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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1889, p. 2

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'Tl£CAllADIAN STATESMAN IS PUBLISHED YOUNG FOLKS. WINNOGENE. ABYSSINIA L~ID WASTE. l THE CZAR R£LI£VES BIS MIND. The only warfare in which the M:i.hdists The rigor with which the Russian censor· n et ship of ~he pressis exercised is well known. Mr, Todd in Manitoba. has been telling have recently been suoc..:e&ful is that aga.i. readers of "Morning R~ys" about· the R!d King John of Abyssini1.. There is no doubt When, therefore, certain words are put in Indians of the North-West; a.bout the poor, of the death of King John and ~he (tefeat the Czl:r's mouth by a. St. Petersburg jour.AT: THE OF'ltICB duaky-skinned, dusky.souled papooses who with great slaughter o f his forces. The in· nal, we ma.y be sure that the words were t1mee BlGck, King Street, Bowman· know nothing ()f that gospel of love, in sa!Ung letter to Queen Victoria that Kha- nttered by Alexander III. Now, a.ccordiiig ville. Ontario: whosl sunshine the wbita children of our lifa Abdullah recentlv sent to Cairo was ac- to the "Offi~ial Messenger," a newspaper race are foblered. Now, I should like to tell c)mpanied by proofs "of his victory over the published in the R!!ssian c!lpital, the Cz:i.r, TERM3: yon about a little white child who dwells It, Abysstcfo.ns, including the very letter the a t a dinntr lately given in honor oi tle the Red-man's land, and who has for one of Queen had sent to King John over a year marriage of Grand Duke Peter to a Pr!I!cess clJl.50 per Annum, n $1.Cl8 If paid In advance. her names the pretty word which hea<Js this ago. The news now comes that the of Mo1;1t enegr o, declared that the bride's Mahdiat-:i turned western Abyssinia. father was Russia.'s only sincere friend in ]?aymmt &hfotly in ·adnnc·e required !rem. sub· narrative. <ttJibue out>ide cf the ct unty. ?·~era to discon"Vvinnogene !" ls not that a prett.y name into a desert, hava killed thousands of t he Europe. tinue the pap< r must be acccropan1ed by the amount for a girl? and I think its meaning ill even people, and dragged other thousands into We not surprised to hear that t his dee, or the voper will Dot le st c p~ed . Subwrlben more pretty than its sound. "A bright ray captivity. Anarchy hae succeeded such revelation of the Russian autocrat's convfo. :aienllJl()nsible until full paymrn~ is m·de. government as Ktog John his people, tions has caused a senmtion in several QIU.TES Oil' AD1'ERTIS,D 'G : ,...~e<5 of light,"-that is the literal meaning of the _ "Wbcle Co1umn, one year ............ ... $60 OO ;z-ci"'= Indian word ; and the girl who is so named and the prostrate country is at .the mercy of Earopean capitals, and p articularly at Berlin. In one .i.nd the same sentence the -""' "'4 Balfye&r ······ . . . ·. 36 00 ~"" is a ray of brightest sunshine in a lonely the invaders. ·· .. One quarter...... . . £0 00 """~ prairie-home. She is a young child, and a The region that has been waste ie the Czar llaH <Jolumn one year ······ ······... 86 00 ----'.::_ very sweet one; but she has imbibed ihe most charming put of Abyssioia, for in the AVOWi;l HIS DlSTil.USr ·· Halfyear ............ 20 00_ settlers' pr~judice against the "Niohl!e" (a gradual docent from the lofty table lands to ·· One quarter - . .. ...... 12 60 _ of Ftancis Joseph and William II., and the warm low valleys le~ing toward Khar;Qua:rter C<llmr..n one yea.r .. ·· ······ 20 00 conhmptuous term applied t.o 1Ldians), and · ··· " Haltyear ···· ..··· - 12 ~chills the hopes of those wlo have been toum and Nubia the flora be..:omes more " " One quarter...... ·· 8 OC _ 6 <foes not wlah to be called bv a Nichie's counting upon a Franco Ruasian alliance. name. I am sure when she is older and LUXURIANT AoD BE.AUtJFUL, :!r ·n> llnES and1md first in,sertlon io 50 _ understands thing~ that are dark to her at On the route to Khartoum is, lam. It .seems that, in the judgment of her E~h subeequen insertion ..... · 0 25 _ Frcmtix to ten lines first insertion O 75 ,. present, 11he will like that she was named ous as the great slave market of the eastern sovereign, Russia Is a sort of outlaw on the Lchaubeequent insertion ..... o 35_ Winnogene. Her parents were among the Soudanete, in theirslavecatching expeditions Continent; with the exception of the head ;O~r ·t en lines first insertlon,perlin O l0 _10 first settlers who fixed their habitation in against the hated Christiana of the highlands, of a petty principality, the band of every "Eae!b 6nbseouent insertion" o 03 _ that far away locali~y. They wande1ed a.nd bring their trains of beautiful Abyssinian ruler ie against her, and the inference ia t hat _ fie-number ef line1 to be reckoned by the wandtred we11t for hundreds of miles with a girls and sell them to dealers, who make a her hand is responsively againRt them. ~ cC<?upied, meatured bJ a. scale of solld/.fhere is ground enough for t he opinion, 1'1_ npunl. waggon and sma.11 store of household gear. bueineBs of supplying the harems of KharWinnogene's mother was the only woman of toum, Kassab, and Mecca. Only two or althoull'h the wisdom of proclaiming it ma.y JIJlS. HUUl:B d l.AMJIJMAN. the party. What a brave woma.n ~he was I three travellers have been able to describe be open to doubt. The grandson of Czu Nicholas could hardly be expected to put n :RYSlClANS, SURGEONS, ETC I have heard from somo who were with her the busy and piteous spectacle In the slave much faith in the very member of the Haps· I Ctllce ·-Cor. Church and Temperance of her ener~y and courage. She never mnr· booths of Galaba.t, which is all the more inbug dynasty who rewarded ~useia's 'Night "calls attended from Dr. Hllliers' murtd, was always cheerful and ready to tereetlEg ilnd d11ploi:able because the victims -residence. help. Then, later, when her husband had are 11:irls, torn from their mountains to live terposition on hie behalf in Hungary by S, .(J. '}bLLIER, M . D. B LAMMl?d.AN, M . D. C. M. Trln. Univ. decided upon where he would 1002 te himself, like caged birds be hind the lattices of taking sides against her in the Crimean ' Fellow o! Trin, Med. College, · how nobly ahe bore a.11 the privations and ha.rems from the Nile to Mecca.. They are war. Nor has the son of Alexander II. any :M em ber Coll, PhJs. Surg., ont. trials of the rough prairie-life I At that as highly priz~d by the Jorda of the be.rem reason to believe in the fri,.ndebip or grati· time the whole country round there was in ae the famous beauties of Circassia. Dr. t ude of the Hohenzollerns. It was Russia's B. 1HB1U~ S1111PS01', an unsettled state. Indians and half-breeds Junker, in the book of travels he is now wa.rning attituda that held back Austria '"DJJll{J~TJ!ll, SOLICITOR, &c. :MOPRIS from seeking in 1870 revenge for the humil· ..DllCCK,nrHaire, KIEg ~treet.Bowma.n· were roaming tho land athirst for revenge publishing, tells of the beauty of many of iat ion incurred in 1866. Had the Vienna on the conquering race, eu.ger for plunder, these maidens and adorns his volume ..vith ville. f;'olidtcr for the Ontar1 Bank Government '?·h · t · Me>J:>tH lll8J ed at the lowest rat<e. ignorant, debaaed ; all t he wor~t pusions of well-executed engravings of some of them. .Al DED FR.ANOE IN THE CONFLICr their sa.vage nature roused by injustice and E ven while the Soudan was under Egyp· Jell:n 1'.eltll Galltraltb, harsh treatment. Alas I when we do not tian control, t he harem traffic at Ga.labat of the first mentioned year, the German em· plre might never have existed in it s present A.BRISTER OLICITOR, NOTARY practice Christianity in our dealings with . ?UBLIC, &c. Oftlce-Bounsall's Block, sava~es, how c&n we expect them to meet thrived, and we can easily imai;-ine that since form. It would, therefore, be hard to over· this ": · Street, Bowma.nville. Money to lend, - us with any 2!:lirib more tolera.nt than their LAST DISASTROUS WAR rate t he obligation under which William I. and Bismarck were placed by Alexander II. own heathen ·creed ol " an eye for an eye " ? DBS, JfcLAliGBUN ct BEITH, the. ' towa has been in the heyday of its pros· They paid the debt by convoking the Berlin The martyrdom of missionaries, the p11otient ,J(WpicE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWM.ANVILLE. self sacrifice of good men through long, perity. Mr. De C»ason, who visited Congress and helping E!lgland to strip, Dr. A. BEITH. Gradu scarcely suffice to blot from a Red-man's some years '!!go, said that the mercha.ets eat Rueeia. of the major part of what she had ~en:tlete ot the Roya-I ate ot the Toronto mind the belief that the " Paleface " Is his smoking beside the booths that concealed wrong from the Turks at San S tefano ·-&liege of Physicians t Pb · · "'Mid . . member ot the Univers1 y, ys1c1an, mortal foe ; and we have no business to their slaves from the public view. When · The.r e ia a deeper reason for t he suspicion appeared a. piece of cotton wa.s d t" ·th 't hi h th · · f .-.Dayal College or Sur· Sur&eon, &c. wonder that it is so; for in the past our customers thrown over t he head of each 2irl, which an an ipa Y WI h w c e map n tv o -;geonB, Edinburgh. Ruseia!!s regard Germany. It is mainly. western pioneers neither gave nor took concealed her feat urP3 until it was her turn Germans who ha~e profited by the attempt "quarter." DB,.I, (), ·IT«JB.ELL, It will be for the childrtn growing up in to be inspected. "Many of these yeung of Peter the Great and his auccessors to > 11Ul "EMBER 01!' COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS the Indian's land to teach the poor conquer- girls, " he wrote, "are very beautiful. Their introduce the civiliution of western Europe ·:,m, and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner. etc. - "Ctlloe a.nd Residence. EnniBkillen. 7'. ed "Nicbies" a more Ohristlike creed than . color ie often not darker than that of & in their dominions. Acoording to the that which was practiced by their conquer· Spanish gypsy, their feat uses are 'mall and Slavophils, who were delicate, their !forms proportioned like a INSPIRED AND ORGANIZED DB. E. (:, llcDe'ftEI.L. ors. - -OF- Now you will see some of the reasons why {)reek stat ue, and the!r eyes large and !us~- by K'l.tkoff, and wholncludetheprEisentCz;.r ." LICENTIATE OF ROY.AL COLLEGE rous." A few year a ago one of theae fall' among their converts, Russia ought to turn .~ ·· 'Of Phyeiclans. London. l£ng.;~ember of Winnovene dislikes a Nichie's n8,me, a!ld ·1 c01Iege of Physicians and Surgeons. Ontario. why I called Winnogene'il mother a brave prisoners in J eddah threw herself from a her on Western standards and ideals, S UBGl!.RY AND REBIDENCE:-Rear· of Messrs. woman. One night ahe waB roused by a window to the pavement below, preferring and evolve a civilizlotion of her own on ' Rigainbotham'B Drug. Store, Bowm&nville, . 6-lyr.* terriblt noise outside, which for some min- death to captivity. No doubt when they native lines. To these Russian na.tlonalista I t he Germans are odious, both as representia. utes she never doubied was caused by Indians ga.ze from their_prisons UP()N THE noT S.ANDS 1 tativc~ of Western notions a.nd because tnev come to murder them. The noise was oaue FIELD & McCOLL. ed by wolves-not Iese terrible than Red- of Arabia the thought of their own green hi>ve hithei·to mon1poliz~d most of the best ARRISTE:RS, Solicitors, NotarieF, &c. skins when meb out of doors; but fortunate· mountains only sggravo.tee t heir unhappy p laces in the army and bureaucrscy. Nat· ura.lly, .therefore, Alexander III., who is a ly for the defenceless household, not able, lot. COLBORNE and CUBOURG. like the Indians, to plan an attack upon The highlanders of Abyssinia. are a brave fervM Slavophil, and who ha.a married a for Men and Boys, omen and Children. 111eNEY TU LOAN. unarmed men within a dwelling. The and intelligent people, and it is to be hoped D~nish wife, neither likes the Germane at E. M. 'FIELD, B· .A, JOHN B.! McCOLL. wolves, like the Indiana, have now become tha.b they will not long be the helpless home nor trusts t hem a broad. few and afraid to face the intrepid setclers, victime of anarchy at home and of tho piti1'111. BINGBA.M, so that women and children can sleep with' less followers of Islam, who surround their SUSPENDED ANIMA.TlQN. mountains. A far worse fate might he· · rsHJER OF :M.ABRIAGE LICENSES, out dread in those lonely prairie-homes. . Although this lady, of whom I speak, fall them than to become the subjects of The Remarkable Resuseltatlo.a of a Clergy· · man. , ·Beeidence, Enolskillen.' neve(' lost courage, yet the strain upon her King Menefak, the powerful ruler of Slioa, The death of .Mind-reade't' B ishop, savs a nerves must have been very hurtful. She who claims to have aucceeded King John, S. (). H1JNKIN'1, though that ruler disposed of his throne Freehold (N. J,) letter, recalls one of the -,... ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR lost her babies one after another, and was by will to one of his relations. The news most rem ..rkable cases of suspended animore than once nigh unto death herseU. At ' the County ot Durham. Sales attended mation-that of the R ~v. William Tennent, it.-o-- -&borteet notice and lowest rates. AddrdSB last it happened that one dear little one ie highly signifiaaut tha.t the I taliims have )MFl'ICK P. 0. 36;tf lived, and in exceeding thankfulness for advanced frcim·Massowa.h and seiz3d K~ren, Jr., of the first Pcesbyteria.n ohuroh of ,Free· such a precious ray of heaven's own light on the lovely plateau of northern 'Abys- hold, S. BIJJlDEN di CO., Mr Tennent came from Ireland and was -\.c and life, the mother added "Winnogene" to sinia.. King John's belief that they meant to raise tbeir fi~g over this district· led educated at the L'.lg college in Buck county, '-1. UCTIONEERS for the County of the other namea bestowed upon the child. Pennsylvania . .. While at New Brunswick, fi_ Durham; Insurance and OeneralAgentP, Children-You are all more or leas ac· him to make war upon the Ualian for~es. .V aluator and Real Estate Agent&. Sales and If tl:e cable report 1s true. they have 1m, a.bout the year 1730, he beoame ill from in· btb-er.ti11slness promptly attended to. Box 172, cuatomed to the companionship of small ,proved the opport unity afforded by Abys· tense application to his studies for the min people like yourselves. You have child~·nJBn"Ville P. 0 . · 36-tt friends who play with ycu and are in class sinia.'s present weakness to acquire the fer itry, and one morning wb.en in conversation with bis brother he fainted dead· a.way and srtanos Tuned a1;1d Repaired. · with you. You me11t children at. charch, in t.ile regioa, which alone can make Ma.saowah apparently breathed his laeb. the street, by the seuhore. You compete worth possessing. In the evening a friend of his, & yonEg with others of your age at games and in ,,DA_RTIES WISHINGTHBrnPIANOS school. You chi.t together over your lessons physician who h!'od been attending him, ar· A SOLDIER'S COOLNESS. !£ ·Tuned or repatrea can h&vethom attended fo'1d toys; and you have huge enj.; yment in rived from the country and found him laid -_ ·Olly lea.vinll: wordja.t the DOMINION ORGAN , rhood invit Bow an English Officer SavEd Himselfand out fo: bul'ia.l and the neighb'. 'Dti' -0.ITICIG, Bowmanville .A tlrst-clas me.11 the eichange of confidences an,d sweeties ed to attend the funeral the next day, The Dis Friends. with some little body who is your special u.w.-.elnR In their emplo~ During the year 1886 an cfficer of an phyl!lcian dipped his own hand in warm wat· chum. Can you imai;<ine how you should WILLIAM l'EII.D. feel if you were like Winnogene- almost the English regiment in India, with some friend& er in order to make it more eensitive,.and feel· RAOTICAL BOOK BINDER. A.II nly child within a circle of meEy miles, and native servants, started 011.b one morn- in't under the arm of the appuently dead -..-ork dolle in firet-claes style at tbe seldom fleeing another child, and never en· fog upon a hunting txpedition. They man he declared that he felt an unueua.l llc~r st Toronto piiceP. Orders_ left at the warmth. He ha.d t he b Jdy restored to a ·cstore ' f Mr. Trebilcock or the residence of R. j oying the dally companionAhip of children? proceeded through a dense jungle to the warm bed nd t he funeral postponed, al:P...Pitld, Crntre·et., Bowmanville. 2(}-Sm. I really cannot describe what· a queer sensa· Northeast of the garrison until they came though the brother declared it absurd, as t ion it me t-0 · see that bright little upon t he foot prints of a lion.Elated at the prospccb of a "lion hunt," the eyes had fallen in, the lips discolored, MorniDg R:oy-Winnogene-shedding its F.OBT. YOlJ~G,1 T, S. light and beaut;y upon the lives of the grave the party pushed rapidly forward, following and t he whole body was cold and !tiff. ,nFFICE IN TEE WEST DURHAM grown-up folks in her home. She was the animal's tracks. T he cffioer, a junior All means to ascertain whether the body U .N ews Block. where himEelf or assistant dressed as any girl in 13ootland might be- captain, led t he puty by some h alf dozen was alive were used without success, and -will be fcnnd from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Night calls hope was aband oned, except by the young <at residellce,dirrnt.Jy opposite Drill Shed, Calls in a white frock and pretty sash. She look- ya.rds. S11.ddenly he was ceen to h!llb and D")' 'teltgrnph or telephone will receive Drompt ed like any Scot tish lassie might-rvsy· motion those bllhind to move cautiously, as doctor, who still adhered to his belief, al""111-tention. 17l·yr cheeked, glad.eyed, child-like, and happy; the lion was direatly in front. The captain though decompostion had set in; in the feet. On the fourth day the people were again yet I felt how much more Winnogene was advanced some few yards further to get a than any girl a.t home.. Here we have more better ehob, bub in doing so he attra.cted the invited to attend the fu~eral, t he docter still little girls than we often know what to do lion'~ attention, which uttered a. low growl objecting, i>nd at last coLfining his req uest for delay to one hour, then to half an hour, Gtintlemen's'Clothes MadetoOrder. with; there one little girl is ll pearl of ex- and crept towa.rds him. The capliain, however, stootl his ground, and finally to a q uarter of an hour. He had cedlng price, a token of love, a. centre of attraction, a something to evoke tenderness, and bricging his piece to his shoulder await discover ed that Che tongue was much swolto sugge&t: purHy, to soften stern men doing qd the lion's coming. H is friends, meanwhile en and thr eatened to crack. He was endea vcr!lad been interested spectators, but what wa.:; ing t!l soften i o by some emollient when the stern work. . When this Mag~zine was bein~ sent forth t heir horror suddenly to se1;1 one d the most brother came in and, mistalt illg what .the to vou, I remember hearing its title anxious- deadly d India's snakes coiii11g itself around doctor was doing for an attempt to feed him J:a:i ly discussed. The good men and women the feet of the fiiJar and ever and an on aa. d in a epirited t one : "It is shameful to ~n "'c:1 ~ _ be feed ing a. corpss." · who wiehed to put a pleasiDg "monthly" in darting out its pci11or ?US fanqs. 0 At thia p eriod the body opened its eyes, To cry out to their friends they .your ha.nde were very e:.rnest in bestowing upon ib au appropriate name. lts fitneea would b e to call his gaz~ from the lion. gave a groan, and sank again into ·appa.rcnt has never been brought· so vividly before me crouching fol a sp1ing, and to remain quiet : o '.Z In about 't wo hours life returned wibh in· as it was when I held the hand and looked meant death to the cffioer from t he bite o creased power and a. com plete revival took ~ upon the sunny up·raieed face of Httle Win- the snake. T~ENTON, nogene, and heard her mother tell the mean- Before tluy had time to act, however, the plii.ce. lb was a.bout twelve months before in1-1 of the word, Morning Rays ! Children, sharp nport of the ce.ptain's rift~ was heard Mr. Tennent was comp'.etely restored, and HARNDEN, L. D,, 3 you are all "Winnogenes" in a certain eeJ:Jee. followed by u. dea·ening roar from tbe lion, for a. much longer period he could not reAt the sama foatant with the report the member events t h at had tr anspired befere Are you trying to live up to such a. beautiful Gra dua.te of the Roy&! Collea"eof Dental name, trying to shed gla.dness, purity, captain's band shot down to his aide and, his t rance. H e died en Maich 8, 1777, and Smgeons, Ontario. warmth around you? Are you tr) ing to seizing the snake by the throat, quickly was buried in the chnrch near F r eeham, i:O FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. and go like the sunbeams, lighting up jerked in away an d held it a.Ii arm's lengt h, known 1\S th3 old Tennent church. '.lOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY come the dark places of the eari.h, uj oicing sad whe?e, with his other hand, he l:illed it ·hrIFICIAL TEETH INSERTED WITHOUT lives around you, kindling new life in· dead. with a. aingle builet from his revolver. Influence of a Gorid Woman. PL.A.TES. ened souls, being in your spheres what I t seems that in t&king his position he And &ti!J we respect and admire a gentleGre&t Reductions in price on all Dental V\ innogene ia in her prairia-home, a. bright c!istnrbed t he snake, whi-;h had bean asleep, '.W.orll:. Vltalizei! Air, constantly In use· pro· ray of light? Every beam of light whioh and feeling Hs coils a.bout his feet, he rea.l· man, and we take off our hate and worship .\luomg Painless Operations. Particular atten comes to our earth is a golden arrow sent iz id the new danger to which he was expos- a gentlewoman. Still we like to kiss thti ~paid to the 1egul&tion of Children's Teeth from the soul of the sun. Every little child ed, and k new that if he failed to kill th3 h<>nd of a poor and innocmt girl and listen Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the ,_.,.ALL WORK WARRANTED.'"1!ill\ is a r ay of divine lifo ~ent from the heart of lion a.t his firs b shot, he was a de:i.d man. to the low, sofo voice and refined thoughte of an educated and delica.t~ woman. Isn't God. Had he moved a. muscle the snake would .Rranch office, Dr. Rutherford's Orono LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND BOWIU.. S. Oh, if every child were to perform its have bitten him a.nd the lion sprung t he mconlight b~ighter, the night air purer the wcrld better worth living in when w~ earthlv mission as fahhfully as the sunbeams upon him- and yet, knowing tha.t was T.!lt.' \nvigorate a.nc1 restore to hea.ltb Debil ;tated Constitutions, THIS YEAR'S leave the pr~sence of a good woman t han perform their!, what a bright and happy so very close, he did not-falter. are lo.valuable ln all Oomple.tnts lncldenta v _ emales of all Ages. F JP when tbe swinging door of a ea.loon closes world this would be I · Ohlldren and t he aged they are pricele111. b~hind us a?ld a burst of fet id atmosphere J ESSIE M. E. S.AXBY. A Powerful Austrian V~ssel. follows as into tho street ? No man ever I In the S::abiiimeuto Tecnico :rriestino a y et reformed unlesB ur:der nome 11uch in. Too Sweet. ram cruiser is being finished which will be fluence, and I don't believe any man ever a.n i nfa.llible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds · Sro CJlTT and PLUG Wagge-"I wiah'you wouldn't make sucb launched on the 18th of May. lb is of X· felt such influences without a sense of his and Ulcers. It. ls f amous for Gout and Rheumatism, For disorders oft). traordina.ry offensive power, very fa:s c, own unworthiness and a momentary reaolu· affectioaate pies, Mrs. Skimplee." -Ohe11t it has no equal. pro- t ion to cut h ie low acquaintances and habits. L'londlady-"Affectionate pies ! Pray stron((ly armed, and is especially . well tected below the water-line. I t is expected I am not saying tha.t he did it. what kind's th&t ?" For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Vonghs, Cold·, [!;here's nothing so wea.k In t he world as "Why, this berrv pie's so thin that the to be almost unsinkable. O.a the lower FINER THAN EVJ;R. deck the iron p lates are fif ty-seven millia man's resolution ~o reform. But you cs,n Gl4.ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no riva l · and crusts are actually stuck on ea.oh other." metres thick. It is coverd by a . belt of always tell when a man h~s been spending See contracted and atlfl' jolnta It act a like a charm. ' . ·cellulose designed to protecb the sides, when an eveninl(' with a charming, refined wo· At _High. ~tdge,. near Stamfor~, Conn., iojared by shot, against an influx of w&ter. man. You sometimes, you know, meet a th~re is a. w1f~ 'Yho IS the mother or fourt~en 1 It is armod with two Krupp twenty-four ma": coming down the street about 11 o'clook. Manufact ured only at THOM.AS HOLLOW.A.Y's lllst e.bllshment, children, u.ll l!vmg, and none of them twms. ; Clntimetre guns, with a range of 10~ miles, H e is walking with a. firm tread, his head 7R, an:.·~.OXFOl>aD r; rREET, (late 633, OXFORD STP ;.ET), LU~"DOll A\l b~t two hve at home, and these · two, t sixteen Krupp guns of fifteen centimetres, up in the air. He may be humming some· Clltchmg the scarlet f~ver, went ~ome to be two U ch~tius guns . of seven cent imetres, and thing ; he is proud of himself ; he has a And ·~ ee<- d a.i 111. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lh,, 22s., snd 33 , e ach Box o r p nursed. They gave it to the ?ther d(lzsn, eleven quiok:firing guns. T he speed is dignity a.bout him that you C!ln see in the in bronze on m ay be had from a ll Medlcine Vendors thr ough o u t th World, >,: a nd the whole fourteen were etck: at once, . estim ~ted at nineteen knots and it is to be dark. H e h as been there and can't hell' "Ea~h PL1JG & PACKAGE! and medicine had to be mixed in pitchers ' n >med Franz Jo2ef I. ' W Purcba eers ebould look to t he label on the Pets znd R x~a. If the addreaa·is "& t, showing it>. 41- Jy and bread pans. 1 535 Oxford S trE'et, they ar e SJ?urioue. -B'll'- lEltY WEDNESDAY MORNING The Success of tho 1'l ill1tlt Agnlnit King Tbc Expression of Bis Convict.tons t;auses i1 Joh0 · Sensation. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT 1889. ----o ---"Winqow Shades, all colors, both with and.without da<io Genuine Hartshorn Spring Rollers. Bessel Carpet Sweepers. Curtain Chains. Cornice Poles. Stair Plates and Rods. Sanderson, Percy & Co.'s ""11l· A.JAMES, PURE MIXED PAINT. r G enuine Elephant Lead. A fine Jine of Kalsomine, ~hite Vlhitewash and Paint Brushes. :I'he· best goods at bottom prices. S. S. EDSALL. · J'· ! D. DA.VIS will be found in his old shop, next door door .to Express Office, BO~MANVI I I LI--'E, where he keeps constantly on hand A LARGE & COMPLETE ASSORTMRNT Coarse and Fine vV B I Boots and :o_ Rubbers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Satchels. Special attention given to Repairing. ~ L :0 A.V".ZS. DOORS, SA.SH, BLINffS, MOULDINGS, P and other Factory "Work all Kiln Dried. AFun Stock always on hand. Call and Examine. R. PEATE, TailOJ' .t Co., .Ve Clellan · BOWMANVI LLE, sole agents this locality for ONTARIO. ,IJENTISTRY ·~ > - GIL~OUR&CO., HEALTH FOR ALL! c. lm·m1!\i'l~1·lf.ld[iiMllJ THE PILLS THE OINTMENT MYRTLE --·- - SMOKING TOBACCO T&B I I Children Or!ff~-~~)~'.'kQhtr'eCai~

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