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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1889, p. 7

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/ RPWW~ TMas:::uz:a:m:_a~~ ~ 11 mitm!D"~!f~~~'.~*3!-!'~w~t~r~-~--'-- -· ---·----------·-..:.:..._._,_ ._ . -'-~~!~~~!~~~ ~}Utadiauj tat tlttlHl, U. ! of Secucy. ! Until your hair becomes dry, thin, and It is only a few weeks ~.ince the newspap· gray before giving the attention needed T.ho explorer ~hnley ha.s ha.d i:n op~or- ers reported tlie Ru·sia.n. E 1r. pe1 or ns haviug to preserve its beauty and vitality, ' A .d' tumty, ~urln11: his present ~o~rney in Afnca., knighte:l a privaoe eoldie! in 8i l)~ri!.\ for reK eep 011 your toilet-table .a bottle of 1 ADYJ.~ 'IO Mo1'HERS.- re you to outl~ne .the southern 111;i11t of the famous maiaiDg a.t h'ie po~t during a. tcl'nble earth· Ayer's Hair Vigor-the only dressing tu-i:.~· ·1 at night and ?roken of Y.our r~i Akka p1gm1ea whom S~hwemfurth wa.s ~he · quake, wl: ea all around him wl.\S ruin and 1 by t.,.,,..~k child .suffermg and cry mg wit. first to. study o!" their nort~ern fro'.ltrnr. conQterna.tion. It certainly W all a rnaoly and ! yon require !or the hair-and us·e a little, pain of Cutting Teeth~ If so send at These little gypsies of the Afr1can.fores.t are heroilJ ac:b, but ib ts n ot the Krst imtanae of j daily; to preserve the natural color and once and get a bottle of ".Mrs. Winsl<?w's far more nui;rierolis on tho rou.te Stanley fol- this Bort displayed by a R ussi11o'1 sol dier, for I prevent baldness. Soothing Syrup." For children _teeth~ng, lowed thai: Ill any other region where ,they there was a Birni!ar occurrence in 182·1 durThomas Munday, Sharon Grove, Ky., Its. value ie incalculable. It will relieve have ~ee:i met, Along 200 miles 0! the_u'p per inga. tromendoueiound:.tion in S~. Petersburg, writes : "Several months ago my hair t.he' poor little sufferer imme .diately.. De· Aruwim1 he saw ~bout 150 o.f their villages when a sentinel at the Imparial p.,iace,stay· commenced falling out, and iu a few or ci!.mps hidden m the dense fore~ts; yery ing knee deep in, pend upon it, mothel'S ; there IS no few of them go sou~h of the Afuwmu R,t vei. REFUSED TO LEAVE }{IS Pos-r weeks my head was almost bald. I G~:: ::.,::~:~ ~ mistake about it. It cures Dysentery They cal~ the.meelve.s the Wambutti; bu t, 1 even at the command Gf . t he Emperor himself, tried many remedies, but they did no and Diarrhrea regulates the Stomach and they are 1dent1ca.l with the Akka. . fu!ther I.and remained 'there until his supgood. I finallybougl1t a bottle of Ayer's Bowels cure~ Wind Colic, softens the no~th, of whot?1 the la.tea~ accountii were erior in a boat and rehmsed him. Yet, Hair Vigor, and, after using only a .part Gums, 'reduces Inflammation, and gives written b~ E~m, fl.nd pubhsh~d last year: · 1 in both in~·aoces there w11s only I\ striob ad'. · of the contents, my head was covered tone and .energy to the whole sy~tem, . S.b11nley a discove.ry th ..t ihe Aruwmn heren~e to duty, and llV6n the fear of a rigid with a heavy growth of hair. I recom. ···Mr!!, Winslow's Soothing Syrup" rifor limits the wr.nderlnge of .these remarkable milit1tory diecipline may somewhat 11ccount mend your preparation as the best ha.irhildren teething is pleasant to the taste nomads on the.south ~hows us tha.b thlly l?'re for ib. . . c . - · f f th Id scattered over a territory about one-third ' . . restorer in the world." Iii and is the prescr1pt1on o. ?ne o .e o · lar~er than the Sbo,te of New Jersey Sever- ( T!iere WJ.s ~boy of 12 of age,, how"My hair was faded and dry," writes 11 e t and best female physicians and nu~e11 :t>,l h~ndred · ' · ever, a pour, ignorant lat!e follow w1ohouu Mabel c. Hardy, of Delavan, Ill. ; ,. but Tha wbolelotock belonging to the e~ bte of the In the United States, and is for sale liy 'alJy tra.ining a.t ail, one of the so.called &H druggists through the wodd, P1foe· ·llllLEs OF DENSE 11'vRESTS . ·motzib, born in bondage, in the t~rrib'. e ~f=:gbfa~~t!~dogf!:seyr'.! Hair Vigor 25 cent:. a bottle. ' Be sure and ask for lieparate them from t~e equ\\lly interestio_ g re~lln of Empero.r, Nic!1olaa. The .lord of "M wINSLow's . SooT.llING SYRUP' Ba.twa dwa.rfe, who live south of tho b11r this boy we.a N1cn0Ja3 first fllvonte and RS. · . northern bend of the~Congo. It is prob11ble famous victor of Turkey, Ptirsir. and Pul1md, and take no other kmd, that the Akka. tqual or exceed the B!!.twa. !n Prince Pt>akie'Olitz Erivansky. lb happened Sold by Dnigg!sts and Perfwners. number, though ~he latter are scattered over that at the .Prince's sc,j-mrn in his rural posris being offered an area twice as large as that whic:h the sessions his c~ildren evinced a. desire to CONS1JltlPTIOl\" C1JRED. Akka inhabit, They may not have met or secure · the nest of a lird with her young An old physician. retired from practice. hav- hea.rd of each other for ma.ny gtnera.tions, ones, and a epecia.l dE. ;er was dispatched to ing had pla.ced ·In his hands by an India bub the numerous respects in which they are procure the coveted thing from the forester. So disfiguring to the face, forehead, and missionary the formula of a simple vegetable neck, may be entirely removed by the remedy for the speedy and pe?manent cure of et:Fikingly Bimiliar ·eem to indicate tha.t they Failing to get it l\fter a. thorough search of Bear in,mind it is one of the best assorted Millinery stocks in tGwn. Consump,tion, Broncllitis. Ca.tar~'h. .Asthma. had a -common origin. Living among other the woods, the forester asked the peaeant use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the best and an<i all Throat and Lung .Aif~ct1ons, also. a tribes, they have not adopted the language boys, CA.LI.., AND . lNSPEC'l'. safest Alterative and Blood-Pnrltler ever positive and radical cure tor Nervous Deb1l,1ty can USl!D TO ROAM IN THE WOODS and all Nervous Com_plalnts, after havrn,g cf their naighbora. Ma.ny discovered. · · Itlwill just cost you ONE HA.LF of the prices usually paid to hav& tested its wonderful curative powers in tho~· epe~k Ba.l?lo, the most preval~nt language ~o for. berries, if they knew where a neat wa.s sands of cases, ha.sfelt it his duty to m~ko 1t tlle1r territory, b11t no Balolo mterpreter Ill to be found and · only one boy Svicrz"nof Dr.·J, C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. your order filled. Fancy Goods at the same terms. bown to his sutfering f0llows. Actuated by the serv!ce of explo.rers ha.a been able to con· ! responded ~ffirrnatively; bub Sold by Drugglete; fl i 1lx bottles for tS. refused t~ · this motive end a desire to relieve human su1fering [ "Wi·l send free of cllarge. to a.11 who. verse with Batwa 10 ~hell' own lan~age. I ehow the place, txplaining that it was not ®sire It' ~his receipt. in German, French or Th~y have shown the_n1eelves exceaa1vely diacovered by himsdl, but bv a friend of JCnglish-:\rvltfi full directions for preparing and uSing, 'S ent by mail by addressing with timid . or very ferocious ID the presence of his a.nd W!\8 shoivn to him under a pledge 1 due bills taken. stamp, naming thiB paper. W . .A:. NOYKS. H9 white men, and for this reason no Bltwa of ~ecrecy. vocabulary haa .yet been collected. When Considering this ~Xl)lan»tion &s a subter. Power's Block, Rochester. N. Y. 41-ly ~heir language becomes known it will bo fuge, aimed to Eq'le·z"3 out a few copiibs, mterl'sting to observe whether the epe~.h of he wau offered a. wno!e r·ouble (oopeika~), an the Bitotwa.a.nd the Akka afford add1t1~nal amoiln b of money never 11rnn by a peasant ()onsumption Surely uured. proof.that~ eome past age the two tribes boy in those times, Bnt w h~n not only a . rouble; but even a golden piece (6~eroublee) , Has just received an immmecse ne w stock were identical. a:'o THE EDITOR : · o ! all kinds of Mlllinery consiating of T_ h e Akka had not attacked whit~. men could not shake the b oy's forthude; then the Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the a.hove named until they ma~e th~ Stanley EXped1tJon a forester and his par ty became inforillted, disease. By its timely use thousands of targetJ for their poisoned a.rro~a. T~ey I and after givirig the hd a terrible fl ogging, h'opelesa ca.sea have been permanently produced a very unfavorable ur.p:ceH1on with no bette~ ienult. they threatene l to h ? c:olls then?, "a ve?omoua, shoot him, and only the interference of the cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles upon Stanley w. E:n rn sa.ya prince's offi ier preven ted his death. of my remedy FREE to anv of your readers cowardly, ani thiev1sh raoe. in all the newrst st yles and shapes to be Boing informed d the occurrence, Prince procurcn. Ladies should call early and -STOCK OFwho have consumption if they will send me they are very m ..ko their "elect· ions belore the t<>ck ts PASSIONATE AND VINDICTIVE, Paskiewitz bec< interested in the little picked addreRs. th'eir Express and P. 0. _ over. 'l'oia stock is one of the largest Respectfully, Dr. T. A. SLOCU)I, 164 and they beoome dangerous even to tho tribes martyr, but neither his persuasions nor his ever brought to tcwn, '°"' " O ~ O ~ D -~ ~ among whom they live if their requesbs are kindnesa wa, of a.ny avail with tho boy. West Adelnide st., Toronto, Ont. ·:.1; _J not granted Bobh Akk11o and ·Ba.twa are The Ptincewaa boohigh.mindedto abusehim, OYER $1,000 WORTH OF RIBBON. usually lighter in oolor th!lon the surround- but pr~vided the.hoy with ... Hberal ~ilitary Inspection invited, i,; u uusually attra.ctive this ~ea.s0n . . ARM lN PICKERING FOR SALE. ing peoples. .Another' striking eimila.rity la I educat100, M1d 1n the course o! time the - Oae ot the best farms In Pickering for that their woolly hair usually grows in tufts. poor peasant slave becime a ma3or general sale containing 125 acres, all of which are Von Francois ea.w B,.tW!lo with .as ma.ny &!I o~ t_h? R1salan army and commander of a cleared and In high state or cultivation. On for by tufts on their heads, all painted a fiery d1vmon. the premises are a good dwelling house and ont buildings and two wells. Tl\iS property is red. Both are eal!'er cannibals, An Akka P.EARLS Of TRUTH.. situated' oil lot.' 15, b. r., one mile and a halt who lone: served Ewin went hcma at last LOCAL AGENT FOR from Pickering village, half a mile from Grand because he sg.ld, he w"s tired of beef. "'Here . -.- . . Trunk Station. three miles from Pickering is meat for u,, .. waB the e:io;clamation GrimWe J~St enoug'l religion to m11oke ns n1" He.rbor, and six miles from Whit~. Fm bought for CASH at the lowebt point th e market ha3 tou ched further particulars apply to JAMES PICKARD fell sometimes heard as t he .Batwa arrows 1 hat~hhut no. enougn to make ue love one on the premiRea, o~ Pickering, P. 0. 29- l;C tattlei against the steEll net work which j ano er. · ·· -AND.:iovered )lie 'eteamer. Both rema.rka.bly When a true e.~nrus appe.u .s in tho world I you may know b1m by this s1g o, t hat the ARM FO& SALE.-130 acres, com· ~:xpert as h untilrs, a~d the ir m i ~ 8 i en in life . du~ ces are all In against him. posed of south part of Lot No. 19, Broli.en ;eems to be to provide l11rgcr people with . Front and ia three miles from the 'l'own of ~h d Rk'ns · nge for Some· m0n nouou -0 e~ch TOWN PRICES KNOCKED OUT. 1 f ~ame, eau en, an ' ~ ~ d ' 11ndec d" th" ~ · + h,,f weeding t a BO\V1 Bownianville. Thia is one of the b~et vegetable produce. Their methods of hnn· ou t I!fl'J UA.NVILLE, · ONT u iaes tira ic:a.e v1r.ue, ones Y e.o the count.y of ham. 1t is in o. h1gh gt.I.ta of cultivation and is well fenced · On the pre- clng the same, with the exception that religion, OFFICE A.T FACTORY. mlses there Iii e. stone dwelling, two large while the B<Atwa use both the bow a.nd spear The !eason why so fe"'. rna.rriage1 a~e barns and other ont-buildlnga, with stone i;he Akka according to Emin, make Exclu- happy is bec..use young ladies spend their etabling for CJattlo and horses, three wells ~nd four~ clst · ns. also wiod·mill for pumpmg 8IVe uae of the bow and arrow. Both are time in making nets, not in making cages. water~ l ;,.-:f urther partlculare apply on the !cattered over . t heir countries in small com· -['3>\'.ift. prem1eee r<i! by Iettet to HENRY MANN. Bow· criunitie1, a.nd often change their plaoe d How would you be? 31- tf ma.nvllle · by J~hn abode to go to fresh hunting grounds, B.ltb If hi:, which is the top of j':dgment, ehould Clearred, Died.:_Pres8ed and_ Ropalred by intermarry to ·"' con9idQ.rable extent with But Judge you aayon are? Oa.-l th~k ?D that, ~ First-eiass ·Urroundiug tribes, and And m~rcy, then, will breathe Wlthm your THE MIXED PROGKNY. hpsnew mado.-[Snakespeare. . . ' . Like man Leave not off pra.ying to G<>d. for either D:rer and Clothes Cleaner. ACRES, being lot 25, con. 5, ue lil(hter In colour than .the large tr1b1111, 0 Township or Whitby, known as ·Uld dwarfi~, ~hough considera.bly taller than pra.ying wlll ll) thee leave off sinning, or Goods warranted to be as no one will know tho Bradley Estate. The land Is In the highest. ohe pur_e p1gm1es, who are from four feet I continuing in ~in will make thee desist from A. : QOL~, them f rom now when done. Btl!.te of cultivation. 150 acres elea,ed and well · Corner or King and ·Ontario Streets, fenced. the remaining 15 acres being wooded three inches to four feet and A half in praying.-[Fuller, Hampton, April 10th, 1889. 1 land. On tile p remises areasplendldtwo·and' · height. One of tne saddest things about human Bowman ville. . ·· a-halfstoreybrick dwelling 30:d0, with kitchen . As ~he azo1crocks crop out her~ and there nature is that a. man may guide others in 20x30. a bsrn 106x36, with stabllng for 10 horses ·nd 30 cattle ; there are also all other necessary like }1ttle islands on th~ world B s_urfa.ce, the path of life without walking in it himoutbuildin11;s. There is a. good orchard, plenty showmg the oldest geolog1c111l formation of j solf ·that be m11oy be a pilot and yet a cast · ofsmallfruit·, t wo wells supplying plenty of which w~ !1ave kno~ledge, so these pigmy .1way. - [Anon. good water, two good cist erns, and a n ever c?mmun1t1es In_Africa. are re~a!ded as ve·· 1 Ttiere is an infidel "don't," which fai 'ing 8pring. Ther land has never been r un tlges of an ancient and inf~rior race, who is the Devil's net t'o catch the heedless ; down by being rented. Onecorner of this farm' reaches into tbe village ot Brooklin. Thus It were nearly awepb out of existence by in- &nd there is a Christian "don't care" which is quite convenient t o busine·s places. poet coming waves of stronger pop11la.tions, leav-1 is a cord of God to dr .aw men toward Rea.· office, churches, schools, or railway station, ing as testimony of tneir an~ient prevalence ven. - [H. W. B~eoher. · It is on the leading road north from Whitby, Verily there is nothing so true tbst t he the Uounty Town, and belng only H miles only the vestiges we find in the D"ko o, distont. l'hue both for size, quality or soil, Abyssinia., the Obongo ,of the west coast1 datnpa of errors have not warped it, Verily situation a:ud every other essential pomt, this the Akka of the north Congo, the B!l.twa of there is nothing so false, that a. sparkle ol farm cannot be eurpal'sed DY any In the county', tho .south Co.n~o, and the bushmen of South truth is not in it,-'-Tupper. and Is in-condition for the purchaser to make Measure not men by Sundays, withllut money from tho start. · 'l'erms reasonable. Africa. This is only a theory, supported, Apply to D. ORMJS'J'ON.Whitby; JNO.BRADLEY, llowever by the fact that all our knowledge rejlarding what they do all the week after 2nd con. of Reach; or to CH.~8. COAKWO:LL. OD of t~em seems to point to their h~mos;e- -Fllller. ' the premises. 21- Sw. neity. Undoubtedly the strongest evidence Brooklin, May Z2nd. 1889. favoring this theory is the fact that their Wearing the Slippe:r. languages, so far a.a we know them, are reMowry, one of the l'arly writers on the 111.ted, and have no points of affinity with a.11y of the other groups of African lan- h abits and customs of the African tribes, tells an amusing story of a. lady's slipper guages. which by SJme chanoe was carri~d .nto the country baok of C11ope Colony, and handed Against Tobacc:>. aboub with delight and a.dmiration among The Anti.Tobacco Association of St Jobn, the Hottentots. It was a ba.11-alipper of N. B. , have published the priz"' essava on embroidered white ea.tin. tobacco written by Rev. Mr. Wilson and When M owry travelled a.mong Miss lligney, Mr. Wilson mentions that, the tribes a year later, be found that every at the lnweet estimate, the money consuined woman of distinction possessed a imit. vearlv on t obacco would construct t en r ail- ation of thia slipper, made uaua.lly of bMk. r oads around the globe a.t a cost of $25 000 She w.oro it only on occaaions flf gre11.t im pAr mile, and a surplus of $162.500.- portance, ti.e d to a string and hung abont 000, It would, we think, be a d"sirablo thing her neck, and showed i n with comphcent ~o hav11 ten railroads round the globe. pro. smiles to the ~tranger, to prove tha.t sh ~ vided the locomotives could be prevented kept up with t he fa.ehions ae well as her from smoking. out we are afraid that Mr. white sisters. Wilson has left 011t of accoun t the engine· Tqfa seems absurd enough to us, but have erlng diffic:ulties in the .w ay of bridging the we nob, also, customs tha~ are quite as ridiAtlantic and Pacific Oceans : tne cost of culous? whioh would use up the aurpulus of $162 Tb.e head of a seminary for girls, in one of OFFICE 01" CHARLES A.. S~ · YDER, ~ 5CO,OOO. Mies Bigney says tha.t a few drops the Middle S :ates. said, a few mont.hs ago, BRRRDER 011' C LEVELAND BAY AND TROTTillG BRED HORSES. of the essential oil of toa.bcco would kill e. " Five eighths of my pupils take lessons in man. The compa.ratlvely small number of music, Of those, proba.blv, five in a hundred DR. B. :r. KBNDArLC~woon, ILL., Nov.20, 11388. men who have met death in this manner become musicians ; they love the art and Dea r Sirs: I h ave a lw aye purchased your Kendall's Spavin Cure by the lialt dozen bottfes, I shows the di ffi culty of extracting the essen· give to it the large amount of ti11Je, labor an:l GUARANTEED TO COVER 50 PER OEN':l. MOBE PHAN would like prtces tn larger quantity, I think i t Is tial oil. Mies Bigney quotes another writer patience it demands. on e of the bes t Unimento on ea.rth. I h ave W<ed iii en my st.Wies tor three years. who says that if hie do~ were to acqnire the ANY OTHER OX IDE LN THE J.lfARKEP. "Of the others, a few girls, after leaving , Yours truly, CHAS, A. SNYDER. tobacco habit he · would shoot him. Mos~ school, keep up thr ugh life their pl'a.ctice men, we think, would do the same. W he.t nough to sing simple songs and hymns, and F ORMS BEAUTIFUL _ WAB.lfC TINTS with WHITE LEAD. oould be wore annoying than to come hom to play the ewceb, l 11>milfar Dfelodies of which BaooKLYN, N. Y., November 8, JSSS. and find your dog sitting on the front steps their parents or ·children are fond, They DR. B. J. KE'IDALr. co. and camly puffing awa.y a.t the H avanas for are not scientific per formers, but their music Dear Sirs : I desire to give you test imonial ot my DOES .NOT SCALE OB PEEL OFF. good opl.ulon or y our Kendall's Spavin Cure . I have which you pay ten dollars a box ? A man gives pleasure in their homee, and often I used it ror J,ame ness, Stiff' Joints 11,nd is not bound to find a. dog in tobacco, and soobhes and quiets their own strained nerves. , ~f;~~~~~~~J 1t~~ff~~;i~!nae~~e cu1 ·e, I cord1COVE RS 100 PER CENT MORE THAN LE_£· . if i;he dog's life is · miser a.ble withou t t!ie " Bu t the great majority of girls ~ ho Youra truly, .A. H. GILBERT , w eed, itJ is the part of hum~nity as well as lea.rn music only do it because it ie conbider - 1 lla.nager Troy Laundry Stables. of economy to shoot h im. ad tho proper thing for a uirl in good society to do. Their pa.rents, however small th~ir "The originals of tile moeb bea.ntifnl female means, are heavily taxed for years to psy wares in' the paintinEB of Hans Maka.rt, the for their lessons 11nd a piano is pnrcha.ned !.\t famous p~inter, hving in Vienna., They a large outlay. W hen the girl comes bome a re t he two daugh ters o,f H err Klinkoech, a from school, has learned, p erhaps, by the leading gold and silver smith of the city, sacrifice of an h our's Ia.bor a day for .years, Klinkoach, t he la. ther, is an expert in his pro · to etrum t hree or four marches and waltz~s. fe$sion, Most of his work consists in d esign- She plays them until everybody is tired of ing presents for . the roya.l family and t ho them ; but she never opens the piano t o Government, as gifts to foreign ambassadors. give oleasure to herself or others. Maka.rt was hie intimate friend, ann, receiv "The same thing ls tru e, in a less degree, ini? permission, painted his daug hters as the of girls who learn to paint without any love Price $1 per bot(\le, or six: bottles t or $5. All Druggist s have i t or cS~et it t or y o11, Or it will be sent heroines of his great paintings. Instantly for t he u.rt." ~r':.nJ'n~'iI:eJ~ lt'im."1in.?.~ ~~~b~si:i..vJ~~~ they became the rage, and the V iennese Nothing can widen or beautify the horizon 'SOLD B~ ~LL DRUGGISTS. Court, usually so panctilione r egarding ques- of a woman's life m ore surelv t han one of tions of birth, freely welcomed t he beauties these arts, if faithfully lovsd and used. Hub immortaJiz3d by the brush of t he pa.inter. to waste money, time and labor on them pit rl · is d eepest, the pit that ie It is some years n ow sil.1oe Ma.k art died, but simply to "be in the fashion," is as foolish most unexp( =iid and moet unfathomable · is the hr au t iful K linkosch sisters, although a In the white woman as it is for tho black t o t hat which is t he wonder and glory of God's litt!e "p>M!eee," ar e still see!} in Vienna for show a. ball-slipper 11bout her neck · t hought·aod hand- our own eoul.- [H. W. soc10ty. They a.ra both unmari 1 ·d. which she ne ver cr.n wei1r upon h or feet. Beecher. ' . - · I!itanley THE APRIOA~ DWARFS. A LITTLE. R~~SIAN 11ERO. Not to Ile llrlbed hito '11re:ill.h!!5 His Co11 nrms tl1e Exlste11ce of the Won·'lul Akim J.>Jgmics. l'lt<i~ I .3 0-0 n,t w · a. It 1 I WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1889. I I , MILLllfERY · -----o and-Summer Spring ... · ' I · . _. · T Ay'er's H a1" r v 1"gor, [ATE MRS. MORRISON Pimples and Blotches, at 75 cents on the VVl1olesale $ he ----~ · - N.EW MJLl INERY stamping done as ~Grocers' usµal~ MRS. DONNELLY "W. MORRISON. Hats,Bonnets,Flowers, j Velvets andRibbons L 'S .· ~ DRY G _), F in Dress Goods, Clothing JAMES DEYMAN Some plums and Gent's Furnishings, Dom1· on Or:gans PI..A.N""OS:J F Fine 0 rd e:red Clothing, a specialt:v: Gents' lJlothing Farm Produce taken. in_exchang·e · for Goods. Farm for Sale. I 16 ,. , I . T H 0 ·S. p E AT Mr. Elio.t t, .Our Due Bill taken as Cash the reliable grocer. Come along. and secure bargains. F. Hampton.. I KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUREa 92 PER CENT OXIDE .OF IRO Nm KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUREa ·KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. KENDALL'S SPAVIN OURt. I 9ti'iie

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