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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1889, p. 3

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~aiunliau ~--. J tattstuau. HEALTH. Notes on Health. IsTrrrr THAT DR~~s AR .l.n I& j fMmBl!llllMlll : = MADE o:F. I · m&&a is a warning that something is wrong, and often an indication for absolate retlt. It Bonnets. ha.a been said that "pain is the prayer of a ~ · AnvICE 'fO MoTHERs.-Are you cli nerve for healthy blooi." Sometimes it is 8 · ......)led at night and broken of your re1 sure sign of where the trouble lies, sometimes -ANDby a. ei·k child suffering a.nd crying wit it is misleading ; nor is this symptom neoes· sarily an indication of the severity of disease. of Cutting Teeth ~ If so. send at who chooses to buy. No better can be , . SICK CHILDREN.-lt is often a good sign once and get a bo.ttle of "Mrs. Winslow's BOWlllA.NVILLE, - ONT Soothing Syrup." For children teething, for a child, who is seriously ill, to suddenly cross. It is then he begins to feel Its value is incalculable. It will relieve become l· k OFFICE AT FACTORY. the poor little sufferer immediately. De· us wee. ness, a.nd to give vent to his feelings. pend upon it, mothers ; there is no "Children almost always cross when rt..· coverinp from an illness, however pa.tient this side of Toronto. We are"not mistake about it. It cures Dysentery they ma.y have been duriagits severest mom- tyjs brought into play. !rhere is a modest ,and Diarrhcea, regulates the Stoma.oh and ents, and the phenomenon is not by any hesitation in the waking state a.bout recount· Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the means confined to children." ing in oonsecu tive form the disconnected partioles which have formed the component Gums, reduces Infiamma.tion, and gives Too:rHACHE.-Dr. She.ttuck's plan for parts of the dream, and the result is tha.t to:ie and energy to the whole sy..tiam. rie11odening the nerves of teeth is to put some ordinM"Jy a veil is woven to hide the de· " Mr5. Winslow's Soothing Syrup " t\for arsenious acid into an ounce vial and pour fects of memory, or eundry adventitious !I but alive to the fact that to gain a firaf ·. children teething is plea.simt to the t8'1lte a. little more creosote on it th11.n will cover links are inserted to give 11o logical i;equence class trade we m u st keep WHICH WILL IT BE '1 and is the prescription of one of the old· it. Whe::i you wish to use the paste, tip to wha.t is most illogical. Which is the fairest, a rose or a lily? · est a.nd btist female physicians and nUI'Mll the bottle so th11.t you can reach the arsenic, lndividuals do not believe sufficiently in Which is the sweetest, a peach ·or a pear? ln the United States, a.nd is for sale by and apply direotly to the pulp ; er you m11.y the a.ccuracy of their own accounts to trust. Merry's coquetish, and charming is Milly; Dora is gentle and fall-. [her. aJ.l druggists throi.Igh the world. Pl'iee take a pellet o{ cotton and a.pply th11ot wa.y. those narra.tsd by others. Dreamers of Sweet ns a flower was her face when I kissed (Love is The paste is ready for immediate use, and dre! in the paeb ordinarily foretold their the romance and ?lory of life,) 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and for took first-class millrnery. Do not fail t a> my playmate, I love· like a sister," "MRs. WINsz.ow's SoorJIING SYROP.' and will stop the most violent toothache in own successes, aud thus accustomed their Milly, But Dora I choose for my wife. select .your Hats and Tr immings in time. a.bout five minutes. The addition of other hearers to unfamiliar ideas ; more recently and take no other kind, l That ls right, young man, marry the girl drugs l;ie rega.rds as a. detriment to the.paste; o. novelist has confeaaed to having worked ,you love, by au means, if she will have you. lft&r SJ)ending mnch time and money, I am Perfect satisfaction .at the Mieses 'Vilson, but we m11.y add that it should he used with up much of t)le perilous stuff that Should her health become delicate and her 1ow prepared .to Jill all ordera promptly. I beauty fade after marriage, remember that 011.ution. are made oOhto literary form, and to have a. fine &ssortment of WAVES, BANGS, (JONSlJMPTION (JlJRED. is usually due to functional disturbances, ilWl'.l'CHES, COMBS a.nd PINS very cheap. VIRTUE rn ONIONS AND BEEF.-What is reaped muchadvantaee from this assistance. this weaknesses, irregularities, or painful disorAn old physician. retired from practice. hav· BA.NGS FRO~ $2 UP. iog had placed in his hands by an India the most strengthening food for a convales- The la.test publication which reaches us from ders peculiar to her sex, in the cure of which .)Id Switches colored and made to look like missionary the formula. of a simple vegetll.ble cent? Well, you know, the beef·tea theory Dr. George M. G1>uld 'proposes a more seri· Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is guaran· new. Highest price paid for\long cut ha.Ir. give satisfaction, or money refunded. reoedyfor the speed y and permanent cure ot he.a been exploded. The most life-giving ous task, for it is no less than an attempt· to tee(Lto See tlm oi;inted e,ertiftcate Of guarantee on Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, A.sthm!l. a.nd digestible food that can be given lio one study the nature of consciousness, and of its bottle-wrapper. "--~ . HAIR TONIC anil. all Throat and Luna Affections, also a For overworked, worn-out," ·4 run-down " positive and radical cure for Ner-vous Debility just recovering from an illness is chopped origin from the facts of sleep and dreams. debilitated W&rr&nted to prevent the hair from falling · teachers; milliners, dressmakers, oeef . . Just take a. pound of the finest round The difference between the dreaming a.£>d a.nd all Nervoua Complaints, aftor having out and will make It grow. "shop - girls," housekeepers, tested its wonderful curative powers in tho11· of raw beef, cut off all the fat, slice two the w&kine: conaoiousness ia a.ssumed liO be seamstresses, nursing mothers, and · feeble women generl:ll'J h&ve also a fine lot of new Stamping sands ot cases, has felt it his duty to it onions, and pepper and salt. Then chop the the absence of a.11 stimuli in the la.tter oon- ally, DESTROY S AND REMOVES WORMS Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the Patterns. All orders promptly attended t.o. ~wn to his suffering fellows. Act11ated by OF"· ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN 011.J , greatest earthly boon, being unequaled as an this Jlnotive and a. desire to relieve human onione and me!lot togetheY, turning them ditic.n, while all the subordinate centres appetizing ADULTS swr=:T /!.S SYRUP AN~\' ' cordial and restorat ive tonic, or auft'11Fiilg, I wi.l send free ot charge, to all who over a.nd over until both reduced almost functionless. The dreaming consciouaness strength-giver. CANNOT,MA H M THE: MO.STA ,7 Neads' Block; Bowma.nville. cl.eaire' !t, this rec~ipt, in German. Ji'rench o:s to a pulp. Then sprea.d on slices of rye ia suppof!ed to be on the alert to wa.tch over -;:;. OE:~IC ATl:: CHlL.O ·~-o ':.. Oopyrlgbt, 1888, by WORLD'S Drs. MED. Ass·;n-. English.with full directions tor pniparlng and brea.d and ea.t as sandwiches, People blk the eleepin ~ organism. ""\\i'hen sleep is per· llSing; Sent by niail by addressing with lltamp, naming this paper. W. A. NoYIEB. 149 about celery being a. nervine, but let me tell mitted, ,it is beoa.use it is safe to permit it. P091}er·s Block, Rochester. N. Y. U-ly · you tha.t there is nothing which quiets the .Hence sleep may at first be (lrea.mlees with !!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!'!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ nerves, without bad results, like onions. less danger to the organism." - the use of them induces sleep, a.nd much Albhous;ih there is much that is extremely Consumption Surely ; Cured. strength i11 obtained from them. That is interesting in this paper, the conclusions e.r- regulate and cleanse the liver, stomach and the idea.I food for convalescing, or for any- rived at are somewhat startling. It may be bowels. They are purely vegetahle and per. harmless. One a Dose. Sold by one who is in a. weak state of health. . hesitatingly conceded that "drea.m personal- fectiy _ ['o THE EDITOR ; druggists. 25 cents a vial. Please inform your readers that I have ST. VITus·s DANCE.-A physician of the ity ha.s no individuality:" but many will dea positive remedy for the above named r.harite Hospital, in Pa.ris, ha.s an in· mur a.b the notion tha.t "llhrough physiolog· disease. By its timely use thousands of tereeting communication to the Medica.l ical psycholo2y we ca.tch a glimpse of the ON AfLOATING WR£CX:. hopeless ca.see have been permanently Society·of the Pa.ris hospitals on this subject. profound truth that, at hea.r~, we are cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles He presented a patient of middle age, who all the same;" while to say tha.t "dream Tke Terrible Experiences of the (Jrew et a of my remedy FREE to any of vour readers for upwa.rds of four had been a. martyr philosophy teaches religion and eympa.thv" Wrecked Vessel. wh,o have consumption if they will send me t h d fs v h Is to oh11.llenge contra.ciicticin: Dr. Gould's o t e a.nee o t. itus to sue a. degree that views no less novel than strikin11r, ai.ld his The Atlas Line stFamer Claribel, on her their Express a.nd P. 0. address. The whole stock belonging to the estate of the Respectfully, Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, 164 he wa.s absolutely unable to carrv a cup t<> langu11oge often has a. poetical turn mingled la..t voyage to New York. e&ved part of tile lips,h!o his t1e.khe sonp without aesiste.noe, to with scientific phraseology that is entertaincrew of bhe Vel!llel J. S. Moulton, while tbe West Adelaide at., Toronto, Ont. h uhtton _is e ot es, hto write his name, &ci. iog; for example, in his concluding words vessel wr.s a fl-iatin'I wreck imd surrounded T e pa.t1ent, says t e physician, was plo.ood · h o B!liys, "Its by shn·ke, wh!ch were expectll'1:t ·y . h h b upon d ream ·consc1ouauess - ever · · upb orne upon ti.. und er h is treatment, w · le m!liy e. summed p h a.nua.sma ~ 1 ex1Stence d 1s ..,e moment to receive their p~ey. The J. S. ARM IN PICKERING FOR SALE. up in th e words h ypnotll!m an rotatingmir· ghostly winge of paetsorrows and joy, e.n<l Mouloon he.d prevfously lost her 011ptH>in and -Oae of the beet farms in Pickering for a. week tihe invalid was to tied to reality· by the. tenuous t h read of a. a sa.1'lor who were waahed overboa.rd. 11. mhe sale containing 125 a.ores. all or which &re rors. t For df l h is beiDg offereu J. S. MDultoa was going from ,Tama.ica., and eleared and in nigh of cultivation. On gbeze a ea aet V at t e moving mirrors from momentarily interrupted se.neation." the premise11 a good dwelling house and a out twenty to thirty minutes at a time. wht>n 120 miles off Cape Ha.ttera.s a. terrific out buildings and two wells. Thi4 property ii Improvement came very gradually at first; ga.le was encountered. T"e e1 aa were run. situated on lot 15, b, f., one mile and a. half Wha.t We Are Of. ning mountains high. The and from Pickering village, half a. mile from Grana but ab the expiration of a fortnight rapid One of the most interesting collections in mate were on deck when nhe man at the Trunk Station. three miles from Pickering progress was reported, and atthe end of three Harbor, and six miles from Whitby. Foi weeks the patient was entirely cured the the National Museum at Washilll(ton is that wheel called to them to "look ·ouu." Just Bear in mind it is one of the best assorted Millinery stocks m town. further particulars apply to JAMES PICKARD tro11blesome complaint. 11omposed of specimens and chilrt s i1111strv.t· then on the premi~es, or Pickering, P.O. 2~tt CA.J,J.., A.ND INSPEC'i'. FOOD BEFORE GOING TO BED.-A well- inir the i;omposition of our bodies ani of t he A TREMENDOUS WA.VE ARM FOR SALE.-130 acres. com· known doctor writes: ·-"It la a common im- foods whfoh nourish them. Th<ose specimens ov11-r tho ship, ca.rrying awa_y the oiily It_will j ust cost you ONE HALF of the prices usually paid to have .. posed of south part of Lot No. 19, Brolten preaeion tho.t to take food immediately be· a.nd cha.rte were ex-plained r ecently in a boat the vessel t hen had, ·f e quarter mil your order filled. Fancy Goods at the same terms. Front, a~d is three miles from the Town G1 fore going to ben and to sleep is unwise. lecture by Prof. W. 0 . Atwater. - Upon the and the 1 ~teedng .gea r. Before th" men could - , Bowman ville. This ls one or the best farms in Such a. auggeetion is a.nswered by a re1.11ind- platform were arranged a l~gl! number of properly recover from the wave a.nother ~he oounty of . ham. It is in a high state of eii~vation and is well fenced On the pre. er that the instinct of animals prlimpts ·bottles. These, the lecturer explained, struck the vessel from the opposite direc· mises there is a stone dwelling, two large them to sleep e.e soon as t hey ea.ten ; contained specimens of the chemioal e!ements tion, ca.ri:ying overb_oard () Oole and a barns -&:nd · o.ther~ou.t-buildlngo, -with.. stone and in-summer an after·dinner nap, eapecial-· and compo.unds of which bodies ~re made up. seamaD' named Thompaou. Both were never erGrocers' due bills taken. stal;!' ·ilg for cattle a.nd horses. ~hree· wells and ly when that me11l is taken at mid·de.y, is a. qxygen form~ one-fifth of the e.1r and about seen again. The.mate ww;. afterwards found fou' :0·1'/cisterns, also wind·mill for pumping w&.~. For further particulars apply on the lux11ry indulg11d in by many. If the .ordin· 111xty·two per cent, of the body, so that. the- witli his head entangled in the rigging, premises 01' If bv letter to HEINRY MANN. Bow· ary hour of the evening meal fs six or seven !Jody of a.n man, s&y a. man we1~h· whera he had.been ht;rled by the sea. A rope manville · 31-tt o'clock, a.nd of the first mornillg meal seven mg one hundred and forty.pounds, contains was then tightly round the poor fellow's neck ~ :_i . , or eight o'clock, an interval of 22 hours or a.bout ninety; t wo pounds of. oxygen. and he was being gra.dually etraogled. more elapses without food; a.nd for persons The quantity of hydrogen m t he body pf The J , S. Moulton was left a floating wreck, whose nutrition is at fault, this is altogether such a. man Is. a.boutl fourteen a.nd pne-half and for four days she went dirfting about. too long a. period of fasbing. That such an pounds, and 1If ~he form of ga~ w.ould fill Most of the crew were in !loll in jured oondi· O ""' AC;RES, beini? lot 25, con. 5, intervl!l witnout food is permitted explains about, twenty-six hundred c~b10, in ?ther tion, but they could do n othing to modify UO Township of Whitby, known as m ..ny a . restless night, and much of tho words, the hydrogen ln a. mans body, if set their sufferin.i;s. J?be fresh water ha.d gone, the Bradley Estate. The land is in the highest head and back ache and the la.n ~uid he.If· free in the form ?f gas, would.fill a room twen· and the only food that the m·n h11od were a state of cultivation. 150 acres cleared and well fenced. the remaining 15 acres being wooded rest ed condition on rising, which are e.ccom- ty feet long, thirteen feet wide ai:d ten feet few biscuits soaked in the water. They land. On the premises are a. splendid t.wo·and· panied by no appetite for breakfast. ThiB h gb. The same body conta1W1 a.bout ha.d pra.ctioally a-half storey brick dwelling 30x40, with kitchen me11ol itself often disaipa.t es these sensations. irty-one pounds of carbon. · Tbese three GIVEN UP HOPE -S'fOCK OF20x30. a barn 106x36. with stablini>: for 10 horses and30cat.tle; there are also all othe r necessary It is therefore d esirable, if not essential, elements therefore together make up about of ever rea.ching laud alive, when the Claribel one hundred .ud tbirty·eight of the 011e was seen. bearing down to their help. The outbuildin~s. There ie a good orchard, plenty wheµ nutriment is rfquired, · that the last of small fruit!>, two wells supplying plenty of tiling before going to should be the t a.k- hundred and forty.eight pounds. Claribel h11d herself been in the storm and good water, . two good cisterns, and a nev11r ing of food. Sleeplessness )s often ca.uaed The principal compound is wa.ter. More had lost all her boats. Tile captain therefore failing spr;.og. '.i'he land bas never been run down by being rented. One corner or this fa.rm by starvation, and a tumbler of milk if than one-half the weight of our bones, three- took his steamer as near to t he fioa.tfog wreck is Uil.usually attractive this season. reaches into the village of Brooklin. Thus it drunk in the middle of the night, will 'often qua.rters of the weight of our muscles a.nd . as he could with safety, and t hen sent life· is q11ite convenieni to busine·s places, post send people to sleep when hypnotics would seven.eigh ths of our blood, or about three· buovs attached to ropes. By these means office, churches. schools. or railway station. fifths of the weight of the "ho}.e body, are the survivors, five in number, rescued. Jt is on the leading road north from Whitby, fail of their purpose." the Uount.y Town, and being only 4! miles Rourm SHOULDERS -A stOoping figure water. Tile shipwrecked people, before the abandondist· nt. Thus both for size, qua!Hy of soil, ..nd a. halting g!liit, accompanied by the unBesid.;s water, muscle, bones and skin ment, could see numerous sho.rks swimmivg situation aud every other essential point, ihie voidable we11.k necs of lungs incidental oo wha.t chemists cah "porteine" com· ab.out in the water. The decks a.t that time fa.rm cannot besurpaesed tlY any in tbecounty, and is in condition,.for the purchaser to make 11. narrow chest, may . be entirely cured pounds. The~e consists m11oinly of four were a, and the fer ocious monetnrs money from the start. 'rerms reasonable. bv the very simple o.nd easily-per· chemical elements : · carbon, oxygen, hydro· threatened at any moment t.o .go on the deck. Apply to D. 0HMIS'l 'ON. Whitby; JNO.BHADLJ<:Y, formed exercise of raising one's ~elf gen and nitrogen ·· The albumen, ~r white The deck, it, could n ot have remained ,bought for CASH at the lowest point the market ha'3 touched 2nd: pon. of Reach; or t.o CH.~s. Co.AKWELL, on upon the toes leisurelv in a perpendio- of e~r;:s, the oa~eme-curd-of milk, ~nd ufioa.t more than 12 l:Jours longer, so tl:te.t had · the ,p~emises. 21-8w. ular position 's everal tjmes daily. To myoam, the basis of muscle, proteme t he rescue not been effec~ed t he poor fellows Brooklin, May 22nd, 1889. take this exercise properly one mus); hke a. I compollnds. , . whould have been food for the sharks the perfectly upright position with the heels to· When countl'y boys chew wheat, a.nd gtt next day. The passengers and crew of the TOWN PRICES KNOCKED OUT. gether and tile toes at an 'angle of forty.five what they 011·11 "wh~at g?m," ~hey make Claribel were most kind:to t he shipwrecked degrees. Then drop the arms lifelessly by a sort 0.f chemica.l a:ri!litysls ID their mouths, people, who were left at Fort une Island. the sides, animating ,a nd raisin£: the chest sepa.ra.ting out the st~rch ~nd eugo.r, and Tile Atla.s,Line ateameT Alvena subeecp1ent. to its full mnecul11rly, the chin well eome af. the ot~er mgredients of '_Vhee.t ·. ly took them from tho Isl,.nd to New York drawn in, and the crown of the he!ld feeling ',rhe. rea1du.e, which they ca.II wh", as if attached to l\lltrinv suspended from the consists ch1dly of gluten a proteme sub· What He Heard. ceiling above. Slowly rise up on the balls eta.nee. of both fe~t to·the greatest possible height, A bottle containing ab~ut twenty pounds In Chica.go : 8trnager : "Ca.n you tell me thereby exerJising 11U the muscles of the ?f tallow was showi; to 1ll.usterate the fat what t '.1a.t sound is?" Policeman: "I'm legs and body ; come a.gain into standing 1n the average man s body. F&t f.orms about slightly deaf, and don't hea.r it. What is it position without swaying the body b!l.ok, fifteen per cent. of the w~ole weight of the like ?" Sr.ranger: "'Like a. drove of horses on we.rd out of the perfect line. Repeat this average a.dult. The bodies. of stout people a trot, but non t see any." Policeman; exercise, first on one foct then 011 the have more fat, and thos\> of le!lin people "lt'e the '1,mng Ladies' seminary out· other. It is wonderiul what a. straightening- less. · · · ing. liere they come 'round the oorner." out this exercise has upon round ohoulde,.s Ou; foods, like oµr bodies, contiaan w11ter, and crooked banks, and one will he snrpris- prote1ne and fats, and also two other cl~ssee The Mos t S u cces s fnl Re1nedv ever d f.sco'\l'ed to note how soon the lungs begin to show of compounds ·· ca.rbobydrahes. Vegetable Mignonette green, violet a.~d cioop forange ered, ns it is c ertain in its e:ffeCts and doe.tS the effect ot such exoansive development. foods,. such as wheat, .corn and pot atoes, were <..'Ombine!l in a costly \ .l:'..rieian tea Ha.mpton, April 10th, 1889. not bllster. Read proof below. contarn a large proport ion of oa.rbohydrat es· pw~ I . P URE Arn IN BED .H.O_?MS,:-A'l extra.or- In meats the proportion of carbohydratea d~na.ry !alfaol, sa.:17.s a wrater, IB the drea~ of is small. What Mr oa.n "!Ve .breathe a.t mght There are small quantities of carbohydra0FJ"JCE 01' CR.A.RI.XS A. S"YDJtR, } J3R EEDER OF b'?t mg~t air ! T?e choice 1a betwei:n pure tes In the huma.n body. Thus igosite someCLEVE LAND BAY AND TROTTill"G BRED Horums. i;i1~h~ e.1r from without, P.nd foul air from times cu.lled "muscle sugar," -substance DR. B. J . K ENDAI.L d.Lll W OOD, ILL.. Nov. 20, l8S8. w1thm. Mos~ ~eople prefer th~ latter-an somewhat similar to ordinary sugar,-is Dear Sirs : I h~"\'e always purchased your K en .. ?n.a.c7ounta.ble cno1ce. What wll\ they say found in the muscles a.nd other parts of the tlall's Spavin Cure by the tialf dozen 'bottles, I would like prices in larger quantity. I think i t ls if ·tis proyed to be true that fully one ~alf body. Our bones and teeth contain o. grea.IJ one of the best linimen t · on <:1u·th. I have use<l 1t of all the diseases w~ suffer. from a~e occasmn· deal of phosphate of lime ·and other mineral en my s tables for tllree years. eu by people sleepmg with tbe1r windows ma.ttersin all pt>.rts of the body in all Yours truly, CHAS· .A. SNYDEE. shut? An open window lt'Ost nights ,in_t_he our foods · . year C t>.Il never hurb a.ny one. In great c1t1ee --------:night is oft.en the best and purest to t-e The east of Weeks. EnoOKLYN, N. Y.~ N ovember S, 1E88. bad in twenty.fours hours. 0 11e could DR. B. J . KENDALL Co. Dear Sirs : I desire to give you test imonial of my better understand shutting the windows TORONTO, June 11.-The J ewieh svnaf?oocl opinion of your Kendall' Cure. I h in town during the day than du~ing the gogue, on Riohm·md street, is prettily de. used i t ! or .J ,a m eness, S t ift" Joints n.ntl S p avins , and I h ave fo und i t a sure cui·e, 1 cor di· night, for the s11oH:e of the sick . The absence corated with evergreens and other plants in a lly recom n1end it to all ho.n~emen. of smok e, the quiet, a.11 tend to make night honor of t he F east of W eeks, or P entecoat, , You rs t ruly:, A.H. GrLBRRTt Mana ger Troy Laundry Stables. t he best t ime for &iring the pa.tient, One of which is a mong the most important feativals our highesb medical authorities on oonsu:qip· held by the J ews. Thedforing of first fruits t ion and cltma.t e has told me thPt the air of is one of the principal ceremonies, but, l;esides London Is never as good as after 10 o'clock at this, there many other custome connected . SANT, W 1NTON CooNrY; Om o, Dec. 19, 1888. DR. n. J . KEND ALL Co. night. Always.air your r oom, t hen, from the with this perioj, wh ich have been brought w?ttn~du~ ri:~\tJi'l1Zad~~~;fn""Ju~~a\ \.~~;ec~~~ outside air, if possible. Windows are ma.Ile down from the remotest antiquity. r:rhe firsn twenty-five horses th at had . Spa vins, ten or to open, d oors made to shut-a. truth da.y of Pentecost is the <i.a.y Oil which God apR .ing Hone, nine afflicted w ith Big H ead an d which seems extremely diffi~ult of apprehen- on Mount Sinai and gave the Holy seven <;>f BiK" Jaw. Since I h ave had one of y our b ooks and followed the directions, I have never sion. Every room must be aired from with- Law to the Israelites, and on this account the lost a case of any kln<l. · ouo, every from within. more pious Jews spent last night in pro.yer ANDREW TtmNER. , Yow:s truly, - Horse Doctor. a.nd in reading portions of the Bible and Miahna. 1 A Soldier's Conundrum, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1889. Attempt to Turn Them to Scientific Account by Close !!tnilY· The commonest experiences of every·d1>y life are frequently those which are most in· teresting to study, and they are also in many inst11tnoes those whioh most success· fully elude the grasp of scientific precision. Medic!!il musers of all ages have pondered over tihe mystery of dreams 1md sleep without {(etting much further than speculations of a. very persona.I nature. This personal element is inevitable, since experience shows that in every account of a. dream there are awkward lucunre where the inventive facul· Dominion Organs PI...A.N""OS:1 .WOMAN I l FOUN.D DEAD Fine Hair Goods. i LADIES Palro ize Home TRADE. I IN BOWMANVILLE. 0 Mrs. A. DAVIS, Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS Spring and Summer -----o .D_.l_LL.l_lfER Y F LATE MRS. MORRISON~ at ·75 cents on the VVholesale of F Stamping done as usual . . W-. MORRISON. Farm for Sale., 1 :r. 0 DRY ' Some plums in Dress Goods, Clothing and Gent's Furnishings, Fine Ordered Clothing, a specialty Farm Produce taken in exchange for Goods. T Our Due Bill taken as Cash by Mr. John Eliott, the reliable· grocer. Come along and secure bargains. F. A. COLE, Hampton· ;. . KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUREa KEHDAlL'S SPA V IN CURE. I r Veteran i:loldier (to hi. s comrade)-l've got · Tho wumen attached to the Corean Em· bassy are very popular in W ashingto.u. a. conundrum for you, Serge11ont. Sergeant-Spit'er out, as the dentist They are working hard to acquire an E ng'SOLD BY ALL D ltUGGISTS . to the pa.tient whose tooth he had jerked to lish Educ11.t ion, They thc:iir own par!ors, in wllich they receive t heir la.dy c.Ul· j the aurface. ",,a L over (after a long dela.yed propcs· Why ai:e postage st amps like t he d efeat ed ers, but no gen tlemen. Gentlemen calling 1 with le.dies in their p_arty are received, !>> a~,-"<.E'erhaps I've been too sudden, darling. : and r ou ted enemy 1 the men of th e legat wn; while the le.mea D uling Girl (regaining her composure Because they can't be used ag No. Because you see th~ir backs when are invited up stair s to meet t he Corean ! with a mighty effort)-Yea, George, it is wives in their own apl\rt ments. .. .. .... ... ... . l very, very sudden, but {cmd here she became , you lick 'em, ! faint}- it ia not too sudden. ,i:,.;~,U---'"· 1 P rlc;} $1 per b ottle, or six bot t les for $5. A.II Drug. gist s ha<;:e 1t or can get it for you . or It will be sent to any: atldress on receipt -0f price b y t he p ropriet ors, J:t_R. ll. J . KENDALL CO., E nosburgh Falls, Vt. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUREa I I I · · ·

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