' TB RMS :-fll.60 Pu AlouM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. J AMES VoLUME EDITOR £.ND P:&OPBlETOE, N:a:w SERIES, NuMBEB 565. - BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1889. XXXV. N UMBER 24. ...... l couc::B: , · ·· ...... H1 YDUN. .. I. EN.FIELD. I!JNNISKILLEN . Among the visitors' : Mrs. Learoyd ·of Belleville, and Miss Windle, Manve~. We were pleased to see onr old friend Dr. Lammiman, of Bowman ville in our rillage for a few days last week . The Dr. was taking charge of Dr. MHchell'11 practice while the latter was in attendance at the meeting of Medical Associat ion in T oronto. JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN ARE NOW , SHOWING the Largest and most Elegant stock of ·(STRICTLY NEW G0 0 D~~) ever shown by them or any house Bowmanville. in . Absolutely Pure. pow<ler never variea. A marvel ol purity, atrength and wholesomenesa. More ooonomlcal than the ordl11ar:v ldnds, and oan not be aold i n oompetition with the multltnde of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powdlll'8 : Sold only in oana. ROYAL BAK· Thl1 NO LADY should buy a Dress before seein_ g their -stock of- ING POWDER CO.. 106 Wall St., N . Y. A WORD TO FARMERS. TO .ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. -II DRESS COODS, I- which, for extent, elegance, variety and value, cannot be approached in West Durham, anG. is only equallecl by some of the city houses. --.....~----------- in mind that our stock is new and fresh, b6ught for Cash, and is sold cheaper than you can b'uy bankrupt, shop-worn or antiquated goods. -~Bear Grocers' Due Bills taken at par for goods.. I take this method of thanking my old customers and the public generally for the liberal patronnge extended to me dur· . ing the years that I have been in business and having fitted up a good sho w room and office on the site lately occupied by Mr. C. Rogers on Silver St., between Percy's blacksmith shop and the News office, where I 11hall be pleased to see my old friends or make new ones, and I in· vite all. who wapt anything in the follow· ing lines to call and see me and examine goods and compare prices and quality be· fore placing your orders : agricultural machinery, s team and horse powe r threshing ~achin'es, Bra n_ tford binders, reapers and. mowers ; seed drills, spring-t ooth cul.tiv.ators,dia-k, slfllfy anaTron harrows, ....:.-<>·-~---"t-riding and walking plows; straw cutt ers, gra,i_n c:rushel's,~c utters ; also agen t for the Goold Bicycl0Co:;-:mu-St:-9_'hom.a._!1 White Brbnze Monumont Co.; insurance effected on farm build ings and privat e residences at lowest rates. Head quarter! for plow poi.n ts, machine oil and axle grease. JAMES McL EAN, 14-tf. Bowmanville. Farmers, take your eggs to Tod Bros. They will give you the highest market . p~ces. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN. M , · s 'Ve have just made a very large LADIE · ·---purchase of Millinery and Millinery Goods, at a big Reduction. '!,hey are the very latest styles obtainable in the market, and will be sold at amazingly low prices. Please don't delay in seeing them. In all othe1-- departments we are showing the "largest stock we have eve1· shown here. any firm in the County of Durham to equal us in 'quality and price, and .any firm in the Dominion to su1--pass us. . CHALLENGE . - WE- - We are at present, ~bowing a ve1--y large stock of D1--ess Goods, Silks au cl Trimmings, Ladies' Jackets, Corsets, Hosiery and Gloves, Prints, Muslins, liinens, Sheetings, Shirtings, Cottons, · 'T'Ye~ds, C~oth,ing, ·Lace Curtains, Boots ' and Shoes, andM1ll1nery. LADIES, we call your attention to our . present l~rge 11n1--chase of Millinery, wh~ch eve~y Lady should see, who is lookjng-for a n ew article. Remember t he place, GEo. L .UNG's old stand. E. THOMPSON, & Co. "Mammoth Bank1·upt St9ck Emporium.') We are sorry to report the death of one of our oldeit and most respected res· idents- Mr. H oward O vens. T he funeral took place on the 2nd inat. t o t he Union ·C emetery h ere, and was conduct ed by the Orangemen. A large n umber of the fraternity, as well aa- pereonal friends'.of the deceased gentle men, attendHAMPTON. ed to pay t his last t oken of respect to on e who has lived among us for many year11. Mrs. T. C. I vory, Omemee, is visiting BURKETON. at \ he parsonage. Miss Winde ll, a former teacher in our Mr. Ovens was 86 years of age, and haa Miss Leask, of Taunton, has been visit- neighborhood, is the guest of Mr. Mont· been a member of the Orange Order for 70 years, during which time he h as only ing at Mr. Wm, Law's. gomery. missed two celebra tions. At r.he request Poultry-men say that crows have been Mrs. R oss, who has been visiting Mr. of the deceased, N .iwton ville B rass Band hard on young fowl this < s pring. Quiizley, took the t rain Friday morninl( attended the funeral, and th e mournful Mrs. S. Taylor fell from the barn tloor for WiDgham. · though heR utiful n ot es of funeral anthems to the basement recently and injured her The grandson of M r. Goodall was chriat· resound t>d t hroni;h our villa!{e for the first knee. ened at the residence of Mr. T. J. Banner time in many years T he fl,.g on ttie OrThere has been quite a revival in the on Sunday evening by the R ev. J . Crei~h· ange Hall ws s floating a t half·tnast and Methodist choir, several new members ton, B. D . a general feeling of the greatest gloom initiated.Mr. Samuel Robbins has bnught from pervaded the villai,:e as the procession passOnr worthy pastor, R~v. E . Barra.as, t he Court of Chancery, t he Ewart farm ed t hrough e n i ·s w"y to t he cemetery. M. A., htil had the degree D. D. confer- 'j south of th.is place. W~lcome back, Times Cor. red on hini 'recently. Samuel to your old t ownah1p. URUN O. A high time may be expect ed here on Mr. ~anner intends leavi_ ng fot British R ichard Bro wn, Esq., ii! very ill. the First of July. W hen to s1'in the C olur:ubia on W~dcesd~>: next. He has Mr. F. L . And rus is home from "Beaver;,," the "Gladstones" will try. secured a lucrative position on the C. P. s s lt h d h' d. t R. t here. · May prosper ity and success Chicago. , R ev. . a . on pr?ac ~ is ya1e rn o ry follo w him. Mr. Frank Brown, Toronto, is hom& Sunday mornmg; hlll removal is much re· s it . Messrs. Quigley , E lmes, McKibboc and on a vi. gretted as he has endeared himself to the Thos and WDl. Cowan left la.at week Gilby drove t o l'ort Perry on Wedne11day for members of the congregation. Manitoba.. We would congrat ulate Mr. E . Hast ings t o attend the musical tournament and George Beer is givi ng his residence a witness the races. They enjoyed t hem· on the very impor tant improvement made coat of paint: in tho appearance of his residence by the selves imme nsely. Mr. Duncan McCunnachie lost a valu· A.bout a dozen of Burketoc's prepoBl!ess· able colt th e other day. addition of some nice terracing. N ed is ing ladies paid the school a visit on M ona hustler. W.W. Andrus, of Buffalo Base Ball One of our residents was called out of dap and the teacher, although overcome team wae home last week. b ed in the middle of the night recen tly to with bashfulness, tau~ht hie little school Miss Mitchell, of Woods tock, is viaitch11.11e an intruder who was trying to effect with 11kill. Onti who · was there claims iag at Mr. Alfred-Roifo's. they spent an i t.erestlag t ime. an enti·a.nce to the house of a respectable Miss St. Ledger , <>f Tor onto, is Yuiting h e mfan t s on of Mr. John Gilby pull· widow lady. - - - ·at t he M ethodist -parsonage. Since the r emoval of the eld Method ist ed a pail of lime over hi mself F r iday . ~Ir. ~ · G. ;Armstrong leaves Friday ·to ch urch the g roun.ds have been greatly i m- .afternoon. H e was com pletely covered ' proved and is now one of the nicest ceme- an d it 'WllS at fi:rst feared h e would l ose VIs1t friends m Pennsylvan ia. M. Andr us, of L indsay; is visiting at t ery t1 in the t own11hi p. lt is the int ention h is eyesight , but under th e skillful t reat · of the trust ees t o k ee p it in a good state men t of Dr. Mitchell that calamity has his father 's, Mr. F. L . Andrus. been a vtrted . of reoair in t he future. Mr. Chas. B arrett has erected a nice During recess Monday af ternoon some new fence in front of his r esid ence. · There is considerable speculation in this village respecting the unk nown man school child ren wer e a musing themsel ves of M isses Beatrice and I sabelle Davie, who was foand on lot 4, con. 10, wit h a by hangin g on to th e passing wa.ggons. Ball yd nIf, al'e visiting at their uncle's, udie Good man , in so doing, had her Ma bullet hole in hie head, (refer ence being M r. P eter S ,.]ker, · made to the same in t.bis paper last week.) left leg d rawn between t h fl wh eel and the Griffin , of Dundalk, formerly -0£ D r. ir on brace on t he side of the waggon a nd Many t hink he was murde red. it was frig~tfully bruised. The wheel Orouo, hns been very ill, but we learn he had t o be taken off in or der to remove i~ no w ·lowl'y recovering. T Y R ONE. the limb . She was t aken h ome and t be M r . J . W . Odell,ca llle out first in first · Mr. J ohn Cinnamon is on t h'3 sick li st. Dr. called in. The team belon~ed to Mr. class honors in Mat.hematics a t T oron to Mrs. Thos. J ardine, Sr., is on the sick Smith bu t was d iven by Mr. Rolson to U niversi ty. Good boy, J ohn. whom no blame can be att ached. We liat . Mr. W m. Henry l ef t last week for M r . J oh n H are spent S atu rday in ·To· wish the little sufferer a speedy rece>very . Fairmede, N . W . T., where he will spend r on to. "For a long t ime I had no appetite, "CClu ple of weeks wi1h h is- son James M r . S. J. H enry is ereciing a new was r estless at n ight, an d ver y m uch de· and other friends. The work of erecting T rull's block h as dri~ing shed. bilitated. After taking two bottles of Notorious Jon athan has been h ere re- Ayer's Sarsaparilla, my strength and ap- com m'enced. it is t o be a two s torey brick cruting for a few days. petite rnturr;ed, and my health was co m- we understand. Mr. R obt. K nott has Mr. R. Davey lost a valuable mare pletely restorect. " - D . M. Fisher, Oswego, the contract for the atone and brick work, and Mr. John Martiu the .::arpen ter work. Sunday, inflammation. N .. Y . t - N ews. · R e'\' . J. D .. Dyer preach ed anniversary OSHAWA. services at K irby on Sabbath. Mr. John Dryden, M . P . P ., started On Wednes day ev~ni cg J une 5 th, t he Mr. W. A . ll unner gave an earnest dis- for E ngland on M onday last. Ho is going Methodist congreg~tioc, Orono, with a course h ere on S unday evening. after more Shropshire sheep. · few from Kirby, Clarke and L aska.rd, Mr. A. E . · Clemens an d wife spen t Mr. Thos, Pereman, Columbus, has a .held an At H ome i n t heir school r oom Sunday with friends at Courtice. mare which has a ttained t h e r ipe old age whfoh was fitted in elegance and luxury a la drawing roo m. The :Boors were Miss Rig~s, Enniskillen, comes here of 32 years, which recently foaled, once a week giving music lessons. Mr. John Bone, J r., fo r four years in carpe£'ed, wiudows draped with lace curt ains, a profusion of plants and :dowers 10,000 dozen eggs wa nted at the East t he Mont real Telegraph here, left last and several handsome paintings completed End Store for which the highest price week to take a similar position in Ayr. the adornment of the cosy recep tion pargiven in cash or trade, The Mearns' pr operty was n ot sold last lor. Upho~s tered fu rniture was brought Mr. J . H oidge & Sons completed Mr. week. T he store proper ty on Kin~ S t. in and the folding door11 were thrown T. Woodley's st on e work on F riday last. went up t'o $ 3,170, and th e r esidence, on open. The three r oo,ns being turned The r aising will take place shortly. Simcoe St. south, to $2, 100. iuto one made the accomm odation Trenouth & Co are build ing stone work The idea of t mming E llesmere Hall adequate for about 2ii0 persons who par· und er Mr. S . M . Clemens ' barn. They into a La.dies' College is almost b~ i n~ ticipated in t he je>yous and festive ocstart veneering t he house with brick t his reafo:ed. Mr. Henderson, of T or on t, >,J. cas10u. .'r he prim»ry object of tho assem· week. Cowan , Esq., and Mr. Middleton waited bly was to do non or to ltev, and Mrs . .T . There was brisk demand for the on the Ma nu facturer s' Committee on D unlop, their beloved 'pastor aod his es· STATESMAN last week and our poetical Wednesday evening, a nd came to t erms 'ti mable wife on the eve of t heir departure to another field of activity. R efreshadvertisers have enj oyed a big r usli of which indicate a sale. business. Mr. J ohn Bales, our r espected towns- ments were dispensed by the young ladiea Subseq mintly R obt. R ecent ·visitors : Mrs. Johnst on , T o- man , was driving a hor se on W ednesday, aod gentlemen. r octo ; Mrs . Byam, of B urnt R iver, Mr. which took the blind staggers when he Moment , Esq.,, P. M.; who was chosen ir man, introduced Miss Emily Odell H arry Moyse 1md wife , of Bowmanville, got ont of the rig with a view to keeping chH and Dr. P . N. D avey, of Dewart. the animal from in juring itself Bgdiast a and Mr . Albert J. S taples and invited Mr. and Mrs. D unlop forward when Mr. The road jobs let by Councillor Brent wir e fence. While hold ing the horse by Staples read i11 good voice an ad dress in on Thursday were awarded to Mr. J oi!. the h ead it pl unged a bout, kn ock ed him which was expressed the high esteem -0f M oore. H e also secured one at Sa lem down and broke h is collar bone. He was the congregation for their pastor and the 011 Wednesday night from D eputy R eeve other wise bruised, and one of his kn ees very successful result of his labors during Smale. Joseph is an old h and at t he was badly in j ured . his three years' ministrat ions amo ng the.m business and will do the,m O. K . Mrs. Chas. Whi te, H armony, while and also regret that they must so soon M rs. K enner has b een obliged to give hanging window curtains, fell over tlle bid t hem adieu. Miss 0.Jell t hen pre~ u p her B ible class in connection with S. back of a sofa, her head striking on the sented Rev. Mr . D a ulop with a well filled s. here on account of sickness in th e solid part, fr om which she r eceived a se· purs-e of m oney an d Mrs. D . a handsome family. She has faithfully a nd succes!l· vere concussion, and although feeling the bo uquet. Mr. D unlop replied i n a t ouch· fully taugh t t he class for nearly three effects of her fall at the time, n o fears i ng and t hankful ma11ner, referring to ye11.r s. M r . J. H . .Allin has been chosen were apprehended, an d it was not for t he pleasant and friend ly r elationship some days after t hat medical aid was bY t h e cl8 11 te fill t h e vacancy. . called to examine h er, when it was dis. t hat had existed betweem them ever ince he came to the cir .m it. The res t of Miss Mabel K enner and Walton E m· covered t hat she was· in a critical con· R meraon are still very 11iok, wi_ t h very little dition, a nd is still no better. However the evening was enj oyably spent in short hopes entertained of their recovery . On by skilful t reatment it is hoped she m ay speeches and music by the choir and so· Tuesday week, Drs . Mitchell and H illier recover. To add fo this sad occurr ence, cir.I conversation. Mr . D unlop leaves held a consulta tion over the form er and Mr . W hite, one day last week, r eceived a this pastorate bearing the r espect and on F riday D rs. Hillier and R utherfor d slight stroke of paralysis in the face an d mosl; k indly wishes of all the people, not one of his arms, but is improving. M r . only of his owe church, but of the citiheld a consultation over the latter . zens gener ally Mr. Arthur P owers on On F riday rr.orning wh en the t eams Jos. W hite, fo rmerly of E ast Whit by, behalf of the young people, th~nkcd the from h ere a r rived a t the gravel pit, they and a brother of Mr. Ch as. W hite, died pastor and his wife for kin dn ess shown found to t h eir ~urprise a dead horse lying a t Ludingt on, Micµ. , on the 18.th ult . them in the past. on the edge of the pit. It had been Reformer. On J!~ riday, 7th ins t., a n old fashioned - - - - -- -running the roads for several days wit h a gastly wound i n its shoulder. So on A box of Ayer's Pills has saved many christening was held at the r esid ence of Thursday n ight some person or person s a fit of sickness. ·when a remedy d oes Geo. M. Long, Esq., R eeve of Clarke, took pity on the poor beast a nd pu t a not happen to be within reach, people are when t he in fant daughters of t he firm of bullet into its head. The h orse was a liable t o neglect slight ailments a nd, of Messrs. T . Smith & Co., ( Miss L ong and disgrace to b e seen r unn ing t he roads. course, if serious illn ess follows th ey have Miss Smith) were b aptised by R ev. T . Councillor Bren t was made k nown of the to suffer thci consequen ces. "A stitch in Dunlop in the presence of a large assemblage of invited g uests. fact and h ad it r em i:tved immediately. time saves nine." t Miss Sherron, from Omemee, is vmt· ing at Mr. Wm. Broad's. Mr. Frank Malley, ofCobourg, s pent a few days at Mr. Soa.per's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Haycraft spent a few days in this neighborhood recently. The Haydon Clippers go to Hampton to play a practice game of foot ball, Saturday evening .next. · Enniekillen and Haydon schools played a game of base ball on Saturday which resulted in a victory for the home team by 15 to 9. I am afraid the Tyrone correspondent to the News is so given to cheating him· self. th11-t ·he-'lOnl.d.,not t ell when decisions were given correotly in baee ball. Mrs. J. Dyer has been vi.l!liting friend11 at Raglan. Tlie Sunday evening service in the church has been resumed. While drawing gravel one of the teams darted away from their driver several t imes. It require· a good teamster to race succeaafully with colts. Visitors during the week : Mrs. E. and Miss Pascoe, ~olina, Mrs ·. Hall, BrQoklin, Mr. Luther; V ickery, Whitby, Mr. Geo. Tapp, Manilla, and Mrs. Wm .. Wer ry, Solina. The q:.iietude of our usuaJly peaceful village ha~ been painfully disturbed by the "liniment question." The particulars would be qnite interestinq, butt? give an intelligent account would take t oo much space. NE W T ON VILLE.