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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1889, p. 5

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Wall Paper and Buggies I ! TAIT'S Corner Store. Ho! For The Old Country. M. A. JlAMEf!. is agent for some of the best lif!es of steamships, a nd is Rettlng up a party to go the Old Country the last week in June or early in July, at very low rates. For example he sells a steerage ticket fmm Bo wmanvi lle to Liverpool for only $26.30, also Ca.bin and Intermediate tickets very cheap. Reader if you think of crossing the Atlantic, or know of others going, it will pa:y you to call on or write to M. A. JAMES, Publisher of Tiu &wrnanville. ----k --STHES>rAN, . , _. ._ _ ___ _ IWest End House. Cheap Cretonne and Curtain Scrim at PICNIC SEASON! USE LYMAN'S CONCENTRATED I I Extract of Coffee ! THE EASIEST TO USE .AS A GALLON CAN BE MADE AS EASILY AS A CUPFUL. The Finest A Fl~voured! Made from the Best Mocha and Java HO.iiE COMFORT.· ·For Hantln~. Fishing Travellin11:. andesp«»ci&lly serviceable for camping out. F or sale by all Grocers and. Druggists in 1 lb llb,_and lib bottles. Mention this paper. - 1 '... Flowers in lovely variety at Burden & Co's Auction Mart. Mr. ' John James, sr., has been very . sick, but is convalescent. Big band tournament here June 12 and . lJ. Arrange to be present. A double stock of choice new ·Ties at .T. J. Mason's. They must be sold. Mr. J. M . BrimRcumbe now occupies his new dental parlors in Higginbotham'a block. S. Burden & Co. will pay cash for eg11s and first-class butter at the "Mart", Market Square. .Dr. J.E. Bingham, 'V.S., now occupies his new rooms in the rear of H igginhotham's drug store, upstairs. , Foe the best bargains in watches, clocks and jewelry go to H. C. Brittain's Cooperative Jewellry Store. Chas. Ruse's Educational School of Music, su19mer vacation begins May 25th Aut.umn term begins Aug. 5t-h. If you want a. first-class cigar you must go to W. E. Pethick's where you will find a great many kinds to choose from. Mr. J . .T. Tilley was in town yesterday having just re turned· from inspection of the _ French schools in eastern Ontario. Mr. W. Feild has started a book bindery in town. People ha.viog magazines or other binding may leave orders at this office. Mason's have the largest stock: of dress gooci.s in town from $2 per ya.rd d own to 10 cents. Positively no five cent dress goods in the atock. HELLEBORE of Paris Green of STOTT Our first page will be found a striking and instructive lllustration of the comparative worth of the various kinds of ha.king powder in the market, Mrs. Dingman has moved into the STATESMAN Block over Heury's photo gallery where she intends doing over straw the very finest quality f~r and felt hats in the la.teat styles. That excellent farm, the Bradley EsCurrant Bushes a11'1 tate, near. BrookHn, is off.:red for sale. See advt. on inside page. Applications may also be made to Mr. Thor. Bradley, Columbus. We congratulate Mr. Arthur E. McLaughlin on successfully passing his first year's examinations in T oronto University, taking honors in English, French and German. We see by a Bochester journal that Dr. H . C. Phillips has been honored by the members of hie p rofession with election a3 delegat e to the Central New York State Association. On dit that James L. Hughes, the Toguaranteed purity both at ronto school inspector, will be the Conservative candidate for the legislature in lowest prices at Durham, to fill the ·pla.ce of Mr. T. D. Craig, who has exoded to California. Mr. Rufus Stephenson has .received in two years for inspecting North-west colinization companies, $9,041 ,more than the total revenue received by the D ominion Government from these companies. See the curtains at 5V , per pair. at T od Bros. Best value in i;own. ( Mr. Geo. Wilson, sr . , of the Guide, Port Hope, gave us a. call yeeterday. Jam es Day man local sge111; for Dominion Or~ans and Pianos, B owrnanville, Mr. Frank Brimacombe, of Rochester, came over on Saturday on annexation matters. Mr. Robt. Beith sails this week for the Old Country for another importation of Clydesdales, Messrs. R. Beith & Co. lost one of their most promising young stallions Sun· d 11y fr6m hernia.. · They have a large stock of Muslin, Skirting and embroideries very cheap at the West End House. Forty tons Bran and Sho.rts for sale at Bowmanville' R ::iller Mi lls, only $11 per ton. J. C. 'Vans tone. Time i s money, a~d the outlay for a box of Esterbrook's pens is both time and money saved. All stationers keep them. Pro f. Ruse will be out of town during summer vacation but letters will he. forwarded to him that are addressed B ox 88 Bowmanville .. Attention is directed to the "Big Boot'-' display announcement by Mr. Treleven. He keeps one of the best and biggest display of boots and shoes in town. CHAS. Rui!E's EDUCATIONAL ScHoo:r, m' M usic.-The most logical, thorough, rapid, sure, d elightful and econ omical system in use. See another column. Mr. De.¥id Tod left Monday night for California, where a good position awaits him u.t a big salary. David will be gre\'tly missed by the young .people, wtth whom he is popular. . Cheap trashy ha.king powder must f;O. Imperial Oream Tar.tar Baking Powder is pure s.nd r llliable, it is made · of best Crystal Cream 'ra.rtar and English S ilda.. All grucers sell it. · t To Tim DEAF.-A Person cured of Deafne~s and noises in the head of 23' standing by a simple reme dy, will . send a description of it FREE to any person who applies to NICHOLSON. 17.7 McDougall St. , New Yot'k. 44-lyr. ANlMFORTANTlMPROVEMENT.-'fhenew Soft S:op and PrllCtic1 1 Ped11.l r..ttachment to a Newcombe Upwright ser ves the nerves of the listener or performer when practising, as well as the ins~ru'. ment from wear_ , and pre servea the tone, Do its Manuf~cturers Publish all As ~ well known, ammonia is unhealthi'q:l in food, and dries up the brea d · . P r otect ion to consumers of food compounds lies in their ability to choose those_ made from h ealthful substances. Unless manufacturers publish just what their baking powder is made of, do not use their goods, but buy instead IS YOUR B 'A .KING POWDER "'l(\T PURE? M. OAT WANTED.- A l{ood BTRELEVEN'S, h,.nd row boat. Inquire W. O! sec<.nd H EAhu l!J tf at ' BOAT FOR SALE.- Va.rnished b r a ,._. with 2 pair of oars, and boat house. ply to MR. GEO. SHAW, Liberty-st. 22-1.,,'" Institute. .Applications to be in by 15th June· For furtb11r partie'Ulars apnly to JNO,KEACHIE' 22-1 m ' P res,. or FRANCIS MASON, Sec. l' . taker for the Bowma.nville Mechanics' ANTED.-A L ibrarian and C;1re- · lS IT FREE FROM AMMONIA 1 the I~gre~ients Used? TORE AND DWELLING FORt S S.ALE.-'l'hat fine new store and resi· dence, elegantly fitte d for l\forchant Tailor or F11ncy Dry Goods now occupied by Mr. John L~~ttpply to WM. H. I V ES, Bowmanville. Dominion Day in Newcastle. Newcastle Lodge, No . .46, with commendable courage, have decided to hold one of the biggest and bi;et demonstra.-tioD;,s ever seen in t~is section on July l~'t. .A wide-awake committee h as been appointed and arrangements in progress. ,A full program of sports ar.d games, a qand toul'nament during the da)7, and' a gre.nd concert in the evening will b e some of the good thin gs present,..d . This is the tirst time for many ,years that N ew· cast le has assayed to get up anyching big· for Dominion D l\y and we expect the who!~ countr.i: side to come and parti~i pate m the pleasures of t he occasion. AGAINST THE JESUITS. The Bowman ville D istrict Mee tin"' held last week at Enniskillen passed the following r esolution unanim'ously : Moved by R ev. Edward Barrasa, D.D., Hampton, and seconded by R ichardBragg Esq., Bowmanville, and ' lle~ot_vcd,-That this meeting,consisting of mmi·ters and lay representatives of the Methodist Church, Bowma.nville D istrict, _ a t its annual me eting cannot 8epara.te without exp ressiriq i tll disappt'oval of the course pUI·sued by the members of th e Dominion J:,agisla~ure at its last ses11ion in O ttawa, i n r efusing to disapprove of the Act of the Quebec Lei;:isla t nre , whlch made a grant of $400, 000 to the Jesuit Fa~ners of t~at _ Province. 'fhis meeting, wh1l? d1sc!aimmg a.II feeling nf p&rty pa.rtlz ·nsh1p and not entertaining any desire to 'l uestiou the right as far a.~ possible for the Provincial L egisla.\ures of th_e Dominion tu manage their own af· fairs, nevertheless, as the Act com plained of affects the whole D ominion and the refore can not be viewed as being confined to any single Province : the meeting disapproves of the J esui t Act for the fol lowing reasons : 1. The mon" ey is to be distdhu ted according t o the direction o f the Pope, tberehy superceding the authority of our beloved Sovereign, Queen 'Victoria. 2. The order for whose special benefit the money is awarded is known in history as the disturbers of the public peace m all the countries in which they have been s ettled ; in proof of which they have again '.1-nd again been expelled became of their crmst1'>n t interference wit h ·public affairs. 3. F r om wh at we can lear n we do not t hit1k that the J esuiG Fa. there have either a legal or a inora.l claim for tb.e rnoriey which has been awarded .them. Finally, the teaching of the .Te~mt Fathers accor<lincr t o their ownstandarde, we regard a.e -~ubversive - of nati_onal J<rosper~ty and tends to promote fact10us d1sputat10ns and ther efore should be opposed by every possible means. Succe·s guaranteed. Write f nr terms. This powder i s made only of strictly pure N E. c. SELOVER & CO., grape cream of tartar and strictly pure URSEHYl\I EN, Geneva, N . Y. 23 4 bimirbona.te of soda, ~ith a little whea.t m tlour to preserve it. This is attested by the """t"T'T official analyses of Government and State VV chemists, and physicians. a.nd chemists of Boards of Health throughout the country. . ---CLEVELAND BROTHERS, ALliWiY, N. Y. Wanted, 5000 l bs clean washed · · . 1 CLEVELAND'S BAKING POWDER 0 \)) s UPERIOR l S TOCK FOR SALE.- I have several h<!ll609, heavy draught, 1 rnnera.l purpose and drtvors tor sale or would exchange to~ cattle. Wi1 1 give good bargain, I have alsCJ for. sale. a litter of extra fine thoro'·bred Berk~~me pigsrea.df to wean. >yM. CouRTICE,lot ia~f,;,l!· Dailmgton, Courtice P. o. -::-'--=-:..:..--. - -- - - - - - - - - - I I ;~~~to~tl.e i~~aie~~~~ :t ~~~d ;:;.m~'!; j expenencf' necessa1·y. Any man not· afraid to 8 A L ES M A N WAN TE 0 0 0 ~e°X:-~ac;i!la ~~ce:~di~~en~ 9-th~a~a::r a~odu~~: 0 0 L H . C. Tait sells best spectacles. for which the highest price will b~ See the new prints just opened out at paid. ·Uouch Johnston & · Cryderman's. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. RoB'l'. 'VmTrrE, Agent, Bowmanville. tf. Bowmanville. 21 Ocean tickets by different lines of -::::=-4-:::-w:-: ·::· -:=:--~---------- wool delivered in Quick's Block L. QUICK, ~~~:ships for sale at the STATES~I{-N J, M, BRI1lACQMBE By the breaking away of the dam of a reset voir iu Pensylvannia a. number of p erw us estimated fr<llll S,000 to 15, 000 have beeo drciwnd and several towns and v illages in the Conem augh valley have been washed away. N o such calamity ever before occurrnd on this continent. Phillipe de Sailliers, the ex-Trappi!t Monk, who h n.s addressed Bowmanville audiences on several occasionB, has re· canted an<l gone back t o the Chut'ch of R ,1me. Father Chiniquy says this is four or five times that he has turned fror.u Roma.uism to Pro testantism and vice versa. The Trappists' food consists of. wa.ter and vegetables.. They sleep on boards with straw pillows and never undress, not even in sickness. _ MANY THAln!:S.- "My ag-e is 58 and for 20 years I have suffered from kidney comp laint, rheumatism and lame back, and would h ave been a d ead woman if it had. not been for Burdock Blood Bitters of which two bottles restored me t~ health and strength." Miss Maggie Hendsby, Half Island Cove, N. S. & JURY'S Still the rush for our English Hats DENTIST. cont i!lues. See ,J. J. Mason's Ha.ts at once. Gentlemei. ex;i.mine Tod Bros, stock of tweeds before leavin" yeur orders for OFJi'ICE :-Rear of Messrs. a spring bUit. .. "' Everybody in this district should know Higginbotham & Son's Drug that W. Quick & Ci>. ha>'e moved their Store, (down stafrs), groc0ry b usiness we·twa.rd to Mr. Backler's block, two doors east 11f the post B 0 W ~I A. .NV I L I. E. office, where thBy are n ow prepar od to suppiy the public wi t h everyth ing in the grocery l ine,and alRo th e best fresh meats. '."he store has been nicely fitted u p, and V.V · · VV · is now one of the ne < 1test in town. Call and see. 10,000 lbs. Wool wante d at the J os. McCausland & Sqn, Toronto, the well-known dt>signers aud workers in g lass, execute ch,>rming Memorial \Vio dows and Honshold Stained Glas& of every known deoct·iption. They also for which the highest price in cash make Cut, B evB led, Silvered and Bent will be paid. · Glass rn itll s 'zes and imp'>rt direct from t he makers an i mmense stock of British Also a lar~e s~ock of Sh eeting, P late which they ship t i> all parts Blankets, S tockmg Yarn. Tweeds, of Canada. &c., to exchange for W ool. "tTTQ QL f "tTTQQ . LI HAMPTON WOOLfN MlllS , A WORD TO FARMERS. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCEHN D. TAYLOR, Hiimpton, May 27th; 1889. Proprietor. ~:n,edica;l Hall. Suits, Suits. See the immense choice of Worsted_ s , TweeQ.3, &c. at Mason's ; theY"are selling ma.ny lines of fin1:1 Scotcli. tweeds (portions of the ·, McClurig ~_stock) at less th!ln they can Ee bought for today. Porter"s F oundry and Machiae shop is reopened. All kinds of ca.stings made and machine repairs done on short notice. The business will b <J ca!':ied on by the Porter Es tate und er management of Mr. Geo. Porter. Give them a call. The great Band Tournament takes place in Bowmanville n ex t Wednesday and Thur.;day. 'ren thousand people are expected in town . Immense preparations are being Full par t iculars in posters a.ud programs, which may he had from Chas. Roblin, Secretary, Bowmanville. . ~rs. M. J ennin gs, teacher of painting, m ·oil and water colors, ecenery, figures, work, etc:, is cow forming flowers, fan cy _ new classes and a few more p upils can be accommodated. Her class the last two mc nths has numbered about 40 pu pile and they are exceedingly well pleased with her instructions. The STATESMAN has seen some of the work done by them and pronounces it very fi ne. FAcTs- - Why can T. Geo. Mason sell the cheapest dry goods ? Because he has bought McC!ung Bros' stock at two thous· and. dollars ($2000.00) less than it cost them in the best markets ; because the goods a re nearly a.11 n ew and d esirable lines. Any reasonable person can see that·h e is able to sell at less than cost and make money . Do not h esitate but g o at once and see for yourself. This stock will be 'Sold in Mr. l:forsey's Stores, opoo ite 8. S. Edsall's for a short time. Me ssrs. McClucg Bros' due bills taken fo·r ii. time as cash. 0BITUARY. - lt is with feeli~gs of profound r egret that we this week r ecord t he. de ath ef Mrs. Barr, wife of Mr. C. D. Barr, of the Ctlr> ad-ian Post, which even t took place at~ the family re~idence on Bond-st. on Saturday last. For .several months previous i& was generally known that Mrs. Barr was sufferi ng from a most ~istressing ma.lady, from which she could not possibly recover, The 11.nnouncement of her death, therefore, on Saturday last was not u nex:pectecl . To say that the profou_ndest sympath y of 111 largo circle was with the deceased lady durinp; her long · and painf~l -illness, is to but pool'ly express ihe feelings that have moved this community for t he past few months. The high esteem-in which Mrs. Barr was h eld by every one t o whom she was known renden her early death the s ubj ect of the keepest r egr et throughout a large circle of acq"1ain tances. Socia.Uy her death is a loe~ which will be widely felt; to h er . affhcted husband and family that loss must be extreme. We unite with the community at large in tendering to Mr. Barr and family .the assurance of sincerest sympathy in their great sorrow. The . h t k I M d fune ra1, w h 1 c oo p ace on on ay to the English church, and thence t~ the u BowMANVI LLE, JuNE 13, 1889. Local and Otherwise. Something nice in Prints at th0 West ·E nd House: 10,000 dozen Eggs wanted e.t Tod B ros. 'Highest price paid in dry goods. . Hats in all the latest styles just to hand at Couch J ohnston & Cryderman's. l\fond11y Aug. 5th, a good time to begin a. full coui:ae in Chas. Ruse's E d uca·tiona.l School of Music. If you want the newest thing in t he -neck tie line call at the West End House. ,There is where you ge t it. Mrs. Dingman has new stock .of milline ry which she invites la.dies to insp ect. Rooms over Henry's Gallery. · STATESllI.ANS in wrappers all ready for .mailing at the office 3 cents p!Jr copy. .S,e.nd this weeks number to your friends. · We regret to learn that Mr. W . S. · ·ltussell will be unable to take his place on the Wimbledon Team this year. Mr. · Jno. Horsey will represent this town and .we hope pe will win honors a~ t he target. @ul'._.Carpets a re selling fast but we 'want room and '!Vill clear Brussels, Tapes t ries or Wool, U nio11 and H emp at · lower 'p rices than you ever R>~W· ~Or same goods. Do not buy before you -see J. J, M,ason's atQck, Rev. C. E. Mcintyre, of Orangeville, will pi;each Anniversaty. Sermons for the Church-st. Methodist Sabbath School, on Sunday. July 14th. Mr. Joblin is training the scholars for the occasion. The annual pic-nic in Stephens' Grove the followin g Monday. THE wASHINGTON TREATY is one of the important topics of the clay, but more im,port~t st ill tu s sufferer from ·catarrh is the question what r e medy shall I use 1 .T ry Js'a~a.l Balm. It never faHs, Mr. John Kelly, Comb~rmere, sa.ys :- Nasal >Ba.Im has helped me more tha.n I expected it would. 1 have not felt im well in nine years. I am s ure it make a perruanent cure. . . _ . Miss .Coulthoui gave h er. second r ecital 'here Monday night to a. very sma.Ii a.~dience. The program was first-class in _ every r espect. It is really too bad. that the Hall was no t; crowded to h ear such good talent. But it is very doubtful if Miss C's app.e aranee here was k n own out· side of the fr.mi!ies represented on the program. The usual ·courtesies were n-ot e ven extended to the P r ess, and the lea.ding local paper had no m ention of the concert: Life's r etrospect is alive .with dead o_ pportunities. Do you suffer from indi. g~ition; sl9'gg ish liver, headache or sour stomach> ? ' not the opportunity pass f! obtaining your normal condition. The well-kn: "\Til Eni;liah Remedy, Dr. Cockle's Anti-bif' s P ills, is a. safe and sure specific.- SoTd everywher e. In use about a 9 . century and a q uarter . STl!BBORN ()filLDREN rcndlly ta.kc Dr. J.a'W'sWornt Syrup. U pleasc11 tile c hilcl a1u\ dtl'.streys &he wer-. Darlington Council. HAMPTON, May 25 . P resent : The R egular meeting, Reeve, presiding, an d Messrs. Smale, Awde and Brent. Minutes ri;ad and confirmed. A petition from W. R ; Davey, J ohn Staples and James Byer~, to er ect a wire fence on the 8th con. line was granted. Rev. J. D. Dyer a claim for inJury t o a buggy at a culvert. Laid ever. R. Collacott asked to open a road b etwe en lots S and 9, "4th con. Referre d to Messrs . Smale and .Awde. Wm. McLaughlin and Luke ! 'otter claimed sheep da mages. Laid over. M essrs. Aunger ani Carter complained o f the state of the town line between Darlington and Cartwright. Mr. Bren t will m eet a. m ember of Cartwrigh t c r; uncli on t he matt'lr. Mr. Avery complain ed of the road adjoining his place, 10th con. R eferred to the Reeve. and Mr. Brent . · Mr. Wm. Law applied for improvement of the. r ead between lots 20 and 21 4th con; Referred to tbe Reeve. ' A deputation from Enniskillen co mplained of th e state of the hill road west of village. R eferred t o whole council. Mr. ~e~t.ham ~ applied for ope ning of r oad ad3om1ng h is place in 9th concession. Referred to Mr. Awde and the R eeve. F rederick Griffin was appointed pathmaster in beat 118~ : James Ashton P athmaster in beat f20! ; and George Power in place of.late Wilson Power. . Mr. A\'l·de is to continue negotiation with Mr. Mutton for a gravel pit. Mr. S male r eported verbally regarding the bridge on 5 th con. line , to the effect that a new bridge was contracted for. Ordecs were passed for the following sums ;- W. R. Climie, printing, $ 10.12 · Thos. Hill, sheep damages, $ 13.33 , W. Harnden, do., $4.33; Geo. A¥ery, rent of road, $2 ; Townsh ip clerk, county atlas, $6.25; IL. Brown, extra. work a.s Assessor, $16.15. Indigent personsW eller, $6; Sproule, Luff, Gay, Cornish and W ilson, $5 each ; Mallett and Courtice, $4 t>ach ; Campbell, Blain, Heard Robinson, Tri~k, Dean, Stacy, Sta.pie~ and L yle, $3 each,; Orchard and Greoory $2 .e ach, ; Mrs. Campbell, $1. 50. -~ The Court of Rl:lvisi"on met and adjudi. cated upon appeals, and confirmed the assessm ent roll. · · _ .v .,ounci · l adJ·o · urne d to June 2n. " R W .. T c· · INDATT, · · old friends or make n.,w ones, ~nd I inlxLAPLE GROVE. vite all who want acythina in the following lines to call and dee m°e and examine . Mr . .Tohn Snowden h a~ found hie hors goo d s an d compare pnces and qual ity b ees that he h st for a. week, back near fore placing your orders0 : agricult ural Scugog Lake. machinery, a:eam and horse power threshMrs. George Allin is on the sick ' list. ing machines, Bran tford binders, ·r eapers We congra tulate Mr. Che3ter Power and mowers ; seed drills, s.p ring -tooth a· k . in his joyfu l state, a Boy, e h~? cul t1vators, . is , sulky and iron harrows, V'{e thin'k some person take3 consider- riding and walking plowa, straw cutters, , also agen t able liberty in adver tising the anniver- g rain crushers, r oot cutters · sary without consulting the Committee. for t he Goold Bicycle Co., and St Thomas We wou ld prefer a dveriising in a paQer White Bron ze 1\fonumEon t Co. ; insurance effected 011 farm buildings and oriva t<l that has mere than 250 subscribers. reside nces at lowest rates. · -·-·- I take thismethod of thanking my old custc~mers l].nd the public ge n ~rally fo r the lib era l patr omge extended to me du r· ing the y_ears t hat I ha~e been in b usiness and h"'vmg fitted up a. ~ood show room o.nd office on the site 1ate1y ooou pied by . Mr. C. R ogers on Silver S t. , betwee n Percy's blacks mi th ah op and the News office, whe re I shall be pleased to s ee my I Au c_rrION SALE Valuable ~fil_l Property and Machinery. · ' Bow~ ma.nv1lle, i.t_one o'clock p. m., the property l~~ely occnpted by _ w, s. LOBB, consisting of s1 .x acres of l&:nd situate on lot sixteen in the nmt.h concessmn or the town·hip of Darlinl!· ton m the County of Durham. On the p~em· lees is u s_!tw mill with much valuable machin· ery._consistmg_ for the most p!l.rt of a steam en~_m e a.nd boiler. saws,, &c., o.11 at ~h1ch solrl with the land. l!'nll pat·· ; icul.ars with. terms imd condlttonH will be ,urn!shed at time of sale. Information can be o_ btamcd from any of the undersigned at any time. F. UU BI'r'l', LEYI A . TOLE, '.rr0i;stee, .Auctioneet. D, BURKE SIMPSON, 23-21v. hi~ Solicitor. A. D._. 1889, a.t the Raebottom House. ' -· - -0 F - SATURDAY JUNE i5TH There will be sold by Auction on THE STORY OF A WILL. (From the Toronto Ma il.) To the Editor of the M ail: Havinrr see n a letter in yo ur paper from Mr. "'J ohn Cooper, of this town, reminded me of an incide n t which occurred a bout three years ago. · A friend of mine, Mr. A. Seymour was staying at 'Vermillion Bay, on t he P. R., west of here. A leaacy was left to hirn by an un cle in Londm~,Eogland . Mr. Seymour was in such bad health at the time that he though t he would no t be alive when the legacy woul d r each h ere. He therefore wrotti t o me asking m e to have h is will p repar ed and sent to him for si"· nature, etc., app ointing me as the legat;e in trust. The will wa~ prepared by J ohn M . Munn, E.sq. , bar rister, of this tClwn, and wits sent to Mr. S eymour. It was returnect to me duly execut ed und is still in my pos3ession. ' le the sa.nrn letter was a req uest to send ha:lf a dozen bottles of \Varner 's Safe Cure, and s ome Pills. I sent them. I received a letter some t ime after asking m e t o send some more, as he was feelin g much better. I did so, and the n ext I knew Mr. Seymour himself came to to wn and told me (il.nd looked it) that he was a well man: H e got h is ·mon ey through the Ontario Bank he re, and is now in British Col umbia, and was in good health when I Inst h eard from him. I may say that I know b oth Mr· a nd Mrs. Coqper well, and the facts in Mrs. Cooper's case are as stated in Mr . Cooper's letter. :'fou can pub~isl~ this or not, ns you thmk fit, aO\I it 1s n othing t o me ei.bher way. Yours, etc,, \V. 0. DoJ\IE, .T. P. · Port Arthur, Ont. , May 23. [The fo regoing letter is bona fide, and not an advertisement - EDITOR MAIL .1 points, machi ne s · oilHeadquartenforplow a nd axle grease. JAMES McLEAN, 14·tf. Bowman ville. -H -ER -IF -F'S S ~ A. l.... : :.E :. . .· .:. c'. By virtue of ~ Writ of Fled l!'acla3 issued out of H~r ~l!J~sty's High Court of J ustibe, Ch la tncf e r vWJ?1 ~1 s10n Rn'\ to me directed at the eu o 1lham C1·awford, and agaiast the Goods and Chattels of Th~ Bowman ville Agri ,.. O ..._ F LOUR, ir 1 0 ws.········ $2 50 to $ 2 80 cu~tu_ral a nd Carriage Works Compani WHEAT, Fall, ~ bush. . . . · O 00 11 O 90 (Limited), I have sei:<edand taken as be1ongiJig Spring " 0 00 11 0 "0 tc o th!' said The Bowmanville .Agricultural and " , · ··. . " arnage Works Company (Limited) all the BARLEY, ~ bush, No. l, ... 0 50 11 0 00 Stock in trade.of The Bo.w-manviJl.e A gricnl· 11 11 11 2 .... o 45 11 0 48 tural and Carrrage w·orks Compa,uy (Limited, II, II II 3. , . . 0 45 II 0 00 CON9IST1NG 01' R YE, " 0 60 II 0 65 I such . articles as Mowing Machines, plougbs. ··· ··· ···· bnggtes, sleighs, hay teddere. wagons whiiel OATS, " ....... .- , 0 30 11 0 00 Jb_ arrows, wood, coal, ir?n (scrap nn plg), Cfll'· PEAS, Blackey e, lfl· bush.. . O 70 " 0 00 1 r iage and wagon supplies, 011, castinga, resin, " Small, u o 60 11 0 68 varmsh, ead,_ P1U fi!t>ago. eo::<ery, copperine, Japan. paints. b8.bb1t metal, steel washers 11 Blue u O 70 11 0 75 bolts, office furniture, machinery ' moulding 08 · Datterns, t.ools. harness ' and other B UTTER, b@~t table , ~ O 00 11 ·o 14 a. b~J!'. ticles valued at $H71.83· Book debtsamountEOl:J'S, ill' doz ..··.··.....· 0 00 11 0 12 mg to $1616.51. ' POTATOES, b ush .· . .· , , . O 00 11 O 00 ,8t hock b sheets of the stock in trade an d a list ,.. Io, t .e ook debts o"' se<:'n at any time on P ORR, ir cwt ... ... - . . . . . 6 50 11 7 00 l apphcat10~ _ t o Frederic Cubitt. Esqaire, Cletk HAY, lr ton . . . . . . . . , . . .. 12 00 11 ] 3 00 of the D1v1s1on Court. at h is office in Bowmanv11le, or ~o the Sheriff at his office in Cobon:rg, . -·alt or wh~ch property I shall olfer fgr sa!e"a t the Sheriff's office, Cobourg, on .BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, ()orreeted by J. McMurtry, eTery Tuesday __ . I I '° l:b::: Entrance Examinat ions. will J'. THE NEXT ENTRANCE EXA.MID., 1889, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon n ation for Bowmanville High School A. 'l'he property will be oft'ered for sale en bloc. · will be held on I. 0 . PROCTOR, JULY 4th, 5th and 6th , Sh 'ff' Offi C Sheriff, U. C, N ,, &;.D. er. s ce, obourg. 21- 2w. ~ommencing each day at 9 'l.,m, lnt en d m g candidates shuuld send in th0ir names to the undersii,?ned, as s_ oon as possible .M. M . FENWWK. Thursday, May 30th, . JI. M. H. S ., 23-3w Bowman ville . Market Square, WILL PAY CASH FOR A certain and speedy cure 'for Cold in the Head an<i Catarrh in a ll i~ stages. Riv~rside cemetery;- was largely attended. Lrndsay Watchman. · - a tch, clock and jewellry repairs ti tt d d promp y !I en e and satisfaction guaranteed at. the Co-operative J ewelry Stor e . · Are you in need of a pair of specks, / if so you can get a pair of fine perescopic glasses for uOc. a t the Co-operat· , J ewellry S tore. · ive Morris' Carriage ks h· t fi :vor . as _ g o a rst. 1 c a.s.s pam~r. Pa;ties rnt,endu~g to have ~~:!n_r ~r;;!eastroenpcaeii...atnedd thhai~·espt rliln eg m bdroin nge " style. · up rn g ood W NERVE ·TQR1 URED, -" I s uffered with n euralgia and found no relief until I used H& gyard 's Yellow Oil. Since then I have also_fo und it an invaluable remedy for all pamful burns end c uts, rheumatism and sore throat, " Mrs. F. Cameron 137 Richmond Street West, Toronto. O~t. , A C?NFECTIONER s CONFIDENCE,- "! can pla.rnly state that I can find nothin!J' better than Hagyat'd's Yellow Oil. 't have rh eumatism occasionally, and Yellow 011 does me great good. You can use my nsme if you wish." Yours t rul H · D nic tk . inson, Confectioner, S t . Tl{;mas; 0 . Butter, Eggs, Lard. Bacon, Hams, Hides, Tallow, etc .. BOWMANVILLE. T_ D E RED ()01.0R ot" th~ blood ls t'Rmed by the Iron it coutalus. :i' Sil.pply t h 1 ;vheu. L·:t~n g .by lt!ilng nmni..rn's c B~~r. - rtrn an 'l i-ne. SODTHINC, CLE~SINC, HEALlNC:. Instant Relief, f ail ure Impossible. Permanent Cure ' l l Many so-called diseases are simply sympto~..ol Catarrh, such as headache, partial d.eafmess, lollti»g sense of smell, foul breath, hawking ancl spittjµg nausea, general feeling of debility, etc. If you_;,r~ trou bled with any oftbese or kindr~d S)'_mptoms, j:ou have Catarrh, and should lose n o time m procU>ting a bott le of NASAL B AL M. B e wa>'liu'l in tim,e neglected cold in head results in Catarrh, follow.ed by consn;nplion a~d death. NA5 AL ~A LM is sold. by all. druggists, or w ill be sent, post pa!d, on receipt.-cl pnce (50 cents nnd $z.oo) by addressing FllLFDRD & CD., 8ROCKYILLE, O N T< ~Beware of imitations similar in na111-c · ·

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