inches deep. Bike In a ·moder ,.te oven for PRO.M TH£ T.ELl::GRAPH. F AH.M l N a.bout half an hour. A chocola te frosting i11 - Ol'le of the best in P ickering foi: nice with t his cake. sale containing 125 acres, all of which ai 11 The Shah of Persia is t n his way to St. cleared and in high state ot cllltivation. o,1 To Keep £ggs Fresh. R rn soN CAXE.-Two cupfµl11 l)f sugar, one P etersburg. the premises are a good dwelling h ouse 8Ji d In keeping eggs, a place for storing them of butter, one of milk, four of !lour (eath· er out buildings and t wo wells. Thid property 111 WEDNESDAY, MA.£ 22, 1889 Mr. Whitlaw Reid, U. S. Minister t o situat ed on lot 15, b. f., oue mile a.nd 11. natf which is dry and cool but above the tree zing 1 scant), four eg;:s, half a. tea.spoo1 1ful of soda., from P ickering village, halt a mile from Grand point is the firijt necessity. ·r here is a dif- .one of cream of tartar. Tie1t tbe but ter ~ola. F can c3, h i s arrived in Paris. - ~"' ~"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'=================== May d o !or a stupid boy's excuse; but Trunk Station. three miles from Pickering Crops in Sou tli Cilrolina. are being serinu~· ference of opinion as to which end 2hould be ! cream. ~dd the ~ugar, gra.d_u~lly, beatmg H a.rbor, a nd six miles from Whitby. F'o~ ADVICE 'fO ltoTHERS.-:-Are yeu di w hat can be said for the parent who placed down in p;icking, Most authorities 1 all.. the while ; then the fllvormg (lemon or ly damagEd by drought and hot weat her. further part iculars apply t <J J Al\!E B P ICK ARD turbed at night and broken of your re1 sees his ch ild languishing daily a n d fails on the premiRes, or Pickering, P. 0 . 29- t t · recommend the bmaller end but a well- 1 nutmeg). Beat the eggs very li_vht, Add A. J . Blanc, a Cincinnati cbemis b, shot by a sick child suffering a.nd crying wit to recognize tbe want of a tonic and known poultry breeder gives' what seems to ~hem and th~ u,ilk. Measu~e the flour ~fter his w ife and 7-year -old daughte1 and then pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If so send at be a sound reason for packing them with the 1 ·t has .been sifted. R<Jt um ib t o the ~Ie~e. tuicided. blood-purifier? F ormerly, a comse of ·· F ARM F OR SALE . - 1 30 acres , com posed of south pa.rt of Lot No. 19, Brolte11 once and get a bottle ef "Mrs. Winslow'5 hrger end down. He says: "The air· j ~1;'d mix the soda and cream of ta~tar w~th 1·. bitters, or su lphur and molasses, was the The U. S. Supreme Court has ~ffirmed Front, at d is tbree miles from the Town of Soothing Syrup." For· children. teetb~ng, chamber is in the larger end, and if that is · Sift this into the b~ wl of beaten mgred1ents, the validity of the la.w excluding Chinese r ule in well-regu lated families ; b ut n ow Bowmanville. This is one or the best farms in the county or ham. I t is In a high state of · Its value is incaleulable. It will relieve pla.cel.down the y olk will not break through B~at quickly and vigorously, to thoroughly Ja.?or, a ll in telligent h ouseholds keep Ayer 's cultivation and is well fenced On t.he prex , a.nd the1;1 etou. .Take t h ree sheet pans the poor little sufferer immediately._ D e · and touch the shell and thereby spail. · m < S a r sap a rilla, which is at once pleasant mises there ls a stone dwelling, two large Nea.rly a.11 the survivors . of the wrecked pend upon it, mothers ; there is no Another thing, if the air-chamber is down of ,the same 8J Z },. and ID each of t wo put one- German war ships have arrived at Sydney, barns and other out-buildings, with stone to the taste, and the m ost s ea rchi ng and tbe egg ia nov eo liable to shrink away, third of, the mixture, and bake.. To. the stabling for cattle and h orsee, ~hree wells and mistake about it. It c ures Dysentery N.S. W. effective bl ood m edicine ever discovered. four cisterns, also w in'1·m111 tor pumping and Diarrhrea, regulates t h e and These are two important rea.sons deducted 1 other third add four teaspooufuls of omna..-a.ter, For further particula rs apply on the, John Sears st abbed and killed Charles Nat han S. Cleveland, 27 E . Canton st., from experiment.1<, a:U.d they m aterially mon,acupfulof _curra.nts, a~d about an ei~h~h· premises or it by letter to H ENRY M..1.NN, BowBowels cures Wind Colic, softens the affect the keeping of eggs. " In would be a of a pou~d.of citron, cut fine. Bake t his ID Bruce at Hope, Kinsa.8. B ' th were prominB oston, w rites: "My d a ugh ter , now 21 31- tf manvllle Gums, 'reduces Infiammation, and gives good schema for housekeepers to try p1cking . the rematnmg pan, When done, onb ?f ei;i.t men. years old, was in perfect h ealth until a year ago when she: began to complain of lio:ie and energy to the whole sy~tem.. eggs from the sama lot each way and noting the pans: Spr e a~ the light cake with a. th1,n Charles Sbwar~. a telegrapher in t h e !ati~ne, h eadache, debility, dizzin ess, " Mn. Winslow's Soothing Syrup "~01 results. · lay_ e r of Jelly, while warm. Place on th18 Western Union office at Newburg, N. Y., indigestion , a nd loss of appetite. I conchildren teething is p leasant to the bate The favorite domestic w&y of packinll! egg 3 the dark, a.nd_ spread wi'th jel!Y· P ;ace shot himself yesterday. cluded that all h er complain ts originated and is the pr91cription of one of the old- and one that keeps them well for limited the other sheet of light ca~e on ~hlB. L'l¥ a In Impure blood , ancl Incl need her to take A Rio Janeiro p aper aa;rs that a conflict LOCAL AGENT FOR periods is with salb. .l:'ut a layAr ot salt paper ov!lr all, and then a tu~ sheet, o.n which Ayer s Sarsapar illa . Tllis medicine soon. est and best female physicians and nursea is imminent between Paraguay and Bolivia, her b lood-making organs to r estored nwo inches deep on the bottom of a atone put two irons. The cake will press 10 about In the United States, and is for sale by and that Brazil is prep:i.rlng to aid the h ealth y action, and in due time rees taball druggists throuRh the wodd. P1ice ja.r and put in the eggs, ends down (select Hvo hours. former. lished her forrrie1 · health. I fi nd Ayer's own a.uthority as to which end it shall -----·--·--·"·--·-·---25 cents a bottle. Be sure and &11k for your Sarsaparilla a most valuable remedy for Papers that proved that S.b. Petersburg -ANDbe), being careful that the shells do nob the lassitude and debility incident to "MRs. W1Nsww's SooTBING SYBUP.' touch conspirators intended to make an at tempt ; fill and cover well with rait and The Wind of the Avalanche. spring t im e." to aasai s'nate the Czu ·have been diecov· and take no other kind, proceed as befo~e. Another mflthod, said I knew well, for an honest fellow t old me J . Castright , B rooklyn P ower Co,. t9 keep egga perfectly for a year, · is the that he was dri "ing his 11led'l'e with two ered. Jlrooklyn, N . Y ., sayR: " As a Spring BOWJJIA.NVILLE, · ClNT, F our hundred a.nd thirty feet of the new as the foregoing ex ::ept that egg horses on the Albula Pass, when an avalanMedicine, I ftnd a splendid sulistitu te C81'S1JHPTl·N CUBED. beforep&oking is rubbed over with a. piece che fell upon the opposite side of t he gorge. dook at Southampton, Ec~land, has colfor the old-time compou nds in A yer's . OFF ICE AT FACTORY. Sa rsapar illa, with a few doses of.. A.yer's An old physician. retired from practice. hav. of fried fat. lb did not catch him, Bai; t he blast cS:rried lapsed, involving damages to t he extent of P ills. After t heir use, I feel freslfer and ing had placed in his handa'by an E ...t Inell& A pickle whtch, it Is said, will keep eggs him aud his two horses and the sledge at £ 30,000. mil!Sions rT the formula of a. simple vegeta.ble perfectly for two years and which is EUC· stronger t o g o through t he summ er ." Natha.n Corwith, sr., formerly a very r.ich one swoop over into deep snow, whence retnedyforthe speed T and permanent ours 9t Consum1,!tlon, Bronc hiWs, ·. Cat&rrh. Asth.11.a C'esefl!-llY need · on .s hips ab Eea., is by they emerged with difficulty. Another man, land owner, is at the point of d eath in Chiand all rhroat and Lung Afi'ectione, alee a adding one pint of fresh slacked lime and cago. I t is stated that he lost $11.000.000 in positive and radical cure for Nenoua Debili"T one· ha.If pint of each three gs.lions of whom I count a.mong my friends here, speculations. Cleaned, Died, Pres~ed and Repaired by ~ PREPARED BY and all Nervous Complaints, a fter h&Ti.Dg water ; mix well. Have the barrel or tub showed me a. spot in the Schanfiilg V alley teSted it& wonderful curative powt'rs ia then· (between Chnr and the S trela PaeH) where Some United St:i.tes fishermen have b een Dr. J . C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, M ass, so.nds of oases, has felt ii his duty to m&ke it in which they are to be kept half full of m;ie of his female relatives had been caught Price $1; six bottles,.$5. Worth $0 a bottle. known to hie suffering fellows. Actull.ted lty the liquid, then with a dish let the: eggs by the Lawinen-Dllnst, · She was walk ing to behaving in a very r uffiJ.nly m a.oner at lngonieh, C. B., and the matter has been rethis motive and a desire to relieve human down into it, tippin'( the dish after it fills Dyer and Clothes Cleaner. church when this happened, the p eople of ported to Ottawa. tfuffering , I wi.l send lrco of charii:e. to all who desire it, this receipt, in German· .li'rencll or wibh water so that they roll out without her hamlet ha.ving taken the path Goods warranted t.o be as no one will know About two hundred male and female E nglish .w ith full directions tor preparing u d crackiDg the shell, for if the shell is cracke:i them from new when done. u!Jing, Sent by mail by addressing with he egg will spoil. A piece of board should be about a quarter of an hour before. Th e conve1 t s of Rev. John J asper'· great V irg in, namini;{ this pa.per, Vf . .A.. NOYllS. U 9 laid over the tops of the egga and a little lifted her into the air, swep t her from ia revival were baptiz~d in the J .i.mes river Corner of Kmil' and Ontario Streets, PIYWer's B lock, Rochuter, N. Y. 41-lY the road a.nd landed her ab t he t op of a lofty at Riohmond on Sunday. · Bowman ville. lime and salt kept upon ib, pine, t o which she cl un~ with a.ll the energy A despatch from Mimico say s that a str ong Other methods are, to coat the shells of desperation. T be snow rushed under h er with a thin gum a.ra.bic mucilage, with a. and leh the pine standing. It must have flow of natural gas was Jiscovered by work · thin v arnish made by dissolving gum shell. been an inconsiderable avalan che. Her men, who were drilling f Jr waber on the Ha. ! ck ac in alcohol, or with grease, and packing neighbors, on their way back fro m chu rch, new asylum farm , a mile and a half west of o ( a ll k m ds of 1\{1lh nery c1>ns11trng or I '" ... - -' the village. them in barn, oats, powdered charcoal or saw h er clutching for bare life to the slender SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS ·s awdust. Or, make a thin mix ture of freeh apu of t he tree, and rescued h er. Ma.ny S , 0llll S, A a specin1ty, Out of town work lLJ prompt ly attended to Bild ret Ul'lled slacked lime and water ; put eggs in for a such cases could be mentioned. A r oad CATARRR. j · per inst ructions. · . :.) few moments hi! the lime set tles into the maker. n amed Sch or ta, this W int er (Feb. stices of the ahelh ; t· them out and 17; 1888), was blown in like manner into the in all the new~st styles a.nd sh apes . to be G. P. SHARPE, Proprietor. . dr y them, then pack in any desired ma- air b elow B rail in t he E 3ga.dine, and 8!!.Ved .-l New Heme Treatment for the Cure of pr ocurc1. L a.dies should call early and ~door to Palmer house. Hardy t o Union t erial, m tb.eir selections before the s tock Is ., ~.l>?_t. Catarrh, Catar rhal DeafneS8, autl himself by g rappling tooa fi r tr ee, else he Eggs for boiling may be "e;r.nned" in the would bave been d ashed to pieces .against picked over. Tnis stock is one of the large s~ [\\!=~~==============~ lla;y Fever. ever brou11ht to t cwn. following manner : P ut two or three dozm the face of a precipfoCI ; as it was, he only The microscope h as proved t hat t hese newly-laid ef_lgs at a time in a d eep p an, lost hie hat. I bave shown a place diseases are conta.glous. and that th er are OVER $ 1,000 WORTH OF RIBBON. pour scalding water over them ; let it stand near Ems, in the R hine va.lley, above Chor, due to the presence . ot livln11: p arasites 10 the Inspection in vit ed, ·of the u pper air pas~As thirty seconds a.nd turn ib all off, Cover w here a miller 's h ouse was carried bodily l!nln11 1memnrane · euetachian tubes. The eminent sciento immediately with more scalding water, and some dist ance thr ough the air by t he L aw i- and Mo.nufaoturers of is ts· Ty ndall, Hu:xley and Beale endorse t, r epeat the process yeb a third time, Wipe nen-D unst. Its inh~bitants were all killed and these authorities cannot be disputed. dry, and wh en cool p in bra n or salt. exoept an old m an about sixty and an infant The reii:ular method or tr eating t he dis~ HE SCIENCE OF LIFE, T he eggs prepared in this way cannot be of t wo years. Again, I may mr.ntion th at is to apply an irritant remedy . weeklT and daily, t hus keeping the delicate memu sed for cake, or any thing for which they uhe tower of t he monastery at Dissent is was even the great medical work bran e In a constant st a.te of · Irritation, Artificial h ave to be beaten. aocompanie.d by violent sn eezing. allowing o' th e age on Manhood, on one occa.sion blown down by the sa me Limbs, it no oh a.noe to h ea l, a nd as a n a tural conee. N.3rv ous and Physical De· cause. Uases ar e frequently mot with w here quence of such t reatment n ot one perm anent ~· l· .r, Premature Decline, walls o! houses, windows, and doors have .Rag Oarpets. cur e ba s ever been recorded. I t Is an .!Plllfilil!~ce,;; for -~ll=De absolute fact that these dieeaees cannot b" " ' ' ors of Youth, and the f8!WI i<l'IM! · . ·ue .,,,u:ll!l""""' ' While a at riperl c:i.r pet looks nice wh1 n been smMhed in by t he wind of avalanches cured ~j)fual i;B~Hft, lI11) J . I by any applicat ion made ortener tha.n n· old miseries coarnquent falling on the opposi be fl. r nk of a narrow once in two weekn, for the membrane must thereon, 300 pages, 8 vo., 125 Dise&ee. <'If. ·lMI new, it looks as much worse when faded and K.n'~e a nd .A.nkle , K106.l1 old. I do not fancy mix ing hit or mies and ravine. f myself seen a house wrecked get a chance to heal before any applica.tiou K nee, Bow Ll)gs, Club Feet, stripes in th e same carpet. I see one writer by a Staub-L', its l'Oof removed in one is repeated, l t is now 7 )' rs. sw ce Mr. Dixon prescriptions for all diseases. Cloth, full gilt, . ll!tc. discovered the parasite in c .. tarrh and form- only 51. by mail. sealed. I llustrative sam ple .a dvocates not coloring any r agP, and t o use piece by t he blast, au d its b ack ws.11 and ulated his new treatment , aud· since then his free to all young and middle llo!Ji'ed meo . Send DR J B l 1'&T ALSO CR UTCH El:l. · · E. t· G HA Ill , V . S ., old, faded ones, as t here would be no C'han~e one side stove in by t he weigh t of snow and remedy ha3 become " hon~ehold word ia now. '.rhe Gold and J ewelled 'Medal awarded every count ry where t he English language to.th0 a utber by the Nation a l _Medical As~ooiHonorary Gradnate Ontario Veterinary in the appearan ce as time rolled on ; I should stones and t iles which followed, a.t1on. Address P. 0 . Box 189~. Boston, Mass., Oollei;e Is spoken, Cllres eft'ected by him seven years think sh e must be a German, for that is their · . ' a.go are cures still, there ha.ving been no or DR. W. H. PARKER. graduate of Harvard Calls promptly attended to, nu;: ht or day, Medical College, 25 years" practice in Bo9 ton, style, or a t was when I lived among Death as it is Destined. return of the disease, So hl1ihly are tbese remedies valued . and w!io m_ ay be coosultecl con fidentially. Specialty / Otllce. nt cen tra l Telephone C Hlite, R 0'1"· them, I advise using many br ight colors, Crossing over to Normandy, Fallt took a man ville · l4;8m great is the demand for them, that ignor' 0 1seasea of Man. Office. No " Ru lfinch St. and, as hit or miss carpet, for t hese r eason s, boat fr " m .Boulogne to D over. The weather so ant imitator s h ave started up everywhere, t hat w hen new it looks nice a.nd 01Jon be t urn- was stormy and the waves in t he channel pretending to destro:r a par asite, of whicb ed over or i;r ound, as there no stripes to ran high-scant doubb there was . bu t t he they know nothing. b y remedies the resu lts OF CANADA. of the application of which they are equally interfere, and wben it . g ets old i b looks as -I~~EN'""SE(J~hital paid up, s1,ooe,ooo. Jlest, s2io,Cl8 well as t hat made fro m uncolored rags. A p assage across would be perilous. And her e ignorant Mr. Dixon's remedy is a.ppliea we come acr oss an old, old s tory, yet few only once in. two weeks, and from one to cents wor th of dyes will can vert old ra~s few three applications effect a perm1tnent cure in This Bank ts -;.:par ed t o do Leglta. are aware t hat i t is so old as tbe beginning into beau tiful colore, and any one can color of t he thirteent h century. Flllk epoke to most aggravated eases. N. tl.- .For ca.tarrha.I mate Banking ln a.11 its branch e s. with t hem by following t he dir ections. t he mar iner who wa~ t o command t he ship troubles vecnliar to females (whites) this remedy is a specific. Farmers · n otes discou nted ; Depoldt,a T here is a gooJ. deal in how t he rags are Mr. Dixon eends a pamphlet descr ibing his received and Intere st paid o n amou n ts of sewed, w hether the carpet is smooth when that had been ch artered to bear him to E ag· land : " DJ you k now well t':Jis b usiness, new treatmen ~ on the receipt of ten cents in - - - C>F- lo upwards in Savi n gs Bank D epart ment; woven or n ob. T he ends of t he rags should and stamne. The a ddreas is A, H. Dixon & Son, t o cnry people by sea int o divers be lapped about three.four ths of an inch, re~ions ?" R eplied t l-ie "T.ruly, Sir, l'03 K ing street west, Toronto, Cana da.DR A. FT~ &ie11tifl,c A merican. and t hen folded twioe t he same as for a hem, Iasn e d and Collections made ln Europ~ then three stitches taken on t he needle once, there ia n ot a land of any r enown in Christ Sufferers from catarrha troubles should endom w hhh er I could not conduct a. ehip U nited States and Ca n ad a . . or one dra.w, and then one stitch to hold the well and safely. " Then said F lllk : ' 'T .ruly, carefully read the abo ve. ends smooth. This done the rags will weave thou hast a very perilou,s occup~tion ; tell W. J ··TO NES, Age1 smooth and it ia very ea.sily d one; one lady me, fair , sweet brotner, of what death diAd A War Between Banks, told me that my instructions would ber thv father ?" " H e was dr owned at sea. ' WE WILL R E-OPEN ON A Philadelphia dlll!tJatch says :- The rehours of hard wor k , and by doing i t my way " How t by grandfath er ? ' "The same." of fuu .t the City N a.t ional B>.n k of S i.lam, it would look bett er. R!i\(!8 shou ld be cut ac· " How thy great grandfather ?" " ·rn lik e cordfog to the t 'lickness of the fabric ; cut a manner, a nd all my r elations thab I wot of N. J ,, to acc·~pt cer tain ter ms of excb a.nge Savin~s strip and twisb it in you r linger s- i t should t o t he four t h degree. " "Truly," said Fulk, offered by t he Woodstown National B>'nk be about the size of a N o. 10 wire iu or der to "you are very fool-hardy t hat you dare go has involved t hese institu t ions in a wa.r. $ :100.000. Fald up Capital, be S:r.lem B:i.nk receives on d epoait in the "store in the West End of Ruebottom's Block. make a nice carpet. , L:i.rge rags make a to sea. " " Sir, " said t h e mariner, " wher e- As w $ 10,000. R et1& , thick cl\rpet, but i t is not so durable. A fore? Every creature will have the deat h daily a large number of Woodstown B .,nk pound and a quarter ofrags wiU make a yar ;:t destined for him. A nd now, if you please, chequu, a. me1senger is despatch ed to In view of the late disastrous fire, and the enormous quantity o the la.tter place twice a week t o reoeive I beg to not ify the public that lam receiving of carpet, ana I mm sew that a.mount iu au fair goods partially damaged, we need hardly say that it is imperative t o Sir, t ell me where did thy fa ther die ? ' · deposits for this company, a nd allowing a evening, and a woman sh ould d o mor e, for "Truly, in hie bed." " W here t hy grand - t he money for t he same. I n order to higher rate o ~ int erest than t he ban ks· sell t hese goods at once. they h ave occasion to use t he needle more father?' " The same." "Where thy great- pu nish the Sllem people Ca.shier F lit No Nonm: OF W ITHDRAWAL REQUIRED than the aver age m a.D, crofo of the W oodstown B.uik imported ~randfather '!" " T ruly, all of my lineage from Pililadelphi11 thousands of silver dollars I am alao prepared to grant th at I know died in t heir beds. " " Then, to meet the cheques, ~fessrnger Powell, Loans on REAL E ~'I'A.T.I! Ohoice Recipes. in very trut h, since all y our lineage died in ·vho wa.s sent down by the Salem Ba.nk and the prices cut dowc accordingly. on favorable terms. CALJ( s LIVER AND EACON.- Cu b th e liver beds, I marvel grea.t ly tha~ you have dared week, prot ested againsti being paid with t o ~o in t o any b ed ." An d so, moraliz es the on'ICE : ioto thin 11licu1, let i o remain in cold water silver. W h en Powell wit h $4,800 ,McMurtry's Dry Goods l:ltore, fpr an hour, aod then wipe it dry. R oll chroniclor, Flllk per ceived t hat the sailor in ch£ques, Fiitcroft wheeled ou t t he money We want to re-enter ou r old stand with a brand n ew stock , and inhad told him the truth, that every me.n shall each slice in fl 1ur , and fry in bacon fat. in a wneelbarrow ·t o the 'lliddle of the bank tend t o sell out t he entire damaged stock within six weeks, if possible. W. F. A Ll.- E ll Bow~anville: Oct. 11, ms. 42- 3m · Pour off the fa.t, and in a fresh pm fry have such -death as is destined for him, and a.nd dumped i o on t he floor, oompelling _ shred ded bacon and pot atoes. 'l.'hen take he knows not which, on land or in water. P ,,well to count the en tire amount . When h alf a pint of boiling stock, a.nd brown ··t by ha2s were aEked for to, cury tile money, adding burnt ~ugar; add a n ounce of bu tter, Flitcroft said bank s were not in the h11obit of Emperor William's Diseased Ears. dnd let ·it simmer . P lace the liver and c()'li.t1ifue s to ao a General Banking Bneiner-1+ The German paper!l' are full of article3 r e- furni,hin11 patrons with purses. N. B.- Customers need not fear t hat they will be kept too long b acon on a o ish, pour t he gravy over, and garding the he ..lth of the Gsrman Emper or. Bo wmii.nville B r an ch. · waiti ng, the staff of clerks being largely i ncreased, E. & Co. garnish with crimped parslev. DEPOS I'rs Smoking in Austria. Ur. Rennet , the epeoialist on .iiseases of the SALMON, F REJ:'CH FASHION.'fo bo salear, declares thab t he Emperor's or gans of ~oelved in Sa vin gs Bank Depart mentnrd The Auatriam1 are, ib appears, the most Bowmanville, Ap r il I , 1889. mon in t he F rench way, pr ocure fi sh as fresh hearing are affected by chronic p urulent invetente cigar ~mokers in E urope. In 1all and interest allowed at current rates. ~ a.s p ossible. After i t has been cleansed and otitfa w ith intermitten t pa.ine. He !ta.tea 1887 every male iuh!lhltant in Austro· 1otlce of withdrawal n ecessa.rf. All depctH payable on demand, scraped, wrap the fiah or piece of sal mon in t hat t he affection mav lead t o menin~itis, H ungary smok6d , u pon th e i;verage, 67 cigars a well· buttered p iece of m uslin, and t hen should the aura.I icflunmil.tion spread t o t he and cigarettes, besides abou,t t en ponnds of EX<JHA .NGE place it on the · drainer in t h e fish -kettle, cer ebral t issues, or to t he formation of an Boughta nd2old a.nd Dr a fts issued upon E nr oJ)t which should contain suffi ~ient boiling wat er a.becess on t he brain, Should an a becees tobacco. The reason of the la.rge consump · tion of cigar s lies in !the fact; that t he AusJ n.ite d Statee and C&n&d& , also Gold,Silver a n to cover t h e fi sh. This wa.ter should be eea - form i b may be n ecessary to r esor t to trian ca.n buy a really very decent cigar for (Jnlted Sta~es Gr een baeksbou11:ht and sold, soned with vinegar, vegetables, herb s, and trepannlng , anj if the infl amma.tion remains a far thivg or two for one cenli. Io F rance CJOLL£VTl0l'U ~ peppercorn. After t he fiah has been put loci.l an operation woul<i p roba.bly be suc - and !Daly t;he ver y ch ea.pest costs a h alfpenn y; STOCK OFPromptly made a t eurrent rates n poa all pa.r int o the fish -kettle, the water m ust reboil, ceseful. Dr. Bennet d oes not t! the same and t he price is a.bou t the same in Bolland at Grea' Britta.In, the United States &lid no and t hen the ket t le must be drawn fo the view as other German doctors, bu t .ionsidere a.nd Germany. Austria's tobacco bill for minion of Canada. side of the stove, and th e steam will be suffi · the E.:nperor1s very serious, tliou~h, the first sl.x mont hs of 1888 amounted t o cient t o cook the fish if a.n a llowance of ten at present , had· ib assumed its worst aspect , close on t hirty million s of, or t o only Teleg raph Tt·a nsr e rs the trut h could not be concealed fro m the about two dollar s per rn11o1e head of the .Made tor la.r~ or small sums on all pa.rte of minutes to each pou nd be given. SPIDER CoRN CAKE.- One a.ud one-half public. lb is a ct·riou s coincidence that, ap- popula tion; vet it is estimated t hat for that Cana da. This Is especially a dvantageous to io u ..:.usually attractive this season. per sons liv ing In Manitoba or t h e North·weet cups of corn meal, one·h alf cup of pastry r opoa of the Emper?r:s ma.lad~, n o fewer rnm each ma.n and boy m!ly ha1e bought 35 as lt makes tha fund s a.vailabl e a t once ·H h e flour sifted, two t ablespoonfuls of salt, one . t han t wenty fhe a r ticles on otlt1s have ap - cigars, 15 cigarettes, and fou r or fi ve pounds place of paymen t . scint teaspoonful of soda, two eggs, tw'> p In Germa.ny. I hea.r from true~· F or t nrther particulars call a t h e Bankl.r. cups of sweet milk, one cup of wur milk , wor~hy, . sources . tha.n t he E mper?r is of tobacco, T h e sum h ere would pro· cure only about 12 cig ars., G cigarettes, and House. two level tablespoonfuls of butter ; mix all : loo~mg_ill? and is a_ larmed about ~1i;nself, one and one-ha.If poucds of tobacco~ all of Gl! 0 , McGILL, T. B RODIE, th e dry ingr edients together, th~n beat t he ' having ms1sted on. bemg t old . _ t he ~f he most inferior quality. Accountant. Manage eggs .and a dd to t hem one half t h e sweet 1 t~e Germany doc.ors regardmg his ~ondt·l v and th e sour miik, t h en mix all t ogether . j twn . A T S b 'b bought for CASH at the lowest point the market .has touched Melt the but ter in a. hot epider an d pour fu ired u sen er. the m ix ture. Let the cake cook a few minTwe> Luxurious Brthrooms, "Mr. Eiitor, I want to say to y c.u that utes then pour all over t h e tap_ carefully . The society woman depends greatly OD it's about uime for me to quit. Once on a the remainder of the sweet m ilk . Bake ' luxur ious bathing t o renew her strength. t ime I used t o thill k your paper was gospel half an hour, The c& ke should have a. l ayer · The T urkish bath must b a taken outside the itself, but I dee it hain'u to be r elied on. " TOWN PRI CES KNOCKED OUT. "What do you m e'a n, sir ? Do you in· r esembling cu stard t hr oui;:h t he centre and home but the bathrooms in some of the is th e most delicate cora miMJ.e. i wealthy honees give eviden :e of their costli- timate that WA don't tell t roth ?" S ILVER lJAKE.- One cuptnl ot sug-ar, half nese a nd b eauty of t he pl.rt they play in the " T hat's what I say, an' I can pro;re i t . a cupful of butter, the w hite' of t hr ee egge, daily econ omy. Mrs. Henry Clew's bath- It Wl\B in your own columns that I read half a cupful of cor n starch ·dissolved in r oom is a grott o of ony x, walls, floor , ceilinv, th ese ver y l'Vorda- in big type- ' Money in ·~. nearly half a cupful of milk , one and a four t h basin, t 1,1.b, all beinu of the sculptured atone. C hickens.' Well, soon as I see thab, says I, cupful of flour , h alf a t e.aspoouful of cream Distilled and perfumed wa.ters Jl.ow at t he 'if The Ba.ssoon says t here's money, in of tartar, one fourt h of a teaspoonful ofsoda , touch., it is like a cool cave where Undines chickens that settles i t ;" eo I wen t for our ,_..,...-<.., - :BT'· _ and ve.nilla or almond fiavor. Beat. the sport, and no Monte Christo could project a ooop, yanked hold of m y bip-gest .Bra.hmy bu tter to a cream, and gradually beat in the thing more fanciful and costly, T nat of and ·t urned him in side out; not a der n cent . · · sugar. Add th e flavor: · Mix the fl.our, Mrs. Cornelius V anderbilt is very b eautiful. Then I took anoth er and surgically inspect ed ,.. I a·"" !U llT prepared to at tend Funerals 0 cream of tart~r, and sod~ to~ether, and sift. T h_ e wa.11~ are of mir!ors, over which ~un her gizz~rds-no coin thar eith~r·. ~n? so o~ . the shor\ _; not ice, at ibe lowest possible rate" Baab the whit es to a still froth . Add t he p i!.tnted vm es of morn1Dg glory and passion I w"nt thro' the hull brood, klllm em an . lCases rea dT on s h or t nctics cornstarch and milk to the beaten su ga r flowers, far min ll a.n arbor su ggestive of the inspectin' their interiors, but nary n ick le Casket s ·an dBur la First-ela!l s h e arse on very moder ate terms and butter; then add the whites of the eggs bower where Venus b&thed, and t he re - ever have I found. Somethin' wrong 'bout Shrouds a n d Co1!1ns constantly on b a nd. F uo an d t h e fl our. M" · kly and t h oroughl y. fl ec t ions d ou b t l ass f urme · h Tit' · 'l'here h a.ID · ' t no 1x qu1c 1auesque h' IDt s t h a, ~ , >nouncemen t , air, 9 ral ca.rde su pp · d 8 1 on te }·urnitnre Shop Stow Rt cn s- E· tun~a , .~ ~ I::'lu.k. · H a.vs t he batter in sheets, and about t wo of at ten ding nymphs. - N . Y , L ett-;r, ' money in chick ens." ' H <\mpto n, A '.)ril 10 th, 1839, HOUSEHOLD. Ft!sm:s "Did n't Know 'twas Loaded" I I ~;CKERIKG F~;·SA.L:m. I I I JAMES DEYMAN PI..A.N""OS:7 Dominion Organs Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I I I TH OS. PEAT, Gents' Clothing NEW M 'ILLtNERY _ DUNN'S BAKINC THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND POWDER --·- - , H at B t FlOWers, ~ Velvets and Ribbons ~~r~e~ve~~i.~~n~.~~ ~g~ $G~,.TOR~0~T~0~J~~MT;~~!RY, AUTHORS & COX, TRUSSES: T EXHAUSTED VITALITY. fnd ·)Jt- i 117 CHURCH ST. TORONTO, ONT. · JTANDARD_BA:N 1 C LE AR IN C SALE! DAMAGED DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. The Ontario Loan and Co. Thursda y , Ap r il 4 th, - - o-- The whole st ock will b e treated a s'a ,damaged stock, . T)IE ONTARIO BANK ELLISON & CO. I". A. OOL11'S Some plums in Dress Goods, Clothing and Gen t,.s Fur nishings, D R Y GOODS I I F· Ille Q r d e·:re d Cloth ing, a specialty. : IN ' UN D ERTAK LEV I M 0 RR IS t"' F a rm Produce t aken in exchange for G ood s . I I Our Due Bill taken as Cash by Mr. J ohn Eliott,, the reliable grocer. Come a long and secur e bargains. F. A. COLE, Hampton