~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = ~M~~ The La aat News. GOING OUT OF THE Dry Goods. JOHN. J. MASON will during August, move into the riew shop, now being built on the stand lately occupied by McClung Bros., whei;e a depa1~tment is being specially :fitt~d for jewellry, etc., and to this business he will confine his attention. As T. Geo. Mason, wishes to put an en· tirely new stock into the new shop, I have decided to RUSH OUT my large stock of Dry Goods. · . BIG · BARGAI NS r · · ' · - . 9· The Largest and Best Stock in Town, will be sacrificed to ensure a rapid Sale. I wish. the public to understand that any goods I may have left will entajl me a loss, and I will positively sell any goods that wiJl bring Wholesale Cost. One call will satisfy you I mean Business. J .. J .. MASON. -STOCK O F - D R Y GOODS i.; uuusually attractive this season. Some plums in Dress Goods, Clothing · and Gent's Furnishings, · b0ught fur CASH at the loweE>t point the market has touched Fine 0 rd ered Clothing, a specialty. TOWN PRICES KNOCKED OUT. Farm Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Our DU:e Bi taken as Cash by Mr. John Ei ott, the reliable grocer. Come along and secure bargains. .( Peterboro hotel pensea are $400. Cockle's Antibilio ·la Pills for indigest~ ~3 Winnipeg has I .· t $400,000 through bad investments. Prairie fires continue to prevail in many parts of Manitoba. · There is talk of llgain organizing the bass ball lea.~ue in o,ha.wa. Belleville is asking the Ottawa Government for a $10,000 drill shed. Oshawa cricket club have organized again for a euceeasful campaign. Mr. Gray, O. i hawa, boasts of a light Brahama. ~en weighing 13! pounds. _ The fish caught in the B~y of Quinta the past year are valued at $60, 001. Winnipeg~has a population of 25,000, and a property asseesnient of $19,000, UOO. Fall wheat in Hastings county is looking . well. The same applies to this county. Mr. S. Cochrane will water Oshawa streets for $350, being $65 cheaper than last year. FATHER HAD QUINSY.- " We find Burdock Blood Bitters excellent for weakness and equally so for headache. Father also suffered severely from quinsey, which B. B .. B., by its tonic and -purifying properties, completely cured." A girl, 14 years of age, was sent to Whitby gaol for selling liquor under the Scott Act. Mr. Geo. Gould has sold his ha.ndsome residence, Simcoe street Oshawa to Messrs. Williams of the Piano Factory. The Canadian Pacific Railway. Company's "Sbort Line" to :the Maritime Provincee will be opened by July lat. To THE DEAF.-A Persoo cured of Deafness and noises in the head of 23 years' atanding by a simple remedy, will und a description of it FREE to any per· son who applies to NICHOLSON, 177 Mc~ · Dougall St., New York. 44-lyr. Mr. James H. Maclean, of the Toronto . World, wa! . married on, April 10, in Ottawa, to Dora, st1cond daughter of lib, David Ring. A tramp broke into the Cedar D ale school house and stole some books. The teacher, Mr. J. S. Winnacott, followed and ~aptured the thief. The h earing of the criminal libel suit b.rought by H . A. Massey against W. F. Maclf'lan, of the Toronto World, has been postponed to the next Assizes. The ei!!h.th colonist excursion left Toronto for Manitoba., on the 15th, consisting of three trains, witb nearly 400 pas· eengers and 35 oar loads of settlers' effects. For nearly half a century AJ er's Cherry Pectoral has been the most popular cough remedy in the world. The constantly increasing dermmd for this remedy proves it to be the very best specific for colds, coughs, and all d iseases of the throat and lungs. t Major Howden, of Millbrook,. ·ha.Ii moved hls family to Port Hope. He has been an honorable and worthy citizen of Milbrook for many years and was f1resented with a silver service o.o. the ' ev·e of his departure. For the delicate and aged and all in whom the vital current is impoverished and sluggish, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. is \the very best tonic. It restores the wasted tissues,. and imparts t o the svstem surprising elas ticity and vigor. Price $1. Worth $5 a bottle. ::: Great excitement was caused il'L Peterboro last week by a plump girl walking up Ptr1iet with a pair of pink stockin gs slillhtly exp"sed. It was such 11 novel sight that the Times gave her a quarter column article . THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE,-And on its purity largely depeods the general health. No one is fr~e from danger, and nine te!lths of humanity act.ually do suffer tr.om one form or other of impure blood. No one remedy has such a wide range of curative power as has Burdock Blood Bitters-that best of all blood purifiers and tonics. One night la.et week fire destroyed for Mr. Thoe. Cole, lot 25, 7th concession of Hamilton, two barns, two stables and a lot 9f farming implements, cutter, robes, two or three s ets of harness and all the grain and feed on the farm, with all the, seed ~rain, Lees $'!000, insurance $1400. ~ cLEVELANQ·s THE PUREST AND BEST , I SUPERIOR 11 11 e1K1ac PowoEn 1 ( 1 ~1 1 (~ ll Is made only of' strictly pure grape cream o( tartar, strictly pure bicarbonate of soda, and a small p or tion of flour as a preservative, nothing- else whatever, and is warranted entirely free from alum, ammonia, phosphates, lime; and all the adulterants frequently found in bakinno powders. The character of material~ used, their purity, and the nicety of their combination, rende1· Cleveland's superior baking powder the most healthful and most economical in use, and it always affords wholesome, nutritious, and delicious food. It is recommended for purity, healthfuln~ss and efficiency by Government and State chemists, chemists of Boards of Health, and professors in institutions or learning throughout the country. Sold only in cans, fnll weight. CLEVELAND BROTHER!!, ALBANY, N. y. FO:Et ( \ . : s 0 . ·- ~ - ~\y · 11 LC>NG-EFf.. - T E : i-tl- GREATEST. BARGAINS! ever heard of will be given in On Sunday the new brick Methodist church, W elcome, the dwellings of Wm. Shaw and J ohn Grimison with -adjoining stables and sheds were burnt>d. The fire originated in Shaw's chimney. The church cost $3,000; insure.nee $ 2,000. Both houses were fairly well insured. About 9 o'clock Sund~y n ight .John Helm's frame grist mill, Port Hope, took fire and was burned t o t he ground, also .T. Dyer & Sons' woolen mills, storehouses and officP.. No insuraace on mill; on factory $4,000; stock and machinery $4,000 each. lncendia.rism is suspected. Total loss by above fires upwrrds of $50,.000. - DRY GOODS, -AT·. HORSEY'S BLOCK, --BY- P .&EdENT ATIONS. On Tnesde.y evening laal, lhe Queen St. Methodist Sabbath i:lchool met lo say goodbye to Mr. Geo. Ball, who 1s removing to Toronto, when lhe followinll address was read by MiRq Veale, accompanied by a handsome Siher Tea Servioe: - McOLUNB BROS. All persons having accounts with us are requested to call and settle by cash or note, at once. McCLUNG BROS. ·The Offiurs, Ttachers mtd ScholM~ of the Queen S treet Methodi~t Sundav S ehoot to M1·. George B all, Librarian: DJIAR l\In. BALL -Yl'Ur fellow workers in the Sunday :::ichool have learned with <ieep regret that you are a.bout to leave us , Twenty.six years of steady connect\o o with this School as scholar, t eacher and librarian, - and your mack~d faitbfulnePS throughout, have endeared you to us all, W e wish ere you lea.ve. uB, to acknowlbd!.(e our indebtedness for your faithfnl service, and to preeei> t our united and hearty thanks. U nder the ~uidfloce of our Heavenly Father. we tru·t your future will he happy and use · ful. 'fo Mrs . Ball aim, at wboso oocrifiO<il you have so often served us. would we C<>nvey our thanks and best wi.hes. U i-on you hoth, ai.d your dear ohildron, mav the choicest blessings.of Heaven desc.end, .Accept the aco"mpanying t estimonial in remembrance of the many ha.ppy h"urssi;ient in the servic& of the Master in Queen St . · Sunday Seho·l. J. E, S.\NDEilSON.· ~upel'intendent. H . HELLYAn, l:lccretary. Bowmanville, ApriLlG. 1889. Tho Presentation was macle by Mi ss Neade, and was followed by music and a few iwpi:0m1.1tu addrbsses. A very pleasenl evening was ~pen t. M c ~ and Mr~. Ball leave bebind them a largo circie of friends who wish them :iuoce;is in their new h ome. Before leavmg tho Organ Factory, wbero Mr. Ball has· been employed in the Ship. ping lioom for a number of years, the Co. presented him with th~ fellowing A<ldress, accompanied by a pnrse of $25 in g:>l<i. BowMANvILLE, Ont , April 15, 1889. George Ball, l!:sq. :DBAK Srn,- Ae a slight appreciation of the value in which we have always held your services, we ask you to accept the accompanying small pura~ of gold. We re· gret very much that yon feel it necessary to leave the employ of the Oompany wii h whom you have labored so long and faithfully, but we trust that success will attend you :1nd yours in yonr new bom«. Respectfully, Jom! WESLEY. GEO PIG'JO'!'r . \Y~r. r1re ' :rire-i "' II Jm HIGGINBOTHAM &Son, "BIG 20" Beg to inform their customers, and the public generally, that they have removed their business to the W. S. RUSSELL, THE JE SUI ESTATES BILL. A FRIGHTENED l\foTnER.-" My little girl, 4 yearn old, frightened me one night by a croupy cough, but I gave her a dose of Hagyard's Yellow Oil, which relieved her at once, and ehe slept well all night. I have since used it in aeveral cases of Hampton, April 10th, 1889. 14. croup, frost bit es, etc., and find it always reliable." Mrs. Eva. Br11dley, Virden, Man. We had a pleasant call from and 11 chat with our vene rable friend Dilvid 1\fagi}l, sen. (brick house) M1mvers, the other 1 day. Though Mr. Magill is in his 76th , year he is quite active and hearty, drives I a fine horse and probably would cot take dust from the yonnger fellows . He has been 56 yea.rs in Manvers, and has seen that township cleared from a forest state into one of the finest portions of the I have opened a Jewelry Business by H. C; Tait's Photo province. Mr. Magill prospered.as most of the Cavan men do, and acquired 400 Gallery, opposite the Town Hall. acres of fine land, He was able to give his two sons fine farms of 150 acre& each. I shall sell largely from Samples and Catalogues. thus giving T'1\'o sons and four daughters make up his family. The daughters are married . the public the privilege of selecting from a greater variety and to M essrs, .Tas. Bradburn, Wm. Argue, frorn the BEST AND NEWEST GOODS IN THE David Ma.gill, jr., and Benjamin Magill; and there are twenty-one grand.children. MARKET. No old style or shop-worn goods. This shows what can lie accomplished by I have started a Co-OPERATIVE JEWELRY CLUB. ~embership industry and thriH in this Canada of ours. - Warder. F. A. COLE, Hampton. CO-OPERATIVE JEWELRY STORE, At the regular meeting of Lodg e W el· lington, No. 19, of the Sons of England, on Tuesday n ight, the followtnv resolution was unanimously' adopted, con· demning the action of the members of the H ouse of Common s who opposed Col. O'Brien's motion to veto tht1 Jesuit Esta1;es Bill:MoYed hv Bro. J os. J effery, rnoonded · by Bro. J. N. Kivell_, Thal Welling. ton Lodge No. lG, Sona of England, B owmanville, desires to express its sincere \hanks lo t he \hirleen gentlemen who supoorled Col. O'Brien's moliou on the Je. suit's Bslates Bill by their votes; and es· pecii.lly lo \hose gentlemen who spol;e so ably in defence of 'the noble princi ples so dear io every true Son of England. We emphatically condemu the conduct of those represenla\ives wh .>. by their votes, expressed thtir approval of allowing the Pope of Rome lo have a voice io the affairs of ::State in our fair Dominion, contrary to \be spiril of o·ir nalional constitution, thereby subordinating the authority of our moat gracious soverigu, Queen Vic\ori9, \o-th11\ of a foreig::i. power, anrl of doiog violence to lhe spirit and nrinciplea of trotestantiem, which grants equal righta to all but exclusive privileges to none. Next d'oor to the Messrs. MURDOCH Bros. During the repaiis, and necessary fitting up of their own where they will be glad to see their many friends. premises~, · FIRE! ARE. HAl=t D~W- WORTll has re-openetl in Bounsall's Block, Co1·ner Store, 'vbe1~e he is deterniined to sell his stock,- wliich is slightly damaged, at g·reatly fee, $1 per annum. Members of this Club can rpurchase Watches, Clocks or Jewelry at 20%on cost price, thus saving more than the amount of membership fee on a $4 purchase. ---o--REPAIRING DEPARTMENT. Repairing will be a specialty. Work entrusted to me will receive prompt attention. I do not prrnume to say that I am the only practical watchmaker in town, but shall allow my work to speak for itself. Lowest rates fo1· Repafring. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. 14-lm H. C. BRITTAIN. R. A. GuNN, M. D., Dean, and Professor of Surgery, of the United State Medical College ; Editor of " Med:cal Tribune ;" Author of "Gunn's New Improved Hand-book of Hygiene and domestic Medicine," in referring to the use of Warmir's Safe Cure in a case of Bri~ht's disease said, over his own sil:(nature : "I was greatly surprised to observe a decided improvement . within a month. Within fou r months, no tube casts could be found, and only a trace of albumen ; and as he expressed it, he felt l perfectly well. After this demonstration of its power, I prescribed it In .full doees TREHOST,A.GREE.lBLE,rcstorattvet·mle in both acute and chronic Bright's disease, and mlld stimulant is ltlilbnrn's Beef, Iron 1 an<l \Vine. with the most satisfactory results. I. 0. 0. F·. ArrE:>TroN !-Members of Florence Nigbtir;igale Lodge, No . 66, will oelebre.te the 70th anniversary of ihe institution of lbe Order in America, by holding an " At Howe," in their Lodge Room, oo Friday evening, April 2!.ith. Brothers desiring tickets of admission for themselves &nd friends can procure them flow the N. G., Bro. A Mitchell, or lhe R. S., Bro. J, W. Archibald. Progrnm at 8 p.m. Tbe members are also notified to meet at their Lodge Room on Sunday morning, April 28th, at 10 a, m.,for the purpose of attending divine service at Trinity (Conirrega· tional Church, wh ere the service will be conducted by the Rev. Bro. W. H. War riner, Resident members of E ister lodges are cordially invited lo attends, also Bros. REDUCED PRICES FO"R OAS:a:_ R. WORTH~ l ! Call and see for yourselv-es. Children Cryfor~ Pitcher's Castoria~