that "supreme porter's friends outside looked larger than J, ltouae. "May we go in arid interview those lions moment when he was. to meet two ferocious uaual, ap,:l all wore the same expression, I ' "Cutf! Cutarfa enres Colic, CoMtlJ'Mlo~, tions face to face he: wimld not have thought Kellar'ii bald head shone in the electric light I and t igers?" [recommend jtas superior to nny prescriptiou Sour Stomach, D1nrrhrea., EtUcta.t1on. d!il< !mown to me," 1L A AllcmtR . . D Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promot.M . ' "Wh11.t !" gaeped Superintendent C.onklin of e.~oking. At .this · writing,. several like a polished door knob, and was dotted .. ' JlL. ., gestion, · hours.afterward, he cr..unot remember that all over with beads of cold per,pirntion. in horror. ID So. O:tord St.. Brookl;rn, N. Y. Withou; Lnju.>ious illedlcation. "Go in th~re I" Ecreamed Winner, with he thought of it at all. .But, he that as Poor fellow he suffered as much fh1m anxit,may, he certainly.did take a alga.rt tte from iety a.s-did 'the reporters themselves three exclamation points understood. his pocket and light it. It wasn't a piece of , · . · , "Yes, sir." bravado-he didn't feel brave at all 1 · lhe hea.vy rawhide the S_uper· "When? · -it was sim~ly a purely mechanical mtendent _was soon at work on the tigers. "Now, of course. " action. The proof of this ie t11at he discover. 1 Tha:t particularly fierce.gentleman wh_o OC· "You're jokiny, arl'u'b you?" red with surprisa, after he ha.d come out of cupied the secon~ . floor front ma~e _himself The veteran animal man wa.s assured tha.t th FOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMA.NVILLE, ,, th th semokingafreshlylight; felt before the vie1tore.had_been 1os1de the the reporters were positively in earnest, !l.nd de ~a.,e, tt a e wa cage twoseconds. A light iron grated door, meant every word thoy said. He took a e e. M C kl"in ha·d pulled or more properly a bured door, for it was soon as anager Jn · · t t d f h If · h d · d little time for thought, 9nd then consulted the a bolt of that.door from its catch the .lion cons .rue e .0 a · InC. roun iron. ro s, with Tcdy Hamilton, the {{enial press a~ent ·t1 ·t · d f d it open He . runmng vertically at a distance of five inches _ PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST, for the big show, Keller, the magtcian, who sprim~ a~ami8 11 a~ h~r~~tl liou.egR.. · 'l'he a~art, was.all tllat separa.ted the beast from · ·.- · . h12 coveted prey. was also present, held .up both hands in wae Q. .11e Y .o OW'i1 . ;, · · CONTAINS NO . · ..·. . , · holy horror at the bare thought of ~ob .a t'Yg griiat o.mmals. bounded eagerly the · ·-' Alum, Ammonia., Lime, l'hoapll.ates, j compartrp~nt where the two inen whom they .The door ~as .ma.?e to .swlng open m the thing, and begged "The Evening Sun" men · OR ANY INJURIOUS SUBSTANCE. ~ to give up their scheme. More than a score cou_!d llave !dllea at one blow were awaiting middle, a.nd 1t d1dn ~ re£eil. to the top of the E. w. G' LL E TT. lLtoo of the attendants of the animal cages were them.; '~he prea.ence cf a stranger seemed to cage by abaut a f~ot, It was a wea,k look· MANUi'ACTURER OF gathered about, and had heard the un usua.l ex~ite tbem to fury. They threw their ing·eort of au e.ffnr, ai;id w~s f.lsten_ed by a 1'lIE CELEBRATED ROYAL YEAS'? CAJCi'B.. HqUot with irnrror BDd surprise. Bnt it tawny bodies against the sides of the c&ge ~rop bo!t, e.l~o of half.web iron, wh1~h fitted bad been made in good iaith. and this Mr. and sna.rled a.nd growled jp rage. Tno lion's mto a mc~e m the floor. It_ was plam ta be body rubbed ag11.inst the reporter's leg, and seen that 1t would open easily under pres. Conklin was soon convinced of. "Well, you'll he the first newspaper men as the mona.rch of the forest felt the cont.,.ct sure.· Has received a large consignment of Hats The reporter took a. position in the rear of ~ho ever interviewed these anima.Js in their he roared with all +he power of his mighty the caj?e and tried to look both ways at house ; and I'll bet you you'll be the last voice, 1$1\cishlandtherawhidewhipwhichMa.n· once. Doashewouldhecouldn'tkeeptrack Colors~ for m11.ny a year. But it you have the of all the tigers. Their hist striped bodies .,,. courage to go, I'll go with you and ager Conklin carried CUT FULL JN THE uoN·s FACE. · bouµ.ded hither and thither, and they seem) ou in , Will you doit?'1 · A rather faint, but none the less distinct It was a. cruel blow, but it was a necessary ed anxious to have a taste of his flesh. for Men, Youths and Boys, hard and .soft felt and at prices from ' ' Yes" SJloken double, settled the matter, one. As the lion felt its sting he snaried While he was gingerly stepping an inch or cents upwards. ; andshowedallhfateeth, but .hs ·knew tha.t two to the right to .escape the formidable and then it was too late to back out. Either reporter would · doubtless have will· ib was his ma.ster whC! had struck him, and cla.wa of a . giant pa.w thrust through the AWARDED FIBST SIL VtR.MEUAL ingly consented to withdraw had the other heboundedba.ckintothecompa.rtmentfrom pa.rtitonba.raonhislefthefeltahotbreath WCOME ALONG AND YOU WILL SURELY BE SUITEDo..iB WORLD'S EXPOSITION, NEW 0RLEANtl, made the initial step in that direction; but whicb he had come. The lioneas tollowed in bis face, and a ~rowl or roar souaded in U.S.A., 1884-5, .~u competition ~ith the close after him. his very that fairly made stand pianofortes of Europe and America. The oeitber would make the finit move toward 11. . . ' 1 As soon as they had leaped in Mana.ger on end.. only U .S. Intc.rnational Medal e ver a~rnrd l ackdown. A quick glance around, and ·f Superintendent Conklin placed two small Conli;lin sprang for the door to close H, but ed to a Can11d ian pianoforte ; also Me?-al THE TERRIBLE BED JAWS , and Diploma at t he Colonial and !ndiau stepladders inside the railings in front of the before he could do so the lion had dashed I E xhibition, London, Eng:, 188-0, w1tJ;i the cages, and then placed one of ~he ladders in against it a.gain and was back "in the mid· l of that puticularly ferocious ti~er of t he I have a large and well assorted stock supreme honor of supplym,11; H er Ma.Jcsty front of the cage containing the lions and die compartment more enraged than ever. second floor were seen wi~hin les/l than a fh e Queen with a Newcombe Grand, the.o ther in 11. similar position of the tiger .T hia time the .lioness-she had followed foot of his face; The animal ha.d s~rung at select!Jd by Sir Arthur. Sullivan. For den; He unlocked the doors, bub still left close after her mate-showed her ugly dis· the swinging doors, c11ught them a.ti the top Illustrated Cat alogue, prices terms, them fastened and ca.lied to the first repor position. · with.his fonifeet, and was trying to pet his ter t-0 get ready; The liollll were to be vis· Sbe backed mto the · corn~r of1 the com-. head through the opening over thfm. And - -A.ddres3 Octavius Newcombe & Co., partment by the of the tigers een and he all but succeeded, too. T<J describe the ited fi111t, and they evidently knew that showed a.11 her teeth a· s she swayed her body thoughts that fHtlled at ligbtriing-Iike speed something unusua.l was about to happen. 'WARE.ROOMS, 107-109 CHURCH ST., TORONTO Mr. Keller and fully twenty gentlemen from aide to side as a cat does when about tbrough the report~r's brain in that second F A CIORY, 89 TO 97 BELL.WOODS AVENU& , who were interested in the weliare of the to spring upon a bird. Her ma.te was of time would be au unendin~ task. He moved only a little, but ·enough to eereporter who was to go in came to stand in bounding about the compartment like a rub· frqnt of the Keller bade him a grave ber ball. Twice he spnrng iuto the air as cape the threatened dange11, only to look good·by and Superintendent Conklin swung high as the reporter's h?ad. the . other way and , find the whale tiger PRACTICAL ll.ATTES; l'ack the heavy iron door. Bat Manager Conklm knew where the household up on the grated doorll,, snarliog Neads Block, Bowmanvi'.le. "You had better take vour ove'rcoa.t off," greater danger li·y. He appeared not to no· and roa.ring at him, their little greenish said Manager. Conklin to the writer. "lt"c tice the lio1 at all. ThelionEss claimed.all his yello~ eyes en·itting scintillations of pale been to be free if anything should happen. " attent ion. Lifting tha_ t ._ perrible r11.wbide light, and their· cruel white fangs sheathing Tbe reporter lo1>kcd at those two liona In whip 11gain he dealt the crouching JionPss a and unsheathing as they snapped red their cage long and earnes~ly, The ma.le blow acros~ t he eyes which br~ught ht:r to j' together in angllr tmd excitement. DISCOVERY~ Hon, with his rt order. With a howl of From the nose of the bad tiger, who ocher senses m sh D ;Only Genuine SJ-stem of ])Iemory Traialnc. ruge or pain she leaped back into tier com· copied the second fbor front, to the fangs Four Books Learned in one reading. GREAT MANE AND NOBLE, KINGLY FACE, putment, followed this time by the lion. of his neighbors, who lived in the rear, Mind wandering cured. wa.s lying at full length near the front of Manager Jonklin had f~ile~ to faste.n the was just forty-two inches. :Every child and adnlc irreatly benefttted. ' Grer>~ inducements to Oorrespondence Olassee. tne cage. His nose was resting between his door before, but not so this time. WHh " Midway between these stood the report. Pros.ieot...,, wit.h opinions of Dr. Wm. A. H11.Ja· outstretched paws, and he met the reporter's movemen~ · wi rapid · as th11.t of the-lions er, dodging hither 'and thither to escape the muntf, the world.fained SpeciAliat In lllind Di-..... Daniel Greeuleaf'l'humpson, tho groat P·rehol- gaze with such a mild, calm, dignified look themselves he was at the door in a fi!ld!h 11.nd muscular paws as they were thrust. through <>gist, .J. H.Baekley, D.D~ editor of the Chn8tiG1' that at the time it did not seem as though had sprung the bolt. The lions were in a betw~n ~he iron rode in the door, in an AdvooaU. .N. Y., Rictiard rroetor, the Scientist. on&. W .· W. Astor,.Jndge GlbBOn, Jadal&P. he would condescend to be ugly and aa<age towering rage wh!ln they found tha.t they endea,,1or to him anc;l him limb e. ;u,__ ~d otb~..,_eent Poet free by l'rOf, ; .tNISETTE, 2.ST J!iCthAve.,N. T. under any circumstances. The lioness~ could not gee out, and they dashed from - limb. The danger and terror were , not so lazy nor- 80-dlgliinea .i n=appearance. their :Qui;e bodies again11t the ·bars i? a vain further added to by the fact that the SuperShe was pacing and forth in the little effort to break through them, while they lntendent accidentally let slip the bolt on compartment of the big just behind her howled and snarled and spit with impoteuti· the ba.~ tiger's doo1 in trying to secure it · ro;y_al spouse, and she seemed restless ·a nd anger. more !~.(mly, so tha~ the ferocious animal ill at ease .· Every now an!1.theIJ she opened .All th~s_p~rformance had been so fa_ r ,iucc~eded in his tffort to get at the . . . . '· · · · · · · · · · ·· · · ~ · · · . ' · ·· · her month m a most prod1g1ous yawn, and with ternble interest by the m11.n·eatmg t1g· reporter as to force the doors tar inward thereby disclosed two rows of great white, er in the other compa.rtment only two or· and p11.rt them sufficiently to get his head glistening teeth in anything but a reasenr- three feet away. The terror cf the lndi11. throngh, bub was beaten back by the heavy ing manner. She didn't seem to notice the iungle was a.lmost beside himself with excite· rawhide in the Superinttndent's hands. · '· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·' · · · · reporter at all. . . . ~ent. His long cla'!s wer~ unshe,a.thed an~ The ,!Jolt shot to place, and the reporter "Are you ready?' rnqmred Manager Conk- ~IS fangs were runmng with saliva. HIS shot out the instant the outeide door was Tw . enty-five cents extra will be charged when accou:rn!ts n l\} Iin, as he took off his coat and opened the Jaws worked convulsively. opened. Thefirat lesson in Ji,m and tiger door t(l the middle compartment of the hi11 If he could have only broken into where taming had been a success, and the reporters ·over one month. cage. The \v1jter wasn't qui'.e ready to b e the lien tamer and the reporter stood he now convinced that they can become eaten alive a~ tha.t moment, but· as he had would have torn them to pieces in the adepts in the business in a short time, if expressed a wish to learn by experience just twinkling of an eye. It would have needed they .vant to-but they don't want to. It how it seems to be shut np in a cage with red hot irons instead of a rawhide whip to was such an experience as has never before two lions, and as it would never have done have subdue~ him, and it m..y be :emarked fallen to the lot of a neV1<spaper man, so far to have backed out at that time, he pro. tha.t red-hot irons are not keptj 1ontmu!!.lly on as tlie showmen know. lt was excitin!{ in ceeded to take off his overcoat: He didn't hand in Madison Square Garden. As the re - the extreme, hazudous and perhaps foolhurry himself a paJticle in doing this. porter left the cage the tiger thrust one hardy, but it was done in precisely the manUndue haste is not dignified at 'any time, great paw between the bars and tried to ner aa narrated above, in every detail. and, besidell, he had a faint hope that their reach him, bnt the distance was a. few inches majeaties, the lions, would notice his delib- too grca.t, luckily. The Religion of Bucldha.. When "The Evening Sun" man reached era.te manner and set it ilown in their minds (Tl1is EngraYin.g rcpre:ents th e Lungs in a h eoi.lthy s tate..) to ex:cessive coolnes8. Bat even when one the ground again Kellar rushed up to him Buddhism is a subjecb which must conis in no hurry it doesn't take very long to and threw his arms aronnd hie neck. The tinue fo, r a long time to present the student - ---·- - - ··-· ·--- ---- - - - - --- T H E REMEDY FOR CURING get out of a loose"fitting over coat, and in great magician , who has travelled all over with a boundleEs field ol' investigation. No much too short a time for ccmfort the re- l ndia. and a good part· of ~ou thern Africa, one can bring a proper oapll<city of mind to poi:-ter was obliged to announce that he was was completel y over G ome with n citemrnt. snob a · study, much less write about it ASTHMA; CROUP, ready. . . Hie hugged tba r epo1.ter as if he had been olearly,who has not studied the original AL.L DISEASES OF THE THROAT, LUNGS,AND "Lcok here, old man, you had bfttllr ltt a long lost brother, and whfn he had finish- documrnts botb in Pa.Ii ·and S'lnekrit, after PULMONARY O RGANS. it go," said ·· Tody" Hamilton at this junc- ed hugging him he grasped his band, and a:. a long course of prepuation in the study of ISLJ.ND HOllE STOCK FA.Bll. Grosse lslo, Tl'ayne Collllty· :Wchl£n.. ture, 1111 he laid his hund gently on the re- ha wrung l.t with nervoue energy, be said : Vedism, Brabminism, and Hinduism. it is BV ITR l'AI T JIPUli US E About 200 pnre· bred animals on band. Prices reasonable; termseuy. Ho.-. porter's should tr. ·' ll tu know there is no "I wouldn'n do what you .d id for one mil· a system which res~mhles thete other forms guarnnteed bre<iders. Large catalogue with history of the broed fr.. by ~ CONSUMPTION HAS BEEN CURED re..! necessity for you to go into that cage. lion dollars." Addr eoaSAV.AGE& FAJUiUllt, Detroil,Jliich, of Indian religious thought in the grealJ \Yheu other E.omedi£>s and Physicians have I tell you honestly that I wouldn't do it my· THE VISIT TO THE TIGERS. variety of its aspects. Sta.rting from a very fail<:>a to etYect a cn re. FRENCH COACH HORSES, H eool):lll.1Cnded Uy P uYsr<::'"A :·R, J.A l::"IST E B.~, -AND seif tor $16,000. The ftelings that ao;itated the mind of the simple proposition, which Ci/on only be de In fact by e \·crybody-.· n-... ha ~ i;:i v-en · 9, came reporter who had watched his fellow scribe bcribed as an eJt.agiierated trn!sm-the tru· Ileauti!ully fonne<l ., But th's advice, ki.lldly as· it wa Ha goo<l t ried. i l never jaild to(,, rn "'eli.Jlj. high-steppi ng Stal· too la.te. The reporter was ba.lf way up the h h h · · d l l d ism, I mean, that all lile involves sorrow lions and Me.,res, m AS AN EXPEC7·:;RANT IT HAS , · l':QUl\J.. little ladder before Mr.H3.milton had finish- pass t roug t e txc1tmg or ea re ate and that all sorrow results from indulging perb action. bred above in his own words, may better be tmag· lC!tl~rH tit::ts to tke JJiost Dtlicute C:1-t- .:~. nnder the patronage ed speaking. In another instant he was in ined than described. The thing had been desires which ought to be suppressed-it has o( the French GovIt contai:ls ~o OPIUM in ci;y form. ernment. For ca.tathe cage beside Manager Conklin, and that done aud the lions had been visited. But br&nched out into a nst number of compli· Jogne and history or gentleman had closed the door. it seemed to h im that the lions had done cated and · self.contradictory pMpositions the breed addre88 1) P RICE 25c, 5ilc J.>'P $1,00 l'Elt Jl,oc·: ·;.E. ~ Keeping as ·near the centre of the middle very much the most of the visiting, and as and allege.tione. 1ta te 'ching hM become DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO.. ,_,imited.), compartment of the ce.g-e as possible, the re- it h11.d been practically demon~tmted that a both negative and poeitive, agnostic and porter looked about him. On his right, in reporter could go into their den and come gnostic. !)euolt, llieh. General A.gents, JJl".OJ1rTBE.A.L. the east.ernmost compartment, was out alive, he didn't see the use of visiting It passes from a atheism and ma.teral· A GBllAT MAN·l"ATI"IG BENGAL TIGER. the tigers at all. ' Why couldn't tha.t pa.rt Ism to theism, polytheism and spiritualism. It of it be taken for granted, anyhow? Bu1t is under one aspect mere pessimlem ; under Hil wa.s lying close to tho bars whioh sep- a hearty handshake from his companoin, another pure philanthropy; under another arated bim from the middle compartment, restored from what had undoubtedly been monastic communism ; nuder .l'nother high and the bar· were so wide apart that he a great danger, assured him, and he wouldn't mor11.Jity ; under another a variety of mater· could easily put his paw between have shown that white feather if he had l:een ialistic philosophy ; under another simple them and reached the reporter. There sure of Joiing a leg. So, when Superinten- demonology ; under another a mere farrago was a wicked gleam in tho big tiger's dent Conklin told him to get ready, he step- of supeta~itions, including necromancy, great ~reen eyes, and it seemed to gain ped promptly to the railing, dodged under it, witchcr11.ft, idola.try, and fetichism. In some in ferocity when Manager Conklin casual· and mounted the. steps. He had been told form or other ib may be held with almost --MANUFA.CTURil:R O F - If remarked that he ~a.11 thn moat s_ava~e by the superintendent that it would be im- any religion, 11.nd embraces something from t1ger. ha had. ever seen Ill a. menagerie 1n _ possible to the tigers 80 118 to allow almost every creed. lb is founded on all his experience. Tho reP?rter w!mld have them in the same compartment with himself philoeophical Ilrahminiam, h11.s much in com . o n with Sankhya and Vedanto ide11.s, is shrunk away from the t~rnble animal if he and the rep0i·ter, for the reason that they m. KING STREET, BOWMANVILL had had room, but the mtdd}e compartm~nt were fresh animals, unbroken to the sight of a.lso connected with v ii.ishnavism, and in WILL CURE OR RELIEVE wa.s only abont fo1_lr feet wide, and mov1ni;: strangers in their midst, and tha.t it would some of its phases with both Saivism and BaB now on hand a number of veh!ole1:1 (a.nd is ma.nufaoturing a great man:r more) of the n'!!I aw~y from the tiger he w.oul~ have been be suicidal to attempt to handle them in a Saktlsm, and yet is, properly speaking, op· patterns and best ftniah, which I am o.ll'ering for s&le at the 1ow8'ltprices consieteBtli BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS~ with due regard to workmanship and quaU.y. The fellowing la a. list of c:l(Jse the hons end of the manner similar to that in whioh the lions posed to every one of. these eyst.ems. obliged ~o. to get_ the prlnolpal vehicles manutaciured by me . cage. ThlB was n~t to be thought of for bad heen handled. He further allayed the Ithasinitamoral coue much common ground moll!ent, 8.11 the hons had become grellt· reportorial fears by assuring him tha.t tigers with Christianity, and In its medireval and Doubl~' covered Carria.ges ·.··.· ······..······.···.. ·.·.············ ···.······ f150 Upwam JAUNDICE, OF THE HEART, a ly excited as 80?n as they ha.d seen the were of a much fier cer and more treacherous modern developments presents examples of Single ·Phretona......... .... ...... ......... ... . ... ......... ....... .............. lO(l · 11 ERYSIPELASJ. ACIDITY OF stranger ~ome 1nto t~e, and they disposition and were twioe as quick in their forms, ccrmonies, litanies, monastic com· SALT RHEUm, THE STOMACH, wer.i sna.rlmg and leapwg about 118 though movements. The reporter thought that if mu11itiB11, and hierarchical organiz ~tions, Open Bliggy·········· ; ·····.······························.···.··...··· ········ 1 HEARTBURN, DRYNESS they 8.melled fresh meat and wa.nt~d to this h.tter was a fact, a Bengal tiger could scarcely distin1?uish11.blti from those of Roman Top Buggy .··...············..·...··.···...·. ····.·.···..··· ~······· · ············· HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, get at it. Democrat. Wagon ...··········..··· ..··.····..· .·.·········.···,.··..·.··········· ;-J qive lightning a handicap and outrun Catholicism ; and yet a greater contrast tha.njtliat preeen t~d by the essential doctrines every species a:t disease arisi:qg The reporter looked at them as they dash- it. Lumber Wagons . .......·...· ·..···..······.··. . ··.····.···.····. . . .·········· ··· ii .t:rom disol'dered LIVER KIDNEYS. ed themselves against the sides of their dens "Now, when you get into the den look of Buddhism and of Christianity can scarcely Light Wagon .................................................................... . STOMACH, BOWELS O"J:l BLOOD. · and as he caught sight of the ferocious out for their claws a.nd see tha.t they don't be imagined. Strangest of all, Buddhism Express Wagon ···· .···..······. , ··..·····. ·.·····..···..···.·······.··.·········· & ~~~~li:i;o. gleam· In their eyes he bellan to think tha.t catch you, or they'll tea.r your arm or leg -with no God higher than the perfect man Skeleton ...······....··.··...···.···.··......·.······...···.·· ·.·..··.·····.· ······ he had better have taken Mr. Hamilton's ad- cut ot the socket. Be pa.rtic11larly careful -has no pretensions to be called a religiOn Sulky.. .. . . .. . . . ...................... ... . .... .... ................... . .............. 4U vice after all, and remained outside. The only to keE'p in the rear of the cage and in the true sensil _of the word, and it is really cool man. there a.t that time was look out for thia big ma.le til(er over wholly destitute of the vivifying forces Possessing superior facllltles tor manufaoturing carriages, I Intend to sell vary ohea.p f~~ (} ·. or approved credit, and b:r so doing I hope to greatly increase my number ot sales, Wo:zit~ .A. list of 1000 newspapers divided mto Manager Conkhn, for when the reporter cast here ; he'a a. vicious devil." This was necessary to give the dry bontos of sell the wood parts only, or the gearings ot buggies Ironed. ST.A.TES .AND 8Ji;CTJONS will be sent on ap. a hast y glancci at the little crowd in front of positively refreshing. It was delightful. its own morality : and yet it once existed as plication-FREJil;. the _ cage he saw.upon every face a strained, Such a prospect fer a few moments' plea.sure arealpowerover-at least one-thirdofthe · pai·re a~.~To those whu want their ndvortlaing to pay. J t~ of an ecstatic sort sometimes turns men's human race, :i.nd even at the present moment we can offer no b'3'tter medium for thorough a'lx1ous expression. and eifectivQ w~.rk than the various eelectione At t he Shortest Notice Painted and Trimmed · If Desired. "'1.'ody 'Hamilton h11.d t aken off his hat heads. It turned the 1eporter's, for by the claims a vast number ~f adhi;rent.a in Asia, of our Select - .~eat Li st. not a few sympa.thizers m Enope and a.nil was wioing his forehell<d, "'nd Mr. Kellar time he had reached the top step hiR distort. and Amerfoa At the Faotorr I also do Planing, Matohlng, Turnlns an!\ Se.wing with Circle, Band -~' ,,.Eo. P. ·aoWELL~()()., was as white as a. sheet of paper. ['he ed vision saw forty tigers instead· of fou; , · Sa we a.nd prepare all kinds of lumber for e&rpenter& nd others tor bulldiniif pnt'1'0-'l!IS,.. ewspaper .A.dvertising Bureau, Omamental and Plain Piokot~ for fenoeo in over:r style 1:e911ired, to order> 10 Sprue"' street, New York, . " .l!:vening Sun " man had but h~~le time tQ ~.anadhnt Jtatesuntu. INTO THE LION'S DEN. , CREAM Infants I Children. e'4K1"6 TORONTOc:i:-;.;, POWDER HATSI HATSl t i"n all the Fash1"onable Shapes ----o---· OF GENTS~ FURNISHINGS; MANUFACTU~E:PIS White, Regatta and Flannel Shirts, Drawers.,. Braces, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs;>.. · Gloves, Umbrellas, etc. Highest price . paid tor Raw Furs; . MARVELOUS M. MAYEit; MEMORY McDOUGALL & MET CALF1 BOW JM:.A.:N-VILLE:1.· are otter1ng·tJoal as follows : I s · tove and Ch estnu t G rat 0 and E gg - · $6.. 2Q .. .. 6 00 LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & - CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. McDOU'G ALL & METCALF.· CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, _ COLDS, PERCHERON HORSES! hvage&Famum, HAINES' CARRIAGE "WORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WACO. NS, &I &vo1~~~1~N, P&-lflfhNG T. MILBURN 00., TO ADVERTISERS. I All Ki.nds of Vehi"cles Re · ' Chlldren Crtfor, P_ltcher'f!- C'~~-~~~JaJ

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