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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1889, p. 8

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· C'YCLONE -SALE ----o--- 'S. INDISPUTABLE FACTS: "'W'"e are now showing the largest s. t ock of D RY G 0 0 D S and CLO'THING MATE RIALS in town. Our stock is the best bought stock iri Bowmanville, quality and price considered. Tremendous Bargains in Tweeds, Dress Goods, &c., the balance of McClung's Stock. "'W'"e are in a position now to undersell all competitors on leading lines. VV e will sell to any one buying l?rge parcels at less than we or· any other dealer can buy wholesale, as our desire is to make a rapid ' clearance. VVe.have sold to merchants last week of the highest standing, A 1 cash men. · Remember, this is a mat.ter of dollars and cents to all who want ~j'oods. Do you want to buy? V\Te can and will save you money. VVe don't say goods at half price, but if we can't match any reliable goods shown in town, at less pricei we will not ask you to buy from us. -W--e a re, &c., The official prngramme, of tho Band Tournament to ve held her.,, undei- the auspiceR of t'he D. O. & P . Co".s Band, on June, 12th, and rntb , will be ou.t tbi~ wee~, This eveot will ba one of the big things m the h iRl.ory of t biS town: Already. some eighteen Bands b l\ve signified iue1r 10ienlion of being pres1,11t. Dl!COBATION DAY.-Florence Nigbtiu gale Lodge No. 66, 1. 0.0.F., are completing arrangements for holdiog their Annual Decor11tion Services on Friday, June 10\h, to which ..n sister Lodge~ in the town and Whilby arid Oshawa will be invi_ ted to participate. The Council will also be asked to make a Civic recognizar.ce of the .same. SeJVice will commence at 2 p.m. Daring the present week a gang of men have been engaged trenching the ground of foe Old Kirk Burying ground, which is about lo be sold. Trenches, six feet apart are being dug from · one bnd of the lot to tbe other, sci &ha& wherever there is a bodv buried, one end of the coffin is. easily located. As soon as the spots are all marked Messrs. Prower aud Morris, will proceed' to take up the bodies and inter &hem iu the cemetery. The Old Kirk was one of the first burying grounds in the township, and some of tbs b!>dies have been tb11re upwards of sixty· years. No interment hllB t'lken plaoe 'there wilhin the last twenty.five y_ e ars. Our readE>re will do well to guard against a new stdndle that a Chicago firm is attemptiug to wor~ on them. A great many of their circulars came through .the Bowmanville post office last week, and through other offices in the township. The circular requests that you send lhem your photo, and they will make yon "a .fall life size crnyon porkait free of charge. '·' All lhey require of you is that yon exhibit the picture to your friends as an adver.tisement. How fair !Ind honest Ibis sounds, dosen't hr Well if you send · a picture, in about three we9ks you will get a letter saying th11t the portrait 1s ready for shipment and is an excelleot one~ n will also srggeat that you senil aloog 83 to pay for a good frame, so that it will not be damaged io shipn.ent. The sum beinl! a small ou'1ay for a. $35 picture and a $10 frame, yon will probably send it-and get gulled. You will never see either piolure or frame. If you have a spare photo send it lo lhem, and von will find lhat we are correct. Keep your 33 al home. BOWMANVILLE METHODIST . DISTRICT MEETING. This meeting was held a\ E nniskillen, 28th and 29th. All the M:ioisters were present except two who were excnsed on account of physical infirmity. The probo.lioners having passed a creditable examination were coniinued on lrial, and Mr. Wm. Alfred Bunner, was received on probalion. This closed the first day's proceedings. Rev, J. W. ToUen, was eloole'.l Secretary, and Rev..J. Thom, M. A., Aasistrm1. On the second day the Lay represenh1tivee were in attendance in great numbers. U was gralifying to find that while some of the circuits !'RV very small ealaties that no deficiencies were repoPted. There was considerable iilorease in some of the col· Jeolions, more especially the Missionary, Only lhree ciroaits repor\ed a decrease in lh11 memberehip. The others however bad Bn increase so tha I the net increase for lhE DiRtrict is 100. In the afternoon a pleasing episode occurred. Tbe fact ha.ving become known \hat a Uoiversily in Bou\h Carolina hed conferred the degree of D. D. on the Rev. E. Barrass M. A., a conBratula\ory resolution wa.e adopteii ·o \hat genUeman. He was also elected to represent lhe Districi on the 'S\ationing committee, and the Rev. R. Sanderson, to lhe Sunday School committee, with Mr. James Luke of Oshawa. Mr. C. · W. Smith, was elected to the Missi0nary Commiltee. Fifleen Laymen were elected to at lend conference, viz; Messrs. Younie, Bragg, Vanstone, Bow. mauville; Werrv and Ja1;1. Slainton Hampton; r. Hoar, and G. Patterson, Tyrone; J. Edmondston, W. E. D.fer, and E. J. Rowse, Oshawa; R. Foster. Geo. Long, Orono; and E. J . Cadmus, CartwrigM .. The next Financial District Mealing, to be held at Ebenezer, (Courliee) and the May Dislrict Meeting at Orono. Reso. lutions condemnatory of the Jesuit Aet which the Dominion Parliament refused to disaallow: and rell!reUing that tha 3ooH Act bad been repealed, were adopled. Thanks were lendered to the friends at Enniskillen, and the meeting closed .at 4 o'cloak. Rev. ff. S. Mi.tthews presided wilb great urbanity. On the evening of lhe first day, a very enthusiastic meetiog was held, when ad· dresses were Jelivered by Rev. J. Thom, on various phases of church work; and Rev: N. A. McDermid, on Experience Meeting~. tb~ir utility as a mennv of grnoe. The choir of the church rendered choice music. · ~fay Q.. :El. .A. ~ :0 RE-OPENING OF THE PHARMACY. ----o---- .} " ,r .... J. Higginbotham & Son~~, Have returned to their own store, which has been enlarged and neatly fitted up with every convenience and increased facilities for carryfug. on the Drug trade. Our stock is nearl) all fresh from the manufacturers, . consisting uf Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Paten.t Medic] nes, &c. Cases English, French and German Perfumery. Cases Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes. Case Toilet Powders, Pomades and Cosmetique. Cases Fine Toilet Soaps. Choice Confectionaryt made especially for Druggists. 2 2 1 2 g __ IMMENSE SALE Damaged Dry GoOds AND CLOTHING. Before moving back to our old stand we want to sell out the bulk of the heavy stock, and ---ORONO. JOHN · J. MASON. O:EI.A..S- ~"US.E'S -- - - - - - ·- ~. o,-<> 9 C~t-V. . o-nal Sc_ho~] ~~ Of JJ~ -C.IQ.Q~. . BAXTERIAN EDUCATIONAL COURSES for the study of Music in its :,ev{\ral . departments ~o Over 600 Lessons in one School Year. Special attraction for lady student' by uniting with the first and only LADIES' BAND in Canada. Tuition, $8 0 per School Year, I · OF FORTY WEEK.$. Degrees Conferred by DR. BAXTER, ~ Diplomas .A.warded of Baxt er U nivei.'1rity of Music, . ~ew · York. · Further pa.rticulars by addressing F . L. Andrus is visiting hts son Weston, in Chicago. W.W. Dickey, Y.S., has been very busy since he came here. Rich.Ruddock.aged 84. is also uery poorly and may n·ot recover. John Best, Esq., iR in very poor health, rtsulting from etomach troubles . . R. Brow~, Esq., J.P.. aged ll2, is still confined to his bed with sciatica. C . G . Armstrong, merchant, intends tak. ing a trip to Pennsylvania. next week to visit frienfls. W. W .' Trull haM c~mmenced to rebuild the corner store, which Will! burned. on ·the 7th o[ Apr.ii last. . Thomas Cowan, Wm Cow11n and severi.l others intend ti.king the excursion next weak to Manitoba, We noticed Mr. ~·rank Brown. Pharma. ceutical student, from 'l'oronto. and brother of our Head Master, in the village last week. .,e J as. Hallett, Sr., for sevioral years . hotel keeper here, is vaeating the Prince of\\ ales in favor of Wm.Pope, formerly of Cla.l'ke village. On Sunday the pulpit of the M ethodist Church was ably filled-morning and enen_in.&-bY RJ'l.x. MJ', Wellwood, RJ:t.R.S ., of Epsom. 'V m. Ar.nstrong is in receipt of a. hnpefu I and newsy letter from Harry Chappell, M. D ., who last spring removed to the town of Billings. Montana, U.S. The Queen's Birthday passed very quietly in our village. A tea for the Methodist S. ::;. was ¢ven in the l>rill Shed, followed by a program by the scholars. David J . Kirkland, one of Orono's eldest citizens, <lied ··ged 70, aft<!r a lingering ill· ness. Services at the funeral on Monday were conducted by Rev. Dunlop. Ilia family of ·ix . daughter~ and one son were preSP,nt a.t the foriaraL D . M.Milling,wife a.nd son, have removed from Toronto and are a.gnin under the par· ental roof. His father. Samuel Hiliing, Sr., needed some one so care for him in his declining years. Mrs.· S . Powers, who is suffering from a fatal athck of cancer, was able to ride to the villalie on 'l'huraday, 23rd, and spent the afternoon a.t the residence of Mr. S . }'. Newsom. Won! was received liist week from Dakota, announcing the deatii of Robert Gray, who left ht:re a year ago suffering with lung troubles. His death took place on the 16th Robert was !l native of Hope Town' inst. ship. near Garden Hill. H e leaves' a . wife, daughter and son in care of her br0tber, Dr. .Swanson. FOR THE NEXT FOUR WEEKS, we will offer all kinds of DRY GOODS and OL'0THlNG (whetl\erdamaged or otherwise) BOWMANVILLE VICTORIOUS. · 'WA clip th~ followini.: from the Winnipeg Free Press of May 21st. 'I'he> Bowman· villites are all ojd resident.· of this place who are now located in \Vinnipeg :..There was quit" " t'lrn-out to witness the game between tlae Bowman»ille nine and the 'l'elegrapb~rs which waa playr.d in the 'rear of the Congrel'(ational Uhurch yesterday eveningo. Chas. J{ elly pitched tor the Bow manvilleites and was ca11ght by Higginbotham, while Pennie did the-fothtnin:;: curving for the lightning jerkers . The score was: Peard, s.s ....... . 1 Hutchinl'Ou, 1 b .... 2 Kenny,r.f. ....... 2 McDcinald,r.f .. ... l .Penni~. p ......... 2 Kelly, p . .. ........ 2 ]"ink, 2 b..... .. . . 2 McGill, 2 b ........ 2 .r<'ergusou, l.f ....... 1 Go·sell, l. f.... . .. .. 1 Kane, c ........ . .. l }qjord, 3 b ......... 1 Decow, 3 b ..·.... 0 Higginbotham, c ... 2 ,Johnson, 1 b . .. . ... 1 Laird, c,f. ..... ; .. 1 Sherlock, c.f. .. ... . 0 Borland, s.s ........ 1 far Below Auction Prices; The prime object is to clear O'tlt the entire. damaged stock and. tlia.t· will be done a.t any sacrifice. ELLISON & CO. Bowmanville, May 9th, 1889· Remember, our temporary store is in the West End of Ruebottom's Block. r.-;:- 10 13 ~ __ =M= . =J'=, ,. ,.=-y=N==,A=.=R~fi From ·the repj)J:l..of ihe Examin ations of the Oollege of Pharmacy, recen\ly held in Toronto, we note tbal Mr. F. R. Brown s~ood al the hesd of the li8t in four subjects, viz: DispensiDF, CbeI11isty, Materia, Medic11. and Botany, Mr. R. H. McC!unl!'S n ame also appears in the PaEs Lis&. We congrdtulate Messrs Brown and· l\fcOlnug, on iheir success. 'l':B:E JEWELLER, Exteuds his thanks for the very libe1·al patronage he i·eceived since commencing busir:e:Ss. His Stock being New and Stylish and his prices very moderate~ is no dqubt the cause of his success. Kl.REY. Messrs. J as. Brown a nd Joo. Rickaby each lost valuable colts last week. We often see the Or_ > no veterinary a.n d hi~ assietant driving through our little village. The wives of Messrs. Fred. Riddle and Alex.Lang presented thei r husbi.nds with young rose-buds a short time a go. Mrs. Linton, the mother of our friend R. P., hns been in .B ownrnnville for some time, visiting her sister, who is sick. I THE NEW LINE OF .HE..A.VY-SILVER -W-.A.TCE:ES SHOULD BE SEEN . AT ONCE. ---:o:- -- ORONO. Mrs. William Hillen is visiting friends O:H.AS_ RUSE:J 4~. Box 8E, BOWMANVILLE, ONT. V\TOON & SUCCESSORS TO 00-~ Tb.e .JO~:EPB DALi.i, !Uanutact.uriiaag t")om1lany, l\'.IANUFACTURE THE OSHAWA CHAMPION J)JIOWER. a· . tho Champion, W ule Sreel Frami>, Steel Axles.Solid Steel Guard,with 'J,l- P.nd 5 feet cut. THE BES'l' AND STRONGEST MOWER IN THE MARKET. W e are offering at ciose prices to meet the competition in the moi.rket cf lighter and cheaper built machines. We bought 311 the Patterns, 'l'emplets. llra wings. etc., etc from the Joseph Hall Estate, and keep in stock for pr ompt delivery reµairn of all machines aud machines 'nac1e at thP, .Joseph Hall Works, Mill Repo il's, Chamoion Re~pers and l\llower. s. C.ayuga ana Buckeye ~low or s, New Model a,nd Hali Thresher·. Horse Powers. 'l'hresher E ngmes, etc.. \'Ve keep m stock cylinder g,nd concave teeth for Ch?.llPnge. Advance a nd fi'arnia 'fhrc·hera, We repair Threshers. Engines, Horse Powers. an d Machinery of any mal;:e, and furnish repairfl for at short notice. Leather and Hubbc'!' Belting (second han<l. and nPw, short pieces, odd ends. etc.. ) at.h alf pr ice. Lace Leather, RuhhAr ""acking', Boiler P11rger, Helts, etc. 'i·'f'.o~ Several Second· Hand Portable 'f hresher Engines. th oroughly overhauled and i-epaired good as new, at balfprice. 8econd,Hanfl New Model and Hall"l' hreshers at very low figures.' ?3-~m . Champion enlar;ted and !mprcveil . It is in th.-;. same man,ner T HE almost entirely of Steel and Ma.l!eablA I ron, 32 mch D eivrn<t 'VheelR, REF..AIRS_ . ROBERT WOON & i!CO., WI LLIAM ST.,[OSHAWA. 1 in Toronto. . Mr. Robert Winter is spendirig a few days in Toronto. Mr. A. T. Gamsby, of Toronto, is visiting friends here . ·· -- -- --Mr. John O'Dell of the Collegiate Ins· titute, Hamilton, is home. BLACKSTOCK The Presbyterian church is to be com'Th.e ' marriagp. of Mr. W. H. Pierce, of pletely overhauled and renovated. Toronto, 8on cf Mr. W, P. P ierce, of LonMrs. Pepper, of Lindsay, is home at don. England, to Miss Annie Milne, eldest daughter of Mr.David Milne, of .Blackstock, her mother's, Mrs. F. L . Andrus. Mr. Wm. Prin11;le is improving his.reslate of Dundee. S wtland, on 'Vednesday, May 12tb, at six o'clock in the evening, wM idence by veneering it with brick. one of the mo·t hap py aud Rociable events A Sabbath echool h as been st11rted in that has yet oceurred in our midst. 'l'he connection with St; Saviour's church. ceremony took place at the residence of the .Mr. Pope, of N ewtonville, has assumbride . 'l'ha presents to the bride were both num erous and h f<nr1Rome and were as fo]. ed control of the "Prince of Wales" hotel. We tender our congratulat ions to Mr. lows: Mr. \V. II. Pie,.ce, gold watcil; Mr . and Mr· . Milne, b.,droom suite ; Mie8 ,J . B. Hall, on his successfully passing the Milne, silver butter cooler; Mr. Char!P.s '.l'. final examination as a Pharmaci·t Pierce. groomsman.silver cake basket; Miss A. W, Carveth is renovating and reEllen Milne, bridesmaid,silver pickle cruet; Mr. F . Gray, pickle cruet, M:r. Robert pairing the L eskard Flouring Mill . and and Miss L.Parks, silver cruet'; Dr.McCal- putting in considerable new. machinery. lister and wife; crystal water pitcher ; John Saturday, J un·e 8th, on the grounds Ax worthy. jr., sil ver butter cooler ; Mr;Jas. Gordon, fancy t eapot; John Gordon,stained here, our base ball team expect to .be pitg lass water pitcher; J{obt. Field , llcrystal ted a gainst on e of the best am;i.t~ ur t eal.lls preserve (fah ; Miss Oairncross.siher pickle of Toronto. ~ruet ; Mr. A. Hooey and Miss A. Wil Miss .Bertie Adams, the highly accomliamson, lemonade set and bracket ; Mr. · and Mrs. '.l'. S wain, parlorfamp; Mr. and plished pianist , of Bowmanville, comes to lVIrs. Bartley; silver butter knife; . Mt, Jas. Orono once a week for the purpose of givField, China egg dish: Misses Ida and Mary ing p iano lessons. J . Parr, pair of vases; :Mr. R;Yeuning,parThe following persons spen t Queen's lor lamp; Misses Montgomery, crystal truit dish a.nd crumb pan ; Mr. Jnmes and Birt.hday with friends here: Mess rs. J aMisses Maggie ancl Emily Williamson, pair bez Scott, Frank Knox, Wm. Nicols, and of silver napkin rings; Miss M. '\Vood,Uhina John Winter, of Toronto. coffee set ; Mr. R. and Miss J . J ohnston.silThe Sabbath School anniversary of the ver napkin ring and h alf a dozen uf teaspoons; Mr.Wm. and Miss Magi'ie Boe, Methodist church on Queen's Birthday half dozen of silver dessert and sugar spoons; · was a fair success. A large number were Mr~. Sophia Hooey, crystal che~se dish ; present and partook of the good things Mr. and Mrs . .A., McLean, linen table so richly provided by the !adios who d oth; Mr. Wm. Nairn, half dozen knives In the evening a and forks; Mr. and Mrs. Kinsman, white grace d the tables. counterpane; Misses S. and Ji:. Oorfield, splendid prog ram' was given. In the firs t cryst9l tea set and half a dozen napkins ; place Master .Tohn Mom ent was moved Mrs . Gordcm, linP.n table cloth ; Grs.i:;d- to the ch air and performed the duties asmother of the bride, <lini ng !'Ol'm table cover signed him admirably, opening the proand towels ; Mr. J oho and Miss L ena Boe, ceedings in an a m11sing and appropriate whisk holder ; Miss Mosure, plush pin cushion ; fylr. and M ra. HaU, pi>rlor lamp. speech · . A portion of the chur.:h choir After the ceremony an excellent meal was lead in the singing; Miss Georgina Tambserved to all the guests, after which the par ty lyn presided a t the organ . The various turned out for a drive to Caesarea. where a r eadings, recitH.tions, and dialugues were pleasant time was spent at t he shore of t he all well don e, The Kindergarten songs esbeautiful lake Scugog. On r eturning to the Miss Braden house the remainder of the time was spent pecially were very good. in all kind s of amusements, until the wee deserves praise for the active p art she took in perfecting t h e scholar s.-NEws. sma' hours . LADIES GOLD AND SILVE:B, WATCHES AT ALL PRICJ?S. ---:o: -- WEDDING RINGS, SCARF PINS, OHAlNS LOCKETS AND CHARMS, IN EVERY STYLE, AND AT ALL PRICES. · - --:u- - - . Remember mv Goods .are guarra.ntfld to be just as r epresented; WATCH REP AIRING attended t o as usual, Promptness l}nd ski}lfo.l work· manship--my motto-and all work warranted. · Your patronage aolicited. FIREI HARD~ARE WORT& . has re-opened in Bounsall's Block,. Corner Store, \Vh~re he is determined to seJl his stock, lvhich is sli:ghtly· da1naged, at greatly ~tf·:{.~.i REDUCED PRICESe. '. FOR SASE:., Call and see for yourselves. .Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria~

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