} · NEW HAVEN. of B elleville, with us for 1he .occasion. And now Mr. Editor I thinh I have made Mr. 0. R. Hall has grel\tly improved EDITOR STATESMAN,-Kindly permit this a lengthy letter and f;,r the present the looks of his farm by erecting a wire me through your Taluable paper to ~ay a must c mclude, but if any of your readers fence along by the side-road . ... . Trampfew words to my many friends in Ontario desire any further inform atio~ concern- ing visitors_ 'are scarce around here since tojwhom I promised when leaving t o write ing this countryprovidiug it ts m my pow· notices have been put up warning them Well, I left Toronto Thursday March 5th er to inform them, l shall l1Q wost happy against walking on the railroad . . . . Some abou t midnight on board a. large train t o do so. Any communication forwarded residents of th!s locality r eceived prizes well -filled with immigran·s and travellers to my address will be chee·fully respond- at the concert in-t own o n the evening of ' ' Respectfully Yours most of whom were bound for Manitoba, ed to. the 24th .. .. Mr. Daniel P ollard has been A. A. CoLLWILL_ and ~he officers i n charge 01i the C, P . R. visiting friends in Mariposa . ... Mr. and were extremely kind and obliging. As many , Manitou, Man., May 20, 1889. Mrs. L . M Courtice, of Courtice, and of th'e travellers on bo'!.rd had been over Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Storey, of Oshawa, the road before the immigrant1 received Suicide Near Burketon. have b een calling on friends around here the benefit of their knowledge, conse!~en Uy. HANDSOME PATTERNS q,1en tly the journey was made vAry pleasEarly on Saturday morning Dr. J. C. ing t o us, a nd the scenery via C. P. R Mitchell, Coroner, was notified by Mr.A. PROVIJJENG~. AND CHEAP. from Nor th Bay to Winnipeg is really Parker, an employee on the C. P . School r oport section No. f>, Darlingmagnificent, but the country is unfit for Railway, that an nnk;nown man had been farming , being prmcipally rocks and hills found dead in a tool house on the C.P.R. t on.-4th c las;i-F Ho··r, B Laing, E as high as the sight will carry, and in ob- line, Lot 4, Con. 10, Darlingt,on,--about Wight, M Bragg.' Sr. 3rd-F Prout, E serving -some of the trestles, tunnels, four miles east of this place-and from Osborne, I Osborne, S Blllckburn. Jr F Blackburn, W Hoar, S Prout, S gradings and cuttings along the r oad, I all appearance had committed suicide, ll.8 3rd-_felt like conveying my congratulations to when found he still had in h1a hand a 38 Bellamy. S r 2nd-A Wigh ,, W. Souch, our fair Dominion of Canada on the gi· calibre Hopkins and Allin revolver, and P Elford, N Allin, L Bdlamy. .Jr 2ndJ I also keep an assortment of 0 gantic strides she has made during the in his left te111ple was a hole which sho w- C Smale, E Wonnacott, C Wi.,.ht, Average attend<\nc_ e, 37. M. E. last few years. ed plainly that the person had shot him- Laing. MANNING, T eacher. Winnipeg is a beautiful city, I never self. Abnut 3 o'clock, p .m., Friday,Jno. The Anniversary Services of _ P rovid. saw its equal. If I were to ch;>ose I\ city Martin, an employee on the C. P.R.,went in which to live a lifetime, Winnipeg to the tool house, when; on sliding the ence Sabba1h School will be held as folwould be my choice. lI ere I had the door open, he saw a person l,Ying on the lows: On Sunday, June 16, sermons will See my Show Window. pleasure of seeing the monument erected fioor, apparently asleep. ·Ha did not · go be preached by Rev. S. T. Bartlett , of to the memory of the heroes of Batoche in, but closed the door and WP.nt to work. the London Conference, at 2:30 and 6:30 Coll eel.ions iit each service. On " ar.d also the spot where it is supoosed Later he and others ca.me to the house p . m. Reil killed Scott. There have been many and in looking in saw the person still Monday,June 17,stirvices will be resumed ellegant buildings erected here during the there with a revolver iu his hand. Mr. at 2 p.m_, when an interesting program AT LOWEST RATES. la!t decade, the erection of some of which Wm . Aunger, a respectable ratepayer of will be given by the scholars, consisting have even caused the insolvency of men Darlington, and some workmen on tJ!ie C. of dia.logues, recitations, etc ., and ad· . . .ONE PRIOE ONLY. worth their tens ot thousands. P. R., soon discovered that the man was dresses by Rflv. S. T.Bartlett, J.D. Dyer I left Winnipeg after spending one day de~d. Dr. Mitchell was of opinion that and others, to be interspereed by choice there, and proceeded to Brandon, passing an inquest was not necessary and as the music by the school and choirs. Tea will thronJ;lh a nne tract of land most of the man was not known, notified Mr. C. W. be served from 4:30 o'doek, Tickets, 25c. ; way, and many beautiful little towns have Smith, Reeve of the T ownship of Darling· children, not members of the school, 15 gro .vh up during the past few years, show- ton, to arrange for )lis burial. 'l'he man cent!. A very cordial invitatiion is ex~~'-"".....,......._,...._,......_,~~~-· · BowMANVILLE, JuNE 5, l 889. ·, ing the prosperity of the country. I re· is about 40 years of age, about 5 feet$ tended to the public to be present. wained in Brandon a.nd surrounding dis- inches in height, brown h111tr and mousKENDALL. trict four days and was delighted to see tache,dressed in a good suit o-f brown and Nie.gara.-on-the-Lake. the business and stir which here seemed black plaid, suit all the 11!1.rne, brown felt Mr.Robt.Cowan, of the 6th line, is ill. to abound. From Brandon I travelled hat, striped cotton ehirt,necll;:-tie,red a.nd Jackson's saw mill is undergeing re· We have received a circular announcing sonth via stage in company with ot.hers blue plaid. The only things found in hi" pair11. the neit Believera'Meiiting foi;Biblestudy towards Souris or Pluw Creek. Most of pockets were a New Testament and small ! Mr. Wm. Underwood is visibilJlg at and miMionary intelligence, which will the country as we passed along appeare~ poeket·knife. Two chambers- of the re· ~mL . be held as usaal in l(r'ounds of the Queen's to be good, but occas10oally_ our _tra.11 volver were disch~rged a n° d three loaded. _ - . · _ would pass throogh a large piece of fro- Mr. C:. W, Smith has tha revolnr and Many angler11 vi..ited Sauth's creek ou Royal, N1a11;ara· t·n-the-Lake, July 17 to zen wheat standing uncut, and strangers Testament, and Mr. R . Katerson1 under-- May 24th. · ff\Tv 24, 1889. We are glad to call attention would imagine that there was good wheat takeF; Hampton, has several otherarticles. Some of 0111· ci rizens celebrated! the to these meettag1, beoa11s0 they have in in it, but upon examination find ' none at <!;tt1een 's binl;d~y · by gt:"wn~ full' of --ALSO-the past proved verv profitable to man all. From Sourls_ I pursuEd my j?urne.y LONG SA ULT. Oan.lda.'s cur.e . . . . .· . · . Y southw.i.rd un foot and travelled 1n this Cfu __ lst1an wor_kers, and m_ ore especially to way' tw-entyfour miles with nothing for' a Mr; Andrew Brown, who has been sick Messrs. Jas. Henry, jr, and .&lex Cowan will le1>ve on Tuteday for tire ! " ~ year d1'ed on the 28th ult· correct any m1sappreh en~1on that may ex- guide but the land surveyors stak" and near" a · ' · Nnrth '\Veat . ist as to tho oatnre of these meeting@. .the sun which was shining brightly .all Mr; Rich. D&vey Rold a gener!ll pur· R M T k" d I lk d th f Wh poee tea.in to Mr. Geo. B . , niel for $3!5&. · ev. r. _ amp m, of Ede11, occupie~ W'hen the "Galt Heresy Case" was before ay. wa e acroBs e ice 0 ite the pulpit of the Presbyterian church on P . · . . Water Lake t~ White Wat.er, which is Mr. $tanley Staples aud Captain Wm. t he resbyterum Synod here, t_he appel- really no village as yet, but thequaHtyof Brown \Vere guesta of Mrs. Zach. ~ol· the l!ltth i nst., and Dr. .Jamieson, of! lants stated t~at they had imbibed their land is excellent an'd the community in lard, Bmdsay; last week. Garden Hill, last Sonday. ptrouliar ideas of "Sinless Perfection" at gentiral appears 10 be prospering rapidly. Recent vieitors; Mr. Alex. Hooey, .Or'Jrhie Presbyterian tea on May j4th1, aome public meetin,gs held at _Niagara After spcndi1_1g about a week around he~e rillia; Jlames Staples, Orono; l\1r. a.nd was ·a 1HJcce1a. Rev. Wm. Clarke, of -F -ll S . and Bo1asevam, I travelled eastward via Mrs. Jla&. McKnight Beaverton : Mr. Bc,wmanville won the a11dience by his . a s. ome people kno~mg Dr~. Parsons S, W. C. R ailway to Manitou, passing and Mrs, Wm .·). Haycraft," Sciarboro', a,nd sp&!!kling wit and sound advice. Hiaatrd Kellogg to be asrnc1ated with meet- through what I consider the best part of Miss Virtue, Enniskillen. words will not Boon be forgotten. Rev .. 'J. A. McKean, a. A, of Orono, gave an fogs held at Niagara, at once jumped to Manitoba if I can judge from observation. t1ie conclusii>n that they were syrnpathi- The towns of DelorainP, Boissevain, Kil· ENFIELD. exaelle»t addrellll on tho glory of the _ .h larney, Clearwater Chr,Ystal city, La B riti'Sh· empire-. The music by Prof. zmg wit the Galt 11ppellant8. We hap- Rivavie and Pilot ·Mound are not more Miss Matilda Campbell is convalescent. SiugleM~n and family (Master Harry and: I pen to know that these reverend doctors than two or th ree years olq and some of Report sa.ys a wedding will take plaG~ ,Miss :llioaise) and MisH M. McLean was . ·ha.ve no sympathy with the doctrine ad- them have us many as three elerntoril in shortly_ . 1 highly ~ppreciated. The favorite was a . ~oca.ted by the Galt me.n and further that them, oosting on an average from $GOOO Mrs. Thos-. Hall prf'sented her husband'· ;violin r:t0le. "Home Sweet Home " by ·~ ' . to $20,000, with either branches of busi.' with an heir on the 30th ult, 11. boy. ;Mast er Harry Smg1eton. tile !_ ue11t_1on ha _ ,s n_ ever been d1scu_ssed at_ n. ess equa_ lly boomin_a. But when reach., · tile B 1 - lfi ,., Early con~and potatoes were severelr ( :fN ]§Ji DAYS Tnii:E.-"Was troubled · Quality amounts to little unless prices se e 10vers meett Jgs, e-ve-ryth1rrg sen: mg~Mamtou we Btnke-tb-e grandest li-t-t-le- limaged-by Iit~t Tuesday..night-'s frpst. ~with ·heael~che, bad bl-a-n lesa of·are fair, §&tional and uns_ criptura.l being rigidly e,x- tow_ n i~ Souther~ Manitoba, the lodian The rain~ weather of last week had the· 1appet_iite; an:d tried all scirts of med1cinell eluded, nor must these meetiogs be con- de:i~~~ion of wh~eh means. " The Great effect of bDinging out large numbers oft:1withom succen . - I then tried one bottle :fo~nded wit~ any meetings hel~ at. t~e ~!i~ta ;~~c:e~!:!!fs~h:est~~a~:d f~~ bummers. ~of Burd© ck Blood Bitters and found re- 1 Low prices are not bargains unless quality great Caand1an Cbautauqua, whu:h 1s m j vicinity one is )i:d to wonder at the great A pair of' p0rforming bears gave an ex, 1liefi in l1~Ga.ys. " A.J .Meiadle. Mattawa, is there. the same_town, for there is not the slight- improvements th&t 'have taken place du: hibition on the village green on a recent 'i~nt. e.st connectio n bet.ween the two. ring the last two or three years. If space afternoon. .l ENNISKI LLEN. would permit I would give vou a list of Cou-ncilloD Awde let a road job on th~fj . . The Believer15' meetings are undenom- its improvements 'last year. As in other concession south of here, last Saturd"Y· k _ 1 At the- eve~ing meeting of the anniinational and are intended -to afford an places the farmers were somewhat dissai:· Mr. Benj;. Thornton was awarded the -fi i ver~a.iry 0n t'le Queen·e B_irfhday, the ~1oharrrn- called ou Dr. Mitchell for a opportunity for Christian WQrkers of all pointed by mean.a of the destruction of contract. seots and creeds to come · together for the crop by frost last year~ but not by any 1 · Mr. Wm. Ormi:iton, jr., Whitby, and- l;:spteee~ wko aftn making a. few remarks ~eans despondHt,g fo!-' as _ m other -parts M~. R . Winnaeott left for Manitoba 0 n,, _Js1up~~se~ the __ :Re.verend gentleman by Bible study and prayer. They are nu· 1t w~-:;; only partial h1lure. Wheat and Tue~day, 4th inst. . They ar.e on a proa- 1: jre11dm~ the foU.owmg address ; merously a.tte.nded by prominenLChristi .. u bbrley on high la1'.d 1vere generally good pectrng touv-a.,nd will return m July. ;'REV. s;_ SALT.ON, . . :! ]}JllA:ID .P.AlS'llOill.-A period of three workers in the United States and Canada and oats almost \H thout exceptirn weigh BUR K ETON. l;iJ:"ears has elapsed since the tie that now and the names of th e management js suf- from 35 to 45 lbs. to the bushel. Those who engage in m-ixed farming 8eem 10 be lfoxists between us was formed. From 1 1 fic.ie11t guarantee Lbat an enjoyable and thriving, their f.airrns are being improved, Who stole- the ja.cket !:Juhe veey first ")'©':I have la.bored earnestly · p rofitable t ime may he spent. Copies of new buildings added, tbeir herds of stock There 'has be-en coneidera.ble traffic on· lhoth by practice and by precept to ad· 1'.la:nee and establish · the cause of the there circular will be sent to any address, increasing in v&l'lte and in numbers, and Carter avenue l~tely. School Wla8 dismissed Thursday· after~- lG-reail Master. and to all persons d esiring to attend, on instead of being di50ouraged by a partial failure of their orops last year, the y are noon on accGunt of the cold. l Yow:r kindly-words of warning, advice · applicatiotl t o the recordin~ secretary, H. looking hopeful,ly forward to a bountiful We were much pleased to see Mr.Grayv Ja.nC: e!Mlo_nrag:ernent have done much to- -,W 1 · 1 't t . _ . W ', Frost, Attica, l'I. Y., or to Alf. Sand- harvest this yea.r. Han early vegetation on Eunday. Re is stopping at Mr.Gilby's,- j wards- J1rect.mg ~he foot~t,e~s. of thnse ; e . e a ~enti?n t? our C?mple~ and carefully selected stock of M L· .., d f D t .t. . iah-eady walk~ng m the Olmsha.n path. - ,Ladies, Gents, Misses and Children s Boots and Shoes 'l'ranks Valises ham, Willard Tract Depository, To.ronto, should command aoy chance or hope we h . h' rs. a.to·-morean soo,o _ e roi.,aro:- 1 h'l 1 t O ur popul ar sto~k o £ fash10nable . ' ' ' ave !t t 1s yea11. . . the guest& ei· our genml hotfll keeper~. ;way ;. w i e your earnest pra;:ers and 1e c.. goods is perfect beyond comOntario. Th1~ part ofiMamtoba looks more hke Mr C Lati!i!more. j:fiatth·lful sermo-n~ have awakene_ d rn many, . panson. We are showmO' the correct styles of the _ N 0 0 Id h Ontario than any part I have seen Near· · . .. b k k 0 h dd f:eason. s op1who were at:rangers to Christ, etron~ 1 ly e_ very farm haa so.we wood or- shrubs Mrs. W1~<11Js ~~d d~ughter depa.rtedla~ ! deafa·~s to know Him·and to be like Him, _ ;worn, an rupt stoc or s o y goods manufactured for bankrupt THE NEW PARTY. on it, which is all out; in g reen ,leaf at Sat~rday !;o _v1s1t. friends _ a t Myrt~e aillil~ ; MorG-ver we reJoice with you that in _! houses.. · We :varr&nt all our goods to be vrbat we represent them. From all over l)ntario' comes the intel- present, which decorates the cvuntry Whitby ... We wis_ h th_ e m a safe Journ~~ : maR(f instances these desires have been !The prices are LOW, and no one can sell you r esp ectable O'OOds cheaper ligence that a.ccessions are being made t o beautifu~ly. Seediug in this part has au . and an enJlO'yable tm:e· . i re~a~ed by_ a . permanent_ and _abiding /These goods are bargains, vie wed from any standp 'nt0 Th 1 rt 1 · th k f tl N p -t been fim~hed anel! the wheat and oats are . On Sunda.y mornmg :r._Ir. Cummmgj. ·fa1tlti 1~ Chr111t ~es us as their Sav_ 1our. ' and st le r th R 1. bl t r" Ol · e : ua Y · 1 8 0 16 e ran ew ar Y· n our sis- all up quite g:rllletl, but as barley is the m ght-operatoc, at the station. caws very lia times of uckne1111 you have been. a.. , Y a e ere. e ia e, rusiy, seniceable goods, maiked at ter county-Northumberland-organiza- las~ that is so<ve.d always, it is not show- near ta.king his departure for other reah·ii.. ' fa.ithfnl visitor and many hearts hav.e.· ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. ;..,tion is being pushed with a zea.loul!'ness ing much yet The quality of the soil Be mvre careful in future. ' been gladdlened by your cheery presence, worthy of ·any good cause, and electors g~nerally _ i,· a.. l!Jfaek J"ieh loam from abom The lllim.iskillen Band took charge- ofl' a.~ words of con~olation and comfo_r.t. --;. · , are voluntarily subscrihing to the mem- eighteen mct:-es t p three feet deev, with the chul'ch services on Sunday, to the while no cue of distre~s ha~ app_ealed.f1(i) 19. Sign of the lBmG BooT drawn by two horses, BoWMANVILLE a clay sub-so}l from five to ten feet deep, profit @!!- a. large congregation. Ii>r. : yo-ur gene:rrous sympathies ~n va. Jin - · bership. As will be seen by the reports followed bw ~ s~ ..il which is similar to Mitohe!ll ably conducted the meeting.. the temperance cause and m all eff?rts iiih he Toronto daily journals, there are a slate, after drgguig_ a few feet~ ln this 'rhe :irea.<l work is pr > greasing rapiddy, w_hereby m.in are made better and Ch11111.~'l!I -grllat many prominent n::inisters of differ - we generany_ o~tam good ~ate1·. One undeD-the supervision of Mr.Pollock,_ w}w. kmgdom exteod~d you -have labo~ed; } ll ent denominations allying themeelves marked peclllhanty about this country is "!lakes ao excellent pathmaster. A,llll.'g.er such a way that 1t may well be said1, he with this new po.litical pari-v. that you hdrdly ever ;ioo ~large swift flow· sum tl\an usual is being expended ~n the " hath done what he could." . mg stream of water, as In the east ; bst ro~d th.is year. On beh&lf of your many fr1end11 .01'li the " GRAND TRUNK RAIL.W AY. As we have. not heretofore published 1 there arQ quite a n umber of small ponds Dr. McKibbcm has succeeded in obtain- north part of this circuit, we woul~_ ask thQ N ew Par ty Platform, we do it now: and cree~s here and there which seldo:n ing 1' eomfortable residence in Blaakstock your acceptance of<' new dress fon ~God BOWMANVILLE STATION. 1. Righteousness and truth in public have a. gavel or stony bolto}n, but the '."nd iin~ends to 'Stllrt housekeeping in the old .Pompey, together with these a.rt1cles GOING EAST GOING WEST Dr. and. Mlrs. Mc· of 81lverware for Mrs. Salton and your· aJl'airs, as well as in private businee,a, and water is .:fir~t·c!ass for stuck; and of.ten u 11mect1ate future. Pa.55enger .. .. 8 39 a m Mail ........ 5 57 a m no -compromise with wrong. 'gqod_ for. drrnkrng, The natqral .Prairie Ki'bbon have . made many fneliul!s here self._ _ !\\a.ii ......... ro 32 a. m Local ......... 8 23 a. m 2. Equal rights for all Creeds, Classes hay is the. l?est I ev.er saw, and 1s very and will be greatly missed, yet we hope . \\ e trust and pray that Ged may ~o · ~;:r····· 3 ~7 P ID E~prees* ·. ···· !l 3§ a m . · ······._ .70op m Mixed ........ 3 J:i pm and Nationalitie~ but exclusive privil- healthful and fsttenmg to e1oak, and has to often have the pleasure of t&eir pre- direct Mr~. Salton and younelf t?at Mail.. · ..... 110:20 p m Ma.ll . . , . .· .. · 8 29 p m eges for none: ' often been known ~o eure horses having se:nce in our midat .-~any may ?e the better for your havmg ·Except Mondays. 3. A N atioval Sentiment, 111 National the heaves ~:m accoun.t of t~e ~ast !_!.mou~t Schoo.I R.eport.-The_ names are ar- h~ed, that m your new home He m~v be Literature, and in all matters of public of peppermmt contamed i_ u It.. Hay I i ranged m order of merit, for the month with you as He.has been here, thatm~ny policy- Our Country First: not fed n.ea~ly so ca~efully m this country . · of May : Fourth Form-,--J.Gilby,J.Good- souls may b? g~ven yow.. for :;our hire, Foi;tu~tely for YOUNG ?z; CO. tb7 fire did not r each the Wellington 4. The·prompt a.nd absolate prohibition as straw 111 10 Ontarw, cons~q utmtly you all. Third Form-M. Elmes, E. Gifford, and ~h.at as famtly and friends we mar _ b e Buildmgs, a:nd they ai:e still a.t their old stand, turning out in their usual business-like style of the liquor t~affic, and the hqnest and ~eld.~m s~e stock poverty s~ncken. Stock N: Elmes, L . Willia. Second ClaSB- M. admm1stered. an abuada~t entranse lnOO vip:orou 111 eaforcement of a.1.1 otaer laws for 1s raised m abundance, bemg 1'ery profit- Gilby, O. Goodall and R. Knapp, equal, our father~ kmgdom. _Signed on behalf the represeioh of vice and intemperance. able. . .· ' . ·. A. Robins, S. Bradburn. Part Second- of your friends, J., C. MITCJJ:ELL, Jon>< 5. Retrenchment and ec-onomy in pub- _ ~armmg is ~uch easier a._ud a more C. Goodall, M . Elmes, L: Robins;' L.Gif- MARTIN, .JAii. GILBE&g:, DONALD Mc· lie expendit.nre, with the view.of, reducing rapid progress 1s m11.de. than _m the east. ford, J. Banner. Sen1CJr Tableta-B. CO'LL_OUOH, J AS ·· H EATL11:· . our enormotis National debt. Thelanddoesnotre_qmre halftheamouut Quigley, A. Gilby,M. Hilliard, J.Banner, . Tlie present~tion, coneistmg of 11ett of 6~ Manhood sufferage with an educa· of labor t o prepare it !or crop and when ,M._ Quigley, L . Hilliard·. Junior Tab- smgle harness purcha11ed from Messrs. By the way, have · you tried , tional qualification; that ia, 8 l'ote to not attacked by frGet,from th!rty to forty- Iets-M. Goodman, J. Derr.ill, A. Elmes, -Il'.1ason a.nd Dale, Bo_wm"'.nville, a~d a every freeman of legal age who can read five bushels of wh eat per acri: is guite E. Robins, E . D~mill, V. Goodman, M . s1lve~ an~ crystal fruit dish and silver and write. · common, c~nsequently every mtelhgent Banner, M. Martm, B. Demill, W. Mar- napkm nn11:s purchased from Mr. Jno. 7', The extension of the Franchise to farmer adm1ts _ thatonecandobetterhere tin. Average attendauce, 28. A . S. Maynard,- .Towa, was m ade by Messre. with every other crop .than with every TILLEY teacher. Jno. Martin, a:nd Ja~es Gilbert . wo;ie1~ elective Senat~.' crop in Ontario.; but high land is seldom ' · · ·-·.. Mr. Salton made a very appropriate· An o ld resident say~ be has not· tast~d such fine .flavored Ti>~-.-s ,since 9. Civil Service Reform. a tetal failure, while many farniers in this PICTOU PENCILLINGs.-Mr. Hazen F. reply expressing his gratitude and ' utter he has been m the country,~a.i}d he is a judge of Tea t oti. -~ vicinity ernn last ;year grew from two to Murray, of Pictou, N. S., writes: "I was ~urprise. four and a few a.s muc h as eight and some affected with dyspepsia and nervous de· _. . , _ -·-·~ "My daughter was greatly troubled ten thousand bushels of good l).ard wheat bility, and tried many remedies without 'GIVES INST.ANT RELIEF.-"I have been .with Scrofula, and, at one time, it was '!forth from $1 to $1.15 perpushel. avail, but one b ottle of Burdock Blood troubled with 3 sthma and a bad cough feared she would lose her sight. Ayer's On Dominion Day our new Methodist Bitte1·s much improved me a.nd two moro for years. I get nothing to he.I p me like Dont forget the stand, but come direct to the centre store · Welll - ..:iton 0 Buildings, for pun~ Groceries at right prices. ' ." · Sarsaparilla. has completely restored her church at Manitou is to b e opened whfoh made me a well man." Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, and would health, a nd her eyes are as well as ever, is real~y a magnific~nt one and would- be 1 ~ · recommend it to others as it gives instant 1 wHh not a trace of scrofala --in. her. ·11y&·'· a orad-it to many . village churches in Orn· · A.SA.NA.ID to tnt.crnal remedies fur iikin relfef." Extraot .frorlr letter from Walter, .· '"Y9C>I.I~Gr " G KIN'" K1 'll1 ·nctly· Conn t · W t b '"' D C · dlse&1es, Dr. J;ow·c Snl{thur Soap proveli tem · THE GRO.OiBitS· · "' ... , - · ar10. o are o ave ·.-..ev. r .. arman, 1-,.ery valuable. McAuley, Vestnor, Ont. READY! A~ R~ADY. _,,,.. . .__- - " - -- I Manitoba. Letter. Lot1k. W-. A LL PAPERS Great Clearing Sale ! During the present m,onth we are going to offer all of our large stock of All the newest novelties for Ceiling arid Side Walls. - FJNE . ENGRAVINGS. . .1·c tures Framed P P. Trebilcock. "Wall ~aper, Children's Carriages, -Window Shades, Picture Frames, Express Wagons, and Croquet Sets, at extremely low prices. It will pay you to inspect our stock. Siie «iauadm· JJm1#mn, J. H. KEN NER'S VARIETY HALL. WEST END HOUSE~ ----o---JUST IN THIS WEEK New Prints, New Cretonnes, N Curtain Scrim, a cheap line in Ladies' and Children's Cashmere Hose, and La.dies' and Children's Colored Silk Gloves. Call and examine our goods. JOHN l\fcMURTRY, WEST END HOUSE.~ I! 1 WE COMBINE THEM. &.; -·-·- M TRELEVEN Fire ! Fire 1 · Fire I ... I I Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, Glass- ware, Seeds, Teas, &c. OUJ:~ TEAS. db_ ..Co.,. : Highest Prices paiEt -~for Farm Produc-~:!i · - - -- - - - --